Castor oil for constipation: how to take it as a laxative

  • Indications for use
  • Contraindications
  • Directions for use and doses
      For adults
  • For children
  • Side effect
  • Overdose
  • Interaction with other drugs
  • Features of application
  • Storage conditions
  • Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
  • Analogs
  • Video
  • Castor oil for constipation is an integral part of conservative therapy and is included in the regimen as a laxative. The clinical effect is somewhat less pronounced than that of other drugs (provides a laxative effect of moderate intensity). Helps in cases of acute and uncomplicated constipation (positive feedback in 50-60% of cases).

    The popular name is castor oil.

    Constipation is a specific symptom of a number of different intestinal pathologies in humans, which is manifested by an increase in the intervals between bowel movements or systematic insufficient emptying of the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs in both young children and the elderly.

    Castor oil is produced from the seeds of a poisonous plant - the castor bean.

    Description of the drug


    Castor oil belongs to drugs used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (a subtype - laxative drugs that cause chemical irritation of the intestinal mucosa).


    The drug is a thick, transparent, sometimes yellowish liquid with an unpleasant taste.

    It is an oil that is obtained from the seeds of the castor bean (Ricini communis semenis oleum), a member of the Euphorbiaceae family.

    The main active ingredient is ricinoleic acid.

    Produced in glass containers with a capacity of 30 g.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    It belongs to herbal preparations and is suitable for both external and oral use.

    It is broken down into its constituent elements in the small intestine by the action of the intestinal enzyme lipase. Ricinoleic acid. It has a pronounced irritating effect on the receptor network of the small intestine. Due to its activation, a reflex increase in peristalsis occurs and, as a result, cleansing of the intestines.

    The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream and works only in the intestinal lumen. The clinical effect occurs within 5-6 hours from the moment of administration.

    Reviews from doctors

    Today, it is very easy to cleanse the body using traditional and alternative medicine. Castor oil is a folk remedy for purification, so experts do not prescribe it for official use.

    Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of constipation. To do this, you should consult a specialized doctor. If it turns out that fecal stagnation occurs only once due to improper eating or bad habits, then I recommend using castor oil in combination with kefir. This is the gentlest and most harmless way to relieve constipation.

    Evgeniy Astisov, therapist

    People come to me with excess weight, which appears due to an unhealthy lifestyle. My profession is related to drawing up nutrition programs and selecting physical exercises. Before losing weight, I recommend cleansing the body of harmful accumulations. The best and safest way to do this is castor oil. There are many recipes for mixtures that, in addition to getting rid of deposits, will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

    Svetlana Dolmatova, nutritionist
    Instructions for using a laxative must be followed so as not to cause harm to health.

    Indications for use

    Castor oil is used:

    1. In the treatment of acute constipation as a natural, rapid-acting laxative.
    2. In case of poisoning and intoxication in order to accelerate the evacuation of intestinal contents and reduce the absorption of hazardous substances.
    3. As a preoperative preparation or before a number of diagnostic procedures (irrigography, colonoscopy).

    Often used in combination with other herbal remedies.

    Castor oil enema

    How to use castor oil for constipation? You can not only use it internally. It is permissible to do a cleansing enema. The procedure is recommended in an emergency, when stool remains in the intestines for too long, or before a planned medical procedure.

    To administer the product, you only need to mix a few drops of oil with water prepared for the enema. The procedure is one-time. Experts often do not recommend using this method of cleansing. If you neglect this rule, you can significantly change the intestinal microflora for the worse.


    The drug has the following contraindications for use:

    1. Chronic constipation, since peristalsis is significantly stimulated, and tissue ruptures may occur due to dense stool in the lower parts of the large intestine. Chronic constipation is often associated with organic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the peristaltic wave is not allowed to increase.
    2. Acute inflammatory bowel diseases (dynamic or strangulation intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis), since increased peristalsis will lead to a sharp deterioration in the course of the underlying disease (rupture, intussusception).
    3. Mechanical intestinal obstruction is identified as a separate item due to partial or complete blocking of the intestinal lumen (tumors, foreign bodies, adhesions). In this case, stimulation of the intestines will also lead to rupture or the occurrence of reverse peristalsis.
    4. Abdominal pain of unknown origin (not prescribed until a specific diagnosis has been established).
    5. Bleeding from various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, since it indirectly leads to increased blood flow to the intestine due to increased work of muscle structures.
    6. Complete intestinal atony of unknown origin.
    7. Poisoning with fat-soluble substances such as phosphorus or benzene.
    8. Uterine bleeding, since by stimulating myometrial contraction, blood flow to the organ may increase (increased blood loss).

