Causes of burning in the stomach, treatment, differences from heartburn

General information

Burning sensation, like pain, is an important diagnostic symptom. A burning sensation in the stomach most often occurs in the initial stages of gastritis or peptic ulcer .
The symptom can be relieved with medication, because prolonged burning can lead to cancer. Unregulated loads on the digestive system lead to changes in acidity, disruption of the glandular tissues of the stomach and their integrity. When the “stomach is on fire,” in contrast to heartburn , it does not burn in the upper parts of the larynx (as a result of reflux disease and involuntary reflux of food into the esophagus), but discomfort is felt somewhat lower - in the epigastric region. Despite the different etiologies, their treatment is similar.

Diagnostics - which doctor to see and what tests to take?

Due to the fact that there are a huge number of causative factors that can influence the occurrence of burning abdominal pain in a person, the process of diagnosing a potential pathology is lengthy and can take a long period of time. In order to give the patient the most accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following types of examination.

Donating blood from a vein

The main purpose of this analysis is to conduct a biochemical study of a given human body fluid. If the chemical composition of gastric juice changes, then the blood also reacts with the ratio of its cellular structure and the concentration of most substances that play an important role in the digestive system. Doctors must make sure that the patient does not have a hormonal imbalance, and that all sexual secretions are within normal limits.


It is a standard and mandatory type of analysis, which allows doctors to obtain comprehensive information about the patient’s health status and answer the question of whether there is an inflammatory process in the stomach, intestines or duodenum.


A fairly common diagnostic technique, widely used in practical gastroenterology. The purpose of this type of examination is that the patient, while in a special treatment room, swallows a probe with a video camera at the end. After its introduction into the patient's oral cavity, it enters the esophagus and then directly into the stomach. This allows the doctor to study in detail the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, as well as detect possible pathologies of their tissues.


Examination of the stomach and establishing the causes of a burning sensation inside it using ultrasound diagnostics, which allows you to study the condition of all organs located inside the abdominal cavity. This is a very important diagnostic method, since quite often there are cases where the cause of heat in the abdomen was not the pathology of the stomach itself, but a disruption of the liver or gall bladder.


With the development of modern diagnostic methods, it is used less and less, but despite this, there are cases when this method is indispensable. It helps to identify tumors, polyps and other growths of a malignant nature that are located on the outside of the stomach, but can have a negative impact on the functioning of the entire organ. The patient drinks a special solution based on calcined barium, and then an X-ray of the abdominal cavity is taken. If there are foci of cancer in the epithelial tissues, they will appear as dark spots of irregular shape. It all depends on the location of the tumor and on what tissue it was formed from and how deeply it penetrated.

Another important diagnostic method is MRI, which displays in detail the species diversity of abdominal tissues, shows the epithelial layering of the stomach and its health status.

If there is any pathology in the digestive system, there is a 95% chance that the magnetic resonance imaging scanner will detect it.


The burning sensation is accompanied by irritation and injury to the mucous membranes due to increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic enzyme activity and the formation of ulcers. It can “burn with fire” when a person is very hungry and acidic gastric juice reaches erosive areas.

Irritation of the mucous membranes can occur not only due to acidic gastric contents, but in more rare cases it is caused by alkaline reflux . In this case, the mucous membranes are exposed to the action of bile acids , which enter the stomach through the duodenogastric reverse flow of bile.

The pathological process begins with an imbalance in the ratio of “aggressive” and “protective” factors of the digestive system. The main aggressive effect is to increase the activity of proteolytic enzymes and the level of acidity secreted by gastric juice, along with a deterioration in the motility of the digestive organs. Protective properties are reduced if:

  • less mucus is produced;
  • the processes of natural physiological regeneration of the epithelial surface slow down;
  • local blood circulation, innervation and trophism are disrupted.

For example, this can occur under conditions of prolonged or repeated psycho-emotional stress against a background of negative emotions.

A separate predisposing factor, along with heredity and family history, are deficiencies in diet and nutrition, smoking and alcohol abuse.

