Aloe juice for the stomach - treat gastritis, ulcers

Plant composition

The benefits of aloe for the stomach lie in the unique composition of the flower. It is the components included in it that make it possible to combat disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. The main element in the plant is water. The leaves also contain:

  • alkaloids, including aloins;
  • allantoin;
  • amino acids;
  • anthraglycosides;
  • anthraquinone;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, b9, C, E);
  • tannins;
  • microelements - selenium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper and others;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • polysaccharides (glucomannans and acemannan);
  • simple organic acids;
  • esters;
  • resins;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils.

All the described properties are present in the plant grown at home. The purchased product may lose a number of properties due to length of storage, improper cultivation and collection of leaves.

Natural biostimulant

A common indoor flower, tree aloe is one of the most powerful medicinal plants used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Agave extract, which contains many biostimulating substances, helps stop the progression of inflammation and other destructive processes:

  • anthraquinone and its derivatives, enzymes, ascorbic acid, steroid compounds relieve inflammation, have a healing and regenerating effect;
  • minerals, chrysic, cinnamic, phenylacrylic organic acids, B vitamins regulate secretory activity;
  • anthraglycosides, bitterness, phenolic and tannins, flavonoids destroy pathogenic microbes.

The medicinal properties of agave are recognized by official medicine, that is, scientifically proven. Several forms of drugs are used in clinical practice:

  • sabur - condensed evaporated extract;
  • syrup;
  • pills;
  • extractive solution in ampoules.

Most methods of use involve the use of aloe products for the stomach and intestines orally. At home, fresh juice in combination with other folk remedies is no less effective.

We recommend: Allergic reaction to Aloe - causes, symptoms, treatment

To collect the healing liquid, an adult plant is suitable - from 3 years old and older, from the bottom of which you need to separate the thickest leaves. Additional biostimulation helps to enhance efficiency - storing raw materials at a temperature of +4-6°C without access to light for 12 days. A refrigerator is perfect for this. The shoots must be wrapped in paper or cloth (film cannot be used) and left on the shelf for the required period. Then wash the stems, discuss them, carefully cut off the skin and squeeze out the liquid from the gelatinous pulp.

Fresh extract is useful for gastritis with low acidity, lack of appetite, intoxication, peptic ulcer, malabsorption of nutrients, constipation.

How to properly grow aloe to use it for medicinal purposes

The plant is unpretentious and does not require much time to care for. It is better to propagate it using shoots that grow from above or using young shoots.

The flower does not require frequent watering; it is enough to moisten it once a week, or you can do this even less often. Find your bearings on the ground. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a month. Protect the flower from strong sunshine, but keep in mind that the plant loves light. Frequent exposure to direct sunlight can burn the plant. Such leaves will be unsuitable for preparing medicinal products, because under the influence of temperature, a number of properties will be lost, and the plant will become less effective in the fight against stomach diseases. Do not leave the plant in a draft; if it blows from the windows in winter, it is better to remove the aloe from the windowsill.

As soon as you are ready to make the “medicine”, stop watering the plant. The lack of moisture promotes the concentration of beneficial elements in the leaves of the plant. But be careful. Prolonged drought can kill the plant. Dried branches should be cut off, starting with those located at the base. It is better not to tear off the leaves; use pruning shears or regular scissors for cutting.

Before making medicines, castings are washed to remove dust and cleaned. The peel is not suitable for consumption.

It should be noted that leaves that have been cut off long ago lose some of their beneficial properties. Even juice if stored for a long time is no longer effective. Therefore, it is recommended to cut off the leaves immediately before making the product. You can grind them with a knife or in a blender. It is better to squeeze out the juice by hand.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

Thanks to a rich set of components, aloe juice restores the intestinal microflora, helps the stomach cope with cramps, digest food more thoroughly, eliminating discomfort, and helps normalize metabolism.

In addition, aloe medicine for the stomach copes with bacterial infections. It is effective against staphylococci, streptococci, dysentery bacillus, typhoid bacillus, diphtheria bacillus. But this does not mean that the plant is the only remedy for treatment. It is complementary to drug therapy. As a means of prevention, you can use aloe vera medicine as the main one.

§ 1. Aloe juice for the stomach: prepare at home or buy at the pharmacy?

Gentlemen, you are joking - there is a pot of this shrub in every home: you can cook it yourself - it will come out almost free!

People who think this way make two mistakes at once:

  • they confuse Grandma's agave - the "Aloe tree" variety - with another representative of succulents - the "Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller" variety, which does not grow not only on our windowsills, but also in Russia in general. However, it is the main ingredient in drinking gels recommended for the treatment of stomach diseases;
  • they prepare medicine from Aloe themselves. Considering it an equivalent replacement for branded drugs from companies specializing in the production of Aloe products.

