Rennie - eliminates heartburn, protects the stomach

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  • Rennie for heartburn is used as the main one to eliminate this symptom. The drug is in second place after the use of drugs from the group of proton pump blockers (one of the most popular representatives is Omeprazole).

    Tablets belong to the group of antacids. Features of this group of drugs:

    • causes neutralization of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
    • forms a protective film on the surface of the gastric mucosa (effective for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract);
    • applies to all age groups;
    • allowed during lactation and pregnancy.

    The drug does not contain substances that affect the production of hydrochloric acid.

    Rennie is a popular heartburn remedy.

    Description of the drug

    Rennie is one of the first means of relieving an unpleasant burning sensation in the epigastric region. The clinical effect occurs within 3–5 minutes.

    The instructions for use describe the general characteristics and indications, so the prescription is permissible only after consultation with a specialist (gastroenterologist) and establishment of the main diagnosis.

    The effect of treatment occurs immediately after the first application. The drug allows you to quickly relieve the main symptom (burning in the epigastrium), but serves only as a means of symptomatic therapy, i.e., it does not eliminate the cause of the pathology.

    Composition of the drug

    How did Rennie become so famous around the world? The answer is simple: this is a medical drug related to antacids, in which there are completely no chemical elements, but at the same time, the composition of “Rennie”, namely one tablet, contains only two simple active ingredients:

    • calcium - 680 mg;
    • magnesium - 80 mg.

    They interact with hydrochloric acid and instantly neutralize it, eliminating unpleasant and painful symptoms in the stomach and esophagus and providing a gastroprotective effect, thereby eliminating the main cause of heartburn symptoms and disturbances in the functionality of the stomach.

    Additionally, one tablet contains the following components:

    • sucrose - 475 mg;
    • pregelatinized corn starch - 20 mg;
    • potato starch - 13 mg;
    • talc - 33.14 mg;
    • magnesium stearate - 10.66 mg;
    • light liquid paraffin - 5 mg;
    • menthol flavoring - 13 mg;
    • lemon flavor - 0.2 mg.


    The tablets contain two main active ingredients:

    • calcium carbonate – 680 mg;
    • basic magnesium carbonate – 80 mg.

    There is also a list of excipients that are not related to the action of the drug. The amount of excipients determines the variety of analogues and generics that copy the main drug (by changing the ratio of the main and excipients, a new drug with similar properties is obtained).

    Externally, Rennie is presented as white, square tablets with a concave core and the trade name printed on one side.

    Available in packs of 6 or 12 tablets.

    Release form

    The drug contains active substances: calcium and magnesium carbonates. Thanks to their action, Rennie has medicinal properties. Pharmacological dosage form: chewable tablets. The active substances are completely dissolved in the blood.

    • Calcium carbonate. The effect of the substance begins instantly when it enters the acidic environment of the stomach. The acid is neutralized and converted into water. This helps eliminate the sour taste in the mouth.
    • Magnesium carbonate. Helps with a long-lasting effect in eliminating high acidity. Has a beneficial effect on the patient's well-being.
    • Additional substances make taking the medication pleasant and provide a convenient form for use.

    Pharmacies offer a choice of drug flavors: menthol, orange, mint.

    Indications for use

    There is a list of diseases for which there are indications for the use of Rennie or its analogues from the group of antacids:

    1. Diseases of the digestive system (heartburn, ulcers, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease). The main effect is associated with the elimination of pain and normalization of life.
    2. Dyspepsia not associated with dietary errors.
    3. Dyspepsia during pregnancy.

    The course of therapy is prescribed taking into account the duration and intensity of heartburn.

    Dosage form

    Rennie's drug comes in three forms, one being chewable tablets with a mint or cooling flavor, as well as granules that dissolve on the tongue.

    1. The first is represented by tablets that have a square shape and concave surfaces. Both surfaces of the Rennie are engraved with the name of the drug.
    2. Tablets with a mint smell have a creamy tint, and for tablets with a cooling taste, inclusions of a gray-cream color are acceptable. Packages are available in 6, 12 and 24 tablets.
    3. Rennie Express - powder, 10 sachets in a package.

    Chewable tablets


    Mint tablets

    Rennie Express


    1 tablet of Rennie, which has a mint flavor, contains:

    • The main active ingredient is a concentration of 680 mg of calcium carbonate, as well as 80 mg of magnesium hydroxycarbonate.
    • The auxiliary components are sorbitol, corn starch, potato starch, talc, 10 mg of mint flavor and 800 mg of sodium saccharinate.