The pathological process is based on proteolytic destruction of tissue by gastric juice in an area with deteriorated trophism, which is most often observed in the lower parts of the stomach. A decrease in the alkaline component and prolonged contact with acidic gastric juice is possible with spasm of the gastric sphincter - the pylorus. In addition, the level of mucin contained in mucus, the state of the apical membranes of enterocytes, and nervous and vascular trophism are important .

When the mucous barrier and the protein-lipid complex of the apical membranes are destroyed, reverse diffusion of hydrogen ions into the cell membranes occurs, which activates the kinin-kallikrein inflammatory system and increases the permeability of the capillary network. This leads to microcirculation disorder, then lipid peroxidation products as a result of oxidative degradation of lipids under the influence of free radicals, damaging lysosomes.

The negative neuro-emotional effect on the gastrointestinal tract is carried out through the anterior parts of the hypothalamus , along the path of the vagus nerve, acetylcholine, histamine and gastrin receptors in glandular tissues. The formation of acid and the proteolytic activity of the gastric glands increases under the influence of thyroid-stimulating and adrenocorticotropic hormone - the glucocorticoid effect of the adrenal glands increases and the mineralcorticoid effect of the adrenal glands decreases, the production of hydrochloric acid is stimulated and the protective and reparative properties of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestinal tract are reduced.

Local protective mechanisms are implemented by mucoid cells that produce glycoproteins , sialoproteins and fucopolyproteins , as well as mucus coming from the oral cavity. It is alkaline and can neutralize hydrochloric acid (HCl). In general, the gastrointestinal tract is a very vulnerable system of the body, but it has good regenerative abilities.

The most effective stimulants of gastrointestinal motility

Domperidone. The drug is available in different forms, is suitable for treating children, and is well tolerated. Reduces the gag reflex, however, do not forget that Domperidone should be used exclusively on an empty stomach. The desired effect is achieved in about an hour.


The active substance of this medicine regulates digestion, improves gastric emptying, and improves muscle tone. In addition to eliminating vomiting and nausea, Domperidone relieves heartburn and burning, hiccups and flatulence.

Motilak. Antiemetic drug, treats intestinal disorders, heartburn, bloating. Its peculiarity is that it does not affect the secretion of the stomach. Available in the form of lozenges and ordinary tablets taken with water. The medicine rarely causes side effects.

Motilium. Unlike similar antiemetic drugs, Motilium does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which means it has no side effects.

It is used for disorders of the motor function of the stomach, intestinal infections, poisoning, hiccups, heartburn, and bloating. Available in the form of dragees, tablets and suspension.

Motilium is allowed to be used by children, but preferably in the form of a suspension.

So, medicines for heartburn and burning are available to every person, they work on approximately the same principle and help to cope with unpleasant sensations in a fairly short time.

The main thing is to choose the right drug. A doctor will help you do this, and you should contact him at the first manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

If you want to know how to get rid of heartburn, watch this video:

From this video you can learn why heartburn is dangerous:


Burning in the epigastrium can be constant or occur exclusively after meals.

Constant burning sensation in the stomach

Burning painful sensations at night and in the morning are an alarming sign and a reason to consult a doctor. A constant burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus usually occurs due to pathology - gastritis , peptic ulcer or reflux disease . Most often, discomfort and pain are caused by damage to the tissues lining the digestive tract.

Burning in the stomach after eating

Swelling in the epigastric region (corresponding to the projection of the stomach on the anterior wall of the peritoneum) after eating may be due to poor nutrition. Even a small piece of a harmful or coarse product can irritate nerve endings, provoke inflammation and burning sensations.

