Nolpaza, 20 mg, enteric-coated tablets, 14 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

The main indication for which this drug is prescribed is hypoacid activity, the ability to reduce the enzymatic function of the stomach.

When prescribing the drug Nolpaza, its antibacterial effect on the pathogenic microflora of the stomach is taken into account. In the case of combined treatment with antibacterial drugs, its antimicrobial quality may increase.

This allows it to be used if the patient has stomach damage from Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

When the drug Nolpaza enters the human body, its effect begins after 60 minutes , gradually accumulating, reaching its peak after 3 hours.
After stopping treatment, the remnants of this compound are eliminated over four days, mainly through the intestines.

Therapeutic effect

The main area of ​​application and purpose of Nolpaza is the treatment of stomach ulcers that arise for various reasons. Also, due to its ability to reduce acidity, it is often prescribed for the treatment of gastritis and esophagitis, reflux esophagitis.

Due to the fact that the production of hydrochloric acid decreases, the gastric mucosa begins to heal, and the ulcers heal:

  • Nolpaza's ability to suppress an acidic environment activates the effect of antibiotics on the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. This leads to their complete neutralization.
  • When treatment of pathological conditions occurs , as a result of which gastric juice is refluxed into the esophagus (reflux gastritis, esophagitis), the therapeutic effect is observed after 10 days of using this medication.
  • Nolpaza significantly increases gastrin levels and normalizes its concentration in the bloodstream. This effect gradually decreases after discontinuation of the drug and returns to normal levels.

Nolpaza for gastritis: reviews of those who took the pills about treatment

The use of Nolpaza for gastritis gives excellent results, which is confirmed by the opinions of patients. Reviews about the use of Nolpaza for gastritis are entirely positive; doctors also highly appreciate this drug. Treatment of gastritis with Nolpaza has the effect of blocking the release of hydrochloric acid; after taking the drug, the patient feels a significant improvement in the condition, which lasts for quite a long time. On the website you will find detailed information about how Nolpaza treats gastritis, and also learn how to drink Nolpaza for gastritis.


Gastric ulcer is not the only area of ​​application of this drug. It is prescribed for various pathological processes of the stomach and esophagus.

Tablet forms and powder in injection form have the same effect.

Their appointment occurs in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, esophagospasm), which are characterized by the reverse reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus.
  2. When the functions of the digestive system are disrupted, which causes:
      Belching acid.
  3. Heartburn that does not respond to conventional antacid medications.
  4. Spasmodic pain in the epigastric region.
  5. Increased gas formation, often accompanied by abdominal asymmetry and flatulence.
  6. Pathological processes , the result of which was peptic ulcer disease, or for prophylactic purposes to prevent relapses.
  7. A combination together with antibacterial therapy , the purpose of which is to destroy the bacterial flora of Helicobacter pylori.
  8. Diseases that result in a significant increase in the concentration and production of gastric juice (Zollinger-Ellison disease).
  9. When treating chronic pathological diseases of the musculoskeletal system , anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications are used. When prescribed, the causes of the inflammatory process are eliminated, but their tablet forms lead to the appearance of ulcers and erosions on the gastric mucosa. To prevent the development of such side effects, Nolpaza is used. While protecting the gastric mucosa, it does not reduce the effect of antibacterial drugs

Reviews of the drug Nolpaza

Most of the reviews about Nolpaz are positive. This is primarily due to the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of various stomach diseases.

Most of the reviews about Nolpaz are positive, this is explained by the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of various stomach diseases

People write that this drug is good at eliminating the symptoms of gastritis and gastric dyspepsia. Thus, this medicine relieves people from heartburn, sour belching, pain and a feeling of heaviness that arise against the background of chronic pathologies. Also, in case of errors in nutrition or any stress, Nolpaza copes well with unpleasant symptoms.

Reviews very often indicate that Nolpaza quickly and at the same time effectively relieves any pain in the stomach area, relieving heartburn and curing exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcers or GERD.

As for the negative reviews about this drug, we can say that they are few in number and are due to the lack of a therapeutic effect in specific cases. There are also comments that Nolpaza can cause side effects that are difficult to tolerate, as a result of which a person is forced to stop treatment with the drug. Thus, the effect of Nolpaza is not suitable for everyone, and therefore the advisability of its use must be decided with a doctor.

