Aloe for gastritis: how to take it to treat the stomach

Read more about aloe vera

Aloe arborescens (agagave) is a perennial plant that in nature sometimes grows up to 3-4 meters in height. It is grown as an indoor flower in many homes and is valued not only for its medicinal properties, but also for its decorative appearance, since many varieties of aloe often bloom with unusual exotic flowers at home.

Agave has many very valuable properties: it is an anti-inflammatory agent, heals wounds and cuts well, stimulates the immune system, relieves pain, and cleanses the body of toxins. Aloe is also an excellent antimicrobial agent; it acts on staphylococci, streptococci, pathogens of dysentery and diphtheria. Aloe is also known as a powerful biostimulant, containing various minerals and vitamins.

Aloe has also proven itself well as a remedy for treating stomach diseases. To prepare the medicine, aloe is mixed with honey, red wine, walnuts, and an alcohol tincture is made. Treatment is carried out in courses; Agave, like other medicinal plants, cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. When carrying out treatment, they use different options for using aloe - fresh crushed leaves, freshly squeezed juice, syrup, extract or sabur (condensed juice obtained by evaporation).

Popular recipes for aloe with honey

In addition to the classic recipe, which was described in detail above, there are others. Let's look at the most effective of them.

Recipe 1

For people predisposed to increased acidity and inflammatory processes in the stomach, the following recipe is definitely suitable. For 30 days you need to drink 10 drops of juice before meals. The course can be taken every 6 months.

Recipe 2

Eat a clean leaf for 3 weeks. Chew it thoroughly and be sure to drink a glass of water.

Recipe 3

For the chronic type of the disease, the following use option has shown high effectiveness. You need to mix 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed juice with 200 ml of natural honey, a glass of red, preferably natural wine. The mixture is infused for 7 days, taken one tablespoon once a day.

Sometimes vodka is used instead of wine, but then the ratio of components will be different. For one part of aloe juice, take the same amount of honey and 2 parts of vodka. After thorough mixing, the mixture is infused for 40 days and placed in the cold. Also take a tablespoon.

Recipe 4

A combination of carrots and honey gives a good result. For 0.5 cups of aloe juice, take the same amount of honey and 15 grams. grated carrots.

Recipe 5

Patients with erosive gastritis should take into account the following recipe. Olive oil, natural honey and freshly squeezed juice are mixed in equal proportions. Then take a tablespoon 30 minutes before breakfast.

In case of exacerbation, the following recipe will help relieve pain and inflammation. In one container mix butter (a tablespoon), 2 tablespoons of honey, 200 g of sour cream, novocaine (5 ml). The finished mixture is divided into 2 parts. The first is drunk immediately, the second after 15 minutes.

Whatever recipe you choose, it is worth remembering one important rule. Any methods of using aloe for stomach diseases should always be agreed with your doctor. He will not only suggest the best method of treatment, but also give valuable recommendations regarding nutrition, therapeutic diet, medications, etc.

For those who do not have free time or do not have access to such a huge number of plants, we can recommend aloe vera. The product is available in the form of juice, jelly and even gel, completely ready for use.

Benefits of aloe

There are a huge number of therapeutic properties of aloe for gastritis:

  • Promotes rapid tissue restoration and wound healing;
  • Reduces inflammatory and painful phenomena, which is especially important for various types of gastritis, for example, with the erosive form;
  • Has an immunomodulatory effect. Excellently improves local and general immunity;
  • Effectively fights bacteria; the effect of taking aloe is sometimes compared to antibiotic therapy;
  • Protects the walls of the stomach from the burning influence of stomach acid;
  • Reduces high acidity;
  • Has a choleretic effect;
  • Reduces the risk of stomach and duodenal cancer.

When using aloe for gastritis, you should not forget about the doses and concentration of the medicinal substance, because in large volumes the plant juice can harm the gastric mucosa. For this reason, aloe for gastritis is mainly used with honey.

How can aloe help with low acidity?

This form of the disease is accompanied by other, even more unpleasant symptoms. Consuming aloe tincture in precise proportions will help reduce bloating and eliminate nausea. The medicinal plant significantly improves immunity and helps fight illness.

So, how exactly to treat hypoacid gastritis:

  1. Freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. Use one teaspoon for a month.
  2. Dandelion juice is mixed with aloe in a 1:2 ratio. Use on an empty stomach - one teaspoon per day will be enough.
  3. 1/4 cup of water will be the basis for preparing a very effective and healthy drink. Plantain juice, aloe, and raspberry leaves are added to it in equal proportions - 1 tablespoon each. The recommended dosage is 0.5 cups on an empty stomach.

