Will omez help with inflammation of the pancreas?

What is Omez?

This is an antiulcer drug that has an acid-lowering effect. That is why Omeprazole is used in the vast majority of cases for pancreatitis. As a result of intake, acid production decreases. The drug works very effectively for pain relief. Conventional painkillers are powerless here, because the irritating factor remains. In acute pancreatitis, the use of this remedy allows you to create conditions for recovery.

Today, gastroenterologists prescribe Omeprazole for pancreatitis in 95% of cases. The drug is produced in the form of a white powder, which is difficult to dissolve in water. The biggest problem is finding the dosage. This can only be done by the attending physician. It depends on the volume of gastric secretion, which is individual.

The work of the drug begins an hour after administration and continues throughout the day. At the end of taking Omez, the exocrine gland restores its secretory activity within 3-5 days.

Thanks to the capsule shell, which consists of acid-resistant components, dissolution of Omez is possible only in the intestines. The shell consists of:

  • lauryl sulfate;
  • dibasic sodium sulfate;
  • sucrose;
  • specially purified water.

Externally, it is presented in a transparent pink, transparent yellow shell with visible balls inside or in the form of a hard opaque gelatin capsule. One plate contains 10 or 30 pieces.

Absorption of omeprazole occurs immediately.

Omeprazole for pancreatitis: how to use, can it be replaced with omez?

Omeprazole for pancreatitis is an antiulcer drug aimed at relieving the symptomatic picture of diseases and pathological processes of the pancreas, helping to restore the functioning of the organ. The drug regulates the production of gastric juice, inhibiting the development of pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive system associated with the presence of ulcers or dysfunction of the process of producing gastric juice.

general description

What is this medicine? This is an antiulcer drug that has an acid-lowering effect. That is why Omeprazole is used in the vast majority of cases for pancreatitis.

As a result of intake, acid production decreases. The drug works very effectively for pain relief. Conventional painkillers are powerless here, because the irritating factor remains.

In acute pancreatitis, the use of this remedy allows you to create conditions for recovery.

Instructions for use

Omez is an antiulcer drug. Despite this, it is used for different purposes:

  • For the prevention and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • To eliminate the symptoms of reflux esophagitis;
  • For erosive and ulcerative lesions of the walls of the digestive tract caused by prolonged use of anti-inflammatory drugs - such as ibuprofen, aspirin and others;
  • With stress lesions of the stomach walls of various etiologies;
  • As a proton pump inhibitor for diseases of the digestive system caused by Helicobacter pylori.

The use of Omez D is advisable in the following cases:

  • Hypersecretion of the stomach;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Gastritis with high acidity and others.

Release form

Today, gastroenterologists prescribe Omeprazole for pancreatitis in 95% of cases. The drug is produced in the form of a white powder, which is difficult to dissolve in water. The biggest problem is finding the dosage. This can only be done by the attending physician. It depends on the volume of gastric secretion, which is individual.

Are there any contraindications for taking the medicine?

The drug is well tolerated by the body and rarely causes side effects. It is recommended for combined use with enzymes (mezim, Creon, pancreatin).

Capsules are prescribed with caution for liver diseases. 80% of the active substance is metabilized through this organ, so for people with liver failure, the maximum dosage is no more than 20 mg per day.

There is no restriction for patients with renal failure.

You should not take the drug for short-term cases of heartburn (less than once every 2 weeks). Dyspeptic symptoms can often be caused by malignant tumors, so before starting therapy you should undergo a thorough diagnosis and establish an accurate diagnosis. Many tumors can masquerade as inflammatory processes and “lubricate” the symptoms.


Hydrochloric acid is a protective barrier for putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. When taking the drug, there may be an increased risk of infection.

