Increased gas production during menstruation

What causes bloating and gas?

If you have frequent gastrointestinal problems or to avoid them, it is important to know what can cause bloating and gas. The main and common reasons are:

  1. Consumption of fermented milk products;
  2. Frequent consumption of foods containing fiber;
  3. Eating legumes in large quantities;
  4. The presence of carbonated drinks in the daily diet;
  5. Chewing gum after every meal;
  6. Overeating as such.

In addition, gas or bloating may only accompany serious health problems, such as:

  1. Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that requires immediate surgical intervention;
  2. Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that disrupts its normal functioning;
  3. Diverticulitis is the appearance and inflammation of growths (diverticulum) like a hernia on the walls of the intestine;
  4. Dysbacteriosis – disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  5. Gallstone disease – the appearance of stones in the gall bladder;
  6. Intestinal obstruction - a violation of the movement of food in the gastrointestinal tract and various disorders of the motor function of the intestines;
  7. Pancreatitis – inflammatory processes in the pancreas;
  8. Problems of the genitourinary system;
  9. Various tumors (benign and malignant);
  10. Stomach ulcer.

Flatulence can be a consequence of improper eating or a sign of various diseases; in addition, the causes of bloating and gas formation in women can also be caused by problems with blood circulation, such as varicose veins. But often, ailments in the abdominal area can be associated with menstruation or pregnancy.

Bloating and increased gas formation (flatulence): worries women due to poor diet or gastrointestinal diseases

Pregnancy and bloating

If your period has not arrived and your stomach is swollen, then you should take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG.

If pregnancy is confirmed, but discomfort remains, then it is worth visiting a gynecologist to rule out pathologies, including ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. During a normal pregnancy, a woman should not be bothered by pain.

In addition to bloating, pregnancy is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • breast swelling;
  • loss of strength;
  • spasms and pain;
  • dizziness.

It is worth noting that menstruation does not always stop during pregnancy - brown spotting may appear.

The main difference between a belly swollen before menstruation and a belly swollen during pregnancy is that in the latter case, upon palpation, the belly feels hard to the touch.

Flatulence in pregnant women and during menstruation

Gas formation and bloating in pregnant women

During pregnancy, bloating and frequent gas formation can be considered normal if it does not cause severe discomfort and occurs later in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, as the uterus gradually increases in size, and the fetus begins to put pressure on the organs in the abdominal cavity.

But, if a woman’s stomach is very swollen, the lower abdomen hurts and the intestines are distended, sudden vaginal bleeding occurs, headaches and a decrease in blood pressure is observed, this may be a signal of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you should not wait until it “goes away on its own.” Ectopic pregnancy poses a great threat to health, possible development of infertility and even death. In this case, consult a doctor immediately and do not hesitate, as your life may be at stake.

Gas and bloating during menstruation

During childbearing years, one of the signs of PMS may be gas or bloating. Firstly, the hormone progesterone begins to be intensively produced (flatulence may occur during pregnancy for the same reason). Secondly, fluid is poorly removed from the body during PMS, which in turn can be one of the causes of bloating. In general, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring during PMS, which can slow down the process of digesting food and provoke ailments in the form of flatulence.

Causes of abdominal discomfort during KD

A woman's body constantly experiences hormonal changes that depend on the menstrual cycle. However, the cause of severe bloating during menstruation may be hidden in poor nutrition, as well as in some diseases of the abdominal cavity.


Menstruation, which regularly occurs in a woman, indicates the passage of a cycle of readiness for conception. A mature egg is released from the ovary, ovulation occurs, and during this period the production of progesterone changes greatly.

The hormone affects the smooth muscles of the body, resulting in short-term disruptions in the intestines. This causes such unpleasant sensations as constipation or diarrhea, flatulence and a feeling of severe bloating. But without high levels of progesterone, a fertilized egg would not be able to implant itself in the loose structure of the uterus.

Increased fluid accumulation

The cause of this condition can be heart disease, kidney disease, as well as abuse of salty foods. But sometimes water retention is caused by prolactin, estrogen and vasopressin. These hormones reduce the frequency of urination, which is why unresolved water is forced to be deposited along with fatty tissues.


Some women experience menstruation even with pregnancy, which is also due to hormonal characteristics. When pregnancy occurs, progesterone and other hormones are again produced, which lead to bloating.

During gestation itself, rapid bloating may be a consequence of uterine hypertonicity. This is an active muscle contraction caused by a spasm, which can lead to miscarriage. Accompanied by severe twitching, pain and heaviness, bleeding and frequent urination often occur.


When an unpleasant symptom appears, a woman may experience the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system - always accompanied by pain, changes in the nature of discharge, and a feeling of heaviness;
  • tumors in the pelvic organs - may occur without symptoms;
  • intestinal diseases - digestive disorders often occur, including during the period between menstruation;
  • endometriosis is a change in the mucous layer of the uterus, which is characterized by heavy periods with heavy discharge.

Nausea, fever and vomiting should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

It is impossible to determine the cause of bloating at home. Often it is not accompanied by additional symptoms, so women do not pay any attention to the unpleasant sensation.


Constant overeating, eating sweet, salty, and fast food can cause discomfort during menstruation. If the rest of the time the hamburger has no effect on digestion, then during the KD period due to hormonal changes it can even cause vomiting.

Prevention and treatment of bloating and gas formation

To avoid unnecessary problems with the stomach, it is best to listen to simple tips that will help prevent gas formation and bloating:

  1. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly;
  2. Do not talk while eating to avoid swallowing excess air;
  3. Chew gum as little as possible;
  4. Avoid carbonated drinks;
  5. Try not to eat fermented milk and legumes on the same day.

