Treating hemorrhoids with aloe: 7 simple recipes

How to use aloe for hemorrhoids

Aloe is a representative of perennial plants. Grows up to three meters in height. Homeland - South Africa. The leaves have a juicy pulp used in folk medicine. In modern times, it is grown indoors. A unique flower consisting of biologically active substances and microelements.

Vitamins promote bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, strengthen the immune system, and improve the patient’s health. The plant is used in medicine, cosmetology; its components are included in medicines and vitamin complexes.

Components of the millennium:

  • resinous compounds (about 15%);
  • acids of organic origin (malic, succinic, citric);
  • ether compounds;
  • phenols;
  • aloin;
  • phytoncides;

Aloe for hemorrhoids is used as part of traditional medicine

  • representatives of vitamin compounds of groups B, E, C;
  • beta-carotene;
  • microelements.

The components increase regeneration at the cellular level, increase the body's resistance to inflammatory processes, and have a calming, healing effect. Treatment of aloe hemorrhoids involves the use of juice, lotions, compresses, and suppositories. The leafy part is used for recipes.

Expert opinion about the disease

If blood is detected after defecation, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe comprehensive treatment. Do not delay going to the hospital, as hemorrhoids do not go away on their own, and neglect of the disease can lead to surgery. Do not self-medicate. The home remedy should also be used after consulting your doctor and only in combination with medications.

Serey Chalobaev

Before choosing raw materials, it is recommended to pay attention to the size. The leaves must be ripe. The longer the leaf, the older its age. It contains a larger number of biologically active components.

Aloe recipe for hemorrhoids, how to cook

Folk recipes from plant leaves are used to treat pathological changes in the rectum. At the initial stage, aloe is used as an independent type of therapy. With the rapid progression of the disease - in combination with conservative treatment methods, to prevent relapse, prerequisites for the development of pathology. The plant has a beneficial effect on the dilation of rectal veins, has a healing effect, does not irritate the mucous membrane, and is hypoallergenic.

The main medicinal properties of agave: anti-inflammatory and restorative effect

Recipes for using aloe are divided into three groups:

  • internal use (juice, gel, decoctions, infusions);
  • rectally in the form of suppositories;
  • external application (compresses, lotions).

Before preparing the composition, the plant should be properly prepared. Select leaves at least 13 cm long and cut them off. Rinse under running water and wipe with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Carefully cut off the spines, cut the leaf on one side and turn it inside out. The pulp ends up on the outside. It is recommended to keep the sheet in a cool place before use.

Aloe for hemorrhoids is an effective remedy, softens stool, and prevents constipation. Due to its hypoallergenic nature, it is used to treat pathologies in children and during sensitive periods in a woman’s life.

Aloe against hemorrhoids, decoctions and tinctures

Treatment of pathological processes of dilation of the veins of the rectum with the help of millennium involves home conditions. The advantage is that the treatment takes place at home, there is no need to visit a medical facility every day. Infusions and decoctions are used when using compresses, lotions, and baths.

Aloe against hemorrhoids is used in the initial and middle stages

  • Recipe No. 1. Prepare the composition. Take three leaves of the plant. We correctly approach the identification of leaves that contain the maximum number of useful substances. The main task is not to destroy biologically active components under the influence of high temperature. Boil water. Let it cool down. Place the leaves in a saucepan. Place the container on the fire in a bowl of water. Fill the contents with warm water. The broth will heat up gradually, the beneficial microelements will remain unharmed. Pour the broth into a basin, sit down with the anus under water, and stay for 25 minutes. The bath relieves unpleasant symptoms of pathology. It is recommended to take three times a day. The resulting composition is used for internal use. It is necessary to make the mixture concentrated. An hour before meals, it is useful for patients to drink half a glass of the decoction.
  • Recipe No. 2. Tincture. Chop the leaves and place in a dark container. Fill with vodka or alcohol in the proportion of 300 g per 0.5 lira. Close the lid tightly, place in a dark place, and leave for 14 days. The first 7 days you need to shake the composition. After the time has passed, drink 20 drops of the tincture daily an hour before meals. The course of therapy lasts a month. After a two-week break you can repeat. Helps increase the elasticity of blood vessels, restores blood circulation in hemorrhoids.

Aloe can cure hemorrhoids at an early stage by strengthening blood vessels and making them more elastic

Treatment with aloe

Many people grow it right at home on their windowsill. Aloe is nature’s first aid kit in an apartment, which people have been using for hundreds of years. Its healing power lies in the juice.

