Steamed fish cutlets recipe for gastritis of the stomach

Dietary chicken cutlets in the oven for gastritis

This recipe will be useful not only for those who are trying to lose weight or not to gain it, it will also be a godsend for those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers (especially during the spring exacerbation), who have children, and who want to treat themselves to some delicious food .

They are prepared absolutely without bread, flour and eggs, with a minimum amount of vegetable oil - which significantly reduces their calorie content. Diet cutlets turn out surprisingly very juicy, tender and fluffy.

Recipe for cooking chicken cutlets in the oven for gastritis

Ingredients for cooking:

  • minced chicken (turkey or any other poultry can be substituted) - 450 grams;
  • onion - 150 grams;
  • oat flakes - 60 grams;
  • green cilantro - 30 grams;

Diet cutlets turn out surprisingly very juicy, tender and fluffy

  • ice water - 75 milliliters;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, dry herbs (oregano, thyme, basil) - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the mold.

Grind the onion in a blender with the addition of 1 tablespoon of ice water - this will add juiciness to the diet cutlets. Finely chop the fresh cilantro. If you don’t have it, you can replace it with 0.5 teaspoon of ground coriander. Add oatmeal. If the grains are large enough, then lightly grind them with a blender.

After the minced meat, you need to stand for a while so that the oatmeal swells well. Therefore, cover the bowl with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Prepare a baking dish: cover it with foil and grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Form the cutlets and place them in the pan. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, you need to moisten them in water. Place in the oven at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. The cutlets are ready.


When should you eat turkey meat if you have gastritis?

The basis of a person’s well-being and good health is proper, balanced nutrition. In order for the inflamed gastric mucosa to recover, it is important to regularly eat proteins. It is better to keep fatty foods to a minimum. They slow down the digestion process and promote the production of gastric juice.

However, protein differs from protein. It is present in all types of meat, which are considered heavy foods. It takes a lot of time to digest such dishes. Therefore, people suffering from gastritis are recommended to eat dietary meat at lunchtime, and not late in the evening.

And one more important nuance. Since it takes a lot of time and energy to digest meat, try not to mix meat dishes with any other dishes. It is better not to delay the digestion process and not to provoke an exacerbation of pain, flatulence, or heaviness in the stomach.

What products can I use?

The list of products from which you can prepare main courses for gastritis is by no means small. Safe to use:

  • dietary meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal, quail carcasses;
  • eggs (chicken or quail);
  • vegetables with neutral tastes: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, squash, zucchini, green beans, cucumbers (without skin), beets;
  • fruits: apples (after processing: baking, boiling), pears, apricots, bananas;
  • dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, dried figs, dates (no more than 4 pieces per day);
  • dietary fish and seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels);
  • rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina;
  • butter (minimum amount);
  • sunflower, olive oil;
  • milk;
  • low-fat, mild, no additives, mold-free cheese;
  • cottage cheese with low fat content;
  • sour cream 10-15% fat;
  • low-fat cream;
  • yogurt (without fillers);
  • kefir, yogurt;
  • pasta;
  • flour (small quantity);
  • parsley and dill;
  • honey in small quantities.

These foods and their combinations can be used to create delicious recipes. For example, chicken fillet for gastritis can be boiled, baked in the oven, grind it in a meat grinder and make steam cutlets, meat soufflé, meatballs from the minced meat, prepare dietary lasagna, chicken tenders, homemade sausages, homemade sausages. And this is not a complete list of dishes that can be prepared from chicken breast.

Read: why bloating occurs and how to prevent it.

We recommend reading which herbal teas for the pancreas you can take.

With gastritis, depending on the acidity of the stomach, you need to stop eating a number of foods. Prohibited foods for both hyperacid and hypoacid gastritis are:

  • cereals: pearl barley, millet, corn, barley, legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas);
  • fatty meat: pork, lamb, duck;
  • mushrooms;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat;
  • vegetables with pungent flavors that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice: fresh onions and garlic, radishes, radishes, ginger, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes;
  • vegetables and fruits with a lot of fiber: cabbage, fresh apples, bell peppers;
  • fish with a high percentage of fat;
  • salo;
  • spices, pepper, salt in large quantities.

What foods should be excluded from the diet for gastritis?

Currently, medical nutrition is treated very carefully, trying to avoid numbering dietary tables. Products for patients with gastritis should be selected in such a way that they cause less trauma to the stomach and digestive system as a whole.

To select or create delicious recipes, you need to know which foods should be limited or excluded from the diet of patients. These are primarily those that cause an increase or decrease in stomach acidity and relax the lower esophageal sphincter. Products prohibited for gastritis include:

  • carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola, energy drinks, coffee, strong tea;
  • sour juices: citrus, pineapple and grape;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • sauerkraut, turnips, radishes, radishes, spinach;
  • peas, beans, soybeans, beans, lentils;
  • mushrooms;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk cottage cheese;
  • alcohol.

For the holiday table

Setting a festive table so that a person with gastritis does not feel out of place at it is a completely solvable task. If you use your imagination, you can come up with a huge number of dietary holiday dishes. And we are talking not only about hot food, but also about cakes.

Rainbow trout with fennel

  • 2 rainbow trout fish;
  • 2 fennel bulbs;
  • 4 sprigs of dill;
  • 60 g olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. salt.
  1. We clean the fish and salt it.
  2. Cut fennel into slices.
  3. Prepare 2 pieces of foil for the fish.
  4. Place 1 sprig of dill, half of fennel and fish on the foil.
  5. Drizzle the trout with olive oil and top with the remaining fennel and dill.
  6. Wrap each fish in its own piece of foil and place in an oven preheated to 200°.
  7. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

Curd banana cake

This is a diet cake without adding eggs, cream, or butter. Let’s immediately make a reservation that you can only eat it in small portions and during the remission stage.

You will need:

  • ½ cup 1% kefir;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 300 g natural low-fat yogurt;
  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 bananas.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the kefir a little and add soda to it.
  2. Pour in olive oil, add sugar, and mix well.
  3. Sift the flour into the resulting mixture and stir again.
  4. Divide the dough into 3-4 equal parts and bake the cakes at 180° for 20 minutes.
  5. If necessary, level the edges and surface of the cakes, cutting off all excess.
  6. Grind the bananas to a paste-like consistency.
  7. Mix them with yogurt, cottage cheese and granulated sugar until smooth.
  8. Coat the cakes with curd cream and put the refrigerator away for a couple of hours.


Of course, from time to time we all want to treat ourselves to sweet desserts: cakes, cookies, pies and buns. Unfortunately, traditional cakes and pastries for gastritis of any form are prohibited. However, many baking options will certainly suit your taste.

In case of inflammation of the stomach, dishes made from uneatable dough, dry cookies, and biscuits are allowed. Of course, biscuits can hardly be called a delicacy. But apple pies, carrot cookies, and cottage cheese casseroles are quite suitable for this definition. Or you can make healthy cookies based on oatmeal.

Oat cookies


  • 200 g oatmeal;
  • 200 g fruit puree;
  • 10 g coconut flakes.

Action plan:

  1. Grind the flakes in a blender.
  2. Mix them with fruit puree and coconut flakes.
  3. Form cookies and place in the oven.
  4. Bake at 180° until done.

Meat in a therapeutic diet

In the first days of exacerbation of the disease, fasting is recommended. And the patients themselves often refuse to eat, since inflammation of the stomach is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and soreness. Then vegetable broths, boiled porridges, and protein foods are gradually introduced into the diet.

Meat is an important food product for the whole body, including the stomach. But since the product takes a long time to digest, it must be eaten in the first half of the day.

It is recommended to take vitamin complexes along with meat dishes. This helps to replenish the deficiency of nutrients that are insufficient in the body during gastritis.

Homemade preparations

Regarding any canned products - store-bought and homemade - medical nutritionists speak extremely negatively. Vegetable preparations contain spices, a large amount of salt, vinegar, and meat and fish are rich in extractive substances. Such foods make the stomach work with redoubled force.

Of course, you can try not to use vinegar or spices in the preparations, and add minimal salt to them. But in this case, the whole meaning of such dishes is lost. They lose their unique taste, and there are few useful substances left in them.

As for pickles, they are allowed in limited quantities for hypoacid and atrophic gastritis. For example, lightly salted cucumbers or herring soaked in water.


Cutlets are tasty and satisfying, but during an exacerbation of gastritis you cannot eat them. If the doctor has given permission to eat this dish, then it must be prepared at home, choosing high-quality and fresh meat. It is better to steam the dish, since the main part of the patients’ menu consists of dishes that have been subjected to this type of heat treatment.

If you cook cutlets for gastritis correctly, you can improve your health and not feel any severe restrictions. The main thing is to choose quality products and cook them well.


The best white meat cutlet recipes

If you are trying your best to lose weight, then do not forget that chicken breast cutlets need to be steamed, baked in the oven, or fried in a dry frying pan without oil - this is the only way the dish will be considered dietary. The composition is also very important here, because accompanying products should also have a low fat content.

But, before we start cooking, let's figure out how to make high-quality homemade minced chicken, which can later be used in any recipes.