If the problem of flatulence occurs too often, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo an examination. In order to alleviate the condition and not develop a chronic form of the disease, you can take antispasmodics, prokinetics and probiotics, or use activated charcoal if bloating and gas formation are caused by an upset stomach. Also, Polyphepan or Entegnin will cleanse the stomach and intestines well. As for tablets, No-shpu, Mezim, Smecta, Espumisan and Linex can be considered proven and reliable.

In addition, it is worth limiting yourself to certain products so as not to provoke the recurrence of problems of this nature. These are mainly products that provoke fermentation. Eliminate or limit as much as possible the following foods from your diet:

  1. Figs;
  2. Prunes;
  3. Cabbage, turnips, radishes and radishes;
  4. Mushrooms;
  5. Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear);
  6. Peas and beans;
  7. Kvass and all carbonated drinks;
  8. Grapes, apples and pears;
  9. Dairy products.

If you listen to all the above tips, you can easily avoid stomach problems. For serious problems and other unpleasant symptoms, do not self-medicate, but contact a qualified specialist. Only a competent approach to any problem can guarantee you good health.

As you know, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a constant companion in the lives of most women. Its manifestations are unpleasant and sometimes painful. During this period, a woman may feel weakness, apathy, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back pain, digestive problems, as well as bloating and flatulence. Let's look at the last symptom in more detail. The cause of flatulence during menstruation is the hormonal shift that occurs in the body of every woman every month. Complexes of B vitamins, potassium and magnesium can significantly ease the course of PMS and reduce the problem of increased gas formation during this difficult period. But not only hormonal levels affect a woman’s intestines before menstruation. Eating certain foods also contributes to the formation of gases that distend the intestinal walls, and this, in turn, causes pain. So what foods should you avoid so as not to aggravate the problem? First of all, these are products of plant origin, for example, legumes (peas, beans), which contain nitrogenous compounds, cabbage. These vegetables contribute to increased gas formation. And other fresh vegetables will not relieve you of flatulence. Also, you should not eat carbonated drinks (lemonade, etc.), because They are not only filled with air bubbles, but also contain a large amount of sugar, which also affects the formation of gases. It follows from this that sweets (and in particular, flour sweets) should be limited, and, if possible, completely excluded from the diet during PMS. Oddly enough, you shouldn’t use a sugar substitute (sorbitol) either, because it is difficult to digest and promotes gas formation. This must be remembered when eating sugar-free foods. Is it possible to reduce bloating during menstruation? To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  1. In the last week of the cycle, review your diet and eliminate foods that cause flatulence.
  2. Chew food thoroughly.
  3. If necessary, use drugs for the release of gases containing simethicone. Also, time-tested remedies such as activated carbon or folk remedies in the form of dill water and chamomile decoction have a good effect.
  4. Go for a walk more often, because... Walking and fresh air will not only alleviate the condition, but will also have a positive effect on your overall mood and improve your mood.

Bloating is a process that causes discomfort in a woman. Gases accumulate in the intestines, making it difficult to lead a full life. The source can be: overeating, pregnancy or approaching menstruation. Why does bloating occur and what ways can you overcome it? This is a question that worries every woman who has encountered this disease.

  1. Bloating after eating
  2. Discomfort during menstruation
  3. Gas formation in pregnant women
  4. When do you need a doctor's help?
  5. Review of effective drugs

This is one of the common reasons why gas formation occurs. A person has just had a delicious lunch and is looking forward to a pleasant aftertaste, but a real hurricane begins in the stomach. You can feel your stomach increasing in size, causing discomfort. Why is my stomach bloated?

The occurrence of flatulence after eating

When experiencing bloating, a person forgets that he himself is the cause of gas formation. Lifestyle and diet causes these signs:

1. frequent consumption of carbonated drinks;

2. Often a person eats on the go or is in a hurry. At this moment, he swallows a lot of excess air, which accumulates in the intestines, causing flatulence;

3. use of heartburn medications that contain soda. Antibiotics also disrupt the intestinal microflora, causing dysbiosis;

4. Flatulence can be caused by foods that provoke fermentation - milk, ice cream, nuts;

5. gas formation after eating is also caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: intestinal infections, bulbitis, gastritis or stomach ulcers;

6. flatulence also occurs due to overeating;

7. During stressful situations, a woman often begins to eat more. Stress itself and heavy nutrition can provoke a spasm, which will prevent the release of gases;

8. With age, the intestinal muscles weaken, so the older the person, the more gases are formed.

Bloating during menstruation: causes, treatment methods, reviews

Menstruation is a natural process in a woman’s life that indicates her ability to bear children. Often this period is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or pain, which can cause significant inconvenience.

One of the unpleasant symptoms is bloating during menstruation. This condition in most cases is physiological in nature and occurs due to hormonal changes. But sometimes bloating during menstruation indicates the development of serious diseases.

Let's take a closer look at the causes and methods of treating this condition.


Bloating is a condition in the intestines in which gases accumulate in the intestines and are unable to leave the body on their own. This is one of the signs of premenstrual syndrome. Many people are interested in the question of how many days before menstruation bloating can appear.

This symptom occurs one to two weeks before menstruation. Bloating during menstruation appears due to hormonal changes occurring in the female body. In particular, this condition causes changes in the levels of progesterone and estrogen in the blood.

But do not forget that sometimes bloating is provoked by more dangerous diseases - gastritis, inflammation of the appendix or malignant tumors.

The causes of bloating before menstruation are quite extensive. For ease of classification, they are usually divided into the following types:

  • Physiological. In this case, the feeling of bloating is a normal condition, which is caused by the action of hormones. In the vast majority of cases, this symptom disappears after the onset of menstruation. As a rule, it does not require medical intervention.
  • Pathological, indicating the development of a serious disease. Bloating can be accompanied by severe pain and cramps. It is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible, where a comprehensive examination will be carried out.

