How to take kefir for constipation - 9 recipes

We are all accustomed to the fact that if a health problem arises, then a trip to the pharmacy for medications cannot be avoided. And it’s not news to anyone that every medication has its own contraindications and side effects - there is always a risk of worsening the condition. To solve a number of problems, you can use other, simpler and more accessible methods without danger to the body - this is called alternative medicine. Let's find out whether regular kefir helps with such a delicate problem as constipation.

  • 2 Features of use for pregnant women and children
  • 3 Kefir-based recipes to relieve constipation
  • 4 How to enhance the benefits of the product (photo gallery)

The benefits of kefir

If a person has not had a bowel movement for more than two days, experts diagnose constipation. Such a diagnosis can also be made with daily bowel movement, only if it is incomplete or in small quantities. There can be many reasons for such constipation and it is almost impossible to protect yourself from them.

The main cause of constipation is improper diet and diet itself. A person should eat food regularly, at least 3-4 times a day in small portions.

If you look for ways to treat constipation on the Internet, you will find in almost every article the benefits of kefir and its effect on bowel movements.

In most countries, fermented milk product is the “sour friend of the stomach” because it has a positive effect on the state of the microflora of the digestive system.

Kefir is a fermented milk product that has a multifunctional and medicinal and nutritional effect on the human body.

It can also help with the following symptoms:

  • The product creates an acidic environment and helps improve the absorption of minerals and vitamins from food;
  • The fermented milk product contains milk protein, which is very easily absorbed by the body;
  • The product makes it possible to improve appetite;
  • Milk has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, normalizes and restores it;
  • The product contains various beneficial substances that help get rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

Features of using kefir for children and pregnant women

During pregnancy, a condition of the body such as constipation occurs often. This is due to the physiological changes that occur during this period with the woman.

Doctors do not advise resorting to medications that can provoke uterine contractions and thereby cause premature birth. Therefore, many specialists treat constipation during pregnancy using kefir. The drink has a gentle effect on the intestinal walls without harming the unborn child.

Also, the problem of stool retention for several days can often be encountered in a child. As for the use of the presented fermented milk product in this case, everything will depend on the age of the baby.

If he is not yet a year old, then such a drink causes a number of disorders in the body, so it should not be used.

Due to the high content of protein and mineral salts, a noticeable load is placed on the kidneys. In addition, the baby’s stomach does not digest kefir well. This drink contains a large amount of fatty acids that cause heaviness. And carbohydrates that differ from those in breast milk are not at all perceived by the intestines of a small child.

Contraindications for use

Fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on the human body, but in some cases they have several contraindications.

To avoid unpleasant situations and concomitant diseases, you should make sure that you do not have any of the factors listed below.

  1. Individual lactose intolerance;
  2. Frequent heartburn;
  3. Gastritis;
  4. Ulcerative diseases;
  5. Increased stomach acidity.

Kefir is not recommended for children under 12 months because they have different intestinal microflora. Adults should also not consume more than 500-600 milliliters of fermented milk product per day . An excess of kefir in the human body can cause diarrhea.

The fermented milk product is very useful not only in the treatment of constipation, but also as a preventive measure, one glass per day.

Principles and rules for choosing and using a drink for pathology

Kefir can be purchased at the store or made yourself. In the first case, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • The shorter the product's shelf life, the better;
  • Kefir must be fresh. For this reason, it is important to keep track of its expiration date;
  • Preference should be given to a drink with a low fat content. This may be a one or two percent product;
  • You should choose only reliable manufacturers who follow all sanitary standards.

To make kefir yourself at home, use ordinary cow's milk. Kefir grains, special dry powder, sour cream or store-bought kefir can be used as a starter for the first time, then it will be replaced by homemade kefir from the previous batch.

Which kefir to drink: homemade or store-bought is an individual choice for each person.


As mentioned above, kefir is a very useful and effective way to treat constipation. It can be eaten in its pure form, or can be combined with other products to improve the effect.

The most commonly used products in combination with kefir are vegetable, olive and castor oils, buckwheat, dried apricots and prunes, cherries, carrot juice, baking soda, various pickles, flax seeds, ginger, dill, bran and more.

With prunes and dried apricots

Prunes are very beneficial in treating constipation.

  1. To prepare the mixture, you need to steam the prunes with boiling water.
  2. Grind it using a meat grinder or blender.
  3. You can use 8-10 pieces for one use.
  4. Then mix the gruel with the daily warm kefir and leave to brew for 15-20 minutes.
  5. The resulting mixture should be drunk regularly at night.

Healthy recipes

The effectiveness of kefir against constipation can be enhanced if certain ingredients are added to this drink.

You can drink kefir with prunes

To do this, dried fruits (8 pieces) should first be soaked in boiling water, then grind the fruits in a blender. The resulting gruel must be mixed with warm daily kefir and let this drink brew for 20 minutes.

After this, the finished cocktail should be drunk regularly before going to bed. This daily procedure will help you forget about constipation.

Recipe that uses butter

This method of getting rid of stool retention is also considered quite effective:

  1. To prepare kefir with oil for constipation, the fermented milk drink itself should be slightly warmed over medium heat and one tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil should be added to it.
  2. Then the composition is mixed and drunk two hours before going to bed.
  3. This procedure must be repeated for four days.

With olive oil, such a drink will bring additional benefits, as it will supply cells with essential amino acids and healthy fats, which have a beneficial effect not only on internal processes, but also on a person’s appearance.


Some people, trying to help themselves with constipation at home, use kefir and soda. However, you need to be careful with this recipe.

