Oatmeal jelly for pancreatitis - recipe from Izotov and Mamotov

Benefits and harms

Oats solve many problems. The consumption of this cereal promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), accelerates metabolic processes, enhances the body's immune defense, reduces the symptoms of inflammation of the digestive system, in particular, relieves the manifestations of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis.

But at the same time, oats have their contraindications for use. Cereal treatment should be abandoned if the following problems exist:

  • violation of motor functions of the digestive tract;
  • cholecystitis;
  • stones in the cavity of the gallbladder.

The use of oat-based recipes can provoke an exacerbation of diseases. Diarrhea, which almost always accompanies an exacerbation of pancreatitis, is also a contraindication. Oat-based products themselves have a laxative effect. The cereal contains a high percentage of phytic acid, which determines the therapeutic effect of oats.

The onset of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or its acute form is an indication for following a fasting diet, which lasts one to three days. Oat decoction is a high-calorie product containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 200 ml of the drink contains 790 kcal, which allows the patient not to suffer from hunger, but also not to “irritate” the inflamed pancreas.

How to treat the pancreas with oats?

Official medicine has recognized the beneficial and medicinal properties of bread crops. For maximum therapeutic results, it is better to choose unprocessed grains; they have a powerful antioxidant effect, protect the digestive system from the pathogenic influence of harmful bacteria and cleanse the liver. In Russia, oats are little valued; people prefer rice and buckwheat groats, without even realizing what they are giving up.

Treatment of the pancreas with oat decoction has been used in world practice since the time of Hippocrates. This is an important product that regulates acidity. It can be consumed raw or boiled, diluted with milk, kefir and water. A healthy breakfast will fill you with energy, saturate your body and provide you with a range of nutrients.

Dishes made from flakes or cereals are included in the dietary and medicinal menus due to their enveloping properties. To improve the taste, if there are no contraindications, you can add nuts, honey, berries, syrup, and butter. Many ancient chronicles describe treatment with oats. Decoction and infusion are easy to prepare at home. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipes.

Rules for accepting funds

The daily dose of oat-based products is 1 liter. You must take the chosen remedy strictly at certain hours: 7 am, 1 pm and in the evening (at 9 am). During this period, all metabolic processes in the body proceed at an accelerated rate, so the medicinal components of the drink quickly spread throughout the body.

Advice! It is allowed to add one additional dose at 11 am. But in this case, the next portion of the drink should be drunk not at 13, but at 15:00.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

Oatmeal jelly is effective for weight loss

Poor nutrition and little exercise lead to an increase in the number of people suffering from excess weight every year.

Many existing diets bring only short-term results. In addition, some of them are harmful to health.

In Rus', a simple and affordable way to lose weight has long been used - oatmeal jelly. Thanks to which you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Experts say that using oatmeal jelly you can lose weight up to 10 kg per month. Distinctive features of this method are: lack of hunger, good mood and high efficiency.

To achieve results, you need to drink jelly 2 times a day, replacing breakfast and dinner with it.

Rules of use:

  1. Drink in small sips.
  2. Use only freshly prepared drink.
  3. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 hours.
  4. During the day, introduce vegetables, fish, and lean meat into your diet.
  5. During your afternoon snack, eat some citrus fruit.
  6. For lunch you can drink 0.5 cups of jelly.

This oatmeal jelly recipe was used for weight loss back in the 16th century in Rus'. Required products: 1 glass of whole oats, 5 glasses of water. Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse the grain and add water.
  2. Cook at low temperature for about 4 hours, do not allow it to boil.
  3. Strain and pass through a sieve.
  4. Drink liquid.

You can add fruits, berries, honey. Jelly should be used for weight loss within a month.

You need to give up fatty, high-calorie foods. Any snack can be replaced with 100 g of jelly.

It is worth emphasizing that oatmeal jelly should be taken freshly prepared and should not be kept in the refrigerator for a long time. This is due to the fact that only a fresh drink retains all its beneficial properties.

A balanced diet and oatmeal jelly will help you lose weight, improve your health, and lift your mood.

In conclusion, it should be said that the benefits of oatmeal jelly are difficult to overestimate. The drink is useful for improving health and maintaining normal weight. There are many recipes for preparing this dish, so everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

You can learn about oatmeal jelly and other healthy drinks from the video.