Preventing burning sensation

To prevent burning in the stomach and esophagus from bothering you, you need to maintain a healthy digestive system. First of all, it is necessary to promptly identify and treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and pay attention to their symptoms. The following simple rules will also help prevent unpleasant burning:

  • food in moderation, it is better to eat up to 4-5 times a day, but avoid large portions;
  • introducing a large amount of vegetables, herbs, fruits and fiber into the diet;
  • keeping weight under control; if you need to lose weight, it is recommended to exercise or walk regularly;
  • prevention of stressful and conflict situations that contribute to the exacerbation of existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the manifestation of new ones in the form of a burning sensation in the stomach;
  • cessation of smoking and alcohol abuse.

Advice! If you often feel a burning sensation in the esophagus, you should visit a gastroenterologist and undergo an examination. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases is better than long and expensive treatment.

A burning sensation in the stomach, especially if it occurs regularly, requires consulting a doctor. If necessary, the gastroenterologist will refer the patient to specialists to identify the cause of a condition similar to heartburn. Treatment is based on an individual plan, using medications and auxiliary methods. People with gastrointestinal diseases are advised to eat right, control their weight and undergo annual spa treatment.

Causes of burning in the stomach

Heartburn and burning can be caused by:

  • unhealthy diet, for example, eating fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, etc. or too rough food;
  • irregular meals, prolonged fasting;
  • overeating;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • hypersensitivity of the mucous membranes of the esophagus;
  • the presence of helminths, pathogenic microorganisms, for example, E. coli ;
  • release of bile or juice from the pancreas into the stomach;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer ;
  • heart problems - angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hypertension, aortic aneurysm ;
  • drug treatment, for example, antibiotics ;
  • stress;
  • pressure on the abdominal cavity from a diaphragmatic hernia , as well as in late pregnant women and obesity .

The reasons can be internal or external in nature. If the reason is in nutrition, certain foods or drinks, or medications entering the body, then excluding them from the diet is an adequate solution to the problem.

Important! A burning sensation in the stomach, but not heartburn, is the cause of serious gastroenterological problems, for example, gastritis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer .

Diagnosis and consequences

In order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an examination.

What procedures need to be completed during the examination:

  • Gastroscopy.
  • X-ray of the stomach.
  • Examination of blood for the presence of excess organisms.
  • Analysis of gastric juice acidity.
  • Less often - checking for worms and E. coli.

If you do not consult a doctor in time, then seemingly harmless symptoms of burning in the esophagus and stomach can develop into serious illnesses, such as:

  • Ulcer.
  • Chronic gastritis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Stomach bleeding.

One of the most serious diseases that can be caused by exposure of the gastric mucosa to constant large amounts of acid or bile is malignant neoplasm. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the tumor can be cured, but if the disease is advanced, then surgery will no longer be possible. Therefore, if your stomach is burning, you should immediately pay attention to it and go to the doctor.


The stomach often burns due to heart disease, angina pectoris, pleurisy, myocardial infarction, and also with increased blood pressure.

If the disease is caused by heart disease, its symptoms are relieved by taking nitroglycerin. But after this, it is better to contact a cardiologist and tell about the alarming symptoms.

Doctors' recommendations

A burning sensation in the esophagus often appears due to stress and nervous conditions. In the modern rhythm of life, a person is constantly faced with problems and nervous shocks, which provokes a burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach. Only careful treatment of your nerves will help you cope with this problem.

When taking medications, you need to be careful, as some of them can cause unpleasant symptoms and discomfort. When a doctor prescribes medications that cause hormonal changes, he also prescribes antacid therapy.

Sometimes the burning sensation can be caused by bacterial infections. Once bacteria enter the body, they weaken its barrier functions. Due to such infections, changes occur in the mucous membrane, and ulcers and gastritis appear.

Pregnant women quite often encounter discomfort, as hormonal disruption occurs, the uterus enlarges, and the woman feels pain and heaviness after eating.