The mistakes don’t end there: let’s compare how preparations with Aloe for the stomach are prepared at home and how they do it at the enterprises of the German pharmaceutical company LR. However, first, a little about the benefits of Aloe gel for the stomach, made from the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller variety.

to contents

§ 1.1. Benefits and uses of Aloe gel for the stomach

It is believed that inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastric walls are a consequence of the destructive action of the bacterium helicobacter pilori, an extremely tenacious and aggressive infection. The substances it produces (enzymes and endotoxins) dissolve the protective gastric mucus, cause the death of epithelial cells, and weaken local and general immunity.

In fact, everyone normally has these bacteria, including absolutely healthy people. And stressful situations and our body’s reactions to them contribute to the fact that their number becomes greater than it should be normally. As a result of this, ulcerations appear.

Without peace of mind, constantly being under stress, it is impossible to cure health problems for a long time.

Fighting an infection with antibiotics (traditional medicine methods) is only half the way. It is also necessary to quickly restore damaged tissue areas and simultaneously strengthen their immunity.

Highly concentrated drinking gels based on Aloe for the stomach cope with this task perfectly.

They contain unique vitamin and enzyme complexes, which:

  • have pronounced wound-healing properties;
  • act as bacteriostatics;
  • strengthen local and general immunity;
  • replenish vitamin deficiency in the body.

An increasing number of gastroenterologists are including herbal nutritional supplements in medicinal formulations - everything lends itself well to complex therapy.

Any inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - this is the area of ​​application of Aloe Vera drinking gels and juices: from stomach ulcers to banal gastritis.

Preparations from the plant for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and erosions show better results in comparison with other drugs used in official protocols - sea buckthorn oil, flaxseed decoction and oil of the same name.

Of course, during the onset and exacerbation of the disease, you cannot use only the juice of the plant for absolutely everyone. Because some people first need a course of several antibiotics and coating drugs. Each person's body is individual. What works for one will not be 100% effective for everyone.

However, it makes sense to continue taking Aloe Vera drinking gel, started during the main course of therapy. And then repeat periodically - and especially in the off-season, when the risk of exacerbations is high.

Gels are useful not only in the acute period of the disease, but also as a means of preventing infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so they are a good way to prevent illness.

Aloe Vera products are especially recommended for people at risk:

  • working in areas with high psycho-emotional stress (hence stress, irregular meals, rare snacks during the day “on the go” or in street cafes, dry meals, large meals at night (overeating), etc.);
  • smokers;
  • frequent drinkers;
  • forced to constantly take medications that irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines and can provoke inflammation and the formation of ulcers.

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How to properly use aloe to treat stomach problems?

It is important to follow some rules for treating the plant to avoid worsening the disease. Whatever recipe for preparing the medicine is chosen, you need to adhere to the exact treatment regimen. To create a remedy, you must use fresh leaves of the plant.

For the first 3-4 days, 10 ml of the drug is taken 2 times a day.

From the 5th day of treatment, it is recommended to increase the dose to 1 dessert spoon.

From the 7th day, the dosage increases to 20 ml.

It is not recommended to take more than 60 g of the drug. For better absorption of the juice, it is better to use it 30-40 minutes before meals. Dosages are indicated for persons who do not have concomitant problems with the kidneys, gall bladder, etc.

During therapy, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed to 2-2.5 liters. It is better if it is warm, clean water. To achieve the best effect, accompany treatment with enemas to quickly cleanse the stomach and intestines. Throughout therapy, the amount of body cleansing is gradually reduced.

Traditional recipes and their use

Heartburn is considered one of the most common gastrointestinal problems. It appears at any time and brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. To calm her down, some go to quite radical methods. Sometimes this relieves the burning sensation, but in no way affects the very reason that triggered the occurrence. And in some cases, it generally significantly worsens the patient’s condition.

Aloe for heartburn

This manifestation can often serve as a companion to colitis or gastritis. It's no secret that honey has healing properties, but in combination with agave, it simply becomes miraculous. To prepare the product you will need in equal proportions:

  • sweet bee product;
  • olive oil;
  • medicinal plant juice.

Mix everything and heat the mixture in a water bath. After this, refrigerate. Take the composition three times a day, a tablespoon before meals. Remember that prolonged exposure to high temperatures on the sweet component leads to the destruction of its beneficial components.

