Omez in the early and late stages of pregnancy: can pregnant women take the drug?

Indications for use

Omez can be used as prescribed by a doctor if the following symptoms appear, which usually indicate progressive gastritis or ulcers:

  • heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea and heartburn;
  • gastralgia – pain in the stomach;
  • increased saliva production;
  • pain in the stomach, relieved by eating;
  • problems with stool with a predominance of constipation.

These symptoms during pregnancy do not always indicate disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, so before taking Omez, you must consult your doctor. Heartburn during pregnancy is a completely typical phenomenon in the 2-3 trimester, nausea may well be a consequence of gestosis, and stomach pain is a sign of pancreatic disease. Therefore, in order to make a correct diagnosis, in addition to studying the external signs of the disease, studies (endoscopy, analysis of gastric juice) must be carried out.

Like many other medications, Omez is not recommended during pregnancy due to the risk of possible developmental pathology in the child. According to the classification of the Food and Drug Administration of the US Department of Health, the risk of taking Omez during pregnancy for the fetus is classified as category C - animal tests revealed a negative effect of the drug on the fetus; no such experiments were conducted among pregnant women, but in case of excess benefits use of the drug over the possible risk to the fetus, use is justified.

Researchers have data according to which, when a woman took Omez at a dosage of 20 mg/day before conception, 2 pregnancies were terminated due to deformation of the child’s feet. However, in both cases, artificial insemination was carried out, in which the risk of congenital pathologies is already high enough to associate the anomalies with the use of Omez.

The currently available clinical trial results, on the contrary, suggest the relative safety of Omez. An analysis given in publications in the UK and Italy indicates that the risk of impaired embryonic development when taken was 0.9%.

According to the Food and Drug Administration of the US Department of Health, the risk to the fetus from taking Omez during pregnancy is Category C.

According to the Swedish Medical Birth Register in 1995-1999. 1033 children in the womb were exposed to omeprazole: in the 1st trimester - 863, in the 2nd and 3rd - 131, throughout the entire pregnancy - 39. Of the total indicated number, 5 children were stillborn. Among all newborns, there was a slight increase in the incidence of congenital heart defects, but experts regard this as an accident.

In a targeted experiment of 113 women treated with omeprazole during pregnancy, the percentage of fetal abnormalities (4%) did not differ from groups receiving drugs that do not affect the development of birth defects and using H2-blockers (another type antisecretory agents). In all compared groups, the parameters of the child’s weight, complications during childbirth, and the number of premature births were similar.

Information about the practice of using omeprazole by individual women at the stage of conception and during pregnancy confirms the absence of severe side effects in relation to the mother and child.

In general, all substances that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach or smooth out its effect have an advantage over other groups of drugs: they are characterized by a favorable outcome of side effects and easy tolerability. The issue of 100% safety of their use during conception and gestation has not been completely resolved, however, analysis of the current data does not give reason to talk about a high risk of side effects of these drugs in relation to the impact on the course of pregnancy.

Omez can be taken during pregnancy only for vital indications, under the supervision of a doctor and strictly in the dosage prescribed by him. Most likely, even if the expectant mother is diagnosed with a peptic ulcer, the doctor, when forming a treatment regimen, will prescribe a drug that is gentler on the fetus.

Omez can be taken during pregnancy only for vital indications, under the supervision of a doctor and strictly in the dosage prescribed by him.

Indications for use during pregnancy

Therapists have a clear opinion about whether Omez can be taken by pregnant women. Experts do not prescribe medication while waiting for the baby. This is due to the lack of clinical data on its effect on the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. Gastroenterologists and therapists can include medicine in treatment for certain indications, when the expectant mother is diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disease during diagnosis that aggravates her situation.

During pregnancy, drinking Omez is allowed for the following indications:

  • erosive gastritis;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • increased acidity;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • ulcer of the duodenum, stomach.

The drug is not always prescribed during the detection of these pathologies. Today, the pharmacological market offers many alternative options, including PPIs (proton pump inhibitors), such as Omez.

Not always manifestations of nausea, heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, constipation may indicate the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies. Sometimes this condition is caused by the woman's position and can be easily eliminated with the help of safe medications. During pregnancy, Omez should be taken after a thorough diagnosis and only as directed by a doctor.

Omeprazole for pregnant women: instructions for use

Heartburn in pregnant women is a common symptom. She talks about the reflux of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus. Omeprazole helps pregnant women with heartburn. It is taken 20 mg once a day. Recommended course – 4 weeks. During this time, the esophageal mucosa has time to recover. Women with severe reflux disease are prescribed repeated courses with an increased dosage - 40 mg once a day.

For exacerbation of duodenal ulcer, take 20 mg per day for 2 weeks. For a stable form of the disease - 40 mg once a day for 4 weeks. To prevent relapse, long-term use of Omeprazole 10 mg per day is used.

Gastric ulcers are treated with 4 weeks of daily doses of 20 mg of the drug. If ineffective, repeat a similar course. In some cases, it is necessary to increase the dosage to 40 mg, and the course of treatment to 8 weeks.

Treatment of gastritis caused by Helicobacter in pregnant women involves relieving pain and containing the spread of infection. Therefore, approved treatment regimens are often not used: Clarithromycin, which is used in a three-component regimen, is prohibited in pregnant women. Only in cases of severe pain can treatment be carried out using a two-component regimen, which includes Omeprazole and Amoxicillin. In this case, a proton pump blocker is used at a dose of 40-80 mg per day for 2 weeks.

How to replace Omeprazole during pregnancy?

Omeprazole has many commercial analogues that are identical in their mechanism of action. These are drugs such as Losek, Omez, Ultop, Helitsid, Romesec, Gastrozol and others. The cost of packaging also differs and depends on the manufacturer and dosage.

When choosing Losek or Omeprazole, you need to remember that this is the same drug, which is produced by different manufacturers. The cost of domestic Omeprazole ranges from 21 to 53 rubles. For the original drug Losek, produced in Sweden, you will have to pay an average of 500 rubles.