Special Compatibility Notes:

  • Digoxin (cardiac glycoside) – Omez enhances the effect of the drug. In rare cases, toxic effects are observed. Monitoring of intake in elderly persons is required.
  • Clopidogrel (reducing platelet aggregation) – co-administration causes a decrease in effect. Coadministration is not recommended.
  • Nelfinavir (antiretroviral agent) - simultaneous administration with omeprazole reduces the concentration of the antiviral agent. Cannot be prescribed simultaneously for the treatment of HIV.
  • Cilostazol (vasodilator) has a beneficial effect when taken together; the active substances enhance each other’s effects, improving availability in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Phenytoin (anti-epileptic drug) - for a positive drug effect, maintaining a constant concentration is required. When combined with omez, monitoring of the drug levels in the plasma is required until the end of treatment. If necessary, the dose is adjusted.
  • Ketoconazole (antifungal agent) – a significant decrease in the therapeutic effect. Coadministration is not recommended.

Any undesirable reactions during therapy for pancreatitis require contacting a specialist.

Effect of the drug

The drug can be prescribed in capsule form. But in a hospital setting it is most often administered intravenously. For oral use, it is recommended to have a light snack beforehand. Omeprazole helps with pancreatitis because it actively inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

In their practice, gastroenterologists use the drug for the following diseases:

  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • Gastritis.
  • Tumors of various etiologies.
  • Pancreatitis.

At the same time, the drug is very careful about the acid-forming function. The active substance only temporarily blocks acid formation. In this case, the entire mechanism remains unaffected, and if treatment is canceled it will certainly act as before.

Benefits of Omez

Today, the pharmacological structure is developing at a fairly rapid pace. It is not surprising that a large number of drugs are presented on the shelves of modern pharmacies. All of them are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pathologies. Some struggle with peptic ulcers and gastrointestinal disorders. In fact, the leadership position for a considerable period of time belongs to such a product as Omez.

Experts classify it as an antiulcer agent that can inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid. Due to the inclusion of omeprazole in its composition, the drug can have a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not at all surprising that, in view of these properties, many professional doctors prescribe Omez to patients with pancreatitis. It should be noted that the advantages of the drug include the possibility of speed of action.

The product begins to affect the body within 1 hour after a person drinks it. Effectiveness extends over a full 24 hours. After completing the Omez course, the exocrine gland returns to its previous performance of certain functions. Secretory activity is restored on days 3-5. The drug is presented in the form of capsules, which have a special shell consisting of acid-resistant substances. As a result, Omez will not dissolve before it reaches the intestinal cavity.

If we talk about the composition of the capsules, their shell consists of sucrose, purified water using a special method, lauryl sulfate and dibasic sodium sulfate. In terms of external characteristics, the shell is presented in transparent yellow or transparent pink. Balls are visible inside it. There is also a hard capsule option with an opaque shell, which are made of gelatin. One plate of Omez products can contain from 10 to 30 pieces.

The absorption effect of omeprazole occurs instantly, which gives a chance to alleviate the symptoms of the ongoing pathology and help the organ recover faster. As for the substance omeprazole itself, experts classify it as a proton pump inhibitor. It can influence the amount of pepsin produced. This property of the drug is vital if the patient has an acute form of pancreatitis.

The substance has an affinity for fat cells, and therefore its availability in the area of ​​the parietal tissue membranes of the stomach is much higher than that of other agents. Omez has a high absorption rate, capable of being absorbed by at least 40 percent. Another advantage of the product is that it can be broken down by the liver at a high level, and leaves the body through the work of the kidneys.

It is worth noting that the drug is inexpensive in the pharmacy, but skillfully fulfills its assigned duties, and therefore gives a noticeable effect in a fairly quick time. This is undoubtedly a huge plus, which makes Omez an even more popular remedy for pancreatitis.

Special cases in the use of the drug

This medication has one useful feature that allows it to be used in the complex treatment of chronic pathology. It lies in the fact that by reducing intrapancreatic pressure and suppressing pancreatic secretion, Omez is able to facilitate the work of the pancreas, removing excess load from it, which allows it to combat pain quite effectively.

