Instructions and recommendations for taking Nolpaz for pancreatitis

Omez and Nolpaza are drugs of the same pharmacological group of antiulcer drugs, have almost the same indications, and the reason for their use is pathological processes that occur in the stomach or intestines.

They can also be used in the treatment of esophageal diseases.

These drugs are classified as proton pump inhibitors ; they can significantly reduce the amount and synthesis of acid produced by the stomach. It is characteristic of this group of drugs that they are used in the morning, most often orally, on an empty stomach.

These drugs have the same effect on the systems and internal organs of the human body. They act on the enzymatic phase (“Acid pump”), suppressing its excessive function, and normalize the physiological function of the stomach.

Nolpaza composition and release form

Let's consider the release forms of the drug:

  • Nolpaza is produced in the form of tablets , which contain the substance Pantoprazole. Its content depends on the tablet form and is 20 or 40 mg.
  • Another form of release is powder (lyophilisate), it is used by intravenous administration. The volume of the main chemical element is no more than 40 mg.

Nolpaza lyophilisate Nolpaza in tablets
In addition to the main chemical compound in the lyophilized form, there is:

  • Mannitol.
  • Sodium citrate.
  • Sodium hydroxide.

The following is added to the tablets when released:

  • Purified water.
  • Hypromellose.
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Mannitol.
  • Anhydrous sodium carbonate.
  • Yellow iron oxide.
  • Medical talc.

The pills are yellow in color with a brown tint. Issued in foreign currencies, which are in cardboard packs in quantities of 14,28,56 pieces.

The powder is available in bottles, their contents are white. In the pharmacy chain you can buy it in cardboard boxes of 1,5,10,20 ampoules per box.

Pharmacological action of Nolpaza

The most important criterion when prescribing Nolpaza is its ability to suppress the production of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice.

After consuming a single dose of the drug, its content in the blood plasma reaches its peak after approximately 3 hours.

Basic and auxiliary substances Nolpaza is metabolized in liver cells. This medicine has high bioavailability, which can reach 75 or 80%.

Nolpaza does not affect peristalsis and motility of the intestinal tract. After completing the full course of treatment with this medication, its half-life products are mostly excreted in the urine through the kidneys (80%), the remaining part of the drug is neutralized along with bile.

Who is prohibited from taking medication?

At the same time, the medication should not be used if:

  1. Bearing a fetus.
  2. Breastfeeding.
  3. Personal intolerance.
  4. Fructose intolerance (for pills).
  5. Stomach upsets, digestive disorders caused by neurological disorders.
  6. Nolpaza is not allowed to be used together with drugs such as Atazanavir, Ritonavir.
  7. Elderly patients, with liver failure, or a risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, should use the medication with caution.
  8. The effect of the medicine on the fetus and people under 18 years of age has not been studied, therefore the medicine is contraindicated for pregnant women and minors.

Application of Nolpaza

Nolpaza is prescribed in all cases when there is a need to reduce the level of hydrochloric acid synthesis.

This happens in the following cases:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the esophagus , in which the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus occurs (esophagitis, esophagospasm, reflux gastritis).
  2. To eliminate negative manifestations (acid belching, pain, heartburn).
  3. For preventive purposes, it can be used for ulcerative lesions of the stomach or intestines.
  4. It has a therapeutic effect, eliminating the consequences of the negative effects of drugs belonging to the NSAID group (Diclofenac).
  5. Can be used as an additional remedy , in combination with antibacterial drugs. For the treatment of Helicobacter pylori.
  6. With the development of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
  7. Used to prevent seasonal exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

Instructions for use of Nolpaza

Method of use of the drug:

  • If this medicine is prescribed as a single dose , then it is best to drink the pill in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before meals. Be sure to drink it with a sufficient volume of water, without crushing or chewing.
  • If Nolpaza is prescribed 2 times a day , the second tablet should be taken an hour before dinner.
  • For diseases of the esophagus, esophagitis or esophagospasm , reflux gastritis, the dosage is 20 mg daily. If the disease becomes moderate or severe, the volume of the drug is increased to 80 mg during the day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor; it usually lasts up to one and a half months.


