Nolpaza for gastritis: how to take, treatment regimen

Symptoms of gastritis

When there is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, unpleasant symptoms occur in the form of:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • depression;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • spasmodic pain in the stomach and abdominal cavity.

When the body malfunctions and one of the listed symptoms is observed, you need to have time to contact a gastroenterologist for examination and diagnosis of the disease in order to begin treatment. A timely visit to a doctor will prevent the development of complications and serious diseases of the digestive system.

How to choose drugs depending on the acidity level

There are no medications in the world that can restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in one go. Which ones are better to use? They are intended to relieve symptoms.

Moreover, they have side effects. You can only take pills with full confidence that they are intended for a specific disease.

When choosing medications, it is important to pay attention to the health of the liver, stomach, and duodenum.

This can be done because most drugs have side effects, and this can affect the health of the internal organs.

This can be done with the help of professionals, thus it is possible to avoid aggravating the situation and avoid serious consequences.


A high-quality drug against ulcers of various forms, it is used to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and high acidity of gastric juice.

After a course of drug treatment, the therapeutic effect persists for a long period of time. You should not take the drug yourself. You must first consult a doctor so that he can prescribe procedures for examining internal organs and proper treatment, taking into account all the risks of taking the drug and the side effects.

Restrictions on use

It is forbidden to take during pregnancy and lactation, in case of hypersensitivity. It is also not recommended for young children to drink.

It is strictly forbidden to use in chronic, advanced or acute stages of renal failure.

It is not recommended to use De Nol in large quantities for the treatment of gastritis.

This is because the accumulation of bismuth in the body can lead to problems with the kidneys or central nervous system.

It is also important to maintain time and not take De Nol 30 minutes before or after meals. The treatment regimen lasts for a maximum of 2 months.

De Nol is made in the Netherlands. Significant differences in taking a medicine such as Omez from De Nola are in the effect on the main cause of the disease - the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Additionally, De Nol creates a protective shell against damage to the gastric mucosa. It is better to consult a doctor before taking medications.

Types of gastritis and their treatment

There are different types of gastritis. Treatment should be carried out with drugs of the inhibitory group, such as Nolpaza, together with other drugs, depending on the form of the disease. Each specific case of the disease has its own problems.

Nolpaza helps well with gastritis with high acidity, when the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed from excessive secretion of gastric juice. The drug reduces acid synthesis and stabilizes the acid level in the stomach, eliminating the main symptoms of the disease.

When treating Helicobacter pylori gastritis, it is necessary to reduce the number of Helicobacter pylori bacteria to zero. To eradicate them, Nolpaza should be taken together with the antiseptic astringent drug De-Nol and antibacterial tablets for a week or two. The complex action of a proton pump inhibitor, which lowers the level of acidity in the stomach, and together with antibiotics and tripotassium bismuth dicitrate, which has an antibacterial and cytoprotective effect, will help achieve the complete destruction of bacteria and eliminate inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. This will reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Chronic gastritis , not associated with Helicobacter pylori infection, can be treated with cytoprotective antiseptic medications that create a protective film inside the stomach, enveloping the surface of ulcers and inflammation. Thus, the medicine protects sore spots from the harmful effects of aggressive hydrochloric acid and promotes enhanced healing. De-Nol is one of the new generation of drugs based on bismuth salts.

In the case of atrophic gastritis, the bacteria Helicobacter pylori are first destroyed. Further treatment occurs under close observation of the gastric mucosa using gastroscopy.

  1. Superficial non-atrophic gastritis does not require additional examination of the mucous membrane.
  2. When the acidity level is very high, severe pain in the stomach is observed, it is necessary to take antacid and acid-reducing medications (Phosphalugel).
  3. In case of gastric motility disorders, in parallel with the treatment of gastritis, you should take medications that will regulate and stimulate the motor function of the stomach (Motilium and others).

How to take Nolpaza for gastritis

Let's figure out how to take Nolpaza for gastritis. Tablets are most often prescribed, so let's start with a description of the rules for taking this form. The tablet should be swallowed whole; under no circumstances should it be crushed or chewed. The tablets should be taken before meals, preferably half an hour before breakfast.