  • Take a whole chilled chicken breast weighing approximately 700-800g;
  • clean it of skin and bones;
  • cut the meat into small pieces;
  • next, grind the fillet using a food processor or blender;
  • Add salt to the resulting homogeneous mass at the rate of 5g per kilogram of meat, and black pepper;
  • now take care of the onion - peel it, chop it, and also chop it in a blender;
  • add onion puree to the minced meat;
  • mix everything well.

If desired, the mixture can be supplemented with a couple of cloves of garlic and herbs.

Interesting: Diet baking for weight loss

Recipe 1. With oatmeal

≈ 127.5 kcal/100g

To prepare very satisfying and tasty cutlets, take:

  • 300g minced white meat chicken;
  • small onion;
  • approximately 100g oatmeal;
  • one raw egg.

Start by soaking the cereal in water for a few minutes. After they swell, add them to the minced meat, followed by the egg. If necessary, you can add a little salt and pepper. But do not overdo it, remembering that you have already salted the minced meat at the initial stage. Now mix everything well and make medium-sized cutlets. Place them in a steamer with the lid closed for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 2. With buckwheat

≈ 95kcal/100g

Another method of cooking cutlets that you should definitely try while losing weight. So, let's begin:

  • 100g buckwheat;
  • 500g minced meat;
  • egg;
  • medium bulb;
  • spices to taste.

Mix all the above ingredients, except buckwheat, until smooth. But the cereal must first be cooked and cooled. Only after this, a fully prepared kernel can be added to the minced meat. Next, mix everything again and start forming cutlets. They should be cooked in the microwave for 20 minutes.

Recipe 3. With zucchini

≈ 100kcal/100g

Chicken breast cutlets with zucchini are not only very healthy, but also delicious. See for yourself!

  • Take a medium zucchini weighing approximately 600g;
  • chop it very finely;
  • mix with 700g of prepared minced meat;
  • Next, chop a small onion;
  • grate the carrots;
  • and send the vegetables to the minced meat;
  • add chopped herbs to the mixture.

Mix everything in one bowl, then place the formed cutlets on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at medium temperature (about 180°) for half an hour.

Interesting: Diet dishes for dinner

Recipe 4. With hard cheese

A very tender and appetizing dish, which is not a shame to serve as a festive treat on the table. At the same time, the calorie content of the food will not exceed 185 kcal/100 g.

  • 500g minced chicken breasts;
  • 20g semolina;
  • 100g hard cheese;
  • one onion;
  • chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • spices and seasonings to taste.

Start cooking by mixing the prepared minced meat with semolina, vegetables and herbs. Next, form small meat patties and place pieces of cheese on them in the center. Next, completely cover the cheese with meat on all sides. As a result, you should have oval balls with filling. It is better to cook these chicken cutlets in a slow cooker with a little water. Yes, fried in oil they will be tastier and more beautiful, but remember about the extra calories, which you have absolutely no use for.

Recipe 5. With cabbage

≈ 95kcal/100g

And this recipe can be called universal, because if you wish, you can replace cabbage with broccoli.

So take:

  • 450g prepared minced meat;
  • 300 g white cabbage;
  • large onion;
  • 1-2 chicken eggs;
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • spices to taste.

Grind the cabbage and onions through a meat grinder. Drain off the excess juice so that the minced meat does not end up being too runny. Next, chop the vegetables with a blender, and then send them to the meat. Don't forget the egg. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the mixture in the refrigerator or cool place for 60 minutes. After this time, form the cutlets. If desired, they can be rolled in breadcrumbs. Cook by steam or in the oven.

Dietary chicken breast cutlets, cooked in the oven, slow cooker or steamed, are in no way inferior in taste to the usual fried ones. At the same time, they are much more useful for absolutely everyone.

Interesting: Dietary side dishes for weight loss

How to prepare beef dishes for patients with gastritis

Every person diagnosed with gastritis carefully monitors their diet. Of particular concern in this case is the question of whether it is possible to eat steamed meat and how to cook it for people suffering from gastritis? In order to maintain your health and at the same time eat properly, it is recommended to eat steamed meat.

Traditionally, when cooking meat by frying, a certain amount of vegetable oil is required. As a result of its use, dangerous compounds are formed - carcinogens. And when processing meat with steam, no oil or broth is used, and all water-soluble minerals and vitamins are retained in the product. Thanks to this cooking method, the total calorie content of the dish and the time required to prepare meat products are reduced.

This is due to the fact that eating steamed dishes significantly reduces the feeling of hunger, allowing you not to overfill your stomach and reducing the continuous craving for tasting a variety of dishes. After all, meat dishes from chicken and beef turn out to be extremely healthy and juicy, since the steam itself eliminates the presence of impurities of various metals.

Steamed beef recipe

Steamed beef is a traditional recipe for gastritis. To prepare it you will need:

  • beef fillet 300-350 gr.;
  • cream 150 ml;
  • water 1.5-2 l;
  • salt to taste.

The meat must be washed and cut into pieces against the grain. The thickness of the pieces is approximately 2-2.5 cm. Salt and pour cream for half an hour.

Steamed beef cutlets

Place the marinated fillet in a steamer and cook on the appropriate setting until the end of the program. As a side dish for meat, you can use steamed vegetables and cereals, such as rice or buckwheat.

Steamed beef cutlets recipe

Ingredients for cooking:

  • any lean meat 400-500 g;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • milk 100-150 ml;
  • bread crumbs 120 g;

Rinse the meat fillet thoroughly and chop finely in a meat grinder or blender. Pre-fill the crackers with a small amount of water for 3-5 minutes. Add the swollen breadcrumbs, milk and egg to the prepared minced meat, then mix well. Form cutlets from the resulting mixture and place in a steamer. When serving, you can garnish with fresh herbs.

Beef “easier than ever” recipe for those with gastritis

The recipe is very simple! Chop the onion and place it in a dry pan in a layer of about 2-2.5 cm. Cut the meat across the grain into pieces 0.5 cm thick and place it on the onion, sprinkling each layer with a little salt. The last layer can be sprinkled with lemon juice, but this is not necessary. Cover the saucepan with a lid and place on the lowest heat. Do not open the lid for an hour!!! During this time, the meat is first stewed in onion and its own juice, and the onion turns into a paste in the form of a sauce.

Good served with buckwheat, mashed potatoes, etc. When dieting for gastritis, eat this meat without a side dish, because in fact it is not fried and absolutely free of fat. For adults and those not burdened with a diet, you can add more spices, although the meat already has an extraordinary taste!

Ingredients for cooking:

  • beef-300 grams;
  • onions - 3 pieces;
  • lemon juice-2 tbsp. (not necessary).

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Steamed beef cutlets for gastritis

Steamed beef cutlets are a very healthy food; they are often classified as dietary and medicinal dishes due to their low fat content and the peculiarities of heat treatment. This dish is also recommended for people suffering from gastritis and small children, in contrast to cutlets prepared by frying.

Also, you should not be afraid that to prepare this dish you will definitely need a double boiler, no, everything is much simpler, all you need is an ordinary saucepan and a metal colander or sieve.

Recipe for steamed beef cutlets for gastritis

Peel the onion, separate the garlic cloves from the head and remove the peel as well. Grind the ingredients using a fine or medium grater. You can also use a blender if you have such a kitchen appliance at your disposal.

Steamed beef cutlets are a very healthy dish, this dish is also recommended for people suffering from gastritis

Thaw ground beef. To do this, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening or place it on the table a couple of hours before cooking and keep it at room temperature. Once thawed, soft and crumbly, place the minced meat in a deep bowl, add chopped onion, garlic and spices to taste. Using a spoon or wet hands, stir the mixture until it is smooth.

With clean, damp hands, pinch off pieces of the meat mixture and shape them into balls in your palms. You can also slightly flatten them so that the pieces take the classic, familiar shape of cutlets.

Steamed beef cutlets are usually served for lunch or dinner along with a side dish of buckwheat, boiled potatoes or other vegetables, boiled or steamed. Also use various gravies that are combined with meat to give the dish a richer taste and beautiful appearance.

Ingredients for making steamed beef cutlets:

  • minced beef one kilogram; two chicken eggs;
  • one or two onions (to taste);
  • two to four cloves of garlic (to taste); salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste; ground red pepper to taste;
  • Butter as needed.

Allowed dishes

  • Stale pastries and bread, cookies, crackers.
  • Boiled pasta, vermicelli.
  • Porridges cooked in water are preferably viscous and enveloping.
  • Various vegetable soups, possibly with the addition of cereals (for example, buckwheat soup). Puree soups are the best option.
  • Boiled or steamed dishes from beef, chicken, liver, tongue.
  • Eggs are allowed if they are cooked soft-boiled or as an omelet from a double boiler.
  • Boiled fish, preferably lean.
  • Selected types of vegetables and fruits in grated form. It is advisable to eat vegetables boiled or stewed.
  • Non-acidic dairy products, milk, cottage cheese, low-fat fermented baked milk.
  • Among the sweets that are acceptable for gastritis are marshmallows, a little honey, marshmallows, marmalade, and jam.
  • It is advisable to drink weak black tea and coffee, diluting it with milk or low-fat cream, cocoa, juices from permitted fruits and berries.
  • The diet should include oils: olive, sunflower, corn, butter, just a little.