In addition, this drug can prevent the development of a number of complications accompanying pancreatitis. But do not forget that Omez, like all other medications, may have side effects and contraindications:

  • in patients prone to allergic reactions, skin itching, urticaria, and swelling may occur during the therapeutic course of this drug;
  • Often there is an increase in temperature, weakness, drowsiness, headache, impaired taste, blurred vision, and excessive sweating.

It follows from this that Omez is not as harmless as numerous positive reviews say about it. That is why, before you start taking the drug, you should carefully read the annotation attached to it and determine the risk groups and contraindications.

First of all, Omez is strictly contraindicated for those who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. This drug is also used with great caution if a person has liver and kidney diseases. Small children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation, can be treated with Omez only under the supervision of a doctor.

Pancreatitis is a disease that is accompanied by severe pain. Only medications together with diet can alleviate suffering.

Only complex measures can lead to full impact. Omez is especially helpful for pancreatitis.

This is a common drug for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Especially if there are symptoms such as overeating, pain in the digestive system, heartburn.

Omez helps eliminate symptoms, but should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Indications for use of the drug

When taken once a day, Omez controls the secretion of gastric acidity. Omeprazole in an acidic environment inhibits the enzyme that accelerates the exchange of hydrogen ions, thereby blocking the final stage of the formation of hydrochloric acid.

The dosage of the drug regulates its effect on the basal (basic) and acquired secretion of acidity.

Omez is indicated for use during diseases such as:

  • peptic ulcer and any peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, when gastric juice has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane;
  • gastritis;
  • the development of reflux esophagitis, a disease in which the esophagus becomes inflamed;
  • stress ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • with systemic mastocytosis.

Omez and pancreatitis are continuously linked, since this drug is one of the first in the prescription containing the treatment of this disease. It can be purchased at any pharmacy freely and without a special prescription.

Omez is used for different purposes:

  • For the prevention and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • To eliminate the symptoms of reflux esophagitis;
  • For erosive and ulcerative lesions of the walls of the digestive tract caused by prolonged use of anti-inflammatory drugs - such as ibuprofen, aspirin and others;
  • With stress lesions of the stomach walls of various etiologies;
  • As a proton pump inhibitor for diseases of the digestive system caused by Helicobacter pylori.

The use of Omez D is advisable in the following cases:

  • Hypersecretion of the stomach;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Gastritis with high acidity and others.

Therapy of pancreatitis with Omez

Omeprazole is prescribed for various disorders of the digestive system. Preparations with this component are indicated for ulcers, pancreatitis, and Solinger's disease.

With a disease such as pancreatitis, the release of enzymatic substances synthesized by the body into the duodenum does not occur. Their activation occurs in the pancreas itself, which leads to tissue destruction. The most dangerous condition is when residual cells with toxins enter the bloodstream, which can disrupt the functioning of the kidneys, lungs, and heart. Omez helps to inhibit the processes of activation of pancreatic enzymes.

The drug is also indicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, and for gastrointestinal disorders associated with stress. Omez can be used for reflux-esophagitis and erosive lesions resulting from prolonged treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Experts prescribe Omez for the development of Zollinger syndrome.

Omez reduces acidity, preventing the appearance of new ulcers and an increase in the area of ​​existing lesions

Omez is considered one of the most effective remedies for pancreatitis. It must be taken according to the recommendations of a gastroenterologist.

Are there any contraindications for taking the medicine?

The main criterion for refusing to take Omez is direct intolerance to the substance omeprazole or an allergy to the components of the drug.

Problems with the kidneys during pancreatitis require you to refrain from using Omez, because the medicine is expelled by the body under the condition of increased kidney function.

Any chronic diseases must be indicated in the patient’s medical card in order to exclude possible side effects after taking Omez.

The drug is approved for use from 12 years of age. There are relative contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding; the drug should be taken only after consultation with a doctor.

Patients who have kidney or liver damage should be careful, as symptoms may intensify when taking omeprazole.