Pancreatitis is a serious inflammatory disease of the pancreas, which is severe and protracted.

To achieve results in treatment, complex therapy is selected. A prerequisite is adherence to a strict diet. This is why it is so important to know whether you can drink jelly if you have pancreatitis?


There are quite a few ways to use oats for pancreatitis. You can prepare an infusion from the cereal, make jelly from it, make kvass and milk.

Decoction No. 1

Oatmeal decoction is recommended for use during the rehabilitation period after the end of an attack of pancreatitis. It will also be useful during the period of remission in the chronic form of the disease. Preparation:

  • ½ tbsp. Pour the washed oats into a saucepan and pour boiling water (500 ml).
  • Boil the grain at a minimum boil for 20 minutes.
  • Pour the broth into a thermos and leave for 8 hours.

Before use, the decoction must be filtered. Take 30 minutes before main meals.

Decoction No. 2

If there is no time for infusion, then another recipe is used. 1 tbsp. l. Oat grains need to be ground into flour. Pour boiling water (200 ml) into the resulting volume. Leave for 40 minutes. Filter, be sure to squeeze out the precipitate. Take 30 minutes before meals: before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Oatmeal broth copes well with the consequences of pancreatitis

Oat kvass

Oatmeal kvass can be drunk during the remission period. You need to pour 500 grams of pure oats into a 5-liter jar. Add 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and 3 liters of water. Cover the neck of the container with thick gauze. Place the jar in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. After two days, a film forms on the surface of the drink, and the grains swell.

The liquid must be completely drained. Re-pour 3 liters of water and add granulated sugar (3 tbsp). Place the jar in the dark for another 24 hours. When the time is up, the kvass will be ready. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a sprig of lemon balm or mint to it.

Medicinal jelly

It is worth noting that if you have pancreatitis, you must follow a diet, otherwise no homeopathic medicines will help. Fatty meat and fish broths, canned foods, everything salty, bitter, pickled, fried and sweet are definitely excluded from the diet. The list of prohibited foods is extensive, but this does not mean that you will have to starve. A little later, permitted products for pancreatitis will be given.

In combination with dietary nutrition, doctors recommend preparing a jelly drink from sprouted grains. It is done simply, even a beginner can handle it: sort out a kilogram of oats, rinse, immerse in water so that the liquid covers the raw material by 1 cm. Cover the top with gauze and place in a dark place for 24 hours. The next day you will see the grains growing.

They need to be washed again, transferred to a napkin to drain off excess liquid, and ground into powder. From the resulting flour we take 15 g, dilute it in ¼ glass of cold water, add 200 ml of hot water, put it on the stove and let it simmer for three minutes. Leave it covered for half an hour, take it in the morning, before meals.

The product relieves pain, removes toxins, and restores the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment and cleansing with oats is the best alternative to chemical medications. In addition, the herbal remedy does not cause side effects.

Treatment with oats depending on the stage of pancreatitis

When primary symptoms of exacerbation of pancreatitis appear, you can use the following recipe. 1 tsp. pour the ground oats with warm water (200 ml) and heat in a water bath for half an hour. Take the product in the morning on an empty stomach.

Important! Each time you need to prepare a fresh drink.

In the midst of symptoms, the following recipe will help. It is necessary to grind the sprouted oats. Take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting flour and fill it with bubbling water (250 ml). Leave the product for 60 minutes. Take warm in the morning on an empty stomach. The infusion should always be fresh.

At the end of the attack - when the symptoms have almost disappeared - you need to use the following recipe: pour 3 glasses of thoroughly washed oats into 3 liters of water, cook the product for 3 hours at a minimum boil. Then the drink must be strained and allowed to cool. Take warm 60 minutes before meals. Single dose – 100 ml. The drink not only eliminates the consequences of exacerbation of pancreatitis, but helps strengthen the immune defense.

A mix of two drinks gives good results for pancreatitis.

  • 1 tsp. oatmeal should be brewed with boiling water (200 ml) and simmer at a minimum boil for 30 minutes.
  • 1 tsp. dry motherwort herb pour water (200 ml) and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Filter.
  • When both decoctions have cooled, they need to be mixed.

Drink the product warm, in large sips. The composition should be taken once a day before meals.

How to take it correctly for pancreatitis

Maintaining the positive effect of consuming jelly on oatmeal can be achieved only if the intake standards are observed. It is also worth considering that use should last at least 1–2 months.