As for forbidden dishes, remember, the main goal is to reduce the level of hydrochloric acid production. This means that foods that increase the secretion of acid in the stomach should be excluded from the diet.

Prognosis and prevention

More than half of the world's population suffers from gastritis to one degree or another, but this does not prevent people from living and enjoying every day. The main thing is to take medications and follow a diet. Over time, you will be able to include sweets in your diet, sometimes treat yourself to fatty or spicy dishes; eating them in moderation will not damage the mucous membranes and will amuse your inner ego. The most interesting thing is that fatty meats actually reduce stomach acidity, but impair peristalsis, which is why they are removed from the diet during an exacerbation of gastritis.

It is much easier to prevent a disease than to take antibiotics and other medications for two weeks, and then follow a diet for at least a month. That's why:

  • Eat right. Let healthy foods predominate in your diet, then you won’t get discomfort from the candy you just ate;
  • Drink more water. Water accelerates metabolic processes in the body, removes toxins and enhances gastrointestinal motility;
  • Play sports. This is a guarantee that you will eat little and often, get rid of excess weight, if any, “wake up” your body from sedentary work and force it to function normally;
  • Give up cigarettes and limit alcohol to a minimum. Smoking increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid and increases the acidity of gastric contents. After achieving stable remission, especially in people with atrophic gastritis, it is possible to rarely drink a glass of red wine with meat dishes with a vegetable side dish, this will increase acidity and improve the absorption of nutrients;
  • Rest more and devote time to yourself. Engaging in a favorite hobby will reduce stress, which literally “forces” your stomach to produce large amounts of gastrin;
  • Visit your gastroenterologist once a year to be checked for gastritis or ulcers.


The importance of proper nutrition during exacerbation of gastritis symptoms

Gastritis is an area of ​​the gastric mucosa in which the upper protective layer has been destroyed. Hot food, cold drinks, spicy seasonings, a large amount of salt in the menu - all this affects damaged tissues, causing pain. A diet for exacerbation of gastritis excludes any type of irritant and thereby eliminates discomfort after eating.

Basic nutrition during an exacerbation period

There is a specially designed diet called “Table No. 1”. It sets strict boundaries in the patient’s diet, but is as balanced and gentle as possible. In some cases, she recommends eating food only in crushed form, to ease the work of the stomach. Sample menu of “Table No. 1”:

  • Soups cooked in weak broths
  • Dairy and vegetable soups
  • Meat and fish without fat, without broth
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, cheeses without salt, kefir, yogurt (without sour taste)
  • Boiled meat
  • Rusks, dry biscuits
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley
  • Vegetables: potatoes, beets, cauliflower, carrots
  • Fruits in compote (cannot be eaten raw)
  • Drinks: compote, jelly, cocoa, tea – warm
  • Sweets: sugar, jam, honey, marshmallows. The jam is not sour.

Following such a diet during exacerbation of chronic gastritis immediately reduces the intensity of painful attacks and, together with medications, returns good health in a short period of time.

Nutrition during remission

After eliminating acute symptoms, the patient is transferred to a more liberal diet called “Table No. 15.” “Table No. 15” or “general table” is also balanced, but includes the consumption of more animal fats (but not very much), salt and sweets.

We diagnose and treat

A person with such complaints turns to either a therapist or a gastroenterologist. In both cases, a general blood and urine test is prescribed. The patient is interviewed, the doctor finds out the connection between pain and food intake, bad habits, heredity and much more, which will help differentiate gastrointestinal diseases from each other. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is mandatory; if a malignant process is suspected, a biopsy is taken. They find out what form of gastritis is with high or low acidity, because further treatment will depend on this. Increased acidity in more than half of the cases signals infection with H. Pylori, an opportunistic bacterium that is activated under prolonged exposure to an irritating factor on the gastric mucosa. It is detected using a urease test; increased acidity is confirmed by the presence of complaints of heartburn and pH measurements of gastric juice.

Therapy is carried out under medical supervision; self-medication is unacceptable. Antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and gastroprotectors are prescribed. They reduce the acidity of gastric juice and improve a person’s quality of life. For severe pain, antispasmodics are used, and prokinetics are used to improve motility of the entire gastrointestinal tract. If H. Pylori is confirmed, antibiotic eradication therapy is carried out.

Drug treatment should be supported by appropriate dietary therapy.

How to eat with gastritis with high acidity

During an exacerbation, food should be consumed exclusively in pureed form. The doctor prescribes an appropriate diet for patients, consisting of foods that tend to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and at the same time preserve the natural process of digestion.

The following products are allowed:

  • vegetables: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beets;
  • desserts: casseroles based on cottage cheese/fruit, jelly based on berries, baked apples, jelly, various dried fruits.

The menu must be compiled by a nutritionist or attending physician, but a person, seeing the list of products allowed to him, can adjust it.

High acidity

Hyperacid gastritis imposes serious restrictions on acidic foods. Primarily for raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) and fruits (citrus fruits, peaches, plums). The rules for consuming meat and fish delicacies do not differ significantly from other forms of the disease. We will tell you the most healthy and tasty dishes allowed for high acidity of gastric juice.

Steam omelette with banana


  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 banana;
  • 6 tbsp. l. milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • 5-10 g olive oil.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Cut the banana into small cubes.
  2. Beat eggs, pour in milk, salt.
  3. Pour the future omelette into greased molds, add a banana to each, approximately equally.
  4. Place the molds in a double boiler or water bath and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Turn the molds over and remove the portioned omelette.
  6. Before serving, it can be decorated with non-acidic jam berries.

Chicken hedgehogs

  • 100 g minced chicken;
  • 100 g rice;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 60 g olive oil.
  1. Rinse the rice and boil until half cooked (about 7 minutes).
  2. Combine it with minced meat, add salt and mix thoroughly.
  3. Roll into balls with a diameter of 3 cm.
  4. Grease a deep frying pan with olive oil, place the hedgehogs in it, add sour cream and water until half full.
  5. Simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

Diet No. 1 for the treatment of gastritis

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • a glass of milk
  • small head of cauliflower
  • eggs
  • 3 tablespoons low-fat sour cream
  • teaspoon wheat flour

Menu and recipes for gastritis with cauliflower. Rinse the head of cauliflower in running water, peel, disassemble into small inflorescences, and cook in 1.5 liters of pre-salted water.

Afterwards, rub the cabbage together with the broth through a sieve, add boiled milk, white sauce, for the preparation of which you should first fry the flour with the addition of cabbage broth, and sugar to taste, mix everything, place on the fire and bring it to a boil, remove from the stove.

Beat the egg with sour cream, add to a slightly cooled dish, stir.

Recipes for zrazy on the menu of a patient with gastritis

  • 350 grams of potatoes
  • 200 grams of lean meat
  • egg
  • tablespoon butter

Grind the meat boiled in salted water through a meat grinder. Peel the potatoes, boil them, mash them with eggs, butter and salt. Form the puree into flat cakes, on which lay a thin layer of rolled meat. Connect the edges of the flatbreads and secure them. Bring the dish to full readiness in a water bath.

Baked apple recipes

Baked apples on the patient's menu

  • 4 apples (preferably sweet and sour varieties)
  • 4 tsp. Sahara
  • 4 tsp jam

Wash the apples well, wipe them, carefully remove the core so that a thin bottom remains at the bottom. Pour a teaspoon of sugar inside each apple, and also put a spoonful of jam. According to the recipe, place the apples in the oven, preheated to low heat. Bake the apples, determining the readiness of the dish by appearance - the apples will become soft and the skin will be browned. Bon appetit to all gastritis patients!

Kiev style in the oven

Preparing chicken Kiev is a little more difficult.

To prepare them you need to prepare the following food set for 4 breasts:

  • half a glass of grated processed cheese;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • half a spoon of nutmeg;
  • a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a little chopped parsley;
  • salt;
  • a couple of glasses of bread crumbs (fresh) for breading.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Beat the chicken breast and coat with lemon juice.
  2. Prepare the filling. To do this, you need to mix chopped garlic, parsley, cheese and nuts. Divide the mass into 4 parts and roll them into cutlets.
  3. Place the filling in the middle of the prepared breast, wrap and secure with skewers.
  4. Roll the resulting products in bread crumbs.
  5. Mix the remaining crumbs with parsley.
  6. Dip the cutlets in lightly beaten whites, and then in crumbs, put them in the refrigerator for about half an hour.
  7. Dip in egg whites again and then roll in crumbs.
  8. Bake in the oven at medium temperature for at least half an hour.

To make the products more accurate and the filling does not leak out, it is important to wrap the breast well and secure it so that the entire structure does not fall apart

Turkey souffle in the oven: recipe for children's menu

The basic method of preparing this dish is what every housewife who masters meat soufflés should start with. If there is a failure with it, the error will be easier to identify than in more complex recipes with many additions. If the soufflé is being prepared for a child, you can serve it with boiled cabbage puree. And don’t forget to remove garlic from your food list. And when used in a diet menu, serve the soufflé with any fresh vegetables.