Side effects:

  • digestive disorders, which include diarrhea, tendency to flatulence, pain in the epigastrium, bitterness in the mouth or dryness;
  • migraines, anxiety, tendency to depression;
  • excessive sweating;
  • muscle weakness, fatigue, joint pain;
  • disorders of hematopoietic functions, manifested in a decrease in the level of leukocytes, thrombocytopenia;
  • skin reactions in the form of rash and itching;
  • swelling;
  • changes in body temperature.

If adverse reactions are observed after taking Omez, you should visit a specialist to prescribe another drug.

In case of an overdose of omeprazole, patients may experience the following disorders:

  • arrhythmias;
  • migraine;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • blurred vision;
  • lethargy;
  • depressed or anxious state.

At the first symptoms of an overdose of Omez, it is necessary to use activated carbon. Gastric lavage is also an effective aid. In some cases, hospital therapy is indicated.

When treating with omeprazole, it is important to remember to follow a diet that includes a complete abstinence from spicy foods and alcoholic beverages. At the end of Omez therapy, it is necessary to diagnose the digestive organs.

Side effects

The human central nervous system may react to medication with the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness (has a negative effect on driving);
  • lack of sleep;
  • nervous excitement;
  • hallucinations and depression.

The following side effects are noted from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • stomach pain;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • disturbance of taste sensations.

Other symptoms include excessive sweating, allergic reactions, rashes, fever and swelling. It is extremely rare that after taking the drug, patients were diagnosed with muscle weakness, vertebral and bone fractures associated with osteoporosis. If you observe any side effects, you should immediately stop using the medicine and then consult your doctor for further advice.

Prescription of Omez at various stages of the inflammatory process

Many patients ask the question “can I drink Omez for pancreatitis?” The drug has one useful feature that allows it to be used in both acute and chronic forms of the disease.

The drug works by rapidly combating painful sensations due to the fact that omeprazole has a suppressive effect on acidity and reduces intrapancreatic pressure. Thus, the pancreas is relieved of excessive load, the inflammation slowly goes away and normal operation is restored.

Omez for chronic pancreatitis first of all reduces the load on the pancreas and provides it with the most relaxed state.

It is important to note that pancreatitis has a lot of complications, one of which is gastroesophageal reflux disease. It occurs to the patient ten days after the development of the chronic stage of pancreatitis. The main reasons for the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease include:

  • the stage when the motor function of the stomach and esophagus is impaired;
  • the esophageal sphincter loses its ability to translate contents;
  • the formation of a hiatal hernia along with increased stomach acidity.

The acidic environment that forms in the stomach passes into the esophagus, causing the patient to develop heartburn, pain in the chest area, in the navel area, leading to cough spasms with a sour taste in the mouth, and cases of dental caries often become more frequent.

The only correct solution to combat gastroesophageal reflux is the use of medications that have an anti-ulcer effect when the volume of hydrochloric acid is regulated. And the leader of this group is Omez, the advantage of which is a minimal list of side effects on the body. It is accessible and practical to use.

Omez for inflammation of the pancreas helps to cope with such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • frequent abdominal pain;
  • general weakness;
  • constant dizziness;
  • bloating in the intestines;
  • feeling of dry mouth, belching, nausea;
  • pressure surges, increased body temperature;
  • vomiting attacks with the release of bile;
  • unhealthy pale, sallow complexion, etc.

Complications of pancreatitis can be quite frightening and in order not to lead to diabetes mellitus and pancreatic cancer, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment with Omez.

Is it possible to drink Omez if you have pancreatitis?

Omez is used in the complex treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Indications for use.

Indications for use of the drug

The medicine is included in the treatment regimen for peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach in the acute stage. Relieves the condition of the gastroesophageal reflex and hypersecretory conditions (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).

Omez is prescribed as a drug that supports the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa during long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The drug is part of complex therapy in the fight against inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas.

Not used to treat children under 12 years of age and chronic liver diseases.