    1 tablet of Rennie with a cooling taste contains:

    • The same components are presented as the main active ingredient.
    • Rennie's excipients, in addition to the mint flavor products described above, include 15 mg of cooling flavor, 8 mg of mint flavor and 800 mcg of sodium saccharinate.


    • Rennie is a local antacid.
    • The main active ingredients included in the composition help ensure the neutralization of hydrochloric acid.
    • The effect is achieved quickly enough and lasts for a long time.
    • The result is a protective effect on the mucous membrane in the stomach.


    1. Rennie has a high solubility rate, due to which the onset of the effect is permissible within 3-5 minutes from the moment of administration.
    2. Once in the stomach, the calcium included in the composition binds to the components of gastric juice, thereby ensuring the formation of soluble salts in combination with magnesium.
    3. The maximum percentage of absorption for calcium is up to 10% and for magnesium it is, respectively, 15-20%.
    4. Rennie in unabsorbed form is excreted by the kidneys. If their functioning is disrupted, it is permissible to increase their concentration in the plasma fluid; they are subsequently absorbed somewhere. Soluble salts are excreted via feces through the intestines.

    Contraindications for use

    Since the drug has a local effect, the list of contraindications is small:

    • renal failure (severe);
    • increased calcium levels due to endocrine diseases (dysfunction of the parathyroid glands);
    • intolerance or hypersensitivity to certain elements of the drug.

    It is permissible to include a drug in a treatment regimen only in the absence of these conditions, that is, after a thorough diagnosis.

    Indications and contraindications

    Heartburn accompanies almost all diseases of the digestive system, since they lead to weakening or stretching of the sphincter muscle in the esophagus. Thus, indications for use may include:

    • gastritis of an acute form or with an exacerbation of a chronic one, regardless of what was the nature of the occurrence of such a disorder. Indicated for use with normal or elevated levels of hydrochloric acid;
    • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum or stomach;
    • any form of duodenitis;
    • gastralgia is a condition in which a person experiences frequent sour belching;
    • the formation of erosions on the mucous membrane of the duodenum or stomach;
    • heartburn regardless of etiological factors;
    • the formation of pain in the stomach due to poor nutrition, abuse of harmful substances, in particular alcohol and smoking, as well as uncontrolled use of medications. It is these factors that negatively affect the membrane of this organ.

    In addition, Rennie for heartburn can be prescribed even to children under twelve years of age, but only in cases where the gastroenterologist is completely confident that the benefits of the medicine will exceed the harm that such a remedy can cause.

    Rennie does not affect the reaction speed - it is for this reason that it is one of the few approved means for motorists.

    Despite such a wide range of diseases for which it is necessary to drink Rennie, there are several conditions that prohibit the use of this drug. Contraindications include:

    • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to one or another component of this medicine;
    • the person has acute renal or liver failure;
    • increased levels of calcium in the blood;
    • myasthenia gravis, which causes muscle weakness.

    A distinctive feature of this medicinal substance is that it is not prohibited for females to take it during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. People who are predisposed or suffering from diabetes should take Rennie with caution. This is due to the fact that the tablets contain a small dose of sugar.

    It is also worth noting that it is forbidden to drink Rennie with milk; for this it is best to use boiled or purified water without gas.

    How to take Rennie for heartburn

    The medicine is equally effective in helping adults and children. The instructions assume use in children over 12 years of age, since clinical trials have not been conducted on use by children of younger age groups.

    Take 1 tablet when pain and burning sensations appear. The daily dose should not be more than 12 tablets.

    The tablet is taken either by chewing thoroughly or by keeping the tablet in the mouth for a long time and slowly dissolving it. After taking one tablet, the next one can be taken no earlier than 2 hours later.

    Reception during pregnancy or lactation is similar, there are no special features.

    Rennie instructions and frequently asked questions


    active words: calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate are important;
    1 tablet contains 680 mg calcium carbonate (272 mg elemental calcium) and 80 mg essential magnesium carbonate;

    additional ingredients: sorbitol (E 420), pregelatinized corn starch, potato starch, talc, magnesium stearate, mineral oil, mint flavor, sodium saccharin.

    Medicine form. Chewable tablets with mint flavor.