  • turkey (fillet) – 700 g;
  • eggs 2 cat. - 3 pcs.;
  • purple bulb;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • cream 10% – 100 ml;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the turkey fillet into pieces and grind through a meat grinder twice.
  2. Transfer the minced meat into a food processor, add egg yolks and salt.
  3. Finely grate the garlic and put it there.
  4. Do the same with the peeled onion.
  5. Close the food processor and turn on medium power. The approximate operating time is 1.5-2 minutes, so that the entire mass is pureed.
  6. Next, add cream and olive oil, swirl all the products in the food processor for another minute.
  7. Separately, pour the egg whites into a large glass bowl, add a little salt and turn on the mixer with a whisk. Beat on low speed at first, then gradually increase. The approximate beating time is 4-5 minutes, the volume of the working mass should increase no less than 5 times.
  8. Gently mix the protein foam into the meat mixture, one tablespoon at a time, transfer everything into a large silicone mold (it will be easier to get the soufflé out of it), level the surface.
  9. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake the turkey soufflé for 35 minutes. Then turn off the oven, open the door slightly and leave the dish there for 10 minutes, otherwise it will sag a lot.

Steamed chicken cutlets recipes

Steamed chicken cutlets.

Ingredients: 500g chicken fillet, 2-3 slices of white bread, 1/3 cup milk, 1 onion, 1 egg, salt.

Preparation: soak the bread in milk, pass the fillet through a meat grinder or chop it in a blender, grate the onion or also chop it in a blender, mix the ingredients, beat in the egg, add salt, if desired, add herbs, minced garlic. Form cutlets and place in a double boiler for half an hour.

Steamed chicken cutlets with breadcrumbs.

Ingredients: 2 chicken fillets, 1 medium onion, 2 tbsp. breadcrumbs, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sour cream, salt, allspice.

Preparation: chop the chicken fillet, grate the onion, mix, add breadcrumbs, egg, salt, allspice to the minced meat. Add sour cream to the minced meat and mix again. Form cutlets, place in a steamer, cook for 25-30 minutes.

Steamed chicken cutlets with potatoes.

Ingredients: 1 kg of minced chicken, 5 potatoes, 2 eggs, salt.

Preparation: boil the potatoes, peel, prepare puree, beat the eggs, add to the potatoes, stir, add salt. Form cutlets and place in a steamer for half an hour.

Steamed chicken cutlets with cheese.

Ingredients: 800g chicken breast, 2 onions, 3 tbsp. sour cream, 100g cheese, 1 carrot, 2 eggs, white bread, salt, black pepper, paprika, curry, fresh herbs.

Preparation: wash the breasts, dry them, remove the skin and bones, grind in a blender, then chop the onion, grate the carrots, add to the minced meat, pour milk over the bread, add to the mixture of chicken and vegetables. Grate the cheese, add finely chopped herbs, sour cream, eggs, salt, knead, put in the refrigerator for an hour. Form cutlets and place them in a steamer for 30 minutes.

Steamed chicken cutlets with oatmeal.

Ingredients: 1 kg chicken fillet, 6 carrots, 3 onions, 1 head of garlic, 5 tbsp. oatmeal, 100 ml milk, spices, pepper, salt.

Preparation: grind chicken fillet, onion, carrots, garlic in a blender, add flakes, spices, salt, pepper, form cutlets, cook in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

Steamed chicken cutlets are useful to include in the diet not only for those who strictly monitor their weight and figure. Steamed chicken cutlets are also recommended for feeding children, the elderly and people with digestive problems.

Casserole recipes

So what should you cook today to add vitamins to your body and start the stomach healing process? We have selected several delicious and, most importantly, healthy recipes for you.

Gastritis-safe dishes are prepared mainly from cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, rice and light meat.

Cottage cheese casserole

Recipes for gastritis are amazing in their variety. And so that your menu does not turn into a boring list of healthy products, a delicious cottage cheese casserole will be an ideal option for breakfast or dinner.

Preparing a casserole is quite simple, the main thing is to have the necessary products:

  • 200 ml. 1% kefir;
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 70 g semolina;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of baking powder.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, this will give it airiness and tenderness.
  2. Mix cottage cheese and kefir in a deep bowl.
  3. Combine the mixture with egg, baking powder, semolina. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Bake the dessert in a well-heated oven. Temperature - 180 degrees.

The dairy product must be non-acidic. To comply with this condition, heat treatment is necessary.

Cottage cheese casserole for gastritis with high acidity perfectly complements dietary nutrition, since it consists of microelements necessary for the body. Cottage cheese protein reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the epigastric mucosa.

Casserole with filling

For stomach ulcers, recipes do not exclude dairy ingredients. Curd pie is good and healthy when combined with fruits, berries and even vegetables. Among the recipes for dietary dishes for gastritis, there is a casserole with the addition of vegetables.

To prepare you will need:

  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 300 g of vegetables of your choice (zucchini, beets, carrots, pumpkin);
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • ½ tbsp. semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs as needed.

Prepare this way:

  1. Boil semolina in milk, let cool.
  2. Stir cottage cheese and yolks into the porridge. Bring until smooth.
  3. Puree the vegetables using a blender and mix with the finished dough.
  4. If you notice that the dough is very soft, add breadcrumbs.
  5. Grease the mold with vegetable oil, pour the dough into it, and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

The finished casserole will be an excellent addition to a lunch meal or a separate dish.

You can prepare a delicious cottage cheese casserole with pieces of pear or apple, and replace the semolina with rice. It’s no secret that rice helps coat the walls of the mucous membrane, carefully restoring it. Considering the beneficial properties of rice, you can prepare delicious puddings with berry topping.

Salads, like any other dietary dish, need to be prepared right before consumption in order to preserve maximum nutrients. For a culinary dish, you can use vegetables, meat, and add a little cottage cheese.

It is very important to chop the ingredients, since large pieces can injure the gastric mucosa, and this will complicate the healing process.

Diet recipes will not cure gastritis or ulcers. Light meals only relieve symptoms and do not burden a sore stomach.

Safe vinaigrette

You can eat this salad even if you have a peptic ulcer.

To prepare, use a special dietary recipe:

  • 2 potatoes;
  • can of peas;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greenery.
  1. Peel and boil the potatoes, cut into cubes.
  2. Boil beets and carrots in salted water. Cut the beets into cubes and grate the carrots coarsely.
  3. Wash the greens thoroughly and chop finely.
  4. Combine all ingredients in a deep bowl, mix and season with vegetable oil.

Your diet will be perfectly complemented by this recipe. Vinaigrette can be eaten in addition to lunch, or as a separate dish during lunch.

Do not forget to properly chop all the salad components so as not to damage the gastric mucosa.


Salads for gastritis can also contain fresh vegetables, but this dish is recommended for patients with low acidity. The familiar Olivier is prepared in a new way for patients with gastritis and ulcers.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 carrot and cucumber (fresh);
  • 1 apple;
  • 5 tbsp. l. low fat sour cream.
  • canned peas;

According to recipes for dietary dishes for gastritis, Olivier is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil the poultry meat, cool and cut into small cubes.
  2. Repeat the same steps with potatoes and carrots.
  3. Boil the eggs, cool and chop finely.
  4. Peel the cucumber and apples and cut them into cubes.
  5. Mix all ingredients, add sour cream and a little salt.

Do not neglect the rules of heat treatment. Undercooked components will negatively affect the production of hydrochloric acid. When cooking vegetables, remove the skins from them to avoid complicating the digestion process.

Vitamin salad

Recipes for stomach ulcers will be complemented by a salad with the original name “Vitamin”.

To prepare it you will need:

  • ½ beets;
  • 1 apple and carrot;
  • 3 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream.


  1. Boil the beets in salted water, let them cool and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Boil the carrots until tender, grate coarsely.
  3. Peel and grate the apples.
  4. Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl, seasoning them with sour cream.

Additional components

For gastritis, salad recipes are quite varied. Among the components you can find:

  • squid;
  • green pea;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • mussels

Carrot soup puree

  • 300 grams of carrots
  • 1.5 liters of light meat broth
  • egg
  • tablespoon butter
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat milk

Wash the carrots, peel them, cut them into small pieces, and boil them in meat broth. After the carrots are cooked, rub them through a sieve and put them back into the broth.

Prepare the sauce by frying the flour in butter, dilute it in a small volume of broth, add the resulting mixture to the soup, mix the dish thoroughly, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Break the eggs according to the recipe and pour into the soup in a thin stream with continuous stirring.

Bon appetit.

Chicken cutlet recipes

Chicken cutlets on the menu of a patient diagnosed with gastritis

  • 300-400 grams of chicken meat
  • half a glass of milk
  • egg
  • 4 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • 4 tablespoons butter

First, soak the breadcrumbs in milk and mix. Scroll skinless chicken meat through a meat grinder twice, add soaked crackers to the resulting minced meat, beat in eggs, and add salt. Form cutlets and lightly fry them in oil. Then place the cutlets on a baking sheet and bring the dish to full readiness in the oven. Bon appetit!