Dosage regimen:

  • If necessary (increased heartburn), the drug can be taken as an additional dose (20 mg).
  • A daily dose of up to 80 mg is prescribed for diseases of the stomach and intestines that are associated with the appearance of ulcers. This therapy continues for 8 weeks.
  • Complex use with antibacterial agents (in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori) occurs at a dosage of 40 mg per day. This drug is taken throughout the duration of antibiotic use.
  • For other diseases that result in increased acidity (Zollinger-Ellison disease, hyperacid gastritis), Nolpaza is prescribed twice a day, and its dose should not exceed 80 mg per day.
  • In rare cases, under the supervision of a doctor, the daily dose may be increased to 160 mg, while the duration of treatment is set strictly individually.
  • Nolpaza can also be used via parenteral administration (intravenous bolus, or in the form of drip infusions). This administration method is used in cases where oral administration of tablet forms is impossible. If this restriction is terminated, then the prescription of injections is replaced by the use of pills.
  • Lyophilisate and tablet forms have the same effect. When used intravenously, the effect of Nolpaza develops somewhat faster.

Additional recommendations

Patients with pancreatitis must adhere to a therapeutic diet throughout their lives. In order for the pancreas to function properly, you should eat right. It is forbidden to eat fried, fatty, smoked, spicy, salty foods, spices, and dyes.

Any alcohol is contraindicated for pancreatitis. It can also cause illness. In 50-70% of cases, exacerbation of the pancreas occurs from alcohol abuse.

Meals should be frequent, in small portions, 4 - 5 times a day. It is better to eat cereals and pureed food. The diet must contain sufficient protein. Depending on the patient's condition, the food will vary, but the above rule should be followed.

You should eat boiled and baked food - it is considered healthy.

In case of illness, you can contact a nutritionist - he will help you choose an individual set of products for each patient.

At the beginning of treatment of an acute form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a three-day fast. This is a useful procedure and worth following. The pancreas will recover and decrease in size to its standard state.

In this case, you should drink plenty of clean still water, warm unsweetened tea, and rosehip decoction to restore water balance in the body and help prevent pancreatic exacerbation.

When treating pancreatitis, it is necessary to take calcium and vitamins of different groups: A, B, D, E, K.

On your own, without a doctor’s prescription, you can only take antispasmodic drugs: papaverine, no-spa, paracetamol. All other medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of Nolpaza

Despite the fact that patients feel significant improvement when using Nolpaza, the use of this drug has the following contraindications:

  1. Omez is contraindicated for children at any age
    . It is not prescribed if patients develop dyspepsia as a result of nervous diseases.
  2. Children at any age.
  3. If the patient has hypersensitivity to Pantoprazole and its analogues.
  4. With sensitivity to fructose compounds.
  5. Hypovitaminosis resulting from deficiency of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).
  6. Malignant lesions.

Nolpaza is prescribed with increased caution:

  • During pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Insufficiency of kidney and liver function.

Cons of tablets

When using the drug Nolpaza, there is a risk of developing various side effects. At the same time, compliance with the dosage and timely elimination of contraindications prevents their development. All possible negative consequences can be divided into several groups:

  • allergic reactions in the form of itching, rashes, tissue swelling, even shock;
  • disorders of the digestive system, namely pain, diarrhea, stool retention, nausea, dry mucous membranes;
  • neurological changes in the form of headache, decreased visual acuity, development of depression;
  • changes in the blood picture, in particular, an increase in the level of leukocytes and a decrease in the number of platelets;
  • general symptoms such as arthralgia, myalgia, weakness, increased sensitivity to sunlight, pain in the mammary glands;
  • urological abnormalities in the form of nephritis and edema of the extremities.

If one of the listed symptoms appears, you should stop treatment and see a doctor. Only if the absence of serious deviations is confirmed, it will be possible to continue therapy using Nolpaza under medical supervision.

Side effects of Nolpaza

Undesirable consequences from taking Nolpaza can cause disruption of various organs and systems.

If there was a violation in the dosage of the drug, or it was used independently, without a doctor’s prescription:

  • Spastic, acute pain is a side effect of Nolpaza.
    The hematopoietic system may react:
  • A decrease in the number of white blood cells (leukopenia).
  • A blood clotting disorder, which is accompanied by a decrease in platelets (thrombocytopenia).

