Omez for gastritis: instructions for use

Omeprazole for low stomach acidity

November 23, 2021, 14:38 0 10.501
For the digestion process of food to be normal, optimal acidity of gastric juice is important. But hydrochloric acid is not always able to provide the necessary pH, and as a result, gastritis and ulcers occur, which can subsequently develop into malignant tumors. To avoid the negative effects of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane, it is necessary to reduce the aggressive effect of the juice produced by the cells of the gastric mucosa. There are a number of medications for this, one of which is Omez.

General information about the drug

"Omez" is a drug whose active ingredient, omeprazole, reduces acidity and does not depend on the source of the irritant. Can be used for low and high acidity, but only on the recommendations of a doctor. The pH level is normalized already 60 minutes after consuming 20 milligrams of this drug. The effect of omez can last for 4 days. "Omez" has contraindications that the patient should take into account before starting treatment.

Rules for using Omez for the treatment of gastritis

Omez for gastritis reduces secretion regardless of the reason for its increase, which allows the use of tablets for any form of inflammation with high acidity. The drug does not suppress the acidity of existing juice, but rather reduces its production. In addition, the effect lasts for 3-4 days even after the end of use of the product.

The dosage is determined individually. In this case, the recommendations contained in the instructions for use should be adjusted based on the test results. In case of acute gastritis, you can take up to 40 milligrams of the drug before meals. In some cases, when the tablets give a weak effect, intravenous injections can be used. Higher doses are also allowed. In this case, it is recommended to take the drug 2-3 times a day.

The maximum dose is 120 milligrams. Treatment in this mode is carried out only in acute forms under medical supervision. For preventive purposes, 40 milligrams are used once, also before meals. In the absence of pathologies, dose adjustment is not carried out. You should also take the tablets once in cases where there is low acidity, but heartburn is especially common. In this case, you should drink the product after meals, especially if it is severe.

Special instructions for the use of Omez for gastritis

It is important to conduct a thorough examination before taking the drug. First of all, the presence of malignant tumors in the stomach should be excluded.

Before taking Omez, it is important to conduct a thorough examination

Omez does not affect tumor growth, but can erase symptoms, which will significantly complicate further diagnosis. In addition, during long courses, caution should be exercised due to the ability of the drug to reduce the degree of concentration.

It is especially important to find out exactly how the active substance behaves in combination with other drugs, since in the treatment of gastritis a large number of drugs are prescribed that can reduce the effectiveness of each other. In this regard, it is not recommended to simultaneously take drugs such as Ampicillin, Ketoconazole, Omez or Omeprazole. The last two drugs help reduce the effectiveness of the first drugs.

In addition, Omez reduces the rate of elimination of drugs such as Diazepam, Warfarin, and so on. Accordingly, if concurrent use is necessary, it is recommended to reduce the dosage. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that Omez is often taken in long courses in a maintenance dosage.

In this mode, the combination of tablets with drugs containing caffeine, lidocaine, quinidine, metoprolol and ethanol does not cause any changes. Especially often in the treatment of gastritis, the combination of Omez with Clarithromycin is used. At the same time, the concentration of both substances in the blood increases. At the same time, using Metronidazole or Amoxicillin instead of the indicated antibiotic does not cause any changes.


It is not recommended to use Omez for patients who have hypersensitivity to omeprazole, the active ingredient of this drug. It is prohibited for pregnant women, women whose children are breastfed, and small children to take the medicine.

Patients with renal and liver failure should avoid taking the drug, as it can cause side effects and cause an overdose.

Side effects

When using the drug "Omez" for the treatment of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, the patient should become familiar with the possible side effects. Thus, the following side effects may occur:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting and other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • disorders of taste perception;
  • headache;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • inflammatory process in the oral mucosa;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • skin rashes;
  • hallucinations.