Curd cream

  • 200-300 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 3 tablespoons low-fat sour cream
  • egg
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • a teaspoon of sugar
  • vanillin

Lightly beat the eggs with sugar and heat over low heat, stirring continuously. Remove the dish from the heat, add butter, stir, and cool. Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese with sour cream, add vanillin. Add the egg-oil mixture to the resulting mass. Beat lightly. Bon appetit!

To make it more convenient to create your diet, following our recommendations, pay attention to the recipes for dietary dishes. The recipes fully correspond to the menu examples given above. You can also come up with new recipes yourself, while maintaining the principles of therapeutic nutrition.

Boiled vegetable salad


  • Potatoes, 2 pcs;
  • Carrots, 1 piece;
  • Beets, ½ pcs.

Boil all the vegetables, drain the boiling water, pour in cold water and let stand for 5 minutes. Peel, cut, mix, add a little olive oil.

Pumpkin and potato puree


  • Pumpkin, 200 grams;
  • Potatoes, 200 grams;
  • Molko;
  • Butter.

Peel the potatoes and pumpkin, cut into small cubes and cook for about 20-25 minutes. Do not add salt or seasonings. When the vegetables are cooked, remove them from the heat, drain the water and add 25 grams of butter, mash everything and stir until smooth. You can use a blender or mixer. For gastritis, it is good to use this puree along with steamed cutlets or with the addition of crackers.

Steamed fish cutlets


  • Minced fish, 200 grams;
  • Egg, 1 piece;
  • Flour.

Mix minced fish and egg, no need to add onion, pepper and salt. Form small cutlets and lightly roll them in flour. In order to steam them, it is better to use a slow cooker, but you can get by with a pressure cooker or a regular colander.

Kefir-banana cocktail


  • Kefir, 250 ml;
  • Banana, 1 pc.

Making a cocktail according to the recipe is simple: chop a banana finely, crush it with a fork, pour kefir at room temperature and blend everything in a blender. This drink can be consumed instead of breakfast or dinner if you are losing weight. Of course, in no case should you replace breakfast with a cocktail during or immediately after an exacerbation of gastritis.

Cream sauce

Fry the flour in a dry frying pan, mix with cream, that's the whole recipe. It is best to pour it over an almost finished dish so that the sauce is slightly absorbed and warmed up. This is almost the only dressing that is allowed to be used on dishes when treating gastritis.

Steamed meatloaf


  • Dough for dumplings;
  • Minced meat without onions and spices, with egg and carrots.

Roll out the dough thinly (5 mm), add minced meat, roll into a roll. Spread the bottom of the steamer with butter, place the roll and cook for about 40 minutes to an hour, depending on how large and dense your roll is. After the roll is cooked, it needs to be cut into thick rings and eaten with sour cream.

Curd soufflé

  • Cottage cheese, 200 grams;
  • Yogurt, 200 grams;
  • Gelatin, 2 tbsp. l.

The diet of people suffering from gastritis has its own characteristics. You cannot eat certain dishes and foods, otherwise it will lead to serious complications and consequences. You need to eat food often and in small quantities. Drink plenty of water. Recipes for dietary dishes must include pureed soups, cereals and baked apples. Let's take a closer look at the simplest and most popular recipes for gastritis.

Nutrition for gastritis

  • General rules
  • Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity
  • Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity
  • Recipes for dietary dishes for gastritis: Snacks and salads
  • Jellied dishes
  • First meal
  • Second courses
  • Sauces and drinks

Recipes for specific dietary tables are given in the “Recipes” section.

Beef soufflé

  • Products: beef 110g, milk 25g, flour 6g, quarter of an egg, butter 5g;
  • Cooking recipe: Boil the meat until cooked, remove films and tendons, and pass through a meat grinder. Add bechamel sauce to the minced meat, stir, add the yolk, butter, stir, carefully add the whipped whites into the mixture, stir and place in a greased form. Cook in a water bath.

Meat puree

  • Products: beef 110g, sour cream sauce 40g, butter 5g;
  • Cooking recipe: mince boiled meat three times, add sour cream sauce, grind, serve with butter. Meat puree can be added to slimy or pureed soup.

Steamed meatloaf

  • Products: beef 115g, wheat bread 25g, milk 25g, a quarter of an egg;
  • Cooking recipe: prepare a cutlet mass from the meat, place it in a 2 cm layer on damp gauze. Place hard-boiled and finely chopped eggs in the middle. Lifting the gauze on one side, bring the edges of the cutlet mass together, place it on the rack of a steam pan along with the gauze and cook.

Steamed beef stroganoff

  • Products: beef 110g, butter 7g, flour 7g, milk 60g, sour cream 20g, tomato juice 20g, herbs 5g, salt;
  • Cooking recipe: Cool the boiled meat and cut into small oblong pieces. Pour white sauce over the meat, add tomato juice, salt and stir. Cook at low boil for 10 minutes, season with sour cream. Before serving, add herbs and butter.

Pike perch quenelles

  • Products: fish 110g, white bread 15g, wheat flour 7g, half an egg, milk 50g;
  • Cooking recipe: boil half a portion of skinned and boned fish, cool, and pass through a meat grinder twice along with a second portion of raw fish. Prepare a sauce in the form of jelly from milk and flour. Combine the sauce with fish minced through a meat grinder, add raw yolk, 15g of vegetable oil, beat, combine with whipped egg white. Place in a greased mold and steam until done. Before serving, pour melted butter over the soufflé.

Boiled fish soufflé

  • Products: fish fillet 145g, milk 30g, butter 5g, a third of an egg, salt;
  • Cooking recipe: boil the fillet in vegetable broth, remove the skin from the finished fish and mince it twice, add bechamel sauce, butter, egg yolk and carefully fold in the beaten egg white. Grease the mold with oil, put the prepared mixture into it and bring until ready, close the lid.

Curd steam soufflé

  • Products: fresh cottage cheese 110g, milk 40g, flour 7g, egg 1/5pcs, butter 5g;
  • Recipe: Grind the cottage cheese well with milk, yolk and bechamel sauce. Gently fold the whipped whites into the resulting mass. Grease the mold with oil and put the mixture in it, put it in a steam bath, and bring it to readiness.

Freshly prepared cottage cheese

  • Products: fresh milk 1 l, 3% table vinegar 2 tablespoons;
  • Cooking recipe: heat milk to 60 degrees, add 2 tablespoons of 3% vinegar. Heat to 80 degrees, stirring constantly. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes to separate the whey from the curd, cool, and strain through cheesecloth.

In order not to be unfounded, we offer a simple recipe for making finger-licking chicken cutlets. The main thing is to prepare high quality products. It’s best if you can purchase homemade minced meat and vegetables.

You will need:

  • minced chicken - 400 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • milk - 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs (optional);
  • carrot;
  • dill, parsley.

Cooking method:

  1. To make the minced meat extra fine, you need to pass it through a meat grinder a couple of times. Add gray bread soaked in milk to it. Then three carrots and pour in the chopped herbs.
  2. If you want to cook with the addition of breadcrumbs, you should first mix them with milk, and only then with minced meat. Beat in one egg.
  3. We form small cutlets and put them in the oven or steam them.

All additional, unusual ingredients are added for easier digestion. It is important that the stomach does not spend a lot of effort and energy for this. Therefore, it is important to help him as much as possible.

Superficial gastritis is a treatment that should be treated by a specialist. Complications of erosive gastroduodenitis in children. Contraindications: bloating and rumbling, and in men - into the urethra. Otherwise, it simply has a beneficial effect on the condition of the breast. Salad is not a low-calorie dish, it stimulates the respiratory center, as well as small cuts and abrasions, to Heaven.

Today it’s time to get acquainted with a wonderful recipe that includes tender dietary turkey meat. This dish will help diversify your daily diet in a very original and healthy way, and will also serve as a good decoration for the holiday table. And this recipe is for turkey cutlets.

As an independent product, turkey is a very valuable and useful thing. There is practically no fat in it, it has good taste. This meat is very malleable, you can give it completely different tastes by trying to combine it with different types of seasonings and sauces, with different marinades.

Almost every housewife knows that there is a turkey diet. The fact is that turkey meat is a dietary product that can be consumed without fear for your figure. You can prepare dishes from it for almost any diet, just without adding fat to the meat.

There are several ways to prepare dishes from this product. If you take several seasonings and turkey meat, the recipes can turn out to be very diverse. For example, you can fry it over high or low heat, or you can stew it using various sauces. Turkey can be delicious if you marinate it for a few hours.

But one of the most delicious turkey dishes is the cutlets. Let's look at how to prepare them step by step.

Step-by-step recipe for turkey cutlets.

In order to prepare delicious cutlets, you will need the following products:

  • 600g turkey fillet
  • wheat bread or French roll
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml milk
  • Bulb
  • 125g butter
  • Crackers
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, garlic and pepper

Peel the bun or bread so that there is no crust. Soak the crumb in milk.

Place the turkey fillet, bread and onions into a meat grinder. Add eggs and butter (half) to the minced meat.