There are also other representatives of the group of proton pump blockers. For example, Rabeprazole. But the instructions for it contain instructions that the medicine is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When periods of heartburn are irregular and short-lived, antacids can be used to relieve the symptom. They act locally, coat the irritated part of the esophagus, and reduce acidity in the stomach. But it is not recommended for pregnant women to use them for more than 3 days in a row. Almagel and Almagel A suspensions can be used. The latter contains an anesthetic component. Read more about Almagel during pregnancy. Trade analogues of the drugs are Maalox, Alumag, Gastratsid, Adzhiflux.

When the first symptoms of heartburn appear, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can assess the safety of treatment for the fetus and select the necessary medications.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for

Possible harm of Omez for a pregnant woman

Omez belongs to category C drugs. This category includes drugs that, in animal testing, have shown an adverse effect on the fetus in the womb. Such studies have not been conducted among expectant mothers, but doctors believe that given the obvious predominance of the benefits of taking the medicine over the potential danger to the child, the use of Omez during pregnancy is justified.

The results of modern clinical experiments allow us to consider Omez a relatively safe drug. Thus, after analyzing the effect of the antiulcer drug on the intrauterine development of the baby, Italian and British scientists released data that the probability of disruption of embryo formation while taking Omez is about 0.9%.

And in a targeted experiment conducted by Swedish specialists, among 115 women who drank Omez during pregnancy, the percentage of pathological disorders in the development of the baby was 4%, which does not differ from the indicators of groups of expectant mothers who took drugs that in no way threaten the fetus. In both experimental groups, data on the weight of newborns, complications during childbirth, and the number of prematurely born babies turned out to be almost identical.

In addition, there are a lot of reviews from women themselves about the use of Omez during pregnancy, which indicate that pregnant women generally do not experience severe side effects due to treatment with this drug.

How can you replace Omeprazole and Omez during pregnancy?

As noted above, antacids and alginates are considered safer remedies for heartburn during gestation. In the first stages of relieving this symptom, you can try using medications such as Rennie and Gaviscon. They do not reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid, but neutralize its effect in the stomach itself. They are usually used when the frequency of heartburn does not exceed two to three times a week.

If a pregnant woman is intolerant to omeprazole, or it is ineffective, the doctor may prescribe another drug from a series of proton pump inhibitors. Medicines based on pantoprazole and dexlansoprazole are acceptable at all stages of pregnancy if the benefit outweighs the possible risk

Products containing an active ingredient such as lansoprazole can be used with caution after the first trimester. According to most experts, the effectiveness of all PPIs is approximately the same. The difference is only in the nuances

Some of them act a little faster, others are safer when interacting with other medications. The choice of an appropriate PPI should be left to the physician

The difference is only in the nuances. Some of them act a little faster, others are safer when interacting with other medications. The choice of an appropriate PPI should be left to the physician.

Table: options for replacing Omeprazole and Omez

NameMain componentRelease formManufacturerprice, rub.
  • calcium carbonate;
  • magnesium carbonate.
Pills.Bayer (Germany).From 288 for 24 pieces.
  • sodium alginate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • calcium carbonate.
  • pills;
  • suspension.
Reckitt Benckiser (Great Britain).From 139 for 12 tablets.
Pantoprazole CanonPantoprazole.Pills."Kanonpharma" (Russia).From 185 for 28 pieces (20 mg).
NolpazaPantoprazole.Pills."KRKA d.d. Novo Mesto JSC (Slovenia). From 242 for 28 tablets (20 mg).
  • pills;
  • powder for the preparation of solution for intravenous administration.
Takeda GmbH (Japan).From 307 for 14 tablets (20 mg).
DexilantDexlansoprazole.Capsules.Takeda GmbH (Japan).From 1821 for 28 capsules (30 mg).
LancidLansoprazole.Capsules.Micro Labs Limited (India).From 393 for 30 capsules (30 mg).
EpicurusLansoprazole.Capsules."Obolenskoye FP" (Russia).From 383 for 14 capsules (30 mg).

Photo: drugs for heartburn in pregnant women that can replace Omeprazole and Omez

During gestation, my wife developed heartburn late in pregnancy, no more than two or three times a week. This symptom did not cause her much concern. But during her first pregnancy, she called an OB-GYN who recommended Rennie. My wife took this drug for a little while and stopped. Rennie helped prevent heartburn at night. But then my wife changed her diet somewhat and began to eat less before bed. And the need to use medications disappeared.

I recently had the opportunity to talk with this obstetrician-gynecologist. He said that in recent years, approaches to the management of pregnant women have changed. This also affected the use of heartburn medications. According to the doctor, ten years ago the use of Omeprazole by women during the gestational period was out of the question. Today, such drugs are recommended as basic ones. Of course, most doctors are still wary of them, but as time goes on, these PPIs are increasingly being prescribed to expectant mothers. My gynecologist friend has not encountered any negative reviews about Omez or Omeprazole during pregnancy in his practice. Adverse reactions were mainly limited to gastrointestinal disorders and skin rash. In general, this doctor believes that in most cases, the appearance of acid-related diseases in pregnant women can be prevented even at the stage of planning a child.

Side effects and contraindications

Omez for pregnant women is a salvation during exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies. The medicine has shown high effectiveness in the treatment of gastritis, duodenitis, and ulcerative manifestations. Despite the effectiveness, do not forget about contraindications for use and negative reactions of the body. These points should be carefully studied by a pregnant woman before starting to take it in order to eliminate the negative effects of the medicine.

Omez cannot be used in therapy if:

  • there is a history of liver and kidney failure;
  • there are signs of intestinal obstruction;
  • the woman recently underwent therapy aimed at curing AIDS, HIV;
  • the woman has a tendency to internal bleeding;
  • At the same time, the pregnant woman takes antiplatelet, antifungal, and antiepileptic drugs.

The medication will be contraindicated if used for a long time.

Before using Omez in therapy, undergo tests for the presence of concomitant gastrointestinal pathologies, determine the condition of the liver and kidneys.