Important! You should not take more than 1 liter of oatmeal jelly per day. Otherwise, allergic reactions or complications of pancreatitis are possible.

It is necessary to drink the remedy three times a day at the following times:

  • at 7:00;
  • at 13:00;
  • at 21:00.

If necessary, the second appointment can be held at 11:00, and the one that falls at one o’clock in the afternoon can be held at 15:00. The dosage is selected by a specialist in each specific case. Basically, a single dose is 100–200 mg of decoction. It is better to drink jelly 30 minutes before meals: this way it will have time to quickly be absorbed and have an enveloping effect. Before starting treatment with the drink in question, the liver should be prepared. This stage will take 1–2 weeks.

It involves the following points:

  1. Complete exclusion from the diet of spicy, salty, fried foods, smoked foods and sweets, as well as carbonated water.
  2. Introducing foods containing fiber into the daily menu - mainly fruits and vegetables, baked or boiled, and cereals, as permitted by the doctor.
  3. Consume at least 1.5 liters of clean water every day.

As part of dietary nutrition

To get out of therapeutic fasting, which is necessary in the first few days from the onset of an attack, doctors recommend using oatmeal. It is prepared with water, without adding sugar or oil. Before serving, it is rubbed through a sieve. Oat jelly for the pancreas will also be very useful.

Oatmeal must be present in the patient’s diet after recovery from therapeutic fasting.

Why is oatmeal recommended? The answer lies in the “opportunities” of the cereal:

  • the antioxidants present in its composition help relieve the inflammatory process;
  • amino acids and fats of plant origin are absorbed by the body much faster;
  • oats block the production of enzymes that disrupt the functions of the pancreas.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, liquid porridges prepared from crushed grains, as well as slimy soups, will be useful. As your health stabilizes, make the oatmeal semi-liquid, do not grind it, and add a little butter to the portion. It is prepared with diluted milk.

And you can also offer the patient oatmeal cookies with a decoction of rose hips or weakly brewed unsweetened tea. You can add casseroles/puddings made from oatmeal to the menu. To add variety to the taste sensations, they can be topped with sweet berry-based sauces or low-fat sour cream.

The benefits of cereal

Everything ingenious, as we know, is simple. In this case, we will talk about how oats help. This cereal has long been used to treat the pancreas due to its cleansing and enveloping properties. The plant is a natural healer and an excellent absorbent; it is recommended for various ailments, as well as for those wishing to lose weight. The fodder crop is held in high esteem by traditional healers; it is indispensable in the fight against inflammation. Gently cleanses the intestines, removes toxins, heavy metals and toxic substances accumulated over many years.

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Treatment of the pancreas and pancreatitis with oats gives positive results. This is explained by the presence in the grains of valuable lipotropic components and vital enzymes that promote better absorption of nutrients. Cereals are rich in starchy and mineral substances, amino acids and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of each organ.

Herbal medicines strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammation, and regulate metabolism. No wonder our ancestors considered oat infusions to be the elixir of life. The versatility of the cereal lies in the fact that it heals several systems at the same time (cardiac, digestive and nervous).

How to use a thermos to make medicinal drinks

When brewing/infusing oats, the product emits a not very pleasant odor. To avoid such a nuisance, you can use thermoses of different sizes to prepare medicinal compositions.

The amount of oatmeal and the volume of water depend on the size of the thermos. For a liter you will need four to five tablespoons (without a slide).

The composition should be left for 12 hours under the screwed lid. Before use, filter the sediment and take according to the regimen recommended in the recipe.

There is another way to prepare drinks. The crushed grain needs to be boiled over low heat and only then pour the mixture into a thermos. Leave it for 8 hours. The result should be a cloudy, pale brown liquid. The drink should be stored in the refrigerator, making sure to warm it up before use.

Important! To warm up the drink you need to use a water bath.

Proper nutrition for pancreatic pathology

We found out what should be removed from the menu. So lovers of harmful products will have to endure for the sake of their own well-being. Eat simple dishes, diversify your diet with cereals such as rice, buckwheat, oats. For the treatment of the pancreas, these grains are indispensable. It is useful to eat boiled and baked dishes (lean meat, poultry), fermented milk products, dried fruits, berries, and vegetables.