The main enemy of the body is alcohol and smoking. They have a bad effect on the entire body, and with stomach diseases, the patient’s condition only worsens. Therefore, you need to give up bad habits.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many plants have healing properties for the digestive tract, including:

  • horse sorrel - a fresh salad before meals will help prevent stomach discomfort that occurs spontaneously and disturbs at night;
  • calamus - you need to chew this root, you can even swallow it in small quantities;
  • crushed buckwheat - a pinch of this dry cereal three times a day makes it possible to prevent gastric problems;
  • eggshells - after boiling the eggs, the separated shells should be crushed in a mortar and consumed in the morning, lunch and evening in an amount that fits on the tip of a knife;
  • potato juice - before each meal, it is enough to squeeze out one root vegetable, take it for several weeks, the product is also an excellent prevention of symptoms such as bad taste and bad breath;
  • tinctures of St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain - 1.5 teaspoons three times a day help with constant burning in the stomach;
  • Pharmaceutical preparations, for example, from buckthorn bark, nettle leaves, peppermint, valerian rhizomes, calamus, have a complex effect - anti-inflammatory, choleretic, mild laxative, can normalize acidity levels and eliminate pain.


Often, a burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus appears due to increased acidity in the gastric juice. To eliminate the disease, the doctor prescribes medication.

Interesting! Eating apples for heartburn: natural effectiveness

Important! When prescribing medications, the gastroenterologist takes into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body and the course of the disease. In order for the doctor to quickly identify the disease, you need to tell him about all the manifestations of the disease.

For different cases, the gastroenterologist prescribes different drugs. In addition to medications, a strict diet is required. This is done to normalize metabolism in the body. You need to remove from your diet all foods that can cause flatulence or fermentation processes in the digestive organs.

Basically it is recommended to eat:

  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetable soups.
  • Porridge.
  • Dietary broths.
  • Some vegetables and fruits.
  • Dietary boiled meat.

What you need to remove from your diet:

  • Drinks containing alcohol and gases.
  • Fatty dishes and broths.
  • Pickled vegetables.
  • Canned food.
  • Sweets.
  • Fresh baked goods.
  • Sausages.

It is recommended to eat at certain times and in small portions. You should stop eating on the go. In order not to encounter symptoms of burning in the stomach and esophagus, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. You should not eat or drink before bed.
  2. There is no need to buy tight clothes, if they tighten the stomach, this will have a bad effect on its work.
  3. You should not go to bed immediately after eating; you need to walk or sit for a while, do something.
  4. It is recommended to sleep on a pillow so that your head is always slightly higher than your torso.

A burning sensation in the esophagus can be relieved if you follow simple rules and adjust your diet. It is recommended to give up bad habits, this will help improve the patient’s health. You can relieve a strong burning sensation in the stomach using traditional methods:

  1. A remedy that relieves symptoms in almost everyone is to add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of boiled water. The solution should be drunk in small sips. Instead of water, you can drink a glass of milk or chamomile tea.
  2. Potato juice is also popular to relieve burning sensation in the esophagus. Helps in the treatment of chronic gastritis. This juice can be drunk not only to treat the disease, but also for prevention.
  3. If the burning sensation occurs frequently, in addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, you should add crushed buckwheat to your food.
  4. There are finely ground walnut kernels, you can take no more than 1 tablespoon per day.
  5. Chew the grains of oats or barley for a long time, at least half an hour, swallow the saliva and spit out the grains.
  6. There are dry peas.
  7. There are also remedies: infusion of St. John's wort, apple cider vinegar, burnt magnesia - all of these can treat the disease.

In addition to these remedies, the burning sensation in the esophagus area will be removed by herbal decoctions and mixtures made from them. There are several recipes that will help get rid of the disease, but it is better to consult a gastroenterologist before use, since herbal remedies can be harmful if the concentration is incorrect.

Interesting! The appearance of heartburn and nausea - causes and possible diseases


  1. Finely grind the potato flowers and brew tea from the resulting mixture.
  2. Chew the calamus roots thoroughly and wash it down.
  3. Pour hot water over gentian root, heat over low heat for 6-7 minutes, let steep for 30 minutes, strain and drink. You need to take the decoction 3 times a day.
  4. Pour gentian root with a small amount of vodka and leave to infuse for 3 weeks; drink 2 teaspoons of the product before each meal.
  5. Pour a small amount of centaury herb with hot water and leave in a thermos overnight. Take in small portions, no more than a tablespoon before meals.