The drug may cause side effects such as:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • increased heart rate;
  • allergies of various origins;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • bowel disorders;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • decrease in pressure.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The use of the medicine is not recommended:

  • During the first trimester of pregnancy
  • When diagnosing pathologies of the liver and renal system
  • Excessive sensitivity to components.

During treatment with Omez, the following may be observed:

  • Attacks of nausea
  • The appearance of shortness of breath
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Discomfort in the epigastric region
  • Intestinal dysfunction (diarrhea, constipation)
  • Dryness of the oral mucous membranes
  • Decreased appetite
  • Headache

In case of individual sensitivity to omeprazole, allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, urticaria-type rashes) may occur. Quite rarely, anaphylactic shock is possible.


Omez can be replaced by drugs whose active ingredient is also omeprazole. They are used for the same indications and have the same restrictions as those provided for Omez. The attending physician must select a suitable analogue for the expectant mother. In addition, for heartburn, gastritis, esophagitis or peptic ulcers, medications with a different composition and a different mechanism of action may be prescribed.

"Renny." These tablets contain magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate. Such ingredients neutralize hydrochloric acid, relieving heartburn for a long time. The medicine can be prescribed both in late stages (32 weeks and later) and in the 1st trimester.

"Gastal." These tablets work by combining aluminum hydroxide carbonate gel and magnesium hydroxide. The medication can be used at any stage of pregnancy if prescribed by a doctor.

"Maalox." Magnesium algeldate and magnesium hydroxide present in such a suspension envelop the stomach and neutralize gastric juice. The drug is prescribed in a short course for acute gastritis or duodenitis, if the doctor sees the need for such treatment.

Gaviscon. This product, presented in suspension and tablets, contains sodium bicarbonate, sodium alginate and calcium carbonate. Such compounds are safe for the fetus, so the drug can be prescribed even in the early stages.

Read more about Omez capsules below.


Taking the drug at different stages of pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with liver disease or kidney failure, as well as with individual intolerance to the components of the medicine in question, drinking Omez is strictly prohibited both in the early and late stages. This drug is prescribed to expectant mothers extremely rarely due to its intense action - in most cases, doctors recommend safer analogues.

In 1st trimester

The active components of Omez are able to penetrate the placental barrier. For this reason, taking this drug in the 1st trimester is strictly prohibited. If a pregnant woman decides to violate this prohibition, the medication may negatively affect the formation of organs and systems of the fetus.

In the 2nd trimester

If indicated and under the strict supervision of a doctor, the use of Omez in the 2nd trimester is allowed. However, a woman should carefully monitor her condition and report to the doctor about all changes in her health - both negative and positive. You should not take Omez uncontrollably without notifying the doctor - this is dangerous for the child and can complicate the diagnosis.

In the 3rd trimester

Taking the drug in question in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is allowed only in extreme cases. Before giving birth, therapy should be selected with special care, and the doctor will have to weigh the pros and cons. Usually Omez is prescribed only in situations where taking safer analogues is impossible for some reason, and the woman needs urgent help.

Omeprazole during pregnancy: in the early stages, in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester

Based on the classification of drugs by risk groups for the fetus, Omeprazole belongs to group C. These are substances that have been proven to have a teratogenic effect on the fetus in animal experiments. Further studies of the drug in pregnant women have not been conducted. Therefore, their danger can only be assumed.

Omeprazole is not recommended in early pregnancy. During this period, the formation of all systems and organs occurs; any negative impact can lead to severe defects or interruption. In the 2nd trimester, they also try not to prescribe Omeprazole, so as not to disrupt the growth process and the final formation of certain systems.

If there are indications and no contraindications, Omeprazole is used in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but after all possible negative consequences are assessed.

Omeprazole: contraindications during pregnancy

When using the drug in non-pregnant women in compliance with the recommended dosages, negative reactions are rarely observed. Pregnant women try not to use Omerpazole in the 1st trimester. The drug is also contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity or intolerance to the components. This may manifest itself as the following symptoms:

  • Rash like urticaria;
  • Skin itching;
  • Local swelling of the eyelids, ears, lips;
  • Drain allergy spots;
  • Symptoms of suffocation.

If after taking the capsule at least one of the symptoms appears, stop using the drug. To relieve allergies, take antihistamines.

Omeprazole for pregnant women: instructions for use

Heartburn in pregnant women is a common symptom. She talks about the reflux of acidic contents from the stomach into the esophagus. Omeprazole helps pregnant women with heartburn. It is taken 20 mg once a day.

Recommended course – 4 weeks. During this time, the esophageal mucosa has time to recover.

Women with severe reflux disease are prescribed repeated courses with an increased dosage - 40 mg once a day.

For exacerbation of duodenal ulcer, take 20 mg per day for 2 weeks. For a stable form of the disease - 40 mg once a day for 4 weeks. To prevent relapse, long-term use of Omeprazole 10 mg per day is used.

Gastric ulcers are treated with 4 weeks of daily doses of 20 mg of the drug. If ineffective, repeat a similar course. In some cases, it is necessary to increase the dosage to 40 mg, and the course of treatment to 8 weeks.

Treatment of gastritis caused by Helicobacter in pregnant women involves relieving pain and containing the spread of infection.

Only in cases of severe pain can treatment be carried out using a two-component regimen, which includes Omeprazole and Amoxicillin. In this case, a proton pump blocker is used at a dose of 40-80 mg per day for 2 weeks.

How to replace Omeprazole during pregnancy?

Omeprazole has many commercial analogues that are identical in their mechanism of action. These are drugs such as Losek, Omez, Ultop, Helitsid, Romesec, Gastrozol and others. The cost of packaging also differs and depends on the manufacturer and dosage.

When choosing Losek or Omeprazole, you need to remember that this is the same drug, which is produced by different manufacturers. The cost of domestic Omeprazole ranges from 21 to 53 rubles. For the original drug Losek, produced in Sweden, you will have to pay an average of 500 rubles.