Useful properties of agave

Aloe contains about 20 amino acids. It contains a huge amount of vitamins that are characterized by antioxidant properties. We are talking about vitamins A, C, E and group B.

The plant is rich in minerals: it contains calcium, selenium, chromium, copper, manganese and magnesium, potassium and zinc, sodium.

In addition, the composition includes alanine and emodin, which are characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Agave has many healing properties, thanks to which it is effectively used in the treatment of gastritis. These include:

  1. Regenerative. The use of aloe accelerates tissue restoration. Due to this property, the plant is often used externally, but it has the same effect on the mucous membrane.
  2. Antibacterial. The chemical composition of the plant ensures the destruction of pathogenic microflora of the stomach. It should be taken into account that when taken orally, it will affect not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria, which can lead to dysbacteriosis. This side effect can be combated by combining the use of aloe with fermented milk products rich in probiotics.
  3. Immunomodulatory. This property allows you to reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, in particular E. coli, which can trigger the development of gastritis.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. Due to this effect, aloe helps to cope with the symptoms of the erosive form of gastritis, as well as gastritis with high acidity.

How to use a remedy for gastritis?

The beneficial properties of aloe are related to its chemical composition. This plant contains:

  • coumaric, cinnamic, citric, isocitric, malic and succinic acids;
  • polysaccharides that promote the binding and removal of radioactive substances and toxins;
  • resins and tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals - zinc, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron;
  • vitamins - C, E, A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12.

In folk and official medicine, aloe juice is used as a remedy that:

  • promotes rapid tissue regeneration;
  • has a strong bactericidal effect;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • helps with atrophic gastritis, restoring cell activity;
  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • has a local astringent effect.

Such actions of aloe juice make it possible to use it for almost all forms of inflammation and damage to the gastric mucosa.

You can use indoor succulents to combat gastritis in different ways. Some people prefer to prepare their own medicinal products from the leaves of the plant. Others believe that the aloe vera tincture for gastritis produced by the pharmaceutical industry is trustworthy, so there is no need to waste time preparing fresh juice.

The problem with using aloe for inflammation of the gastric mucosa is that different forms of gastritis require treatment with various tinctures, mixtures, infusions and decoctions.


If you decide to be treated for gastritis or ulcers with agave, do not forget about the contraindications. It's better to talk to your doctor in advance. You cannot be treated with aloe if you have:

  • digestive dysfunction;
  • there are severe diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • any chronic diseases, if there was an exacerbation;
  • high blood pressure, hypertension;
  • with uterine bleeding, during critical days.

Juice should not be given to children under three years of age; according to other sources, up to 14 years of age. There is evidence that aloe contains substances that have a bad effect on the development of the child’s cardiovascular system. In rare cases, this remedy can be used, but if the child is older than 1 year, and in small proportions, the concentration of the juice should be several times less than what is written in the recipe. Also, pregnant women should not be treated with this method, especially if they take it orally in large doses. This may cause a miscarriage.

Is aloe good for the stomach?

According to statistics, gastrointestinal diseases are increasingly being found in people. Excess fatty junk food, ignoring the rules of healthy eating, poor lifestyle - all this, along with bacteria and viruses, leads to gastritis or even ulcers. Stomach diseases cause great inconvenience and require immediate treatment.

The “cure” is at your fingertips. It can be prepared from a seemingly ordinary ornamental plant - aloe. The plant has many beneficial properties that help cope with gastrointestinal diseases:

  • antibacterial effect - natural components help the body destroy dangerous microorganisms and actively participate in the fight against the virus;
  • antioxidant – natural antioxidant agent;
  • promotes wound healing - is widely used in the treatment of ulcerative lesions (the regulating effect promotes the restoration of the mucous membrane and scarring of wounds). Aloe vera for acne.

You can take aloe juice as a medicinal drink.

Things to consider

What else should be remembered by those who will drink a healing drink from aloe for gastritis or peptic ulcers? It is important to follow the dosage. If you get carried away and drink too much of the juice of this plant, you will overdose on anthraglycosides, symptoms of poisoning will appear, the intestines will become inflamed, there will be blood in the urine, and possible diarrhea, also with blood.

Aloe has a bactericidal effect, but it does not choose which microorganisms to destroy: along with the pathogenic intestinal microflora, it also removes the necessary flora, which often leads to the appearance of dysbiosis. Therefore, if you are being treated with it, take care of preserving the microflora of the stomach - eat yoghurts or take probiotics. You should not eat the whole leaves. Their peel contains aloin. In large doses, this substance is dangerous, it leads to the development of cancer.

