First aid for a burst hemorrhoid, causes, characteristic symptoms

Drug therapy

Conservative treatment methods can be prescribed when a symptom appears. Medicines containing anesthetics will help relieve pain. You can take Nurofen, Diclofenac, Nise. They have not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory properties.

How to behave when hemorrhoids burst, and what to do? Herbal recipes can be combined with other medications.

  1. Levomekol. An antibiotic-based ointment can prevent infection from entering the bloodstream, reduces inflammation and swelling, and increases local resistance to pathogens. The bleeding area dries, tightens and heals faster.
  2. Tetracycline ointment.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment. Disinfects damaged surfaces, improves blood flow, and prevents infection. Swelling and pain quickly disappear.
  4. Heparin ointment. The product can make the bump smaller, relieve swelling and inflammation. The bleeding stops, the itching and burning disappear.
  5. Hepatrombin. Improves local blood circulation, relieves inflammation and stops bleeding.
  6. You can use ointments and suppositories such as Relief, Troxevasin, Proctosan. All of them are able to cope with the symptoms of bursting hemorrhoids.

When a hemorrhoid bursts, in most cases the bleeding comes from the anus. At the same time, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the vascular system. Tablets that tonic the walls of blood vessels come to the rescue, for example, Venarus, Phlebodia, Detralex.

In the first days, you can take up to 6 capsules per day. They can relieve swelling, inflammation and bleeding. These drugs should be taken in courses of at least three months. This will avoid re-opening the cone.

Constipation should not be allowed during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids - they further aggravate the situation. You must adhere to a diet and take laxatives - Guttalax, Duphalac.

Actions when hemorrhoids burst should be accompanied by a calm lifestyle - lie down more, do not lift heavy objects and exclude sports.

Bursting external or internal hemorrhoids may be accompanied by the release of not only blood, but also pus, which indicates the onset of an infectious process. In this case, ruptured hemorrhoids must be treated with systemic antibiotics, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. Do not hesitate to deal with this symptom. Acute pain is accompanied by fever, and there may be nausea and vomiting.

First aid for a ruptured hemorrhoid?

You need to know how to help yourself at home and stop the bleeding. First you need to calm down. Then remember the algorithm:

  • lie down in a comfortable position,
  • treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide,
  • apply a cold compress to the anus area,
  • insert a hemostatic suppository.

Attention! You can't be afraid or panic. One does not die from such bleeding. You need to calm down and begin therapeutic actions to prevent the knot from breaking through further.

A comfortable position during bleeding requires the obligatory elevation of the pelvic area. You should place a pillow under your buttocks and lie on your back or side. You can take a couple of valerian tablets to relieve tension.

Comfortable position

A compress means gauze soaked in cold water. As it warms up, it should be wetted again. It is recommended to place a tampon in the anus area. The gasket will not work because it does not apply mechanical pressure to the burst veins.

If you feel that the bleeding has stopped, you should not get up and go about your business. The initial cessation of blood flow is associated with the formation of a primary thrombus. It is unstable, weak, and only closes the defect, allowing time to wait for the formation of a stable fibrin clot. The primary thrombus easily breaks off at the slightest movement and bleeding resumes.

Primary thrombus

Inflammatory swelling is caused by swelling around the wound, so you can apply anti-inflammatory creams to the area. You need to make applications with healing ointments and balms (“Rescuer”, “Bepanten”).

Suppositories with a hemostatic effect contain phenylephrine. There are suppositories with Ginkgo Biloba, troxerutin (Troxevasin), and shark liver oil (Relief). For hemorrhoids that bleed frequently, it is helpful to keep them at home. You can apply a hemostatic sponge. To know what to do if hemorrhoids burst and are bleeding, you should prepare for the consequences in advance and familiarize yourself with the topic. The best solution is timely treatment.

If the bleeding does not stop, you need to call an ambulance. If the pain does not go away, you may need to administer narcotic analgesics, so you need to assess your condition and consult a doctor in time.

First aid for bleeding

Self-treatment in the following days

It is necessary to prepare decoctions and infusions of hemostatic herbs. You need to drink them for at least five days from the moment the lump ruptures to consolidate the effect and prevent further bleeding. The following herbs are purchased at the pharmacy:

  • mountain arnica,
  • sandy immortelle,
  • knotweed (bird, pepper),
  • St. John's wort,
  • horse chestnut,
  • stinging nettle,
  • burnet,
  • shepherd's purse,
  • big plantain,
  • swamp cudweed,
  • yarrow,
  • horsetail,
  • Salvia officinalis.

You can make a collection or brew each separately. These decoctions are drunk and cool baths can be made from them, especially in cases of internal rupture. For the decoction, take one teaspoon of dry medicinal raw material per 0.5 liter of boiling water. The herb should be boiled over low heat, cooled, and strained. For external use, place in the freezer and freeze into cubes.