Recipes for normalizing acidity

The prepared product will help normalize acidity and other digestive disorders. These methods of influence can also be used for esophagitis and gastritis.

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Recipe 1

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  • 200 ml hot water;
  • 100 ml honey;
  • 100 g aloe porridge.

First dilute the first 2 components and then mix with the last. Take 2 small spoons a quarter of an hour before meals.

Recipe 2

It will help cope even with an erosive illness. To prepare it, take:

  • 100 ml each of agave juice and natural honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. carrot juice.

Mix the first step thoroughly and then add what is indicated in the second. The medicine is used on an empty stomach, one tablespoon three times a day. The duration of treatment is a month.

For the treatment of stomach ulcers

This is a fairly serious disease. It’s not so easy to cope with it, but we shouldn’t give up, the agave will help us with this. Help your body with an alcohol-free tincture. For it you will need:

  • Pour chilled leaves with water in a ratio of 1 to 3;
  • let stand for a couple of hours and then squeeze out the juice;
  • prepare a mixture of juice, walnuts and honey. The ratio should be 1 to 3 to 5.

Take the finished product one teaspoon half an hour before meals for 60 days.

For duodenal ulcer

This recipe will be just for those who have duodenal ulcers. Take 400 ml of juice:

  • radishes;
  • pumpkins;
  • Agave.

Mix the juices, add 400 ml of red wine and 400 ml of bee honey. Place the container with the contents in the oven and simmer for 5-6 hours at 100 degrees. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach 40 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

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Constipation remedy

The accumulation of feces can have a toxic effect on our body. To remove toxins and normalize peristalsis, freshly squeezed agave juice will help you. Cut off a few leaves and get 2 teaspoons. It is worth repeating such procedures three times for 10 days. If the obstruction is not eliminated, then you should take a short break and then repeat again.

Aloe for pancreatitis

The plant will also help with problems such as pancreatitis. The important thing in this case is that it will also have a mild laxative effect. After all, it is with this disorder that problems with bowel movements are noticed in patients. Due to insufficient enzymes, food is not completely digested and constipation occurs. In this situation, a combination of honey and agave will be beneficial. The same amount of substances is mixed, usually a tablespoon at a time, and taken before meals. The amount per day should not exceed 1 tbsp. l. This way you can normalize the functioning of the pancreas. The same remedy can also cure cholecystitis.

Remember that before you start using it, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor and clarify that there are no contraindications for use.

Health to you!

Relief from stomach pain

For systematic pain in the organ, you can use aloe for the stomach, the recipe for which is quite simple. To prepare the medicine, you only need an aloe leaf.

Wash the plant thoroughly and chop. The juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. You can use a juicer, blender or meat grinder, but this is not effective because you will only need a small amount of product. Continue treatment for a month. To do this, drink freshly prepared juice in small doses 30-35 minutes before meals.

Treatment of heartburn

Aloe helps reduce the amount of gastric juice and normalize the digestive process. Aloe with honey for the stomach is the best therapy option. In this case, both components enhance each other’s properties. Aloe with honey in a recipe for the stomach:

  1. Prepare 200 ml of warm purified water, 10 ml of honey (it is recommended to take real honey, without chemical impurities) and 10 ml of aloe juice.
  2. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  3. Drink warm liquid 30-40 minutes before meals.

Normalization of the digestive process

A medicine made from aloe and honey to treat the stomach is also used for digestive and metabolic disorders. The classic recipe uses wine, but if desired, it can be replaced with water. It is necessary to take into account the fact that wine affects the circulatory system even in small quantities.

15 g of aloe juice, 200 g of honey and 350 g of wine are mixed and infused for a week. Take 20 ml 3 times a day.

The mixture stimulates appetite and normalizes stomach function. This recipe is recommended after a long illness or sudden weight loss due to disorders in the body.

How to make juice

This substance is considered the basis for many healing remedies. Before starting treatment, it is worth doing some preparatory work. The most optimal plant age is considered to be after 3 years. They contain the maximum number of useful components.

It is recommended to use aloe for gastritis and other ailments only on the lower and middle leaves. They should be thoroughly washed with warm boiled water, dried and wrapped in a dark piece of cloth. Next, place in the refrigerator for a day. Then remove and separate the pulp. Pass everything through a meat grinder or juicer. Next, strain.

Traditional healers advise preparing a new portion each time, since the juice of this plant does not retain useful substances well. The maximum shelf life in the refrigerator is one day.

Classic recipe

You can prepare the leaves of the plant with honey in various ways. The fastest and most accessible is the classic recipe, designed to improve the digestion process, as well as eliminate bloating and heartburn.

