Pain in the lower abdomen while lying on the back in women

Questions and answers on: abdominal pain lying on your back

The condition of stomach and lower back pain is familiar to many people.
It is due to various reasons. Most often associated with diseases of the urinary system, gynecological pathology in women and urological pathology in men, disorders in the conduction system of nerves and canals in the lower spine. Doctors have a recognized term “chronic pelvic pain.” He is eligible if the patient has pain in the back and lower abdomen for 6 months or longer. Statistics show that in women in 75% of cases it is caused by gynecological disorders, only 25% is due to other pathology, called extragenital.

Men also suffer from pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma can cause constant aching pain radiating to the back.

In order to clarify the nature of the symptoms, it is necessary to find out the signs of pain and its relationship with other symptoms. An experienced doctor is interested in the following questions:

  • about the specific localization of maximum pain;
  • initial phenomena and how long ago they occurred;
  • spastic type (cramping) or dull, aching character;
  • the appearance of other symptoms against the background of pain (vomiting, dysuria, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the urine or feces, a feeling of stiffness in the joints);
  • presence and duration of fever;
  • regularity of menstruation in women, connections with menstruation, menopausal manifestations;
  • suspected pregnancy;
  • the nature of the work (for the diagnosis of prostate adenoma, “sedentary” professions are important).

Abdominal and lower back pain are manifestations of chronic diseases. The most common among them are:

  • rheumatoid polyarthritis with damage to the intervertebral joints (the patient feels the most severe pain and stiffness immediately after sleep);
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region - causes radicular symptoms, neurologists note impaired sensitivity in the areas of innervation of nerve plexuses and branches on the anterior wall of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks;
  • intervertebral disc herniation - formed by looseness of the ligamentous apparatus of the vertebrae;
  • arthrosis of the spine - the process of atrophy disrupts the shape of the contacting surfaces of the vertebrae;
  • Osteoporosis - a disease that reduces bone density and is associated with the leaching of calcium salts from the body and a lack of vitamin D.

Children, including teenagers, often complain of back pain. How to distinguish important symptoms from completely harmless ones? According to the observations of pediatricians, the following causes of pain are identified. Untimely physical overload of the child with sports, various types of wrestling. Not all children develop the same way.

If the muscles are not ready to stretch, then after training the child will experience pain in the lumbosacral area. They are associated with turns, radiating along the front or back of the thigh, to the groin. Stretching the ligaments of the hip joints “responds” with soreness in the lower abdomen.

Poor posture and the habit of slouching can be caused by uncomfortable furniture, chair height, or a bed that is too soft

Excess weight matters for a child. Obese children are more likely to get sick, complain of pain in the lower back and abdomen, and increased gas formation in the intestines.

Myositis - inflammation due to infection, draft, injury in the lumbar muscles is long-lasting and painful. More often it has an aching character and radiates to the stomach. The pain appears immediately after waking up. Typically one-sided lesion.

From 35 weeks of pregnancy, women may experience some complications, which include:

  1. Late toxicosis, which causes pain and dizziness, and increased blood pressure.
  2. Discharge of blood from the genital tract as a result of placental abruption.
  3. Much or little water.

The cause of complications can be various pathological processes in the body, which can be associated with the liver, kidneys, and blood vessels. Smoking and obesity are extremely dangerous during pregnancy.

At a later stage, you need to constantly monitor weight gain and the permissible norm per day is grams. In addition, from the 35th week of pregnancy you should drink up to 1.5 liters of fluid.

If the described problems appear, then inpatient treatment and monitoring are necessary.

My torment began when, after a long diet of 5 months and having lost 25 kg (I gained weight after childbirth), I returned to regular food. (Now I understand that I returned sharply)

I went to see a general practitioner, but there is no gastroenterologist. In the tests, everything is normal, except for liver tests (ALT - 1.33 mmol, AST - 0.42), diastase - 16. total bilirubin - 9. The therapist said it was probably hepatitis. I donated blood and it was not confirmed.

After a week's diet, liver tests returned to normal. According to FGDS, the mucous membrane of the bulb has pronounced granularity. Conclusion: indirect signs of chronic pancreatitis.

In the fall of the same year, another attack, more severe. In the spring again. Between attacks, nothing bothered me, I didn’t feel sick, nothing hurt. I went to bed normally, woke up from terrible pain. The ambulance again. More tests, increased liver tests, diet, normal. They only prescribed it.