Compress for bleeding

On the day of bleeding - bed rest. Over the next five days, you need to avoid exertion and carrying heavy things. Training is cancelled, except for swimming and yoga. The wound on the lump is fresh and fragile. The new load will provoke the next bleeding, which will be stronger than the previous one.

To prevent straining, you should take a laxative. The medicine should liquefy the stool and make it easier to pass. It is better to choose drugs from the groups of prebiotics and oils.

Important! After bleeding, you should follow a special diet for a week. Kefir and pureed vegetable soups are recommended. This will allow you to naturally regulate the passage of food and avoid constipation.

Prebiotics are substances that accompany the vital activity of normal intestinal microflora. They are food components that are not absorbed or digested. Their role is associated with fermentation by the microflora of the human large intestine. Substances of this class stimulate lactobacilli, which then cause increased peristalsis and normal stool.

Laxative oils act by coating the intestinal mucosa and feces. They give a “sliding effect”. Such a drug is Castor oil. The dose should be selected, starting with the minimum: one to two teaspoons at night. When taking, a gag reflex may occur, so it is recommended to drink through a straw. The stool should appear in the morning without pain or cramping.

Before defecation, you need to insert a suppository with an antispasmodic (Betiol, Anuzol, Belladonna Suppositories) 15 minutes before defecation. These drugs act on the muscular lining of the intestine. They do not relieve spasm from the vessels themselves, so bleeding does not increase.

After stool, approximately 30 minutes later, suppositories with an astringent, venotonic, and vascular-strengthening effect are used (Ginkor Procto, suppositories with solcoseryl, sea buckthorn). They promote healing of the wound surface. They also remove the effects of bleeding. Taking suppositories with anesthetics helps with bleeding. They “freeze” the mucous membrane and cause persistent vasospasm. This relieves pain impulses.

To resolve blood clots and hematoma after bleeding, drugs with heparin should be used. They can be used only after the bleeding has completely stopped.

It happens that when a lump ruptures, in addition to bleeding, pus comes out of the lump. This means that an abscess has opened. Here you should add antibiotic therapy and washing the wound with an antiseptic solution. Be sure to see a proctologist.

Information on the topic is in the link:

When is surgery necessary?

Minor bleeding will stop on its own if you use the correct algorithm of actions. Hemorrhoids can burst without preconditions.

You definitely need to see a doctor. Often those whose bleeding does not stop on its own end up on the operating table. Then they operate according to vital indications. It's always worse than planned. Because the disease does not take into account the patient’s plans, does not allow examination, preparation for surgery, or collection of material resources.

In case of massive bleeding, the surgeon, under local anesthesia, sutures the edges of the veins. It can also excise adjacent tissue, fix a node, and stop bleeding. The operation is an emergency, the goal is to save life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly treat the disease from the very beginning.

Hemorrhoids can burst during pregnancy. The uterus with the fetus puts pressure on the venous plexus, causing it to become congested. Carrying a child is often accompanied by constipation. Constipation and congestion are risk factors for lump rupture and dangerous complications. For pregnant women, this situation is worse, because the woman’s body during this period has a natural physiological tendency to reduce coagulability, which is necessary for normal gestation. The use of hemostatic drugs during pregnancy is associated with risks for the child.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

For frequently and profusely bleeding hemorrhoids, it is important to consult a proctologist. You need to undergo all necessary examinations

At the same time, decide on the issue of planned surgical intervention.

Treatment with minimally invasive methods

If you are admitted with bleeding that does not stop, we will talk about surgical suturing of the wound. Therefore, to avoid extreme situations, treatment should be started in advance. Nowadays, surgery is preceded by minimally invasive methods:

  1. introduction of a sclerosing agent,
  2. disarterization of nodes,
  3. vein ligation

Attention! Modern small treatments take place without the “atmosphere of a hospital room.” These are quick procedures

They do not need to go to the hospital and spend the night there.

Based on the stage of hemorrhoids, the patient may still be indicated for drug therapy. But if there is a bleeding node, even a small one, suppositories will not help. Therefore, ligating the knot will be sufficient.

Surgical intervention for hemorrhoid breakthrough

If the treatment goes without complications, the blood stops flowing, and the pain does not bother the patient, then intervention with a scalpel is unnecessary. But there may also be situations where the patient’s condition worsens so much after the hemorrhoids burst that surgery becomes a vital decision.

This usually happens in the following cases:

  1. in severe stages of hemorrhoids, when there is a high risk of several more ruptures of hemorrhoids;
  2. when the internal lump prolapses beyond the border of the anus;
  3. with continuous bleeding;
  4. with severe pain, which means the development of thrombosis, which threatens the patient’s life;
  5. with the development of complications: paraproctitis and the formation of fistulas.