    Requires careful use during pregnancy and lactation.

    Directions for use and doses

    Suitable for use in both children and adults.

    For adults

    As a laxative orally, 15-30 g (1-2 tablespoons) 1 time per day for 3-5 days. If used to prepare for diagnostic procedures, drink 15–30 g once 2–6 hours before the examination.

    For children

    As a laxative for children aged 10 years and older, you need to drink 5-15 g (1-2 teaspoons) once a day. The specific dosage depends on age (1 teaspoon for a child aged 10–13 years, and then it is permissible to gradually increase the volume to an adult dose). To hide the unpleasant taste, lemon juice is sometimes mixed with castor oil (1:1).

    Effective recipes

    Traditional medicine knows many ways to quickly and effectively empty the colon of feces and toxins.

    Remember that these measures are used as adjuncts to the main treatment.

    With lemon

    This method is suitable for evening use. To prepare the solution you will need:

    • Castor oil;
    • lemon juice.

    How to do:

    1. The dose of the main component is calculated based on your weight, lemon juice - 2 times more.
    2. Using a water bath, heat the oil.
    3. Add juice to the container and stir.

    It is correct to take castor oil with citrus orally, drinking it in small sips.

    A little bran

    A useful and gentle cleanser for constipation is suitable for use before bed, since the effect of the procedure is achieved after 6-8 hours.


    • 1 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir;
    • 1 tbsp. l. bran;
    • 1 tsp. castor oil

    Cooking steps:

    1. Mix all ingredients in a mug.
    2. Leave to infuse in a warm place for 15 minutes.

    The taste of the cocktail is quite pleasant due to the fermented milk product in the drink.

    Cognac recipe

    The most appetizing option among cleansers with castor oil. You can choose alcohol according to your taste.

    You will need:

    • 60 ml. cognac;
    • 60 ml. castor oil

    How to cook:

    1. Mix the main ingredients in a bowl.
    2. If necessary, warm the mixture to room temperature.

    The best time to drink a cocktail is early in the morning.

    Side effect

    There are the following side effects:

    1. Abdominal pain and nausea due to a reflex increase in the peristaltic wave.
    2. Digestive disorders such as enterocolitis or the occurrence of intestinal atony after abrupt cessation of use (applies only to long-term use as part of complex therapy).
    3. Clinical manifestations of hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins A and D). This is due to both a partial disruption of the synthesis of vitamins in the intestines and a disruption of the normal absorption of nutrients.

    It is not addictive because it is rarely used for a long time. Side effects are mild and, when used correctly, are rare.


    May occur when taking more than 7 g/kg body weight (the value is somewhat arbitrary due to the lack of clinical studies). Due to the extreme degree of stimulation, the following occurs:

    • diarrhea;
    • sharp intestinal spasms (paroxysmal acute pain in the abdomen without clear localization);
    • dehydration of the body (rehydration therapy is required);
    • dizziness and loss of consciousness.

    In extremely rare cases, due to severe peristalsis, intestinal volvulus or dynamic intestinal obstruction may develop.

    A specific antidote can be:

    • atropine sulfate;
    • loperamide

    In addition, symptomatic therapy to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes is indicated.

    Interaction with other drugs

    The drug rarely causes significant cross-reactions, so it is acceptable in the treatment of a number of concomitant diseases of other systems.


    1. Concomitant use with saline laxatives is not recommended, as the therapeutic effect may be layered.
    2. When taken simultaneously with multivitamin complexes, it reduces the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K).
    3. When taken up to 4 g/day, the drug can slightly increase the absorption of fat-soluble drugs such as Mebendazole or Griseofulvin (increases the effect of use).
    4. When taken simultaneously with M-anticholinergic drugs (Atropine, Platifilin), the effective effect of castor oil decreases.
    5. Simultaneous use with anticholinesterase drugs (Neostigmine, Pyridostigmine) enhances the laxative effect of castor oil.
    6. Antispasmodics (Papaverine, Drotaverine) reduce the laxative effect of taking castor oil.

    Castor oil helps with constipation in adults and children

    Features of application

    In some cases, the use of castor oil requires some restrictions (the main points are presented in the table).

