Is it possible to eat persimmons for ulcers, gastritis, erosion of the stomach, duodenum, pancreatitis of the pancreas, colitis, cholecystitis, gout, liver disease, anemia, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

Can persimmons be eaten on an empty stomach? Can persimmons cause stomach pain?

Persimmon is a tasty, but sometimes very dangerous food product. People who regularly suffer from digestive system disorders need to eat this fruit carefully and in limited quantities. In addition, persimmons should never be eaten on an empty stomach (empty stomach)!

The fact is that the berry is rich in pectin and tannins. They are capable of causing “sticking” of those pieces of food that have not been digested. This contributes not just to constipation, but to the formation of “bezoars” - fecal stones that block passage through the intestines and impair peristalsis.

IMPORTANT: This is why a person may feel pain in the stomach after eating persimmon.


When the disease is in the acute stage, persimmons must be excluded from the diet. Therefore, with an ulcer, if an exacerbation of the disease occurs, the fruit can intensify the relapse and significantly worsen the patient’s condition. Persimmons are also prohibited for consumption after surgical operations on the organs of the digestive system. The thing is that tannin, which is contained in fruits, can harm a weakened intestine and cause its obstruction.

Despite the fact that persimmon is a low-calorie product, it contains a lot of carbohydrates, so it is not recommended for people with diabetes to consume it. For the same reason, obese patients should avoid exotic fruits. Persimmon lovers, if they have side diseases, are allowed to treat themselves to the delicious fruit no more than once a month.

Pregnant women should not consume persimmon in large quantities. This is due to the fact that it can provoke allergies in the unborn child. For the same reason, young children should not be fed exotic fruit.

Ripe fruits must be stored in the refrigerator. But they should be consumed within 3 days. At 0°C and 90% humidity, fruits can be stored for 2-3 months.

Lower humidity will cause the fruit to shrivel, while higher humidity will cause rot. It is possible to store fruits for a long time if you use the quick freezing method. But in any case, when deciding whether to include persimmon in your diet, you should first consult with your doctor.

Whether persimmon will be beneficial or harmful for stomach and duodenal ulcers is of interest to many people who love this “sunny” fruit. Patients who have been diagnosed with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract are forced to adhere to a therapeutic diet, which involves eating food that is light for the digestive system and the whole body. The orange fruit is in demand due to its high content of vitamins and various beneficial substances that help strengthen the immune system. But it should be used with caution for peptic ulcers and only after permission from a doctor.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Even “advanced” ulcers or gastritis can be cured at home, without surgery or hospitals. Just read what Galina Savina says and read the recommendation.

How long does it take for persimmon to be digested in the stomach?

Digesting persimmons is a long and lengthy process that has its pros and cons. Persimmon is good because it gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, but it is dangerous because the digestion of this product lasts 3-4 hours. That is why nutritionists recommend eating persimmons separately from other foods (not combining them with other difficult-to-digest foods) and not overeating the fruits.

How can and cannot you eat persimmon?

Is it possible to eat persimmons with chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas?

Many people like persimmon, but what about those who suffer from pancreatic inflammation? The assimilation of the fruit, or rather its sugars that it contains, requires the production of insulin by the body. It is the pancreas that produces insulin.

This becomes an obstacle to eating persimmon for those who suffer from pancreatitis (especially in acute forms). In addition, tannin, which is so abundant in persimmons, provokes constipation and intestinal obstruction, which negatively affects the entire digestive process.

IMPORTANT: You can eat persimmons during pancreatitis, but in small portions and when you are not experiencing acute forms. You should not “overload” the pancreas, so as not to aggravate your condition.

How to eat persimmon during the period of remission of the disease:

  • Provide a kind of complementary feeding by eating only 1 tsp. pulp per day.
  • Increase your persimmon portion regularly
  • Eat persimmons separately from other foods, but not on an empty stomach.
  • For food, choose only sweet persimmons, such as honey or chocolate kinglets.

IMPORTANT: To avoid harming yourself, do not eat the skin of the persimmon, eat only the pulp with a spoon. The skin of the fruit is quite rough and very difficult to split.

Can persimmons be consumed by those who suffer from pancreatitis?

How to choose and in what form to eat

Since in case of a stomach ulcer, eating persimmons is allowed only when ripe, the choice of fruit should be approached with full responsibility. The fruit should be bright orange and soft to the touch.

