Beaver stream and powder from it
How to take beaver stream for pancreatitis and prepare it correctly
Benefits of castoreum in the treatment of diseases Castoreum is an aromatic liquid that is produced in the prepuce
Compatibility of De-Nol with antiulcer drugs
Treatment regimens for Helicobacter pylori de Nol clarithromycin amoxicillin
According to the instructions, De-Nol is a popular gastroprotective agent. While providing protection, it is not effective enough alone
Intestinal obstruction in ovarian cancer
Consequences of surgery for intestinal obstruction
What kinds of obstruction there are? Based on the mechanism of occurrence, there are two main types of obstruction: Dynamic; Mechanical. Dynamic
Gastritis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Read more about what acute gastritis is Gastritis is the most common pathology of the stomach. Various
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Preparation for fluoroscopy of the stomach algorithm
Indications for X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract X-ray examination of the upper part of the digestive tract is prescribed if there is
Nutrilon mixture for colic and constipation: product composition, types, benefits
Nutrilon mixture for colic and constipation Nutrilon infant formula for constipation is divided into several
Focal hyperemia of the stomach treatment
Examination of the stomach If a person suspects he has gastritis, his visit to a gastroenterologist should be included in
The antrum of the stomach mucosa is hyperemic, what is it?
Hyperemia is a condition in which the blood and lymphatic vessels become overfilled with blood, lymph and
For cerebral vascular spasms, pain, and body heat, doctors most often prescribe Analgin or Citramon
ANALGIN or CITRAMON: which is better and what is the difference (differences in composition, reviews from doctors)
For cerebral vascular spasms, pain, and body heat, doctors most often prescribe Analgin or
Maalox Susp. 15 ml No. 30, at affordable prices in Russia and Ukraine
Maalox for low stomach acidity
Instructions for use The drug Maalox is used either situationally or for long-term treatment of various diseases
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