Potato juice for stomach ulcers: recipe and dosage regimen

You came for important information and now we’ll talk about how to treat stomach diseases with potato juice. Maybe in your case it was different, but we’ll tell you how it usually happens. Attention, before prescribing diagnoses or medications/treatment for yourself, you should always consult with professional specialists in your field and not self-medicate. Of course, you can quickly find the answer to the simplest questions and diagnose yourself at home. Write your wishes in the comments, together we will improve and supplement the quality of the material provided.

How to drink potato juice if you have an ulcer

Treating ulcers with potatoes is an unconventional and at the same time effective way to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers. As with gastritis, you need to prepare the juice immediately before taking it. It must be consumed immediately before cooking: it cannot be stored in the refrigerator or prepared for future use.

The course of treatment for erosion of the stomach and duodenum at home is 20 days. You need to drink regularly 4 times a day. At the beginning of the treatment course, you should take a third of a glass of medicine. If the condition does not worsen, then the dosage should be increased first to half a glass, and then to ¾.

After using the potato medicine, you need to lie down for about half an hour. This is necessary to achieve healing of the erosive damaged mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Potatoes can also be used to treat pathologies of the pancreas and prevent cancer.

Recommended treatment regimen

The medicinal drink effectively relieves dyspeptic symptoms in the intestines: excessive gas formation, heartburn, colic.

For gastric ulcers, treatment is recommended in 3 cycles, 10 days each cycle, with the same break between them:

  1. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink 1 glass of potato juice, then lie down in the pastel for 30 minutes, for better absorption of the healing drink by a sick stomach.
  2. The first meal should begin no earlier than an hour after taking the juice.
  3. Repeat daily for 10 days, then rest for 10 days and repeat therapy according to the same scheme.

For stomach ulcers, it is recommended to administer young potato juice in small portions for two weeks. Treatment is divided into several steps:

  1. For the first 4-5 days, drink ¼ cup of freshly squeezed product.
  2. For the next 4-5 days, drink half a glass of juice.
  3. Subsequent doses of the medicinal drink are carried out in a volume of ¾ glass, drinking it 30 minutes before meals.

To eliminate constipation, you need to drink ½ cup of potato juice 3 times a day.

Benefits of potato juice for the stomach

Provided that a person takes potato extract competently and correctly, he will notice such beneficial properties.

  • Reducing pain in the stomach, which is associated with exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes associated with inflammation and ulcers.
  • A person who takes potato juice feels cheerful and energetic as a result of saturating the body with useful substances and antioxidants. They have a positive effect on the digestive tract.
  • The medicine in question can effectively reduce stomach acidity without causing harm to health.
  • Fresh potato helps relieve attacks of heartburn and pain.
  • As a result of the use of potato juice, faster healing of the mucous membrane occurs, which is reflected in relief from dull pain. Potato drink reduces stomach acidity and significantly reduces the risk of ulcers. This allows you to cure the disease.

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How to drink potato juice for heartburn

To treat heartburn, it is necessary to prepare the product immediately before use. It is best to use pink potato tubers. To obtain the medicine, it is better to use a juicer. In its absence, the tubers are grated and then thoroughly squeezed.

Freshly squeezed fresh potatoes do not have the best taste. To improve them, you can add juices from other vegetables.

Heartburn attacks will not appear again if you drink a glass of potato medicine on an empty stomach. For an hour after this, no physical activity is allowed. You should strictly adhere to the time limit for taking the medication - 2 weeks. To completely eliminate the stomach problem, you should take 3 two-week courses of taking a home remedy. Between them you need to take breaks of two weeks.

For severe attacks of heartburn, treatment will have a slightly different scheme. You should take half a glass of the medicinal drink before each meal. This will normalize the acidity level and eliminate the inflammatory process. Taking starch also relieves an attack. A tablespoon of it should be diluted in half a glass of water and drunk (the water should be warm).

How to prepare medicine from potatoes

To avoid negative effects on the human body, it is of great importance how to properly prepare the juice for the purpose of treatment. This is also important for preventing the development of pathologies of the digestive tract. Before starting treatment with fresh potatoes, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

You will need to prepare a fresh portion of the medicine daily in order to be treated effectively. This is due to the fact that potato juice is not suitable for long-term storage because it spoils quickly. Green potatoes should not be consumed under any circumstances. It contains the dangerous alkaloid solanine. In order to make a glass of juice, you need to use 2-4 medium-sized potatoes.

There are recipes for preparing direct-pressed potato medicine.

