Flaxseed oil "Omega-3 for the stomach"

Let's look in the medical reference book and find information about fish oil. An oily liquid is made from the liver of cod, trout, and other fatty fish.

The pharmacological properties of fish oil are due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6) and vitamins.

Vitamins A and D, which form the basis of fish oil, are necessary ingredients for strengthening, growth and formation of bones, improving metabolic processes in the body.

Fish oil and fatty fish have been used for stomach diseases since ancient times. There are references to how the ancient northern peoples used fat as food and as medicine.

Peter the Great saw how northern healers treated burns, wounds and even gangrene by rubbing fish oil in and using it internally.

The king ordered the doctors who accompanied the army to have fish oil in their medicine cabinets and use it in the treatment of wounds and other diseases.

Purified fish oil

In the mid-eighties of the last century, reports on the results of research on the effect of GC on the human body were published at medical symposiums in many countries around the world. The main result of the analysis of empirical data was a clear choice in favor of this substance. The scientists substantiated the conclusions:

  • Fish oil is a means of preventing hormonal disorders - an evidence base has been obtained for the beneficial effects of the substance on patients with diabetes, and the role of polyunsaturated fats in its prevention has been highlighted;
  • An indispensable medicine for preventing the development of cancer, especially for people with a hereditary predisposition to cancer.

For general development: unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) are of great value to humans. They are not produced inside the body, but are supplied with food.

But our task is to find out whether fish oil can be used for gastritis?

Symptoms of gastritis

You have been diagnosed with gastritis. Know that you are now among the many millions of people who suffer from this disease. 60 percent of the world's population has gastritis. There are acute and chronic phases of gastritis. The symptoms of acute gastritis are clearly expressed; in the chronic form, the symptoms are smoothed out and do not cause acute discomfort.

  • Morning sickness that goes away after eating;
  • Pain in the epigastric region;
  • Unpleasant feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating;
  • Heartburn and belching.

A patient with gastritis always has one desire - to quickly relieve the feeling of discomfort in the stomach. Modern medicine recommends many drugs for the treatment of gastritis. Medicines are divided into two classes:

  • Means for treatment - eliminating the causes of gastritis;
  • Means for relieving symptoms and pain.

The question arises. Is fish oil a medicine? Let's figure it out.

The benefits of fish oil as a source of vitamins

We all know that fish oil is good for children, it is taken to prevent vision problems, and it has a beneficial effect on the bone skeleton of children. Fish oil is also beneficial for adults.

Unsaturated acids have a beneficial effect on blood composition and regulate blood cholesterol, which is useful for older people.

It is necessary to take medications containing fish oil for those who see poorly in the dark or have poor twilight vision.

And if a person is sick with gastritis, then this, in most cases, is not a contraindication to the use of drugs based on fish oil as a biological supplement (multivitamin complex).

We must remember that preparations based on fish oil contribute to the development of appetite. But, in the case of gastritis, if the patient is on a strict diet, it will be difficult for him to follow it.

Fish oil for gastritis with high acidity

Hyperacidity is a condition characterized by excess production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Different parts of the digestive organ have their own hydrochloric acid level. An elevated pH is considered to be more than 1.5-7 pH.

Increased acidity increases pain in the acute phase of gastritis and obliges a person to be more responsible about their diet.

A diet for gastritis with high acidity contains foods that can reduce acidity and neutralize its negative effects on the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

The benefits and harms of olive oil in the treatment of gastritis

Fish oil does not enter into a chemical reaction with hydrochloric acid, since it is an inorganic substance, but envelops the walls of the stomach and protects it from an aggressive environment. It is recommended to take fat in liquid form so that the substance directly enters the stomach. Taking the drug in capsules does not provide an enveloping effect.

The effect of fat on the stomach is positive, since fat envelops the walls of the stomach and protects against the effects of gastric juice. As a result, the unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease disappear: epigastric pain, heartburn and belching.

Contraindications to the use of fish oil

  • People with kidney disease should not take the drug. This is due to the fact that the effect of fish oil on increasing calcium in the body has a bad effect on the functioning of the kidneys if their work is impaired by a disease, for example, nephrourolithiasis. Fat is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.
  • The medical reference book recommends that people with gastric and duodenal ulcers take the drug with caution. The reason is that Omega-3 drugs are capable of thinning the blood. If the mucous membrane is affected by an ulcer, then taking the drug will provoke bleeding. Bleeding from an ulcer is a dangerous phenomenon that threatens a person with death if emergency assistance is not provided in a timely manner.

