Recipe for honey and aloe for the stomach and pancreas

Medicinal properties of the plant and its composition

Aloe is incredibly rich in valuable vitamins, nutritional and biologically active components. It contains:

  • Vitamin complexes, A, B, C, E.
  • Amino acids.
  • Barbaloins.
  • Isobarbaloin.
  • Antacenes.
  • Aloe, cinnamic, chrysophanic acids.
  • Essential oils.
  • Saponins.
  • Ulcinj.
  • Resestanols.
  • Phenols.
  • Aloin.
  • Emodin.
  • Allantoin.
  • Phytoncides.
  • Polyuronides.
  • Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, copper, manganese.

In total, aloe contains about 300 useful components. Thanks to this unique composition, the flower has a wide range of medicinal capabilities, including:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Bactericidal.
  3. Wound healing.
  4. Painkiller.
  5. Calming.
  6. Antifungal.
  7. Moisturizing.
  8. Choleretic.
  9. Anti-burn.
  10. Strengthens the immune system.
  11. Saturates the body's cells with oxygen.
  12. Nourishes, moisturizes the skin, improves its tone and elasticity.
  13. Promotes regeneration of damaged tissues and restoration of cellular structure.
  14. Improves appetite.
  15. Activates metabolism and digestion.
  16. Normalizes the production of digestive secretions.
  17. Helps improve vision, but is especially effective for conjunctivitis, myopia, and vitreous opacities.
  18. Facilitates the discharge of sputum during coughs and bronchitis.
  19. Normalizes the menstrual cycle.

The flower contains substances (glucocides, isobarbaloins, aloic acid), which in their effect are natural antibiotics. Therefore, the plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Preparations based on aloe are actively used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine for the treatment of colds, inflammation, diseases of a bacterial nature, colitis, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, eye ailments, lesions of the oral cavity, skin diseases, as well as for healing burns and wounds.

How does aloe affect the body during pancreatitis?

For the treatment of pancreatitis, aloe can only be used as an additional remedy included in complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

This plant can be used to eliminate constipation and normalize bile secretion in various pathologies of the intestines and biliary tract (colitis, constipation, hypotension of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, etc.). Its restorative and adaptogenic properties have a positive effect on pancreatic tissue, activating their regeneration, and help strengthen the immune system and nervous system. And the bactericidal properties help to stop putrefactive and fermentative processes in the digestive tract.

Aloe has a beneficial effect on the functions of the liver, activates the functioning of its cells, prevents the development of cirrhosis, and helps to increase its greater resistance to alcohol and the side effects of certain medications. The juice of this plant helps normalize the flow of bile during inflammatory processes in the biliary tract, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and has cleansing properties. That is why aloe juice can be taken to treat such pathologies of the liver and biliary system as cirrhosis, cholecystitis, the presence of urate stones in the gall bladder, etc.

Aloe juice stabilizes many metabolic processes in the body and can be used for such a disease as diabetes mellitus, which is often observed with pancreatitis. This action of the plant has a beneficial effect on overall health and helps improve immunity and normalize metabolism. According to some experts, aloe components stimulate the production or release of insulin, lower blood sugar levels, protect and promote the restoration of beta cells (or islets of Langenhars).

In addition, aloe juice is actively used to treat concomitant pathologies often observed with pancreatitis, such as gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers or ulcerative colitis. Its components have a regenerating effect on the affected tissues of these organs, and contribute to their faster healing and restoration. As a result, the patient’s digestive processes are normalized and the unpleasant symptoms of these ailments disappear.

The healing properties of aloe for pancreatitis

  • Choleretic;
  • Laxative;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Immunostimulating;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Normalizing intestinal microflora;
  • Appetizing;
  • Anti-stress;
  • General strengthening;
  • Adaptogenic.

In addition to these beneficial properties, aloe can have the following effects on the body:

  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Antiallergic;
  • Stimulating blood circulation;
  • Antianemic;
  • Painkiller;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Expectorant;
  • Disinfectant;
  • Diuretic (weak);
  • Antiallergic;
  • Anticancer.

Are there any contraindications for aloe treatment?

Despite the fact that the plant has great benefits for the human body, there are a number of contraindications to its use. Among them:

  • Personal intolerance.
  • Bleeding (uterine, internal organs, during menstruation).
  • Severe cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Oncology.
  • Nephritis.
  • Acute gastrointestinal disorders, exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis.
  • Exacerbation of serious illnesses, including somatic ones.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Acute damage to the kidneys and bladder.
  • Age up to 12 years.