Aloe juice is not recommended for women over 40, when they experience preclimactic changes and have an increased risk of tumors. American experts conducted an experiment. They gave rats large doses of an extract of this plant, which was obtained from its leaves. Half of the experimental animals developed both malignant and benign tumors in the large intestine.

Juice in its purest form

If you take ten drops of aloe juice every day half an hour before meals, this will be an excellent prevention of any stomach diseases. The juice has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti-carcinogenic effects on the body. The course of treatment is two months, and for prevention it is taken twice a year for a month.

With honey

The invaluable qualities of aloe are enhanced if honey is added to the mixture. This composition is especially useful for gastritis with low acidity. The medicine is prepared in a 1:1 ratio and taken two tablespoons before each meal.

With vodka

The composition of this mixture is prepared in a 2:1 ratio, where two portions of aloe juice and one portion of vodka. Then the tincture is kept in a dark, cold place for ten days. You need to consume this composition one tablespoon before meals. It should be remembered that tinctures with alcohol are contraindicated for pregnant women and children!

Mode of application

In any form of aloe for the treatment of gastritis, it is recommended to use it on an empty stomach, since this remedy should act directly on the walls of the stomach.

You need to take the juice 3 times a day, 10 drops half an hour before meals. The treatment course lasts 1 month. It should be carried out during an exacerbation period.

During remission, preventive courses are advisable. At this time, you need to take fresh juice 1 time per day, the same number of drops, in the morning on an empty stomach. Such courses, conducted 2 times a year, will not only completely cure gastritis, but also prevent relapse.

Drink 1 tbsp of wine tincture on an empty stomach. l. 2 times a day - morning and evening. Tincture with alcohol or vodka should be taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. You should drink the tincture not in its pure form, but by stirring it in 50 ml of water.

Why is aloe recommended to be consumed with honey?

Sweetening a specific flavor is not the only reason to add honey. The unusual combination is explained by the healing properties of the beekeeping product:

  1. Normalizes acidity levels, eliminates characteristic manifestations of gastritis such as nausea and heartburn.
  2. Contains folic acid, vitamins.
  3. Strengthens the central nervous system.
  4. Boosts immunity and improves overall well-being.

Both components complement each other and enhance their healing properties. Therefore, aloe with honey really works for gastritis.

Ulcer treatment

In order for aloe leaves to contain the maximum amount of useful substances, the plant must be at least three years old.

The lower and middle leaves are cut off from it, since it is in them that the biologically active substances are concentrated.

You should not keep them exposed to open air for a long time, more than 4-5 hours.

When acidity is low, a certain diet is recommended so that the gastric mucosa can return to a healthy state. To support the body in producing gastric juice and eliminating inflammation, traditional medicine has very useful recipes.


  • honey – 0.5 kg;
  • aloe leaves – 500 g;
  • sweet red wine – 500 ml.

Quite often, folk remedies recommended for use for gastritis, in addition to honey, are aloe juice and pulp. And aloe for gastritis is a fairly effective medicine.

Remember that you will not be able to cure this disease using traditional methods alone. They can be used, but as a supplement, you should not give up medications and diet.

Before taking them, ask your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications. How is gastritis treated with aloe? Many people believe that it is not necessary to prepare any remedies; you can take the plant just like that, that is, pick its leaf and chew it.

How to drink this juice? You can take it fresh. This is a popular recipe for gastritis and ulcers. It is necessary to take fresh juice three times before meals, 1 dessert spoon each. Or prepare the following mixture: 100 g honey (liquid) 15 g juice 100 g goose fat 100 g cocoa. Take 1 tbsp. l. medicine, diluting it in a glass of warm milk, between snacks.

Effective recipes

Is aloe used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers? Yes, they use it, since this remedy treats the disease itself, helps strengthen the immune system, etc. How to drink aloe for duodenal and stomach ulcers?

Folk remedies using honey are not recommended for frequent diarrhea. The bee product has a mild laxative effect. Contraindications also include individual allergic reactions and diabetes. Recipes with honey and aloe are not suitable for patients with a history of polyps and various types of tumors, as well as pregnant women and those suffering from arterial hypertension.

Treatment with folk remedies is usually carried out using liquid honey. The best honey for the stomach is flower, linden, acacia, buckwheat, and chestnut. Patients respond well to honey with propolis. Propolis is considered a powerful natural antibiotic. Possessing an antimicrobial effect, it is able to act on Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastric erosions and ulcers.

For those suffering from stomach pain, it is not recommended to eat more than 200 g of honey per day. Keep in mind that 1 tablespoon is 20-25 g of honey. Try to use honey to displace sugar from your diet. Tasty and aromatic honey is better and easier for humans to digest.