  • The following may appear in the stomach and intestines:
      The pain is spastic, acute.
  • The appearance of nausea, and as a consequence the occurrence of vomiting.
  • Dryness of the oral mucosa.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Laboratory tests show elevated transaminase levels.
  • In rare cases, with severe liver damage, jaundice occurs.
  • Allergies may be accompanied by:
      Skin itching and rash.
  • Development of Lyell's syndrome.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • In more severe cases, anaphylactic shock occurs.
  • When muscles and joints are damaged, the following occurs:
      Painful muscle tightness.
  • Arthralgia.
  • Phenomena of osteoporosis are extremely rare.
  • In addition to the above symptoms, indirect signs may include:

    • Peripheral edema of the lower extremities develops.
    • Hyperthermia.
    • Increased fatigue, general loss of strength, weakness.
    • Body weight may change.
    • During laboratory testing, biochemical blood parameters may change. Increased cholesterol and bilirubin, decreased levels of magnesium and sodium.

    Overdose of Nolpaza

    Throughout the use of Nolpaza, no side effects such as overdose were encountered. But their development is possible. This will manifest itself as worsening symptoms of side effects, and signs of general intoxication.

    Since there is no special antidote, therapy for this condition will be aimed at suppressing negative symptoms and eliminating the consequences of intoxication.

    In severe cases, hospitalization is possible, followed by the use of detoxification solutions and plasma substitutes.

    Omez release form and composition

    Omez is a medication belonging to the group of proton pump inhibitors. It is used in the treatment of various gastric pathologies that are accompanied by increased synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

    Omez is based on the chemical compound Omeprazole, and additional ingredients are also used in its composition:

    • Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen phosphate.
    • Mannitol.
    • Medical talc.
    • Sucrose.

    Omez is available in the form:

    1. Omez in capsules 20 or 40 mg , in foil sachets of 10 pieces. Foreign currency is sold in cardboard boxes in the amount of 3 pieces.
    2. Omez Insta , has the appearance of a white powder, has a mild mint smell, and is available in 20 mg sachets. The package contains 5, 10, 20, 30 pieces, and is accompanied by a detailed instruction on the use of the drug.
    3. Omez powder. For infusion use it is available in 40 mg vials. It is a homogeneous, porous white powder.

    Omez Insta Omez capsules

    Omez injection solution

    Pharmacological action of Omez

    The ability to suppress adenosine triphosphatase in gastric cells leads to a persistent hypocidal effect. This is the main action of Omez.

    Its ability to reduce acidity begins to appear an hour and a half after a single use, and reaches its peak after four days.

    This medicine does not have high bioavailability, it is 40%. This is due to the fact that the main part of this drug is neutralized by liver cells.

    After completion of the course of treatment, half-life products and residues of this drug are excreted mainly in the urine (80%), within 5 days. The rest is excreted through the intestines.

    Indications for use of Omez

    It is very important to perform an endoscopic examination of the stomach and intestines before using Omez. It is imperative to exclude the presence of pathological tumors. Since, the use of Omez can blur and mask the clinical picture of oncological pathology.

    Omez is prescribed in the following cases:

    1. Peptic ulcer, which appears under the influence of psycho-emotional factors and stressful situations.
      Pathological conditions of the stomach and intestines , accompanied by the development of ulcers and erosions.
    2. When it is necessary to treat side effects from the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    3. Peptic ulcer, which appears under the influence of psycho-emotional factors and stressful situations.
    4. Zollinger-Ellison disease.
    5. Erosive lesions of the upper part of the stomach and esophagus.
    6. Infectious diseases that reduce the amount of positive microflora of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
    7. Treatment of the consequences of negative symptoms of gastritis (heartburn, acid belching, increased gas formation).

    Omez in capsule form has the same scope of application as lyophilized powder for parenteral use. With intravenous drip administration, a more prolonged and rapid effect from the use of Omez is observed.

    Instructions and doses of Omez

    Basically, it is prescribed as a single dose (20 or 40 mg) in the morning on an empty stomach. The drug is washed down with water, but the capsules are not chewed.

