Should you take bifidumbacterin for constipation and why?

Dosage form

Reference. Bifidumbacterin is a medicinal product containing living beneficial microorganisms that, when entering the intestines, form their own colonies.
As a result of this, there is a sharp decrease in the number of pathogenic microbes and the balance of the flora is restored, as a result of which a person gets rid of digestive problems. For ease of use, Bifidumbacterin is available in various forms. The choice of which depends on the age of the patient, the frequency and persistence of difficulties in bowel movement and the recommendations of the attending physician who should be contacted to prescribe complex therapy.

In pharmacies you can purchase the drug in the following forms:

  • powder;
  • pills;
  • liquid;
  • suppositories (candles).

Answers to popular questions

Before and while taking Bifidumbacterin, patients may have questions, so below we will give answers to the most common ones.

At what age can Bifidumbacterin be given to children?

Suppositories, capsules and tablets are prescribed to children aged three years and older. For newborns, the drug is approved in powder form. It is pre-mixed with breast milk, formula or water.

How quickly does Bifidumbacterin act?

The effect of the drug begins immediately after entering the intestines; beneficial bacteria, multiplying, displace the pathogenic flora, thereby restoring the normal one. The stool improves within a few days.

What analogues of the drug exist?

Drugs with a similar effect include Bifinorm, Lactobacterin, Probifor. The choice depends on the age and purpose of therapy.

Bifidumbacterin strengthens or weakens stool

The drug has a complex effect, helps normalize stool and digestion, so depending on the problem, the probiotic can weaken or strengthen stool.

Can a baby be constipated from Bifidumbacterin?

If you are lactose intolerant and use the drug incorrectly, your baby may experience constipation.

Bifidumbacterin forte

Bifidumbacterin forte is a grayish powder with black inclusions and a characteristic odor of fermented milk products. The powder contains a microbial mass consisting of living bacteria that are sorbed on activated carbon particles.

Bifidobacteria counteract pathogenic flora, among which they can cause serious diseases such as:

  • shigella;
  • salmonella;
  • Staphylococcus aureus.

Thanks to colonies of beneficial bacteria absorbed by activated carbon:

  • processes of restoration of damaged mucous membranes are actively taking place;
  • parietal digestion improves; synthesis of necessary vitamins and amino acids occurs;
  • The protective function of the immune system is enhanced.

The drug can be prescribed both to children from the moment of birth, including premature infants, and to adults of different age groups, including pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Bifidumbacterin helps overcome the causes of constipation associated with:

  • acute intestinal infections of various etiologies;
  • food intoxication;
  • exposure to viruses;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system, including peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, pathologies of the liver and biliary tract;
  • intestinal dysbiosis caused by treatment with antibiotics, antibacterial drugs, hormones, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Rectal suppositories

Bifidumbacterin suppositories are saturated with live cultures of microorganisms and are used to eliminate inflammatory phenomena in the rectum, which often cause difficulties with bowel movements.

Suppositories locally affect the pathogenic microflora of the mucous membrane and intestinal lumen, regulating their ratio in favor of the predominance of beneficial microflora, due to which toxic substances formed in decay products are neutralized. As a result, the absorption of protein obtained from food improves and immunity increases. This dosage form is suitable for the treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age.

Bifidumbacterin multi

Bifidumbacterin-multi is the latest series of symbiotic drugs that have a complex effect. They are distinguished by a qualitatively new approach to correcting the bacterial balance and are developed taking into account the natural characteristics of people of different age groups who are prone to problems with fecal retention.

Accordingly, three versions of the drug have been developed: Bifidumbacterin multi-1, 2 and 3.

This series uses colonies of bacteria of different species that positively interact with each other, which is confirmed by clinical trials. Multibiotic complexes, developed for children from 3 to 14 years old, containing associations of live dried bacteria and soluble dietary fiber, do not cause allergic reactions due to the absence of lactose and other hypoallergenic components.


People leave reviews about this medicine, as a rule, positive. This confirms the high effectiveness of the drug during the treatment period. In addition, people like the convenient way to take the drug Bifidumbacterin, as well as a large number of similar products.

Mothers note that after they gave the drug to their child, intestinal colic went away in about 30 minutes. In addition, parents claim that the product is very easy to use. Among the negative aspects, people note only the high cost of the drug. In general, patients are satisfied with taking the medicine Bifidumbacterin.

Liquid bifidumbacterin

The drug is a pale beige liquid obtained as a result of lactic hydrolysis and populated with beneficial bifidobacteria.

It has a pleasant sour taste and is sold in glass containers up to 100 ml. Effectively improves the condition of the microflora of the intestinal mucosa, promotes the production of biotin, folic acid and essential vitamins in the body.

How to take Bifidumbacterin for constipation

Treatment of constipation

Bifidumbacterin is taken internally half an hour before meals with a dosage depending on the age category.

The drug is dosed, as a rule, depending on the age category of the patient, and the course of treatment lasts from 15 to 21 days, depending on the severity of problems with bowel movements.

The duration of treatment, as well as prophylaxis with Bifidumbacterin in liquid form, can be from two to three weeks and, as necessary, extended to a month or two.

In adults

Adults can take the full dose of the product once, with a small amount of water. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts 1-3 days, but can reach 10-14 depending on the severity of the condition when using 10 packets 1-3 times a day, and to prevent constipation, take 1-2 packets 1-2 times a day for half a month no more than 2-3 times a year.