For the treatment of various forms of gastritis, a special medicine based on aloe is required. For example, with low acidity levels, aloe eliminates flatulence, restores affected tissues and increases secretory functions.


Treatment of the lungs with the mixture “Cahors honey aloe honey” is advisable for bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases associated with lung damage. The medicine also helps against coughs caused by bronchial or pulmonary diseases.

Cut 350 g of leaves, mix with 250 g of honey. Place the mixture in a 2-liter glass jar, pour in a “cocktail” of 1/2 glass of vodka and 3 glasses of Cahors. Every other day the medicine can be consumed. Take 2-3 tsp. 3 times a day.

Reception - as in the above recipes. Course – 1.5 months.

  • 1How to prepare the product?
  • 2Tincture for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
  • 3Addition to the treatment plan
  • 4Existing contraindications

How to properly prepare juice?

Extract or just aloe juice for gastritis promotes a speedy recovery. The substances included in the composition perfectly stimulate and give amazing results for various secretion disorders, be it erosive or atrophic gastritis.

Getting fresh juice is easy. The leaves are cut off and kept in a cool place for three weeks. Both closed containers and regular bags will do. 20 days is enough for the concentration of nutrients to reach its peak.

The next stage is washing and drying. The peeled leaves are crushed using a meat grinder or blender. If you have a juicer at home, you can use it. If not, you can use gauze to squeeze out the juice. Then it is mixed with a spoon of honey.

Lifehack for those who have access to several aloe flowerpots. The older the plant, the more benefits it will bring. The best option is 3 or 4 year old aloe.

Treatment of gastritis with aloe

To treat gastritis, both agave extract and freshly squeezed juice of the plant leaves are used. The plant extract is obtained by drying the juice of the leaves and is called sabur. Biogenic stimulants are obtained from the plant juice. They are considered the most effective in treating all forms of gastritis.

To do this, you need to store cut aloe leaves in the refrigerator for about 20 days. Thanks to storage, the maximum concentration of biogenic stimulants in the leaves is achieved. It is better if they are stored in a tightly closed container or bag.

The leaves must then be washed, peeled and crushed to obtain juice. You can use regular gauze, a blender, a juicer or a meat grinder. The juice is ready. It must be taken only fresh. Due to its pronounced bitter taste, the juice is often mixed with honey. It must be remembered that for medicinal purposes it is better to use a plant that has stood for more than one year. The older it is, the more useful it is. Aloe treatment is individual. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Ways to use aloe for gastritis:

  • recipe one: ten drops of freshly squeezed juice should be taken half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment is about a month;
  • recipe two: freshly picked and peeled aloe leaf is thoroughly chewed and washed down with boiled water on an empty stomach every day. This treatment should last about three weeks several times a year;
  • agave with honey: to prepare the mass, you need to grind the leaves of the plant to a homogeneous consistency. The honey is slightly warmed up and poured into a container. Then the agave is mixed with honey. As a rule, a 1:1 ratio is used. A teaspoon of the resulting mass is taken half an hour before each main meal. Treatment lasts about 2-3 weeks:
  • aloe using red wine : to prepare this tincture you need to get half a glass of squeezed agave, mix it with honey and add 400 ml of wine. The tincture is stored for 2 weeks in the refrigerator and taken a spoonful before meals;
  • aloe tincture with mint: three tablespoons of mint leaves are infused in 300 ml of water and mixed with agave juice (50 ml). Take a glass of the tincture before meals. Treatment lasts about a month;
  • aloe tincture with vodka: it is prepared with honey mixed with agave juice (a glass) and 200 ml of vodka. The resulting mixture is infused in a dark place for 40 days. Then store in the refrigerator and consume half an hour before meals, one tablespoon at a time. Treatment lasts 20 days with a break of 3 months, then repeat.

How to take aloe juice for gastritis

Taking aloe juice as a therapeutic measure should last about 2 months, for preventive measures - 1 month twice a year.

Drink aloe juice with honey for gastritis, 1 tsp. before eating. The finished mixture is stored in a cool place and is good for only a day.

There are a lot of recipes for treating gastritis with aloe and honey; let’s look at some of them, which are famous for their particular effectiveness.