Patient reviews about the drug Nolpaza:

  • Tatyana L. 04/05/19 09:42:34: against the background of cholelithiasis, swelling and pain in the epigastrium began to appear, the gastroenterologist prescribed treatment with Nolpaza + Mabeverine for a month. The course is almost over, the improvements are noticeable, the belching and bloating have disappeared. I can say that the drug works, because even after the treatment (there were side effects), the symptoms no longer appeared;
  • Anna 06/07/18 09:39:46: I save myself with Nolpaza during an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, in addition to this there is also reflux, so heartburn is a frequent companion. “Nolpaza” helps immediately, the effect lasts for a long time, the sour taste in the mouth, chest discomfort and heartburn disappear. No side effects were noted over several courses of use. A good product, it does its job quickly;
  • Oksana Ch. 01/13/15 20:20:12: Nolpaza is a very good drug for gastritis, it can even be taken for ulcers. After Nolpaza, my stomach pain goes away and I feel great. And it will be convenient for children, because the tablets are very tiny, and there will be no problems swallowing and drinking water.



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Instructions for use

The first thing you need to do when prescribing Nolpaza is to undergo an ultrasound examination and fluoroscopy. This will eliminate malignant neoplasms in the digestive system of the patient’s body. Since subsequent administration of Nolpaza can smooth out the clinical manifestations of these diseases.

Making an incorrect diagnosis can result in the development of severe pathologies. It must be borne in mind that this drug can reduce the absorption of vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin), therefore, to maintain its level in the circulatory system, it must be prescribed as an intramuscular injection, one ml daily.

Instructions for use:

  • Nolpaza can be used through intravenous injections or droppers.
    The use, dosage and duration of the course of therapy with Nolpaza is prescribed only by a doctor. It is based on the study of anamnesis, instrumental and laboratory studies. Basically, the dosage depends on the general condition, age and the presence of hepatic or renal pathology.
  • If tablet forms of Nolpaza are prescribed in a single dose , then it is better to take them on an empty stomach before breakfast 15 or 20 minutes. In the case of a double dose, the second pill is taken before dinner.
  • If Nolpaza is used for prophylactic purposes , preventing a recurrent form of peptic ulcer, Nolpaza is prescribed in a single dose of 20 mg in the morning.
  • In severe pathological processes, the dose is doubled and its volume is 40 mg. Nolpaza is recommended for use in the morning and evening hours.
  • If the patient experiences nausea , cramping pain in the lower abdomen, or stool upset, then changes in the prescription of the drug must be made and taken once in the amount of one tablet.
  • In case of heartburn, which is accompanied by acid belching , this remedy is consumed in the amount of 1 tablet (20 mg). If such a dosage does not lead to an improvement in the patient’s condition, it is increased to 40 mg, divided into 2 doses per day. Subsequent appointments of therapy will depend on the level of gastric juice production, and the treatment period may be extended.
  • When treated with non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, Nolpaza should be used throughout the entire course of NSAID treatment. A daily dose is prescribed from 2 to 4 pills. On average, such therapy lasts no more than 8 weeks.
  • To neutralize the activity of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment lasting up to 2 weeks, with the daily dose divided into two doses, and its volume can reach up to 80 mg per day.
  • If the patient has liver pathologies , then treatment is prescribed with constant monitoring of laboratory tests of liver enzymatic parameters.
  • Nolpaza is not prescribed to elderly people. Only in rare cases is a dose prescribed that does not exceed 40 mg over 24 hours.

Nolpaza can be used through intravenous injections or intravenous drips. To make an intravenous injection, the contents of the bottle must be diluted with ten milliliters of saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride).

To set up a dropper, the contents of the bottle are dissolved in 100 ml of sodium chloride (0.9%) or glucose (0.5%) in the same volume. The dripping rate should not exceed 80 drops per minute. The ready-made solution for injections and droppers is used immediately; a delay is allowed for no more than 12 hours.

The tablets and infusion solution have the same indications:

  • Tablet forms of Nolpaza are best taken on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before breakfast.
    Parenteral administration of Nolpaza is used in more severe cases of treatment of pathological processes. Intravenous vision can also be prescribed in cases where oral administration is not possible. The duration of intravenous injections can last for a week.
  • This therapy is prescribed for the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. The recommended daily dose for this pathology does not exceed 80 mg.
  • For the treatment of reflux esophagitis , esophagospasm, parenteral administration is also acceptable. Prescribed 40 mg (one bottle) once a day.


The effect of Nolpaza on the body of a pregnant woman has not yet been sufficiently studied. In any case, the prescription of Nolpaza must be agreed with the attending physician. Only he can assess the risk of using this drug and carefully weigh its benefits for the female body.