In each of these cases, only a proctologist can judge the need for surgery. But there is no need to be afraid of the scalpel. These are minimally invasive interventions, after which the patient recovers very quickly and soon forgets about hemorrhoids and is no longer afraid that another lump may burst.

What to do if hemorrhoids burst

If a hemorrhoid has ruptured, you must immediately seek medical help to avoid all sorts of complications. As already noted, affected areas tend to become infected due to contact with fecal matter.

But since rupture of cavernous formations can occur at a time when contacting a proctologist is impossible, you should know how to stop the bleeding, since bleeding is considered the most important manifestation of ruptured hemorrhoids.

  • Our specialist proctologist tells us in detail about what to do if hemorrhoids appear, as well as about undesirable actions.
  • We also recommend reading the article in which our expert talks in detail about how to treat hemorrhoids.
  • We also recommend that you carefully study the article on what to do if hemorrhoids are bleeding and how to stop the bleeding.
  • You can learn about what first aid for hemorrhoids is and how to provide it correctly and competently by reading the article by our specialist.
  • What is thrombectomy of a hemorrhoid, when is this procedure performed and how effective is it? The answers to these questions are in the material of our author.


Emergency treatment of burst hemorrhoids is impossible to imagine without cold. To stop the bleeding and relieve pain, you need to apply an ice compress to the corresponding area or insert a tampon soaked in cold water into the anus.

Instead of water and ice, you can use decoctions of medicinal plants to make compresses and lotions: nettle, chamomile, marigold, yarrow. They will stop bleeding, relieve swelling and inflammation.

Do not keep ice packs or ice suppositories on for too long. Cold can disrupt the blood supply to damaged areas, which will lead to even more disastrous results. The maximum duration of such procedures is no more than 5-10 minutes. If there are diseases of the urinary system, this time should be reduced.

Cool sitz baths

Another option to combat bleeding and inflammation is to use sitz baths, the only important thing is that they are cool and the water in them is boiled. Let's consider several options for such medical and hygienic procedures

Mix 15 grams of chamomile flowers and calendula inflorescences, yarrow herb and nettle leaves. The mixture is poured with 1000 ml of boiled hot water. After a quarter of an hour, the resulting infusion is cooled and poured into a container suitable for the procedure. The duration of sitting is no more than 10 minutes.

To prepare another healing decoction, you will need 15 grams of sage, chamomile flowers, oak bark and valerian root. The mixture is placed in boiling water (1 liter) and left on low heat for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, you can perform a sitz bath.

A cool bath with a solution of potassium permanganate also copes well with the symptoms. To make it, you need to dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate crystals in cold boiled water (you should get a slightly pink solution). You need to sit in such a liquid for no more than 5 minutes.

External hemorrhoids burst

The patient feels the rupture of the external hemorrhoid immediately. In this case, it is necessary to perform anal hygiene and use appropriate medications. If there is bleeding, drugs that have a hemostatic effect are used.

After stopping the bleeding, it is necessary to use ointments that will ensure the most effective healing of the damage. In most cases, the use of Vishnevsky, Levomekol, Heparin and Troxevasin ointments is recommended.

Traditional methods of help

Healing plants can provide good support in the treatment of illness. But they are not a panacea

This is important to always remember. If a hemorrhoid has burst, herbs and tree bark can be used in one of three ways:

  1. as a drink to constrict blood vessels and stop bleeding from a burst lump. To do this, use sauerkraut brine or potato juice 100 ml before meals 3 times a day. Carrot juice in the same dosage will help relieve inflammation;
  2. for compresses. The composition of 25 g of oak bark, as well as chamomile, horse chestnut seeds and sage, 20 g each, has proven itself. The mixture is steamed in half a liter of boiling water and applied to the affected area;
  3. for sitz baths. You can use decoctions and infusions of oak, birch, horse chestnut, chamomile, field steelhead, and even a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Cold baths will help narrow blood vessels and stop bleeding. Warm temperatures promote the resorption of blood clots. Such procedures must be repeated 2-3 times a day.

In any case, before using one or another traditional medicine recipe, it is better to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Unconventional treatments are not a panacea, but certain methods can be an excellent addition to primary therapy. There are treatment methods that can be used internally; they will not cause harm to the body.

  • Freshly squeezed potato juice is very useful, it helps heal wounds and eliminates toxic elements. It must be consumed before meals, 100 ml, three times a day.
  • Carrot juice, lettuce and spinach juice will help eliminate the inflammatory course (it is also beneficial for internal nodes). Drink half a glass three times a day.
  • Sauerkraut brine - consume 200 ml three times a day, it will help stop bleeding.
  • If there is no more bleeding and all measures have been taken, it is possible to use this method.
  • Add a small amount of manganese crystals to 1 liter of cool water. The procedure takes 3-5 minutes. Baths can be carried out in the morning and evening.
  • Oak bark helps well - 5 tsp, horsetail (plant) - 3 tsp; field steel root - 2 tsp, mix all ingredients. Then 2 tbsp. Add this mixture to 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature. The bath is allowed to last for 10 minutes.
  • Stir 5 tbsp. l. oak bark, 3 tbsp. horse chestnut seeds, chamomile flowers, sage. 100 ml of collection is required to be filled with 600 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours, then filter and dilute with water to 2 liters. Use the bath for 15 minutes.
  • The following tincture perfectly removes the inflammatory process: fill birch leaves (100 g) with 2 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

Doctors are extremely favorable towards this treatment, since baths actually have beneficial properties: astringent, antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. It is preferable to choose 1-2 recipes for yourself and carry out the procedures 2-3 times a day for 14 days.