There are also other representatives of the group of proton pump blockers. For example, Rabeprazole. But the instructions for it contain instructions that the medicine is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When periods of heartburn are irregular and short-lived, antacids can be used to relieve the symptom. They act locally, coat the irritated part of the esophagus, and reduce acidity in the stomach.

But it is not recommended for pregnant women to use them for more than 3 days in a row. Almagel and Almagel A suspensions can be used. The latter contains an anesthetic component. Read more about Almagel during pregnancy.

Trade analogues of the drugs are Maalox, Alumag, Gastratsid, Adzhiflux.

When the first symptoms of heartburn appear, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can assess the safety of treatment for the fetus and select the necessary medications.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for


H+-K+-ATPase inhibitor. Antiulcer drug

Release form, composition and packaging

Enteric capsules

hard gelatin, opaque, size No. 0, with a light purple body, yellow cap and black “OMEZ 40” markings on the cap and capsule body; The contents of the capsules are granules from almost white to light yellow.

Excipients: mannitol - 236 mg, crospovidone - 18 mg, poloxamer (407) - 5 mg, hypromellose (1828) - 8 mg, meglumine - 3 mg.

Coating composition:

povidone (K-30) – 26.8 mg.
Enteric coating composition:
methacrylic acid-ethyl acrylate copolymer (1:1) (methacrylic acid copolymer [type C]) – 72 mg, triethyl acetate – 7.2 mg, magnesium stearate – 4 mg.

Composition of the capsule body:

brilliant blue dye (E133), sunset yellow dye (E110), charming red dye (E129), phloxin B dye (red dye D&C RED#28), titanium dioxide (E171), sodium lauryl sulfate, water, gelatin.

Composition of the capsule cap:

iron oxide yellow dye (E172), titanium dioxide (E171), sodium lauryl sulfate, water, gelatin.

Composition of black inscription on capsules: ink S-1-8114:

shellac (20% esterified) in ethanol, iron oxide black (E172), n-butanol, propylene glycol (E1520), indigo carmine dye (E132), charm red dye (E129), quinoline yellow dye (E104), brilliant blue dye ( E133);
ink S-1-8115:
shellac (20% esterified) in ethanol, black iron oxide dye (E172), ethanol, methanol, indigo carmine dye (E132), charm red dye (E129), quinoline yellow dye (E104), diamond dye blue (E133).

7 pcs. – blisters (4) – cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Omeprazole is a racemic mixture of two enantiomers that reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid due to specific inhibition of the proton pump of gastric parietal cells. With a single use, it acts quickly and has a reversible inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion.

Mechanism of action

Omeprazole is a weak base, it becomes active in the acidic environment of the tubules of the cells of the parietal layer of the gastric mucosa, where it is activated and inhibits the H+-K+-ATPase of the proton pump. It has a dose-dependent effect on the last stage of hydrochloric acid synthesis, inhibits both basal and stimulated secretion, regardless of the stimulating factor.

Effect on the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

After oral administration of omeprazole 1 time/day, there is a rapid and effective decrease in daytime and nighttime secretion of hydrochloric acid, which reaches a maximum within 4 days of treatment.

In patients with duodenal ulcers, 20 mg omeprazole causes a sustained reduction in 24-hour gastric acidity by at least 80%. In this case, a 70% decrease in the average Cmax of hydrochloric acid after stimulation with pentagastrin is achieved within 24 hours.

Daily oral administration of 20 mg omeprazole in patients with duodenal ulcer maintains acidity at pH≥3 for an average of 17 hours.

The degree of inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion is proportional to the AUC of omeprazole and is not proportional to the actual concentration of the drug in the blood at a given time.

No tachyphylaxis was observed during treatment with omeprazole.

Omeprazole in vitro has a bactericidal effect on Helicobacter pylori.

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori when using omeprazole in conjunction with antibacterial agents is accompanied by rapid elimination of symptoms, a high degree of healing of defects in the gastrointestinal mucosa and long-term remission of peptic ulcer disease, which reduces the likelihood of complications such as bleeding as effectively as continuous maintenance therapy.



Omeprazole is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, Cmax in plasma is reached after 1-2 hours. Absorbed in the small intestine, usually within 3-6 hours. Bioavailability after a single oral dose is approximately 40%, after continuous administration 1 time per day, bioavailability increases to 60 %. Concomitant food intake does not affect the bioavailability of omeprazole.


The binding of omeprazole to plasma proteins is about 95%, Vd is 0.3 l/kg.


Part of omeprazole undergoes first-pass hepatic metabolism with the participation of isoenzymes CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 with the formation of inactive metabolites sulfone, sulfide and hydroxyomeprazole.

Omeprazole, which is not included by parietal cells in the formation of active metabolites, is completely metabolized in the liver also with the participation of the CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 isoenzymes.

The total plasma clearance is 0.3-0.6 l/min.


T1/2 is about 40 minutes (30-90 minutes). About 80% is excreted in the form of metabolites by the kidneys, the rest through the intestines.

Special patient groups

In elderly patients (75-79 years), a slight decrease in the metabolism of omeprazole was noted.

In patients with impaired renal function, no dose adjustment is required.

The metabolism of omeprazole in patients with impaired liver function slows down, which leads to an increase in its bioavailability.

When treating children, plasma concentrations of omeprazole were similar to those in adults.



  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (treatment and prevention);
  • eradication of Helicobacter pylori for gastric and duodenal ulcers (as part of combination therapy);
  • reflux esophagitis; symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Children over 2 years old, weighing more than 20 kg:

  • reflux esophagitis, symptomatic treatment of heartburn and sour belching with GERD.


  • hypersensitivity to omeprazole, substituted benzimidazoles or other components of the drug;
  • simultaneous use with the drugs nelfinavir, atazanavir, erlotinib, posaconazole;
  • severe liver diseases accompanied by liver failure (due to the inability to achieve the required dose of 10-20 mg);
  • children under 18 years of age, with the exception of the indications of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children over 2 years of age (see section “Dosage regimen”).


In the presence of symptoms such as significant spontaneous weight loss, repeated vomiting, vomiting with blood, difficulty swallowing, change in the color of stool (tarry stools), as well as the presence of a stomach ulcer (or suspected presence) should be excluded before starting treatment. malignancy, since treatment may mask symptoms and delay the correct diagnosis.