Physiological reasons

Physiological causes of bloating during menstruation include the following:

  • Hormonal changes. After ovulation ends, the body begins to prepare for a possible conception by increasing the production of certain hormones, in particular progesterone. In this case, the uterus becomes enlarged due to the flow of blood to it. This not only increases the volume of the abdomen, but also contributes to compression of the intestines, which causes disruptions in its functioning.
  • Swelling. This is a manifestation of the body’s protective reaction, since it is assumed that during menstruation a large amount of fluid, nutrients and microelements will be lost. The body begins to store water. Some people may experience swelling in their arms or legs, while others may experience a bloated stomach.
  • Ovulation. During this period, there is an active production of female hormones, which can cause bloating and flatulence.
  • Pregnancy. In the first weeks, bloating can be confused with a harbinger of menstruation. A distinctive feature will be that if the bloating is caused by pregnancy, the abdomen will be hard upon palpation.

Pathological causes

Normally, swelling of the abdominal walls should not cause significant discomfort. But if such a condition is accompanied by sharp pain, loud rumbling and other similar symptoms, this may indicate the development of a pathological process.

Let's look at the most common reasons:

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, if there is bloating during menstruation, pain, swelling of the limbs and face, general weakness, bags under the eyes, then this may indicate nephritis.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. When hormonal levels change, they worsen. Due to the influx of blood and enlargement of the uterus, gas formation occurs, which distends the abdominal cavity. There may also be cramps, flatulence, bowel irregularities, and nausea. A distinctive feature is the appearance of sharp pain in the navel area.
  • Pathological processes in the pelvic organs. In this case, cramping pain may occur, radiating to the lower back or anus, and the discharge may change. Bowel disturbances are rare.
  • Tumor processes that can compress the intestines, disrupting its function.

If bloating occurs with a delay in menstruation, a negative pregnancy test may indicate a pathological process occurring in the female reproductive system. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo tests, based on the results of which therapy will be prescribed.

Bloating and pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy are often confused with premenstrual syndrome. If you experience bloating due to a delay in menstruation, you should pay attention to other signs of successful conception - dizziness, mood swings, breast swelling and tenderness, weakness, nausea. If you suspect pregnancy, you must conduct a special test and consult a doctor.


Many women experience bloating after their period, around the middle of their cycle.

This may indicate a period of ovulation, which is sometimes accompanied by painful pulling sensations, bowel irregularities, and general malaise.

This condition usually goes away within two days, and sometimes within a few hours. To confirm the release of the egg, you can use special rapid tests.

Poor nutrition

Abdominal bloating during menstruation can also be caused by an incorrect diet. Many foods can cause increased gas formation and cramping pain, and under the influence of hormonal surges, these manifestations occur much more often.

As the uterus enlarges, the intestines are compressed, which interferes with normal digestion of food, which also increases the risk of bloating.

To minimize unpleasant symptoms, you should exclude certain foods from your diet and adhere to certain rules. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Meals should be fractional and consist of small portions.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • In order for the body not to feel a lack of fluid and therefore begin to accumulate it in large quantities, it is necessary to establish a drinking regime. Experts recommend drinking at least two liters of water per day.

Products that should be limited or completely eliminated include:

  • Cabbage.
  • Legumes.
  • Black bread.
  • Fried meat and fish.
  • Smoked products.
  • Beer.
  • Celery.
  • Fresh milk.
  • Baking.
  • Products with high sugar content.
  • Strong coffee and tea.
  • Alcohol.
  • Chocolate.
  • Carbonated drinks.

Products that help combat increased gas formation include the following:

  • A pineapple.
  • Garlic.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Ginger.
  • Peaches.


As a rule, diagnostic measures are prescribed by a doctor in order to clarify the concomitant diagnosis. The following laboratory and instrumental studies are used:

  • General analysis of urine and blood.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Coprogram.
  • Endoscopy.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic and abdominal organs.
  • Sometimes more serious examinations may be required. For example, laparoscopy or MRI.

Possible treatment

Not only dietary adjustments, but also drug therapy, as well as the use of traditional medicine, will help prevent or get rid of bloating during menstruation. Moderate physical activity and walks in the fresh air are recommended.

It is worth remembering that if signs of serious pathological conditions are added to the bloating, you need to seek qualified help and undergo all the necessary tests to clarify the cause of this condition. Below we consider the main treatment options used for bloating.

Drug treatment

Medicines that help combat increased gas formation should be prescribed by the attending physician based on the characteristics of the woman’s body and accompanying symptoms. It is worth remembering that the use of medications should be prescribed after excluding the fact of pregnancy, since many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy.

The most effective remedies in the fight against bloating are the following medications:

  • "Espumizan". Promotes painless and rapid release of gases.
  • "Motilium". Accelerates intestinal motility.
  • “Antareit.” It is a carminative drug.
  • “No-shpa”, “Spazmalgon”. They belong to the category of antispasmodics. Eliminate pain, spasms and relax the muscles of both the uterus and intestines.
  • White coal, “Enterosgel”, “Polysorb” - sorbents.
  • “Linex”, “Bifiform” - contain beneficial bacteria that improve intestinal function.
  • Diuretics.
  • Vitamin therapy, in particular, taking vitamins B, E and C is recommended.
  • Sometimes sedatives and painkillers may be prescribed.

When going to the doctor, many women are interested in whether there is systematic bloating before menstruation, how many days before their onset it is necessary to take medications. Many experts recommend following a diet 2 weeks before menstruation, and medication as symptoms appear.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine helps not only to cope with bloating, but also to prevent the occurrence of this symptom.