If the patient is prescribed a double dose, then the second tablet should be taken half an hour before dinner. The dosage of Nolpaza depends on individual indications:

  • If a Helicobacter pylori infection is detected, Nolpaza is prescribed as a tablet (40 mg) twice a day. In addition to the antacid (Nolpaza), two types of antibiotics are prescribed, as well as bismuth preparations for faster restoration of damaged mucosa;

  • for erosive-ulcerative reflux esophagitis, the dose is selected taking into account the stage of the disease. For mild symptoms - 1 piece (20 mg) once a day in the morning. If the disease manifests itself seriously, then 2 tablets (20 or 40 mg) are prescribed twice a day, that is, 40-80 mg per day. The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks, but relief occurs much faster, usually after the first week of use;
  • for prevention or if long-term maintenance therapy is necessary, take 20 mg once a day;
  • for Zollinger-Ellisin syndrome, at the first stage, take 80 mg of the active substance, that is, 2 tablets containing 40 mg of the active substance twice a day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 160 mg (maximum). After 1-2 weeks of use, the dosage can be adjusted depending on the level of acidity of gastric juice. The duration of the course is determined individually;
  • for first-time peptic ulcers and erosive gastritis, take 80 mg of the drug, dividing the dose into two doses. Course of treatment – ​​2 weeks;

  • for chronic peptic ulcers and erosive gastritis, in case of exacerbation, take 40-80 mg of the active substance per day, duration of treatment is 1-2 months;
  • for anti-relapse treatment of peptic ulcer, 10 mg (1 tablet) is prescribed at night.

Advice! When prescribing treatment for gastritis of the stomach in elderly patients, as well as in patients with liver and kidney diseases, the maximum daily dose of the drug is 40 mg of the active substance per day. The duration of therapy is determined individually.

If for some reason it is impossible to take tablets, then the drug is prescribed in the form of a lyophilisate. The solution is prepared by introducing 10 ml of saline into the bottle, after which the drug is administered intravenously for 3-15 minutes. The drug is administered exclusively by a medical specialist. The duration of the course is no more than 7 days. The dosage of the lyophilisate is determined individually.

Rules for taking Nolpaza in the treatment of gastritis

Nolpaza helps cure gastritis. It is not recommended to start taking the medicine on your own. You should contact a gastroenterologist, carry out procedures to study the gastric mucosa, and only then begin treatment according to the diagnosis.

  1. When taking pills for a short course to relieve symptoms and pain, you can get a temporary effect from the medicine and later develop a relapse or complication. To ensure a long-term healthy stomach, you need to follow a number of rules.
  2. For a complete recovery, you must complete the full course prescribed by the doctor. A long period of use ensures high-quality and reliable results.
  3. You must take the pills strictly as prescribed by your doctor, daily and regularly. The daily dose should be 20 mg of pantoprazole (one tablet) so that the body does not react to the medication with side effects and worsening of the condition.
  4. Nolpaza is available in the form of tablets and injection solutions. Depending on the prescription, the patient must take pills or give injections. For injections, a daily dose of pantoprazole is allowed in the amount of 40 mg. If you need to administer an antibiotic along with an injection, the doctor will select it individually for each patient.
  5. Treatment of gastritis should take place within a month. Next, a break is taken for a week or two so that there is no addiction to the drug. You should not take medications during the rest period.
  6. Self-medication can aggravate the general condition and lead to undesirable consequences.
  7. For the greatest effect, you should carefully study the instructions on the interaction of the medication with other medications.

If there is pain in the stomach area, taking anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications as pain relief is strictly prohibited! The drugs cause the development of ulcers with complications.

Features of application

In some cases, Nolpaza can cause dysbiosis; if you have loose stools, you should consult a doctor to prescribe probiotic medications.

There are also a number of special instructions that must be followed when treating with Nolpaza:

  • If it is necessary to treat pancreatitis, the medicine should be taken after meals, and in other cases - before meals. Take the drug once a day, 40 mg, preferably after lunch, or twice a day, 20 mg.
  • In cases where the patient is prescribed long-term therapy for a month, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of improvement. If it is not observed, you need to see a doctor and undergo a full examination. Perhaps the diagnosis needs clarification.
  • In parallel with taking Nolpaza, it is recommended to take vitamins and microelements; complex preparations are best suited. Nolpaza tends to reduce the absorption of B vitamins, magnesium and calcium.
  • If pain occurs in the joints and muscles, this indicates a deficiency of magnesium and calcium; it is advisable to replenish them with foods and pharmaceuticals.
  • During treatment with this drug, you need to drink more fluids; if signs of intoxication appear, you must urgently rinse your stomach and call an ambulance.

If there is a need for simultaneous use with other drugs, you should consult your doctor. Nolpaza reduces the therapeutic effect of many drugs, such as Ketoconazole.

The drug does not affect the therapeutic effect of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; on the contrary, when taken simultaneously, Nolpaza protects the gastric mucosa from the negative effects of the latter. It is not recommended to combine medicine with antibiotics, especially for people with pathological disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Before prescribing Nolpaza, the doctor refers the patient for a diagnostic examination to exclude contraindications for taking the drug. In case of developing oncology of the digestive tract, Nolpaza will erase the symptoms, which are already poorly expressed in the initial stage of cancer, which will complicate diagnosis, and the pathology will remain undetected.

Usually, people tolerate Nolpaza well; cases of overdose have not been recorded. Unlike similar drugs, Nolpaza has a healing effect faster and lasts longer. Store the drug at room temperature in a dark place. Do not use the product after the expiration date.