Inside. Capsules are usually taken in the morning, preferably 30 minutes before meals, swallowed whole with half a glass of water.


Duodenal ulcer

Patients with exacerbation of duodenal ulcer

resistant to treatment,
is usually prescribed 40 mg 1 time / day for 4 weeks.

For the prevention of relapses in patients with duodenal ulcer

It is recommended to take the drug at a dose of 20 mg (20 mg capsules are required) 1 time/day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 40 mg 1 time / day.

Stomach ulcer

Patients with gastric ulcer resistant to treatment

, usually prescribed 40 mg 1 time / day, healing is usually achieved within 8 weeks. To prevent relapses, patients with gastric ulcers are recommended to take the drug at a dose of 20 mg (20 mg capsules are required) 1 time / day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 40 mg 1 time / day.

Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen for peptic ulcer disease

Omeprazole 40 mg 1 time / day, as well as amoxicillin 500 mg with metronidazole 400 mg (or 500 mg or tinidazole 500 mg) both 3 times / day for 1 week.

In cases where after treatment the patient is Helicobacter pylori positive, then a second course of treatment is possible.

Treatment of reflux esophagitis

For severe esophagitis

The recommended dose is 40 mg omeprazole 1 time/day and the course of treatment is 8 weeks.

For maintenance therapy

in patients with reflux esophagitis, the recommended dose of omeprazole is 10 mg 1 time / day (capsules containing 10 mg of omeprazole must be used). If necessary, the dose can be increased to 20-40 mg 1 time / day.

Treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

The dose is set individually. The recommended initial dose is 60 mg 1 time / day. If necessary, the dose is increased to 80-120 mg per day. At a dose of more than 80 mg, it should be divided into two doses.


Use in children over 2 years of age and body weight ≥20 kg

in the treatment of reflux esophagitis, symptomatic treatment of heartburn and sour belching with GERD

The recommended dose is 20 mg (20 mg capsules must be used) 1 time/day. The dose can be increased to 40 mg 1 time / day if necessary. The course of treatment for reflux esophagitis is 4-8 weeks, for symptomatic treatment of heartburn and sour belching with GERD - 2-4 weeks.

If symptoms persist after 2-4 weeks, the patient requires additional examination

Special patient groups

For liver failure

the drug is contraindicated due to the impossibility of achieving the required dose - 10-20 mg (maximum daily dose 20 mg); in case of impaired renal function and in elderly patients, no dosage adjustment is required.

Patients with difficulty swallowing.

Patients can open the capsule and swallow its contents with half a glass of water or mix the contents of the capsule with fruit juice, puree, still water, drink the resulting suspension immediately (or within 30 minutes), after stirring thoroughly. To ensure you take the full dose, pour half a glass of water back into the used container, shake and drink.

Most common side effects (1-10% of patients)

are headache, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and nausea/vomiting.

The following adverse drug reactions have been reported during clinical and post-marketing studies of omeprazole. None of these reactions were found to be dose-related.

The adverse reactions listed below are classified according to frequency of occurrence.

The incidence of adverse reactions is determined according to the following classification: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100 to


Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases during pregnancy: is it possible to drink Omez?

When carrying a fetus, against the background of a weakened immune system, chronic and untreated diseases worsen in the female body. One of these diagnoses is a gastrointestinal ulcer or gastritis, which reminds of itself with an acute pain syndrome. To stop an attack and speed up the period of remission, doctors prescribe Omez during pregnancy.

Omez during pregnancy

This is an antiulcer drug, which contains a predominant synthetic component called omeprazole. It is he who is responsible for the intensity of hydrochloric acid production, and drug interactions occur only in an acidic environment, where the therapeutic effect is felt. The medication is produced in the form of capsules containing the active ingredient; it reaches its maximum concentration an hour after use, and retains its therapeutic effect throughout the day. The breakdown process occurs in the liver, and inactive metabolites are excreted through the kidneys in the urine.

Despite the high effectiveness of this antiulcer drug, Omez can be prescribed during pregnancy with caution, and only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus and its intrauterine development. For the first trimester, it is advisable to refuse such a prescription, in the second – to use for complicated clinical pictures, and for the third – to refrain from drug therapy. The question of whether it is possible to drink Omez during pregnancy should preferably be resolved individually with a doctor, according to the prevailing indications

The question of whether it is possible to drink Omez during pregnancy should preferably be resolved individually with a doctor, according to the prevailing indications.

Indications and contraindications for use

If a doctor has prescribed Omez during pregnancy, you should not ignore taking the drug, since it quickly relieves pain and stomach discomfort and returns the condition to the definition of “satisfactory.”

Internal use is appropriate for the following clinical pictures:

  • relapse of peptic ulcer;
  • heartburn;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  • bloating, indigestion.

Only in such cases can you drink Omez during pregnancy, stipulating daily standards. But not everyone is allowed to take this typical medicine for oral use, and among the contraindications the doctor identifies increased sensitivity of the body and intolerance to the active component.

Side effects and method of use

Before wondering whether Omez can be taken during pregnancy, it is necessary to study the side effects that can be caused by taking this medication during pregnancy. Since the medication enters the systemic bloodstream, abnormalities can occur in any organ and system. Most often these are nausea, migraine, dizziness, vomiting, signs of dyspepsia, joint and abdominal pain, emotional imbalance, central nervous system depression, anemia, and decreased performance.

If you can take Omez during pregnancy, then the average daily dose is 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Svetlana, 31 years old:

“Omez was prescribed in the second trimester for heartburn. I drank it for three days, the problem disappeared, the lightness and joy of eating returned.”

Marina, 25 years old:

“I was afraid to take the drug in the third trimester, but chronic gastritis, which I developed while still at university, tormented me with severe pain. I had to give up, drank for 10 days and that’s it. This prescription did not negatively affect the child, and I took the medication as a note for the future.”

