Freshly squeezed juice for inflammation of the pancreas

Pancreatitis is a disease caused by the development of inflammatory processes inside the pancreas. Many patients suffering from this disease ask their doctor: “What juices can you drink for pancreatitis?” This article will describe the types of juices that are recommended for consumption for chronic inflammation of the pancreas.

Pancreatitis is one of the pathologies of the digestive tract that requires changes in diet. Any violation of the diet can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and to the re-development of pain and bowel dysfunction. It is customary to distinguish two large subgroups of this pathology: chronic and acute pancreatitis. The first type of disease is subject to a conservative type of treatment using replacement medications and a special diet aimed at reducing the load on the pancreas.

Alcohol should not be consumed if you have pancreatitis.

What juices can you use for pancreatitis?

The answer to this question is of interest to many patients who have been diagnosed with any pathology of the digestive system. The doctor tells you what juices you can drink for various gastrointestinal pathologies, in particular inflammation of the pancreas, when he prescribes treatment for a sick person. His main recommendations are as follows:

  1. The juice should only be freshly squeezed. All drinks sold in retail outlets labeled “natural” will not only bring no benefit, but may also contribute to the aggravation of the negative symptoms that accompany the disease.
  2. Drink fruit and vegetable juices approved by the doctor, only warm. And also, under no circumstances should you add salt, sugar or spices to them.
  3. It is useful to use fresh juice. For inflammation of the pancreas, a mixture of several freshly squeezed juices is the healthiest drink.

Experts advise that any freshly prepared juice must be diluted with clean water, since a high concentration of drinks can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, we should not forget that it is necessary to take permitted juices in doses, taking into account all the basic requirements of the dietary table prescribed by the gastroenterologist.

Little-known juices

Few people know about the beneficial properties of a product such as Jerusalem artichoke, which is often used in dietary and diabetic cooking. Meanwhile, fresh Jerusalem artichoke is also useful for preparing fresh juice for pancreatitis.

This squeeze helps reduce the manifestation of pathological processes inside the pancreas and normalizes the production of hormones and enzymes of digestive juice. The product can be mixed with other fruit and vegetable pomace and diluted with water in a two to one ratio.

Another useful fresh juice for the stomach and glands can be prepared from black radish. To do this, the root vegetable is peeled and crushed using a grater. You can add liquid honey to this squeeze. The daily dose is seventy milliliters. A pronounced therapeutic effect from use can be achieved after one and a half months of regular drinking.

Birch sap can hardly be called little-known, but not everyone knows that it can provide invaluable benefits to the pancreas. This drink saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, restores high-quality metabolism and promotes the rapid restoration of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, birch drink can be drunk even during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. To do this, it is useful to mix it with oatmeal jelly or broth.

Fruit juices

As already mentioned, a sick person who has developed acute or has entered the relapse stage of chronic pancreatitis can only drink natural juices. They should not contain sugar. The most beneficial fruit juices for patients with pancreatic inflammation are:

  • pear,
  • apple,
  • melon,
  • peach,
  • pineapple,
  • watermelon.

They must be prepared without pulp and, as a result, do not contain fiber, which is dangerous for people with a history of a disease such as pancreatitis. And also all fruit juices, as already mentioned, must be diluted with boiled water. This reduces their concentration, prevents irritation of the mucous membrane and allows them to be better digested and absorbed.

In some cases, the leading gastroenterologist may allow you to drink apple juice undiluted; only the apple from which the fresh natural drink is prepared must certainly be of the green variety. It is this fruit that contains large amounts of iron, which the body needs during the treatment of pancreatitis.

What juices can be used for therapeutic purposes?

You will have to give up tasty, aromatic juices during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, and you should also limit their use during the period of remission so as not to provoke the disease. At the same time, there are some juices that can improve the condition of the pancreas and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


An old, time-tested folk remedy that has a lot of useful properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Regenerating;
  • Calming;
  • Strengthening.

The active components of the juice protect the mucous membrane, destroy pathogenic microflora, stop the inflammatory process, strengthen blood vessels, and prevent cell destruction.

Aloe juice is used fresh for therapeutic purposes. The leaves are cut from the plant, wrapped in cotton cloth, a plastic bag, and placed in the refrigerator for 14 days. Squeeze out the juice in any convenient way, mix in equal proportions with honey. The medicine must be taken within 3 hours after receiving the juice, otherwise the beneficial properties will be reduced.


It has the properties of antacids, so it has a beneficial effect not only on the pancreas, but also on the stomach and intestines. Potato juice reduces acidity, protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from further irritation, stops the inflammatory process, helps eliminate pathogenic microflora, and improves digestion.

You should only drink potato juice fresh, before it turns dark. This happens in approximately 15 minutes. When interacting with air, oxidation occurs and components harmful to the digestive system appear. Therapy with a healing drink should be carried out at the end of summer, beginning of autumn, when the potatoes are young.

