Is it possible to take Mexidol and Combilipen together?

How they affect the body

Combilipen is a complex of B vitamins. It is prescribed for diseases of the spine, joints and nervous system. Vitamins improve blood circulation and other metabolic processes, normalize the conduction of nerve impulses.

Mexidol is an antioxidant. Removes toxins and promotes cell restoration. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous system. The product is also used to maintain health during psychophysical and intellectual overload, during periods of stress.


The medicine contains B vitamins.

Combilipen (analogue – Milgamma) is prescribed to be taken for the following pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis (thoracic, cervical, lumbar);
  • neuralgia;
  • neuropathies caused by alcohol abuse.

The use of Kombilipen allows you to restore the passage of impulses along nerve fibers and improve hematopoiesis.

The drug has antioxidant properties, helps remove toxins and free radicals from cells, and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

It is necessary to prescribe Mexidol when:

  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stress exhaustion of the body;
  • disturbance of vascular blood flow;
  • alcohol intoxication.

In addition to treating these conditions, Mexidol will help with problems with memory and thought processes.

Vitamins and antioxidants complement each other well, therefore, for some diseases, Mexidol is prescribed simultaneously with Combilipen.

How to use correctly

You can combine drugs in any variation: injections and tablets, injections and injections, tablets and tablets. Injections can be given intravenously and intramuscularly. The most commonly used are the injection form of Combilipen and Mexidol tablets. This way nutrients enter the body faster, reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions.

On average, the following regimen is used:

  1. In the first five days, an injection of Kombilipen daily (2 ml) + 1-2 tablets of Mexidol daily. The dosage of tablets is gradually increased, but the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 800 mg.
  2. In the next three days, injections are given every other day, and the dosage of tablets is gradually reduced to 125 mg (1 piece).
  3. For another 11 days the patient takes Combilipen (injections every other day or a combination of tablets and injections).

The dosage and regimen are selected individually. The choice depends on the characteristics of the disease and its course, the patient’s general medical history, and his state of health. If tablets are replaced with injections, then the dosage must be recalculated.

It is important! It is unacceptable to mix two medications in one syringe. You can give injections for a maximum of 5 days.

How painful are Kombilipen injections?

According to reviews, the injections are quite noticeable. But, it should be taken into account that most vitamin preparations for intramuscular administration have this unpleasant moment. With regards to Kombilipen, the intensity of pain from the injection decreases, thanks to the lidocaine included in its composition.

An alternative to injections is the tablet form of the drug. But , in case of acute pain, the greatest effect can be achieved precisely by intramuscular administration.

Where should the injection be given?

Combilipen injection solution should be administered intramuscularly. It would be optimal to place an injection in the outer upper quarter of the gluteal muscle. Injections are made alternately on the left and right sides. The distance from the previous injection site should be at least 1.5 cm.

If the patient injects himself, then it can be given in the anterior upper third of the thigh muscle.

Before the procedure, the injection site should be treated with an antiseptic or medical alcohol. The drug requires slow administration.

Since the ampoule is stored in the refrigerator, you can hold it in your hands before the injection to warm the substance to body temperature. An opened ampoule should be used no later than 25 minutes after the integrity of the packaging has been compromised.

special instructions

Special instructions relate to the treatment of specific diseases and the choice of the form of Mexidol:

  1. For recovery after a stroke, it is administered intravenously and in the form of droppers (15 days, 400 mg every day, another 10 days, 200 mg every day).
  2. For stress, tablets are prescribed (1-2 units per day for 14 days).
  3. For the treatment of atherosclerosis, intramuscular and drip administration of the drug is indicated (300–400 mg twice a day or 2 ml twice a day).
  4. To recover from alcohol poisoning, it is recommended to take it in the form of droppers (300-400 mg for a week) and subsequently tablets (for treatment outside the hospital, for another 14 days, 1-2 pieces).

Pregnancy and lactation

Taking medications is prohibited.


The effect of Combilipen on the children's body has not been studied, therefore it is not recommended to use the medicine in pediatrics. Mexidol can be given to children with traumatic brain injury and organic brain damage, but only once and in a reduced dosage - 100 mg.