During pregnancy, consuming the plant can cause increased uterine tone and bleeding. In the first 5-6 months of lactation, we also do not recommend using the flower, as it can cause an allergy in the baby to breastfeeding.

Aloe is enriched with acids, so its use is contraindicated during exacerbations, as well as in severe forms of gastrointestinal diseases. Consumption of the flower may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of organs. In addition, the plant activates the production of digestive enzymes and gastric secretions, which can lead to an even greater exacerbation of the inflammatory process and a significant deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

Useful properties of the plant

The plant is rich in glycoproteins, mono- and polysaccharides, and tannins. Amino acids, anthraglycosides, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, salicylic acid. It also contains such a rare substance as ulcin, which effectively prevents the development of peptic ulcers.

Due to this, aloe has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal, immunostimulating, and adaptogenic effect in pancreatitis and other diseases. This natural medicine also relieves stress, restores and quickly renews damaged cells.

Pharmacists were able to isolate a very important substance from aloe called barbalion; today all kinds of drugs that have an antibacterial effect are made from it. Such medications have antifungal, bactericidal and antiviral properties, therefore they are often used in the diagnosis of chronic gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, tuberculosis.

Pancreatitis occurs as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and dependence on bad habits. To eliminate the risk of the disease, you should adhere to proper nutrition, stop smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, keep your body in good shape and strengthen your immune system. Walking in the fresh air, proper sleep, moderate physical activity and regular preventive examinations with a doctor will help you.

In addition, always control your weight and try not to overeat: obese people are especially susceptible to the disease, and they are more likely to develop complications such as diabetes. An optimal diet should include as many grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes as possible. Try to eat healthy and varied; It is better to avoid or minimize the consumption of alcohol, even high-quality and expensive ones.

If the disease nevertheless affects the pancreas and proceeds in an acute form, the patient needs immediate hospitalization - an operation performed in the first 3-4 hours of the development of the disease can be a decisive measure in the fight for the patient’s health. Pancreatitis, which has passed into the chronic stage, deprives a person of the opportunity to permanently and completely get rid of the disease, so the situation should not be left to chance.

Treatment of pancreatitis is usually complex and includes medications with enzymes, surgery, a special diet, fasting (or reducing food intake to a minimum), bed rest and herbal medicine as an addition to the main course. Never try to cope with the disease on your own!

Remember: if someone in your family suffered from the disease, then you are at risk. Pancreatitis can be caused not only by bad habits or infection, but also by the use of certain medications: for example, paracetamol, steroids or diuretics.

Pancreatitis is a serious disease that is easier to avoid than to cure. For this reason, carefully monitor your health and contact a professional at the first signs of illness.

The second name for aloe is doctor, or agave. This is what this prickly plant is called in everyday life. It received its nickname for the healing properties endowed with its juicy pulp. The main beneficial substances are concentrated in the fleshy green leaves - they can be used as an independent remedy, and some recipes require juice, which is obtained from the same pulp.

The plant is useful for the following properties:

  • Green thorn leaves contain many vitamins, amino acids, phytoncides, polysaccharides and anthraglycosides. It also contains salicylic acid, which has a healing effect;
  • fresh aloe juice is useful for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, small intestinal motility and timely bowel movements;
  • aloe juice for the stomach is used to treat colitis and gastritis with low acidity;
  • the plant has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, improves the production of food enzymes;
  • when taking juice, the production of bile is stimulated, which normalizes its outflow and activates the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • Agave contains a unique component - ulcin, which prevents the formation of stomach ulcers;
  • thanks to the content of natural biostimulants, “doctor” improves tissue healing and restoration of damaged cells;
  • the juice of the plant contains powerful immunomodulators that improve the body's resistance during the height of diseases;
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of agave is actively used for suppurative and destructive diseases of internal organs, including for the treatment of pancreatitis.

The effect of aloe on the pancreas in pancreatic pathology

Aloe can be used to normalize the activity and restore the pancreas only in the chronic form of pancreatitis, as well as during the period of remission after the end of an acute attack of the disease. In the acute form of the disease, the use of the flower is strictly prohibited. Therapy can be started no earlier than two weeks after pancreatic pain has passed.