Patients experience allergic inflammation, and even anaphylactic shock. Without following the doctor's recommendations for taking the required amount of the drug, the patient may experience an overdose, which is accompanied by increased symptoms listed above, rapid heartbeat and loss of consciousness. You should be especially careful, since there is no antidote to this drug.

In truth, it is not so easy to provoke an overdose of Omez. Even if you exceed the norm by 4 times, there will be no danger to the body, but despite this, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Patients suffering from kidney or liver diseases should be especially careful with overdose. When using this drug for treatment or prophylaxis, one should take into account its effect on other drugs; it may enhance or weaken their effect.

How to drink Omez for gastritis

Omez for gastritis is a drug that patients often take without consulting a doctor. According to reviews from patients, it helps to quickly and effectively relieve the symptoms of inflammation of the stomach lining. How to drink Omez for gastritis? The drug dissolves only in an acidic environment. To obtain visible results from treatment, the product must be taken for at least 7 days. The medicine is not used for immediate pain relief due to pathology.

According to the annotation, Omez in tablet form cannot be chewed or bitten. The effectiveness of the treatment is observed only when the capsule dissolves slowly in the stomach under the influence of acid. It is better to take the whole tablet with plenty of water.

It is correct to consume the capsules in the morning on an empty stomach. If the dosages indicated in the instructions do not help eliminate unpleasant symptoms, then you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment regimen.

It is better to take the entire Omez tablet with plenty of water.

The daily dose can be increased to 2 capsules per day. The average course of treatment for gastritis with Omez is from 4 to 8 weeks. To prevent exacerbation of inflammatory processes while taking NSAIDs, the drug is consumed in an amount of 20 mg per day.

If the pathology is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, then antimicrobial agents are taken simultaneously with Omez. Patients are often prescribed combinations of the inhibitor with Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin, Metronidazole and Tinidazole. The course of treatment in combination with antibiotics lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. Symptoms of gastritis when using Omez disappear much earlier than the inflammatory process itself, therefore, if your health improves, you do not stop taking the drug.

If the treatment does not bring visible results after 1-1.5 weeks, then you should contact a gastroenterologist to adjust the therapy. To prevent ulcers and erosive gastritis, it is better to drink the drug in the evening (a few hours before bedtime) 1 capsule. The medicine should be taken for 1-2 weeks. The above dosages of the inhibitor are not suitable for all patients, so before taking the drug it is better to consult a gastroenterologist.

Before and after treatment for gastritis, patients need to undergo an endoscopic examination to confirm or exclude the presence of malignant tumors in the digestive system. The danger of taking the drug for oncology is that it can suppress the symptoms of the disease, thereby complicating its timely detection.

You should not use Omez for types of gastritis associated with low acidity (atrophic, superficial). The active component of the drug is aimed at inhibiting gastric production, which aggravates the course of the hypoacid form of the disease. Long-term use of Omez for gastritis may weaken the therapeutic properties of the drug. To exclude this manifestation, you need to take breaks between courses.

Reviews about the drug

Studying a large number of reviews about the drug "Omez", we can conclude that patients first noted its rapid action and effectiveness. An important criterion is low cost; availability allows you to purchase medicine for the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases.

This medicine has almost no side effects and it is difficult to cause an overdose when using it. There were reviews in which patients, after using Omez, mentioned stomach pain and dizziness.


Which is better Omez or Omeprazole for gastritis?

The medications are basically identical. They have a similar composition, a similar mechanism of action and recommendations for use. Available in pharmacies with a prescription. There is no particular difference in the effectiveness of therapy with such drugs.

It is difficult to say categorically which is better Omez or Omeprazole, it is necessary to focus on the patient’s condition

The result will be equally positive if the diagnosis is made correctly. The excipient in Omez is lactose. This should be taken into account by people with intolerance.

It is difficult to say categorically which is better, Omez or Omeprazole. It is necessary to focus on the patient's condition. Also, during long-term treatment, preference is given to a medicine that costs less. It is advisable to make sure before starting treatment that there are no malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract, since treatment can mask dangerous symptoms of cancer.

