Exercises for constipation to improve bowel function

Exercise for constipation is an excellent replacement for laxatives. Correctly selected gymnastics allows you to move the intestines, forcing them to work in the right rhythm. The advantage of daily exercise is that it not only helps restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also improves the body's metabolic processes and normalizes blood circulation, giving strength and energy.

Recipes, menus and diet products

Warm mineral water

Some mineral waters containing sulfates enhance the motor function of the intestines throughout its entire length. If there are no contraindications from the stomach or other organs (it is better to consult a doctor about this), you can drink this water on an empty stomach in the morning. Take 0.5 liters of mineral water, having first opened and released the gas from it. Heat gently to a pleasant, non-burning temperature and drink in small sips with a teaspoon of honey. Then lie down for a while, or at least spend half an hour in a calm environment. The result will not be long in coming.

How to quickly get rid of constipation?

Constipation can occur periodically due to a person’s consumption of a large amount of “strengthening” and gas-forming products the day before, or it can be a permanent condition resulting from existing diseases. Exercises for constipation help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract only if they are performed regularly.

For an urgent need to relieve a person of bloating, it is recommended to use more effective methods. Methods for quickly relieving constipation vary depending on the age and health of the person who needs help.

To establish the gastrointestinal tract system for a child or expectant mother, it is permissible to use only methods recommended by a pediatrician or gynecologist. This is due to the vulnerability of their bodies and the high risk of having a negative impact on the health of these categories of people using untested methods, including medications aimed at relieving bloating.

Whole grain bread and cereals

The main cause of constipation, not complicated by medical pathology, is a lack of coarse fiber and plant fibers in food. A lack of coarse fiber contributes to chronic constipation, in which food debris along with the toxins they contain continue to accumulate in the intestines and adversely affect its mucous membrane for a long time. To help the intestines, one of the main dishes in your diet should be porridge - oatmeal is best, but you can alternate it with buckwheat, rice, millet and others. Regular porridge, and not cereals and muesli, especially oatmeal eaten for breakfast, has a beneficial effect on the intestines and promotes proper and regular bowel movements.

Whole grain bread works the same way. If constipation has already become a serious, regular problem, try eating porridge and whole grain bread for a week - the problem will resolve itself. In addition, if you are predisposed to constipation, exclude strong tea, coffee, chocolate, rice and semolina porridge, and white butter bread from your diet.

The main advantages of exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercises for hemorrhoids are the only method that can change the quality of life of a person suffering from this disease. Physical impact on the body is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum, lower limbs and buttocks. The set of exercises for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids should include breathing elements, which helps improve the circulatory system throughout the body.

Strength training and heavy lifting are contraindicated for prolapsed hemorrhoids. During an exacerbation of the disease, you should also avoid light physical activities, replacing them with long walks.

Each exercise for hemorrhoids is designed specifically to strengthen the muscles in the abdominal area, perineum, buttocks and restore natural blood circulation in the pelvic area. Exercises are performed taking into account the dosing of loads, improves the functioning of the cardiac and vascular system, muscular and ligamentous apparatus, as well as internal organs. This helps ensure effective blood outflow from the pelvic organs, lower extremities, and swollen hemorrhoids.

For therapeutic purposes, you should not resort to isometric loads, which are accompanied by prolonged muscle tension and straining. Such an effect promotes stagnation of blood in the rectum and lower extremities, accelerating the course of pathological processes.

Vegetarian food

Any plant food contains fiber in excess, which cleanses the intestines. Therefore, vegetarians do not even know what constipation is. Meat and meat products, as well as animal fats contained in milk, cheese, sour cream, butter, contribute to the concentration of waste and the high content of bile acids in them, which not only provokes constipation, but also makes them dangerous for the intestinal mucosa. Pectins have the exact opposite effect, which are delicate fibers that are beneficial for the mucous membrane, cleansing it like a soft sponge. There are a lot of them in baked apples, pumpkins, and zucchini. Try eating for a while with an excess of plant fiber in your diet, and you will forget about intestinal problems. Vinaigrette with vegetable oil, salads made from raw cabbage, carrots and apples, and greens are very useful.

The benefits of exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

Hemorrhoids are one of the types of varicose veins, during which the blood supply to the vessels in the anal area is disrupted.

The following factors provoke this phenomenon:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • eating disorder;
  • systemic diseases causing diarrhea or constipation;
  • special conditions of the body, such as pregnancy or sudden weight gain.

Hemorrhoids can also occur after nervous stress or due to unconventional sexual positions.

An acute condition requires traditional treatment, with conservative therapy or surgery. But removal of hemorrhoids cannot be a guarantee that pinching will not recur.

The best prevention of hemorrhoids is to improve the blood supply to the vessels of the anal area. Without special gymnastics for hemorrhoids, the exercises of which are specially designed to strengthen the tone of the sphincter muscles, it is impossible to prevent the disease.

In addition, special exercises tone the intestines, improving peristalsis. And this is very important for frequent constipation.