It is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of the following herbs:

  • Chamomile.
  • Cowberry.
  • Cranberry.
  • Melissa.
  • Mint.
  • Dill.
  • Fennel.
  • Sagebrush.

It should be remembered that the use of any herbs is possible only in the absence of allergic reactions and after consultation with your doctor. When using traditional medicine, reviews from women are in most cases positive.


Bloating during menstruation is a normal condition caused by the activity of hormones. If the symptoms disappear on their own after some time and do not cause significant discomfort, there is no need to worry. But if the symptoms intensify, you should contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe diagnostic measures.

It is necessary to learn to listen to your body, since ordinary bloating, which can be mistaken for a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, can be a sign of a serious and sometimes dangerous disease.

It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and periodically carry out special massages or therapeutic exercises. Also, do not neglect traditional medicine, but their use should be agreed with your doctor.


Gas formation before menstruation

Of course, not every woman experiences bloating before her period. This depends on your body type, the elasticity of your uterine muscles, and your physical fitness.

Causes of bloating before menstruation:

  • Intestinal peristalsis.

Before menstruation, the uterus and appendages are supplied with a large amount of blood. This affects the genitals and the nearby intestines. There may be a problem with digestion and, as a result, flatulence occurs.

  • Hormones contribute to the process of preparing for pregnancy.

Thanks to the growing layer of the endometrium, which is saturated with blood vessels, the uterus swells and becomes soft before menstruation. This affects the abdominal muscles. If a woman does not lead an active lifestyle and does not have abs, her stomach increases.

  • Before menstruation, fluid leaves the body worse.

Why is this happening? During the process, a lot of blood is lost, which contains a large amount of salts and trace elements. The body replenishes them by retaining fluid that accumulates in the legs, arms, fingers, and also causing swelling in the abdomen.

There are situations when the stomach begins to swell and ache, although menstruation should not come soon. These are signs of ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary, causing minor but trauma. Each woman experiences this process differently. Some people feel bloating and pain, while others don't feel it at all.

Bloating during pregnancy

Bloating in early pregnancy is common. This occurs due to the fact that the body is reconstructed, adapting to a new state. Why does flatulence occur during pregnancy?

1. Early pregnancy is accompanied by the production of progesterone. It is necessary to relax the uterus. But at the same time, it also has a relaxing effect on the digestive tract. Contractions of the stomach and intestines slow down, and the fermentation process, on the contrary, increases. Gases accumulate in the body, causing gas formation.

2. During pregnancy, hormones are released that reduce the production of pancreatic hormones. This can cause flatulence.

3. As the fetus grows, the uterus also grows. It begins to put pressure on the intestines, preventing the free passage of gases in the abdomen.

4. It is important to eat less foods that cause flatulence during pregnancy. Since during this period they have an even more acute effect on the intestines and stomach.

Increased gas formation before menstruation

Bloating before menstruation is a normal variant that most women experience. If a bloated belly does not cause serious concern and is not accompanied by swelling, pain or flatulence, there is no point in thinking about measures to eliminate bloating.

In other cases, information about the probable causes of bloating and methods for eliminating discomfort may be useful.

When can there be bloating before menstruation?

Changes in a woman’s well-being during the menstrual cycle directly correlate with her hormonal levels. Each ovulation for the body is a chance to conceive a child, which must be used by creating the most favorable conditions for fertilization of the egg.

Hormones perform this function in a woman’s body. Mainly progesterone. Its production occurs during ovulation and the subsequent period of the cycle - the luteal phase. Therefore, bloating begins to bother you in the second half of the cycle: from the day of ovulation to menstruation. A few hours after the start of menstruation, progesterone in the blood decreases sharply, and bloating disappears.

Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of clinical manifestations that the vast majority of women experience 2-10 days before the onset of menstruation. In addition to irritability and swelling, symptoms include bloating.

Bloating is associated with two reasons, which will be discussed in detail below:

  • eating disorders;
  • the influence of hormones actively produced by the female body during the period of ovulation.

A slight increase in the abdomen before menstruation and a weight gain of up to 2-3 kilograms is normal. But if the belly becomes rounded, as if in mid-pregnancy, and the weight gain exceeds 3 kilograms, you need to consult a doctor.

Hormonal reasons

Menstruation is a consequence of the proper functioning of the reproductive system. In order to understand why the belly swells before menstruation, it is necessary to consider which hormones increase in concentration before menstruation, and how this affects the female body.

The “culprits” of all changes in a woman’s condition before menstruation are three hormones:

Progesterone has the most striking effect, catalyzing the disruption of water-salt metabolism. That is, the concentration of sodium in the body increases, and fluid begins to be retained in fat cells. Considering the fact that a large number of these cells are located in the abdominal area, it is the enlargement of the abdomen that is noticeable.

Swelling in the second half of the cycle is not a disruption in the functioning of a woman’s body, but a protection thought out by nature from the consequences of menstrual bleeding. But if the swelling is very pronounced, there is a reason to visit a doctor and check the functioning of the kidneys (chronic renal failure) and the thyroid gland (myxedema).

In addition to swelling, there is another reason why the stomach swells before menstruation. Progesterone acts on the uterus, promoting thickening of its endothelium due to the flow of blood and fluid into its walls. This is necessary so that the fertilized egg can implant in the uterus and develop according to the plan for a normal pregnancy.

An enlarged uterus not only adds volume to the abdomen, but also puts pressure on the intestines, causing gas formation.

Poor nutrition

Poor nutrition is the main cause of abdominal discomfort. But most women who do not suffer from gastrointestinal disease experience bloating only in the last week of the menstrual cycle.

The reason for this phenomenon may lie in the effect of hormones on a woman’s nervous system. When experiencing irritability, aggression, or, conversely, depression, the body tries to restore emotional comfort by eating large amounts of tasty food.

