Amoxicillin de Nol and Omez together

Scope of application of De-Nol

A widely used gastroprotector, it is included in the pharmacological group of antiulcer drugs. De-Nol relieves unpleasant symptoms: heaviness and pain in the stomach, heartburn, belching, bloating, diarrhea.

But the most important advantage of the drug is its increased effectiveness in anti-Helicobacter complex therapy. Helicobacter pylori does not develop resistance to this drug, so treatment with De-Nol generally always brings a positive result. How it works against Helicobacter pylori:

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • The heavy metal bismuth kills urease activity (a component of the life cycle of Helicobacter pylori).

In addition, it penetrates into the cell wall of the bacterium, destroying its integrity. But it works much better if taken together with an antibiotic.

Principles of H. pylori eradication with antibiotics

Here the opinions of doctors were divided.
Some doctors argue that Helicobacter should be removed from the body at any cost, since it poses a risk of developing many diseases (pathology of the stomach and duodenum, atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, allergic skin lesions, intestinal dysbiosis). Other experts are confident that in a healthy body Helicobacter pylori can live for years and decades without causing any harm. Therefore, turning to homeopathy in cases where there are no indications for prescribing eradication regimens is completely justified from the point of view of official medicine.

Clinical studies of the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers using alcohol solutions of propolis and other bee products were carried out even before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori. At the same time, very encouraging results were obtained: patients who, in addition to conventional antiulcer therapy, received honey and alcoholic propolis, felt significantly better.

After the discovery of Helicobacter pylori, additional research was carried out on the bactericidal properties of bee products against Helicobacter pylori and a technology for preparing an aqueous tincture of propolis was developed.

The Geriatric Center conducted clinical trials of the use of an aqueous solution of propolis for the treatment of helicobacteriosis in elderly people. Patients took 100 ml of an aqueous solution of propolis as eradication therapy for two weeks, while in 57% of patients complete healing from Helicobacter pylori was achieved, and in the remaining patients there was a significant decrease in the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori.

Scientists have concluded that multicomponent antibiotic therapy can be replaced by taking propolis tincture in such cases as:

  • elderly age of the patient;
  • presence of contraindications to the use of antibiotics;
  • proven resistance of the Helicobacter pylori strain to antibiotics;
  • low contamination with Helicobacter pylori.

Enveloping (formation of a film on the inflamed surface of the stomach and/or intestines that protects the damaged mucosa from the effects of aggressive components of gastric and intestinal juice);



Antisecretory (reduced secretion of gastric juice).

However, flax seed preparations do not have a bactericidal effect, and therefore are not able to destroy Helicobacter pylori. They can be considered as a kind of symptomatic therapy (treatment aimed at reducing the severity of signs of pathology), which in itself is not capable of eliminating the disease.

It should be noted that flax seed has a pronounced choleretic effect, therefore this folk remedy is contraindicated for calculous cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder, accompanied by the formation of gallstones) and many other diseases of the biliary tract.


  1. Treatment should be preceded by an examination. All patients with abdominal pain should be tested for Helicobacter pylori. When this infection is initially detected, complex antibacterial therapy is carried out, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, concomitant pathology or allergic reaction to drugs. If the pathogen is re-identified after therapy, the patient is sent for EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with the obligatory taking of a biopsy (a piece of the mucous membrane of the affected organ). The material is sent to the laboratory to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.
  2. It is necessary to treat not only the patient, but also his relatives. All relatives who permanently live with the patient need to be examined. If the result is positive, antibiotic therapy is also administered to them, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms.
  3. Control of eradication. It is carried out 1.5 months after treatment. If the test result for Helicobacter is repeated positive, a repeat 3-4 day course of antibiotics is prescribed in the maximum permissible doses.
  4. Combination of drugs. To date, the effectiveness of three-component or four-component therapy has been proven.

There are opinions that helicobacteriosis can be cured using traditional medicine. Treatment with herbs or other natural substances can be used as an adjuvant to primary antibacterial therapy. Herbal medicine is also quite effective as a means of preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


How do antibiotics work?