Important! The use of the medicinal component of the Omega-3 group increases the risk of bleeding from gastric and duodenal ulcers.

  • You should not take fish oil during an exacerbation of gastritis, even if there is no aggravating history. Fat aggravates the situation if the mucous membrane is severely inflamed.
  • It is prohibited to take the drug to patients whose pathogenesis includes diseases of the bronchi, lungs (tuberculosis), and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • There is a risk of allergies and individual intolerance to the drug. Being an inorganic compound of animal origin, fish oil causes food allergic reactions.

  • It is recommended to take the drug in liquid form before meals for gastritis with high acidity.
  • In all other cases, administration is recommended after meals. Take with water or warm (not hot) tea.
  • Take 1-2 capsules orally 3 times a day, after meals, or one or two teaspoons of oily liquid.

Treatment of gastritis with chamomile

Interactions with drugs

Fish oil is prescribed with caution in combination with drugs that affect blood clotting. For example, a patient taking heparin is not prescribed Omega-3 and Omega-6 complexes.

In combination with anticonvulsants, the activity of vitamin D decreases; in combination with estrogen-containing drugs, the risk of vitamin A intoxication increases.

In the chronic form of gastritis, in the absence of individual intolerance to the substance, it is recommended to take the drug in capsules. In the acute phase of the disease, you should stop taking it, since this drug is considered as a vitamin complex and contributes to the general normalization of metabolic processes, but during an exacerbation it can provoke a deterioration of the condition.

Read contraindications to the use of fish oil. If you have at least one disease that is included in the list of contraindications, do not use this drug.

When taking other drugs in combination with the drug in question, negative reactions are possible. Talk to your doctor about how long and in what form to take fish oil in combination with medications.

Indications for use

Fish oil should be consumed only under the supervision of a gastroenterologist, following all recommendations. Since in addition to the positive effect on the stomach and digestive organs, the product can negatively affect the development of the disease.

The natural remedy is also taken for preventive purposes. It fights infections and viruses, gives energy and vitality to the body.

Consumption for gastritis

At first glance, the nutritional supplement has a therapeutic effect, improving the condition of the stomach. However, with inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the organ, it can aggravate the situation. It all depends on the type, type and stage of development of gastritis.

This is why fish oil is not for everyone. For this reason, patients should not self-medicate. For patients with an affected stomach, whose history also includes diseases of the pancreas, liver and biliary tract, it is not recommended to use this remedy.

Atrophic and erosive gastritis

With an erosive form of stomach pathology, doctors prohibit drinking fish oil. The product thins the blood, reducing its clotting. It is especially dangerous to take it during an exacerbation. The disease is intense and difficult to treat. In such cases, taking a dietary supplement may cause bleeding in the digestive organ.

The atrophic form of gastritis requires increased attention. In the stomach, the glands responsible for the secretion of hydrochloric acid die. Fish oil stimulates the production of gastric juice, improving the process of breaking down food. Doctors often prescribe it to patients with this diagnosis.

Proper nutrition and healthy nutritional supplements for atrophic gastritis are the most important components of complex treatment.

Increased stomach acidity

Different parts of the digestive tract are characterized by a certain level of hydrochloric acid. Gastritis with high acidity obliges the patient to adhere to a special diet. The patient's daily diet should contain foods that reduce and neutralize the concentration of gastric juice. Thus, its negative impact on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

Fish oil coats the walls of the stomach, protecting them from an aggressive environment. The unpleasant symptoms characteristic of this type of gastritis gradually disappear. The patient is less likely to experience heartburn and belching, as well as epigastric pain. In addition, the product stimulates the secretion of bile, which, in turn, effectively neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid.

Peptic ulcer

Fish oil for stomach and duodenal ulcers can cause serious complications. This applies not only to the period of exacerbation, but also to the phase of stable remission of the pathology. With this disease, the patient must follow a strict diet, so the consumption of this dietary supplement becomes unacceptable.

Among other things, the dietary supplement significantly thins the blood. In order to prevent gastric bleeding, you should not drink fish oil during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.


In case of inflammation of the pancreas, a mandatory condition of the diet is to limit fat. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, they must be completely excluded from the menu, and in the remission phase the amount is strictly calculated by the doctor.

The fact is that the absorption of fish oil during pancreatitis is significantly difficult. This is due to insufficient production of enzymes that break down these organic substances.