What pharmaceutical drugs help eliminate the symptom?

As practice shows, external hemorrhoids are much easier to treat and relieve symptoms, but the situation associated with perforation of internal nodes is more complex.

Treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, which bleed and hurt during bowel movements or in other cases, can be carried out using both folk and pharmaceutical remedies. At the same time, for external nodes, it is recommended to give preference to ointments, creams and solutions, and for the internal form of the disease - rectal suppositories.

Immediately before treating burst hemorrhoids, it is recommended to treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide. Processing can be done:

  • Vishnevsky ointment - a remedy that has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory, healing effect.
    Hemorrhoids should be treated with ointment three times a day.
  • Levomekol is an ointment that has antibacterial, healing, adsorbent, and anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended to treat the nodes with the drug at night for a treatment duration of up to 10 days.
  • Tetracycline ointment, which can be used for both external and internal hemorrhoids. The ointment is an excellent antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action.
  • Heparin ointment, which helps cope with thrombosis of hemorrhoids, their inflammation, and also relieve pain.
    For internal hemorrhoids that have ruptured, it is recommended to insert a gauze swab treated with the composition into the anal area.

    It is recommended to apply bandages with ointment to external hemorrhoids.

    The duration of treatment with heparin ointment is 14 days.

  • Posterisan Forte is an ointment based on a suspension of bacterial culture and hydrocortisone.
    The beneficial properties of the drug are represented by relieving inflammation, itching, reducing swelling and improving local defenses.

As for rectal suppositories, in this case it is recommended to give preference to:

  1. Relief - suppositories that provide effective treatment of hemorrhoids and accelerate regeneration.
    It is recommended to use the drug twice a day.
  2. Methyluracil - suppositories that have anti-catabolic, regenerating and anabolic effects. Suppositories should be used no more than 4 times a day, and the optimal number of suppositories depends only on the severity of the disease.

Separately, it should be noted the need to treat hemorrhoids with drugs that are taken orally. We are talking about venotonics, which help strengthen blood vessels and reduce blood stagnation, as well as painkillers. They help cure hemorrhoids at different stages of the disease.

Among the drugs in the first group are Venarus, Detalex and Phlebodia. The course of treatment with the listed agents should not exceed 3 months.

As for the relief of painful sensations, for these purposes you can use Solpadeine, Nurofen, Phenobarbital and other analogues. It must be remembered that you should not get carried away with painkillers due to their negative effects on the body, therefore the listed medications should only be an addition to the main therapy.

No doctors or surgeries! HEMORRHOIDS are afraid of this like fire!! First of all, you need... Doctors' opinion New drug Read more...

Treatment of hemorrhoids without resorting to surgery You can get rid of hemorrhoids in three days Tested by medicine What should you do?

Ointment and suppositories for bleeding hemorrhoids

If external or internal hemorrhoids unexpectedly burst, among the external drugs that can stop the bleeding are especially effective:

  • suppositories Natalsid from brown algae, capable of blocking bleeding and softening stool;
  • candles and ointment from the entire Relief line;
  • hemostatic agents Anuzol, Neo-Anuzol;
  • propolis suppositories Prostopin;
  • rectal capsules Proctosedil with horse chestnut escin;
  • Olestesin suppositories with hemostatic properties.

What needs to be done urgently

Most people may be interested in the question of what needs to be done when hemorrhoids burst? If there is excessive pain, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding, to a greater extent, we can talk about perforation of the node. First you need to seek medical support. The specialist will carry out the required instrumental diagnosis using special devices to exclude cancerous tumors or the formation of polyps in the intestinal tract. After the measures taken, he will determine the correct therapy and provide useful advice, the violation of which can lead to very significant consequences.

But what if there is no chance of urgently seeking medical help? In this case, you should provide emergency assistance for yourself.