Why is this happening? There are several explanations for this:

  1. Irritability is the result of increased activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic system, and to correct this, it is necessary to increase the activity of the parasympathetic division. The easiest way to do this is by eating; it is with this mechanism that almost all food addictions are closely related.
  2. Eating for most people is closely related to the area of ​​pleasure. Trying to compensate for a bad mood, women find the fastest and easiest way to solve the problem by going to the refrigerator.
  3. Before menstruation, due to hormonal imbalance and associated emotional instability, a woman’s will decreases. And if at normal times she can calmly walk past a pastry shop, then during this period it is difficult for her to refuse temptation.

Thus, psychological discomfort becomes the reason for eating large amounts of food, which is difficult to classify as proper and healthy nutrition. Coupled with the fact that a woman’s uterus is enlarged before menstruation and puts pressure on the intestines, the digestion process becomes difficult, gas formation increases, and the stomach becomes enlarged before menstruation.

How you can help

Bloating during menstruation is the result of the endocrine system and poor nutrition. But directly influencing the hormonal balance of the body is difficult and even harmful, but it is quite possible to reduce the manifestation of symptoms with the help of nutrition.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that increase the risk of flatulence:

  • beans;
  • cabbage;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • alcohol;
  • chocolate and coffee;
  • carbonated drinks.

If the problem of gas formation in the second half of the menstrual cycle is relevant, it is important to reconsider your diet, giving up heavy heavy meals in favor of fractional meals and light meals.


Medicines that reduce bloating are chosen depending on what is causing the bloating. If during bloating the stomach not only swells, but also swells, you can use carminative drugs:



If a woman feels that her stomach is bloated on the eve of her period, in many cases there is no reason to worry - these are manifestations of physiological changes during the period of preparation for the first phase of the menstrual cycle. But in certain cases, such a symptom may be hidden behind another pathology, which sometimes requires a prompt response from the woman. Having summarized the possible factors for abdominal enlargement, we can highlight the most common of them:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Ovulation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Gynecological pathology.
  • Tumors.

When a woman’s stomach swells before her period, this should be treated with due attention, since these complaints are the result of not only physiological, but also pathological changes.

If the symptoms that arise are of pronounced intensity, in order to find out their cause, there is no time to waste - you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of bloating

Not every female representative experiences premenstrual syndrome with a feeling of bloating. This condition depends on:

  • woman's physique features
  • muscle condition and elasticity
  • muscle corset conditions
  • eating habits
  • vascular conditions
  • physical training

These factors play an important role in bloating. Thus, overweight women with weak muscles are more prone to abdominal distension.

The appearance of a bloated abdomen is also explained by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders and individual characteristics of the structure of the uterus. A slight increase in the abdomen before menstruation is quite understandable and can be caused by natural physiological reasons. After a couple of days, as a rule, it goes away. But if after such a time there is no improvement in the condition, it is worth visiting a doctor, since there is a risk of developing pathology of the internal organs.


Bloating before menstruation is not the only symptom that a woman feels during this period. She may also be concerned about other manifestations, taking into account which will help in making the correct diagnosis. Only after understanding the features of the clinical picture of possible conditions can we confidently say why the belly swells before menstruation. As a rule, this is accompanied by:

  1. Feeling of fullness.
  2. Rumbling in the stomach.
  3. Increased gas formation.
  4. Enlarged abdomen.

If such symptoms are associated with normal processes in a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle, then after the onset of menstruation, these manifestations disappear. When they persist and do not depend on physiological changes, then it is worth thinking about another origin of these complaints.

If there is any doubt about the nature of the sensations, you should consult a doctor.

Hormonal changes

Before menstruation, changes in various metabolic processes are observed. Progesterone is produced, a hormone that is responsible for preparing the body for future pregnancy, since this is the main role of the reproductive period. Under its influence, the muscles of the uterus relax, its mucous membrane swells and prepares to receive a fertilized egg. At the same time, the stomach increases slightly in volume.

In addition, progesterone promotes fluid retention in the body, which is why slight swelling of the lower extremities may appear. At the same time, similar changes are observed in the pelvic organs, which also provokes feelings of fullness in the abdomen.

Changes in hormonal levels are a normal situation during the menstrual cycle. If there are no other complaints and the symptoms go away after menstruation, there is no need to worry.

Premenstrual syndrome

The physiological period of preparation for menstruation should not cause significant discomfort. However, some experience so-called premenstrual syndrome, which is characterized by various disorders: vascular, autonomic, emotional and endocrine. This leads to disruption of a woman’s usual life and causes her a lot of trouble.

The clinical picture of premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a variety of complaints. In addition to bloating, the following are observed:

  • Pain in the heart and stomach.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Dizziness and headache.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Induration of the mammary glands.
  • Irritability, mood swings, depression.

This is not a normal course of the menstrual cycle, and therefore requires proper correction.


Pregnant woman lying in bed sleeping

If a woman notices that her belly is enlarged before her expected period, but there is still no discharge, this may indicate pregnancy. In addition, when heaviness or other unpleasant symptoms are felt, this picture often indicates an increase in the tone of the uterus. In turn, this can provoke spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.

Sudden bloating is often due to an ectopic pregnancy that was interrupted due to a ruptured tube. In this case, severe pain and bleeding are characteristic, and further development is dangerous due to the phenomena of peritonitis.

If your stomach is swollen after a confirmed pregnancy, you need to take this symptom seriously and consult a doctor in time.

Intestinal diseases

Sometimes it happens that there is no clear connection between menstruation and abdominal discomfort. Then we can assume that accumulated gases indicate intestinal pathology. In this case, flatulence will be accompanied by other symptoms:

  1. Abdominal pain.
  2. Loose stools.
  3. Sometimes nausea.
  4. In certain cases - increased body temperature.

When your stomach turns, you need to think about the possibility of inflammatory bowel disease.