Aloe has a beneficial effect on the pancreas:

  1. Improves the production of pancreatic enzymes.
  2. Counteracts the development of putrefactive and fermentation processes that appear as a result of poor digestion of food.
  3. Inhibits pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Suppresses inflammatory processes.
  5. Promotes the resorption of swelling of the organ mucosa.
  6. Improves pancreatic and intestinal motility, which facilitates the passage of pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas to the intestines.
  7. Activates metabolic and digestive processes.
  8. Promotes regeneration and restoration of the structure of damaged cells.
  9. Strengthens the protective functions of the organ.

In the process of treating acute inflammation of the pancreas, the production of pancreatic enzymes is inhibited. This is done so that they do not digest the walls of the gland (in acute pancreatitis, enzymes cannot enter the intestines due to swelling and narrowing of the ducts, so they are activated in the gland and begin to “eat” it). After relief of acute inflammation, during the period of remission it is important to restore the production of digestive enzymes. Aloe will be a very effective assistant in this.

The plant relieves swelling from the affected organ and improves its motor skills. This helps to activate the passage of digestive enzymes through the ducts, preventing their “delay” in the pancreatic ducts. However, one of the most useful functions of the flower at the stage of remission, as well as in chronic pancreatitis, is wound healing and regenerating.

Aloe actively promotes the healing of wounds that formed during the activation of digestive enzymes in the pancreas, and helps restore damaged organ tissue.

With pancreatitis, not only the pancreas suffers, but also the stomach, liver, and intestines. Aloe normalizes the activity of all these organs:

  • activates the production of gastric secretions and the excretion of bile;
  • restores microflora and intestinal motility;
  • improves organ motility and strengthens their protective functions.

This helps to normalize digestion and improve metabolism, resulting in less stress on the pancreas.

Is aloe effective in treating pancreatitis?

Healing properties of the plant

Thanks to its composition, which includes a number of biologically active substances, aloe vera has a wide range of effects on the human body. The juice and pulp of the plant has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, analgesic and mild laxative effects. Biostimulants accelerate metabolic processes, and the rare substance ulcin prevents the development of ulcers. During therapy, the body is cleansed: aloe removes waste and toxins from internal tissues.

We recommend: Aloe for burns - skin protection and treatment

Herbal medicine for pancreatitis

Aloe is good for the pancreas and can really help in the fight against such a serious illness as pancreatitis, but it is recommended to use this remedy only in the absence of exacerbations, in the chronic form of the disease.

The property of aloe to have a beneficial effect on cleansing the body and its laxative effect allows patients with pancreatitis to get rid of constipation, and the active components normalize the functioning of metabolic mechanisms. Aloe vera can be used by adults and children from 3 years of age.

Course of treatment and dosage of herbal remedies

Since the plant has a very high concentration of vitamin and biologically active components, it is important to adhere to a safe dosage of medications. The use of aloe for pancreatitis depends on the chosen remedy.

Means Dosing
DecoctionOne tablespoon, three approaches per day
InfusionOne tablespoon, three approaches per day
Alcohol tincture15 drops dissolved in a tablespoon of water, two approaches per day
Tincture with honeyA tablespoon of the product once a day
JuiceDepending on the type of product: concentrated or preparations using alcohol, usually drink 5 ml, three approaches per day; Dietary supplements based on aloe gel and water - 60 ml, divided into three approaches per day
SyrupHalf a teaspoon diluted in 50 ml of water, two approaches per day
Aloe vera gel60 ml per day

The course of treatment can last 15-30 days. Afterwards a month's break is required. In one year, the therapeutic course can be repeated no more than three to four times.

Aloe for pancreatitis and cholecystitis - recipes

Inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder is a serious problem that often leads to surgery. With chronic inflammatory processes in these organs, the patient requires a constant diet and medication. In this article we will talk about auxiliary methods of treatment for pancreatitis and cholecystitis - let’s remember old recipes that include aloe juice.

Useful properties of the plant

This succulent often grows on the windowsills of city apartments and is an affordable and relatively safe medicinal plant. Thick juice has healing properties, which can be obtained by placing aloe leaves in the refrigerator and then passing them through a meat grinder.

Aloe juice contains a complex of biologically active substances:

  • essential oils with antimicrobial effects;
  • natural enzymes;
  • anthraglycosides, which enhance the peristalsis of the large intestine and inhibit the reabsorption of water;
  • phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria;
  • salicylates with anti-inflammatory effects.