All these remedies have a positive effect on the stomach, actively fight flatulence and remove toxins. Traditional methods help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but do not cure the cause (focus), therefore, if attacks appear constantly, you need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

To treat a burning sensation in the stomach, the cause of which is unknown, the patient needs to visit a gastroenterologist. He will order an examination and diagnose the disease, since there are many pathologies with similar symptoms, from the most harmless to the serious.

In order to cure the condition when the stomach bakes, many medications have been developed, but only a gastroenterologist can prescribe them correctly.


A burning sensation in the esophagus occurs if a person experiences excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid. This means that the doctor, when prescribing a course of therapy, tries to reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

What a gastroenterologist can prescribe:

  1. Antispasmodics are medications that reduce pain during stomach cramps.
  2. Drugs that reduce gastric acidity.
  3. Alginates – they help create a protective lining for the gastric mucosa.
  4. Enzymes that will help with digestion.
  5. Probiotics and prebiotics.

Important! If you have a burning sensation in your stomach, you should not prescribe medications without visiting a gastroenterologist. The course of therapy should only be prescribed by a specialist. We must remember that timely and properly selected treatment will help you recover faster.

In addition to medications, a gastroenterologist can prescribe alkaline mineral water, but you must drink it strictly according to the regimen provided by the doctor.

First aid

If you feel an acute burning sensation, you can:

  • a solution of soda or salt - half a teaspoon of soda or a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water, drink in small sips;
  • milk – a glass of warm low-fat milk can help neutralize acidity;
  • mineral water – natural medicinal table water is best, as it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • such drugs as Rennie , Gastal , Smecta .


To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor examines and interviews the patient. It is important to provide information about the circumstances that preceded the pain and nausea: food intake, time of day, nature of the pain, its displacement to the upper/lower abdomen or to the sides. It is necessary to remember the diet that preceded the development of symptoms, indicate whether there are bad habits or stress.

It is important to indicate additional symptoms, if any: belching, bloating, stool consistency, presence of mucus, blood, undigested pieces of food.

The doctor orders laboratory tests:

  • coprogram
  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis
  • general blood analysis
  • Analysis of urine
  • blood chemistry
  • pH-metry of gastric juice

Additional instrumental studies are prescribed: ultrasound, MRI, CT, radiography. Conducting basic research allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen. In rare cases, laparoscopy is required.

Diet for burning stomach

Diet for heartburn

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 10 days
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of food: 1350-1450 rubles per week

Diet is a fundamental factor in solving digestive problems. You must follow a strict diet and dietary restrictions. Avoid carbonated drinks, alcohol, everything fatty, fried, smoked, canned and spicy. It is necessary to give up baking and snacking on unhealthy foods such as crackers, chips, fast food, etc.

Food should be predominantly boiled and steamed foods, with a minimum of spices. You can even eat pureed vegetables and fruits, this will help reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Popular histamine H2 receptor blockers

Histamine blockers sharply reduce acid by blocking H2 receptors in the cells of the gastric mucosa. Drugs in this group, unlike, for example, proton pump blockers, are allowed to be used by children and pregnant women.

The drug "Famotidine"

Ranitidine. A very affordable drug that quickly helps get rid of the burning sensation caused by the presence of ulcers. Rantidine prevents bleeding and is effective in the treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases. Suitable for long-term use, the effect in this case will only last.

The medicine is intended only for adults and has quite a few contraindications, which should be carefully read before use.

Famotidine. The tablets are quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the effect occurs an hour after taking the medicine and lasts about three hours.

The peculiarity of its use is that Famotidine is in no way connected with food intake, so you can take it at any convenient time , most importantly, wash it down with plenty of water. Doctors prescribe this medicine as a remedy for burning and heartburn if treatment with antacids has not been successful.

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