In such cases, they are not digested, causing abdominal discomfort, nausea, bloating and diarrhea. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are necessary for the diseased organ, as they have an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect.

During the chronic course of pancreatitis, to protect pancreatic cells, taking fish oil is allowed, provided that it is consumed correctly and in moderation.

Fish oil for gastritis: what you need to know and how to drink correctly

Fish oil is a valuable nutritional supplement that contains beneficial substances necessary for the treatment of many diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis.

Those who have a similar diagnosis should adhere to proper nutrition and completely avoid foods prohibited by the doctor. Fish oil for gastritis is not used in all cases, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking a dietary supplement.

Fish oil for gastritis: can you drink it, with high stomach acidity, capsules, Omega

The attitude of specialists to the question of whether it is possible to take fish oil for gastritis is ambiguous, and this is not without reason. Patients diagnosed with gastritis understand very well that the key points for their recovery are a dietary diet and careful attention to the choice of foods and medications taken.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is a very dangerous pathological condition. It is impossible to cure the disease only by taking prescribed medications. In this case, an integrated approach is necessary, because there is a high risk of the pathology developing into more severe forms.

What is the benefit

Fish capsules are a very useful biological supplement that has a natural composition. People have known about the benefits of this product for decades.

And to this day its popularity and relevance have not been lost. Fish oil contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements.

In the past, consumers could only purchase this product in liquid form, but today the pharmaceutical industry also produces it in capsule form.

The health benefits of this product are invaluable.

It contains vitamins A and D, which help improve the body's absorption of calcium.

In addition, the metabolic process is stimulated, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are contained in fish oil, have a preventive and therapeutic effect on the body as a whole, which stabilizes its functioning.

Along with this, oleic and palmitic acids contribute to the process of tissue regeneration and the active production of mucus by the body, which is a necessary condition for its normal functioning.

If you regularly take a dietary supplement, this will normalize the functioning of the body's cardiovascular and nervous systems, have a positive effect on the organs of vision and protect the body from various infections and viruses.

Consumption of fish oil for gastritis

For patients with stomach problems, taking fish oil capsules has both positive and negative sides. In the first case, we are talking about the beneficial effect of the specified dietary supplement on the organs of the digestive system:

  1. Firstly, the product has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the organs of the digestive system, allowing you to more effectively combat the pathological process.
  2. This product is an excellent anti-stress drug, which avoids the possibility of exacerbation of pathology.
  3. The enveloping properties of healthy capsules help reduce the negative impact of food on the stomach, which makes it possible to reduce the intensity of pain.
  4. Taking a dietary supplement eliminates the possibility of developing a malignant tumor.
  5. Fish oil strengthens the immune system, providing the body with much-needed vitality.

However, despite the obvious usefulness of this drug, patients with diagnosed gastritis should take it only under the supervision of the attending physician, following the dosage recommendations, since fish oil in this case has some contraindications.

One of them is that this drug helps thin the blood. In the case of gastritis, this provokes the occurrence of ulcers or erosions. The situation becomes much more dangerous when a patient with high acidity already has these stomach lesions - severe bleeding can develop, which can be fatal for the patient.

How to drink

Doctors prescribe dietary supplements to their patients after determining the type, form and stage of development of gastritis. Based on the results of the diagnostic measures, the question of the advisability of consuming fish oil is decided.

If the patient has no significant contraindications to the product, then it is prescribed as an addition to the main therapeutic treatment.

Release form

Until recently, this product could only be purchased in liquid form. Today it is also produced in the form of gelatin or polymer capsules. Once in the patient’s body, they easily dissolve under the influence of gastric juice. Fish oil is made from the liver of cod, mackerel, trout, Norwegian salmon and other species.

The healing agent in its pure form quickly oxidizes under the influence of air and sunlight. The protective shell hides the unpleasant odor and taste of the natural product, and also increases shelf life. Manufacturers add vitamin E to the composition, which reduces the rate of oxidation, increasing the shelf life.

For gastritis, you can take the dietary supplement both in liquid form and in capsules. There are no restrictions in this regard. Most often, the product is used in the form of easily soluble soft shells.

Dosage and rules of administration

The doctor assesses the patient’s condition and decides whether to prescribe or prohibit the product. If inflammation of the gastric mucosa is accompanied by increased acidity, then it is better to drink fish oil in liquid form. Thus, it envelops the walls of the organ. However, not all patients can take it in this form due to the specific smell and taste of the drug.