Therapeutic effects

Oral administration of the drug promotes rapid and effective inhibition of acid secretion, the maximum therapeutic effect is observed during the first four days of therapy. In patients with upper intestinal ulcers, the medicine maintains normal acidity for 17-18 hours after administration.

In case of infection with Helicobacter, Omez is prescribed with antibiotics.

Since the development of this bacterium is associated with ulcerative, inflammatory and acid-dependent pathologies of the digestive tract, taking Omez can reduce the severity of symptoms and promote the healing of any lesions of the mucous membranes. The use of Omez allows for long-term remission in cases of ulcerative and erosive pathologies of the mucous membranes.

For pancreatitis, taking Omez is recommended as a component of complex therapy for inflammation, since monotherapy does not show the expected effectiveness. For the treatment of pancreatitis, the drug can be administered orally or intravenously.

For pancreatitis, taking Omez is recommended as a component of complex therapy for inflammation, since monotherapy does not show the expected effectiveness.

Conditions for which Omez is prescribed

Most often, the drug is prescribed if the patient has a peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

The drug can be prescribed over a long course in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs. This is necessary to restore the mucous membrane of the organ and to close defects in it.

The product is also used if it is necessary to eradicate Helicobacter pylori.

Gastritis and ulcers are often caused by this microorganism. It is no secret that Helicobacter survives well in an acidic environment, but for patients, increased acidity is fraught not only with unpleasant sensations, but also with serious health problems.

Omez is prescribed along with antibiotics - Clarithromycin and Ampicillin for the safe treatment of such diseases.

The drug is used when gastroesophageal reflux occurs.

In some people, the cardiac sphincter (the junction of the esophagus into the stomach) does not work effectively enough, which provokes the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, covered with delicate mucous membrane, and provokes a burn. Omez, reducing the acidity of gastric juice, reduces discomfort.

Omez for pancreatitis is included in the standard regimen for combating pancreatitis due to its ability to reduce pain, as well as reduce pressure in the pancreatic ducts, which promotes the free discharge of enzymatic secretions. Treatment of reactive pancreatitis with Omez is especially important. Since the drug affects two parts of the process at once: increased acidity due to gastritis and the pancreas itself, reducing the load on it.

It is also recommended to use Omez for cholecystitis. It helps reduce the acidic environment and reduce bile reflux.

Instructions for use of the drug.

Advantages of the drug

One of the biggest advantages of these tablets is the minimal risk of side effects. In addition, Omez is very convenient to use, and the time frame for its use can be from one month to six months.

This is also an undeniable advantage of the drug, as it allows not only to carry out a long therapeutic course, but also makes it possible to eliminate all side effects. Omez is taken orally for pancreatitis.

The course of treatment and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician individually for each specific patient based on the results of his diagnostic study.

The use of Omez, as already mentioned, can last for several months. It all depends on the effect obtained from using this drug, as well as the severity of the complications the person has. Some patients have to take this medication for life.

Omez is prescribed only when the disease goes into remission. The use of these tablets against the background of exacerbation of the pathology can be dangerous. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor for therapeutic purposes, and the patient suspects an incipient exacerbation of the pathology, the tablets should be immediately discarded.

For pancreatitis, taking this drug has the following goals:

  • Preventing the occurrence of ulcerative pathology, which can easily be provoked by increased production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas.
  • Omez is also taken to relieve a person of severe heartburn, which always accompanies pancreatitis. This drug can not only completely eliminate the burning sensation from the chest area, but also relieve pain in the abdominal area.
  • As a drug that relieves heartburn, Omez can be prescribed for a long period at the discretion of the attending physician. Therapeutic measures usually begin with two capsules per day, and later, on the recommendation of a specialist, patients switch to one. This drug is taken as maintenance treatment for six months. The main thing here is that to achieve the expected effect from the pills, a complete abstinence from alcohol is required. We should not forget that, despite the high effectiveness of the drug, and the multiple positive reviews it has, the course of treatment with these tablets should only be prescribed by a specialist.