To obtain such a tool, you need to follow these steps:

  1. place fresh aloe leaves in the refrigerator for 14 days;
  2. after the expiration of the period, wash the plant, remove the thorns and skin, and then grind until a paste is obtained;
  3. Combine in equal proportions with honey and mix thoroughly.

The medicinal mass should be taken 1/5 teaspoon before meals.

With red wine

Gastrointestinal diseases can be cured with the help of aloe tincture from red wine.


  1. Combine red table wine, honey and crushed aloe leaves in equal proportions.
  2. Mix the ingredients and place in a glass container. Place it in a dark place for 7 days.
  3. Take 40 ml 3 times a day.

Cabbage and honey

A combination of 1 tablespoon of honey with white cabbage juice in a volume of 200 ml gives a good effect. Be sure to use freshly squeezed product. This medicine should be taken on an empty stomach.

Alcohol infusion

Mix 500 ml of alcohol (vodka), 0.7 kg of honey and half a kilogram of aloe leaves. Place the composition in a dark place for 60 days. You can also use dark glass containers for infusion. After this time, the product should be used 15 ml three times a day 60 minutes before meals. After taking the medicine, you need to eat a little butter.

Honey water

This recipe is quite easy to prepare. You need to dissolve a spoonful of sweet treats in a small volume of water. The effect on the digestive tract depends on the temperature of the solution used. Warm water is effective for high acidity levels, while the same product in cold form will help cope with low acidity. You need to take the medicine two hours before meals.

With walnuts

To prepare this medicine you need the following components:

  • walnuts – 500 g;
  • aloe leaves – 500 g;
  • honey – 400 ml.


  1. First, wash the leaves of the plant and chop finely.
  2. Next, grind the nuts using a blender.
  3. Combine all ingredients and leave in a dark place for 2 days.
  4. Take 20 ml 3 times a day.

Below is a visual video with a recipe for preparing medicine with aloe and walnuts:

How to make it with butter?

To obtain the composition, take the following components in equal proportions:

  • aloe juice;
  • honey;
  • butter.


  1. Melt the butter until liquid.
  2. Pass aloe leaves through a meat grinder.
  3. Combine all ingredients and take 20 g 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

How to make it from agave juice, honey and Cahors?

With the correct combination of these three components, you can get an infusion that can treat various diseases. In folk medicine, it is one of the most common remedies for the gastrointestinal tract; the drug is taken in the following cases:

  • lack of appetite;
  • disruption of the digestive process;
  • gastritis;
  • oncology.

Honey should not be overly candied, this indicates that it is from last year. It is recommended to use fresh product in this recipe. Wine should be purchased in glass containers, as this option is of higher quality. You can buy aloe juice at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. In the latter case, this must be done immediately before mixing the components, since the shelf life of this product in the refrigerator is no more than 2 days.

For the tincture you will need:

  • 750 ml wine;
  • 375 g honey;
  • 400 g of agave juice.
  1. Finely chopped leaves are mixed with wine and liquid honey.
  2. The mass is placed in a glass container, wrapped in paper and left for 9 days in the refrigerator.
  3. Then the cake is filtered and aged.
  4. The finished tincture must be stored in a cool place.

Getting rid of stomach ulcers

For the treatment of ulcerative conditions, it is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach. Algorithm for preparing medicine from aloe:

  1. The recipe uses dried branches of the plant. The plucked branches are stored in a dark and dry room for a week, after which they are thoroughly washed and finely chopped.
  2. The chopped plant is filled with cold water. Liquid at room temperature is suitable.
  3. Leave for 2-2.5 hours.
  4. Strain the juice, squeezing out the pulp.

The resulting juice can be used without additional components. If desired, you can add potatoes or honey. When adding potatoes, it is worth considering that they cannot be stored for long, so the juice will have to be made once every 1-2 days.

Gastritis therapy

The anti-inflammatory drug eliminates the attack of bacteria on the gastrointestinal tract, restores the intestinal microflora and stomach walls. Gastritis can be treated with aloe not only during an exacerbation, but also during remission during the chronic course of the disease:

  1. The same amount of plantain juice and honey is used. You can collect the grass yourself, but away from the road, or purchase it at a specialized store.
  2. Place the mixture in an enamel pan, place on the stove and let it boil. The medicine does not require long boiling. Remove from heat and leave covered for 2 hours.
  3. Add 200 ml of aloe juice to the mixture, which has cooled to room temperature.
  4. Before use, stir in water and drink before meals.

The product can retain its properties for 15 days if stored in the refrigerator. The fresher the product, the greater its effectiveness.