Capsules are much easier to use. Their effect is no worse, since they quickly dissolve in the body, releasing beneficial substances. Taking dietary supplements for gastritis is carried out in courses lasting from one to three months. A single dose is 1-2 capsules, which are consumed with meals 3 times a day.

Drinking fish oil on an empty stomach is not recommended, as the risk of digestive disorders and exacerbation of the disease increases.

Interaction with medications

You cannot combine the product with various vitamin complexes. An overdose of nutrients in the body provokes the development of chronic hypervitaminosis. This condition leads to disruption of many systems.

The drug should be prescribed with caution to people taking blood thinners (Heparin, Cardiomagnyl). In combination with anticonvulsants, the activity of vitamin D is reduced. Medicines containing estrogen, together with fish oil, increase the risk of vitamin A intoxication.

Fish oil: benefits and application features

Fish oil is a beneficial substance obtained from the muscles and liver of large sea fish. It normalizes lipid metabolism and has an anti-aggregation effect.


Release form

The medicine is sold in several forms:

  • capsules;
  • purified oil for oral administration.


  • Fish oil contains the following elements: stearic and oleic acid, cholesterol, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur.
  • The tablets contain: fish oil, gelatin, glycerol, purified water.
  • Ingredients of the oil: vitamin A, E and D.

Should you take fish oil?

It is useful to take fish oil for the following conditions:

  • lack of vitamins A and D in the body;
  • acute and chronic respiratory diseases;
  • various eye diseases;
  • wounds, injuries, bone fractures;
  • problems with the growth of bones and teeth;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • poor condition of hair and nails.

The medicine can also be taken to prevent vascular diseases and rickets.

How to use


Intended for internal use during meals.

For an adult, it is enough to take 1 tbsp per day. l. For children, the dosage is determined by the doctor and depends on age.

Features of administration depend on the purposes for which the medicine is taken, as well as on medical indications.


The drug in capsule form should be taken after meals and washed down with a sufficient amount of drinking water. The capsule must be swallowed immediately. You can take up to 6 capsules per day.

The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist and cannot exceed 1 month.

The method of use and dosage may vary among different manufacturers.


Despite the usefulness of fish oil, it has a number of contraindications:

  • increased susceptibility to constituent components;
  • hemophilia;
  • low blood clotting rate;
  • open pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • excessive calcium levels in blood plasma;
  • excessive levels of vitamins A and D in the body.

Relative contraindications include: ulcers, acute and chronic nephritis, breastfeeding, liver and kidney pathologies, heart disease, old age.

Children can be given oil from 3 months. Capsules are contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.

Adverse reactions and overdose

If you keep the dose and follow the established dosage regimen, then no negative reactions should appear. Otherwise, an upset stomach, an allergic reaction, and bad breath may occur.

With prolonged use, an overdose may occur, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • gagging;
  • lethargic and drowsy state;
  • stomach upset;
  • headache.

If such symptoms appear, maintenance therapy should be started. You should stop taking the drug.

Should children be given fish oil?

For children under 2 years of age, the medicine is usually prescribed to prevent rickets. It contains vitamin D, which is necessary for bone growth and a strong immune system.

This vitamin is useful in that it reduces the body's susceptibility to heart pathologies and skin diseases.

It normalizes heart rate, maintains blood pressure at the desired level, and promotes the development of intellectual abilities.

  1. After taking it, overly active children become more perseverant and calm, they can be better controlled, and they become less irritable.
  2. To make it easier for young children to take the drug, it is produced in the form of capsules that do not have a specific odor and have a pleasant taste.
  3. The instructions say that the oil can be given to babies from 3 months, and capsules can be taken from 6 years.

Doctors advise giving the medicine to those children whose immunity is very weakened. It will also be useful for diseases that occur with complications.

Do pregnant women need fish oil?

Fish oil is strictly not recommended to be taken during pregnancy. During lactation, a specialist may prescribe the drug, but with great caution and under constant supervision. In this case, the expected benefit should be several times greater than the possible threat to the baby and mother.

Pregnant women can use fish oil, which is obtained not from the liver of sea fish, but from muscle mass.

The benefits and harms of fish oil

Beneficial properties of fish oil:

  • can lower blood pressure;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • helps cope with stressful situations and depression;
  • slows down the development of malignant tumors;
  • nourishes tissues with useful elements;
  • activates brain activity.

Harm of fish oil:

  • is a strong allergen;
  • has contraindications;
  • taking on an empty stomach may cause stomach upset;
  • high calorie content.