You can get rid of hemorrhoids in the first stage of development, and in some cases in the second, with the help of aloe. Moreover, at the first stage, the disease can pass without a trace.

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The plant will help restore the natural functioning of the body. The third and fourth stages of aloe are beyond control. But this juicy herb will help relieve pain, speed up the healing process, as well as tissue regeneration. Patients who have tried aloe on themselves note an improvement in their general condition.

The hypoallergenic nature of the plant is also its significant advantage. Even allergy sufferers use aloe juice. Although usually such people cannot tolerate many components of conservative antihemorrhoidal drugs.

The juice contained in the plant helps accelerate the regeneration of affected tissues. The mucous membrane of the rectal vessels heals, the skin in the anal area heals, swelling and irritation go away. Aloe ( a genus of succulent plants of the Asphodelaceae family of the Asphodeloideae subfamily, containing more than 500 species common in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula

) also prevents inflammatory processes and stops bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Proper use of aloe for hemorrhoids

Of course, in almost every city pharmacy you can buy a drug made from aloe vera juice. A more organic and environmentally friendly medicine is still a simple aloe leaf, which can be cut from the plant on the windowsill.

You also need to know how to prepare a sheet for use. First, rinse it as thoroughly as possible, then remove the skin with a knife. Squeeze the pulp into a container. Now the juice is ready. Place it in the refrigerator for a while. After these procedures, it can be used for treatment.

Aloe compress

Mix one teaspoon of plant juice with cypress, lavender or olive oil (use other organic vegetable oils). This composition can be applied to the area affected by hemorrhoids as a compress. They are applied to hemorrhoids three times a day. Treatment can be suspended when it becomes noticeable that the symptoms begin to disappear. The aloe-based oily mixture does not need to be washed off. It is best if it remains on the nodes. Thus, the medicinal properties of aloe ( a genus of succulent plants of the Asphodelaceae family of the Asphodeloideae subfamily, containing more than 500 species common in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula

) will appear as much as possible.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with whole sheets

If a patient’s hemorrhoids prolapse, you can treat with whole leaves (in botany, the external organ of a plant, the main functions of which are photosynthesis, gas exchange and transpiration) of aloe. To do this, you need to cut a leaf from the plant, wash it and cut it lengthwise with a sharp knife.

It is important to apply to the affected area with the pulp side. These compresses are anti-inflammatory, have a powerful effect and antiseptic properties.

In addition, they help fight anal fissures. Wound healing under the influence of aloe occurs much faster, and pain also decreases.

Aloe candles

Using this technique, internal hemorrhoids can be cured. As in previous recipes, a leaf ( in botany, an external organ of a plant, the main functions of which are photosynthesis, gas exchange and transpiration

) plants (
biological kingdom, one of the main groups of multicellular organisms, including mosses, ferns, horsetails, mosses, gymnosperms and flowering plants
) should be washed and peeled with a knife. Remove the pulp and form it into a small candle.

It is best to use this medicine before bedtime. Honey or propolis infusion, in which the candle should be dipped, will help enhance the effect of therapy.

Aloe and hemorrhoids, healing drink

With the development of pathological processes in the area of ​​the rectal veins, it is recommended to take yarrow juice. To prepare, we use leaves 15 cm long, clear them of thorns, make a side cut, and turn them inside out. We take gauze and place pre-cut pieces of the plant. Squeeze the juice into a cup. Take orally an hour before meals, three times a day. Promotes softening of feces, increasing the function of cell and tissue regeneration. The juice of the plant normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Increases immunity. Oral consumption is effective for the treatment and prevention of the disease.

It is used in combination with conservative therapy during the rehabilitation period after surgery. Helps normalize metabolic processes in the body, prevents the development of new bacteria and viruses.

Useful and healing properties

In addition, the plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • helps improve blood circulation;
  • improves intestinal motility, eliminating constipation;
  • has bactericidal properties and analgesic effects;
  • prevents bleeding;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • increases immunity;
  • stabilizes blood flow.

You can learn about the medicinal properties, harms and contraindications of aloe juice here.

Aloe vera for hemorrhoids compresses, lotions, tampons

Millennial is used for internal and external treatment of pathology, depending on the form of manifestation. Effectively mixed use. If there are restrictions for internal use, lotions and compresses are used.