Step-by-step instructions: how to prepare and take the product?

There are several recipes based on aloe that help during gastritis. But for aloe juice to be truly healing, it must be prepared correctly. To do this you need:

  1. Choose a plant that is at least 4-5 years old and stop watering it for a week.
  2. Cut off the lower leaves, rinse them with water and leave them in the refrigerator for two weeks.
  3. Now the side thorns are cut off from the plant, the leaves are passed through a meat grinder, and the resulting mass is filtered through cheesecloth.
  4. The finished juice is poured into a dark glass bottle and closed with a lid.

Recipe from plant juice without other products

For gastritis, drinking aloe juice in its pure form is strongly not recommended. It is best to mix it with other products. In addition, before starting therapy, you should start using the drug with a minimum dose to check how the body reacts.

However, in its pure form, the juice can be taken as a preventive measure for gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, you need to drink 10 drops of juice every day for a month half an hour before meals.

With honey

Aloe with honey shows excellent results during the treatment of gastritis. The simplest recipe is a mixture of plant juice and honey. The components must be taken in equal proportions, mixed and taken a teaspoon three times a day, preferably before meals. The medicine should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Another recipe is a suspension. To prepare it you need to mix:

  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 100 ml of crushed plant leaves;
  • a glass of boiled water;

You need to take this suspension in the morning and evening, one tablespoon at a time.

The next recipe will take a little longer to prepare. Necessary:

  1. Mix plantain juice and honey in equal quantities, bring to a boil and leave for a little while.
  2. Add aloe juice to the cooled mixture and mix thoroughly.

The resulting infusion is taken twice a day, two tablespoons, after mixing them in a glass of water. The medicine should be stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

We invite you to watch a video about the use of honey and aloe in the treatment of gastritis:

With vodka

To treat gastritis with low acidity, use this recipe. 2 parts of vodka, one part of aloe juice and one part of honey are thoroughly mixed and left for about 40 days in a cold, dark place. The finished product should be taken one tablespoon once a day before meals.

Aloe has been used since time immemorial in the treatment of various diseases. Will agave help with constipation, as well as in the treatment of stomach ulcers - read on our website.

Popular and effective aloe and honey recipes

The simplest recipe for stomach medicine from aloe and honey is to take aloe juice and mix it with honey in equal proportions. The duration of such treatment is no more than two months. It has a positive effect on all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, not only the stomach.

Melted butter is also used to improve the recipe. It is important to take a fresh and high-quality product.

Honey and aloe can be mixed with walnuts or diluted with wine, but the use of these products is recommended only after consulting a doctor.

How to make a medicine for the stomach from aloe can be seen in the video:


Despite the popularity of aloe treatment, not everyone can use the plant. So, with the following signs, treatment with a plant can harm the body:

  • the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in an acute form;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • open bleeding, menstruation;
  • hepatitis A;
  • cystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Treatment of children under 12 years of age with traditional medicine should be carried out with caution and only after consultation with a pediatrician. It is important to accurately determine the dose of use of the plant and take into account the child’s concomitant diseases.

Do not use aloe treatment under any circumstances if the patient is intolerant to this plant.

If there are contraindications, aloe in combination with other products can be used in small doses, if such is indicated by a doctor.

How is agave useful?

Agave, also called aloe. More than 200 varieties of this plant are known throughout the world. The benefits of aloe have been proven by scientists. Why agave? Because this plant is long-lived. It blooms very rarely. Its scarlet flower can delight you with its beauty almost once every 50 years. Aloe extract has long been used not only by herbalist grandmothers, but also in medical practice, medicines containing agave are used.

The composition of this plant is rich:

  • Vitamin C, which has the ability to increase and strengthen immunity. Thanks to immunity, the human body recovers faster or does not get sick at all;
  • Minerals and Trace elements – remove harmful substances and toxins from the body. Metabolism returns to normal;
  • Catechin, which is part of aloe, helps people suffering from allergies in various forms;
  • Flavanoids – have a bactericidal effect, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and have a strengthening effect;
  • Tannins – have an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect. Helps well with poisoning and gynecological diseases;
  • Aloe juice is widely used in cosmetology. There are many creams that contain the juice of this plant;
  • For various skin diseases;
  • Corns and calluses on the feet. Compresses every day help to forget about this problem;
  • Very good effect on hair loss. Regularly rubbing aloe juice into the root part of the hair gives a lasting and positive effect.

Aloe juice is commercially available. You can buy a bottle of life-giving medicine at any pharmacy. You can make your own juice from the agave. But the main thing to remember is that despite all the benefits of the plant, there may be contraindications for use.

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