Possible causes of a bloated belly before menstruation

Before you begin to fight such manifestations of PMS, you should study the causes of flatulence in women. Menstruation is a very complex process, from a physiological point of view. It is accompanied by a serious hormonal surge. Therefore, any discomfort is worth attention and if you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor.

How many days before menstruation does bloating occur? This question also cannot be answered unambiguously. But there are a number of obvious reasons for the occurrence of flatulence before and during menstruation, by removing which a woman can significantly alleviate her condition:

Hormonal surges

During and before menstruation, progesterone, a hormone responsible for the successful fertilization of the egg and the subsequent development of the embryo, begins to be pumped into the body of every woman. Progesterone ensures relaxation of the uterine walls. But at the time of compaction of its inner layer, it can also lead to bloating and, as a result, discomfort in the tummy area. If fertilization does not occur, the amount of the hormone decreases and the belly, which increased a couple of days ago, returns to normal.


It happens that during the few days when menstruation begins, a woman does not observe bleeding, but feels that her stomach is swollen, hurts, and there is a feeling of bloating and nausea. Heaviness and swelling appear in the chest, it swells.

If the belly is swollen, there is no period, and the delay is too long, you need to take a pregnancy test.

Even if the result turns out to be negative and the symptoms do not go away, you should definitely visit a gynecologist. If you have nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you should not hesitate to visit a specialist. Such symptoms can be the cause of many disorders (ectopic pregnancy, tumor).

Intestinal peristalsis

Bloating during menstruation and before the onset of menstruation can also be caused by active preparation of the body, including the pelvic organs. During this period, slight disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract are often observed, which can cause intestinal swelling and excessive gas formation.


The appearance of flatulence before menstruation can cause swelling of the body. Fingers, feet, hands swell. The eyelids and entire face may swell. The amount of fluid increases due to rising hormone levels. This may make your stomach appear swollen. Fluid removal is delayed, increasing body weight. But after the end of menstrual bleeding, the weight returns to normal, the swelling subsides on its own.


This is the process during which a woman has the highest chance of becoming pregnant. It is not surprising that at such a moment the body is at the peak of hormone production. Bloating can also be a sign of such changes.

If such a symptom is common and does not cause pain, there is no reason to worry. You just need to wait a couple of days. Otherwise (if pain or cramps appear), you should consult a doctor, since ovulation, although minor, is still an injury.


Sometimes, the formation of gases can be a sign of the presence of any pathologies. If, in addition to flatulence, additional uncharacteristic symptoms are observed, such as nausea, vomiting, fever, swelling, cramps, pain, you should immediately consult a doctor and do a blood test. And also, do not neglect preventive examinations by a gynecologist every six months.

Poor nutrition

Another reason for bloating during PMS is a decrease in the production of the hormone endorphin several weeks before menstruation. This hormone is responsible for mood and its deficiency leads to a deterioration in the general psychological state, the occurrence of apathy, and depression. Many women prefer to combat such manifestations with food. This is where malnutrition occurs, overeating, constipation, gas formation, fermentation of leftover food in the stomach, and excessively hard stools.


It is necessary to treat bloating before menstruation taking into account all identified factors in order to have the maximum impact on the cause of this condition. Therefore, a therapeutic program can be formed only after a comprehensive examination of the woman. The most frequently recommended methods for correcting identified violations are:

  • Diet.
  • Drug treatment.
  • Psychotherapy.

In some cases, surgery is indicated - for example, with tubal pregnancy or tumors. But, as a rule, they use conservative methods.

All medicinal products are used only with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision.


To reduce bloating, the first thing you need to do is pay attention to your diet. This is the first thing you need to do to eliminate discomfort, and only then take medications.

Before menstruation, you should limit the consumption of fatty foods, carbohydrates, raw vegetables and fruits, and legumes. To reduce edema, it is recommended not to drink a lot of fluids and not to eat salty foods.

Drug treatment

Taking medications is justified in pathological conditions that are accompanied by a feeling of bloating in the abdomen. Any medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with his recommendations.

During the physiological course of the menstrual cycle, you can take drugs to reduce gas formation (espumisan), antispasmodics (no-spa, meteospasmil). Herbal teas and infusions (fennel, chamomile, angelica) are recommended as herbal medicine. Premenstrual syndrome requires the use of the following medications:

  1. Sedatives and tranquilizers.
  2. Antiallergic.
  3. Diuretics.
  4. Improving microcirculation.
  5. Hormones.


In many cases, with abdominal discomfort, psychological correction has an additional therapeutic effect. By rethinking various situations and changing attitudes towards problems, a positive dominant is formed in the mind. This allows you to effectively cope with stress, changes in life, and also helps you calmly go through the period of menstruation.

When a woman notices bloating before her period, in most cases there is no cause for concern, since this is the result of physiological changes. But if such phenomena do not disappear after menstruation, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Ways to treat discomfort

The most common way to eliminate bloating is the use of medications. But it is better to do this after establishing the causes of the violation. Doctors often recommend the following safe drugs that quickly relieve a woman of inconvenience:

  • Activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb or Enterosgel. These are enterosorbents that effectively cleanse the intestines of harmful substances. They are also useful for flatulence and overeating.
  • Drotaverine (No-shpa). Antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles. They also relieve pain.
  • Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim. Recommended for indigestion.
  • Espumisan. Helps with severe flatulence that occurs during bloating.

It is important to remember that medications are aimed at eliminating symptoms. To combat the cause, a complex effect on the body is required, as well as a change in diet.