    Mode of application:

    1. A daily dose of 20 mg is prescribed for peptic ulcers of the intestines or stomach. The duration of treatment with Omez can be up to 60 days.
    2. For erosive disorders , the medicine is prescribed twice a day, one capsule (20 mg). If the pathological process is severe, the use of the drug is permissible for 60 days.
    3. In order to prevent seasonal exacerbations, the recommended dose is 20 mg.
    4. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome requires an increased dose of Omez , it is prescribed individually, on average 80 mg. And it is divided into two doses during the day.
    5. The use of Omez in all trimesters of pregnancy is not recommended , and it is not prescribed when breastfeeding. In some cases, an appointment occurs, but at the same time there is enhanced medical supervision, if necessary, in a hospital setting.
    6. For heartburn, Omez is most often taken as an unscheduled dose of one capsule. It is very good to use Omez Insta in the form of a suspension for this purpose.
    7. Omez for stomach pathologies. If a patient is diagnosed with reflux gastritis, esophagospasm or esophagitis, the medicine is prescribed at a dose of 20 mg daily in the morning. If a patient develops symptoms of gastritis, then to get rid of pain and normalize stomach acidity, prescribe from 20 to 40 milligrams of this drug. In this case, the dose can be divided into morning and evening. For scarring of stomach and intestinal ulcers, as well as for pain relief, 40 mg of Omez is prescribed, which can be used for 60 days.
    8. Children are prescribed Omez only from the age of five. The volume of the drug used is prescribed at the rate of 5 mg per 10 kg of body weight. The resulting amount of the drug is applied once early in the morning on an empty stomach.
    9. To prevent seasonal exacerbations of pancreatitis , gastritis, and gastric ulcers, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 20 mg.

    Patient reviews

    Liliya, 33 years old, Novosibirsk

    Two years ago I went to the doctor with severe pain in my left side. I suffered from constant nausea and heartburn. Gastritis was diagnosed. Nolpaza was prescribed because the medication fights Helicobacter pylori. I drank it for 2 weeks. To prevent relapse and avoid the development of ulcers, I periodically take preventive medicine. But the medicine is available with a doctor's prescription.

    Nikolay, 36 years old, Novorossiysk

    The ulcer was discovered a year ago. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, Omez was first prescribed. But 3 days after taking it, adverse reactions appeared. Switched to Nolpaza. This drug turned out to be more effective than its analogue. But the cost will be more expensive.

    Often, for pancreatitis, doctors prescribe Nolpaza to reduce stomach acidity and relieve symptoms of mucosal inflammation.

    Side effects of Omez

    The following side effects may occur when taking Omez:

    • The appearance of dyspeptic disorders, which are manifested by constipation, cramping abdominal pain.
    • Development of stomatitis. Change in taste sensations
    • Change in taste sensations.
    • Headaches and sleep disturbance.
    • The manifestation of urticaria symptoms in the form of skin rashes.
    • Feverish conditions.
    • Visual impairment.


    A drug with a multienzyme composition containing the enzyme substance pancreatin 250 mg. The active component exhibits proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic effects in the breakdown of nutrients, thereby replacing pancreatic secretions.

    The use of Pancreatin is indicated for the following conditions:

    • dyspeptic disorders;
    • eating unusual foods, overeating;
    • flatulence, bloating;
    • acceleration of food passage in the intestines;
    • insufficiency of enzyme production;
    • low enzyme activity.

    Pancreatin is not prescribed for the acute form of pancreatitis, as well as for its chronic course during exacerbation. Taking Pancreatin is contraindicated for intestinal obstruction of any etiology.

    Similar therapeutic actions of Omez and Nolpaza

    Both drugs are derivatives of the same pharmacological group. Their main focus is suppressing the production of hydrochloric acid, which is produced by the stomach.

    They are equally used to relieve symptoms of heartburn, belching, and increased gas formation.

    When prescribing them, the fact that they have almost the same indications and contraindications is taken into account. And if used incorrectly, the same side effects occur.

    The difference between Nolpaza and Omez

    There are a number of differences that are specific to only one drug:

    1. Manufacturer. Omez is produced by pharmaceutical firms in India, and Nolpaza is produced in Slovenia, so it is subject to higher European requirements.
    2. The main ingredient of Omez is Omeprazole, in the case of Nolpaza it is Pantoprazole.
    3. To achieve the same positive dynamics, Omez must be taken for a longer period than Nolpaza.
    4. Nolpaza has a wider spectrum of action.
    5. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to use Nolpaza once a day. The use of Omez is often done in the form of a double application.
    6. The average price for Omez does not exceed 100 rubles. for 10 pills, while for 14 tablet forms of Nolpaza you should pay 130 rubles.