Ulyana, 35 years old:

“Omez also helped me get pregnant normally, but this medication made me feel sick all the time and made me feel dizzy. I had to stick to bed rest, but continue to take it, otherwise the stomach pains became unbearable.”


Omez is a drug that can be prescribed during pregnancy if there are indications for it. For such an appointment, it is necessary to conduct the necessary examination of the patient and begin treatment only on the basis of an accurate diagnosis. Judging by the reviews, the drug is usually well tolerated if the prescribed dosage is followed, however, if side effects do occur, you must report this to your doctor.

Can pregnant women drink omez for heartburn?

The course of pregnancy is a special physiological process, which is characterized not only by gestation, but also by weakened immunity, disorders of the digestive system, increased acidity of the stomach, and frequent heartburn.

However, to remove burning sensation and reduce the production of hydrochloric acid during pregnancy, Omez is an indispensable remedy.

Of course, to use an acid-lowering medication, you should obtain a recommendation from your doctor or gynecologist.


The active substance of this antiulcer drug is omeprazole. The medication normalizes the acidic environment in the stomach, lowering or increasing the alkaline one.

Many pregnant women are interested in whether it is possible to take Omez during pregnancy and whether it will harm the unborn child.

According to the recommendations of doctors, Omez can be prescribed to pregnant women from the fourth month of gestation, but not earlier. This is due to the fact that the first months are determined by a complete refusal of all types of medications, just like the last ones.

Of course, this does not mean that in the middle of pregnancy you can freely use all medications. No, taking any medication must be agreed upon with a gynecologist or gastroenterologist.

Side effects

Any drug, including this one, causes some side effects. These, for example, are:

  • immediate allergic reactions;
  • disturbance of bowel movements, constipation;
  • nausea, uncontrollable exit of digested food from the stomach through the mouth;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • headaches, increased heart rate.

Hormonal disruption due to pregnancy is reflected by increased allergic reactions, the appearance of urticaria, and other skin diseases.

Important! If side effects are severe, you must stop drinking Omez and undergo examination by a gastroenterologist to prevent further negative consequences.


If the side effects after using this drug exceed the medicinal properties, take its analogues, such as:

The listed medications are similar in action, have stomach-coating properties, but are more harmless to the growing fetus and mother.


The period of pregnancy constantly reminds a woman that she needs to worry about both herself and the baby inside her.

This is a period of complete control over your actions, decisions, and compliance with the doctor’s instructions. He decides whether to take Omez for pregnant women; independence entails negative consequences.

Pregnancy prepares not only surprises for a woman, but also downright unpleasant surprises in the form of exacerbation of chronic diseases that have been in a “dormant” state for a long time.

And since most people today suffer from disorders of the digestive system, expectant mothers are no exception. To fully restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, the antiulcer drug Omez is often used.

Naturally, pregnant women, worried about the health of their baby, certainly ask the question, is it possible to use Omez during pregnancy? Let's find out what scientists and doctors think about this.

Omez during pregnancy: instructions for use

The nature of the illness of the expectant mother “dictates” the duration of the therapeutic course and the optimal dosage of the drug. Let's look at treatment options:

  1. To relieve acute symptoms of a stomach ulcer, Omez is taken 1 capsule per day for a month. In case of peptic ulcer with complications, the daily dose of the medicine is increased to 2 capsules.
  2. For the treatment of rare Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, take 3 capsules per day at the beginning of the course. If the disease is very severe, the dose is doubled, divided into 2 doses. If it is not possible to take capsules orally, the drug solution is administered through intravenous injection.
  3. Erosive pathologies and erosive-ulcerative esophagitis cannot be quickly cured, so the course of treatment lasts more than 2 months. Omez take 1 - 2 capsules daily.
  4. As part of a treatment program to eliminate the harmful bacterium Helicobacter pylori, Omez is combined with antibacterial therapy for one week.

Side effects of using Omez during pregnancy

When the situation develops in such a way that the expectant mother has no choice but to take Omez, she should know and remember the risk of side effects during treatment with this drug. If the following alarming symptoms suddenly develop, there is no need to delay a visit to the doctor:

  • various forms of allergies;
  • bowel disorders with a predominance of constipation;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • headache, dizziness to the point of fainting;
  • rapid pulse.

The most significant sign that Omez is not suitable for the patient is an allergy. The tendency of the expectant mother to develop an allergic reaction already increases significantly (due to hormonal changes), and during treatment with Omez, the likelihood of a rash increases to almost 10%. If the slightest signs of a rash appear on a pregnant woman’s skin, Omez should be stopped immediately.

Who should not take Omez during pregnancy?

There are absolute contraindications to the use of Omez among women in the following position:

  • with long-term treatment with an antiulcer drug, the body gets used to its active ingredients;
  • the combination of antifungal, antiplatelet, antiepileptic drugs and dietary supplements with Omez is prohibited;
  • it is not recommended to take the medicine if some time ago the woman underwent antiretroviral treatment against AIDS;
  • It is extremely dangerous to drink Omez for pregnant women suffering from liver and kidney failure, intestinal obstruction, and also those with a tendency to internal bleeding.

Possible harm of Omez for a pregnant woman

Omez belongs to category C drugs. This category includes drugs that, in animal testing, have shown an adverse effect on the fetus in the womb.

Such studies have not been conducted among expectant mothers, but doctors believe that given the obvious predominance of the benefits of taking the medicine over the potential danger to the child, the use of Omez during pregnancy is justified.

The results of modern clinical experiments allow us to consider Omez a relatively safe drug. Thus, after analyzing the effect of the antiulcer drug on the intrauterine development of the baby, Italian and British scientists released data that the probability of disruption of embryo formation while taking Omez is about 0.9%.

And in a targeted experiment conducted by Swedish specialists, among 115 women who drank Omez during pregnancy, the percentage of pathological disorders in the development of the baby was 4%, which does not differ from the indicators of groups of expectant mothers who took drugs that in no way threaten the fetus. In both experimental groups, data on the weight of newborns, complications during childbirth, and the number of prematurely born babies turned out to be almost identical.