Folk remedies for bloating

Traditional medicine also helps combat unpleasant symptoms. There are several herbs that are absolutely safe for health and do not cause adverse reactions:

  • dill and fennel, including their greens and seeds - brew according to instructions and take 5-6 times a day until symptoms disappear;
  • ginger, chamomile or nettle tea - drink 3-4 times a day, prepared from natural raw materials;
  • berry fruit drinks - cranberries, lingonberries and blueberries are especially effective.

Light physical activity, such as walking in the fresh air, helps normalize peristalsis and eliminate symptoms.

Sometimes, to eliminate bloating, it is enough to introduce half-hour evening walks into your daily lifestyle, review your diet and add more fluid in the form of healthy teas and fruit drinks. The bloating goes away on its own even without medication.

Why does the stomach swell during menstruation and what to do?

Flatulence is an extremely unpleasant condition that significantly reduces the quality of life. Excessive formation of gases in the human body can be caused by various reasons, physiological or pathological. Bloating before menstruation is a normal phenomenon that a fairly large number of women experience.


Bloating directly depends on the amount of gases produced in the intestines. Flatulence is considered to be a condition in which the intestines accumulate more than three liters of gases. Some of the gases are formed during the digestion of food, the other part is swallowed during consumption.

Excessive gases can be caused by insufficient enzyme activity of the digestive system or by pathogenic microorganisms entering the intestines. Such processes lead to the fact that food begins to rot and ferment. These conditions are accompanied not only by the release of gaseous compounds, but also by the production of toxins, which has a detrimental effect on the general condition of a person.

Before your period

There are several reasons that can contribute to the appearance of flatulence during menstruation:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. The menstrual cycle has three phases: follicular (menstrual), ovulatory and luteal (secretory). With the onset of each phase, changes occur in the hormonal background, which are necessary for fertilization, conception, the formation of conditions for gestation and for tissue renewal in case fertilization does not occur this month.
  • Edema. The abdomen may become bloated due to the accumulation of fluid in the body on the eve of menstruation, in other words, due to the formation of edema. They can form on the legs, arms, and the stomach can also swell. The formation of edema is explained by the body’s preparation for blood loss.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience increased gas formation, and there are reasons for this. Firstly, the hormonal background also begins to change, preparing the woman’s body for gestation and development of the fetus. Secondly, with the enlargement of the uterus, intra-abdominal pressure increases, which contributes to the appearance of this symptom.

Interesting! Immediately after eating, bloating appeared - the main reasons

  • Ovulation. The onset of ovulation in some women may be accompanied by bloating or discomfort in the abdomen. Bloating directly during ovulation occurs due to the action of hormones. If the symptom appears a couple of days before ovulation, the cause may be a regional increase in temperature, because at this time it rises slightly and falls with the onset of ovulation.
  • Tumor formations. One of the symptoms of uterine fibroids can be bloating. If premenstrual symptoms worsen over time or new ones occur, you should consult a doctor.

The manifestation of symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle is purely individual for each woman. Some may experience bloating during menstruation, others before menstruation, etc. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the woman’s physique and other things.

How to get rid

If you know for sure that your stomach is bloated not due to pregnancy, tumor or other diseases associated with hormonal levels, in order to alleviate the symptom, you can follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not overfill the intestines. It is worth refusing to eat fatty foods and flour.
  • 14 days before the onset of menstruation, you need to limit yourself in eating salty and spicy foods, smoked foods, soda, caffeine, etc.
  • During menstruation, you should not eat raw vegetables and fruits, fatty foods and legumes.
  • Food should be consumed in small portions and chewed thoroughly. You can drink after eating half an hour later. It is better to limit foods that cause bloating and contain fiber for a while.
  • If a symptom occurs, you can drink tea, infusion of fennel, and dill. Tea with cardamom or ginger will be beneficial.
  • With the onset of your period, you can start taking vitamins E, B, and magnesium.
  • Massage of the back and thighs can provide benefits. To do this, it is better to use massage oil containing juniper, lavender or grape extract.
  • Before the onset of menstruation, you can take warm baths with black pepper or fennel oil. With the onset of menstruation, it is better to avoid water procedures, as this may cause increased bleeding.
  • Good mood. Psychosomatics plays an important role in the formation of symptoms. The more a woman focuses on feeling unwell and stressing herself out, the more severe the symptoms will be. You can cheer up by doing what you love, walking, talking with friends, etc.
  • Medications. If the symptom is unbearable, then with the permission of the doctor, you can take enterosorbents. These drugs include activated carbon and Enterosgel.

Interesting! Pathological and physiological causes of bloating in men

Bloating during menstruation is a fairly common occurrence. It can be expressed differently in each woman. In some cases, it brings severe discomfort, which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. It is not recommended to resolve such issues on your own. It is better to first consult with your doctor and choose a method that will be more effective.

Gas formation Flatulence Facts about bloating

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In what cases should you consult a doctor?

There are symptoms that require immediate consultation with a specialist:

  • prolonged and intensifying pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • with increased menstrual flow, when it significantly increases the usual rate;
  • black periods are also a reason to go to the hospital, since in this case the doctor can diagnose the development of an infection or inflammation of the genital organs;
  • the appearance of an inflammatory process, accompanied by a persistent increase in body temperature, chills, fever, and excessive sweating;
  • the presence of an infection characterized by an unpleasant odor, the color of the discharge, and also causing severe itching, pain and stinging when urinating.

In order to have time to eliminate the cause that can cause dangerous pathologies of the woman’s reproductive system, you need to carefully monitor your health and current condition. The last day of your period should be accompanied by slight discharge; unpleasant symptoms are not typical for this period, so if they occur, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

The period of menstruation is stressful for the female body, as there is a sharp jump in hormones, upsetting the balance between female and male sex hormones. During menstruation, nausea can be caused by just such an imbalance. In addition to nausea, PMS is often accompanied by increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, pain and bloating, pain in the lumbar region, irritability and headache.