In the fall of 2010, the attack was the most severe, girdling pain, plus my back again. The girdle pain was relieved with an injection, but my back did not go away for several days, it burned, it was hot, and I was at rest. Neither noshpa nor painkillers helped. This attack happened on weekends and holidays, and I saw a doctor a few days later. ALT-2.21 AST-0.35. diastase-8. bilirubin-14. Then I waited in line for an ultrasound for 1.5 months.

And my back continued to hurt, especially when standing and sitting, it could barely work. I turned to the surgeon, he said that I should see a neurologist for my back problem. And the paramedic from the ambulance convinced me that cholecystitis does not hurt for so long, especially my back.

I went to a neurologist. She was treated for thoracic osteochondrosis. To no avail. MRI done. There, the median protrusions in 7.8 vertebrae are 1.5 and 1.8 mm. But the neurologist said that it does not cause such pain.

In general, I went to the therapist to ask for the removal of the gallbladder. She began to dissuade me, saying, why do you need this, and after the operation they suffer, but during the period of treatment, the tests were normal. He says you don’t have any inflammation.

So even after terrible attacks, when the ambulance arrived, I couldn’t breathe or move, I spoke in a whisper, they couldn’t even look at my stomach because I couldn’t straighten up, I thought I’d lose consciousness, the tests were normal except for liver tests.

I’m still torn between a neurologist and a therapist.

The last attack was a year ago, after which there was a long dry mouth, constant belching and back pain. A total of 5 attacks of unknown reasons. Attacks after cold milk, cheese, after work, bending over in the garden, working with a shovel. The therapist laughed and said, treat your back, after gardening.

At the moment I did another ultrasound. ZhP- wall 2.5 mm, compacted, stone 7 mm in the projection of the rear wall. Choledochus - 5 mm. BB - 10 mm. There are changes in the liver - the density is slightly increased. According to FGDS - gastroduodenitis. The pancreas is without changes.

I’m already eating only potatoes, I’m afraid to eat anything else. And the pancreatin gave me hives (((.

Can a stone cause long-term back pain? It hurts especially while sitting, but goes away when lying down, which confuses me. Why do I think it’s not osteochondrosis? because the pain is the same as during attacks, only not as strong. I read on the Internet that the innervation of the gallbladder is connected precisely with the thoracic region.

I did excretory urography lying and standing as you said.

Release of X-ray contrast agent from 3 minutes, symmetrical. Shadows suspicious for X-ray contrast are not clearly defined in the projection of the kidneys and ureters. The cavitary system of both kidneys is not dilated, the vaults of the calyces are clearly visible, not flattened. The ureters on both sides are not dilated, not deformed, and peristaltate.

What can you say about this.

thank you in advance. )

It is very important to trace the connection between pain and the menstrual cycle. If this pain intensifies during the days of the menstrual cycle (I assume that you have a daily menstrual cycle), then this may be a manifestation of ovulatory syndrome.

Pain in the first days of the cycle may be associated with changes in the cervical canal after cryodestruction. Try taking an antispasmodic with an analgesic - Noshpalgin or No-h-sha suppositories.

We have all had to deal in our lives with such a pain syndrome as abdominal pain - unhealthy and irregular diet, frequent stress and anxiety - all this leads to the appearance of the above symptom. And in most cases, we know what causes these pain sensations.

Why does your stomach hurt when lying down: reasons

For example, in women, such pain while lying down may indicate not only the beginning of the menstrual cycle,

but also about various gynecological diseases,

or diseases of the urinary system.

In men, pain while lying down is prostate symptoms,

disease of the digestive system or gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach pain when lying on your back or stomach, especially at night, is a symptom that may be specific to certain diseases, but usually other clinical signs will be obvious.

It can also be associated with a variety of causes that also cause pain, regardless of the time of day. Every person who experiences such pain asks the question: why does my stomach hurt when I lie down?

The first consideration when assessing stomach pain while lying on your back or stomach is whether food has been consumed recently. The fact is that food may be a more likely aggravating factor for the condition, which manifests itself as abdominal pain at any time of the day.

Experts strongly recommend not to practice self-medication if you experience stomach pain in any position of the body (lying on your stomach, back, etc.).

We have all had to deal in our lives with such a pain syndrome as abdominal pain - unhealthy and irregular diet, frequent stress and anxiety - all this leads to the appearance of the above symptom. And in most cases, we know what causes these pain sensations. What could the abdominal pain that occurs when we lie down indicate? And how dangerous is it? In this article we will answer your question, why does your stomach hurt when lying down?