For medicinal purposes, take aloe juice for gastritis according to the following recipes:

  • Twice a year for 3 weeks, you need to eat a clean aloe leaf on an empty stomach, chewing it thoroughly and drinking water;
  • Mix crushed thick aloe leaves with slightly warmed honey (up to 40°) and drink 1 tsp. from 14 to 21 days. The mixture is prepared in a 1:1 ratio;
  • A fairly effective recipe for chronic gastritis: combine half a glass of fresh juice with honey (200g) + 1 glass of dry red grape wine. Let this mixture brew for 7 days, drink 1 tbsp. a day before meals;
  • Take one part aloe juice, 1 part honey, 2 parts vodka - mix thoroughly and leave in a dark place for about 40 days, then place the mixture in a cold place. Also use 1 tbsp;
  • 0.5 cups honey + 0.5 cups aloe juice + 15g grated carrots. The prepared mixture is consumed once a day;
  • A good remedy for the rapid healing of ulcers and erosions of the gastric mucosa: mix olive oil, fresh aloe juice and honey in equal volumes. Use 1 tbsp once a day half an hour before meals;
  • For acute gastritis, there is the following way to relieve pain and calm the stomach: 2 tablespoons of honey combined with 200 g of sour cream, 5 ml of novocaine, 1 tablespoon of butter. It is recommended to consume half of the prepared mixture at a time, the remaining mixture is drunk after 15 minutes.

Do not forget that any recipe and method of consuming fresh aloe, as tinctures and mixtures must be agreed with your doctor, only he can tell you the best and optimal treatment option for gastritis.

If you don’t really want to prepare fresh aloe juice yourself every day, then you can use Aloe Vera, which is ready for use and is also used in the treatment of gastritis. It is produced in the form of gel, juice, jelly, only it is pre-processed.

The use of aloe for gastritis with high acidity

With increased stomach acidity, treatment with aloe juice makes it possible to reduce inflammatory symptoms, eliminate pain and heartburn, and also restore damaged gastric mucosa.

Some recipes for using aloe as a medicine:

  1. In a 1:1 ratio, combine honey and fresh aloe juice. You can store the mixture for one day. You need to take 2 tsp for a month or two months. in a day.
  2. To eliminate sour belching and constant burning in the stomach, a proven recipe works well: 1 tbsp. aloe juice (using pulp is allowed), 1 tbsp. honey + half a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice. Drink 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning.
  3. 3 tbsp. pour boiling water (1 tbsp) over mint and leave for 1 hour, squeeze out the infusion and add 50 ml of aloe juice. It is necessary to consume 1 glass before meals for 30 days. This method will help reduce pain due to gastritis.

Using honey with aloe for gastritis with low acidity

With this form of the disease, aloe, together with honey, in certain proportions, helps stimulate the secretory function of the stomach, reduces bloating, increased gas formation and significantly increases the body's immune defense.

  • It is necessary to consume 1 tsp. fresh aloe juice mixed in equal volumes with honey. Duration – 1 month;
  • Mix 2 parts aloe juice with 1 part dandelion juice. Consume 30 days, on an empty stomach, 1 tsp;
  • Add 1 tsp to one fourth of a glass of water. honey and equal volumes of juice of raspberry, plantain and aloe leaves. Drink 0.5 cups before eating.

Treatment of chronic gastritis with agave juice

The formulation differs significantly from previous classical medications, which are aimed at treating newly emerging gastritis. Additional components enhance the healing effect of aloe, coping with chronic gastritis.

For the first recipe, a mixture is made consisting of 100 g of honey with aloe extract, with the addition of about 20 g of grated carrots. Consume some time before meals (20-30 minutes), for one month; 200 g of honey are mixed with aloe juice and a small glass of vodka. The mixture is infused in a dark place for two months, maybe a little less. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour before the meal.

The course lasts several weeks; The ratio is 1:2.5 juice with honey, pour Cahors in the volume of one glass, let it brew for four hours. Take the same as the previous recipe. The latter two medications may help treat depression by acting as an antidepressant and immune system stimulant. Folk remedies can be used as stand-alone preparations or as an adjunct to medications. Before self-medicating, be sure to consult with your doctor.


Thanks to its immunostimulating effect, agave is indispensable for atrophic autoimmune forms of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. But you need to take the juice in combination with prescribed medications and only after consulting a gastroenterologist.


In combination with honey, agave exhibits pronounced regenerative activity, which is extremely important for ulcerative-erosive gastritis forms. For chronic gastritis of an erosive nature, it is recommended to take a large spoonful of a mixture of honey (250 g), aloe juice (100 g) and Cahors (200 ml) before meals.

Aloe vera for the treatment and prevention of gastritis

It is recommended to use aloe with honey for gastritis in antacid and atrophic forms of this disease. In both cases, the cells of the mucous membrane secrete too few digestive enzymes, and all conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms appear in the stomach, which can release toxins and contribute to the occurrence of ulcers.