Massage and gymnastics for the abdomen

To free the intestines, massage your abdomen. This will help awaken the muscles that provide peristalsis, moving the masses filling the intestines to their final destination. For 2–5 minutes, use soft, slightly pressing movements along the abdomen in a clockwise direction, lightly pressing your hand on the intestines. Special gymnastics also helps. For example, try this exercise: get on your knees, inhale, then lower your forehead to the floor, raising your arms up. This exercise improves intra-abdominal pressure and enhances peristalsis of the intestinal muscles. Don’t forget about walking and any other physical activity at least an hour a day - a sedentary lifestyle and lack of movement create the foundation for constipation.

Article from the newspaper: “AiF. Health" No. 22 02/06/2011

5 exercises to make your stomach and intestines work like clockwork

These exercises are extremely effective in removing gases from the stomach and intestines. These exercises are a magical cure for constipation and indigestion.

Before starting the exercises, the body and mind should be calm and relaxed.

Exercise: Leg Rotation

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, place your arms along your body - this is the starting position.

Raise (without bending) your right leg and rotate it 10 times clockwise and the same number counterclockwise.

Do the same with your left leg.

Rest for a while, then raise both legs (do not bend your knees and press them tightly together). Do 10 rotations with both legs clockwise, and then the same in the opposite direction.

Note: While performing this exercise, keep your entire body, including your head, lying still on the floor. At the end of the exercise, rest until your breathing returns to normal. Don't overexert yourself.

Exercise: Bicycle pedaling

Stage 1: Raise your right leg and do 10 movements like pedaling a bicycle, and then do 10 similar movements in the opposite direction.
Do the same with your left leg.

Stage 2: With both legs, pedal 10 times forward and 10 in the opposite direction.

Stage 3: Now bring your legs together and perform 10 forward pedals and then 10 reverse pedals.

Note: After completing the exercise, remain on your back until your breathing returns to normal. Don't overexert yourself.

Exercise: Leg Lock Pose

Stage 1: Take the starting position lying on your back. Lifting your right leg, bend it at the knee and press your thigh to your chest. Interlace your fingers and place them on your knee.

Inhale deeply and exhale completely, holding your breath as you exhale. While holding your breath, raise your head and try to touch your knee with your nose. Then inhale and slowly return to the supine position. Relax your whole body. Do this 10 times with each leg.

Stage 2: Starting position is the same as in stage 1.

Bend both legs and clasp your knees with your hands. Perform the above-described head lift and nose touch to the knees 10 times; Monitor your breathing carefully (stage 1).

Benefit: These exercises massage the abdominal cavity. They are extremely effective in removing gas and relieving constipation.

Exercise: Rolling from side to side

Stage 1: Lie on your back. Bend both legs, bringing your hips toward your chest.

Interlace the fingers of both hands and place them behind your head at the back of your head.

Keeping your elbows pressed to the floor, roll your body from side to side.

Do 10 rolls in each direction.

Stage 2: In the same starting position as Stage 1, wrap your hands around your knees and begin to rock forward and backward while lying on your spine.

When rolling forward, try to squat down, leaning on both feet.

Note: When performing these exercises, use a double-folded blanket as a bedding to avoid injury to your back. Make sure your head doesn't hit the floor.

Limitations: This exercise should not be performed by people with structural disorders of the spine.

Benefits: The exercise massages the back, buttocks and thighs. It will provide the best benefit if done in the morning, immediately after waking up from sleep.

Exercise: Boat Rower Pose

Stage 1: Lie on your back, legs extended, hands on the floor at the sides of your body, palms down.

Inhale and lift your legs, arms, head and torso. The head and feet should be raised no more than one foot (30 cm) from the floor.

Hands should be directed along the line of the legs; The palms are level with the toes.

Hold this position for a period of time that is convenient for you. Then exhale and slowly return to the starting position.

Relax your whole body. Perform this asana five times.

Stage 2: Repeat the same exercise, but this time in an elevated position, clench your fists and tense your entire body as hard as possible.

Exhaling, quickly (but carefully) return to the starting position.

Relax your whole body.

Breathing: Inhale as you lift your body. Exhale as you return to the starting position.

Note: The top position should be held until the abdominal muscles begin to vibrate.

Benefits: This exercise is very good for relaxing muscles and joints.

It should be done in the morning when you get out of bed after a night's sleep. It is useful for nervous, tense people, as it brings quick and deep relaxation. Expels stomach and intestinal worms, improves the digestion process and stimulates peristalsis.

Positive effects of exercise on the body for constipation

Gymnastics for constipation in the elderly has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It will help activate peristalsis, normalize regular bowel movements and prevent serious complications of constipation, including hemorrhoids, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, etc.

Regular physical activity has a number of benefits:

  1. Stimulation of intestinal motility. Physical activity stimulates the muscle fibers of the intestine, which activates its motility, and also accelerates the movement of feces through the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Acceleration of metabolic processes. Constant physical activity activates metabolic processes, accelerating the absorption of nutrients and elements, as well as their entry into the bloodstream.
  3. Optimization of blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract. Physical activity increases blood circulation in the digestive organs. Thus, they receive more nutrients and their functionality improves.

Of course, to achieve such a positive therapeutic effect from physical activity, older people do not need to visit the gym. It is enough to perform a number of exercises at home, but do it regularly.

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