The drug is usually well tolerated, and side effects such as feeling unwell are rare. Sometimes nausea, abdominal pain, dry mouth, constipation or diarrhea may occur. If you have liver disease, there is a risk of developing hepatitis. Do not take the product if you are allergic to one of its components.

Many patients with digestive problems have to take omeprazole daily for more than 10 years. This helps them maintain a healthy stomach and avoid negative feelings after eating their favorite foods. Even with long-term use, “Omez” and “Omeprazole” do not have a destructive effect on health, and are equally acceptable for use in case of stomach pathologies.

Omeprazole for low acidity

Poor nutrition, as well as bad habits that many people suffer from, very often lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the failures that can occur against this background in the stomach is a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. This is not a disease, but a symptom that may indicate that the patient has gastritis, duodenitis, or peptic ulcer.

If we talk about the treatment of stomach ulcers, then one of the first medications that comes to mind is Omeprazole. But is it possible to take it with low acidity? Let's try to sort this issue out.

Reduced acidity of gastric juice - what does it mean?

Our stomach performs the most important part of the work of digesting food. For this function, there is gastric juice - a liquid that helps break down food for its further absorption.

The composition of gastric juice is quite complex, but its main component is hydrochloric acid, the level of which determines the acidity of gastric juice.

A decrease in this indicator may indicate diseases such as anacid gastritis, hypoacid gastritis, gastroduodenitis, and stomach cancer.

There are a number of signs by which you can determine low stomach acidity:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant, “putrid” odor from the mouth;
  • belching with a specific odor;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • gases, bloating;
  • decreased appetite.

A decrease in the level of acidity in the stomach leads to the fact that protein is digested much less well, resulting in fermentation, gas formation and pain. Problems with protein processing also lead to the accumulation of toxins and decreased absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Quite often, against this background, immunity drops, the performance of the digestive organs decreases, fungal diseases develop, and parasites multiply. The level of pancreatic secretion may decrease and intestinal dysbiosis may occur.

"Omeprazole": brief information about the drug

This drug belongs to a group of antiulcer drugs called proton pump inhibitors. The main function of Omeprazole is to suppress the work of cells responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid, so that, against the background of a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, the processes of regeneration of the mucous membrane are more successful.

The main indications for the use of Omeprazole are:

  1. Stomach and duodenal ulcers (chronic during exacerbation, as well as caused by stress and taking medications);
  2. Reflux disease (exophagitis, GERD);
  3. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Omeprazole is available in the form of capsules that are taken orally once a day. The drug begins to act in half an hour to an hour, the production of hydrochloric acid after a single dose of Omeprazole will return to its previous level in about a day.

Omez - instructions for use for gastritis

The most effective remedy for regulating stomach acidity is considered to be the drug “Omez”.
Prescribing Omez for gastritis helps eliminate the main symptoms of the disease and improve the patient’s well-being. How to take Omez for gastritis, what should be the dosage for gastritis - all this can be found out from your doctor and in the instructions for use of the medicine. "Omez" helps treat gastritis, which has developed against the background of increased acidity. Symptoms of high acidity are the following: heartburn, sour belching (low acidity produces rotten belching), nausea, possible vomiting, bloating, aching pain in the stomach.

When acute gastritis is observed, the symptoms are more pronounced; with chronic gastritis, the symptoms appear after a long period of fasting or, conversely, an excessive amount of food consumed, with severe stress, poisoning and other provoking factors, that is, during an exacerbation. The doctor makes the correct diagnosis, and he also prescribes a course of treatment, in the regimen of which “Omez” is often found.

This drug is available in two forms: “Omez” and “Omez D”. Omeza capsules contain only the active ingredient omeprazole. The capsules themselves are transparent, with a pink shell. Omez D capsules contain not only omeprazole, but also domperidone (it improves gastric motility), they are white in color, and the shell is purple.

