Is it possible to eat persimmons for ulcers, gastritis, erosion of the stomach, duodenum, pancreatitis of the pancreas, colitis, cholecystitis, gout, liver disease, anemia, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

Despite the huge number of positive reviews about such an incredibly attractive and useful product as persimmon, there is another side to its use, which suggests that it can cause harm to a certain category of consumers. Equally, it can cause both benefit and harm even to a healthy person if you consume its fruits in unlimited quantities and do not listen to what the body is signaling.

It would be appropriate to recall the folk wisdom - everything is good in moderation.

Can persimmons be eaten on an empty stomach? Can persimmons cause stomach pain?

Persimmon is a tasty, but sometimes very dangerous food product. People who regularly suffer from digestive system disorders need to eat this fruit carefully and in limited quantities. In addition, persimmons should never be eaten on an empty stomach (empty stomach)!

The fact is that the berry is rich in pectin and tannins. They are capable of causing “sticking” of those pieces of food that have not been digested. This contributes not just to constipation, but to the formation of “bezoars” - fecal stones that block passage through the intestines and impair peristalsis.

IMPORTANT: This is why a person may feel pain in the stomach after eating persimmon.

Persimmon poisoning: symptoms, what to do?

Some people believe that almost everything in persimmons can be beneficial, which, of course, is not true.
Let's look at why persimmon poisoning occurs, what its symptoms are and what to do in such cases. It can be considered both beneficial and harmful at the same time. Its benefit is that it contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Translated, the name of the fruit means “food of the gods.”

It is useful to take persimmon in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Vitamins C and P have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, strengthening them. The potassium in the fruit also makes it good for the heart.
  2. Thyroid pathologies.
  3. Oncological neoplasms.
  4. Decreased visual acuity.
  5. Liver pathologies.
  6. The appearance of blood on the gums.
  7. Genitourinary diseases. Remember that orange fruits have mild diuretic activity, and therefore it is advisable to use them to prevent stone formation.
  8. Anemia.
  9. Colds (traditional medicine recommends gargling with persimmon juice when you have a cold).
  10. Nervous disorders (bright fruit drives away autumn-winter depression and increases performance).
  11. Women can use it as an excellent cosmetic product.

You can get poisoned by this tasty product if you eat it in large quantities or buy unripe fruits. Unripe persimmons have a very unpleasant taste and can cause the formation of stones in the stomach and esophagus. Tannins stick together food particles in the stomach and can contribute to intestinal blockage. Often in this condition a person requires surgical intervention.

If a person has a stomach problem, then eating persimmon can cause additional intoxication. This often requires surgery to avoid other, more dangerous complications.

A child under 10 years old can be poisoned by fruit even after eating a small piece. His digestive system may not be ready for such food. The child develops diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the stomach area.

Is it possible for older children to eat an exotic dish? Of course, it is possible, but under no circumstances should they overeat. You can also be poisoned by overripe fruit. It may have dark spots or areas of rot. There is no need to think that by cutting off the rotting parts you can avoid intoxication.

Toxins will still enter the body. You can also get poisoned if you don’t wash fruit before eating it.

Finally, some producers remove the fruits when they are not yet fully ripe and treat them with special substances. Because of this, they ripen already on the road. But if such food enters the body, a person may experience various symptoms of poisoning and allergic reactions. So eating fruits of dubious origin is dangerous to health.

It is a mistaken belief that persimmons can be eaten like an apple. Doctors do not recommend eating this fruit with its skin. It contains some components that cause stomach upsets. You should never eat persimmon on an empty stomach, as this can cause severe poisoning.

Symptoms of intoxication occur in people when this fruit is combined with the following products:

  • fish;
  • seafood, especially shrimp;
  • meat products;
  • dairy products.

That is, if a person has recently eaten protein foods, persimmons should not be consumed. The tannins contained in it are capable of gluing proteins together, and they cannot be digested.

Sticky pieces of food can cause stomach pain and constipation.

It must be remembered that the fruit in question is quite heavy for the digestive system, and special care must be taken when consuming it.