Ripe fruits should not have a tart taste, as this indicates that they are not fully ripe. It should be remembered that when purchasing persimmon you need to carefully evaluate its appearance:

  • The surface of the fruit should be soft, but at the same time elastic.
  • The upper skin of the fruit should have a uniform color and be slightly translucent, which creates the illusion of an amber shine.
  • The amniotic leaves should be dried and dark in color.
  • The base of the leaves should have a brownish tint.

Advice! You should avoid purchasing damaged fruits. Improper storage conditions during transportation contribute to the appearance of black rot.

If you have a stomach ulcer, you should eat the fruit in its purified form. If the persimmon has a slightly tart taste, then it should be placed in the freezer overnight and then defrosted at room temperature.

You can cook compotes and jelly from persimmons, and prepare puddings. It is recommended to add diced fruit pulp to cottage cheese casseroles.

Is it possible to eat persimmons if you have colitis or cholecystitis?

Persimmon is unique in that it contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and other microelements. Pectin, which is very abundant in persimmons, makes the fruit a dietary product. That is why this berry is allowed to be introduced into their diet by those who suffer from a disease such as colitis or cholecystitis.

In order not to harm your body, choose fruits that are as ripe as possible or as sweet as possible (by the way, sugars in fruits are no more than 20%). For colitis and cholecystitis, you can use both fresh and cooked persimmons (jelly, compotes, soufflés, preserves, marmalade).

Is it possible to eat persimmons if you have gout?

Gout is an unpleasant and chronic disease, which, first of all, is a consequence of impaired metabolism in the body. As a result, uric salts and water are deposited on the joints and bones. The diet for gout should always be “diuretic” and highly fortified.

Why are persimmons good for gout patients?

  • It has a strong diuretic effect on the body, expelling excess water from the body and helping it not to stagnate in soft tissues.
  • Persimmon restores tone to the body, which is so lacking during illness.
  • The performance of the body, which is fueled by persimmon, is always higher and more active.
  • Fiber contained in persimmon improves digestion
  • A rich supply of microelements improves the functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary organs.

Persimmon is a valuable and nutritious food product for those who adhere to diets

Is it possible to eat persimmons if you have heartburn?

Heartburn is a burning sensation that originates in the stomach and is felt throughout the sternum. Heartburn is an excessive increase in acidity. You can “calm down” heartburn and make it go away easier with the help of “non-acidic” foods. Persimmons, for example, contain very few acids and a lot of fiber, which “blocks” the exacerbation of heartburn.

IMPORTANT: However, fruits that are too tart and sweet should be avoided so as not to make heartburn unbearable.

What features do persimmons have?

In what form and quantity is allowed?

Doctors do not prohibit patients with ulcers from eating persimmon if the disease is in remission. However, you should not abuse the product and to get the maximum benefit from it, you need to know when to stop. In addition, orange fruit should only be consumed when it is ripe or even overripe. Dark, sweet fruits have the greatest benefits. But it is not recommended to eat tart varieties if you have an ulcer, as they can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Unpeeled persimmons have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. The peel contains coarse fibers that can cause a relapse of the disease. To remove the viscosity from persimmons, do they put them in the freezer or warm water?

Is it possible to eat persimmon with thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland?

Persimmon is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. This is one of the few foods that has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, restoring its function and helping to produce vital hormones. Persimmon strengthens the immune system, protects against vitamin deficiency and enhances the body's protective functions.

IMPORTANT: With thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland, persimmon helps restore the functioning of this internal organ and normalize the body's metabolism.

Composition and benefits

Persimmon contains the following useful elements:

Very important! Savina G.: “I can recommend only one remedy for the quick treatment of ulcers and gastritis” read more.

  • minerals K, Ca, Fe, I, P, Cu, Mn, Na;
  • B vitamins;
  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamin PP.

Persimmon helps restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to this composition, persimmon has a lot of healing properties. So, with regular consumption of the fruit, it will be possible to normalize metabolism and prevent digestive disorders. In addition, the heart apple helps eliminate toxic substances from the body, is an excellent prevention of thyroid pathologies, and also acts as a natural antioxidant. Frequent consumption of persimmon can improve the functioning of the heart muscle, so it is often recommended for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The product should also be included in the diet of people suffering from anemia.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in the tart fruit, it should be eaten during colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Ascorbic acid increases the body's defenses, making it easier for it to fight viruses and infections. The fruits have a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which they promote the export of sodium salts from the body.

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