Thus, aloe juice may be useful for pancreatitis during the recovery stage. It fights infection and prevents infiltrates from festering. Aloe perfectly reduces high stomach acidity and restores normal digestion. The juice is effective in the formation of constipation due to pancreatitis. It relieves inflammation, helps heal ulcers and restore tissue.

Note that the juice has a mild choleretic effect. It normalizes the composition of bile and improves bladder function. This property can be successfully used for uncomplicated cholecystitis.

But for calculous cholecystitis, aloe is contraindicated. The choleretic effect can move the stones in the bladder and direct them into the ducts. When the excretory tract is blocked, dangerous conditions develop - biliary colic and obstructive jaundice.

How to cook?

In this part we will tell you how to obtain juice from aloe leaves. We will also give some simple recipes that are effective for pancreatitis.

To obtain a squeeze from the plant, thick, fleshy leaves located in the lower parts of the succulent are suitable. It is recommended to take aloe no younger than 2-3 years old. The recipes also suggest using ready-made store-bought juice.

So, the leaves are cleaned of dirt and placed in paper. Next, we send the plant into the cold for 10-12 hours. The plant juice will thicken and become more concentrated.

Therefore, it will contain more nutrients.

The most popular recipes for pancreatitis are aloe and honey. After all, the plant itself has a bitter taste. Liquid honey and freshly squeezed solution from the leaves are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. For pancreatitis, the mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach, one tablespoon per day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Next, a week's break is taken.

Another recipe suggests mixing 150 g of plant juice with honey (200 g) and Cahors wine. The mixture is thoroughly shaken and left for 5 days in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals. The recipe uses alcohol, however, a small amount of it will not provoke an aggravation. But alcohol will help preserve the valuable components of the plant for a long time.

It is worth noting that alcohol tinctures are often used in recipes with the juice of this succulent. This is due to the fact that in its pure form, the liquid from the leaves quickly loses its beneficial properties.

To obtain the tincture, you need to take 100 ml of strong alcohol and 100 g of liquid extract. The solution is shaken and left for several days in a cool, dark place.

After this, you can take the drug one teaspoon 2-3 times a day, washing it down with a glass of boiled warm water.

Such recipes are used only for auxiliary treatment of the disease outside the exacerbation phase. In the acute stage, a solution or squeeze from this plant will provoke an attack of pain and nausea. Therefore, consult your doctor before starting treatment.


This succulent has a long list of side effects and contraindications. Let's talk about them below:

  • This treatment should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components of the plant;
  • Juice therapy is prohibited in persons suffering from low blood clotting. The plant should be used carefully for erosions in the stomach, often accompanying pancreatitis, and bleeding ulcers;
  • the laxative effect of this succulent is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can provoke early labor or miscarriage;
  • Do not use the solution for gallstones;
  • severe chronic liver and kidney diseases are also an obstacle to using the plant juice.

Consult your doctor before treatment if you have cystitis, bleeding hemorrhoids, menstruation, or hypokalemia. The plant also has a pronounced stimulating effect, so drink it in the morning. In this case, it will help cheer you up. In the evening and at night, after taking such drops, you may not fall asleep for a long time.

Pancreatitis and cholecystitis are serious pathologies. Their exacerbation can be life-threatening. Therefore, consult your GP before any course of treatment. He can adequately assess your condition. After all, the main task of traditional medicine is to do no harm.


Possible side effects

In case of personal intolerance to the drug, overdose or excessive duration of the treatment course, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • Allergies in the form of skin rash, redness, burning, itching.
  • Diarrhea (remember that aloe has a laxative effect).
  • Stomach or intestinal upset (may manifest as bloating, flatulence, colic, stool disorder).
  • Increased pressure.

Before starting a course of treatment, it is recommended to take a small dose of the product with the plant and observe the body’s reaction for a day.


This succulent has a long list of side effects and contraindications. Let's talk about them below:

  • This treatment should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components of the plant;
  • Juice therapy is prohibited in persons suffering from low blood clotting. The plant should be used carefully for erosions in the stomach, often accompanying pancreatitis, and bleeding ulcers;
  • the laxative effect of this succulent is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can provoke early labor or miscarriage;
  • Do not use the solution for gallstones;
  • severe chronic liver and kidney diseases are also an obstacle to using the plant juice.