Taking pure honey with its highly expressed bactericidal properties is especially important. In the treatment of gastritis, aloe restores the mucous membrane, stimulates the activity of tissues that secrete digestive juice, and promotes the healing of damaged stomach walls.

With increased acidity

For gastritis with high acidity and damage to the mucous membrane, honey and aloe are necessary. Honey disinfects and fights inflammation, while aloe relieves irritation and promotes healing of erosions and ulcers.

However, aloe stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, and honey contains many organic acids. As a result, the mixture of these ingredients increases the pH of the internal environment of the stomach.

The way out of this vicious circle is simple - use mixtures that, in addition to honey and aloe, contain components that reduce the intensity of gastric juice secretion.

With low acidity

For gastritis with low acidity, aloe and honey can be taken separately or in mixtures. Alcohol tinctures also work well. It is especially recommended to use honey and aloe in the development of atrophic gastritis. The only problem in this case is the increased sensitivity of the stomach to the effects of any food.

Therefore, before taking the mixture, you need to drink a glass of water infused with rice or oatmeal. This will create a thin film on the walls of the stomach, as a result of which the effects of honey and aloe will not be as strong.

Rules for using aloe

When treating gastritis with aloe juice and honey, you need to follow the following rules:

  • If the condition worsens, you must immediately stop taking the drug;
  • If you are allergic to honey, it is better not to start treatment;
  • Aloe not only regenerates old cells, but also promotes the appearance of new ones; for this reason, aloe is not recommended for any neoplasms;
  • You should consume the juice of the plant for no more than 2 months.

Prevention of gastritis using traditional medicine

In addition to proper nutrition and not abusing alcohol and cigarettes, preventive measures to prevent gastritis include the use of traditional medicine. For example, decoctions and infusions are used, consumed half an hour before meals.

If you add ten drops of aloe juice to a glass of water and drink it before meals, this method will be an excellent prevention against gastritis and similar diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to take it for a month, repeating the course every six months.

Honey can be taken in diluted and pure form to prevent a decrease in stomach acidity. It is better to dilute honey in warm water so as not to irritate the intestines. At temperatures above 40 degrees, beneficial substances are destroyed; it is better not to overdo it with the temperature. If you are uncomfortable taking a certain type of honey, replace it with a gentle one.

It is necessary to pay special attention to health in spring and autumn. To prevent seasonal exacerbations, it is not difficult to prevent gastritis. In the off-season, there is a severe lack of vitamins and minerals, stress piles up, including problems due to insufficient time spent in nature and lack of rest. This includes constant consumption of poor nutrition due to stressful work.

Contraindications and precautions

There are a number of contraindications that limit the possibility of taking aloe juice. Firstly, you should not use any of these recipes if you are allergic to the components.

Secondly, if your health worsens after taking a medicinal plant, or pain increases, you should stop taking the juice and consult a doctor.

People who have been diagnosed with various neoplasms, tumors and polyps should not take the plant juice. Consuming aloe stimulates cell growth, whether healthy or damaged.

Gastritis is a serious disease that can develop into an ulcer. Therefore, you should not prescribe or stop treatment on your own, and also use only traditional methods. Herbal medicine should act as a complement to basic drug treatment.

The list of contraindications also includes:

  • pregnancy period;
  • bleeding;
  • cystitis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys, liver.

What do the patients themselves say?

Here are some reviews from patients who tried to cure gastritis using traditional methods.

"Good afternoon! My name is Boris. I have been suffering from gastritis with high acidity for 2 years now, constant exacerbations in March-April and autumn. I tried many recipes, including folk ones. I hasten to share an effective remedy. When the illness worsens, I drink aloe with honey. Relief comes almost instantly."

“I can’t live without coffee, and here it is, the result is chronic gastritis. And even with high acidity. To eliminate pain and slightly reduce secretion, I take aloe. But not in its simple form, but always with honey and carrot juice. I read that this remedy is doubly effective. And it really helps!”

I drank aloe for 2 months, as a friend recommended. The heartburn that tormented me in recent years has gone away, and exacerbations occur less frequently. Now I just drink as a preventive measure. I'm pleased with the result and recommend it to everyone.

Treating gastritis with honey and aloe is really effective. However, it is worth understanding that it is not a panacea and cannot be used as independent therapy. It is imperative to supplement it with medications, a therapeutic diet, physical exercise and walks in the fresh air. And also by giving up bad habits, excluding too coarse or spicy foods from the diet. This set of measures will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Aloe is a type of flowering plant. Belongs to the Asphodelaceae family, which has more than 500 species. This is an ornamental plant found in many homes. It is distinguished not only by its beauty, but also by its beneficial properties. Since time immemorial, people have used aloe for stomach and other ailments. The plant also contains toxins that can harm the body under some circumstances. What are the benefits of aloe?