  • Cooking in a juicer. This is the easiest way to obtain an effective medicine. Before processing, the tubers should be thoroughly washed and cleaned. A juicer allows you to get your medicine with minimal effort.
  • Grate. After this rather labor-intensive procedure, it will be necessary to squeeze out the resulting pulp through gauze.

Recipe and instructions for use

To get the most useful remedy for combating ulcers and gastritis, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Potatoes - a root crop should not contain obvious signs of spoilage, rot, or fungal infections. It is recommended to use medium-sized potatoes.
  2. Preparation and consumption - the juice should be drunk immediately after its preparation. It is practically not stored.
  3. Potato variety - red and pink potatoes are considered the best for medicinal purposes, as they contain a minimal amount of starch.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to consume potato juice prepared from greened tubers. The presence of greens indicates the activation of growth processes, which is accompanied by the production of corned beef. This substance is a real poison, which, when consumed internally, provokes the development of many complications.

It is recommended to consume the juice from July to February. Potatoes that are stored for more than 1 year gradually accumulate toxic substances that can harm an already weakened body.

How to cook?

Making potato juice
There is nothing complicated about making juice. You can use an automatic juicer or a regular meat grinder if the first option is not available. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Rinse the potatoes well under running water, removing dirt and dust from their surface.
  2. Pour boiling water over the potatoes to destroy pathogenic bacteria on the surface. Blanching is done for about a minute.
  3. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and pass through a meat grinder or juicer. The last option is the most convenient and simple. When using a grater and a meat grinder, the resulting pulp should be passed through a fine sieve or squeezed through cheesecloth.

The finished drink should be taken as quickly as possible after preparation. This way it retains more nutrients.

Options for supplements to the medicinal product

Supplements will help enhance the anti-inflammatory effect and also increase the therapeutic effect. The most widely used ones are:

  1. Beetroot juice (1:1, plus 1/3 of the total volume is boiled water) - helps to cope with prolonged constipation, which is caused by a violation of the secretory function of the stomach and intestines.
  2. A decoction of dill seeds (1:1) – promotes rapid regeneration of damaged blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and improves appetite. Dill seeds effectively collapse gas bubbles in the intestines, preventing the development of bloating.
  3. Carrot juice (2:1, 50 ml potato juice and 25 ml carrot juice) – stimulates digestion and improves appetite.
  4. Celery juice (1:1) – exhibits pronounced antiseptic and bacteriostatic properties, normalizing the microflora of the gastric mucosa.
  5. Natural linden honey – strengthens local immunity, improves the taste of the drink.

Before using supplements, you should ensure that there are no allergic reactions. Proportions can be changed only after consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Indications for use

The use of this product allows you to achieve a pronounced wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, potato juice has diuretic properties and perfectly strengthens the body. Thanks to these features, the product is actively used in the development of pathologies of the stomach and other digestive organs.

Juice prepared from young potatoes is considered an effective remedy for the first manifestations of gastric ulcers. This product is also used for high acidity and various types of gastritis. Systematic use of juice produces an analgesic and calming effect on the organs of the digestive system.

Preparing the body for treatment

To achieve tangible results, you need to choose potatoes with the maximum amount of nutrients in their composition. Young vegetables are suitable for this purpose. Therefore, it is recommended to treat gastritis and other stomach pathologies in summer and autumn.

To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is recommended to give up meat, fish, pickles, and spices. You should also exclude fried and sweet foods. During the course of therapy, experts advise following a vegetable diet, and it is most beneficial to eat fresh fruits.

In some situations, the body has difficulty accepting such serious changes in diet. In this case, exacerbation of gastritis often occurs. Such people are advised to return to their normal diet, but the menu should include only boiled, stewed or steamed dishes. 2-3 days before starting to use the juice before going to bed, it is recommended to do an enema to cleanse the body.


Despite the high effectiveness of potato juice in the treatment of stomach diseases, this product still has significant contraindications. These include the following:

  • advanced cases of diabetes;
  • reduced acidity of gastric juice;
  • severe obesity;
  • pronounced fermentation processes in the intestines.

Treatment of stomach pathologies can be carried out throughout the year. The exception is March, since during the winter too much of a harmful substance, solanine, is formed in potatoes. In addition, the root vegetable loses many useful elements. If you start treating gastritis during this period, you can get serious complications in the form of poisoning.

Juice obtained from unpeeled potatoes has a negative effect on the condition of tooth enamel. Therefore, experts advise using a straw to consume this product.

Possible contraindications and negative consequences

The use of potato juice as a treatment has serious contraindications. You should not ignore them, because treatment of one pathology can cause the progression of another:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • obesity;
  • increased fermentation in the intestines.