In addition, the drugs are produced not in tablets, but in the form of a white powder for preparing a solution.

"Omez" is not a drug that alone copes with gastritis, but is an indispensable part of the treatment regimen prescribed for various types of gastritis.

Without the use of an acidity regulator (which is what Omez is), stomach acid will not allow other drugs to have a therapeutic effect.

Thanks to the action of this remedy, the acidic environment is normalized, against the background of which other drugs can work effectively.

Since the effect of the drug is aimed at reducing gastric acid, it is not taken for gastritis with reduced secretion.

"Omez" has an advantage over other analogues of antigastritis drugs. The price-quality ratio makes it accessible for treatment to many categories of people. Good therapeutic indicators, together with a fairly low price, receive high reviews from adult patients taking it.

This medicine is taken to both treat and prevent gastritis in adults. Also, “Omez” is prescribed as part of complex therapy for gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the pancreas, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastric dyspepsia, to prevent the reflux of gastric contents during reflux gastritis into the esophagus.

Omez refers to drugs that are responsible for the concentration of acid in the stomach.

The capsule contains a large number of small tablets, which begin to work 2 hours after entering the stomach.

Instructions for use for gastritis say that one capsule is enough for this process. Auxiliary components of the drug influence the formation of gastric juice.

Although the main effect of the medicine is to protect the gastric mucosa, its medicinal properties do not end there - after penetration into the body, the medicine granules relieve the main symptoms of gastritis: heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, belching. This is possible due to the antimicrobial properties of the drug, which are aimed at suppressing Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

The main positive properties of Omez include:

  1. its ability to be taken together with antibiotics, as it reduces their negative impact on the body;
  2. it does not affect the reaction rate, so you can drive a car while taking it;
  3. This drug is well tolerated, which is why the course of treatment with Omez can last two or more months if necessary;
  4. eliminated from the body in a short time;
  5. used to prevent stomach ulcers.

Only a doctor can decide how many days the treatment of the disease should last, and what dosage is prescribed for this type of disease. All this is prescribed based on the results of the surveys.

For gastritis with increased secretion, the doctor usually prescribes 1 capsule of the drug (20 mg of active ingredient). Directions for use: drink for one and a half to two weeks, 1 or 2 times a day. A few hours after taking the drug, the patient will feel relief.

When a patient is diagnosed with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, then for treatment it will be necessary to drink two capsules of the drug for two weeks, along with Amoxicillin.

For reflux gastritis, treatment can last 1-2 months; you need to take the medicine 1-2 capsules per day.

Omez is also taken for prevention, even when there are no symptoms of gastritis, but the doctor has detected increased acid synthesis. In this case, the dosage is one capsule, which is drunk 4 hours before bedtime for 2 weeks, once a day. Only the doctor who prescribed the drug can reduce or increase the duration of taking the drug.

"Omez D" is used for gastroesophageal reflux; drink 1 capsule in the morning half an hour before meals and in the evenings after meals. This drug helps well with heartburn and dyspepsia.

When treating gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, it is not recommended to take Omez D, since the presence of domperidone in it inhibits the work of antibiotics prescribed for this form of gastritis.

In the presence of a severe form of the disease, the doctor prescribes therapy using powder for invasive administration.

To prepare a solution for injection, add 5 ml of glucose (5%) from a 100 ml bottle of glucose into a bottle of Omeza powder, mix, draw the solution into a syringe and pour it back into a large bottle of glucose.

The liquid for the dropper is ready. This remedy should be used immediately and injected into a vein for at least half an hour.

"Omez" is taken before meals, at least half an hour, on an empty stomach. The capsule should be swallowed (do not chew it) with water. The capsule dissolves in the small intestine and begins to work.

The nuances of admission depend on the exact diagnosis and doctor’s prescription.

The action of such drugs is aimed at preparing the mucous membrane for food intake, by reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid and covering erosions and small ulcers with a protective film - this explains taking the medicine before meals.