Source: https://centr74vdoh.ru/sustavy/mozhno-li-pit-omez-pri-pankreatite

Dosage and prescription for use of the drug for pancreatitis

Your doctor will tell you how to take Omez for pancreatitis, since the dosage and duration of the course of treatment depend on the stage and severity of the disease.

Omez is not a drug that can be used as a preventive measure or in cases of suspected pancreatic disease.

Instructions for using Omez for pancreatitis, as a rule, prescribe taking capsules for several weeks or months. The course depends directly on the degree of the disease and progress in treatment.

At the initial stage (about two months), the drug is prescribed to take two tablets daily. Orally: in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, and in the evening. Simultaneous food intake does not reduce bioavailability, that is, it does not have any effect on the amount of omeprazole absorbed.

Next, the doctor reduces the usual dose to one capsule per day - as a maintenance function.

The drug is taken once a day, with a dosage of 20 mg, it quickly and effectively suppresses the daytime and nighttime production of acidity by gastric juice. After 4 days, the maximum effect of the drug is observed.

The combination of Omez with antimicrobial drugs helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of pancreatitis and its complications, has a high rate of healing of any injuries to the mucous membrane and long-term remission of peptic ulcers.

Instructions for the use of Omez for pancreatitis are drawn up by the attending physician based on some tests and characteristics of the patient:

  • the level of intragastric pH is measured;
  • patient weight;
  • pronounced clinical symptoms.

The drug Omez is produced in dosages of 10, 20 and 40 mg, the daily norm should not exceed 120 mg.

Omez for pancreatitis - instructions for use and reviews

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas, in which digestive enzymes are no longer released into the duodenum. The danger of this condition lies in the “self-digestion” of the gland, and it can also damage other vital organs.

The mainstay of treatment for this condition is diet and medication. To improve the effectiveness of enzyme therapy and reduce the activity of the inflammatory process, Omez, which is an antiulcer agent, is prescribed.

How to take Omez for pancreatitis

All dosages and duration of the course are selected strictly individually by the attending physician. Do not self-medicate!

Therapy is calculated depending on the activity of the inflammatory process and the stage of the disease. In the acute form, it is recommended to take 20 mg of the active substance once a day before meals. It is best to take the medicine in the morning. The duration of the course should be about 2 weeks.

During the chronic course, drug treatment is prescribed for exacerbations. The dosage per dose is increased to 40 mg for at least 30 days.

The medicine is enclosed in a special enteric coating. Therefore, you cannot chew the drug. If you cannot swallow it whole, the contents of the capsule can be dissolved in a small amount of water.

Omez capsules

The maximum dosage during the day is 120 mg. In this case, it is recommended to divide the dose into several times. You can take capsules for stomach pain, belching and heartburn, which may occur due to the disease.

Treatment must be accompanied by a special diet. Without proper nutrition, the effectiveness of therapy is significantly reduced.

Instructions for use of Omez in inflammatory processes

The main effect of the drug is to inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In the body, the secretions of the stomach and pancreas are closely related. The acid provokes the release of gland enzymes, increasing damage to the epithelial layer. The mechanism not only provokes disorders, but also supports existing inflammatory processes.

Omez is a drug with proven effectiveness and maximum safety. The drug is included in the list of mandatory drugs for the treatment of acid-related diseases.

The advantages of the drug are the duration and speed of action. It begins to act within half an hour after administration and lasts for 24 hours.

In case of active inflammation, the drug has a cumulative effect, so it must be used in courses of at least 14 days.

If the required treatment result is not achieved, then therapy is extended for another 2 weeks.

Recommended dosages:

  1. 20 mg in the morning on an empty stomach 1 time per day for acute pancreatitis.
  2. If the effect is insufficient, then you can increase to 40 mg after 3-5 days from the start of treatment.
  3. For hypersecretory conditions, the minimum dose is 60 mg.

Dosage of the drug for pancreatitis

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis, omez is prescribed for oral administration. But intravenous administration is also possible in severe condition of the patient.