So, for example, if you are worried about pain that is concentrated in the stomach and upper lumbar region, then in this situation we are talking about the possible presence of problems with organs such as the pancreas, kidneys, liver, gall bladder and intestines. In addition, the cause of abdominal pain in a lying position may be various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Next, we will tell you in more detail about the possible causes of the above pain syndrome.

In order to determine whether appendicitis is the cause of abdominal pain, it is recommended to do the following: lie on your back and slowly raise your right leg. If in this case you feel acute pain in the abdomen, you must urgently call an ambulance. Before the arrival of specialists, under no circumstances should you eat or drink any liquid; taking any medications is also contraindicated.

With this diagnosis, the patient experiences regular abdominal pain, including when lying down. In this case, the painful sensations are quite acute, sometimes there is a burning sensation in the abdomen, and sometimes the patient is bothered by attacks of colic in the abdomen. Additional symptoms may also occur: nausea and vomiting, chills followed by fever, general weakness and malaise.

In order to eliminate attacks of pain, you can resort to the use of painkillers; a warm heating pad in the area of ​​the sore spot is another way to help relieve pain. If an attack of pain is accompanied by severe colic, it is necessary to call an ambulance;

As a rule, with a peptic ulcer, the patient experiences pain immediately after eating, however, in some cases, a similar syndrome manifests itself while he is lying down. In addition to fairly severe pain in the upper abdomen, the patient also experiences pain that radiates to the spine and scapula. Nausea, vomiting and bloating may also occur.

In order to alleviate the patient's suffering, it is necessary to use antacid drugs that can neutralize the secretion of gastric juice. The most common among the above drugs are medications such as Rennie and Maalox. Also, for peptic ulcers, a special diet is recommended, which is prescribed to you by your attending physician. Quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is another prerequisite for the treatment of the above disease;

As a rule, with this disease, the patient is bothered by symptoms such as bloating, constipation followed by diarrhea, cramps and abdominal pain that occur about an hour after eating food.

In order to get rid of such an ailment as colitis, you need to take a closer look at your diet, because the occurrence of all the above symptoms is a reaction of our body to any specific groups of foods, which you should avoid eating. In addition, to alleviate the condition, it is necessary to consume a sufficiently large amount of mineral water;

Bladder infection.

The occurrence of a dull and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which is also accompanied by symptoms such as a burning sensation during urination and a feeling of pressure on the bladder itself, may indicate the presence of some kind of infection in the bladder.

If the above symptoms occur, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids (two to three liters per day); It is better to give preference to water or herbal decoctions that have disinfectant properties. In addition, you can also purchase ready-made mixtures of medicinal herbs at the pharmacy. If the above symptoms manifest themselves over several days and vomiting and fever appear, and the pain itself is girdling in nature, then in this situation it is recommended to seek help from an appropriate specialist as soon as possible;

Causes of abdominal and back pain at the same time.

Exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease is often accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen and back. There are characteristic signs of an ulcer, which include:

  • The stomach begins to hurt sharply, often immediately after a meal or in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • Signs of nausea appear, after vomiting a sour taste remains in the mouth and a sharp improvement occurs (the most accurate symptom of an ulcer);
  • Heartburn is added to nausea, abdominal and back pain;
  • Lolnoy experiences relief by adopting the fetal position; physical activity worsens the condition;
  • Painful sensations can spread to the chest and lower abdomen.

Pain in the left abdomen, radiating to the back and chest, is a reason not to delay a visit to your doctor; with 95% confidence, we can talk about an exacerbation of the ulcer. The specialist will be able to prescribe therapy aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and relieving pain.

The main cause of the disease is the acid-fast bacterium Helicobacter (Helicobacter pylori infection). This bacterium can destroy the mucous membrane of the ventricle, as well as the duodenum.

After overcoming the severe form of the disease, the patient is shown a special diet and drug treatment. Modern drugs, the action of which is aimed at healing ulcers, are very effective. But only a correct lifestyle and regular doctor’s examinations will help prevent a recurrence of the disease.

Perforated ulcer

Severe abdominal pain radiating to the back may indicate a perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. At the same time, the pain is so strong that the person has difficulty coping with it. Even trying to take a full breath causes the condition to worsen.

Another characteristic symptom of a perforated ulcer is a sharp tone of the abdominal muscles, the abdomen becomes hard, “board-shaped”. At rest, the tone does not decrease significantly.