In case of such a problem, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. To stop bleeding, you need to use a cold bath or ice suppositories with a decoction of calendula, nettle or chamomile. This procedure needs to be carried out about 3-4 times a day.
  2. If the bleeding progresses, apply a cold compress of hydrogen peroxide. For this purpose, use a sterile bandage or napkin, dip it in hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the bleeding area.
  3. It is worth using anti-inflammatory suppositories on the area of ​​the burst node (Traumel, Levomekol).
  4. If you feel excessive pain, you need to take any pill that relieves pain (Spazmalgon, Analgin, Nurofen, etc.).
  5. When the bleeding has stopped, warm baths are necessary. To these you can add infusions of pharmaceutical plants that have a hemostatic effect. These include horse chestnut fruits, St. John's wort, buckthorn bark, and onion peels. Such baths help quickly dissolve remaining blood clots.

Doctors recommend applications with the addition of venotonics, which have a vasoconstrictor effect.

In certain cases, surgery may be required. For this reason, despite all the treatment sessions performed, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help if possible. Only after a thorough examination will a specialist be able to make a proper diagnosis and determine the appropriate therapy. And if necessary, even surgical intervention.

Having noticed blood on paper or linen, you need to take into account your own feelings. Signs of bursting hemorrhoids, when diagnosed by a doctor earlier, are considered: . Feeling of a foreign object in the body; Irritation; Painful sensations; Blood on top of feces.

What happens when hemorrhoids rupture?

At the moment when hemorrhoids burst, pain is observed, followed by bleeding, during which the blood clot comes out through the damaged vessel wall. In the future, many patients note an improvement in their condition due to the cessation of pain that accompanied thrombosis.

Attention! When a node ruptures, it is important to completely empty the vessel of blood clots. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection of the wound surface.

The edges of the rupture of the vessel and mucosa (anal fimbria) are often very painful, and, like the wound itself, are an entry point for infection. Therefore, a person with a similar problem needs to carefully monitor the hygiene of the anal area. In case of infection, suppuration, increased pain, increased body temperature, and chills can be observed. The appearance of such symptoms is a reason for urgent hospitalization.

Surgical treatment and prevention

If the patient feels well and the bleeding stops, then surgery is not necessary. But if the patient experiences unbearable pain in the anal area, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Severe pain usually indicates the development of thrombosis. In this case, the patient suddenly becomes ill. In addition to pain, discharge with mucus from the anus appears. The inflamed nodule may also fall out. The prolapsed hemorrhoidal node has a bluish tint. When this complication occurs, the surgeon makes a special incision through which the blood clot comes out.

Surgical intervention is also indicated in cases where the bleeding does not stop. If rectal bleeding does not stop, the doctor will cut out the tissue that contains the blood vessels.

In order to avoid repeated rupture of nodules, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Avoid heavy lifting and physical inactivity.
  • Use rectal ointments that will speed up the healing process of wounds. It is best to use Proctolex cream-ointment for hemorrhoids for these purposes. It contains substances that stimulate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Use medications that help strengthen the venous walls. For these purposes, you need to use Detralex (690-800 rubles) or Phlebodia 600 (530-600 rubles).
  • Follow a diet. You need to remove food from your diet that irritates the intestinal mucosa. It is recommended to avoid vegetables with coarse fiber, alcoholic beverages, coffee, fatty foods, spicy foods and spices.

To avoid relapse, you should use the Chinese patch for hemorrhoids Anti-Hemorrhoids. It works comprehensively. The drug helps strengthen venous walls, normalize blood circulation, and relieve inflammatory processes.

What is the reason?

Hemorrhoids occur due to deformation of the veins located in the rectal area. As the disease progresses, lumps appear on them, which grow, blocking the lumen of the rectum and preventing normal bowel movements.

Can hemorrhoids burst?

Growing bumps protrude from the anus, rub against the skin and underwear, and are injured by hard feces.

The delicate mucous membrane cannot withstand constant friction and the overgrown node may burst.

This problem most often occurs when:

  1. Chronic constipation, forcing you to strain during bowel movements.
  2. Heavy lifting or strong short-term stress during strength sports.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity.
  4. Eating fatty, spicy foods that cause a rush of blood to the hemorrhoids.
  5. Thrombosis.

Both internal nodes and external nodes protruding from the anus burst. The former are more often damaged by constipation and thrombosis, the external ones suffer from pinching or external damage.

Often the cause of a breakup is a combination of problems. Overgrown nodes are subjected to friction from the outside; the prolapse and repositioning of the cones thins the vascular walls. At the same time, obstructed blood flow and cholesterol-rich foods provoke blood thickening, the formation of internal adhesions and blood clots. An extensive thrombus bursts the vessel from the inside, the deformed walls burst in the most vulnerable place. Usually it becomes a large knot.

Simultaneously with the rupture of the vessel, the mucous membrane or skin is injured.

An open wound is formed, which can become infected.

The blood clot leaves the body along with the blood, and the patient may experience pain. In some cases, the remains of the blood clot do not leave the vessel, which can provoke inflammation.