Dosage regimen:

  1. Acute phase - 1 capsule once a day in the morning. Course 14 days.
  2. Exacerbation of a chronic process - 2 capsules of 20 times once before meals. Duration of at least 30 days.
  3. Prevention of exacerbation - 10 mg 1 time per day for a month.
  4. Chronic course - from 60 mg per day. It is possible to increase to 120 mg, then the dose is divided into 2 times.

Therapeutic effects for pancreatitis

Despite the fact that omeprazole is an antiulcer drug, it is prescribed not only for the treatment of ulcers and gastritis.

The group of proton pump inhibitors to which the substance belongs alleviates symptoms and improves the prognosis of the disease.

Main action:

  • Reduces pain.
  • Relieves increased load from the pancreatic gland.
  • Fights swelling and inflammation.
  • Maintains the necessary pH level for normal digestion.

Omez reduces pain.

Rational use significantly improves the condition of patients. According to reviews from patients with chronic pancreatitis, a positive effect is observed during the first days of use.

How is Omez used to treat other diseases?

Omez for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, as well as in cases of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, is recommended for use. However, only a doctor can prescribe the dosage and duration of treatment. It all depends on the type of disease, its form and complexity.

It is very important to follow the rules for taking medications in capsule form:

  • a late meal is required - the last one (stomach ulcer), after which the capsule is drunk;
  • Under no circumstances should the capsule shell be broken, opened or chewed;
  • The medicine is washed down with a small volume of water.

If ulcers are identified during the disease, then the drug is administered intravenously with an increased dosage.

In case of pancreatitis, the attending physician must prescribe Omez and the pancreas goes into a resting state from the effect of this drug. The medicine prevents the development of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes acid production and reduces the effect of digestive enzymes, relieves pain in the stomach and relieves the symptoms of heartburn.

During cholecystitis, taking Omez helps restore the normal decrease of bile and improve the patency of the gallbladder ducts, and relieves the painful syndrome. The dose of the medicine is limited to two doses of pills orally, 1 piece twice a day.

How long and in what quantity to take Omez should be decided by a specialist based on the established diagnosis, stage and duration of the disease, the presence or absence of certain symptoms, the patient’s individual tolerance to this drug, and the presence of other diseases in addition to pancreatitis. Omez is intended for oral administration. It is taken either 30 minutes before meals or right after meals. There is no need to chew Omez capsules. They are supposed to be swallowed whole with a glass of boiled water at room temperature.

If you are unable to swallow the drug together with the capsule, remove the granules from the shell and mix with a small amount of water and citrus juice (lemon, orange or tangerine). It is prohibited to use milk, fermented milk products and carbonated water to prepare the mixture, as well as to wash down swallowed capsules with them. If you have difficulty swallowing a capsule, do not force yourself to do so at the risk of triggering a gag reflex.

Omez Inta suspension is completely similar in its action to the tablet drug. Pour the contents from the sachet into a cup, add a little water and you can safely take the medicine without fear of vomiting. Omez capsules or powder are taken for a long time: from 2 weeks to 2 months, from 1 to 6 units per day. Preparation for surgery involves taking this drug once.

Effect of the drug

The main active ingredient of Omez and similar drugs is omeprazole. By normalizing the acidity level of pancreatic juice, it helps reduce inflammation of the pancreatic mucosa.

Omez is used as a therapeutic agent for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the digestive tract. Thanks to a special shell, which begins to dissolve only in the intestines, the capsule with granules of the active substance reaches its destination almost intact and only after reaching the goal does it begin to act.

Omez is almost half absorbed by the body and adsorbed. Omeprazole, which is the main active ingredient, is processed by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.


"Omez" for pancreatitis is prescribed strictly after a confirmed diagnosis. Most often, the oral form of the drug is prescribed, much less often - intravenous injections. Doses are prescribed individually. The most dangerous diagnosis is acute pancreatitis. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, and in the absence of proper treatment, severe deterioration of the condition is possible. This may include fever and severe vomiting. In this case, Omez is successfully prescribed for pancreatitis.