You should not carry out therapy at the end of winter or spring, since the concentration of harmful solanine during this period is very high. And instead of treating the ulcer, you can get poisoning of the body.

In the effective treatment of stomach ulcers with potato juice, there are recipes that contain propolis and sea buckthorn oil. The treatment recipe involves the alternate use of all ingredients.

  1. Drink potato juice for 7 days, following the basic rules.
  2. For three weeks, consume 20 drops of propolis tincture in half a glass of water. Take 3 times a day, an hour after meals.
  3. Drink 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day for one month.

This alternating treatment can be carried out no more than twice a year.

Composition and beneficial properties

The healing properties of potato juice are due to its unique composition. This product contains the following components:

  • vitamins – A, E, C, B;
  • organic acids;
  • proteins;
  • cellulose;
  • minerals - sulfur, copper, calcium, iron, etc.;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids.

That is why potato juice is actively used in folk medicine and has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and laxative properties. It effectively copes with pain and inflammation, promotes wound healing and strengthens the immune system.

The product is considered a source of vegetable protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. And due to the presence of complex carbohydrate structures in its composition, it provides the body with a powerful charge of energy. Potato juice is very useful for the stomach, as it helps:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • activate intestinal motility;
  • cope with heartburn;
  • eliminate bleeding;
  • cure chronic constipation;
  • eliminate pain in the digestive organs;
  • cope with gastritis and gastric ulcers;
  • improve appetite;
  • stimulate the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • eliminate stomach cramps.

Potato juice for stomach diseases is used exclusively in fresh form. To get this product, you should take 3 medium-sized root vegetables, peel them and chop them with a grater. Squeeze the resulting mass using gauze to obtain juice.

Additional recommendations

For peptic ulcers, drink only freshly squeezed juice. It should not stand for more than 10 minutes after being obtained from potatoes due to rapid oxidation and destruction of useful substances. It is also prohibited to use tubers that have turned green or contain sprouted eyes. They contain the poisonous glycoalkaloid solanine. It provokes loss of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting.

Treatment of the stomach with potato juice is carried out either in the fall, when the harvest begins, or in the spring, when early vegetables appear. In winter, tubers are not recommended to be used to treat ulcers, because the amount of vitamins and starch in them decreases, and solanine gradually begins to form.

To change the taste and get an additional effect, you can add a small amount of carrot juice to the potato drink. This ingredient increases the body's resistance to infections, improves the functioning of the digestive system during ulcers, and helps normalize metabolism.

It is very important to pay attention to the choice of vegetables. Raw potato juice is best prepared from pink varieties (for example, “American”, “Morning Dew”) and tubers that are reddish in color and oblong in shape. They contain more vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Many people use a juicer to make juice. Some people prefer to grate the tubers the old fashioned way or run them through a meat grinder, and then squeeze out the resulting mass using gauze. The finished drink is left to stand for 1 minute and drunk immediately. After use, rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth, as potato juice has a negative effect on tooth enamel.

Properties of potatoes

Potato juice, like other vegetable juices such as carrot, beet or celery juice, has many beneficial properties that are widely used in folk medicine. Provided that this product is properly prepared, it has a huge number of beneficial properties.

Potato juice treats stomach and duodenal ulcers because it can eliminate excess acidity, relieve heartburn, and also neutralize the first signs of gastritis and dyspeptic symptoms.

All this is due to the following beneficial properties that potatoes have:

  • The product has pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is widely used for gastritis, both acute and chronic. From this it follows that it is capable of not only treating ulcers, but also being a good preventive measure.
  • Potato juice also has stimulating properties to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; in addition, it has a choleretic effect, which helps normalize blood pressure and improve the absorption of acidic and fatty foods.
  • Also, this juice is able to envelop the walls of the stomach, which makes it possible to eliminate pain caused by high acidity, as well as eliminate the manifestations of heartburn.
  • The vitamins contained in this product, namely A, B PP and ascorbic acid, also have a positive effect on metabolism, and also improve the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral diseases.

It follows from this that potato juice is a kind of plant “pharmacy” that has a huge number of positive effects, with a minimal amount of invasive effects.

GALINA SAVINA: “How easy it is to cure a stomach ulcer at home in 1 month. A proven method is to write down the recipe. » Read more >>

How to take potato juice correctly for ulcers

Fresh juice squeezed from potatoes is consumed about 30-40 minutes before meals. Take 4 times a day, one dose is 0.5-0.7 cups. The course of treatment for ulcers with a folk remedy is 20 days, then they take a break for 2 weeks, and after that they continue to drink the juice. Gradually, the pain that occurs with a peptic ulcer subsides (provided that the person not only drinks natural medicine, but also follows an appropriate diet). Symptoms such as nausea, belching, heartburn also disappear.