Peel the peel, squeeze out the juice using a juicer, or use the old fashioned method. Rub on a fine grater, place in gauze folded in several layers, squeeze out the liquid. Drink 50 ml at a time. Treatment is carried out until you feel better.


The safest of all permitted juices for pancreatitis. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, and laxative properties. You are allowed to drink in unlimited quantities, the whole point is that you won’t want to drink a lot. For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to drink 50-100 ml three times a day. It is recommended to take half an hour before meals. The drink will ease digestion, normalize acidity, and relieve the unpleasant, painful symptoms of pancreatitis.


Many will begin to prove the opposite, but the whole point is that carrots, cut into pieces or grated, are difficult for the pancreas, since to digest them you need to activate the production of certain enzymes, which a sick pancreas in the acute stage cannot cope with. It is recommended to combine carrot juice with pumpkin or potato juice. The taste will be more pleasant, the drink will be healthier. You should drink 100 ml on an empty stomach. You cannot add salt or sugar.

From Jerusalem artichoke

The healing properties of this vegetable are often forgotten. Meanwhile, Jerusalem artichoke juice has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, including the pancreas. The juice has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, enveloping, and soothing properties. Reduces irritation, painful symptoms, normalizes intestinal function. You should drink fresh, 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Berry fruit drinks

If a pathological inflammatory process develops in the pancreas, it is permissible to drink a cup of berry juice to pamper yourself. But also only after consultation with a specialist.

Cranberries and lingonberries are best suited for making berry drinks. They contain large quantities of vitamin C, which during any illness must be supplied to the body of a sick person to maintain immunity and speed up the healing process. Gastroenterologists also recommend consuming a fruit drink that contains raspberries for pancreatitis. This berry, obtained by crossing blackberries and raspberries, is an excellent natural antiseptic, which is necessary in the treatment of inflammation in the pancreas.

Tomato drink

Tomato juice for pancreatitis is recommended only during the remission phase. The drink has the following positive properties:

  • saturates the body with antioxidants;
  • enriches the body weakened by the disease with amino acids.

It is recommended to consume no more than 300 milliliters of this drink per day, prepared from ripe vegetables and diluted with water. Salt and pepper cannot be added.

In any case, it should be understood that only a gastroenterologist can say for sure whether it is possible to drink a particular drink made from vegetables and fruits. In addition to general recommendations, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the body, the nature of the development of the clinical picture of the disease and the general condition of the patient. If, while drinking juice from the permitted list, the patient’s condition worsens, the drink should be excluded from the diet and consult a doctor. When used correctly, the above drinks can not only relieve acute symptoms, but also significantly speed up the recovery process or prolong the phase of stable remission.

Vegetable juices

Drinks made from fresh vegetables approved by a specialist for pancreatitis will bring great benefits to the sick person. With their help, you can not only reduce the manifestations of negative symptoms, but also restore destroyed tissue structures. Information about the positive effect a drink made from certain vegetables has on the inflamed pancreas can be found in the table:

Vegetable juices acceptable for pancreatitis

A type of vegetable drinkBenefit provided
Carrot.This drink, despite the fact that many are prejudiced against it, is very tasty and also contains large amounts of beta-carotene (vitamin A). You should drink it during remission of pancreatitis in fairly large quantities, as it tends to strengthen the immune system. This will help prevent relapse of the disease for a longer period of time. The permissible weekly dose of this vitamin drink will be recommended to each individual patient by his attending physician.
Tomato.This juice, beloved by many, is acceptable for pancreatitis only without exacerbation of the pathological condition. This warning is due to the presence of a fairly large amount of organic acids in it. In addition, a drink made from fresh tomatoes stimulates the production of gastric juice, which contains enzymes that aggravate the course of the disease.
Pumpkin.This juice is one of the best for pancreatitis. Its benefits are due to the ability of pumpkin to stop the inflammatory process. This vegetable also tends to have a calming effect on the human body, which speeds up recovery. Patients with pancreatitis are recommended to drink the juice from this vegetable before each meal, as it improves digestion.

Important! Before you start drinking any vegetable juice, you should consult a specialist.

Allowed and prohibited juices at different stages of pancreatitis

If painful symptoms intensify, any juices are prohibited, as they have a negative effect on the inflamed pancreas. Their introduction into the diet is possible only a month after the last exacerbation. Non-acidic compotes and jelly are acceptable for consumption after 7-14 days.

In case of chronic pancreatic disease, juices are permissible only during the recovery stage. You can drink a maximum of 200 ml of the drink per day, which must be diluted. That is, a glass of juice should be diluted in half with water and this volume should be drunk throughout the day. The optimal single serving is 50 ml.


Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice for pancreatitis is allowed for patients with increased stomach acidity. Suppresses inflammatory processes, has a calming effect, and accelerates recovery. The product removes toxic substances and excess fluid from the body, and has a beneficial effect on digestion due to the large amount of fiber.

It is enough to drink 0.5 cups of pumpkin juice 30 minutes before meals. When taken systematically, the pain goes away and pancreatic recovery accelerates.


It is useful for patients with pancreatitis, but it should not be taken during an exacerbation or during attacks, since the product contains a large amount of sugar. When the main symptoms of pancreatitis pass, regular consumption of carrot drink improves the condition of the pancreas.

If there are no contraindications, juice is introduced into the menu systematically and is always diluted with water. You shouldn’t consume it every day; 0.5 glasses twice a week are enough.


Allowed only with stable remission. Relieves inflammation and spasms, has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and lowers blood pressure. The vegetable contains vitamins A, PP, K, E, C, group B. You should start taking it with a low dosage - one spoon. Gradually the amount increases to 200 ml per day.

People suffering from diabetes and reduced enzymatic function will have to dilute fresh juice with water.


It is the most affordable, since the fruits are widespread in our country and are perfectly preserved in winter. Apples can be eaten already 3 days after an exacerbation, but not in their pure form, but as the main ingredient in compotes and desserts. Drinking juice is possible only during remission. Only fully ripe sweet fruits are suitable.

The peel is first removed and the juice is diluted with water 1:1. It is recommended to drink no more than 2 glasses an hour after eating.


Beetroot juice has many beneficial properties and contains many microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Beets contain a lot of iron, which is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, relieves nervous tension, and promotes normal heart function. Along with this, the product contains a lot of amino acids that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drink is allowed only during stable remission, always in limited quantities. Before use, it sits for a couple of hours. It is useful to mix beet juice with pumpkin or carrot juice.


Many people prefer this type of juice, but if symptoms of pancreatitis appear, it is prohibited due to the high amount of organic acids. They activate the synthesis of gastric juice, which provokes increased gas formation and activates the inflammatory process.

Outside of an exacerbation, you can drink tomato juice, but first dilute it with water. The drink kills microbes, removes toxic substances, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


The vegetable contains vitamins B, K, C, as well as iron, potassium, magnesium and other useful components. Cabbage juice is considered the main ingredient in many folk recipes against colitis, peptic ulcers, and gastritis.

In the presence of an inflammatory process, fresh juices made from seaweed are useful. They prevent disorders of the digestive organs and soothe the mucous membranes.

Taking a small amount of sauerkraut shortly before meals will reduce pain and improve digestion.

Celery juice

The product contains organic acids, vegetable fats, and essential oils. Fresh juice activates the production of enzymes, so drinking it during acute pancreatitis is prohibited.

Celery root is used in preparing various dishes 30 days after suppressing the inflammatory process. It is preliminarily subjected to heat treatment. Celery juice is introduced into the menu 1.5 years after the last outbreak of the disease.


The most useful drink for people who suffer from pancreatitis, but its harvest season is short. The drink normalizes metabolism, replenishes the lack of vitamins, organic acids, iron, and calcium.

The acute stage of pancreatitis allows you to drink only fresh product. In the chronic form, a decoction is prepared with the addition of oats. You can consume it in an amount of 150 ml half an hour before meals.


It is characterized by many beneficial properties, but is not allowed if signs of pancreatitis return. Antioxidants, amino acids and phytoncides are necessary for a healthy body, but if the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted, they can worsen the patient’s condition.

Only after eliminating the main symptoms of the disease is it permissible to consume 200-300 ml of pomegranate juice diluted with water per day.


Any citrus fruits are prohibited for patients with pancreatitis, as they have a high concentration of citric acid. Despite many useful microelements, the drink worsens the condition of the affected organ and can lead to an attack.

Apricot and peach

Fragrant fruits include many B vitamins, as well as C, E, A, minerals, amino acids, fiber and other substances. Peach juice has a pronounced choleretic effect. Apricots cause nausea and increased pain. Both of these products are contraindicated in acute pancreatitis.

When long-term remission is achieved, the squeeze is added to mousses and compotes.


If signs of pancreatitis are observed, fresh berry juices are prohibited. Normalization of the patients' condition allows them to be used, but in small quantities. Drinks made from viburnum, strawberries or raspberries must be freshly prepared. They are filtered and diluted with water before use, as they contain a lot of acids.


Based on its usefulness for the human body, grapes are ahead of many fruits. It strengthens the immune defense, removes salts, stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, and regulates blood circulation. But due to the content of organic acids, the juice stimulates the synthesis of digestive enzymes.

A large amount of sugar increases the risk of diabetes, so consuming fresh grape juice for pancreatitis is not recommended. The only indication is chronic gastritis with a low level of gastric acidity.