    Main physical and chemical properties: white, creamy, square tablets with curved surfaces, embossed with the word “RENNIE” on both sides and a mint odor.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group. Antacids, other combinations.

    Code ATX A02A X.

    Pharmacological power.


    Renny® without cinnamon is a combination of two antacids: calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, which act instead of neutralizing the acid of the mucous membrane so that it does not remain due to systemic administration. Calcium carbonate has trival and strong neutralizing activity. This effect is enhanced by magnesium carbonate, which also has a strong neutralizing activity. The initial neutralizing capacity of the drug in vitro is 16 mEq H+ (titration to the end point pH 2.5).


    The cob of the acid neutralizer is quite soft.

    In healthy volunteers, taking 2 Renny® tablets without rind resulted in a significant shift in pH above the base mark within the first 2 weeks, and a significant shift in pH above the baseline by 1 unit. m 5 hvilin.

    In the slug, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate react with slug juice and soothe water and other mineral salts. Calcium and magnesium can be absorbed from the appearance of their rare salts. The level of absorption of calcium and magnesium from these parts should be included in the dose of the drug. The maximum level of absorption is 10% calcium and 15-20% magnesium. In healthy individuals, the amount of absorbed calcium and magnesium excreted by hydration is small. If their functions are impaired, the concentration of calcium and magnesium in blood plasma may increase. In the intestines, from rare salts, non-gross substances are created, which are found in feces.

    Clinical characteristics.


    As children grow up, it is 15 years of age to relieve symptoms associated with the increased acidity of the slug juice (for example, baking, reflux), which leads to damage to poisoning and dyspepsia.


    This medicinal list of contraindications for attacks:

    • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • hypercalcemia and/or conditions that lead to hypercalcemia;
    • nephrolithiasis, the formation of stones that need calcium;
    • Nirkova deficiency is evident (creatinine clearance below 30 ml/min);
    • hypophosphatemia.

    Interactions with other medicinal drugs and other types of interactions.

    Other medicinal products are recommended to be frozen 1-2 years before or 1-2 years after the cold of Renny® without peel.

    When taking Renny® without turmeric with offensive drugs, it is necessary to adhere to the following intervals:

    • 2 years for stagnant antihistamines, atenolol, metoprolol or propanolol, chloroquine, diflunisal, digoxin, diphosphonates, fexofenadine, glucocorticoids (prednisolone and dexamethasone), indomethacin, ketoconazole, pheno Azide neuroleptics, penicillamine, thyroxine;
    • 4 years with eltrombopag.

    When one-hour stagnation of Renny® without sugar with antibiotics (tetracyclines, quinolones) and cardiac glycosides (digoxin), phosphates, semi-fluoride and mixed products, levothyroxine and eltrombopag results in a decrease in osmotic content. none.

    Thiazide diuretics reduce the excretion of calcium and increase its level in blood syringation. Due to the increased risk of hypercalcemia with one-hour ingestion of thiazide diuretics, it is necessary to regularly check the blood serum calcium level.

    Features of stagnation.

    The course of Renny® treatment without tsukru may not exceed 10 days. If the symptoms are unknown, often persist or worsen after 10 days of treatment, it is necessary to go to the doctor for treatment and review of treatment plans. Renny® without zukru should not be taken simultaneously with large amounts of milk or dairy products. Trivale of Renny® without tsukru can promote the risk of stone formation in the skin. When taking 4 to 5 tablets per day, the course of treatment may be short, and treatment should be administered immediately after symptoms have resolved.

    It is recommended to see a doctor in case of: loss of body weight, problems with exercise or persistent abdominal discomfort, signs of damage to the stomach, if stench appeared first or has changed its character, low blood sugar (must be monitored and rhubarb with calcium and magnesium).

    Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate do not stagnate in hypercalciuria. This medical treatment must be taken with care in patients with impaired neurological function. Since calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate must be stagnated during illness, it is necessary to regularly check the level of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the blood plasma.

    This product contains sorbitol and should be taken for the benefit of patients with sorbitol intolerance.