Consult your doctor before treatment if you have cystitis, bleeding hemorrhoids, menstruation, or hypokalemia. The plant also has a pronounced stimulating effect, so drink it in the morning. In this case, it will help cheer you up. In the evening and at night, after taking such drops, you may not fall asleep for a long time.

Pancreatitis and cholecystitis are serious pathologies. Their exacerbation can be life-threatening. Therefore, consult your GP before any course of treatment. He can adequately assess your condition. After all, the main task of traditional medicine is to do no harm.

Recipes for using the plant for medicinal purposes

Treatment of inflammation of the pancreas with aloe can be carried out using: decoctions and infusions, tinctures, syrups or juice. Some products, such as juice, syrup, aloe vera gel, can be purchased at the pharmacy.

When making products at home, it is recommended to use a plant that is at least three years old, and the lower succulent leaves are considered the most useful. All products are used half an hour before meals.


Cut off the bottom medium-sized leaf, rinse, wipe with a towel, and chop. Pour 250 ml of the ingredient. boiling water and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Do not bring to a boil. After cooling, strain, bring with boiled water to the previous volume. Take a tablespoon, three times a day.


Cut off the lower leaf of the plant, wash, dry, and chop. Pour the resulting slurry with one liter of cold boiled water, cover the container well with a lid. Leave for 8 hours in a dark, well-ventilated place at room temperature. Then strain. Take a tablespoon, three times a day.


How to make aloe tincture for the stomach and pancreas? There are several prescription options to solve this issue.

Means Preparation Use
First optionTo make it, you need to cut two aloe leaves and fill them with 70% alcohol in a consistency: two parts aloe and one part alcohol. Close the container well with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 10 days. After the specified time has passed, strain the product. Take 15 drops diluted in a tablespoon of water in two approaches per day.
Second optionAloe with honey for pancreatitis is considered much healthier than alcohol tincture. To prepare this potion you will need 300 grams of plant leaves, 200 grams of honey, 80 ml. alcohol 70%. Wash the leaves, dry them, chop them and combine them with the rest of the ingredients. It is recommended to prepare the medicine in glass containers. Leave for five days in the refrigerator. After the specified time, the product is ready for use. Take the drug one tablespoon once a day, for children 12-18 years old one teaspoon.
Third optionAbout 500 grams of the plant are crushed and mixed in 200 ml. honey and pour 0.5 l. Cahors (can be replaced with another red wine or cognac). The components are thoroughly mixed and left for 5-7 days in a dark place. The finished drink is filtered and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator door. Take 1 tbsp three times a day. means before meals.


Aloe juice for pancreatitis is considered the most popular remedy. You can prepare it yourself or purchase it at the pharmacy. Today there are many dietary supplements containing this plant on sale.

To prepare juice at home, you need to cut off the lower leaves of the plant and pass them through a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice using gauze. For internal use, it is recommended to dilute the resulting drug with cold boiled water in a consistency: one part juice to two parts water. Store no more than three ducks in the refrigerator. Drink 5 ml, three approaches per day.

Pharmaceutical preparations may contain alcohol or water as an additional ingredient. Before using each product, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug and the permissible dosage.


You can buy aloe syrup with iron at the pharmacy. This remedy will not only help improve digestion and restore the pancreas, but also normalize the processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation. The drug is drunk half a teaspoon diluted in 50 ml of water, two approaches per day.

Aloe vera gel

Has an effective anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound-healing effect. Improves metabolic and digestive processes, actively promotes the healing of damaged tissues and cell regeneration, and the removal of waste and toxins from the body.

You can find many types of gels on sale. Aloe vera gel from Foreverliving Products gets good reviews. The jar has a capacity of one liter. Take the drug 60-120 ml per day.


A decoction is prepared from raspberry and plantain leaves (the components are taken in equal proportions): 1 tbsp. collection is poured into 250 ml. boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes. The liquid is filtered and cooled slightly. The herbal decoction is mixed with aloe juice in a ratio of 2 to 1 and a spoonful of honey. The product is drunk in 50 ml doses. before eating.

With honey

A fresh aloe leaf is placed in the freezer for 10-12 hours. Next, it is washed, dried and cleared of “thorns”. The prepared raw materials are crushed through a meat grinder or using a blender, the juice is squeezed out and the cake is removed.

Aloe juice is mixed with honey (it is better to take a liquid product) in a 1:1 ratio. For pancreatitis, take 1 tbsp. liquids 2-3 times a day before meals.

