Omez and Ranitidine: how they differ and which is better

Treatment of gastritis is based on the use of antiulcer drugs that normalize stomach acidity. When choosing a drug, both the doctor and the patient take into account many factors, such as effectiveness in treatment and contraindications, adverse reactions and price. Omez and Ranitidine are often prescribed for the treatment of stomach diseases. Their effect on the digestive system is similar, but you need to figure out which is better - Ranitidine or Omez?

Omez and Ranitidine are drugs of completely different pharmacological groups. Omez belongs to the proton pump inhibitors, and Ranitidine belongs to the H2-antihistamines.

When to use

Both drugs have similar indications for use:

  • ulcerative (erosive) gastritis of the stomach and duodenum during the period of exacerbation and for the purpose of prevention;
  • pancreatitis;
  • reflux;
  • erosive diseases of the esophagus and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heartburn due to hyperchlorhydria;
  • chronic dyspepsia with pain or lack thereof;
  • systemic mastocytosis;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • treatment of damage to the gastric mucosa caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • preventive measures to prevent recurrence of ulcerative formations;
  • eradication of Helicobacter pylori.

It is not recommended to take both medications together, since their effect will be blocked at best, and at worst the effect will increase several times, which will lead to adverse consequences.

What do the reviews say?

So, Omez or Ranitidine - which is better? Reviews from many people who have taken these drugs are controversial, because for several decades they have both been helping people with stomach diseases. According to patient reviews, Ranitidine is an excellent remedy that has helped many with peptic ulcers. It is very effective and copes well with pain.

But the drug "Omez" in this case is in no way inferior. It also perfectly fights pain, and its duration of action is almost twice as long as that of Ranitidine.

The drug Ranitidine

Ranitidine is a very well-known medicine that gastroenterologists often prescribe to patients.

The main component is ranitidine hydrochloride, which suppresses histamine receptors in the cells of the gastric mucosa. Its action is aimed at reducing the formation of hydrochloric acid. The effect of the drug provides a good antiulcer effect.

When using the product, it is necessary to exclude malignant formations in the stomach and intestinal tract. Only a doctor prescribes Ranitidine. Self-medication is dangerous.


This remedy has many positive properties, but you should not rely only on them when choosing a medication for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers or pancreatitis. There are hidden aspects in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases that only the doctor is aware of.

So, the benefits of Ranitidine:

  • The drug has been tested by more than one generation. Considering that production began back in the 80s in the Soviet Union, the formula has been clinically tested and its effectiveness has been proven.
  • The effect of the drug is manifested in all areas of its application, reviews of the drug are positive.
  • Ranitidine's pricing policy is attractive and will not bring significant losses to patients of any income level.
  • With the correct dosage, the therapeutic effect is achieved quickly.
  • The absence of teratogenic and carcinogenic effects on body cells has been clinically verified. However, the use of the drug during pregnancy is allowed only if the benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the risk to the fetus, since the active substance crosses the placenta. In addition, the use of the drug during breastfeeding is not recommended. Despite the proven effectiveness of the ranitidine molecule, to date there have been no randomized and strictly controlled studies confirming the safety of the drug in pregnant and lactating women.

The cost of the product is up to 80 rubles. Dispensed as prescribed by a doctor.


The negative aspects of the drug include an extensive list of serious side effects:

  • dry mouth, problems with stool, vomiting;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depressive states,
  • anxiety;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • skin reactions;
  • bronchospasm;
  • in rare cases - mixed hepatitis, acute pancreatitis;
  • changes in blood composition;
  • weakness, headaches, dizziness;
  • in rare cases - hallucinations, hearing impairment;
  • blurred vision;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • allergic manifestations.

Only a gastroenterologist can select the correct dosage, which will eliminate significant negative consequences. Uncontrolled use of Ranitidine leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, digestive, vascular and motor systems.


Ranitidine is well tolerated.

However, several factors should be highlighted that are contraindications to its use:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • malignant formations of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract;
  • age under 12 years;
  • Abrupt withdrawal of the drug is fraught with an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Ranitidine is taken as a course; the dosage should be gradually reduced when the drug is discontinued.

This difficult choice

From all of the above, we can conclude that these two drugs are practically not inferior to each other in effectiveness.

Ranitidine began to be produced more than two decades ago, but even today it copes with the task just fine. And the main advantage is the minimal number of side effects. And it’s worth mentioning that most gastroenterologists recommend using it.