    Dosage, rules of administration

    Depending on the patient’s condition and the disease he has, a certain dosage of the medication is prescribed. With standard dosing, Nolpaza is taken before meals, about ten minutes in order for the effectiveness of the medicine to be maximum. The tablet should be taken without chewing, with a small amount of liquid (drinking water is suitable).

    If pancreatitis is detected, treatment will be long and complex. To relieve the already high load on the pancreas, you need to reduce the degree of irritation of the stomach. To do this, you should take Nolpaza once a day, one tablet (or 40 mg/day).

    If chronic pancreatitis is observed, Nolpaza is taken if necessary without exceeding the daily dosage of the drug.

    If you use the medicine correctly, follow the instructions and as directed by the doctor, the medicine will help you quickly cope with the disease.

    Analogues of Omez and Nolpaza

    List of substitutes:

    1. Paries. The country of origin is Switzerland, 14 pills (10 mg) are available in foreign currencies, the average price ranges from 700 to 750 rubles. The main ingredient is rabeprazole. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. A good effect is observed in the treatment of peptic ulcer. The main contraindication is all trimesters of pregnancy and breastfeeding; it is also not used in case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of this product.
    2. Lanza. Produced in India, 30 mg capsules No. 20 priced at RUB 190. Used for gastritis, diseases of the esophagus. The main contraindication is malignant neoplasms.
    3. Ultop. Capsules 20 mg No. 14, produced in Slovenia at a price of 300 rubles. The main component is Omeprazole. Indications and contraindications are fully consistent with Omez.
    4. Losek. Produced by a Swiss pharmaceutical company, the average price for 14 pills (10 mg) is no more than 260 rubles. It is a complete analogue of Omeprazole. Used for the treatment of gastric ulcers, esophagitis, esophagospasm, and the negative effects of Helicobacter pylori.
    5. Ranitidine. Country of origin: Ukraine. Pharmaceutical company Darnitsa. The price for 10 tablet forms is 40 rubles. The main indications are gastritis, reflux gastritis, indigestion in the form of diarrhea (dyspepsia). Well tolerated by patients, the main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.





    When is the drug used?

    • Nolpaza is prescribed by doctors for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and for other pathologies of these organs;
    • to relieve symptoms similar to gastroesophageal reflux disease;
    • in combination with antibiotics to destroy Helicobacter pylori (bacteria).

    In most cases, it treats diseases and inflammations of the stomach and related organs. To prevent a negative reaction from the stomach, gastroenterologists suggest using the medicine for acute and chronic pancreatitis in adults.

    Which is better Omez or Nolpaza?

    The use of any drug is very individual and directly depends on the physiological characteristics of the body. Therefore, it is incorrect to pose the question this way. What may be a good indicator for one patient may have a negative effect on another.

    If you need to achieve a quick impact on the pathological process, it is best to use Omez. To achieve a prolonged effect, it is better to use Nolpaza. Its use can be combined with drugs from various pharmacological groups.

    According to sociological surveys, the majority of patients give preference to Omez , this is due not only to its low price, but also to the speed of the drug.

    Interaction with other drugs

    You should not use other blockers of hydrochloric acid production together with Nolpaza. The medication is capable of reducing the degree of absorption (and, of course, effectiveness) of drugs, the absorption of which depends on the level of acidity of gastric juice, for example, Ketoconazole, Intraconazole, etc. Reduces the effectiveness of Atazanavir and other acid-dependent drugs for the treatment of HIV.

    When combined with drugs that affect blood clotting, it is necessary to be careful, and also subject to the diagnosis of changes in prothrombin levels in the blood throughout the course of therapy. When used concomitantly with Metrotrexate, it is important to adjust the dosage of the medications. When consuming a large amount of metrotrexate (300 mg or more), Nolpaza can increase its concentration in the blood, increasing the side effects and toxicity of the drug.

    Fluvoxamine and its analogues may enhance the effect of Nolpaza. Rifampicin and St. John's wort reduce the effectiveness of Nolpaza. When taken together with antibiotics and antacids, no peculiarities in the action of the drugs were noted.

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