So, if hemorrhoids burst, here’s a photo for your attention:

Prevention of knot rupture

To prevent perforation of hemorrhoids, you should not allow the disease to worsen and follow the following recommendations:

  • Regular physical activity, which helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Prolonged sitting should be avoided. When working sedentarily, you need to get up every 30 minutes and walk around for at least a few minutes.
  • Gymnastics for the pelvic floor muscles consists of contracting the external anal sphincter and other intimate muscles. Its regular implementation contributes to the effective emptying of hemorrhoidal veins. Contractions are performed at a fast and slow pace 15 times, several approaches per day.
  • Hygiene measures involve mandatory washing of the anal area after the next bowel movement with running water and soap. This prevents infection of the injured area of ​​skin or mucous membrane.
  • Dietary nutrition involves excluding from the diet fatty, sour, hot, spicy foods and alcohol, which contribute to the exacerbation of hemorrhoids, leading to the nodes bursting. In addition, to prevent constipation, your daily menu should include foods rich in fiber (fresh vegetables, fruits, bran) and dairy products.
  • Systemic course use of venotonics helps strengthen the vascular wall (Detralex, Phlebodia, Aescusan, Troxevasin).
  • Local treatment with wound-healing ointments that accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membrane and skin over hemorrhoids that have burst (Methyluracil, Proctosan, Aurobin). You can also use suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Local treatment of thrombosis, as the main risk factor for node rupture (Nigepan, Gepatrombin G, Troxevasin).

Thus, if you treat hemorrhoids correctly and monitor their condition, following all the doctor’s recommendations, complications rarely occur. If hemorrhoids burst, you need to visit a proctologist as soon as possible, even if the bleeding was stopped on your own.

When hemorrhoids develop, large painful nodes form, which fall out, become injured and cause a lot of problems.

The most unpleasant thing is a sudden rupture, which can cause severe bleeding and inflammation.

With such an injury, it is better to consult a proctologist, but if this is not possible, you will have to provide first aid yourself.

In our article you will find information on how to treat burst hemorrhoids, photos of the problem, and also how to stop bleeding at home?

Causes of hemorrhoidal rupture

Both external and internal hemorrhoids can occur suddenly. It can “mature” for years, gradually enlarge, fall out of the rectum and bleed. The mucous membrane over it periodically becomes inflamed. As the lump grows, the venous wall is stretched and thinned. For a hemorrhoid to rupture, a trivial situation is enough:

  • sudden load,
  • straining,
  • careless insertion of a plastic enema tip,
  • injury from a dense piece of feces.

The rupture of hemorrhoids is preceded by bleeding, which is sometimes not noticed. An approaching complication is indicated by enlargement, pulsation of the node, repeated small thrombosis, and increased inflammation. Additional thin-walled nodules may appear, which feel softer and more mobile. New lumps may begin to bulge from the anus.

Straining occurs with constipation. They also occur with prostate adenoma in men. In severe cases, you have to strain when urinating.


Rupture of the vascular wall can be caused by general disorders in the body, concomitant diseases or medication. Anticoagulants, aspirin, clopidogrel reduce blood clotting and platelet adhesion. If you have hemorrhoids, there is a risk of venous wall rupture and uncontrolled bleeding.

What to do if hemorrhoids burst, first aid and treatment

For example, a node may become pinched, die, or suddenly the node bursts and bleeding begins. Most often this happens in advanced situations or with prolonged constipation after defecation.

From the strain, the veins burst, and the blood can flow not just in drops, but even in a stream.

What causes knot rupture?

Causes of vein rupture due to hemorrhoids:

  • lifting weights;
  • defecation after prolonged constipation;
  • pregnancy;
  • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
  • poor diet and excessive alcohol intake;
  • working on your feet or sedentary lifestyle;
  • high blood pressure (especially in older people) and other circumstances.

Even improper care for external hemorrhoids can lead to injury to the node and bleeding.

The main thing is to identify the problem in time

Most often, the fact that hemorrhoids have burst can be judged by the fact that blood is coming from the nodes, as well as by painful sensations in the rectal area.

When a hemorrhoid bursts, there are fimbriae at the site of damage, which can actually become inflamed.

How else to find out that the problem has appeared:

  • fever and chills;
  • pain;
  • discharge of pus.

Establishing diagnosis

The diagnosis of this problem is made by external examination by a proctologist or by colonoscopy and anoscopy.

This examination is carried out by a doctor. In addition, it will be necessary to take blood, stool, urine and other tests, as the presence of infection and inflammatory process will be checked.

Typically, the presence of blood in the stool, leukocytes and reduced hemoglobin in the blood, platelets and other factors indicate a problem.

More often the clot comes out with bleeding, but if it does not come out, it is better to immediately start using anti-inflammatory suppositories and herbs in the form of baths.

If the thrombosis is severe, then you need to be very careful and be sure to take medications, which can be prescribed either in the form of tablets, ointments or suppositories. Thrombosis is very dangerous to health, and it can manifest itself in more than just bleeding.