    For patients with fibrotic diabetes: 1 tablet of Renny® without rind containing 400 mg sorbitol and saccharin, this medication can be given to patients with fibrotic diabetes

    Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    Until now, after the use of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate during the period of gestation, there was no prevention of the development of the fetal rhizome. Renni® without sucrose may be associated with a decrease in vaginosis, if you take the drug according to the instructions, otherwise it is necessary to avoid taking high doses. It is also important to note that the presence of magnesium salts can cause diarrhea, and the presence of calcium in high doses, which will stagnate for a long time, increases the risk of hypercalcemia with calcification of various organs iv, zokrema nirok.

    It is necessary to ensure that during the period of pregnancy or breastfeeding, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate provide a significant amount of calcium in addition to the volume that comes from the skin. For pregnant women, it is advisable to use Renny® without rind up to 1 cycle and under the hour of curing the preparation of unique milk (1 liter contains up to 1.2 g of elemental calcium), as well as dairy products to prevent excess calcium, which we can bring you to the so-called milk-meadow syndrome (Burnett's syndrome), which is rare or severe illness, which will require medical assistance.

    This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

    Doesn't flow in.

    Method of congestion and dosage

    The drug is for oral administration to adults and children over 15 years of age.

    1-2 chewable tablets, as a one-time dose, can be opened or chewed 1 year after taking it, or before the onset of pain, or before bedtime.

    The dose can be increased for a short period to 5 tablets per day.

    The severity of the treatment cannot exceed 10 days (div. “Peculiarities of treatment”).


    Do not allow children under 15 years of age.


    Trival administration of high doses of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, especially to patients with impaired nitric function, can lead to nitric deficiency, hypermagnesemia, hypercalcemia and alkalosis, which manifests itself you may have symptoms from the side of the scolio-intestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation) and meat weakness. In these types of episodes, it is necessary to stagnate the drug and ensure sufficient absorption of the substance into the body. In severe cases of overdose (for example, with Burnet's syndrome), it is necessary to contact a doctor for possible additional rehydration.

    Adverse reactions.

    On the side of the immune system.

    Hypersensitivity reactions have rarely been reported, clinical manifestations of which may include hysteria, infusion, angioedema, and anaphylaxis.

    On the side of metabolism is that food.

    In patients, especially those with impaired narcotic function, high-dose congestion can lead to hypermagnesemia (with congestion of antacids to remove magnesium) or hypercalcemia and alkalosis, which manifests itself in patients d symptoms from the side of the scutum and meat weakness.

    On the side of the scolio-intestinal tract.

    You may be afraid of boredom, vomiting, discomfort in the mouth and diarrhea.

    On the side of the musculoskeletal apparatus there is a suitable fabric.

    You can beware of meat weakness.

    Side effects that are especially avoided in case of milk-spot syndrome (Burnet's syndrome): scolio-intestinal disorders (ageusia); underground disorders (calcinosis and asthenia);

    disorders of the side nervous system (headache); discord from the side of the nirok and sechovidnyh paths (azotemia).

    Term of attribution.

    3 rocks.

    Umovi sberіgannya

    Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.

    Keep out of the reach of children.


    6 tablets per blister; 2 or 4 blisters per cardboard box.

    12 tablets per blister; 1 or 2 blisters per cardboard box.

    Release category.

    Over the counter.


    Delpharm Gaillard/

    Delpharm Gaillard.

    The location of the distributor and the address of the place of promotion of activity.

    33 vul. Industries, 74240, Gaillard, France/

    33 rue de l'Industrie, 74240, Gaillard, France.

    Side effects

    Side effects when taking antacids are extremely rare. Among them are:

    • allergic rash (different localization, polymorphism, rapid onset);
    • Quincke's edema (an extreme version of an allergic reaction similar to anaphylactic shock);
    • Nausea, vomiting, and intestinal upset rarely occur;
    • rarely muscle weakness and adynamia;
    • rarely from the kidneys - azotemia.

    The incidence of side effects is less than 0.001% (approximately 1 case per 10,000 people).

    Side effects

    In cases of non-compliance with the dosage of Rennie for heartburn prescribed by the attending physician or indicated in the instructions, there is a possibility of the following side effects:

    • redness, burning and itching of the skin;
    • anaphylaxis;
    • angioedema;
    • bowel dysfunction, in particular diarrhea;
    • feeling of severe discomfort in the stomach;
    • attacks of nausea that may result in vomiting;
    • muscle weakness;
    • increased levels of sugar and calcium in the blood, which is very dangerous in some disorders;
    • weight loss;
    • disruption of the process of swallowing food.