Elderly age

It is recommended to prescribe Combilipen with caution to elderly people. The drug is dangerous due to the presence of benzyl alcohol.

What does Combilipen injection help with: instructions for use, reviews

If back pain takes us by surprise, we turn to a specialist for help. B vitamins, in particular Combilipen, are often prescribed as part of complex treatment.

This combined drug has a relaxing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which usually occurs after the second injection.

The scope of its application is quite wide; Combilipen is prescribed as an adjuvant for the following pathologies:

  • pain in the spine and lower back of various etiologies;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • shingles;
  • polyneuritis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

And other inflammatory processes of nerve endings, which are accompanied by pain, paresis, and paralysis.

Let's consider the principle of action of the drug and the features of its use in the form of injections.

Instructions for intramuscular use

Combilipen is available in two forms: tablets and solution for injection. They differ slightly in composition; in acute conditions, a greater effect is achieved with intramuscular administration. After the condition improves, it is possible to switch from injections to tablet form.

Composition of solution for injection

One ampoule of the drug has a volume of 2 ml and contains:

  • Thiamine hydrochloride, also known as vitamin B1 – 100 mg. Promotes the regeneration of damaged neurons, which has a positive effect on disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) – 1 mg. Indispensable in the process of cell renewal. Lack of vitamin causes anemia and exhaustion of the nervous system.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) – 100 mg. Improves metabolism, helps restore the fibers of the nervous system. Normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition.
  • Lidocaine. Reduces pain. The substance is also capable of dilating blood vessels, accelerating blood flow to the injection site, which helps speed up the absorption of vitamins. 1 ampoule contains 20 mg of lidocaine.

Thus, Combilipen has a stimulating effect on the body as a whole and the nervous system in particular, promoting the renewal of its cells.

Course of treatment according to the standard regimen

Unless otherwise prescribed, 1 ampoule of Combilipen solution is used intramuscularly 1 time per day for 7 or 10 days . After improvement, switch to 1 injection every three days, as maintenance therapy, or replace the injections with Combilipen Tabs.

Treatment can last up to several weeks and should be done in consultation with your doctor.

Please note: As a preventive measure, it is possible to repeat the course of injections after 4–6 months. In this case, 1 injection is given every 5–7 days for 4 weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medication, Combilipen has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use the drug in the following cases:

As for side effects, in most cases the drug is well tolerated. But the following negative phenomena are still possible:

  • hives;
  • skin itching;
  • breathing problems;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • increased sweating;
  • tachycardia.

If one of the above processes occurs, it is necessary to stop the course of treatment and consult a doctor.

Compatibility with other drugs and alcohol

Combilipen should not be used together with other complexes that contain B vitamins. This can lead to negative consequences associated with an overdose of substances.

The drug is incompatible with drinking alcohol, as this interferes with the absorption of vitamins. It also aggravates the course of diseases associated with disorders of the nervous system.

It is prohibited to mix the contents of the ampoule with other drugs for intramuscular administration.

Combilipen injections are not recommended for Parkinson's disease, as it contains lidocaine. This may weaken the effect of treatment with Levodopa and lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

It should also not be combined with taking Epinephrine and Norepinephrine, as this increases side effects from the cardiovascular system.

Is Combilipen used together with Mexidol?

Mexidol is a drug with pronounced antioxidant properties. It cleanses the body's cells of toxins, prevents the negative effects of free radicals on them, and accelerates tissue renewal.

Complex therapy with Mexidol and Combilipen will be especially effective in the following conditions:

  • polyneuropathy;
  • cerebrovascular disease;
  • post-stroke condition;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • withdrawal syndrome;

And also for cerebral circulation disorders caused by various reasons.

The combination of drugs Mexidol and Combilipen helps improve the patient’s psycho-emotional background, increases mental performance and stress resistance.

How painful are Kombilipen injections?

According to reviews, the injections are quite noticeable. But, it should be taken into account that most vitamin preparations for intramuscular administration have this unpleasant moment. With regards to Kombilipen, the intensity of pain from the injection decreases, thanks to the lidocaine included in its composition.