What does a perforated stomach ulcer look like?

How to distinguish an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer from a perforated ulcer:

  • In the first case, a painful attack begins with eating, in the second, after a meal there is some relief;
  • After “sour” vomiting with an ulcer, complete relief occurs, and with a perforated ulcer, the improvement in the condition is insignificant.

The only way to treat a perforated ulcer is urgent surgery. Therefore, if signs of illness appear, you should immediately seek medical help. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of a full recovery.

Acute pancreatitis

Pain in the abdomen and back on the right may indicate inflammation of the pancreas. At the same time, the pain in the back is acute, pronounced, and the sensations in the abdomen are painful, bursting.

In acute pancreatitis, pain can be reflected in the shoulder blades, lower back, and heart area. The spread is influenced by which part of the pancreas is inflamed.

When attacks of vomiting are added to the painful sensations, which do not bring long-awaited relief, the likelihood that the cause lies precisely in an attack of pancreatitis increases.

Other symptoms of pancreatitis:

  • Belching;
  • Prolonged hiccups;
  • Feeling of dry mouth;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Pallor;
  • Tachycardia.

In the chronic form of the disease, gallbladder function may be impaired and signs of jaundice may appear. Treatment of inflammation of the pancreas is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition and preventing complications. Pancreatitis is an incurable disease.

Hepatic colic

Hepatic (biliary) colic

Sharp abdominal pain radiating to the back and right side may be a symptom of hepatic colic.

The discomfort appears suddenly, and the attack can last from several days to several hours. Independent attempts to improve the condition by taking medications for the gastrointestinal tract and painkillers have low effectiveness. The pain can spread to the area of ​​the shoulder blade, collarbone, and neck. Intensifies with movement.

Other symptoms of hepatic colic:

  • Frequent attacks of painful vomiting;
  • Sweating, chills, pale skin;
  • Acute wave-like pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • Bloating, abdominal muscle tone, pain on palpation or pressing on the lower ribs;
  • Change in color of urine and feces.

If signs indicating hepatic colic appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is unacceptable to take medications without a prescription from a specialist. After symptoms of colic appear, the patient is not recommended to drink water or eat food.


Dull pain in the abdomen radiating to the back may be a sign of exacerbation of gastritis. The severity of the pain depends on the stage of the disease - if the inflammatory process develops not only in the stomach, but also in other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the pain can be very intense.

The difficulty of making a diagnosis for gastritis lies in the fact that its symptoms are similar to those of osteochondrosis. And the location of the pain is the same. Therefore, if pain in the abdomen and back occurs, you should refrain from making an independent diagnosis and consult a specialist.

Pain worsens with exercisePain worsens after eating food
Condition improves at restEven at rest, abdominal muscle tone is observed
The nature of the pain is sharp, throbbingThe nature of the pain is dull, aching

Treatment of gastritis is based on medications and a strict diet. It is impossible to completely cure this disease, but achieving a state of stable remission is quite possible.

Myocardial infarction

Pain in the lower abdomen and back on the left also occurs when there is a disturbance in cardiac activity, in particular myocardial infarction. If, in addition to painful sensations, a person experiences rapid heartbeat, loss of consciousness and a drop in blood pressure, urgent hospitalization is required.

And if a person has chronic gastrointestinal ailments, he can attribute the appearance of painful sensations to their exacerbation. It’s really very easy to get confused, but such a mistake could very well cost your life. Therefore, if pain appears in the left side of the abdomen and back, accompanied by increased heart rate or clouding of consciousness, you should always immediately seek medical help.

Rules for first aid for myocardial infarction.


Severe pain in the right side of the abdomen and back may indicate inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. Typically, discomfort manifests itself 4-6 hours after a heavy meal or abuse of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to pain in the right side of the abdomen, radiating to the back and arm, other symptoms appear:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • Chills;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Increased heart rate.

In some cases, it is possible to relieve inflammation of the appendix with medication, and in some cases, emergency surgery is required. In any case, if you suspect an internal inflammatory process, you should consult a doctor. A ruptured appendix causes rapidly progressing peritonitis, which can cause blood poisoning and death.