There is another option for taking potato juice for ulcers:

  • thoroughly washed potatoes are rubbed together with the peel and squeezed;
  • first drink 1/4 cup at a time (three times a day);
  • gradually increase the dose to 3/4 cup;
  • healing takes 6-8 weeks.

When the symptoms of a stomach ulcer disappear, you should not stop using the drink. How to take potato juice correctly to prevent exacerbations? It is consumed in spring and autumn. Drink 0.5 cups before breakfast and dinner. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

Traditional healers sometimes advise using a decoction for ulcers. In terms of its properties, it is no worse than freshly squeezed juice. It is prepared very simply:

  • take several tubers and peel them;
  • put the potatoes in an enamel pan with water and put on fire;
  • when the potatoes are boiled, the broth is drained from them;
  • The drink is taken 20 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner (1 glass each time);
  • for the next day, only fresh decoction is required.

To change the taste and get an additional effect, you can add a small amount of carrot juice to the potato drink. This ingredient increases the body's resistance to infections, improves the functioning of the digestive system during ulcers, and helps normalize metabolism.

Juice compresses for cracks and abrasions

If your skin has cracks or abrasions, make a compress with freshly squeezed potato juice. Leave the product for 20-30 minutes and then rinse with boiled water.

And one more simple recipe. It happens that you hit yourself and there is severe pain. This happened to my leg when it hit me hard. Just tie the grated potatoes to this place, fix everything. Relieves pain perfectly.

Treatment with potato juice - what diseases can you get rid of?

It is necessary to take potato juice for treatment according to certain schemes, which vary depending on the disease, but one rule remains: it is taken half an hour before meals.

  • Gastritis, heartburn
    : 1 glass of juice on an empty stomach, after taking it, spend half an hour in bed, then have breakfast. Number of courses – 3, admission scheme – 10/10 (take/break).
  • Ulcers
    : for 20 days, 30 minutes before meals (3 times a day), drink potato juice, gradually increasing the amount from a third of a glass to three-quarters of a glass.

How to make potato juice

Despite the widespread use of potatoes, not everyone knows the benefits and harms of potato juice, how to properly prepare it and use it for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Before the first use, it is still recommended to consult with your doctor, especially if you have certain chronic diseases.

Dear readers, many of you regularly consume potatoes, which are rich in antioxidants, potassium and other beneficial substances, but not everyone takes potato juice. But it is very useful and can solve some health problems.

The pharmacy is often located right in the kitchen. But we often forget about such simple methods of treatment. We love to fry, stew, bake, and boil potatoes, but we often forget about potato juice. But it is very useful and effectively helps with colds, stomach diseases, relieves fever and swelling, treats coughs and sore throats.

Today we will talk in detail about the beneficial properties and contraindications of potato juice, how to properly prepare and drink it for various diseases.

For hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of the most unpleasant diseases for which people are in no hurry to turn to professionals. But it is still recommended to visit a proctologist in order to carry out treatment on time and avoid prolapse of hemorrhoids and other dangerous complications. But in the initial stages, as well as to relieve pain and improve well-being, compresses from freshly squeezed potato juice will help. But they should be used only outside the acute stage of exacerbation.

You can do homemade enemas with potato juice at a comfortable temperature. Just before using this method, make sure that there are no inflamed internal hemorrhoids.

And one more simple recipe. It happens that you hit yourself and there is severe pain. This happened to my leg when it hit me hard. Just tie the grated potatoes to this place, fix everything. Relieves pain perfectly.

For pancreatitis and cholecystitis

These diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder negatively affect the digestive function of the stomach, as well as the process of food absorption. The reason for this is quite simple and lies in the insufficient synthesis of enzymes by their tissues that break down carbohydrates, protein compounds and fatty acids.

Indications for use

The use of this product allows you to achieve a pronounced wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, potato juice has diuretic properties and perfectly strengthens the body. Thanks to these features, the product is actively used in the development of pathologies of the stomach and other digestive organs.

Juice prepared from young potatoes is considered an effective remedy for the first manifestations of gastric ulcers. This product is also used for high acidity and various types of gastritis. Systematic use of juice produces an analgesic and calming effect on the organs of the digestive system.

Ulcer disease is a common gastric disease. There are a lot of drugs known to treat the disease. They use medications and traditional recipes.

The most popular and effective method among non-traditional ones is the treatment of stomach ulcers using fresh potato juice. The article discusses in detail the benefits of potato juice and how to take this simple remedy to get the desired effect.