Side effects

Like all medications, Nolpaz has its side effects. These include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating and constipation;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • increased body temperature;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • visual impairment – ​​vehicle drivers should switch to public transport or drive with caution;
  • irritability and instability of the patient’s emotional state;
  • an allergic reaction of the body in the form of itching, burning and skin rashes;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • kidney dysfunction.

Minor side effects disappear after a couple of days without consequences for the body.

Side effects and interactions with other medications

Common side effects from taking the drug include diarrhea and headache. In rare cases (no more than 5% of those taking Nolpaza), the following reactions are observed:

  • other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • short-term decrease in visual acuity;
  • mood swings;
  • temperature increase;
  • muscle pain;
  • itching, rash and individual manifestations of allergies.

Given the possibility of a decrease in reaction and visual acuity, it is not recommended to drive a car while taking the drug.

As already noted, the use of Nolpaza is incompatible with atazanavir. Its use reduces the level of acidity in the stomach and affects the effectiveness of drugs that are well absorbed in an acidic environment. In patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, use of the drug causes a decrease in the absorption of vitamin B12. Experience in using the drug to treat gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori has shown that the drug does not affect the effectiveness of antibiotics. In any case, the simultaneous use of Nolpaza with other drugs is recommended to be monitored.


Nolpaza is an effective drug that has been used in different countries for many years. There are cases when the drug cannot be prescribed or should be taken with caution.

These include:

  • individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug;
  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • neurotic dyspepsia;
  • for women, lactation period and pregnancy;
  • age of the patient - should not be taken by children and young people if they are under eighteen years of age;
  • concurrent use of the drug Atazanavir;
  • a strong allergic reaction of the body to the drug;
  • poor absorption of vitamin B12 into the body - in this case, Nolpaza must be taken with caution.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is prescribed for exacerbation of gastric ulcer.
"Nolpaza" is used for diseases such as:

  • hyperacid, alimentary gastritis with suspicion of the appearance of an erosive area;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • ulcers caused by the Helicobacter bacteria, together with an antibiotic;
  • Zollinger-Ellison disease.

The drug should not be taken for pathologies such as:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • liver pathologies;
  • neurotic dyspepsia;
  • simultaneous therapy of kidney and liver diseases together with antimicrobial drugs;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation (only after consultation with your doctor);
  • predisposition to hypovitaminosis B12 (with caution).

Additional recommendations

  1. Food and drinks must be warm. To avoid inflammation, it is necessary to avoid too cold and hot foods.
  2. The diet should be balanced, the patient should eat small portions every three or four hours. You should not starve or overeat, especially during treatment of the disease. You can't eat before bed. In order for the stomach to rest from food at night, the last meal should be two hours before bedtime.
  3. Fried, pickled, spicy, too sour and smoked dishes are contraindicated. Experts do not recommend consuming them in large quantities and too often.
  4. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated - it can cause an attack of stomach and duodenal ulcers or gastritis.
  5. Patients with gastritis should eliminate all bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Alcoholic drinks of any strength are contraindicated for gastritis.
  7. You should avoid foods that are difficult for an inflamed stomach: mushrooms, fatty foods, sauerkraut, etc.
  8. Food should be boiled or steamed.

If an attack of gastritis occurs for the first time, you cannot ignore going to the doctor and the condition. By starting the disease, you can get a chronic form of the disease or more serious consequences (ulcers, cancer, even removal of the stomach).

For good intestinal function, doctors prescribe complex therapy with anti-inflammatory, enzyme, probiotic and other medications that can alleviate the patient’s condition in a short period of time.

When the doctor has prescribed the use of medications, the recommendations should not be neglected. – they must be strictly followed in order to get a quick recovery.


To treat gastritis, your doctor may prescribe a drug similar to Nolpaza. Good analogues are Omez, Omeprazole, Gastrozole, Pantoprazole, Ultop, Sanpraz, Controloc. Each of the listed medications also has its own side reactions and contraindications. You can find them in the instructions for the medications.

The principle of action on the body is identical; all are inhibitory drugs that act as a proton pump that blocks the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The difference in price is due to manufacturing countries, advertising and the recognition of the medicine among buyers.

Omez and De Nol for gastritis

The inflammatory process in the stomach, nausea and heartburn cause painful sensations.

Medicines can be prescribed for a single use to eliminate symptoms or taken in a course. De Nol is recommended for use by a doctor.

Omez helps with stomach ulcers. This is a proton pump inhibitor, the basis of this drug is Omeprazole. The drug is able to suppress the production of hydrochloric acid.

The capsules of this medicine are acid-resistant and dissolve once they are in the intestines. The remaining medication is excreted by the kidneys.

In old age, the process of drug absorption slows down, just like the process of drug elimination.

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