Treatment of constipation in children

When taking the drug orally, it is advisable for children to divide the daily dose into parts.

When giving Bifidumbacterin to children in liquid form, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  • children from one year to 12 years of age, half or one milliliter three times a day;
  • children over 12 years of age and adults 1 or 2 milliliters three times a day.

Bifidumbacterin forte for medicinal purposes in usual doses is prescribed as follows:

  • children under one year old: 1 packet 2-3 times a day,
  • children over one year of age and older - 1 packet 3-4 times a day,

Convenient to use are detachable capsules that ensure the preservation of beneficial bacteria implanted into the rectum. For preventive purposes, bifidumbacterin is used for babies under one year of age, 1 packet 1 time per day, for all others, 1-2 packets 1-2 times per day are prescribed. The preventive course gives good results with a two-week use of 1-2 packets of the drug per day.

Treatment of constipation in newborns

For young children, a powder is used that can be dissolved in water, juice, added to baby food, or the drug in liquid form, consumed 0.5 milliliters twice a day. For preventive purposes, a child prone to fecal retention can be given 1 packet for 10 days, 2-3 times a year.


The following drugs can be considered as alternatives to Bifidobacterin:

  1. Probifor is a drug in the form of dry powder, tablets or suppositories with indications for use similar to Bifidobacterin. However, when choosing it, it is worth considering that the drug has a number of contraindications: dosage forms in the form of suppositories and tablets cannot be used to treat children under three years of age, and should also be given with special caution to children with lactase deficiency. In addition, in combination with antibiotics, it can provoke an allergic reaction, so for use in complex therapy, constant monitoring by the treating doctor is necessary.
  2. Bifiform is a combined probiotic produced in capsules for adult patients, as well as chewable tablets and fruit-flavored powder for the treatment of children. The drug can be used from the age of 2 years, and the special series Bifiform Baby is intended for children from 1 to 3 years old. It is recommended for regulating stool during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a kindergarten and nursery, since in addition to the main effect it improves immunity in children. The product can be used by pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Bifikol is a drug with a unique composition that combines bifidobacteria and Escherichia coli bacteria in the form of tablet preparations or a dry substance in ampoules, which must be diluted with water. Removes stagnation of feces in chronic colitis and enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis. However, it is not recommended for children under six months of age.
  4. Bifiliz is a remedy that has a normobiotic and antibacterial effect, relieves lingering intestinal pathologies and prevents the transition of acute conditions to a chronic form, normalizing the processes of cleansing the intestines from stagnant accumulations of digested food.

Side effects

During the treatment period, the patient’s body can give a response, which is expressed in such conditions as:

  • Quincke's edema, urticaria, itching;
  • Anaphylactic shock, redness;
  • Cough, runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • Pain in the abdomen, as well as other manifestations of allergies.

In case of overdose, the patient experiences symptoms such as increased sweating, tremor, general weakness, tachycardia, a feeling of anxiety and restlessness. If the patient experiences such conditions, then taking the drug must be stopped.


An overdose of Bifindumbacterin is excluded. The drug contains components that do not have the ability to accumulate in the body. This nuance does not constitute permission for uncontrolled use of the medication. If an overdose is allowed in the presence of lactose deficiency or other contraindications, then its consequences can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the body.


The only contraindication to taking the drug Bifidumbacterin is an allergy to certain components of the drug.


Before starting to take this medication, you should consult your doctor.

This drug is actively used during pregnancy and breastfeeding to treat intestinal disorders. However, during the treatment period, it is better for the girl to stay in a hospital to avoid negative effects on the child.

Can Bifidumbacterin cause constipation?

Young mothers with breastfed children often try to regulate the baby's stool using Bifidumbacterin. Sometimes the desired effect does not occur - instead of softening and improving the child’s stool, mothers observe a delay.

Why this might happen:

  • incorrect choice of dosage form of the drug for the child;
  • errors in dosage;
  • the child has no disturbances in the intestinal microflora, and stool retention is associated with spastic processes. pathologies of the digestive system, inflammatory phenomena.

In addition, rare bowel movements in newborns can be normal if the mother's milk is completely absorbed by the child.

The main causes of constipation in children and adults

The absence of bowel movements for several days or incomplete emptying is familiar to many. Such intestinal dysfunction can develop not only in an adult, but also in a child. In this case, constipation occurs in acute and chronic forms, accompanied by a number of symptoms.

The appearance of constipation is influenced by internal and external factors. The first are associated with the development of any disease that disrupts the natural flora of the gastrointestinal tract and negatively affects digestion:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • poisoning;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • infection;
  • neoplasms;
  • problems with the liver and gall bladder, etc.

The second factor is a person’s lifestyle. Thus, constipation often occurs due to poor nutrition and sudden changes in diet, this is especially common in children. Problems with stool in an infant can occur due to inappropriate formula or if the mother does not follow the diet - in the case of breastfeeding.

As for adults, they often have difficulty with bowel movement due to insufficient physical activity, irregular diet and alcohol consumption. Constipation at any age can be caused by taking medications, as well as stress and fatigue.

Bifidumbacterin helps with many types of constipation. Most often it is prescribed for poor bowel movements caused by a disturbance in the intestinal flora.

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