How to take it is decided by the attending physician. The standard regimen is 20 milligrams once a day. It is recommended to take the drug in the morning, immediately after breakfast. The standard admission time is 2 weeks. If necessary, treatment can be extended. If the disease returns again and again, or recurs, then the dose of capsules is increased to 40 milligrams per day. The course of treatment is at least a month; the prescribing specialist will tell you more exact numbers.

Your attending physician can answer more precisely how to take Omez for pancreatitis. Each treatment regimen is individual and has its own characteristics. After the general course is completed, maintenance therapy can be prescribed, 10 milligrams per day. If the pancreas is difficult to recover, then the dose is increased to 20 milligrams.

Therapeutic effects for pancreatitis

Omez is successfully used to treat various diseases of the digestive system, including pancreatitis. However, in order for the drug to bring only benefits, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for its use:

  1. If the disease is in its initial stage (only a doctor can determine this), take one capsule of Omez in the morning and evening;
  2. In the chronic form of pancreatitis, the dose is reduced to one capsule in the morning or evening (it is important to take the drug at a strictly designated time, so when planning your daily routine, set aside five minutes to take the drug;
  3. Do not try to relieve exacerbation symptoms with Omez, as this can lead to the development of severe complications.


Treatment of pancreatitis with Omeprazole is a very effective method of therapy, the popularity of which generally justifies itself. This drug is very effective, as evidenced by clinical studies. Unfortunately, many people think that everyone can take it. But this is not true at all. For example, it is not suitable for a person with pain and discomfort in the abdominal area. There are a large number of other nuances that need to be taken into account.

It is extremely important to consult your doctor before use. It is very important to know that while you are undergoing treatment, you should not drink drinks that contain alcohol. Moreover, the strength and quantity are not important. Complications can occur, including death. Any alarming symptoms are a reason to interrupt the course and inform your doctor. This is an effective drug that can also be used during rehabilitation therapy. The drug significantly speeds up the healing process. You will be required to follow the specialist's recommendations. Moreover, this must be done in the most careful manner. The slightest mistakes in your diet can set you back a long way.

Interaction with other drugs

Omez should not be prescribed to patients taking Nelfinavir, Atazanavir, Posaconazole or Erlotinib. Caution should be used in combination with Clopidogrel, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Warfarin, Diazepam, Phenytoin, Cilostazol, Tacrolimus, Digoxin, Saquinavir, Methotrexate, Rifampicin, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin and Voriconazole.

Omez is not compatible with alcohol. Patients taking this drug should refrain from drinking alcohol until the end of therapy.


Omez is quite popular in our country. But in addition to this drug, there are a number of blockers that are its analogues. Those. have a similar effect on the pancreas in pancreatitis. We list them below:

  • Control;
  • Nexium;
  • Rabeprazole;
  • Lansoprazole;
  • Ranitidine;
  • Amotidine.

There are also drugs that have a similar effect to Omez, but may not affect pancreatic cells, but only affect the processes in them. Those. they react with hydrochloric acid, binding it and making it even more alkaline in the stomach cavity. These are Rennie, Maalox, Gaviscon. You should not take them on a regular basis. The thing is that they are able to release carbon dioxide, which stretches the walls of the stomach and stimulates the secretion of the organ.


Omez is usually quite well tolerated by the human body, but in some cases the use of this drug has to be abandoned. Omez is contraindicated for:

  • Individual intolerance to its components;
  • Disruption of the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • Allergic reaction to its components;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Perforation of the walls of the pancreas;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Bleeding in the organs of the digestive system.

In addition, Omez is strictly contraindicated for children of the younger age group.

During your consultation, be sure to tell your doctor about all the diseases that you currently suffer from and that you have encountered in previous years. This will allow you to choose the right medications for your treatment, while eliminating the likelihood of side effects.

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