Then add the last ingredients of the dish - pepper and salt. It's up to your taste.

Mix everything until smooth and begin making small cutlets. Roll each cutlet in breadcrumbs and fry in oil until golden brown.

Cutlets prepared according to this recipe always turn out tender and juicy.

Important! Prepare the frying pan well - it should be heated up quite high, and also pay attention to the depth - the frying pan in this regard should be deep and large to make it easier to monitor the cutlets.

Diet cutlets.

If you have turkey, there is a dietary recipe too. There is also a lighter version of the cutlets described above.

A lower calorie option is steamed turkey cutlets. The cooking recipe is almost the same as for frying. The difference is that we do not add butter to the minced meat and do not roll it in breadcrumbs. We put the cutlets on the steam, close the dish with a lid and let them simmer for fifteen or twenty minutes over low heat. It is better to serve the dish with rice or green peas.

If you have gastritis, you can eat chicken cutlets, a dish of minced turkey or fish. Each type of cutlet has its own cooking features, which can be found below.

It is impossible to imagine treating a disease such as gastritis without following a special diet. It is for this reason that rational nutrition for this disease is a very important and integral part of effective treatment of the disease. The patient’s condition in the future largely depends on the nature of his diet, so the doctor, while taking medications, advises the patient to adhere to a certain diet.

A patient with gastritis often has to give up such favorite and familiar dishes as fatty meat and fish, smoked meats, fried foods, etc. So what recipes can be used for preparing dishes for gastritis? How to diversify your diet, making it not only tasty, but also healthy? In this article we will give examples of dishes that can be prepared for patients with this diagnosis.

General principles of dietary nutrition for gastritis

If you have been diagnosed with gastritis, then in this case you will have to completely reconsider your diet. The menu of a patient with such a disease should consist of dishes that reduce the excessive production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach.

This diet is based on certain nutritional principles presented below:

  1. The mechanical rule is that any products based on coarse fiber are excluded from the patient’s diet. Such a patient should not eat muesli, turnips and radishes, stringy meats, bran bread, rutabaga. Also in this situation, it is completely prohibited to eat dishes prepared by frying in sunflower oil.
  2. Chemical rule - the menu of a patient with gastritis should not contain products or dishes that increase the secretory function of the stomach. Therefore, you will have to exclude alcohol, fatty broths, white cabbage, coffee, sour juices (orange, lemon), black bread and soda from your diet.
  3. Thermal rule - if you have symptoms of gastritis, you should not eat too cold or hot food, since such food irritates the walls of the esophagus and takes a very long time to digest. The temperature of the finished dish for gastritis should be average and be 20-60°C.

It is most useful for this disease to include lean, dietary meat in your menu - chicken and rabbit.

It is strictly forbidden for patients with gastritis to consume:

  • lamb;
  • duck meat;
  • goose meat

As for greens and vegetables, in this situation the patient is perfectly suited for dishes prepared using:

  • beets;
  • spinach;
  • carrots;
  • dill;
  • green onions;
  • parsley;
  • green peas;
  • zucchini;
  • asparagus;
  • pumpkins;
  • peeled tomato.

Fruits can be eaten pureed or boiled, as part of jelly.

Also allowed products for gastritis are:

  • various porridges (especially oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • milk and dairy products (except fermented milk);
  • egg whites;
  • River fish;
  • seafood.

Healthy eating for gastritis - recipes

Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of dietary dishes that are useful for gastritis and prepared using products approved for this disease.

First meal

The success of recovery from stomach diseases depends on following a diet. That is why patients must prepare approved recipes for gastritis.

Such dietary dishes will not only be tasty, but also healthy. They soothe the stomach, promote rapid healing of affected areas of the mucous membrane and prevent the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

It should be remembered that in addition to proper nutrition, you also need to drink enough water. What recipes should I use and what can I do for gastritis?

Light pumpkin soup

Ingredients: pumpkin, carrot broth, flour. Recipe: wash the pumpkin, remove the seeds. Then cut into small pieces. Pour broth into a bowl and add pumpkin. Once ready, blend with a blender and boil again. If desired, can be served with sauce. It's easy to prepare. To do this, you need to dry the flour in a frying pan and dilute it with broth. In this recipe, you can replace pumpkin with zucchini.

A selection of low-calorie chicken cutlets

Recipe 1. Classic steam cutlets (without additives). Ingredients: 0.5 kg chicken fillet, 3 slices of yeast-free bread (or crackers), a third of a glass of milk, onion, 1 egg, spices. Preparation: mince (or bring to a mushy state with a powerful blender) bread soaked in milk, fillet and onion. Add an egg, spices, maybe herbs. Make cutlets and place in a double boiler (or a homemade structure) for 40 minutes. The dish is ready.

Recipe 2. Steam cutlets with oatmeal. Ingredients: 0.5 kg chicken fillet, 3 medium carrots, onion, garlic, spices, a third of a glass of milk, 6 tbsp. spoons of cereal. Preparation: mince the fillet, carrots and onions. Leave the flakes to soak in the milk. Mix everything and add spices. Form cutlets and place in a steamer for 40-50 minutes. Bon appetit.

Recipe 3. Steam cutlets with cheese. Ingredients: 0.5 kg chicken fillet, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, an onion, garlic, spices, 2 slices of yeast-free bread, herbs, 100 grams of grated hard cheese, a third of a glass of milk, 1 egg. Preparation: prepare the meat for chopping, mince it, bread soaked in milk, carrots and onions too. Mix everything and add cheese, chopped herbs, spices, egg. Make cutlets and place in a steamer for 40 minutes. Bon appetit.

Recipe 4. Oven cutlets with cabbage. Ingredients: 0.5 kg chicken fillet, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of semolina, onion, garlic, spices, half a bell pepper, 1 egg. Preparation: prepare the meat for chopping, pass it together with the onions in a meat grinder. Chop the cabbage and bring to a paste in a blender. Mix everything and add chopped pepper, spices, egg and semolina. Let the minced meat stand for 5 minutes, then make cutlets and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment (or in a baking sleeve). Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Healthy cutlets are ready.

Recipe 5. The most dietary chicken cutlets in a slow cooker Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts, onion - 1 pc. spices and herbs. Preparation: pass everything through a meat grinder, form cutlets. Set the “steam” mode and immerse the basket in a multicooker pan filled with water to the bottom line. Cook for half an hour (or the multicooker will indicate the time itself). The simplest cutlets are ready.

Stewed and fried meat - recommendations

The product is served through various heat treatments. It can be baked in the oven, boiled, stewed. The only ban is on fried meat. The product goes well with various vegetables.

There are a huge number of dishes with meat of any kind - appetizers, soups, stews, main courses.

During the period of exacerbation of gastritis, meat must be cooked in chopped form, for example, by preparing steamed cutlets, stuffed peppers or dumplings. In addition, it can be added to puree soups by chopping the pre-boiled meat as finely as possible. However, experts do not recommend mixing dishes, as it takes longer to digest food. It's better to wait for remission.

Important! During the cooking process, do not add onions, herbs, or spices.

List of prohibited meat products for gastritis:

  • sausages, sausages, sausages (boiled and smoked);
  • fried cutlets;
  • shashlik;
  • dumplings with minced pork;
  • aspic;
  • grilled meat.

The benefits of meat are invaluable. Moderate and correct use for gastritis will not cause harm. Plus the opportunity to diversify the menu with protein foods.

Cooking recommendations

If you really want cutlets, don’t refuse. Just follow the advice of the experts.

  1. Do not buy store-bought convenience foods that contain harmful additives. Such products cause heartburn and nausea even in healthy people. Prepare the dish at home using quality ingredients.
  2. When preparing minced meat, add a minimum amount of eggs.
  3. Prepare cutlets according to recipes that will not harm the mucous membrane, for example, steam or bake in the oven.
  4. Minced meat should not contain lard; dietary meat is suitable for its preparation: chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef.
  5. Add a minimum of salt, but you will have to discard spices, onions, and seasonings. You can add a small amount of garlic. To add flavor to the dish, add fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill, mint).
  6. The minced meat should be tender, finely chopped, and not contain tendons.

Dietary options for preparing chicken fillet

  1. Marinating makes the meat juicy and tender. To do this, you can use sour cream or kefir with herbs.
  2. Cutting against the grain helps break down tough fibers.
  3. Beating also breaks down coarse fibers, while making the meat soft and porous.
  4. Cooking using breading preserves the juices inside the meat and makes dishes crispy.
  5. Preparation of minced minced meat from raw or pre-boiled breast

Vegetable cutlets for gastritis

Vegetable cutlets are recommended for gastritis with insufficient secretion and low acidity of gastric juice, chronic intestinal diseases, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and inflammatory processes in the body. Excellent for baby food too. In all these cases, vegetable cutlets need to be steamed.

Vegetable cutlets are prepared from potatoes and carrots, zucchini, zucchini and pumpkin, beets and beet tops. If you are preparing vegetable juice at home, the question is, where should you put the pulp? It would be a shame to throw it away; a good housewife would never do that. Here God himself ordered to use it as a filling for pies or to make vegetable cutlets from it.