The benefits of fish oil capsules

Capsules prevent the substance from oxidizing, suppress unpleasant taste and aroma, but the composition is no different from a liquid product for internal use. The composition also contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Use of fish oil by athletes

Fish oil is actively used by bodybuilders to quickly build muscle mass. Under the influence of fish oil, protein synthesis in the muscles is activated. The product also strengthens bones, has a positive effect on brain activity, suppresses inflammatory processes, and reduces the percentage of fatty tissue.

Fish oil can be used even during “drying” or if there is a need to follow a diet.

How much does fish oil cost?

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy. A doctor's prescription is not required. The average price is 40 rubles.

How to take fish oil?

The benefits of fish oil have been known for a long time. It is used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. With this supplement you can protect and restore the body from the influence of harmful factors and diseases. However, you need to know how to consume fatty acids correctly for maximum benefit. Sometimes they can even cause harm.

Which type of acid is better?

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces omega-3 in three versions: liquid, capsule, and gelatin. It doesn't matter at all which option you use. They have the same properties and useful components.

The older generation is accustomed to amino acids in liquid form. It's quite convenient and inexpensive. Young people prefer to choose capsules that do not cause disgust, because fish oil has a rather unpleasant taste.

Attention! The capsules are very easy to transport. In addition, they do not come into contact with air, do not oxidize, and are stored longer.

Those who like fat in liquid form need to consider the type of fish. To do this, it is recommended to choose drugs whose raw materials undergo serious purification.

White varieties of fish are subjected to this test to remove all impurities and harmful substances. The result is a universal, healthy product that is not dangerous to the body.

It should be purchased only from certified pharmacies.

Duodenal ulcer: treatment

Treatment for peptic ulcers is prescribed only by a gastroenterologist. Treatment methods are quite varied and depend on many factors: the stage and severity of the disease, the immune status of the patient, the individual characteristics of his body... Of great importance for the treatment of duodenal ulcers is the prescription of the correct diet - diet. For drug therapy of duodenal ulcers, the following drugs are used: - probiotics and prebiotics (restore and maintain normal microflora of the duodenum); - antacids (reduce the activity of hydrochloric acid); — histamine receptor blockers (regulate the production of hydrochloric acid); - gastroprotective drugs (increase the protective properties of the duodenum); — reparants (restore the mucous membrane); — immunomodulators (restore the normal functionality of the immune system). Among the most effective drugs for the complex treatment of duodenal ulcers, which do not cause any side effects and have no contraindications, it should be noted: 1. Probiotics: - Unibacter - Santa Rus - Vetom (all its types) - Lactis - Acidophilus - Floradophilus 2. Prebiotics - Inulin

3. Pantothenic acid. It has reparative properties and is also a histamine receptor blocker. 4. Among immunomodulators, special attention should be paid to Transfer factor. Once in the body, it performs several functions at once: - restores the functionality of the immune system, as a result of which the body’s metabolic processes are normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the secretion of hydrochloric acid; — enhances the health-improving effects of drugs in combination with which it was taken (in this case, simultaneous use of probiotics is recommended); - being a carrier of immune memory, this immune drug “remembers” all foreign microorganisms that caused a duodenal ulcer, and when they reappear, gives a signal to the immune system to neutralize them. In case of multiple ulcers and complications of this disease, surgical methods of treating duodenal ulcers are sometimes resorted to. Today this method is considered safe.

Fish oil for gastritis: pros and cons

People who have been diagnosed with gastritis know firsthand that one of the main components of treatment is a balanced diet and a responsible attitude towards any consumed ingredients, products, medications, and food components. Gastritis is considered the most insidious disease that cannot be cured solely with the help of medications; to eliminate the disease, an integrated approach to its treatment is necessary.

The use of fish oil for the treatment of gastritis is possible with the permission of the attending physician.

Based on this approach to treatment and the danger of the disease progressing to more serious stages when consuming prohibited foods or ingredients, a person suffering from gastritis should very carefully study the composition of the substances that he consumed before the onset of the disease in order to prevent exacerbations of the disease. In this article we will talk about whether fish oil can be used for gastritis, what its beneficial properties are and precautions for taking it if it is involved in the pathogenesis of diseases of the digestive tract.

Fish oil as a dietary supplement

Fish oil is a valuable biological supplement of natural origin. Its health benefits have been known for a long time; this medical component has not lost its popularity even today.