First self aid

When this problem occurs, doctors advise: cold, hunger and rest, but if you cannot stop the bleeding with ice, then use other methods and drugs.

How to stop the bleeding if hemorrhoids burst? Of course, it is better to consult a doctor immediately, but if this is not possible, then you can use the following methods and medications:

  • apply ice or sit in a bowl of cool water, all this for no longer than 5 minutes, otherwise you can chill other organs;
  • apply a sterile napkin soaked in peroxide to the bleeding site;
  • apply the following products: Troxevasin, Vishnevsky ointment, Heparin, Levomekol;
  • if the bleeding is severe and lasts about an hour, it is better to use suppositories;
  • to prevent the spread of infection, you can do sitz baths with chamomile, sage, calendula, St. John's wort and other herbs;
  • If desired, you can take vasoconstrictors: ginko biloba, horse chestnut.

To stop heavy bleeding, you can use a tampon with hydrogen peroxide, or even conventional vasoconstrictors, for example, Naphthyzin, Galazolin.


Why can hemorrhoids burst?

Hemorrhoids can burst for a number of reasons, namely:

  • constipation _ With constipation, the patient strains strongly during bowel movements, which leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure and increased blood flow to the vessels of the anus. Overcrowded hemorrhoidal cones cannot withstand such a load, so they burst. In addition, external and sunken internal lumps may burst from the lesion with hard feces;
  • prolonged sitting . During prolonged sitting, the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids is disrupted, as a result of which they become overfilled with blood and rupture;
  • anal sex . The main function of the rectum is to excrete feces. This organ is not intended for sex, since the walls of the rectal canal are thin and do not have glands that produce lubricant. Therefore, during anal intercourse, hemorrhoids can be injured and burst;
  • heavy lifting or excessive physical activity . When lifting heavy objects, there is a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure and an increase in blood flow to the vessels of the rectum, which can cause rupture of both internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • damage to hemorrhoids . External hemorrhoids are damaged and burst more often than internal hemorrhoids, since external lumps are constantly outside and can be injured by tight underwear or clothing, a hard surface of a chair, during sports, etc.;
  • pregnancy . In the later stages of pregnancy, the pregnant uterus puts pressure on the vessels of the anus, disrupting the outflow of blood through them, often causing rupture of hemorrhoids. In addition, pregnant women are prone to constipation, which itself can cause hemorrhoids to burst.
  • natural childbirth . Bursting hemorrhoids during childbirth are not uncommon, since pushing provokes a sharp jump in pressure in the vessels of the anus.

Thus, we can conclude that rupture of nodes in hemorrhoids most often occurs for two main reasons - injury or increased blood pressure in the cones.

Can hemorrhoids burst and what to do then?

When the inflammatory process in the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum worsens, it may happen that the hemorrhoid bursts, that is, the mucous membrane or skin over the node ruptures and bleeding begins.

If hemorrhoids burst (photos of the clinical picture can be seen online), there is no need to delay treatment, contact a proctologist as soon as possible to avoid complications.

A ruptured nodule is an open wound located at a site of accessible infection from stool. To avoid suppuration, sepsis, and fistulas, special treatment of the wound is required, and sometimes surgical intervention.

It happens that the help of a doctor for some reason is impossible at the moment. In this case, you must take first aid measures yourself.

If hemorrhoids break out, what to do at home?

First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, which can be quite profuse if hemorrhoids burst.

Vladimir Karpenko: “How did I manage to defeat hemorrhoids at home in 8 days, without spending a single minute?!”

The surest way to solve this problem is cold - this can be ice compresses applied to the problem area for ten minutes, baths with cold boiled water or a chilled decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, nettle, yarrow. The water procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Hypothermia of the perianal area should not be allowed.

Hydrogen peroxide poured onto a sterile napkin and applied to the bleeding area will be the second recommendation in solving the problem - hemorrhoids have burst, which If an hour after the above procedures the bleeding has not stopped, then rectal suppositories can be inserted into the rectum, which contain adrenaline and thrombin. The vasoconstrictor will not only stop the bleeding, but will also have a local anesthetic effect.

Can hemorrhoids burst without the patient noticing? No, It is Immpossible. This pathology is accompanied by bleeding and acute pain that should not be endured. You must take any analgesic.

After stopping the bleeding, the ruptured node must be lubricated with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory ointment. The following ointment preparations are suitable for this: Levomekol, Tetracycline and Heparin ointments, Vishnevsky ointment.

285%29.jpg" /%To prevent pain and bleeding from reoccurring, avoid additional stress on the anal area. On this day you should not lift weights, and you should not sit too much. The supine position is the most correct for this case.

What to do if hemorrhoids burst and purulent contents flow out along with blood? Contact a proctologist without delay. This symptomatology indicates the presence of a complicated inflammatory process in the anal area, which cannot be cured without surgical intervention.