In some cases, the drug is taken after meals, but only after 2 hours, when the contents of the stomach have moved into the intestines.

In addition to the main treatment, Omez helps to get rid of the signs of gastritis - heaviness in the stomach and heartburn.

"Omez" refers to drugs that reduce acidity levels, and to the group of proton pump inhibitors, which are responsible for the functioning of special glands located on the gastric mucosa.

The components of the drug, being in an acidic environment, reduce the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

Because of this, the internal environment of the stomach becomes alkaline, which makes it impossible for pathogenic microorganisms to reproduce.

In forms of gastritis, when an insufficient amount of acid is produced, taking Omez is prohibited, as this will only worsen the situation.

"Omez" is prescribed for the atrophic form of gastritis, which is characterized by a malfunction in the digestive process due to atrophy of the gastric mucosa. In this case, the drug reduces the degree of influence of the acid on the damaged epithelium. This prescription is strictly controlled by a doctor.

In addition to the use of this drug for gastritis with increased acid synthesis, Omez is also used for some other gastrointestinal pathologies.

It is prescribed for exacerbation of duodenal ulcers, erosive gastritis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, and stomach ulcers. This drug is taken to treat these diseases during exacerbation and for their prevention (in this case, their use is quite long - up to six months, 1 capsule).

For gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers, intravenous injections of Omez are usually prescribed. When the ulcer bleeds, or its presence is accompanied by bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, Omez is prescribed in the form of droppers.

All diseases have their own dosage of the drug, which is prescribed by the doctor and adjusted depending on the patient’s condition.

In addition to the positive effects, the drug "Omez" has contraindications for use. It is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • the presence of gastritis with low acidity;
  • the presence of severe liver and kidney diseases;
  • threat of stomach or intestinal bleeding;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

In addition, when using Omez, side effects may occur (more often they occur if the dosage and other recommendations for use are not followed and disappear when the drug is discontinued) in the form of:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dry mouth (in some cases), bitter taste;
  • headaches;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • dizziness;
  • myalgia and arthralgia.

In addition, allergic reactions occur.

In case of an overdose, a feeling of drowsiness or, conversely, increased agitation may occur, confusion, blurred vision, and increased sweating may occur.

Possible decrease in muscle tone, malfunction of the liver (sometimes icteric hepatitis is observed), hair loss, swelling of certain parts of the body, general weakness and malaise.

Particularly noteworthy is the importance of preliminary accurate diagnosis of diseases, which will help to exclude the presence of the formation of malignant tumors. In this case, the drug is not used, as it can blur the symptoms of the cancer process and complicate the timely diagnosis and treatment of the tumor.

Taking Omeprazole for low stomach acidity

So, as mentioned above, Omeprazole helps reduce excess acidity. Does it make sense to take it for people suffering from low acidity of gastric juice? Let's figure it out.

Of course, therapy for the treatment of various diseases will differ, but it is possible to derive some general rules that are followed to eliminate low stomach acidity.

The main tasks that the attending gastroenterologist sets for himself are:

  • Restoring the patient’s process of enzyme synthesis in the stomach;
  • Restoring the patient’s normal functioning of all elements of the digestive system;
  • Elimination of bacteria that cause disease.

As a rule, to achieve these goals, complex therapy is used using a number of drugs:

  1. Drugs that have a coating effect that help protect the gastric mucosa;
  2. Antibacterial drugs that fight the cause of the disease;
  3. Medicines that have a stimulating effect and increase the production of hydrochloric acid;
  4. If stimulant drugs do not provoke positive dynamics, substitution drugs are prescribed;
  5. Medicines to eliminate intestinal spasms and normalize its functioning;
  6. Vitamins to maintain immunity and prevent the development of hypovitaminosis.

But if the cause of low acidity is infectious gastritis, then a bacterial eradication method is used, which includes a set of measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathology.

As a rule, complex therapy for the treatment of infectious gastritis consists of the following groups of drugs:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Proton pump inhibitors;
  • bismuth subcitrate.