Signs of chronic pancreatitis

Attacks of pain are a common manifestation of this disease; they most often occur after overeating fatty, fried, smoked foods, drinking alcohol, abdominal trauma or exacerbation of biliary tract diseases;

  • if the right side of the organ is affected, pain occurs near the navel, radiates to the right hypochondrium, under the right shoulder blade, right shoulder girdle;
  • if the left part of the pancreas is affected, pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, upper abdomen, and radiates to the back, spine, right hypochondrium, sometimes to the heart area, left collarbone, left thigh;
  • damage to the entire organ is accompanied by girdling pain radiating to the ribs and lower back.

Vomiting, eating, antacids (almagel, phosphalugel, vikalin), applying heat only increases the pain; You can reduce it by applying an ice pack to your stomach.

When lying on your back, the pain intensifies, while standing on all fours or sitting with a forward bend, the pain subsides.

It can hurt with varying degrees of severity; usually in the late period of chronic pancreatitis, attacks become weaker.

What to do if your back hurts at night

Doctors strongly recommend not to undergo treatment if abdominal pain occurs in any body position. In any case, if you are not sure that pain is a sign of an approaching menstrual cycle, taking medications without consulting a doctor is prohibited. Such independence can lead to the fact that you will only harm yourself, and will not get rid of not only the pain, but also the cause of its occurrence, and even make it even worse for yourself.

First of all, you need to identify the cause of the sharp, cutting, dull or stabbing pain that torments you, since there are a lot of reasons why your stomach may begin to hurt - this and

  • kidneys,
  • liver,
  • spinal diseases,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • intestines.

If you not only have a stomach ache, but are also worried about lower back pain, your body is most likely warning you that a disease is “waking up” in you, which needs to be treated only after a thorough examination by a doctor, and not to suppress the pain in the stomach, swallowing tablets or decoctions.

In the case when abdominal pain is localized in the stomach or in the upper lumbar region, this most likely indicates some kind of disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach and lower back pain? First of all, you need to do examinations of the gallbladder, intestines, stomach or pancreas.

If at 35 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen feels tight, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Have a final ultrasound to assess the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby.
  2. Sign up for courses for pregnant women to help prepare for the birthing process.
  3. Decide on the place of birth and clarify all the rules for a woman’s admission.
  4. Prepare documents for the maternity hospital and necessary things.
  5. If at 35 weeks a woman is still working, then she should urgently go on vacation.

If pain and heaviness appear in the abdomen or lower back, you can do some exercises that will help alleviate the condition:

  1. Take a deep breath and hold your breath a little, then bend slightly to the sides 2-3 times.
  2. It is best to sleep on your side, as pain and other unpleasant sensations appear on your back.
  3. To ensure that symptoms appear less frequently and the gastrointestinal tract is not burdened, you should eat more dairy products.
  4. You can ask your husband to do a foot massage and light back massage.
  5. To improve your condition, spend more time outside and ventilate the room before going to bed.

If a child is left without amniotic fluid for a long time, this can kill him. Sometimes labor does not begin, but there are all signs that it is time, in which case stimulation is carried out.

Nagging pain in the abdomen with the onset of the week is considered a normal condition.

If there are deviations in the process of bearing a child, the mother begins to get sick, then it is important to quickly consult a doctor to eliminate the symptoms.

Many patients, when visiting doctors, complain of abdominal pain when walking or lying down. However, it is quite problematic to determine the cause based only on the patient’s words, therefore, most often, after a conversation, doctors also conduct tests and the necessary studies. Moreover, in each individual case, the cause of abdominal pain is different. And determining what to do when your stomach hurts while lying down or when walking is possible only after hardware and laboratory testing.

  • kidneys,
  • liver,
  • spinal diseases,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • intestines.

If you not only have a stomach ache, but are also worried about lower back pain, your body is most likely warning you that a disease is “waking up” in you, which needs to be treated only after a thorough examination by a doctor, and not to suppress the pain in the stomach, swallowing tablets or decoctions.

Full healthy sleep restores nerve cells. It also has a beneficial effect on immunity, treatment of diseases, healing of wounds and burns. But it happens that sleep can be dramatically disrupted if your back suddenly starts to hurt in the middle of the night. That's why we have to forget about healthy sleep. In order to find out why it hurts and get rid of the pain, you need to consult a specialist who will make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Why does my back hurt?

There can be quite a lot of answers to this question. You may have an uncomfortable sleeping position, which is causing pain. A lot of people like to sleep on their stomachs, but no one thinks about the fact that this is the wrong position, since all the muscles tense up and cannot relax. And therefore, this position can cause back pain at night and even in the morning.