If a prescription does occur, then this drug is taken in minimal doses, with a short course of treatment.

During lactation, there is no data on the effect on the health of the newborn. Therefore, if therapy with Nolpaza occurs, it is better to stop breastfeeding.


Due to the fact that clinical trials have not been conducted in children under 18 years of age, Nolpaza is not prescribed.

How to take Nolpaza for gastritis

Experts classify Nolpaza as an inhibitory group of drugs. This is explained by the fact that the tablets are aimed at performing only one function. The task is to block the processes of hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach. But the drug does not remove this acid from the body. Before taking the drug, make sure there are appropriate indications. Such medications are prohibited for use for preventive purposes.

This is the main feature of taking Nolpaza tablets for this diagnosis. If you take the drug symptomatically, that is, only in case of exacerbations and signs of illness, the effect will be temporary and insignificant. To achieve the desired treatment result, it is necessary to undergo a full course of therapy using this remedy. By taking the medicine for a long time, it is possible to ensure a long-lasting and positive effect.

The tablets should be taken regularly. It's better to do this every day.

Before taking the drug, make sure that there are appropriate indications. Such medications should not be used for prophylactic purposes.

The daily dosage should not exceed 20 milligrams, so try to adhere to the established rule. In addition to tablets, Nolpaza is also produced in the form of injection solutions. If the doctor prescribed injections, then the optimal daily dosage increases to 40 milliliters.

In parallel with the injections, it is allowed to take antibiotics if necessary. Only they are selected strictly in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body and the current condition of the patient. . The duration of taking tablets or injections is determined individually. But the course should not exceed 1 month. After completing the first month of taking the drug, a break of 7 to 14 days is required. During this period, Nolpaza and, if possible, other medications are not recommended.

Alcohol compatibility

The annotation that comes with Nolpaza does not contain any information about interaction with alcoholic beverages. However, this does not mean that drinking alcoholic beverages is acceptable.

When using them, the following undesirable consequences can be noted:

  1. There is a decrease in the level of therapeutic effects of Nolpaza ; ultimately, its effect may be reduced to zero effect.
  2. Alcoholic drinks lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa , and, as a result, increase its secretory function.
  3. If the patient's main diagnosis is peptic ulcer disease , then the alcohol he drinks does not allow the ulcers to scar.
  4. Can alcoholic drinks provoke the development of side effects that will serve as a criterion for discontinuing Nolpaza?

You can drink alcohol only if you have completed the full course of therapy and at least 4 days have passed after it (this is the withdrawal period for Nolpaza),

Rules for taking Nolpaza in the treatment of gastritis

Nolpaza helps cure gastritis. It is not recommended to start taking the medicine on your own. You should contact a gastroenterologist, carry out procedures to study the gastric mucosa, and only then begin treatment according to the diagnosis.

When taking pills for a short course to relieve symptoms and pain, you can get a temporary effect from the medicine and later develop a relapse or complication. To ensure a long-term healthy stomach, you need to follow a number of rules. For a complete recovery, you must complete the full course prescribed by the doctor. A long period of use ensures high-quality and reliable results.

You must take the pills strictly as prescribed by your doctor, daily and regularly. The daily dose should be 20 mg of pantoprazole (one tablet) so that the body does not react to the medication with side effects and worsening of the condition.

You must take the pills strictly as prescribed by your doctor daily and regularly.

Nolpaza is available in the form of tablets and injection solutions. Depending on the prescription, the patient must take pills or give injections. For injections, a daily dose of pantoprazole is allowed in the amount of 40 mg. If you need to administer an antibiotic along with an injection, the doctor will select it individually for each patient. Treatment of gastritis should take place within a month. Next, a break is taken for a week or two so that there is no addiction to the drug. You should not take medications during the rest period.

Self-medication can aggravate the general condition and lead to undesirable consequences. For the greatest effect, you should carefully study the instructions on the interaction of the medication with other medications. If there is pain in the stomach area, taking anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications as pain relief is strictly prohibited! The drugs cause the development of ulcers with complications.

Analogues of the drug Nolpaza

To treat gastritis, your doctor may prescribe a drug similar to Nolpaza. Good analogues are Omez, Omeprazole, Gastrozole, Pantoprazole, Ultop, Sanpraz, Controloc. Each of the listed medications also has its own side reactions and contraindications. You can find them in the instructions for the medications.