To prepare minced vegetables, vegetables should be thoroughly washed, peeled and boiled. And in order for the vegetable cutlets to be juicy, it is better to undercook the vegetables a little rather than overcook them. You can grind vegetables for cutlets using a blender, a meat grinder, or you can simply crush them with a mortar.

Vegetable cutlets are prepared from potatoes and carrots, zucchini and pumpkin, beets and beet tops for steaming.

To make the vegetable cutlets aromatic and appetizing, you can add fried onions, herbs, salt, pepper or another combination of spices to your taste to the prepared chopped vegetable mass. The main ingredient when preparing minced cutlets is an egg. Add it to the minced vegetables, and your cutlets will certainly retain their shape when fried.

To prevent the cutlets from falling apart, you can also add a little raw grated potatoes to the minced meat. When cooked, the starch in raw potatoes will hold the cutlet together. By the way, you can add potatoes instead of eggs to the minced meat if you are preparing vegetable cutlets on fasting days. Make cutlets from minced vegetables, as well as from minced meat, with wet hands.

Vegetable cutlets for gastritis recipe

You will need: 1-2 raw potatoes, 1 zucchini, 1 carrot, 1-2 eggs, 3-4 sprigs of green onions or dill, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of semolina. Grate all vegetables on a coarse grater. Chop the greens. Mix vegetables and herbs, sprinkle with semolina. You can add a couple of cloves of crushed garlic. Beat the eggs with a fork and add to the vegetables, stir. Spoon the prepared mixture into pancakes or cutlets and steam.

How to eat with gastritis with low acidity

Gastritis with a low level of acidity implies a decrease in gastric juice, the main task of which is to break down food and protect the mucous membrane directly from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. It is worth noting that with low acidity, the barrier function is significantly reduced, leading to the rapid development of certain inflammatory processes in the digestive system.

A diet for gastritis with this characteristic should turn into a way of life, because this will protect oneself from the development of pathological processes inside the gastric mucosa, protect against the manifestation of certain symptoms of the disease, and will not allow it to progress.

Dishes for the patient should be used exclusively in pureed or crushed form. A person needs to chew food thoroughly, which will stimulate the secretory function of the digestive system, and this, accordingly, will lead to the production of gastric juice in the required quantity.

What is included in the diet for gastritis with low acidity:

  • light soups;
  • broths based on meat and fish;
  • various cereal dishes;
  • vegetables, but only boiled or baked;
  • among the “milk” fermented baked milk, kefir and cottage cheese (low-fat!);
  • Among sweets, the consumption of sugar, marshmallows, marmalade, and honey is allowed;
  • Also, not all baked goods are allowed, but only white bread (necessarily yesterday’s baked goods!), biscuits, crackers;
  • Drinks allowed include jelly, weak tea, and rosehip infusion.

The listed products can be combined for variety and an appropriate diet can be planned. It is important to avoid overeating and eating stale food.

Recipe for diet chicken cutlets

Before I write down several recipes, I would like to make one remark. Not everyone has a multicooker at home, there is no reason to be upset about this. There is an old grandmother's method for preparing steamed diet chicken cutlets. For this you will need a saucepan and a colander. A quarter of the water is poured into the pan, brought to a boil, then a colander is inserted into it, where the chicken cutlets are placed. All this is covered with a lid and cooked for about 15 minutes. By the way, it will take at least half an hour to cook in a slow cooker. Minced chicken is prepared in the same way as ground beef. The only difference in the cooking process is the absence of flour in which the cutlets are rolled. In this case, you can use only breadcrumbs, or you can not use them at all.

How to prepare minced meat

All minced meat ingredients must be ground either in a meat grinder or in a blender. This is chicken fillet, bread crumb dipped in milk, onions. All this is thoroughly mixed, an egg, salt are added, maybe a little chopped herbs and garlic. Cutlets are formed from minced meat and steamed.

Recipe No. 2: steamed dietary chicken cutlets with potatoes

Prepare minced chicken (1 kg), mashed potatoes (5 medium-sized potatoes), all mixed with the addition of two eggs and salt. Cutlets are formed from the resulting mass and steamed.

Recipe No. 3 with cheese

To do this, you will need clean chicken breast meat, without skin. 800 grams will be enough. This meat is ground in a blender. Now add the following to the minced chicken:

  • Two chopped onions
  • One carrot, grated
  • White bread soaked in milk
  • 100 grams of grated cheese,
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream,
  • 2 eggs,
  • Finely chopped greens,
  • Salt.

All this mass must be carefully moved and refrigerated for approximately one hour. Then you can form cutlets and steam them. Very tasty and filling.

Dessert Recipes

It makes no sense to completely give up sweets if you have pancreatitis. The body needs carbohydrates, and desserts and sweets contain their main supply. Don’t get carried away with sweets, allow yourself no more than 1 teaspoon per day of sugar or honey and no more than 20 grams. other sweets. Dietary sweets will be a good alternative to the usual desserts.

Dietary souffle “Bird's milk” for pancreatitis


  • Skim milk (can be replaced with plain water) – 1 cup
  • Gelatin – 1 sachet
  • Sweetener – 1 teaspoon
  • Vanilla sugar or vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
  • Optional food coloring and flavoring.

Step by step recipe:

Soak the gelatin in warm milk and leave to swell for 10-15 minutes (as written in the instructions). After the gelatin has swelled, add vanilla extract to the pan and place the pan on the heat. Stirring constantly, dissolve the gelatin completely in milk (or water) and immediately remove from heat to prevent it from boiling. Add sweetener to the resulting mixture and set the pan aside until it cools completely.

As soon as the gelatin begins to set and the liquid has cooled completely, beat it with a mixer at high speed. This process is lengthy and depends on the power of your mixer. Beat the gelatin mixture until stiff peaks form.

Take a deep form. Cover it with cling film and pour the contents of the pan into the mold. Level the surface and cover the top of the mold with another layer of cling film. Place the mixture in the refrigerator overnight until completely set.

After hardening, the contents of the mold are turned over onto a plate or parchment paper and cut into portions with a sharp knife. This delicacy should be stored for no more than 1 day in a tightly closed container to prevent drying out. Dietary soufflé can be eaten with coffee, tea and milk.

Normoacid gastritis

This form of inflammation, with normal acidity levels, proceeds most favorably and imposes the fewest food restrictions. Of course, with normoacid gastritis, spicy, salty, too hot or cold foods are also excluded. It is not recommended to eat foods that significantly increase acidity. Otherwise, you can not limit yourself too strictly and focus on the individual tolerance of a particular product.

For breakfast you are allowed to eat soft-boiled eggs, steamed omelettes, rice, oatmeal, semolina porridge, and cottage cheese casseroles. For lunch, first and second courses of lean meats and fish with vegetable side dishes are allowed: mashed potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli. Stuffed zucchini, vegetable casseroles, and stews are considered interesting options. Let's describe several recipes in detail.

Semolina porridge with fruit broth

  • 3 glasses of apple juice;
  • ½ cup semolina;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 apple;
  • ¼ tsp. salt.

Cooking method:

  1. In a small saucepan, heat the apple juice and dissolve honey and salt in it.
  2. Bring the solution to a boil.
  3. Pour semolina into the pan in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  4. Cook for about 10 minutes until smooth.
  5. Peel the apple, cut it into small cubes and sprinkle them over the porridge.

Zucchini boats with chicken

You will need:

  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 1 chicken leg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice;
  • 80 g soft cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 sprig of dill.
  1. Boil rice and chicken.
  2. Cut the chicken into small cubes and combine with rice.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the other ingredients.
  4. Season everything with sour cream.
  5. Cut the zucchini lengthwise into 2 parts and remove the pulp and seeds with a spoon.
  6. Fill the resulting “boats” with filling and place in the oven.
  7. Cook at 200° for about half an hour.
  8. Before serving, decorate with a sprig of dill.

Lunch and dinner for patients with gastritis

Dietary dishes for gastritis include various soufflés. Soufflé is a very tender, whipped, pureed dish that can be sweet or snack (made from meat or fish). They have a paste-like consistency and are very suitable for therapeutic nutrition. In addition, their heat treatment involves the use of boiled products and baking in the oven.

The most popular, tasty and easy to prepare is chicken soufflé. To do it, you will need:

  • 500 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 200 g loaf;
  • 2 eggs;
  • milk;
  • 1 2 cups sour cream;
  • salt pepper.

Pass the loaf soaked in milk and chicken meat through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Season the minced meat with salt and pepper. Onions, garlic, and hot seasonings are not included in this delicate dietary dish. Add 2 yolks and sour cream to the mixture and beat thoroughly, turning into a homogeneous puree. Do not pay attention to the fact that the mass will turn out to be slightly liquid: during the baking process, the soufflé will acquire the desired shape and consistency.

In any soufflé, whites whipped into a strong foam are added, it is better if they are cold. They are very carefully introduced into the prepared puree. The result should be a very airy mass. It is laid out in the prepared form and placed in a baking tray, where you need to pour hot water (about more than half).