Plantain juice

This medicinal plant contains organic acids, glycosides, tannins and others. Plantain strengthens the immune system and has tonic and calming properties.

To prepare the drink, the leaves are crushed and squeezed using gauze. The resulting liquid is mixed with water 1:1 and boiled for a couple of minutes. For a month, the decoction is consumed before meals, 1 tsp.

Aloe juice

This plant is used in many folk recipes. Aloe relieves inflammation, relieves pain, and accelerates the healing of damage. In case of pancreatitis, aloe juice affects the process of bile production, on which the functioning of the pancreas depends.

During the period of improvement of the patient's condition, the product is taken with honey, before meals. The optimal dose is 1 tablespoon per day.

Exotic and unusual juices

For pancreatitis, juices made from exotic fruits are not recommended: papaya, passion fruit, mango. Cherries contain a small amount of fruit acids, but sometimes they are enough to cause pain and increase inflammation. Cherries are very sour; it is better to postpone their use until a long-term remission occurs. 5 days after the onset of remission, berries are allowed to be added to jelly and desserts.

It is allowed to drink watermelon and melon juice if there are no symptoms for a long time. It is prepared from ripe fruits.

Herbal juices

In order to increase the therapeutic effect during therapeutic measures to eliminate a pathological condition in the pancreas, most gastroenterologists recommend that patients drink drinks made from medicinal herbs. The most useful for pancreatitis are immortelle, dill and chamomile. High efficiency is also observed in juices prepared from the following plants:

  1. Dandelion. For preparation, both fresh leaves and roots of this medicinal plant can be taken. The benefit of dandelion juice for pancreatitis lies in its ability to reduce blood sugar and restore water-salt balance.
  2. Celery. Celery drink is necessary to prevent the occurrence of inflammation on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, as it effectively prevents its irritation.
  3. Agave. The juice from the medicinal leaves of the home healer is good at restoring damaged tissue structures of the pancreas.
  4. Birch. Birch drink is considered the most useful, as it contains a large number of biogenic stimulants that effectively restore metabolism.

But, despite the undoubted benefits of herbal juices, it should be remembered that their uncontrolled use can be harmful to health. You can drink them only in doses recommended by your doctor and stop taking them if the slightest deterioration in your condition occurs.

Forbidden juices

The following drinks are prohibited for pancreatitis:

  • orange;
  • from grapes of all varieties;
  • from currant berries;
  • citric;
  • cranberry;
  • from grapefruit.

Pomegranate juice is also prohibited for pancreatitis. This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of organic acids, which can cause unwanted fermentation in the stomach. It should be noted that the consumption of the above fresh juices is prohibited even during the remission phase, as this can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus against the background of existing pancreatitis.

Features of use in the acute stage and remission stage of pancreatitis

During the acute period of the disease, natural fruit, berry and vegetable drinks are strictly prohibited, since they all have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. However, they are used to prepare jelly, fruit drinks and compotes containing sufficient amounts of vitamins. After the exacerbation of the disease subsides and it goes into remission, drinking juices is allowed as follows:

  • the freshly prepared drink is diluted 1:1 with warm boiled water,
  • the juice is added to kefir, whey or yogurt and consumed instead of dessert.

We should also not forget that some vegetable drinks, for example, beetroot, can be drunk in small quantities for pancreatitis, a maximum of a glass per day. In addition, you need to follow the rules for selecting vegetables and fruits recommended for each specific patient with pancreatic inflammation by the attending physician. When making these appointments, specialists rely on the results of a diagnostic study showing the nature of the disease.

List of allowed juices

For pancreatitis, it is recommended to include the following juices in your diet:

  • potato;
  • carrot (prohibited in acute pancreatitis or during its exacerbation);
  • pumpkin;
  • tomato (can only be consumed during remission, strictly prohibited in acute forms of the disease);
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • pear;
  • apple, but from non-acidic varieties of fruit.

Do not dilute with water, but consume in small quantities, only peach juice. All other fresh juices must be mixed with warm boiled or purified water.

Allowed juices for pancreatitis

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

Before you study the list of products in detail, you need to firmly understand the basic principles of nutrition for an inflamed pancreas. First of all, you should not eat anything prepared by frying, drying or smoking. All products are boiled or stewed.

The freshness of the ingredients is also extremely important. Even approved products can cause irreparable harm if they are expired. Therefore, you should always check the shelf life on the packaging.

Diet No. 5 includes a fairly wide list of permitted foods. But there will be no room for salted nuts or chips. Spicy solid foods are prohibited. Therefore, men need to forget about beer with dried fish, and children – about fast food. And this is not a reason to be upset. On the contrary, this is an excuse to cleanse the body of toxins and start a healthy lifestyle.

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