But there is also Omez, although if you read its instructions, the number of side effects, frankly speaking, is alarming.

Which is better - Ranitidine or Omez? Only the attending physician can answer this question correctly. Omez has a more modern composition compared to Ranitidine. But there is one feature: Ranitidine is not recommended for use by pregnant women. And the expectant mother is allowed to use Omez, but only in the dose prescribed by a specialist, and under his supervision.

Omez drug

The main active ingredient in the clinical formula of Omez is omeprazole. This is a well-known component that has come down to us from the last century, but has not lost its effectiveness.

The action of Omez is also aimed at reducing the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is a proton pump inhibitor that transports enzymes produced during digestion. The activity of these substances gradually decreases, due to which the effect of the product is quite long.

The drug has an inhibitory effect on the provocateur of ulcers and gastritis - the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.


  • The drug is prescribed in a standard dosage without reducing or increasing the dose, which is convenient for patients.
  • This is a newer drug and is produced in modern laboratories. But do not forget that Omez, unlike Ranitidine, belongs to a different group of drugs.
  • Unlike Ranitidine, Omez can be taken for a long time; the risk of atrophy of the gastric mucosa is practically absent.
  • Prescription of Omez is preferable for kidney diseases and renal failure.
  • This drug is prescribed to elderly patients due to the lack of negative effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The price of the drug is from 70 to 300 rubles. The medicine is sold by prescription.


The disadvantages of Omez include its multiple side effects:

  • changes in taste, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • sometimes hepatitis, jaundice, liver dysfunction;
  • depression, hallucinations, insomnia, fatigue;
  • problems in the functioning of the blood producing organs;
  • sensitivity to light, itching;
  • urticaria, anaphylactic shock;
  • swelling, blurred vision, increased sweating.

The negative effects of Omez are short-lived and reversible.


Before using the product, it is necessary to confirm the absence of malignant formations in the stomach, since Omez is able to mask their manifestations.

The main contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • liver failure;
  • intolerance to the drug.

Differences between Omez and Ranitidine

Ranitidine is an outdated remedy, and today pharmacies offer more modern and effective medications for gastritis and pancreatitis. They contain completely different active ingredients, and the formulas of modern medicines are constantly being improved.

Both drugs perfectly relieve pain, but the action of Omez is prolonged, which contributes to a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

For Ranitidine, modern analogues are Novo-Ranidin, Ranital, Gistak. For Omez, the production of which, according to patients, today is no longer as high quality as it once was Swedish - Omeprazole, Omezol, Vero-omeprazole, Chrismel.

The formula of Ranitidine is stable and stable, but the origin of Omez causes a lot of controversy regarding the country of origin (India).

Actions of drugs

The medications have proven themselves to be positive, having undergone clinical testing and research. Years of use of these drugs have confirmed their high effectiveness. Positive reviews speak of them as inexpensive products that do their job well. The only significant difference is the cost.

Omez is more effective in treating diseases of the stomach and digestive organs due to its modern development. While the action of Ranitidine is mainly aimed at reducing the production of hydrochloric acid due to the suppression of histamine receptors.

The doctor should decide on the prescription of Ranitidine or Omez after studies (gastroscopy) and tests. Independently choosing one of these remedies can blur the picture of malignant tumors of the stomach, esophagus and other gastrointestinal organs, and time for treatment will be lost.

If our grandparents were treated with Ranitidine, then Omez is no worse, and in some cases even has a better effect on the stomach and pancreas. Reviews from cured patients, as well as the opinions of gastroenterologists, agree that Omez is a more effective remedy than Ranitidine. However, the decision to prescribe a particular drug should be made only by a doctor.

Ranitidine or Omeprazole: which is better?

The main difference between the drugs lies in the principle of their action. So, Ranitidine only blocks the production of hydrochloric acid. But Omeprazole has an antisecretory effect (blocks the production of gastric juice), neutralizes hydrochloric acid after its formation. This effect of the drug contributes to the rapid recovery of the injured and inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines.

Ranitidine is available only in tablet form, while Omeprazole is available in capsules and powder for injection. Therefore, the second option is more convenient if taking pills is not possible for any reason. Also, the first drug has a minimum age limit of 12 years, and the second one - 5 years. The antisecretory effect, that is, the drug inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid, is 10 times higher than that of Ranitidine and it is not addictive.

To summarize, it can be noted that the effectiveness of Omeprazole is significantly higher than that of Ranitidine. Therefore, it is an order of magnitude better.

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