A small but very resistant bacterium in the acidic contents of the stomach is difficult to treat. The first line of therapy may not be able to completely eliminate it. What is the power of antibiotics:

  • remain stable in acidic environments;
  • bacteria stop dividing;
  • They have a long half-life and act for a long time in the body.

For example, amoxicillin penetrates well into mucus, so its concentration in the gastric mucosa is high, and the effect of destroying bacteria is higher. Therefore, if the first line does not help, quadruple therapy is used, in which the components have a joint effect.

De-Nol. Methods of use

It has an astringent effect and helps eliminate bacteria. This is especially true for the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. By reacting with hydrochloric acid, it creates a protective film.

Thanks to this film, the healing process of erosions on the wall of the stomach occurs, which is a good prevention of the development of ulcers and transformation into oncology.

Due to the decrease in pepsin levels, increased resistance to stress occurs.

De-Nol penetrates deep into the mucous membrane, helping to restore it and eliminate excess bacteria. Not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted from the body through feces.

What antibiotics are compatible with De-Nol

In therapeutic therapy, antibiotics given in the table are most often used together with bismuth-containing De-Nol:

AmoxicillinFlemoxin Solutab, Ospamox, Hiconcil
ClarithromycinKlacid SR, Labax, Clarithromycin-Zentiva, Clarithromycin Pfizer, Fromilid, Fromilid Uno

De-Nol is not an antibiotic, therefore it successfully complements the second-line quadruple therapy regimen if first-line triple therapy is ineffective:

1 line (7-10 days)Dose, mgFrequency of intake per day
Proton pump inhibitorStandard2
2nd line (7-10 days)Dose, mgFrequency of intake per day
Metronidazole or amoxicillin500/10002

Many gastrointestinal diseases associated with Helicobacter are treated:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis and gastroduodenitis;
  • diarrhea (irritable bowel syndrome);
  • functional dyspepsia.

It is advisable to use these regimens after resection for gastric cancer, as well as in the patient’s relatives. The success rate of the first scheme is about 75%, provided that the disease is not advanced. The second line, where De-Nol and antibiotics act together, brings recovery in 95% of cases.

Acute and chronic forms of gastrointestinal disorders take much longer to treat and may require additional supportive therapy for a long time. How long treatment will last depends on the patient’s condition, susceptibility to treatment, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Basic principles of drug therapy

The complex of drug treatment for ulcers pursues the following goals: destruction of the causative agent of the disease, normalization of gastric secretion, protection of the mucous membrane from the effects of acid and food factors, relief of spasm and pain, stimulation of reparative processes and protective properties of the body. This is ensured by the use of several drugs with different mechanisms of action.

Groups of traditional therapy drugs

There are proven regimens for the treatment of stomach ulcers, which include drugs from the following main groups:

  1. Antibacterial agents.
  2. Normalizing gastric secretion: histamine receptor blockers - Ranitidine , Cimetidine , Roxatidine ; proton pump inhibitors - Lansoprazole , Omeprazole .
  3. Gastroprotectors that protect the mucous membrane - bismuth dicitrate, sucralfate, De-nol , Vikalin .
  4. Painkillers and antispasmodics - halidor, No-shpa , Papaverine , beta blockers - Quateron , benzohexonium.
  5. Stimulators of the healing process (reparants) – Biogastron , Misoprostol , Actovegin , Methyluracil , Histidine .

Also, the course of treatment may include immune stimulants, vitamin complexes, and iron supplements if iron absorption is impaired and anemia is present, which often occurs with ulcers. Treatment programs are compiled individually for each patient, taking into account the presence of contraindications to certain medications. Antibacterial treatment takes the leading place in the first acute phase of the disease.

How to take together

The peculiarity of taking De-Nol is that you need to drink it on an empty stomach. The more acid-containing liquid, the more active the chemical reaction will take place, the bismuth salts will settle, forming a thin protective film that will protect the stomach from an aggressive environment.

Usually De-Nol is taken 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch or dinner. You need to drink a small amount of water. After eating, you can take a dose of antibiotic. Taking antibiotics and De-Nol together in one regimen increases the chances of getting rid of Helicobacter pylori forever.

Results of studies on the action of the gastroprotector

For gastrointestinal diseases caused or not associated with Helicobacter, De-Nol relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and accelerates the healing of ulcers of any etiology. This effect occurs due to the film coating, through which gastric enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and food do not irritate the damaged tissue.