Use for children and pregnant women

To get the maximum benefit from aloe, you must follow the rules for using products based on this plant. It is especially important to follow the recipe and dosage regimen when treating pregnant women and children. Usually take a teaspoon of agave juice with natural honey about half an hour before main meals. The duration of the course is at least three weeks.

It is not recommended for children to take aloe for the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, because the plant can adversely affect the development of the cardiovascular system. You can take aloe only from the age of 14 and only after consulting a doctor. During pregnancy, the use of aloe orally is strictly contraindicated, because the plant can cause miscarriage. It contains anthraquinones, which stimulate the contractile activity of smooth uterine muscles, which can lead to pregnancy failure. When pregnant, patients should seek the help of a doctor to prescribe a safe medication.

Medicine for the intestines

Honey and aloe are a universal remedy that helps fight most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe with aloe for the stomach No1 - tea for flatulence:

  1. Brew mint tea in hot water.
  2. Add honey in any volume and 1/3 teaspoon of aloe juice.

You can drink without any restrictions until you feel better.

Recipe No2 – remedy for gas formation:

  1. Prepare 100 grams of leaves and 100 grams of honey.
  2. Mix in a container.
  3. Leave the mixture to sit for 5 hours.

Aloe recipe for gastritis is prepared regularly, drink 1 teaspoon per day.

Aloe tincture at home

The fleshy leaves of the African plant are crushed into pieces (cut) and placed so that the sun's rays do not reach them. Stressful situations force him to produce biologically active substances, thanks to which he became famous as a healer for all diseases.

The cut leaves of the flower are wrapped in foil and placed in a paper bag for 10 days, put in the refrigerator. Then they are crushed with a blender and filled with alcohol (70% is suitable) - take 80% of the alcohol-containing liquid for 20% of the slurry (vodka is also allowed). Place again in a dark, cool place for 10 days.

If you combine aloe with other folk remedies, the strength and effectiveness of healing mixtures will increase. Aloe tincture, as indicated by reviews, is useful in ordinary life situations. This basic remedy is applied, drunk, and instilled. There are also combined medicinal mixtures.

If you combine aloe with other folk remedies, the strength and effectiveness of healing mixtures will increase

How to use aloe vera alcohol tincture:

  • at Cahors: viscous sweet wine is mixed with plant tincture, honey and juices of radish, cabbage leaves and beets. The mass is simmered in a water bath and taken before meals (half an hour before). The product helps with colds and diseases of the digestive organs, especially the stomach;
  • fresh leaves will be needed for an anti-acne mask: grind aloe with a blender and apply to the skin for 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water without hygiene products (apply every other day for 2 months);
  • A mixture of equal parts of aloe juice and honey helps with cough: a teaspoon in the morning, at lunch and before bed. To treat bronchitis and pneumonia - a large spoon of plant juice and 100 g of butter and honey. A teaspoon – twice a day, with a glass of warm milk;
  • mixed with castor oil, the juice of the flower is rubbed into the scalp - and the hair grows strong.

Aloe tincture at home is an effective antiseptic and antibacterial agent. It costs an order of magnitude cheaper than pharmaceutical drugs, although it is not inferior to many of them in terms of effectiveness. Alcohol infusion of aloe juice is stored in the refrigerator at +4 - +8°C for 12 months. And tinctures purchased at a pharmacy are stored according to the instructions on the package.



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Erosive gastritis

The most important thing in the treatment of erosive gastritis is to achieve healing of erosions and reduce the risk of bleeding. For this purpose, they actively use:

  • Products containing tannins . The leaders in the concentration of tannins (about 50%) are black and green tea. Slightly less of them (10-20%) are found in oak bark, lingonberry leaves, and St. John's wort. Tannins have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effect. Just keep in mind that strongly brewed tea increases the acidity of gastric juice, which is extremely undesirable in the presence of erosions. Therefore, you should only drink diluted tea and alternate it with other drinks.
  • Oils: olive, linseed, sea buckthorn . They create a protective film on the surface of erosions and accelerate their epithelization. Oils can be added as a dressing to various dishes or drunk separately as a medicine half an hour before meals.
  • Kissels based on oatmeal or crushed flax seeds . They are also taken on an empty stomach up to three times a day. The course of therapy is at least 2 months.
  • Calendula has wound-healing and antibacterial properties, but due to its pronounced choleretic effect, it should not be taken for reflux gastritis.
  • Infusions of chaga tinder fungus in a 1:3 ratio with water also help eliminate erosive defects and have antibacterial activity against Helicobacter. It is not advisable to use alcoholic tinctures of chaga to treat diseases of the digestive tract.