    The last two symptoms should be a reason to completely stop treatment with Rennie, and it is best for people to seek professional help as soon as possible.

    From all of the above, it follows that in no case should you start treatment for Rennie on your own, since a person may not be aware of the presence of contraindications. In addition, only a gastroenterologist can make a final diagnosis and determine the dosage for each patient.

    Drug interactions

    Since the drug forms a film on the surface of the stomach, the absorption of other drugs is impaired. Their use is indicated no earlier than 2 hours after taking Rennie.

    Enhances the effect of barbiturates and iron preparations.

    Prolongs the effect of anticholinergic drugs.

    When taken simultaneously with thiazide diuretics, constant monitoring of renal function is necessary (biochemical blood test - urea and creatinine).

    Rennie price, where to buy

    Patients who have never used this remedy are interested in how much Rennie costs for heartburn in comparison with other antacid drugs. Market analysis shows that Rennie's price is an order of magnitude higher than the prices of its peers. Thus, the price of Rennie No. 12 tablets in Russia is 107-130 rubles. In Ukraine, the cost of Rennie No. 12, approved for use during pregnancy, can reach 40 hryvnia.

    • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
    • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
    • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


    • Rennie chewable tablets.
      menthol 12 pcs. Bayer Sante Familiale/Delpharm Gaillard RUB 158 order
    • Rennie chewable tablets. orange 24 pcs. Bayer Sante Familiale/Delpharm Gaillard

      RUB 287 order

    • Rennie chewable tablets. sugar-free mint 48 pcs. Bayer Sante Familiale/Delpharm Gaillard

      430 rub. order

    • Rennie chewable tablets. orange 48 pcs Delpharm Gaillard

      RUR 437 order

    • Rennie chewable tablets. sugar-free mint 24 pcs. Bayer Sante Familiale/Delpharm Gaillard

      290 rub. order

    Pharmacy Dialogue

    • Rennie chewable tablets No. 48 (mint without sugar) Bayer

      RUR 519 order

    • Rennie chewable tablets No. 48 (orange) Delpharm Gaillard

      510 rub. order

    • Rennie chewable tablets No. 24 (mint without sugar) Bayer

      RUB 333 order

    • Rennie tablets No. 12 (mint without sugar) Bayer

      RUB 214 order

    • Rennie tablets No. 24 (menthol) Bayer

      RUB 334 order

    show more


    • Rennie mint N12 tablets Delpharm Gaillard, France
      42 UAH. order
    • Rennie N12 orange tablets Delpharm Gaillard, France

      46 UAH order

    • Rennie menthol N12 tablets Delpharm Gaillard, France

      42 UAH order

    • Rennie N24 without sugar, mint tablets Delpharm Gaillard, France

      82 UAH order

    • Rennie N24 tablets Delpharm Gaillard, France

      83 UAH order


    • Rennie tablets Rennie chewable tablets with menthol flavor No. 24 France, Delpharm Gaillard

      93 UAH order

    • Rennie sugar-free tablets Rennie sugar-free chewable mint tablets No. 24 France, Delpharm Gaillard

      94 UAH order

    • Rennie tablets Rennie chewable tablets with orange flavor No. 12 France, Delpharm Gaillard

      53 UAH order

    • Rennie tablets Rennie chewable tablets with orange flavor No. 24 France, Delpharm Gaillard

      95 UAH order

    • Rennie sugar-free tablets Rennie sugar-free chewable mint tablets No. 12 France, Delpharm Gaillard

      52 UAH order

    show more

    Features of use for certain conditions

    Caution is required in use for the following groups:

    Group Explanation
    Patients with impaired renal function Constant monitoring of biochemical blood tests (magnesium, calcium levels) is indicated.
    Patients with gallstone disease The risk of additional or growth of existing stones increases.
    Patients with type I diabetes mellitus One of the auxiliary components of the drug is sucrose (sugar level control is required).

    It does not affect drivers, that is, it does not affect concentration.

    Pharmacological action of Rennie

    This remedy is well absorbed into the walls of the digestive organs and dissolves in the blood. Rennie restores damaged mucous membranes of human digestive organs. Therefore, it is considered an excellent gastroprotector.

    This medication is actively used to restore diet after an unsuccessful experience with diet therapy. The therapeutic effect of taking it occurs quickly. The positive effect on the human body lasts twenty-four hours. It is important at this time to limit the consumption of spicy and fried foods so as not to provoke heartburn.