It is important to reduce the amount of sugar, give up alcohol and smoking. During the period of remission (calm), it is recommended to eat small portions - at least five times a day. Properly selected dishes and folk recipes will help stabilize the condition and alleviate the clinical picture. Now it is clear why oats are useful for treating the pancreas and how it speeds up recovery.

Oats have long been known in Rus'. Historians claim that recipes for making oatmeal jelly were used by the Slavs more than a thousand years ago. Its beneficial properties were used for treatment and to improve appearance. This is not only a healthy product, but also a delicious dish.

A few more oat recipes and methods of consumption

Recipe No. 1

If the disease began quite recently, then you can try this recipe:

Pour one teaspoon of thoroughly ground oats into 200 ml of boiled water and place on low heat for further processing. The mixture is heated over fire for 30 minutes without boiling. The composition must cool naturally, after which it can be consumed.

It should be taken only warm and fresh, once in the morning on an empty stomach. In the early stages of pancreatitis and for its prevention, this recipe is very effective.

Recipe No. 2

If therapy for pancreatitis is in the most active stage, then it is recommended to use a thicker decoction of oats. To prepare it, flour obtained after grinding oat sprouts is used. Pour one tablespoon of oatmeal into 250 ml of boiling water and boil it for two minutes.

The resulting decoction is infused for 1 hour. As in the previous case, it can only be consumed warm and fresh before meals. The decoction is drunk all at once in small sips; it will help prevent the inflammatory process in the digestive tract.

Recipe No. 3

When the disease begins to recede, but treatment is still ongoing, the recovery process can be slightly accelerated. To do this, you need to use whole and unsprouted oats. The cereal in the amount of 3 large glasses should be rinsed well and filled with water in the amount of 3 liters. Place the container with oats on the fire and boil over low heat for 3 hours.

When the broth is completely ready, it should be drained and cooled. Drinks can only be stored in the refrigerator and only in glass containers with a lid. Before taking the decoction, it needs to be slightly warmed. One-time dosage: 100 ml one hour before meals. This decoction will not only remove all the consequences of the disease, but will also slightly strengthen the body’s immune system.

Unfortunately, very often treatment of pancreatitis begins only when the disease has already reached the chronic stage. But even in this case, prevention of pancreatitis due to inflammation of the pancreas in the form of oat decoctions will certainly have a positive effect. But to prepare a healing potion in such a situation, it is recommended to use ground oats.

Milk product

Naturally, it is better to buy milk with the lowest fat content. Advantages of using milk as a base:

  • The composition contains a high concentration of useful elements. By and large, milk is a storehouse of calcium.
  • Has a positive effect on the digestive system as a whole.
  • Promotes faster recovery and healing.


  1. Put the milk on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. To add sweetness to the drink, add honey or sugar syrup.
  3. Spices allowed: nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla.
  4. After boiling, add starch diluted with water.
  5. Cook until thickened, remembering to stir so that lumps do not form.

Can be used as a main dish or as an addition.


In general, oats are well tolerated by most people and have virtually no contraindications. However, some components in the cereal have high biological activity, which makes it impossible to use for:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • undergone cholecystectomy.

Therapy of the pancreas with oats is one of the effective and time-tested methods of traditional medicine. It allows you to achieve excellent results and significantly reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of the disease. In combination with dietary nutrition and adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, traditional medicine recipes allow a person to forget about health problems forever.

Oat jelly is a valuable drink in traditional Russian cuisine. And it is used not so much to quench thirst, but as a delicacy or a complete snack due to its satiety and thickness. But most importantly, oatmeal jelly, cooked from whole oats, is a healing remedy that has immunostimulating, tonic, and detoxifying properties. The drink is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and many other pathologies.

Fruit and berry jelly

They should be administered after therapeutic fasting has already passed and the peak of the exacerbation has passed. This is approximately 5 days after the onset of a pancreatic attack.

You will need fresh food. It is desirable that they contain as many vitamins and fiber as possible.

The only exceptions are citrus fruits and cranberries. The rest of the fruits and berries can be safely used.

The main components of jelly are starch, water and any fruits and berries. The starch is diluted with cold water and slowly poured into boiling water. As soon as the liquid thickens, finely chopped products are added to it.

For pancreatitis, you can take one ingredient or make an assortment of several.

You cannot cook for a long time; 2 minutes is enough for the products to retain their positive qualities.