Since aloe in the treatment of hemorrhoids mostly has a healing and disinfecting effect, it is used externally

  • Recipe No. 1. Prepare a decoction. Place the leaves in a container and fill with warm boiled water. Place in a water bath. Boil for 15 minutes. We moisten gauze in the resulting composition. Apply to the affected area and hold for 15 minutes. Use effectively in the formation of external hemorrhoidal cones. The course of therapy is designed for a month.
  • Recipe No. 2. Compress. We wet the cotton cloth in the juice of the plant or the prepared concentrated decoction. Apply to bumps and cracks. Cover with polyethylene and secure with adhesive tape. Leave it overnight. It has wound-healing properties, relieves inflammation, and helps cope with bleeding.
  • Recipe No. 3. If there are internal lumps, treat hemorrhoids with aloe using a tampon. Soak a cotton swab in juice or decoction and carefully place it in the anus. Leave for four hours. After the specified time has passed, the tampon is removed. Helps cope with the prolongation of pathology in hard-to-reach places.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aloe, patient reviews have proven the effectiveness of the methods.

Traditional recipes involve the use of fresh agave leaves

Aloe suppositories for hemorrhoids

An effective way to treat dilated veins of the rectum is suppositories made from millennium. Used for internal manifestations of pathology. There are two ways to make candles.

  • Recipe No. 1. Prepare the plant leaf. We choose the longest one. Remove thorns and rinse under running water. Make a cut and turn it inside out. The pulp remains outside. Cut out a small candle shape, about 2 cm in diameter. We insert it into the anus. The candle is ready. The inner part of the plant comes into contact with the mucous membrane. An effective way to treat internal hemorrhoids. Relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. Use at night for a month. The duration of use depends on the stage of development of the pathological process.
  • Recipe No. 2. You can prepare suppositories from millennial juice. To do this, you will need fresh juice from the leaves, a blister from pharmaceutical candles. Pour the juice into molds and place in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use cooled rectal suppositories within a minute. Aloe with honey for hemorrhoids is an effective method of therapy. Before use, it is recommended to dip the ice suppository in honey to enhance the beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. The use of suppositories is intended for a period of up to a month. Each time, the duration of action of the ice suppository is increased by 5 seconds.

How does aloe help against hemorrhoids? The main effect is anti-inflammatory, antibactericidal. Has a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa. Does not cause irritation. The unique composition helps restore blood circulation in hemorrhoids. Quickly heals wounds and cracks.

Hemorrhoids should be treated with tampons in cases of acute exacerbation of the disease

Conservative treatments for hemorrhoids

Sclerotherapy: During sclerotherapy, a liquid (phenol or quinine urea) is administered.

Rubber band ligation: the principle of bandaging with rubber bands, you need to surround the base of the hemorrhoidal anal pad with a hard rubber band, the tissue cut off by the rubber band dies.

Heat coagulation: using direct current electrotherapy and infrared coagulation. These procedures kill the tissue in and around the hemorrhoid and cause scar tissue to form.

Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy uses cold temperature to destroy veins and cause inflammation and scarring.


Aloe for hemorrhoids reviews from patients are positive. Like any remedy, it has a number of contraindications when used to treat enlarged rectal veins. In general, the effect of the plant is well tolerated; side effects occur in rare cases, in chronic diseases. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, especially regarding dosage.

Advantage - it can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as it has a natural composition. Does not harm the developing fetus.

The main contraindications to the use of millennium in the treatment of pathology:

  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant;
  • allergic reactions;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poisoning;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • bleeding;
  • oncological diseases.

In case of an overdose, potassium is removed from the body, manifested in the presence of seizures. During the period of treatment of hemorrhoidal disease using millennium, if your health worsens, it is recommended to consult a doctor and donate blood for a general analysis.

Possible side effects and contraindications for use

Agave is a hypoallergenic plant, so allergic reactions practically do not occur during treatment.

But, unfortunately, aloe decoction or juice used internally can cause miscarriage or premature birth, so this plant is prohibited from using while pregnant. In addition, oral intake of aloe can cause uterine and rectal bleeding.

It is also not recommended to consume aloe internally for people prone to diarrhea, as it greatly weakens the stool.

When used externally, as a rule, the listed side effects do not occur. But still, before you start treating hemorrhoids with agave, you must obtain the approval of the treating doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine the feasibility of such therapy and prevent possible undesirable consequences.

Thus, we can conclude that aloe is an affordable natural medicine that helps relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids and speed up recovery. But you need to remember that self-medication, even with such a useful plant, can be detrimental to your health, so before using any of the remedies described above, you should consult a proctologist.

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