Almost every woman encounters problems with premenstrual syndrome every month. In order to adequately respond to all its manifestations, it is necessary to know the reasons for the occurrence of certain symptoms.

Preventing nausea during menstruation

The best option is to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant and causing severe discomfort symptoms. First of all, before the start of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to normalize your diet, avoid overeating, eating fatty foods, and eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.

The daily routine also needs to be reviewed. To make PMS easier, you need to get plenty of rest and sleep, avoid stressful situations and spend a lot of time in the fresh air. Slow walking is especially beneficial. The more active a woman is in life, the easier her body will tolerate the period of menstruation.

It is important to monitor the nature of your menstrual flow. A change in their color and smell indicates the development of an infection or inflammatory process. If you experience black periods, you need to urgently consult a doctor in order to diagnose the existing problem in time and eliminate it at the initial stage, thereby preventing the development of complex inflammation and other complications.

Normally, dark discharge can occur immediately after childbirth or during breastfeeding; all other cases indicate an existing problem.

A woman who regularly undergoes examinations by a gynecologist, does not have sexually transmitted infections, leads an active lifestyle and eats properly, tolerates premenstrual syndrome and the period of menstruation much easier, since for her body, which is accustomed to stress, this does not pose much stress. If PMS is very difficult, you must first reconsider your lifestyle and try to eliminate all unnerving factors.

Every woman experiences menstrual problems throughout her life. God has had mercy on some; they do not experience any symptoms other than short temper and irritability during menstruation. For other girls, menstruation turns into another test and nervous stress. Not only are the nerves at their limit, nausea, migraines, constant pain in the pelvic area and lumbar back develop, but in addition there is bloating before menstruation and flatulence. It seems that everyone sees her improved waist and whispers behind her back.

Other causes of nausea

Another option is vigorous physical activity. The increased size of the uterus during activity puts strong pressure on the spine, pressing on the nerve centers.

To avoid nausea, you need to reduce physical activity before menstruation and stop it in the first days of menstruation. If pain and nausea appear during menstruation, you need to stop any exercise and get plenty of rest.

Taking oral contraceptives also causes vomiting and nausea during menstruation. To determine that the problem is in the pills, you need to pay attention to accompanying symptoms, such as severe headaches, excessive sweating and irritability.

When the ovaries become inflamed, sudden vomiting may occur, which will be accompanied by headache, sensitivity to odors, and bloating. There may also be sudden changes in blood pressure that accompany menstruation, temperature and fever.

Hormones and the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle in women has different durations. The norm is 28 days, but depending on individual characteristics, there may be an interval between menstruation from 21 to 40 days.

In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, that is, the release of an egg from the ovary. This time is favorable for conception. It is on these days that some women noticeably swell their bellies.

It is clear that a tiny egg cannot have such an effect on waist size. The reasons for this phenomenon are different. The point here is hormones - substances that “command” all processes in the body.

A distended belly mid-cycle is a sign of ovulation. The fact is that the release of an egg from the ovary is, albeit small, but still a trauma.

Some women feel nagging pain these days, while others do not. Often, simultaneously with ovulation, digestive disorders are observed: constipation or diarrhea, increased gas production.

Gut problems further increase bloating. To avoid pain, you can take an antispasmodic.

Also, if there are no plans to get pregnant this month, then it is better to limit your sex life at this time.

Other girls experience bloating not in the middle of the cycle, but a week before it begins. At this time, the stomach causes the hormone progesterone to swell, which affects the condition of the muscles.

The hormone relaxes the uterus, after which it becomes soft, ready to accept an embryo if conception occurs.

Doctors reassure those who are afraid of this phenomenon, saying that bloating during and after ovulation (a few days before the start of menstruation) is a natural process. This is how nature makes sure that conception occurs in optimal conditions.

After the level of progesterone increases, simultaneously with the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, another process begins in the body - water retention in the tissues.


The fluid begins to be removed through the kidneys not in full - some of it accumulates in the intercellular space and cells. This delay is a temporary phenomenon that will pass immediately after the start of menstruation.

Water retention also contributes to the fact that the waist grows in volume for some time.

Many women who monitor their weight have noted this pattern: immediately after the end of the previous cycle and before the start of a new one, body weight increases by several kilograms. This increase is due precisely to the fact that fluid retention has begun in the body.

At this time, under the influence of female hormones - prolactin, progesterone and estrogen - the balance of salts in the body is disturbed and sodium begins to accumulate, retaining fluid in the tissues.

At the same time, another hormone appears in the blood - vasopressin, which reduces the frequency of urination. Because of this, moisture retention occurs.

What is it for? So nature took care there so that when menstruation occurs, the pressure in the tissues does not decrease due to blood loss.

If the body suddenly loses a lot of fluid, a state of shock will occur. Therefore, blood is simply replaced with water for a while, and the total volume of liquid does not change.

Outwardly, this is manifested by bloating before menstruation. During these few days, not only the stomach swells, but also other parts of the body: fingers, legs. These days it is better not to wear rings or high heels.

Nausea before menstruation: anatomical causes

In addition to hormonal imbalance and the resulting symptoms, nausea can be caused by the anatomical features of the location of the uterus in the body. So, in some women the uterus is tilted back, which is different from the norm. That is why before menstruation and during its course, the enlarged organ puts pressure on the spinal nerve roots, causing nausea.

During menstruation, nausea may be accompanied by bloating, discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. All this, together with an imbalance of progesterone and prostaglandins, causes severe discomfort.

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