After cooking, the jelly should stand and cool on its own, and then it is simply filtered and drunk.

To make the taste sweeter, you can use a sweetener, but it is still better to give preference to honey.

If it is not possible to constantly purchase natural fruits and berries, then they are replaced with dried fruits.

To do this, boil pears, apples, dried apricots and prunes together, and then use the broth itself to prepare jelly.

Another replacement is homemade jams and preserves. Of course, such a drink will already contain much less nutrients. If you drink such a drink, then only during the period of remission.

Jelly diet for ulcers

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“...Who doesn’t know that during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, the first dish that is allowed after breaking a therapeutic hunger strike is oatmeal broth, and then liquid oatmeal.

The oat drink contains the most valuable components for stomach health.

This simple dish provides quick elimination of inflammatory phenomena on the mucous membrane, protects and regenerates it, provides internal comfort, and solves all stomach pain problems. For example, with chronic gastritis and even with an ulcer, the recovery time is reduced, and the long-awaited period of remission increases.

The drink can be made from sourdough. This, as the doctor told me, is the most correct cooking recipe for sick stomachs, because kfir is used as leaven, not yeast. This jelly even restores the intestinal microflora and heals all inflammation in the stomach and intestines. I will describe the recipe in detail.

1. Fermentation . Pour 3-3.5 liters of boiled water, pre-cooled to the temperature of fresh milk, into a 5-liter glass jar. Add 0.5 kg of Hercules oatmeal (pack) and 1/2 cup (100 ml) kefir (without preservatives and chemicals, preferably homemade). Close the jar tightly with a lid, wrap it warmly and put it in a warm place. It is necessary to create conditions so that the jelly is “warm”, otherwise the fermentation processes will not proceed. In winter, it is better to place it near the battery.

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To improve the fermentation process, it is advisable to add 10-15 tbsp to a pack of Hercules. spoons of crushed oatmeal, grinding it to a coarse grind in a coffee grinder. As soon as characteristic separation and the appearance of bubbles are observed in the resulting water suspension of oatmeal, the process has begun. Typically, lactic acid fermentation lasts 1-2 days. It is undesirable to cook longer, it worsens the taste of the jelly.

2. Filtration . After the fermentation process is complete, the mixture is filtered. To do this, you need to have a sedimentation tank and a filter. As a sump, you can use a 5-liter glass jar (you can also use a plastic one for drinking water), and as a filter, take a colander with a hole diameter of 2 mm. Pass the oatmeal mixture through a colander into the jar. The dense sediment that constantly accumulates on the filter is washed with a small amount of cold water, stirring vigorously from time to time. The volume of the washing liquid should be approximately 3 times greater than the original oatmeal suspension. The clot remaining on the filter after washing can be added to baked goods or porridge.

3. Filtrate treatment . The filtrate collected in the settling tank is left there for 16-18 hours, after which two layers are formed in it: the upper one is liquid, the lower one is a white loose sediment. The top layer must be removed through a rubber tube, and the bottom layer is the oat concentrate. It is used to prepare oatmeal jelly, as well as for lactic acid fermentation, when 2 tbsp is added to a water suspension of oatmeal. spoons of this concentrate instead of kefir.

Store oat concentrate in sealed glass jars in the refrigerator for no more than 21 days. As needed, small portions of concentrate are taken from the jar to prepare jelly.

4. Preparation of jelly from concentrate . Stir a few tablespoons of oat concentrate (everyone chooses according to their taste: from 5 to 10 tablespoons) in 2 glasses of cold water, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon, then boil to the desired thickness (5 minutes is enough). At the end of cooking, add salt or sugar, any oil (sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn, mustard, walnut), cool until warm. Eat for breakfast with black bread, jam, fruit or honey.

Kissel for gastritis is a good opportunity to quickly stop inflammation, get rid of pain and heal the ulcer. I only got out of my illness with this jelly.”

Useful properties of the drink

The high amino acid content speeds up the digestion process. As a result, the pancreas is unloaded. The percentage of fat that is found in oats is very easily digestible, so the decoction can be used for pancreatitis without fear.

A large amount of antioxidants found in oats reduces inflammation of the pancreas, the symptoms of which are too bright, and improves the general condition of the patient.

It is known for certain that proteolytic enzymes are recognized as the main destroyer of the thyroid gland, and oats are able to stop their aggressive effects.

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