    States Peculiarities
    Pregnancy and lactation Since the drug can stimulate labor (myometrial contraction), it should not be used during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. The risks of miscarriage or bleeding are average.
    Pediatric practice There is a high risk of developing dehydration in children under 10 years of age, as well as a high risk of colitis due to the increased sensitivity of the intestines to irritants.
    Effect on concentration Although the medicine does not have a pronounced effect on concentration, it is not recommended to take it while driving a vehicle.

    How long the course of therapy lasts is determined by the specialist, depending on the individual characteristics and the specific disease that caused constipation.

    Treatment rules

    The substance is taken orally as a laxative against the background of intestinal problems in adults, and in rare cases in children. The standard single dose is 30 g, for a child – 15 g.

    The method of using castor oil directly depends on the reason. The substance is often used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and accumulated masses that remain in folds for a long time. Then the dosage is selected at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg. The portion is heated and taken in small sips.

    Adults should take castor oil as a laxative one spoon at a time. Cleaning will begin in 4-5 hours. For children, the medicine is given in a small spoon.

    Drinking castor oil for constipation is extremely unpleasant. It tastes terrible. Some people improve the taste by adding lemon juice, while others simply try to hold their breath. A good option for taste intolerance would be to take capsules.

    A castor oil enema for constipation may be an alternative use. However, contraindications for each method should be taken into account.

    How long it takes for castor oil to act as a laxative depends on such an important factor as using it in pure oil form, in capsules or by enema. The last method of use is the most effective; a pure laxative shows its activity a little slower, and capsules will come in last place.

    A laxative enema with castor oil is prepared in the most extreme situations. To do this, take a few drops of herbal medicine and mix them with water. Performing such a procedure is dangerous, because it will lead not only to addiction, but also to disruption of the gastrointestinal flora.

    When is it better to give up herbal remedies?

    Relieving constipation with castor oil is not always acceptable. The herbal medicine has contraindications and may cause unwanted reactions. The main restrictions are pregnancy and childhood.

    It is highly not recommended to take castor oil for the following conditions:

    • frequent constipation and obstruction;
    • kidney diseases;
    • gastric ulcer in acute and chronic phase;
    • lactation;
    • intolerance to components;
    • internal bleeding;
    • pain in the abdominal area;
    • uterine bleeding.

    Reference! Before drinking castor oil for gastrointestinal diseases, you need to be examined by a doctor to rule out possible restrictions on its use.

    There are other situations when the use of castor oil is prohibited:

    • poisoning;
    • intoxication;
    • simultaneous intake of funds with shieldweed;
    • in combination with other laxatives.

    Adverse reactions can occur immediately at the time of using the laxative and after a certain period. If you are hypersensitive to odors, vomiting may occur. Against the background of increased intestinal motility, painful sensations in the abdomen may appear.

    There may also be bloating, acute pain, and frequent urge to defecate. In pregnant women, the tone of the uterus increases, so taking castor oil is contraindicated for them.

    Frequent use of laxatives can become addictive. In this case, bowel movements will occur only after consuming this unpleasant herbal remedy.

    Possible complications

    Before taking castor oil, it is important to familiarize yourself with the complications that may arise from non-compliance with the instructions. The main thing is a violation of digestion.

    Castor oil for constipation is taken according to the rules, otherwise there is a risk of complications such as:

    • prolonged diarrhea with dehydration;
    • swelling, water balance failure;
    • deviations from the urinary system.

    Reference! In case of overdose, increased adverse reactions may be observed. Nausea, headache, dizziness, and malaise appear. There is a possibility of loss of consciousness.

    What you need to remember when using castor oil as a laxative:

    • with frequent and prolonged constipation, you cannot treat yourself; you need to go to a therapist or gastroenterologist and find out the exact cause of the problem in order to choose effective medications;
    • Castor oil for constipation can be taken once, frequent use is addictive, then bowel movements without a laxative will become a problem;
    • You cannot exceed the dosage on your own, considering that the medicine did not work; information about how long it takes for castor oil to work should be looked at in the instructions.

    In case of overdose, it is important to carry out treatment. It is aimed at replenishing the deficiency of fluid in the body and electrolytes. For this purpose, rehydration agents are used. Symptomatic therapy is also carried out, and the consequences affecting other organs are eliminated.

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