Thus, the question posed at the beginning of the article about the advisability of taking Omeprazole with low stomach acidity can be answered positively. True, taking this drug is relevant only in the presence of an infectious nature of the disease.

It is worth mentioning separately that in this case the decision to prescribe Omeprazole is made by the doctor based on tests and based on the clinical picture of the disease.

In all other cases, it is strictly not recommended to take this medicine for patients with normal or low stomach acidity. In some cases, this can provoke changes in the gastric mucosa and the subsequent development of atrophic gastritis.

How to take medicine correctly

Only a doctor can decide how many days the treatment of the disease should last, and what dosage is prescribed for this type of disease. All this is prescribed based on the results of the surveys.

For gastritis with increased secretion, the doctor usually prescribes 1 capsule of the drug (20 mg of active ingredient). Directions for use: drink for one and a half to two weeks, 1 or 2 times a day. A few hours after taking the drug, the patient will feel relief.

When a patient is diagnosed with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, then for treatment it will be necessary to drink two capsules of the drug for two weeks, along with Amoxicillin.

For reflux gastritis, treatment can last 1-2 months; you need to take the medicine 1-2 capsules per day.

Omez is also taken for prevention, even when there are no symptoms of gastritis, but the doctor has detected increased acid synthesis. In this case, the dosage is one capsule, which is drunk 4 hours before bedtime for 2 weeks, once a day. Only the doctor who prescribed the drug can reduce or increase the duration of taking the drug.

"Omez D" is used for gastroesophageal reflux; drink 1 capsule in the morning half an hour before meals and in the evenings after meals. This drug helps well with heartburn and dyspepsia.

When treating gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, it is not recommended to take Omez D, since the presence of domperidone in it inhibits the work of antibiotics prescribed for this form of gastritis.

In the presence of a severe form of the disease, the doctor prescribes therapy using powder for invasive administration. To prepare a solution for injection, add 5 ml of glucose (5%) from a 100 ml bottle of glucose into a bottle of Omeza powder, mix, draw the solution into a syringe and pour it back into a large bottle of glucose. The liquid for the dropper is ready. This remedy should be used immediately and injected into a vein for at least half an hour.

What is the best way to take Omez - before or after meals? The main points of taking the drug are indicated in the instructions for use, which must be followed. "Omez" is taken before meals, at least half an hour, on an empty stomach. The capsule should be swallowed (do not chew it) with water. The capsule dissolves in the small intestine and begins to work. The nuances of admission depend on the exact diagnosis and doctor’s prescription.

The action of such drugs is aimed at preparing the mucous membrane for food intake, by reducing the secretion of hydrochloric acid and covering erosions and small ulcers with a protective film - this explains taking the medicine before meals.

In some cases, the drug is taken after meals, but only after 2 hours, when the contents of the stomach have moved into the intestines.

In addition to the main treatment, Omez helps to get rid of the signs of gastritis - heaviness in the stomach and heartburn.

Treatment of infectious gastritis

To make this diagnosis, the patient undergoes various studies, after which he is sent to the hospital. Due to the fact that infectious gastritis is a contagious disease that can cause serious complications, it is treated in an infectious diseases hospital.

The treatment plan is drawn up by the doctor for each individual patient, but the standard scheme looks something like this:

  1. Antibiotic treatment of the infectious agent;
  2. Taking painkillers. This is a necessary part of the treatment, since almost always inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by severe pain;
  3. Taking antacids and proton pump inhibitors. These drugs are almost always used in conjunction with antibiotics to make them work more effectively. When taking blockers, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and healing of mucosal damage occurs much faster;
  4. Prescribing a strict diet, giving up bad habits. This part of the treatment, although mentioned last, is an extremely important point in the treatment program, without which all medical efforts will go down the drain. It is through giving up bad habits and following a therapeutic diet that optimal conditions are created for restoring the epithelium of the gastric cavity.
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