In addition, there are a lot of reviews from women themselves about the use of Omez during pregnancy, which indicate that pregnant women generally do not experience severe side effects due to treatment with this drug.

Analogues of Omez during pregnancy

The health of the mother and her baby is always a priority, so the doctor will certainly try to find Omeza an equally effective, but safer replacement. An alternative to an antiulcer drug may be:

  • Almagel;
  • Almagel A;
  • Maalox;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Gaviscon.

These drugs effectively suppress the production of hydrochloric acid and neutralize its aggressive effect on the vulnerable gastric mucosa. Showing high healing and regenerating properties, they do not pose any danger to the fetus.

To summarize, we recall that the use of Omez during pregnancy is possible only in extreme cases, in the presence of absolute indications and in a dosage strictly established by a specialist. But even if a future mother is diagnosed with a gastric ulcer, a competent doctor will still try to choose a safer and more gentle drug for her.


Analogues of the drug

At the first signs of the development of a peptic ulcer or gastritis, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the patient is pregnant, the doctor will try to select for her an effective analogue of Omez (a drug that suppresses the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membranes of the stomach), approved for use in the treatment of expectant mothers.

Name of medicine Release form Active ingredient Indications Contraindications Gaviscon Chewable tablets Sodium bicarbonate, sodium alginate, calcium carbonate Unpleasant sensations after eating, heaviness in the stomach, increased acidity, reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. Children's age (up to 12 years), phenylketonuria, hypersensitivity to components. Phosphalugel Gel of homogeneous consistency Aluminum phosphate Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspepsia, reflux disease, gastritis, functional diarrhea. Kidney dysfunction, intolerance to the components of the gel. Maalox

chewable tablets; mint flavored suspension

Magnesium hydroxide, algeldrat Peptic ulcer, dyspepsia, acute or chronic gastroduodenitis, reflux esophagitis. Intolerance to components, renal failure

Use with caution when treating patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, undergoing hemodialysis, and pregnant women. Almagel Suspension with lemon flavor Magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide Ulcer, enteritis, functional intestinal disorders, gastritis, colitis. Children under 4 weeks of age with liver pathologies and Alzheimer's disease. Another popular analogue of Omez is the drug De-Nol

De-Nol contains tripotassium bismuth dicitrate and effectively helps with ulcerative and erosive lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. However, if you carefully read the instructions, you can note that to the question “is it possible to use De-Nol during pregnancy,” the manufacturer answers categorically - no

Another popular analogue of Omez is the drug De-Nol. De-Nol contains tripotassium bismuth dicitrate and effectively helps with ulcerative and erosive lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. However, if you carefully read the instructions, you can note that to the question “is it possible to use De-Nol during pregnancy,” the manufacturer answers categorically no.

General information about the drug

One of the basic drugs prescribed for hyperacid conditions, gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum is Omez.


Omez (active ingredient Omeprazole) is a proton pump inhibitor. Drugs in this group inhibit the enzyme H-K-ATPase in the parietal cells of the stomach, thereby disrupting the last stage of HCl secretion in the stomach and reducing acidity.

Important! Proton pump inhibitors should not be used if there is decreased gastric secretion or atrophic gastritis.

Release form

The drug is released in the form of enteric capsules that contain 10 mg of Omeprazole. The package may contain capsules.


Omez is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the pathogenesis of which gastric hypersecretion plays a significant role:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • heartburn;
  • gastritis;
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • flatulence.

In addition, Omez is prescribed together with drugs from the NSAID group to reduce their ulcerogenic effect.

If you experience stomach pain during pregnancy, and after a thorough examination a diagnosis of gastritis or gastric ulcer is established, a gastroenterologist, in consultation with a gynecologist, prescribes therapy with the least undesirable consequences for the fetus. Stomach coating drugs, such as Gaviscon, Maalox, Almagel, can effectively replace Omez. They reduce the effect of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa and are harmless to a growing baby.

During pregnancy, you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of the small organism developing inside you, so if you encounter any health problems, be sure to consult a doctor without making independent decisions regarding further treatment.

Release form

The drug is released in the form of enteric capsules that contain 10 mg of Omeprazole. The package can contain 10 or 30 capsules.


Is it allowed during pregnancy?

"Omez" refers to drugs that can be prescribed to pregnant women. Previously, it was included in group C, that is, it was considered one of the drugs that can be used during pregnancy in rare cases, and their effect on the fetus is poorly studied or there is a risk of negative effects. Because of this, doctors resorted to treatment with Omez only for serious illnesses and prescribed it mainly in the 2nd trimester.

However, several serious studies conducted with pregnant women over the past 12 years have confirmed the safety of Omez and made it possible to prescribe it to expectant mothers both in the early and late stages. According to their results, the use of this medicine does not provoke developmental anomalies, pregnancy complications and congenital defects.

However, due to the presence of an additional active substance in the composition, it is contraindicated during pregnancy. As for Omez Insta, it can be prescribed to pregnant women, because such a powder contains only omeprazole

It is important to take into account contraindications and use the suspension only after consultation with a specialist.

What does Omez consist of and how does it work in the body?

The medicine belongs to the group of so-called proton pump inhibitors - drugs that inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Acid is secreted by glands located on the inner wall of the organ, and the proton pump is an enzyme on the surface of the glands that affects the acidity of gastric juice. Once in the body, Omez:

  • reduces the amount of enzyme;
  • stimulates the synthesis of bicarbonates - substances that neutralize excess acid.

The normal environment in the stomach is restored, digestion is improved and erosive ulcers heal. First of all, Omez is used to treat:

  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis caused by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • reflux esophagitis - a pathology in which the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus due to weakness of the sphincter; accompanied by debilitating heartburn and belching.

    Heartburn is a sign of a pathology called reflux esophagitis, which affects the esophageal mucosa

The active substance of the drug is omeprazole. Once in the stomach, omeprazole has a therapeutic effect within the first hour, less often - after two hours; the action lasts for a day. If taken regularly, the maximum effect occurs after four days; after cessation of therapy, Omez acts in the body for another three or four days.