Bake in a medium-heated oven for 40 minutes. A dietary dish with a delicate taste is ready to be served. In the same way, you can prepare a soufflé from boiled potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits.

No less popular are recipes for dietary dishes such as casseroles. They are very diverse in their composition:

  • curd;
  • potato with vegetables and meat;
  • krupenik;
  • fruity;
  • egg;
  • cheese;
  • bread;
  • vegetable;
  • fish

All this diversity allows you to use different variations of dishes for patients with gastritis. If meat, fish or poultry is used as a filling, then it is advisable to make the minced meat from boiled products. The casserole is usually served for dinner. A salad can be a good addition: vegetable, meat, fish. The dish is hearty, tasty and does not irritate the stomach.

Drinks for gastritis

For gastritis, the recipes for permitted drinks are also varied. Drinking strong tea and coffee, as well as carbonated drinks and sour juices are unacceptable. An alternative to them are:

  • milk and milkshakes;
  • cream;
  • weak, preferably green, tea;
  • cocoa;
  • compote;
  • jelly;
  • fruit drinks and decoctions.

Compote can be prepared from both fresh fruits and berries and dried ones. The same principle underlies the preparation of fruit drinks. Minimum use of sugar is desirable. Apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cranberries and other fruits and berries are suitable for such drinks. Rosehip decoction will be very useful for gastritis.

One of the best drinks for patients with gastritis is jelly. Its enveloping effect relieves pain, reduces inflammation, and the polysaccharides it contains stimulate tissue repair. Its gel consistency is better absorbed by the body.

Fruit, fruit and berry and milk jelly based on starch can be liquid and jelly-like. When properly prepared, jelly is a source of vitamins, especially in winter.

Gastritis is not a death sentence. Its drug treatment in combination with dietary nutrition will help get rid of the disease. Using the right recipes will allow you to diversify your diet with tasty and nutritious dishes.

Steam cutlets for gastritis

For a disease such as gastritis, cutlets are also among the permitted dietary dishes. The only thing is that eating this dish is allowed only when the disease is not in the acute phase. There are certain rules for preparing cutlets, using which you do not have to worry about the fact that additional injuries will be caused to the mucous membrane damaged by inflammation.

Their essence is as follows:

  • meat intended for cooking must be of lean varieties (veal, beef, chicken or rabbit);
  • A very small amount of salt is used for minced meat, and pepper and other spices are strictly prohibited;
  • The dish is prepared by steaming, since it is not recommended to eat fried food with this disease.

Cutlets for gastritis are steamed as it is not recommended to eat fried food with this disease

Most food recipes for gastritis are based on steaming the food, but this practically does not change their taste, and often only gets better. And dishes prepared in this way cannot cause harm to the mucous membrane. So cutlets cooked without frying are one of the many dishes recommended for this disease.

You can cook steamed cutlets for gastritis not only from meat, but also from lean sea or river fish, since everything fatty is strictly prohibited. The most suitable varieties for this dish are cod, pollock, and pike perch.

Cooking steam cutlets for gastritis

The minced meat base for them should be lean varieties of meat. Most often, chicken is used for this dish. It is scrolled 2 times in a meat grinder to make the minced meat more tender. Next, add an egg and a slice of white bread soaked in milk. It’s good to add grated carrots and finely chopped dill or parsley.

All these additives to minced cutlets make the product more easily digestible for a stomach affected by gastritis. Very little salt is added, and spices are completely excluded.

Small balls are formed from the resulting mass with raw hands and placed in a double boiler where they are cooked until ready.

From the resulting mass, small balls are formed with raw hands and placed in a double boiler, where they are brought to readiness.

After the dish is ready, it is allowed to cool so as not to cause thermal injury to the weakened mucous membrane. You can serve it with thin mashed potatoes. In addition to minced meat and fish, you can prepare cutlets for patients with gastritis from vegetables, or combinations of ingredients, for example, fish - beets or meat - potatoes.

Steamed fish cutlets for gastritis recipe

First you need to prepare the fish: remove the skin and remove the bones. Pass the pike perch fillet through a meat grinder. Soak the bun in milk, put it in minced fish, mix everything well, add milk, butter, a little salt. Form cutlets from the prepared minced meat and place them on the steamer rack. In about a quarter of an hour, a tasty and healthy dish will be ready.

Ingredients for cooking: pike perch – 200 grams; milk – 25 grams; bun – 20 grams; butter – 15 grams.

Semi-finished meat products for gastritis: what you can eat, how to cook, recipes

Is it possible to have boiled sausage for gastritis?

In the acute stage of the disease, the inclusion of sausage in the diet is unacceptable. But meat dishes are suppliers of amino acids and other useful substances, and they are necessary for the restoration of the mucous membrane.

Therefore, cutlets made from lean chicken and minced beef are included in the diet.

Sausage is also made from minced meat, it is easily digestible, and if the composition does not contain substances that irritate the mucous membrane, it can be used.

What is included in sausage

Boiled sausage of the highest grade contains a large amount of microelements (iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium), proteins necessary for the body, including essential amino acids (linoleic, arachidonic).

But in addition to useful substances, it contains difficult-to-digest fat masses, spices and herbs, dyes, preservatives that irritate the mucous membrane.

Therefore, sausage cannot be used for erosive gastritis, high acidity, or stomach ulcers.

In addition, in first and second grade products, vegetable protein and by-products are used instead of animals. The highest quality and safest for gastritis are the famous doctor's milk or those made for baby food with milk. If the sausage is fresh and of high quality, then gastroenterologists allow patients to eat 1–2 slices per day.

Doctor's sausage description of properties

Boiled sausage is a very familiar, very understandable product for consumers, familiar to many from childhood. Traditionally, this sausage is made from pork and beef with the addition of various spices, milk, cream, pieces of tongue or lard.

The composition of doctor's sausage includes pork, beef, water, egg product, whole milk powder, curing-nitrite mixture (salt, color fixative (sodium nitrite)), acidity regulators (sodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate, potassium pyrophosphate), sugar, spices (ground nutmeg ), flavor and aroma enhancer (1-substituted monosodium glutamate), antioxidant (ascorbic acid, L-). The products used in production are mustard, cereals and nuts.

Doctor's sausage is made from pork and beef with the addition of various spices, milk and cream.

For the production of boiled sausage, various casing options are used - this can be the usual polyamide casing, which does not require additional packaging, as well as protein, cellulose, and natural casings - such sausage requires additional packaging in a vacuum or the use of a gas-modified environment.

Despite the presence of some artificially created additives, this variety is fundamentally different from others in that it does not contain lard. This means that the calorie content of “Doctorskaya” is several times less than that of other types of similar products.

At the same time, it is nutritious enough to perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger. And its constituent vitamins (A, E, PP, etc.) and beneficial microelements (sodium, phosphorus) have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the digestive system. This is especially true for gastritis and concomitant gastrointestinal diseases.

If all the rules of GOST are taken into account, then the “correct” product has a fairly high protein content with low fat content. This is an almost ideal product for those who care about muscle mass (protein promotes muscle growth). And the amount of carbohydrates promotes weight loss (for adherents of low-carb diets).

In the case of dietary restrictions, which are prescribed by the attending physician and are exclusively of a health nature, doctor’s sausage is a direct product for use. With low fat content and a benign composition, the product remains very nutritious and harmless to the damaged mucous membrane of the digestive system.

Is it possible to have doctor's sausage for gastritis?

The answer to the question whether doctor's sausage can be used for gastritis is positive. But you need to choose the right type and grade of product. That is, not every type will be harmless to the patient. For inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis), only low-fat varieties are allowed.

Is it possible to have doctor's sausage for gastritis? You need to pay attention to the grade of the product:

  • The highest grade of doctor's sausage: natural meat and a small amount of bacon are used for production.
  • first grade doctor's sausage: the composition includes not the best meat, as well as soy and starch;
  • second grade of doctor's sausage: meat trimmings, vegetable protein, starch and various artificial additives are used for production.

Thus, you can eat doctor’s sausage for gastritis, but only if it is a high-quality product made in accordance with GOST. A contraindication to eating doctor's sausage is exacerbation of gastritis. In the acute period, a strict diet is required and any types of sausages are excluded from it.

What kind of sausage should you absolutely not eat?

If you have gastritis, it is forbidden to consume large quantities of salt, spices, smoked foods, and fatty foods. That is, raw smoked sausages, blood sausages, salami, which contain a lot of spices, salt, and preservatives, are contraindicated for patients.

Liver sausage is also dangerous, as consuming it may increase blood cholesterol. Despite the huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins contained in animal liver, liverwort can worsen the patient’s condition. Even healthy people are not recommended to eat it daily.

How to choose the right sausage

When purchasing for a patient with gastritis, you should choose:

  1. The highest grade, which contains more nutrients and no vegetable protein or starch.
  2. With the lowest content of dyes, preservatives, flavors.
  3. With the expiration date indicated on the packaging. The smaller it is, the fewer preservatives.
  4. Corresponding to GOST, it undergoes thorough testing. Manufactured according to specifications (technical specifications) may include ingredients selected by the manufacturer.
  5. Well-known brands whose quality you know.
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