An alternative to injections is the tablet form of the drug. But , in case of acute pain, the greatest effect can be achieved precisely by intramuscular administration.

Where should the injection be given?

Combilipen injection solution should be administered intramuscularly. It would be optimal to place an injection in the outer upper quarter of the gluteal muscle. Injections are made alternately on the left and right sides. The distance from the previous injection site should be at least 1.5 cm.

If the patient injects himself, then it can be given in the anterior upper third of the thigh muscle.

Before the procedure, the injection site should be treated with an antiseptic or medical alcohol. The drug requires slow administration.

Since the ampoule is stored in the refrigerator, you can hold it in your hands before the injection to warm the substance to body temperature. An opened ampoule should be used no later than 25 minutes after the integrity of the packaging has been compromised.

Analogues and price of Kombilipen

There are many variations with B vitamins. The peculiarity of Combilipen is its affordable price compared to analogues.

The average cost of packaging 5 ampoules of solution for injection is 160 rubles, 10 ampoules – 230 rubles. Tablets will cost from 220 rubles. for 30 pcs. and from 400 rub. per pack 60 pcs.

The following similar drugs can be called:

  • Magne B6.
  • Neuromultivitis.
  • Vitaxon.
  • Combigamma.
  • Neurobion.

As well as a solution for intramuscular administration of Milgamma. Here we compared Milgamma with Combilipen.

The choice will depend on the required concentration of the active substance and the financial capabilities of the patient.

Ekaterina, 46 years old, St. Petersburg

“A year ago, something bad happened to me: I got herpes zoster. The disease was severe and I suffered severe pain. I was prescribed Kombilipen injections immediately after the course of the main treatment. I felt the result after the second injection. So, although they were a little painful to put in, they really speeded up my recovery process.”

Irina Vitalievna, 52 years old, Vologda

“I am often tormented by cervical osteochondrosis. Combilipen was recommended to me by our new neurologist at the clinic. I take two preventive courses a year and during an exacerbation, 5-7 injections along with analgesics . In my opinion, the effect is good, I feel much better. And the price suits me too.”

Vladimir, 44 years old, Omsk

“I tried Combilipen in injections six months ago, when some nerve in the vertebrae was pinched and I was literally warped. Although it was unpleasant to do them, things quickly improved. And at the same time healed my nerves. At work, everyone noticed that he became much calmer after the injections. Apparently, this is the merit of vitamin B! A good remedy."

Thus, Combilipen injection solution can provide significant benefits as part of complex therapy for various neurological diseases . The cost of the course is quite affordable, and the effectiveness of the drug is no lower than its expensive analogues. But, it should be remembered that the dosage and duration of treatment is determined only by the doctor.


Contraindications to the use of Mexidol and Kombilipen

Contraindications include allergies to the composition, pregnancy and breastfeeding, children and old age (permissible only with the permission of a doctor).

In addition, you need to take into account certain contraindications to medications.

Restrictions on taking Mexidol:

  • low pressure;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

Restrictions on taking Combilipen:

  • heart diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances.

Effect on driving

During therapy, side effects may develop that affect reaction speed and concentration. People driving any mode of transport should use caution.

An additional contraindication to the use of Mexidol is acute impairment of renal or hepatic function.
Taking Mexidol reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions, so it is advisable to refrain from driving during therapy. You should also limit all activities that require increased attention.


Olga Viktorovna, neurologist: “I prescribe a combination of these drugs for the treatment of neuralgia, sciatica, and radiculitis. Together, the medications also strengthen the overall immune system. Some patients are allergic to Combilipen.”

Artem Ivanovich, neurosurgeon: “I consider these medications to be inexpensive and very effective. The drugs are easy to use and suitable for treating a wide range of diseases. I often prescribe them for hernias and radicular syndromes. I supplement the treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.”

Nadezhda, patient: “We prescribed this combination of medications to my mother after a stroke. The improvements were noticeable immediately. Sleep returned to normal, headaches and ringing in the ears went away, and memory improved.”

Yulia, patient: “Prescribed as a drip to my husband for pancreatitis. The medications act quickly, the condition returns to normal, and alcohol breakdown products quickly leave the body.”

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