This unpleasant-tasting and odorless ingredient, which is classified as a medical food additive, is considered a kind of storehouse of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body.

Previously, this product was produced only in liquid form, but nowadays pharmaceutical companies also produce this drug in the form of capsules, which make it easier to take and make consuming the supplement a less unpleasant procedure.

Today, consumption of biological food supplement is very popular among people as its health benefits are invaluable. It contains vitamins A and D, which help increase the level of calcium absorption and strengthen human bones, as well as stimulate metabolism in the body, positively affecting the condition of the skin.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 are present in sufficient quantities in the biological supplement for preventive and therapeutic effects on the human body, stabilizing its functioning.

In addition, palmitic and oleic acids, present in the food component, accompany the regeneration of intercellular tissues and actively stimulate the production of mucus necessary for the normal functionality of the human body.

Regular consumption of fish oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the human cardiac, vascular and nervous systems, has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, and protects the body from various types of infections and viruses.

Features of consuming fish oil for gastritis

Despite the significant benefits for the body from taking a biological supplement such as fish oil, gastroenterology specialists are ambivalent about its use by patients with gastritis. Doctors' ambivalent attitude towards this biological substance has serious reasons.

Positive properties of dietary supplements for gastritis

The benefits of fish oil for gastritis are explained by its following effects on the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Significant anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which effectively helps to cope with the existing disease.
  2. The dietary supplement is an anti-stress agent, which helps prevent exacerbations of the disease.
  3. Thanks to its enveloping properties, it helps reduce the impact of negative ingredients on the stomach and reduces pain symptoms in the epigastric region.
  4. Blocks and prevents the progression of malignant tumors.
  5. Increases immunity, saturates the body with vitality.

As you can see, consuming fish oil, at first glance, has a lot of positive effects on the stomach and digestive organs. However, patients diagnosed with gastritis should take the dietary supplement only under the supervision of a doctor, following his recommendations on dosage and frequency of doses, since, in addition to healing factors, it has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications for use

One of the reasons for doctors to prohibit taking dietary supplements for diseases of the digestive system is the drug’s ability to thin the blood and reduce its clotting, which in case of gastritis contributes to the development of ulcers or erosions.

It is even more dangerous to take fish oil for gastritis with existing ulcers or erosions in the stomach, since when using the medicinal component the disease will progress, there is a high chance of serious bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, which without timely medical care can cause death for the patient.

Drinking fish oil is strictly contraindicated by gastroenterology specialists during exacerbations of the disease, since during the period of intensification of the disease any drugs containing fatty components that can irritate the mucous membranes of an already inflamed stomach are prohibited.

It is also not recommended to use the drug for people who, in parallel in their pathogenesis, have asthma or tuberculosis, diseases of the biliary tract and liver. A contraindication to taking the drug is individual intolerance to the components of the supplement.

Even if there are no individual contraindications for taking the drug, it is not allowed to take the nutritional supplement on an empty stomach, or drink it with carbonated water.

It is better to take the drug during meals or after meals, so it is better absorbed by the body.

An overdose of the drug carries the risk of oversaturating the body with vitamins A and D, which can lead to anorexia, problems with the heart, nervous system, cause disruption of the body's functionality, muscle pain, and body aches.

Let's sum it up

Gastritis is not a 100% contraindication to taking fish oil as a valuable source of beneficial microelements.

In the absence of individual contraindications to this ingredient, exacerbation of the disease, as well as ulcers and wounds in the digestive tract, it is permissible to take the drug for the purpose of general improvement of the body and the prevention of gastritis.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dosage of the drug, since even beneficial microelements and vitamins in excess can cause irreversible processes in the human body.

Whether or not to take a biological ingredient in the complex treatment of gastritis should be decided only on the basis of the results of studies and tests, as well as after consultation with the attending gastroenterologist.

Side effects and contraindications

Taking this substance can cause severe allergies.
It is very important to take the drug in the doses indicated on the package, after examinations and tests, in agreement with your doctor. An overdose can provoke the development of chronic hypervitaminosis. Fish oil can cause severe allergies, which manifest as skin rashes, digestive and respiratory problems, and even conditions requiring urgent medical attention.

With long-term use of fat, sometimes there is a decrease in vitality, lethargy, nausea, lack of appetite, headache, and a specific smell from the mouth, even when taking polymer capsules. A dietary supplement diagnosed with gastritis in the chronic stage can be taken under the supervision of a gastroenterologist, but during an exacerbation of the disease it is not possible.

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