Persimmon is prohibited for people who have stomach problems or have recently undergone stomach surgery. When the activity of this organ weakens, a person may develop gastric or intestinal obstruction.

If a person has diabetes or obesity, eating this exotic fruit is strictly prohibited.

You should not eat persimmon if you are poisoned by another food product. This will only worsen the person's condition.

Due to the high content of tannins, the fruit is very dangerous for any disorders of the digestive system.

This fruit is contraindicated for children due to the presence of large amounts of sugars and pectins in it. They can change normal metabolism. The fruit can harm the normal functioning of the digestive system. Tannins are completely contraindicated for children under three years of age.

If the fruit enters the body in large quantities, then after contact with gastric juice, lumps of food will form. In children, they will stick together very quickly, which, in turn, leads to the stomach stopping.

Children can be harmed by significant amounts of iodine. It causes allergic reactions. So if children have hypersensitivity to this chemical element, then it is better not to give them persimmons at all.

Nursing mothers are strictly contraindicated to consume this fruit. The substances contained in it can penetrate into mother's milk and cause poisoning.

Symptoms of persimmon poisoning can occur within a few hours after consuming the spoiled product. The following signs are observed:

  1. Sharp and severe pain in the abdomen.
  2. Darkening and cloudiness in the eyes, blurred vision.
  3. Increase in temperature (sometimes quite significant).
  4. Pain in the head area.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. General weakness.
  7. Tremor of the arms or legs.
  8. Diarrhea.

Severe diarrhea is very dangerous for young children, as it causes severe dehydration.

What to do if a person is poisoned by persimmon? He needs medical attention as soon as possible. Adsorbents help - such as Smecta, Atoxil, Enterosgel.

If there are no such drugs, then the patient can be given activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. It must be crushed and mixed with water. Drink the resulting suspension.

It is extremely important to provide the victim with peace.

To prevent dehydration, the patient must be given plenty of fluids. It's best if it's warm. Giving the victim tea, and especially coffee, is prohibited: such drinks will additionally cause dehydration. Hot and alcoholic drinks are strictly contraindicated: they activate the absorption of toxic substances into the blood.

In severe conditions, a person may require qualified medical care.

Doctors will hospitalize you, and in a hospital setting, the person will be administered intravenously and infusionally with antiemetic, antimicrobial, painkillers and restorative drugs.

The required list of medications for treatment is compiled only by the attending physician. Any amateur activity is strictly prohibited.

Is it possible to eat persimmon after poisoning? In the first days, of course not. Moreover, the poisoned person must adhere to a special diet. Its main principles:

  • Any solid or heavy food is excluded.
  • On the first day after poisoning, it is advisable to use therapeutic fasting: the patient is only advised to drink plenty of fluids.
  • In the first few days, it is advisable to drink more compotes.
  • Good food would be biscuits and wheat crackers.
  • Alcohol is prohibited.
  • You should not give a person salty, fried or smoked food.

In case of poisoning, you can take a mild laxative. It helps remove toxins from the intestines. In the initial stage of poisoning, as soon as undesirable symptoms make themselves felt, gastric lavage can be performed. To do this, use warm water to which a little soda and salt are added.

You can dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate in it (the water should be light pink). However, if symptoms of gastric or intestinal obstruction appear, then gastric lavage is strictly prohibited: it can cause severe gastrointestinal diseases, and the person can only be saved with emergency surgery.

It is also necessary to call a doctor if, after washing the stomach and taking the sorbent, the person’s condition worsens. Further treatment in this case can only be carried out in a hospital setting.

: persimmon – who is it useful and who is contraindicated?

There are several simple recommendations to help avoid possible intoxication. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. You should buy persimmons only from trusted retail outlets and avoid shopping at spontaneous markets. Here they are most dangerous, since they are treated with pesticides, and the products are unlikely to have a hygiene certificate.
  2. You need to buy ripe and aromatic fruits. Even if they have small black dots on them, you need to refuse the purchase.
  3. Before eating persimmons, you need to rinse them well under running water.
  4. If you experience any unpleasant sensations while consuming the product, you should not eat it. This indicates that an allergic reaction has begun.
  5. Small children should not be given such a treat. And adults should eat no more than three fruits.