This drink can be effective for constipation, but if an overdose of soda occurs, it can harm the body . For a glass of fermented milk drink you need to take 1/3 teaspoon of soda. After this, the kefir is thoroughly mixed until a voluminous foam forms. And as soon as the drink sizzles, you should drink it immediately.

You can also drink kefir with water

But one thing should be taken into account. The resulting drink will have a strong laxative effect. So it is better to use it when a person is at home. Only pre-chilled boiled water should be used for its preparation. The proportions of liquids used must be equal.

In addition to the methods of using kefir described above, there are other recipes that will help eliminate this delicate and unpleasant problem:

  • You can use flaxseed oil and kefir. You just need to eat a spoonful of flaxseeds every day until your intestinal problems are eliminated, washed down with a fermented milk drink. These seeds contain mucus, which gently envelops the organs of the digestive system. This has a positive effect on the activity of the stomach and intestines.
  • A healthy and effective drink for constipation can be prepared from kefir and freshly squeezed carrot juice. These two components should be mixed in equal proportions. You need to drink the finished drink as soon as the main ingredients have been combined.
  • Fermented milk drink to which dill is added also has a laxative effect. These greens can be thoroughly chopped beforehand, and then mixed with kefir and drunk. This procedure should be done twice a day.

Ryazhenka or kefir?

Kefir contains many beneficial bacteria, as well as all the necessary properties of milk. The fermented milk product contains yeast, acetic bacteria, lactic streptococci, amino acids, chromium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, as well as a large number of vitamins, including A, C, H, E, D, PP.

In addition to useful substances, fermented milk products also contain the necessary probiotics. They have a positive effect on intestinal function and normalize the digestive system well.

The only drawback of the product is the presence of ethyl alcohol in it. It is for this reason that children are not recommended to take dairy products in large quantities. People who have increased sensitivity to toxic effects should not drink fermented milk product, but it is best to replace it with fermented baked milk.

Ryazhenka contains streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus, a large number of lactic acid bacteria, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A, PP, C, D and E.

To decide which is better, fermented baked milk or kefir, you need to check the expiration dates of one and the other dairy product. To increase the shelf life of their products, some manufacturers add a variety of nutritional additives. This composition makes the product harmful to the body and can cause allergies.

Kefir should not be used if the stomach has high acidity, but fermented baked milk will not affect it in any way.

Ryazhenka is a more natural product.

What are the benefits of kefir?

Many people are interested in whether kefir helps with constipation.

The product is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin A and phosphorus. These elements have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. One glass of kefir at night and kefir in combination with bran in the morning will certainly help any person get rid of constipation and discomfort, and in addition, will give lightness. The beneficial properties of this product include the following advantages:

  1. Reduced levels of fatigue. Kefir helps you cope with stressful situations more easily.
  2. Improved sleep quality.
  3. Helps cleanse the digestive system of harmful substances.
  4. Excellent thirst quencher.

How does this dairy product affect the human digestive system?

How to make kefir at home

In stores you can find kefir of different percentage fat content. But fat content has no effect on the treatment of constipation. It is best to prepare the dairy product yourself.

  1. You need to take one tablespoon of store-bought kefir or sour cream and add it to 700-800 milliliters of warm milk.
  2. Beat the resulting liquid and place in a warm place for a day.
  3. This product is usually called daily.

It is daily kefir that cleanses the body well and fights constipation.

Another way:

How to use kefir correctly for this pathology?

So, how to drink kefir correctly for constipation? What recipes exist to combat constipation? Answering this question, it should be said that you can always drink simple kefir. To do this, it will be enough to take just one glass on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening three hours after dinner. But this method will only help with mild constipation. If the problem lasts more than two days, you need to use completely different recipes.

Questions and answers

How long can you drink kefir for constipation?

There is no specific treatment time. Kefir can be drunk both during treatment and for prevention. One glass of fermented milk product a day will not harm, but rather will fill the body with useful substances.

Is it true that an excess of kefir in the body can lead to disruption of the digestive system?

The permitted dose of dairy product per day is 400-500 ml. If you use more, it can contribute to the appearance of diarrhea.

How long a day of kefir can cause constipation?

Daily kefir helps get rid of constipation. A fermented milk product for two or more days strengthens the intestines and causes constipation.

In what cases does kefir not help with constipation?

A fermented milk product may not help with constipation if it lasts for more than one day. And also if you have certain contraindications.

When should you take kefir?

Thanks to the beneficial substances that kefir contains, it can be used 3 times a day on an empty stomach. In such cases, it helps restore intestinal microflora and normalizes its functioning. It also has a good effect on the cleansing function of the intestines.

Can kefir cause constipation?

Kefir can cause constipation. This may be due to the body’s increased sensitivity to lactose, or the acidic environment in the human body. The product may also be spoiled.

How does kefir work for constipation?

Constipation is a delicate problem and sometimes even dangerous to health. We can talk about a pathological process if the act of defecation occurs less than 3 times a week (ideally 1 time a day). And the problem can be eliminated quite easily, because the pharmaceutical industry today produces many laxatives. But treatment with such means is a last resort.

It is better to use homemade products with a laxative effect. They are safe because they do not lead to adverse reactions, unlike medications.

For example, kefir is good for constipation. It not only weakens, but also:

  • stimulates the reproduction of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • boosts immunity due to the high content of vitamins;
  • removes excess fluid from tissues;
  • increases the absorption of lactulose in people with metabolic disorders.

Daily intake of kefir normalizes microflora, removes fluid through the urinary system and large intestine, softens stool and improves its excretion.

It is important to remember: constipation can be a consequence of serious illnesses.

To combat constipation (constipation), you may need to use medications or even surgery. That is why the problem should be solved together with a doctor. Self-medication in this matter is dangerous!

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