The principle of action on the body is identical; all are inhibitory drugs that act as a proton pump that blocks the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The difference in price is due to manufacturing countries, advertising and the recognition of the medicine among buyers.


This negative consequence occurs extremely rarely when treating various pathological conditions with this drug. It can occur if the prescribed dose of the drug is not followed (most often, this happens with parenteral administration).

In this case, a clinical picture of poisoning develops. It is accompanied by the appearance of severe headache, increased heart rate, nausea or vomiting, increased sweating, and pale skin.

If any signs appear, you must:

  • cleanse the stomach (rinse it or induce vomiting);
  • cleanse the intestines (put a microenema);
  • take one of the drugs from the pharmacological group of enterosorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel, Sorbex, Activated carbon).

If after these procedures there is no improvement in the condition, you must contact a clinic or sanitary inspection station. In particularly serious cases, you need to call a doctor at home, he will make prescriptions that will eliminate the symptoms of poisoning.

Interaction with other drugs

Nolpaza may reduce the effectiveness of the following drugs:

  1. A group of medications whose absorption directly depends on the degree of stomach acidity. These include antifungal dosage forms (Ketoconazole, Itraconazole).
  2. Pharmacological group that is prescribed for the treatment of HIV-infected patients.
  3. Coumarin anticoagulants

Some drugs, on the contrary, become more active when Nolpaza is prescribed:

  1. Patients undergoing treatment for cancer with Methotrexate should stop using this drug during treatment with Nolpaza. Due to the fact that it is capable of increasing its concentration in the bloodstream.
  2. When using antibacterial therapy , Nolpaza potentiates the effect of antibacterial agents.

This medicine does not have a significant effect when taken:

  • Diclofenac and Dicloberla.
  • Digoxin.
  • Caffeine.
  • Infinom.
  • Piroxicam.
  • Theophylline.
  • Oral contraception.

Parallel use of Pantoprazole and antacids is allowed. It is also possible to prescribe it together with antibiotics.


Nolpaza, when prescribed, has two types of contraindications:


In this case, Nolpaza is not taken or prescribed.

The following pathological conditions can be included in this group:

  • The occurrence of an allergy to the ingredients of Pantoprazole sodium, or individual intolerance.
  • Teenagers who have not yet turned 18 years of age. Research has not yet been carried out on this age category.
  • If the dosage exceeds 40 mg , and the patient has severe liver or kidney disease, then prescribing the drug may cause side effects.
  • For disorders that are caused by a violation of the psycho-emotional state (depression of various etiologies).


This remedy is not recommended for use in patients with such pathologies (but with extreme caution, under the supervision of medical staff, this remedy is sometimes prescribed in a hospital setting).

List of pathologies:

  • Extensive focal lesions of the gastric mucosa, in the treatment of which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for a long time.
  • Gastric bleeding, which is a consequence of the development of ulcers and erosions.
  • They try not to prescribe this dosage form to elderly people.
  • In the event that vitamin B12 hypovitaminosis is treated in parallel with Cyanocobalamin, and it does not give positive dynamics.

Nolpaza for gastritis

Nolpaza is a good option for gastritis, since it is time-tested and has fewer contraindications. The tablets are easily accepted by the body; after the course of treatment, the effect remains without disappearing immediately. Like any pill, Nolpaza needs a doctor’s prescription.

If you decide to take these pills on your own, then this decision should be discussed with your doctor. There are individual intolerances, so you should play it safe so as not to make things worse for yourself. These tablets perform only one function, they block the release of acid, but do not remove it. Based on this, they belong to the group of inhibitors.

You cannot take these pills for the sake of prophylaxis; you need a reason to take them:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis (alimentary, hyperacid);
  • reflux esophagitis (in some cases).

If you decide to take these pills on your own, then this decision should be discussed with your doctor.

If you have problems after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids, then this drug can also help, but you should get detailed information from your doctor.

In order for the medicine to have a truly healing effect, and not hide the problem for a while, it is necessary to undergo a special course of treatment. The course of treatment involves taking pills for a long period of time, at least two weeks. Nolpaza is a strong drug, the effect of which will be noticeable almost immediately, but it will take time to consolidate the result.

The drug is not harmless, but it cannot cause serious side effects. This medicine has no contraindications. The medicine should not be taken if you have an individual intolerance or if you are using Atazanavir.

When treating gastritis of different stages, you should first visit a gastroenterologist. The dosage should be similar to that written on the package. If a gastroenterologist suggests increasing or decreasing the dosage, then this can be allowed if the weight of the sick person is abnormal.