The processed residues of the substance leave the body in the urine.

Types and dosage forms of the drug

On packages in pharmacies you can see the following names: Omez D, Omez DSR, Omez Insta; Varieties of the drug differ in both composition and effect in the body.

Table: Omez and its types

NameComposition, release formsHow does it work
OmezOmeprazole and auxiliary components. Sold in the form of enteric capsules, as well as lyophilisate, from which a solution for intravenous infusion is made; gelatin capsules in a transparent case with white or yellowish granules inside contain 10, 20 and 40 mg of omeprazole; added:
  • lactose;
  • sodium salts;
  • sucrose;
  • chemical dyes and other substances.

The lyophilisate (in the form of a porous cake) in addition to the main component includes sodium hydroxide and disodium edetate.

Reduces the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, fights ulcers, gastritis, and severe heartburn. When an ulcer worsens, Omez is administered intravenously using a dropper - then the drug acts faster and more effectively.
Omez DThe two active ingredients are omeprazole and domperidone. Found in gelatin capsules filled with white powder. Domperidone helps speed up gastric emptying by synchronizing peristalsis and also has an antiemetic effect. Omez D is effective for reflux esophagitis, which simple Omez cannot always cope with.
Omez DSRContains domperidone and omeprazole, and domperidone is present in the form of delayed release granules. Available in gelatin capsules The slow release of domperidone prolongs the effect of the substance in the body.
Omez InstaMain component, plus additional:
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • xylitol;
  • sucrose;
  • sucralose;
  • gum;
  • mint flavor.

Sold in powder form, from which a suspension is prepared for oral administration.

The suspension, like other forms of Omez, rids the stomach of excess hydrochloric acid, but acts more gently, which is why this drug is prescribed even to children over two years of age. A single use of Omez Insta will quickly and safely relieve heartburn.

Omez capsules are packaged in blisters and packed in cardboard boxes

Omez and pregnancy

Omeprazole is not prohibited for expectant mothers, but only if the woman’s health is at risk and the likely benefit of the medicine outweighs the potential danger to the baby in the womb.

Comprehensive information on the effect of the drug on fetal development has not been collected, which is why a number of doctors are skeptical about treating pregnant women with Omez.

The FDA Office of the US Department of Health, which classified drugs according to the level of safety for the unborn child, classifies omeprazole in category C (the third of five): animal experiments revealed defects in babies, and clinical trials on pregnant women were not conducted.

However, foreign doctors are collecting statistics, and the facts suggest that Omez is not as dangerous as previously thought; English and Italian scientists have calculated that the threat to embryonic development when taking the drug is no more than 0.9 percent. Other observations of pregnant women taking Omez also did not find an increase in the number of birth defects in the fetus. And, as a rule, there are no serious consequences for the health of women themselves.

But all this applies to omeprazole in its pure form; As soon as domperidone is added to the drug, the picture changes. Omeprazole combined with domperidone is clearly dangerous for expectant mothers; taking such drugs during pregnancy is contraindicated. This means that medications such as Omez D and Omez DSR are not intended for pregnant women.

Since omeprazole overcomes the placental protection and reaches the fetus, you should not make the task easier for the substance and pour the solution with the drug directly into the blood using a dropper. The concentration of omeprazole in the bloodstream will be higher, which means that the baby will receive an impressive dose of the medicine. So you will also have to abandon Omez lyophilisate.

We come to the conclusion: if the expectant mother has to deal with the drug, it is better to choose capsules or suspension.

A suspension with mint flavor is prepared from Omez Insta powder, which acts more gently in the body than other dosage forms of the drug.

Omez at different times

In the 1st trimester, the baby’s body is just forming in the womb, this mechanism is complex and fragile, and a drug “invasion” can disrupt it. In addition, the mother’s body still lacks the main protector of the fetus - a temporary organ, the placenta, through which it is problematic for medicinal substances to penetrate. And since there is no placenta, access to the unborn child is open. Therefore, in the early stages, pregnant women are advised, if possible, to do without Omez, a drug that is classified as a potentially dangerous drug.

In the 2nd trimester, the risks from taking medications decrease; the fetus is protected by the placenta, and although some of the medicinal substances still leak through it, the baby is safer than before. Omez is carefully prescribed when the pathology cannot be dealt with without the drug.

In the last three months before childbirth, competent doctors prefer to use medications whose safety has been clinically proven. After the 36th week, as a rule, stop using any medications so as not to complicate the upcoming birth. It is highly undesirable to take Omez in the 3rd trimester.

Is it possible to take Omez during pregnancy?

Omez is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • Heartburn.
  • Pain in the stomach area.
  • Salivation.
  • Hunger pain.
  • Abnormal bowel movements with signs of constipation.

These symptoms usually indicate the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers. It is worth noting that the appearance of these signs in a pregnant woman does not always indicate these diseases. Don’t rush to the pharmacy to buy anti-ulcer medications or omeza alone. Taking such medications while pregnant can cause great harm to the baby. Do not forget that the medicine is one of those medications that are prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases! Heartburn, nausea, and intestinal dysfunction are almost constant guests of a pregnant woman. To clarify the diagnosis, a pregnant woman should consult a specialist and not self-medicate.

In another case, if during a medical diagnosis the expectant mother was diagnosed with a peptic ulcer, then even in this case, omez is unlikely to be prescribed. The gastroenterologist will prescribe another medicine, with milder characteristics and which will not cause significant harm to the unborn child.

Indications for use during pregnancy

The specific effects of Omez on the fetus when taken by a pregnant woman have not yet been studied, so the drug is prescribed only if there are serious indications and is taken under the supervision of a doctor. Indications for use during pregnancy may include:

  1. severe heartburn that does not go away after taking antacid medications;
  2. excessive salivation;
  3. pain in the solar plexus area;
  4. increased gas formation, heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  5. frequent constipation.

It should be borne in mind that the above symptoms do not always indicate an exacerbation of ulcerative processes in the body of the expectant mother, therefore, if they appear, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and decide which medications will help the woman without harming the child.

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