Persimmon is undoubtedly beneficial for humans. However, if you eat it in large quantities, symptoms of poisoning may occur. It is especially dangerous to eat unripe and overripe fruits.

Persons with a tendency to allergies, as well as young children, are better off avoiding exotic foods altogether.

If signs of poisoning appear, it should be treated immediately, and in severe cases, call an ambulance.


How long does it take for persimmon to be digested in the stomach?

Digesting persimmons is a long and lengthy process that has its pros and cons. Persimmon is good because it gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, but it is dangerous because the digestion of this product lasts 3-4 hours. That is why nutritionists recommend eating persimmons separately from other foods (not combining them with other difficult-to-digest foods) and not overeating the fruits.

How can and cannot you eat persimmon?

Is it possible to eat persimmons with chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas?

Many people like persimmon, but what about those who suffer from pancreatic inflammation? The assimilation of the fruit, or rather its sugars that it contains, requires the production of insulin by the body. It is the pancreas that produces insulin.

This becomes an obstacle to eating persimmon for those who suffer from pancreatitis (especially in acute forms). In addition, tannin, which is so abundant in persimmons, provokes constipation and intestinal obstruction, which negatively affects the entire digestive process.

IMPORTANT: You can eat persimmons during pancreatitis, but in small portions and when you are not experiencing acute forms. You should not “overload” the pancreas, so as not to aggravate your condition.

How to eat persimmon during the period of remission of the disease:

  • Provide a kind of complementary feeding by eating only 1 tsp. pulp per day.
  • Increase your persimmon portion regularly
  • Eat persimmons separately from other foods, but not on an empty stomach.
  • For food, choose only sweet persimmons, such as honey or chocolate kinglets.

IMPORTANT: To avoid harming yourself, do not eat the skin of the persimmon, eat only the pulp with a spoon. The skin of the fruit is quite rough and very difficult to split.

Can persimmons be consumed by those who suffer from pancreatitis?


Despite its undoubted benefits, eating this fruit is not beneficial for everyone. People suffering from pancreatitis and metabolic disorders should avoid it. The pulp and juice of the plant contain a large amount of sugars and create an increased load.

People recovering from gastrointestinal surgery should not eat the fruit. It is rich in substances with a regenerative orientation. Therefore, saturating the body too quickly can activate the proliferation of connective tissue and the formation of adhesions.

The berry is not recommended for patients suffering from inflammation of the pancreas due to its astringent and tanning properties. They can lead to relapse.

Persimmon for gastritis of the atrophic type of stomach is too difficult to digest.

Is it possible to eat persimmons if you have colitis or cholecystitis?

Persimmon is unique in that it contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and other microelements. Pectin, which is very abundant in persimmons, makes the fruit a dietary product. That is why this berry is allowed to be introduced into their diet by those who suffer from a disease such as colitis or cholecystitis.

In order not to harm your body, choose fruits that are as ripe as possible or as sweet as possible (by the way, sugars in fruits are no more than 20%). For colitis and cholecystitis, you can use both fresh and cooked persimmons (jelly, compotes, soufflés, preserves, marmalade).

What does a healthy persimmon look like?

Persimmons that are good for the intestines should not contain even a hint of astringency - the berries should be ripe and sweet.

A good gut-friendly persimmon is round in shape and bright orange in color, with the flesh literally showing through the thin skin. The best choice is a fruit with brown stripes surrounding its entire circumference, as well as a dry stalk. And don’t forget that ripe persimmons always exude a pleasant and rich aroma.

Fruits that meet all the characteristics mentioned above contain a large amount of coarse fiber, which, when it enters the intestines, begins to stimulate it. In addition, the described fruits contain the maximum concentration of all possible vitamins.