People who are underweight can take fewer tablets. Those who are overweight should increase the dosage, but it is worth remembering that side effects are possible from an overdose. Doctors recommend avoiding this drug if you have serious kidney problems.

Side effects

The drug of this pharmacological group is well tolerated by patients, but sometimes, if used and prescribed incorrectly, undesirable reactions may occur that appear in different systems of the body.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The hematopoietic system may respond with the appearance of thrombocytopenia or leukopenia.
  2. Failures may occur in the digestive system , which lead to severe damage to the liver tissue and are accompanied by obstructive jaundice and cholestasis. Dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nausea and vomiting, excessive gas formation (flatulence), stool upset (diarrhea or constipation), and periodic pain in the abdominal area may also occur.
  3. With large doses of this medication, arthralgia and myalgia may develop in the bones and muscles.
  4. Very rarely, on the part of the central nervous system in patients , when Nolpaza is prescribed, a disorder of the psychoemotional state is observed, it is accompanied by insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day, the appearance of migraines, and blurred vision.
  5. Allergic reactions often occur ; they are accompanied by skin itching and rashes. In severe conditions, erythema multiforme, Lyell's syndrome and Quincke's edema may develop.
  6. Milder side effects include weakness, loss of strength, hyperthermia, chest pain, and swelling. Biochemical blood tests may show an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


This medicine can be purchased at pharmacy chains or in online stores. To avoid purchasing counterfeits, it is best to contact pharmacies.

Average price in Russia:

  • Nolpaza tablets 20 mg in an amount of 28 pieces has an average price of 190 rubles. When purchasing the same number of tablets, but with a dosage of 40 mg, its average price is 300 rubles.
  • The drug in powder form for parenteral administration is sold for 140 rubles. For one bottle.

Recommendations for use

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, which are enteric-coated.

The main substance is pantoprazole; depending on its content, two types of the drug are produced:

  • Nolpaza 20 mg;
  • Nolpaza 40 mg.

The medicine is prescribed by a doctor, the dosage and duration of use depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for taking the drug:

  • You should take the tablets before meals, preferably on an empty stomach;
  • It is best to take the tablets with water; under no circumstances should you use tea or coffee;
  • tablets should be swallowed whole, they cannot be chewed, broken or divided, the coating dissolves just at the right moment, and the active substance reaches its destination;
  • if the patient cannot take the tablet form, he is prescribed injections, which must be performed by a medical professional.

Nolpaza helps with heartburn within 20 minutes after administration, and the full therapeutic effect can be achieved within an hour. If necessary, Nolpaza can be taken after meals; the active substance will act in the same way, but it will take more time to achieve the effect. The drug is metabolized in the liver and is excreted naturally in the feces.


This medicine has a large number of analogues; they are produced by different manufacturing companies, have different chemical structures, and differ from each other in cost.

Analogues of Nolpaza:

  1. Gastrozol. The drug is produced in the Russian Federation, its average price is 140 rubles . Produced in capsule form, the main active ingredient is Omeprazole. Prescribed for the treatment of pathological processes that lead to the development of peptic ulcers. It has a number of restrictions during pregnancy, the postpartum period, and childhood.
  2. Omeprazole. Country of origin: Ukraine, capsule form. Application and purpose are the same as the previous drug. The price does not exceed 250 rubles .
  3. Omez. Produced in Belarus. It is used in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis of various etiologies. The main contraindications are allergic conditions, pregnancy and childhood. Average price 200 rub.
  4. Controll. Produced by the pharmaceutical company Takeda in Austria, the average price is 500 rubles . Has good antiulcer activity. Pantoprazole is used as the main component.
  5. Panum. Indian substitute for Nolpaza. Can be purchased in pharmacies for up to 250 rubles . It is practically no different in use, purpose, composition from Pantoprozole.
  6. Crosacid. Produced in India, the main ingredient is Pantoprazole.
  7. Esomeprazole. Produced in Slovenia. Unlike previous drugs, it has been subjected to extensive research, and therefore its use is allowed in children from 12 years of age.
  8. Nexium. It differs from the previous one in the Country that produces it. Producers are Sweden or England. This drug cannot be called publicly available, since its average price for 14 tablet forms is 1800 rubles .
  9. Beret. Russian analogue at a price of up to 400 rubles . The main ingredient is Rabeprazole, the main contraindications are pregnancy. Has a good anti-ulcer effect.
  10. Ultop , Russian cheap substitute. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes and helps normalize the digestive system.
  11. Epicurus. Produced in Russia. Has good activity against Helicobacter pylori.
  12. Workshop. Country of origin: Ukraine. Available in the form of a solution for injection. It works well if a large amount of hydrochloric acid accumulates in the stomach.
  13. Cimetidine. Country of origin: Belarus. The big advantage is the absence of contraindications, and its price does not exceed 200 rubles . Appointments are made to almost all age categories.
  14. Lansoprazole. The cheapest imported drug, its price does not exceed 50 rubles. This is its only advantage. It has a large number of contraindications and side effects.
  15. Noflux. Quite an expensive drug, its price is 750 rubles . It has proven itself very well in the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms that arise due to a violation of the secretory function of the stomach. There are not too many contraindications, mainly the use during pregnancy and impaired renal function.