    Absorbed medicinal substances of this drug are excreted by the kidneys. Obstructed kidney function can lead to a slight increase in plasma levels of magnesium and calcium. The rest of the tablets are eliminated by bowel movements.

    We recommend: How to get rid of heartburn at home

    Some analogues

    The drugs are united into a single group of analogues by the similarity of action and chemical composition. Differences are usually present in changes in several components of the drug (not a fundamental replacement) and in the price scale.


    The composition includes the following components:

    • aluminum hydroxide – 340 mg;
    • magnesium hydroxide – 395 mg;
    • simethicone – 36 mg;
    • Excipients.

    Available in the form of a suspension.


    1. Not recommended for children, as it leads to pronounced changes in hemoglobin levels.
    2. Not recommended for severe surgical pathologies (necrotizing ulcerative colitis, colostomy or ileostomy).
    3. Not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, as there are insufficient clinical trials at the moment regarding these population groups.
    4. Not recommended for Alzheimer's disease.

    Take 5-10 ml (1-2 scoops) 10 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is 7 days. In general, reviews of the drug are positive (it is well tolerated by more than 70% of the population and has minor adverse reactions).



    • calcium carbonate - 680 mg;
    • basic magnesium carbonate – 80 mg;
    • Excipients.

    Available in tablet form. The indications are identical to other drugs from the antacid group.


    1. Do not use for carbohydrate metabolism disorders (fructose, sucrose intolerance).
    2. Do not use in children under 7 years of age.

    The drug dosage regimen is identical to Rennie's. The drug is 80% similar to Rennie. The difference lies in the replacement of one of the main active ingredients.



    • magnesium hydroxide 400.0 mg;
    • aluminum hydroxide 400.0 mg;
    • Excipients.

    Available in tablet form.

    Main distinguishing features:

    1. In addition to neutralizing hydrochloric acid, it has an additional adsorbing and enveloping effect.
    2. Not for use in persons under 15 years of age.
    3. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation due to lack of clinical trials.
    4. Has multiple cross-reactions with other drugs.

    Use 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The time interval between doses is 2 hours.

    Side effects are rare and nonspecific.

    Rennie: composition of tablets

    The drug Rennie is available only in tablet form.
    Tablets are intended to be chewed in the mouth. Rennie is available only in tablet form. The tablets are intended to be chewed in the mouth. White in color with a variant of light brown inclusions depending on the flavor and square shape, Rennie tablets are packaged in blisters of 6 pieces. To protect against counterfeiting, each tablet is equipped with an engraved RENNIE inscription on both surfaces. Rennie is a complex product consisting of two active components (calcium carbonate in the amount of 680 mg per 1 tablet and the main form of magnesium carbonate, 80 mg) and excipients: sucrose (except for the “sugar-free” release form), corn and potato starch, talc , magnesium stearate, mineral oil, flavorings. There are three versions of Rennie for heartburn on sale. The price of the drugs may vary slightly, but the main difference is in flavorings and the presence of sucrose in the composition. Rennie is produced in the following flavors:

    • orange;
    • menthol;
    • mint without sugar.

    The therapeutic effect of different variants of Rennie is identical. Sugar-free tablets are recommended for patients with diabetes, metabolic disorders, and those who control the amount of calories and carbohydrates in their diet.

    Directions for use and dosage

    • Rennie is used exclusively internally.
    • When pathological symptoms first appear, to relieve acute clinical manifestations, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to use 1 to 2 Rennie tablets.
    • To have the best effect, it must be used by first chewing it in the mouth or keeping it in the mouth until it is completely dissolved, after which the resulting mass is swallowed.
    • If the clinical manifestations of the disease do not disappear, re-use is possible no earlier than 2 hours from the first use.
    • If the disease recurs, you should consult a doctor for possible dosage adjustment.
    • The maximum daily dosage for Rennie is 11 tablets.

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Rennie is approved for use by pregnant women, as a separate indication has been allocated for this group.

    A prerequisite is compliance with strict dosage recommendations. Pregnant women are prohibited from using Rennie in an increased daily dosage. For breastfeeding women, the drug is also approved for use, as it does not pose a danger to the child.

    Use for renal impairment

    Rennie is prohibited for use by people with a history of kidney disease with impaired kidney function. For pathologies without disruption of functioning, it is possible to use it in medium therapeutic doses.

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