Before starting treatment, any of these prescriptions must be agreed upon with the attending physician, since it is not always possible to independently assess the individual properties of the body and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Expert advice. When planning therapy, concomitant diseases must also be taken into account. In particular, flaxseed jelly is contraindicated for pancreatitis and cholecystitis in the acute phase. In addition, it can worsen the patient's condition with urolithiasis. Oatmeal jelly, on the contrary, helps with inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, intestines, and bile ducts.

Additional information on how to treat chronic gastritis with herbal remedies can be obtained from this video:

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies should always be carried out with caution. Their biggest drawback is the lack of evidence base for the effectiveness and safety of most folk recipes. That is why you need to carefully monitor your well-being and, if necessary, consult a doctor. A competent combination of official and traditional medicine often allows you to cope with gastritis faster and more effectively.

Who should not take medicine based on honey and aloe?

Honey for gastritis is necessary in order to destroy pathogens that accumulate on the mucous membrane of the organ. Honey and agave perform their functions, but combining the two components helps to enhance the effect of each of them.

However, gastritis manifests itself in different forms, so the same remedy can help or harm.

Preparations with aloe and honey should not be taken in the following cases:

  1. If gastritis is accompanied by an increased level of gastric juice secretion, then taking honey and aloe will worsen the patient’s condition. This is due to the fact that both components stimulate the production of gastric juice. When consuming honey and aloe on an empty stomach, pain may occur. In this case, you should immediately drink a glass of warm water. This will reduce the concentration of the drug and reduce the secretion of gastric juice. 10 minutes after this you need to eat something with a low acid content.
  2. If acute gastritis occurs for the first time, you should not start treatment immediately with a mixture of these components. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting are caused by various reasons. This may be a consequence of infection, poisoning, or inflammation of the pancreas. Treatment begins after obtaining data on the condition of the stomach. The main indicator is the pH level.
  3. Chronic gastritis, accompanied by pain, can be treated with honey and aloe, but only if the acidity is low or neutral.

Thus, for gastritis with high acidity, it is undesirable to use only these 2 components.

Ulcer treatment

Quite often, folk remedies recommended for use for gastritis, in addition to honey, are aloe juice and pulp. And aloe for gastritis is a fairly effective medicine.

The use of honey and aloe for gastritis with low acidity should also be approved by a doctor

It is very important to use only those recipes that help normalize the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. If you often use the methods described above, you can only worsen your own well-being, because such recipes are aimed at further reducing the level of acidity

What recipes are suitable to combat low acidity?

There are several forms of stomach inflammation, which differ in the mechanism of development. Therefore, before drinking any products based on or with the addition of aloe, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of gastritis.

They are so called because they are used much less frequently than traditional recipes.

They can be used with great caution if conventional medicines do not have the desired effect.

The bacterium helicobacter pilori is the causative agent of inflammatory processes in the stomach and provokes the formation of ulcers. Its aggressive enzymes and endotoxins can destroy the delicate mucosa, which leads to the death of epithelial cells and a general decrease in immunity.

In order for aloe leaves to contain the maximum amount of useful substances, the plant must be at least three years old.

You should not keep them exposed to open air for a long time, more than 4-5 hours.

Remember that you will not be able to cure this disease using traditional methods alone. They can be used, but as a supplement, you should not give up medications and diet. Before taking them, ask your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications. How is gastritis treated with aloe? Many people believe that it is not necessary to prepare any remedies; you can take the plant just like that, that is, pick its leaf and chew it.

But it is usually customary to treat gastritis with aloe juice. How to cook it? Collect the leaves and place them in a bag or container. After 12 days (you can wait longer), wash them and grind them until you get a liquid. Strain it and you will have a healthy juice that tastes a little bitter. This juice cannot be stored; it must be used immediately.

Effective recipes

Is aloe used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers? Yes, they use it, since this remedy treats the disease itself, helps strengthen the immune system, etc. How to drink aloe for duodenal and stomach ulcers?

With gastritis, the functioning of the stomach is disrupted, its walls become inflamed, and this is characterized by severe pain. This illness is accompanied by indigestion, and subsequently weakness and impotence. Gastritis reduces performance and affects mental state. This disease can be associated with high or low acidity.


  • honey – 0.5 kg;
  • aloe leaves – 500 g;
  • sweet red wine – 500 ml.

For the treatment of various forms of gastritis, a special medicine based on aloe is required. For example, with low acidity levels, aloe eliminates flatulence, restores affected tissues and increases secretory functions.

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