Professional treatment of burst hemorrhoids

If hemorrhoids burst, you need to contact a proctologist for proper treatment. During diagnosis, an inflammatory process is established. If, after tissue rupture, damage and swelling of the epithelium occurs, the patient may experience complications. After stopping repeated bleeding at home, the doctor will recommend using special medications. In addition, antiseptic and wound healing ointments are prescribed for use.

Topical medications are used to treat external hemorrhoids. Some of them can be inserted into the rectum. In any case, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the damaged lump. Therapy of the anal area is carried out up to 5 times a day, depending on the severity of the damage. Such medicines complement treatment with medicinal decoctions and infusions.

Before applying the ointment to the site, it is necessary to wash or take cold baths with herbs.

When a venous collection breaks through, the patient is limited in physical activity. Therefore, doctors recommend adhering to the following tips:

  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • you can't sit;
  • take a position lying on your back or stomach.

Complex therapy when hemorrhoids burst includes following a gentle diet and using medications. In this case, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

How to prevent a node from breaking through

There are a number of preventive measures that will help avoid repeated troubles. First of all, it is necessary to cure the hemorrhoids themselves. As a rule, this issue is resolved through surgery.

It is necessary to exclude any mechanical damage to the hemorrhoidal cone, and also ensure that it does not fill with blood. To do this, it is first of all important to adhere to a special diet. You need to give up junk food. Everything fatty, smoked and sweet is prohibited. Preference should be given to natural fresh fruits and vegetables. However, foods should not cause constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

It is also important to monitor your weight. You need to consult with a specialist who will announce the maximum permissible weight of a person depending on his physique and other factors.

It won't hurt to do morning exercises. Exercise will help keep you in good shape and strengthen the body's protective functions. For the same purpose, it is recommended to spend more time outdoors and do not forget to ventilate the room.

If a hemorrhoid bursts - is it good or bad?

Some believe that if the lump bursts, then all the “nasty” comes out of the body, and nothing needs to be done in this situation. However, this opinion is wrong. In fact, not all the blood along with the blood clot could come out. If part of the clot remains inside, this can provoke another inflammation. This is fraught with serious consequences.

It is also worth considering that if a hemorrhoid node bursts, then in its place soft skin forms, characterized by shapeless bulges. In addition, we must not forget that the anus is far from the cleanest place. Therefore, the chances of developing an infection are much higher. If a person does not receive the necessary help in a timely manner and decides not to take measures to treat the wound, then in the future there is a risk of pus formation and tissue death.

In such situations, patients suffer from fever (temperature can reach up to 38 degrees), pain in the anus and chills. Therefore, there is nothing good in the fact that external hemorrhoids burst. It is better not to delay treatment. The sooner a person consults a doctor, the fewer complications await him in the future. It is also worth noting that for some time after the node breaks through, a person experiences relief. However, this phenomenon is temporary.

general information

Hemorrhoids are characterized by dilation and inflammation of the veins located directly in the rectum. Against the background of this unpleasant process, formations appear that become a real source of discomfort and the most unpleasant sensations. Most often, hemorrhoids occur in older people and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a rule, this pathology develops for a very long time and most often becomes chronic.

However, in some situations the disease begins to progress very quickly. Sometimes many people note that hemorrhoids have burst and blood is released very profusely. In such cases, it is best to immediately contact a specialist (proctologist).

As a rule, hemorrhoids burst due to the fact that they are very filled with blood. This leads to the formation of a blood clot. The veins are not able to quickly expand to the required size, which is why a breakthrough occurs. After the hemorrhoid bursts, a rather large wound appears in its place. An infection can easily get into it, which will significantly complicate the person’s condition.

When a hemorrhoid ruptures, a large clot of blood begins to leak out. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes the clot remains inside. This condition is dangerous because such a rupture can provoke severe inflammation and other unpleasant and painful symptoms. If hemorrhoids burst, it is better not to delay and seek help. Some people cope with the problem on their own, using traditional medicine recipes. But it is better to consult with a specialist.

What is the danger of hemorrhoid breakthrough?

You should not be negligent about your health. If hemorrhoids burst, we have already learned how to stop the bleeding. However, few people suspect the consequences of a patient’s wrong actions. If a person does not contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner and prefers to solve problems on his own, then in this case an abscess or fistula may form.

Blood loss is no less dangerous. Many people think that it is insignificant. However, if you lose even 50 ml of blood every day, there is a risk that the patient will develop anemia. Especially if the fluid does not stop for quite a long time. Anemia poses the greatest danger to pregnant women.

You also need to understand that not only hemorrhoids can bleed. Blood can ooze from polyps, fissures and adenomas. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a correct diagnosis before proceeding with treatment. If a person does not adhere to basic hygiene procedures, then there is a high probability of infection in the wound. Against this background, more dangerous consequences are developing that can seriously affect human health.

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