Panum Cimetidine


Nolpaza is a relatively new drug that has already been widely used. It has few contraindications and side effects. It has a relatively low price, which makes it accessible to different categories of the population.

Its most important disadvantage is the impossibility of prescribing during pregnancy and childhood.

Register (radar)

By studying this section, you can learn more about Nolpaza and analogues.

Russian Registers of Medicines (RMS) have information about any medicine, they contain a description of the medicine. All tools in the directory are arranged in alphabetical order, which is convenient for users. There are also instructions and the composition of the substances included in the drug. In addition, along with the basic description of medications, the reference book contains information about drugs that should be used together to treat diseases.

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There are many drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is possible to take not the drug itself, but replace it with similar means.


The medication has analogues, which helps people periodically replace it with another drug during the treatment process.

The most common and best analogues:

  • Sanpraz;
  • Control;
  • Panum;
  • Peptazol;
  • Ulthera.

In addition to these drugs, there are a number of others that are similar to Nolpaza in their pharmacological actions. These include:

  • Omez;
  • Ultop;
  • Zolopen;
  • Rabimak;
  • Nexium;
  • Akrilanz.

When choosing a medication, you should consult with a specialist, he will help you understand what is best to take in a particular case. All these remedies are effective in treating diseases of the stomach and intestines.

The active substance of the drug Ultop, like Nolpaza, is omeprazole. It is worth remembering that there are contraindications when taking Ultop, so it should be taken only after consultation with a specialist.

Ultop medication is prohibited for children under 12 years of age. The patient will not be able to independently determine which of the drugs, Nolpaza or Ultop, will help him better; only a doctor can make this conclusion based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Omez, the active substance of which is also omeprazole, is good for treating the stomach and has an antiulcer effect. The effect of the drug is to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. If you choose between Omez and Nolpaza, the latter begins to act much faster.

Nolpaza and Omeprazole are used in the treatment of intestinal and stomach diseases; both drugs reduce the level of hydrochloric acid. Despite the fact that the medications are effective, it is impossible to replace Nolpaza or Omeprazole with each other in the treatment of diseases without consulting a specialist.

When choosing between Controloc or Nolpaza medications, you should consult your doctor. But we can say with confidence that Controloc is an analogue of Nolpaza, so if Controloc is prescribed, it can be replaced with Nolpaza in the same dosage.

Another remedy with similar effects as Nolpaza is Sanpraz - a good drug for eliminating many diseases. At an appointment with your doctor, you can consult whether you should take Sanpraz or Nolpaza. The products are analogues, they differ only in price.

Emanera is also an analogue of Nolpaza. The main substances that make up the medication affect the acidity of gastric juice, as a result of which the patient feels better. Emanera begins to act an hour after application. For most patients, taking Emanera helps in the treatment of various diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Not only these drugs can reduce the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, there are others. Such as Kvametel, Ranitidine. Doctors do not prescribe these drugs for the treatment of peptic ulcers. They have more side effects than others. The main difference is that to achieve relief from the patient’s condition, the drugs need to be taken several times a day.

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It is worth remembering that the drug Ranitidine is characterized by withdrawal syndrome. Despite this, Ranitidine is prescribed quite often, since some patients may develop an allergic reaction to Nolpaza and its analogues or may not experience improvement. When prescribing a medicine, a doctor always tries to take into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body.

It is because of this that Ranitidine can still be found in pharmacies. Moreover, this drug is quite cheap. It is worth knowing that the doctor will not prescribe drugs from the group of proton pump inhibitors simultaneously with the drug Ranitidine and its analogues.

It is necessary to take into account that the medicine Nolpaza is comparatively cheaper than its analogues, but it treats no worse.

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