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Is it possible to eat persimmons if you have gout?

Gout is an unpleasant and chronic disease, which, first of all, is a consequence of impaired metabolism in the body. As a result, uric salts and water are deposited on the joints and bones. The diet for gout should always be “diuretic” and highly fortified.

Why are persimmons good for gout patients?

  • It has a strong diuretic effect on the body, expelling excess water from the body and helping it not to stagnate in soft tissues.
  • Persimmon restores tone to the body, which is so lacking during illness.
  • The performance of the body, which is fueled by persimmon, is always higher and more active.
  • Fiber contained in persimmon improves digestion
  • A rich supply of microelements improves the functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary organs.

Persimmon is a valuable and nutritious food product for those who adhere to diets

Is it possible to eat persimmons if you have heartburn?

Heartburn is a burning sensation that originates in the stomach and is felt throughout the sternum. Heartburn is an excessive increase in acidity. You can “calm down” heartburn and make it go away easier with the help of “non-acidic” foods. Persimmons, for example, contain very few acids and a lot of fiber, which “blocks” the exacerbation of heartburn.

IMPORTANT: However, fruits that are too tart and sweet should be avoided so as not to make heartburn unbearable.

What features do persimmons have?

Why are persimmons harmful?

First of all, it can cause allergies and individual intolerance, especially in children. A berry like persimmon, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, has a tart taste that not everyone likes. Those who have undergone intestinal surgery or are prone to constipation and obstruction should avoid eating Chinese peach. Speaking about the dangers of persimmons, one cannot help but recall diabetics who are forced to constantly monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood. Its indefatigable use can provoke the development of hyperglycemic coma, and this is very dangerous.

The glycemic index of persimmon varies within 50, and this is considered an average value, so it should be consumed in doses. Obese and overweight people are interested in it only as a source of fiber and pectin, so it is better not to rely on this berry alone, but to eat it along with other fruits and also vegetables. Everything is good in moderation, and this especially applies to winter cherries.

Who among us does not like to enjoy the ripe and sweet persimmon fruits that appear in stores at the beginning of winter. Its tart, astringent taste cannot be confused with anything else.

This wonderful fruit came to us from Japan, where it was previously brought from China. Currently, several hundred varieties are known. But on the shelves of our Stores we most often see varieties: wren, tart Caucasian and sweet (chocolate) Japanese.

An interesting fact is that the tree on which this multi-seed berry grows belongs to the genus of expensive species of ebony trees, used in the furniture industry to make expensive products.

Persimmons are eaten fresh and dried. Dried fruits also contain many useful microelements. But let's talk about everything in order.

What is so remarkable about this exotic fruit? What beneficial substances does it contain? What are the benefits of persimmon and to whom is it contraindicated?

Let's find out what the experts say.

The pulp of ripe persimmon fruits contains in large quantities:

  • vitamins A – it is beta-carotene that gives the beautiful yellow-red color;
  • vitamin C, which promotes vascular elasticity;
  • B vitamins,
  • trace elements - magnesium, manganese and copper, phosphorus and iron, potassium and calcium, sodium and iodine.

Is it possible to eat persimmon with thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland?

Persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. This is one of the few foods that has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, restoring its function and helping to produce vital hormones. Persimmon strengthens the immune system, protects against vitamin deficiency and enhances the body's protective functions.

IMPORTANT: With thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland, persimmon helps restore the functioning of this internal organ and normalize the body's metabolism.

The benefits of persimmon for the lungs

Beta-carotene and provitamin A strengthen the walls of the lungs, supporting their functions. Persimmon is especially recommended for smokers.

Persimmon is an excellent preventative against thyroid diseases due to its fairly high iodine content.

Persimmon resists the action of staphylococci, hay and E. coli, and colds. Capable of healing wounds, burns, inflammations, boils - you need to apply either the fruit itself or a lotion with its juice.

Persimmon pulp with egg yolk is an excellent acne mask.

Persimmon juice diluted with water is an excellent gargle for coughs and bleeding gums.

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