During the experiments, other effects of the drug De-Nol were also revealed:

  • activation of mucin production processes (intragastric mucus);
  • increased bicarbonate synthesis, which reduces the effect of acid and pepsins;
  • improving the properties of mucus.

During and after therapy, clinicians specifically examined the stomach to determine whether De-Nol kills Helicobacter. Based on the test results, the coagulation property of bismuth was discovered: the substance coagulates the bacterial protein, so the pathogenic cell dies. The formed foamy membrane also prevents the attachment of microbes to the mucous membrane, which reduces the rate of reproduction, spread and prevents the appearance of new colonizations of the body of the stomach.

If you take De-Nol against Helicobacter as a monotherapy, the destruction of H. pylori is confirmed only in 30% of clinical cases. Increasing dosages or prolonging the course of therapy for more than two months in patients provokes renal dysfunction or encephalopathy.

The bactericidal effect of De-Nol against Helicobacter infection increases to 90% with combination therapy. The medicine is best combined with penicillin antibiotics and broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents.

Interruption of treatment

The patient’s rule is not to self-medicate, but to continue taking a set of medications. The opinion “antibiotics are evil” comes from ignorance and uncontrolled use, and then the body, accustomed to the components, no longer reacts to them.

A competent attending physician will convince the patient not to violate the prescribed regimen and explain how experimentation with folk remedies may end. If you are found to be intolerant to a De-Nol component or an antibiotic, the doctor will select analogues.

After finishing taking the antiulcer complex, the doctor will correctly select effective drugs to restore the microflora of the intestinal tract. You will need to take modern probiotics.

Sometimes you have to select an antibiotic that the patient has not yet taken and the body is not yet accustomed to it. This slows down the treatment process somewhat. But, following the International Protocols for Helicobacter pylori eradication, regimens with De-Nol and antibiotics are justified and effective.

Combination therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection in adults

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori with De-Nol is combined with other antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics. Three- and four-drug treatment regimens are used. Complete eradication of H. pylori was detected in 90% of patients. In the remaining 10% of patients, a targeted analysis of the sensitivity of the microbe to drugs must be done.

Helicocin tablets are a two-component set of active ingredients: Amoxicillin 750 mg, Metronidazole 500 mg. The drug disrupts the intracellular metabolism of Helicobacter pylori and suppresses the microbe's resistance to antibacterial agents.

Combination therapy regimen:

  • Helicocin - one oval and round tablet three times a day for 12 days;
  • De-Nol - 120 mg tablet four times a day, the course of treatment lasts 45-60 days.

Instead of Helicocin, a combined set of Pilobact may be prescribed. One package contains a daily dose of tinidazole, clarithromycin, omeprazole. The drug is used twice a day for a week. The action against Helicobacter is supplemented with De-Nol at 480 mg/day.

It is used in the treatment of elderly people with Helicobacter pylori infection.

The scheme includes:

  • antibiotic Amoxicillin 500–1000 mg twice a day, drink for a week;
  • gastroprotector De-Nol, 4 tablets/day, course of treatment – ​​a month;
  • proton pump inhibitor Lansoprazole 30 mg morning and evening for two weeks.

For adults of other ages, the composition of this 3-drug therapy is supplemented with a macrolide antibiotic. Klabax, Clarithrosin, and another drug containing the substance clarithromycin are used against Helicobacter pylori. The daily dose of clarithromycin is 1 g: 500 mg tablet in the morning and evening. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Omeprazole and De-Nol at the same time

Treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis occurs through complex treatment. The complex includes treatment with medications, diet and traditional medicine methods.

Many people believe that the effects of these drugs are the same, but this is not true.

There is a treatment regimen for stomach ulcers or gastritis. De-Nol is considered to be one of the main and most common medications, but there are a number of other medications that can fight bacteria.

If there is a severe exacerbation, it is recommended to take Omeprazole together with De-Nol. But at least an hour should pass between taking these two medications.

This is due to the fact that De-Nol significantly reduces the healing properties of Omeprazole. But only a gastroenterologist can determine the compatibility of these drugs during treatment.

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