Potatoes occupy a significant place in the diet of the vast majority of people. Eating vegetables in different forms every day, people rarely think about how useful a familiar plant is. The healing properties have been used by doctors and healers for many centuries to treat a number of diseases. Stomach ulcer is included in the list. Raw potato juice becomes a valuable product. If prepared in accordance with the rules, you will be able to correct digestive problems and improve your health. For each individual nosological unit, a separate recipe for preparing a potato drink is known.

Severity of defeat

The extent of damage to the lower esophageal sphincter can only be accurately determined by endoscopic examination - fibrogastroscopy. Despite the unpleasantness of the procedure, when making a diagnosis it will provide maximum information to both the doctor and the patient.

Based on visual signs, three degrees of damage to the cardia are distinguished.

  • First degree failure. The cardia is mobile, but does not close completely. The unclosed space is up to 1/3 of the sphincter diameter. In patients, as a rule, it manifests itself with frequent air belches.
  • Insufficiency of the second degree. The sphincter closes to half its diameter. In some cases, protrusion of the gastric mucosa into the esophageal cavity occurs. Patients, in this case, complain of frequent and painful belching.
  • The most severe cardia insufficiency is the third degree. There is no valve closure at all. An endoscopist may detect signs of esophagitis.
  • Wash the vegetables, peel and grate.
  • Distill the resulting mass through a juicer.
  • Strain the juice through cheesecloth or bandage.

Heartburn and gastritis

Drink the juice on an empty stomach every day in a volume of 200 ml and only after 30 minutes start eating. Therapy lasts 10 days, after which they take a break for 10 days. To achieve maximum effect, you will need three courses with breaks.

Recommendations from a gastroenterologist

Regarding treatment with potato juice, gastroenterologists advise: it is possible to treat inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the intestines, pancreas, stomach, and constipation with the help of tubers. Before starting therapy, it is better to adhere to a vegetarian diet for some time. This regimen will enhance the positive results of treatment.

For heartburn and gastritis, drink a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then you need to lie down for 10 minutes. It is recommended to start eating an hour after taking the drink. After ten days of treatment, a break is taken for 10 days. Three such cycles are required.

For constipation, which often accompanies ulcerative processes in the stomach, take half a glass of the drink orally three times a day.

Patients who are not fans of the drink and do not want to experience discomfort are allowed to eat raw potatoes, including chopped pieces in vegetable salads, obtaining the beneficial qualities of the juice in such an original way.

A diet that includes raw potatoes in the diet is useful for the prevention and treatment of gastric ulcers and a number of other pathological conditions of the digestive tract. If you get too carried away with consuming raw tubers, instead of recovery you will probably end up with a lot of new health problems. Do not overdo it with the amount of drink during the day; it is better to follow the recommendations of doctors. When studying a recipe, it is important to focus on the specified ingredients, quantity and frequency of use. If you follow the treatment rules exactly, a positive effect will not be long in coming.

Before starting such treatment, you should definitely consult with doctors and exclude possible contraindications, which the attending physician will tell you about.

The most effective treatment will be complex treatment using traditional and folk methods.


Freshly squeezed potato juice is an excellent remedy for the whole body. You can prepare it by using a juicer or grating the potatoes on a fine grater and squeezing out the juice using gauze. Depending on the desired effect, potato juice can be used externally or taken orally. Remember that the effectiveness of such juice disappears within 10 minutes after contact with air, and that it is better to use pink varieties to obtain potato juice. Potatoes should under no circumstances be green, limp or lie in the sun for a long time. The optimal time to take potato juice is from July to February.

Gastroenterologist's opinion on the use of potato juice

In addition to people whose positive reviews after treatment with potato juice are trustworthy, it is important to find out the opinion of specialists. Many experts approve of the use of potato juice for gastrointestinal problems.

Gastroenterologist Galina S.: “For peptic ulcers, it is useful to drink potato juice. To make juice, it is better to take red varieties of potatoes. The tubers should be thoroughly washed with a brush, but the peel should not be cut off. Squeeze one medium potato in a juicer, then strain through two layers of gauze and drink the juice. Each time you need to prepare a fresh drink.

If a person works, you can squeeze the juice in the morning and evening, as well as before bed. To make the drink taste more pleasant, you should add a little water to it. Potato juice reduces secretion, acts on the mucous membrane as an enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent, and also has a laxative effect.”

Increased stomach acidity

If you have high acidity, drink half a glass of potato juice an hour before meals. Therapy is carried out three times a day before each meal.

Do not prepare it in advance; it exhibits its medicinal qualities immediately after squeezing. A juicer will help you prepare it. The finished drink is not intended for storage in the refrigerator or other place, so prepare it for one use.

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