With juice

Take 200 ml. honey and aloe juice, add 60 ml. carrot or potato juice and mix thoroughly. The mixture is infused for 3 hours and taken 1 tsp. approximately 15-20 minutes before meals (can be dissolved in the mouth or diluted in warm water).

With mumiyo

Pharmacy or homemade aloe juice is mixed with mumiyo in a proportion of 150 ml. liquid per 5 grams of powder. Store the finished product in the refrigerator and take 1 tsp. per day on an empty stomach.


Not everyone knows how to make agave juice so that it is as healthy as possible. Here are some useful tips. It is best to take leaves from the very bottom - such leaves are the thickest and juiciest. The plant must be over three years old. If you don’t have such a plant at home, you can look for it in the markets. There are sellers who go to the market with the plant and cut off the leaves needed for the recipe. The cut leaves must be cleared of soil and washed under running water. Wrap the washed leaves in paper and place them in the refrigerator overnight. The juice in the leaves thickens and becomes more concentrated.

It is worth remembering that with pancreatitis, the pancreas secretes much less of its secretion, and sometimes does not secrete it at all. This must be compensated by other active substances, in particular bile. The use of aloe juice can improve the flow of bile and help digest food.

For direct treatment of pancreatitis, it is best to add a little honey to the liquid. Here it is necessary to make a reservation - honey is allowed only in the chronic course of the disease, but in the acute form of pancreatitis it cannot be used.

To prepare the tincture, you need to squeeze out the liquid (about 1 tablespoon) from washed and chopped agave leaves and mix with the same amount of honey. As soon as the consistency becomes homogeneous, the product should be allowed to stand for a while, after which it is taken before meals several times a day. You should not eat more than a tablespoon of aloe with honey per day for pancreatitis.

How to prepare aloe with honey for the stomach and intestines

First of all, you need to understand one simple rule that is suitable for making any folk remedies - all ingredients must be fresh and of high quality!

Pharmacology today provides a fairly wide range of aloe-based products: syrups, tinctures and various tablet preparations. Also on sale you can find “sabur” - dried hardened juice, most often in powder form.

However, when making medicines at home, it is recommended to use only fresh ingredients. It is also worth paying close attention to the quality of honey - in pursuit of profit, some unscrupulous beekeepers often dilute their product or pass it off as a different variety. Any honey will do:

  • buckwheat;
  • floral;
  • fake, etc.

It is not advisable to purchase a candied product. Despite the fact that crystallization is an indicator of quality, it is not recommended to use it in the preparation of medicines. Also, stagnant or fermented honey is not suitable for these purposes.

Preparing Ingredients

If everything is clear with honey, it is always ready for use. With aloe, or rather with the preparation of freshly squeezed juice from this plant, things are somewhat more complicated. To prepare a truly high-quality and healthy product, it is recommended to adhere to a number of rules:

  • For medical or cosmetic purposes, the lower leaves of aloe are considered the most useful. The plant must be at least 3–5 years old before use. Younger shoots do not contain enough beneficial vitamins and microelements.
  • To activate the beneficial properties of the plant, freshly cut leaves should be placed in a dark, cool place for 10–20 days, for example, in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment. It is recommended to first wrap the leaves in an opaque plastic bag.
  • After 1.5–3 weeks, the leaves must be washed and the skin and thorns removed.
  • Grind in any convenient way and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth or a juicer.

Attention! Famous scientist V.P. Filatov noticed that if a living organism is placed in stressful conditions, for example, in the cold, then it produces biogenic stimulants that increase the viability of cells and the entire organism as a whole. This effect was called biostimulation.

According to some experts, it is better to crush the leaves using a wooden masher or a ceramic knife, since when in contact with metal, some substances contained in the juice may oxidize.

It is better to remove the peel completely; it may contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction in a person. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several months in glass or ceramic containers.

Treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies

Treatment of pancreatitis with a miracle plant for the pancreas

Cryphaea is a special, rather rare type of moss that grows on the trunks of some trees: fir, pine, birch, poplar, beech.

In folk medicine, two types of kryphea are used:

Kripheya Amurskaya, whose homeland is the regions of the Far East: Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur region. This species is listed in the Red Book.

Kryphea Multidirectional is a representative of the subtropical flora. It grows in the Caucasus, the Balkan Peninsula, the Krasnodar Territory and Turkey.

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