But if after such changes pain in the back still continues at night, then seek help from a traumatologist or neurologist. The main reason is osteochondrosis, swelling of the back muscles, overload, asymmetrical muscle contraction or hernia.

When you come to see a doctor, during the examination he must make sure that you do not suffer from ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is rare in medical practice, but it is a serious disease.

If your back hurts at night, then from a scientific point of view this disease can be characterized as ankylosing spondylitis, that is, pain occurs at night. In patients with such diseases, the lower back begins to hurt after sleep, and the pain resembles a pulling character, all this is accompanied by a decrease in mobility in the spine.

If you experience pain in the thoracic spine at night during sleep and the pain does not subside, then the cause is in the spine. The most common complaint of all patients when visiting a specialist is #8211; This is osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis manifests itself when degenerative-dystrophic processes occur in the spine, which lead to the appearance of spinal elegies.

That is, growths of bone tissue can form anywhere on the spine, which lead to decreased mobility and pinching of the vertebral nerves. But your back may hurt at night due to an intervertebral hernia. The hernia is presented as a pulpal nucleus in the spinal canal, and with spinal instability it can lead to pathological mobility in any part of the spinal column.

Another cause of back disease is injuries that were suffered earlier and until this moment did not make themselves felt. To deal with nighttime problems, it is imperative to visit a specialist’s office to diagnose the disease.

  1. In order for the pain syndrome to go away, you must first of all rest completely; if the pain is severe, you can take painkillers such as Diclofenac, Brufen, Nuprin, Ibuprofen.
  2. Lotions that need to be alternated are very good at relieving pain spasms. On the first day you apply cold ones, and then warm ones. With the help of such manipulations, you can achieve muscle relaxation, which will lead to a reduction in pain.
  3. Before going to bed, you can take a bath with a few drops of rosemary or fir oil. You can ask someone at home to give you a relaxing massage before bed. This could be as simple as stroking with essential oils. It must be remembered that for back problems, various types of massage are suitable, but it is best to carry out a light, relaxing, and at the same time soothing massage.
  1. Your sleeping area must be equipped correctly. It is necessary to use an elastic orthopedic mattress.
  2. While walking, try to maintain correct posture.
  3. When sitting at a desk or computer desk, you must maintain the correct posture.
  4. Make sure that your forearms do not hang on your weight while working, but lie tightly against the table. It is advisable to use a chair with a back and headrest for rest and relaxation when working with a computer.
  5. You should try to change your position at the computer and driving the car every 30 minutes. If possible, stretch, warm up and move around.
  6. If you stand for a long time, you need to find a support point for your back, arms and head.
  7. For lovers of high-heeled shoes, you need to know that it is recommended to wear such shoes for no more than 2 hours.
  8. Try not to make sudden movements with your back, especially turns and bends. Try to look for support to perform such actions.
  9. If you need to pick something up from the floor, you first need to sit down, but under no circumstances bend over.
  10. You don’t need to carry weights in front of you, try not to make sudden jerks, and keep your back straight.

Consequences of pain

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Next fact

The appearance of nocturnal dorsalgia cannot be ignored. Even if the pain is physiological in nature, with prolonged exposure to unfavorable factors, the onset of an inflammatory process in the spine is possible. As a result, the pain will take a chronic course.

If the cause of dorsalgia is serious diseases, then if left untreated they can progress to an advanced stage, at which cure is impossible.

Important! Without treatment, spinal hernias can lead to paralysis of the limbs. Also, with constant night pain, a person cannot fully rest or relax during sleep. This leads to neuroses, depression, and insomnia.

Pain in the lower abdomen and back in women

The cause of simultaneous abdominal and back pain in women may be:

  1. Premenstrual illness;
  2. Bend of the uterus;
  3. Myoma;
  4. Adnexitis (salpingoophoritis);
  5. Endometriosis;
  6. Twisting of the cyst stalk;
  7. Ectopic pregnancy;
  8. Rupture of the ovary or oviduct;
  9. Risk of miscarriage;

Pain in the lower abdomen and back in women during pregnancy indicates the development of complications - placental abruption, increased tone of the uterus, changes in the condition of the fetus, etc. Such symptoms may indicate a danger not only for the fetus, but also for the life of the mother, so you should immediately go to appointment with a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examinations.

It is possible that pain in the abdomen and back in women in the early stages of pregnancy occurs due to the fact that the fertilized egg has not reached the uterus, but has become embedded in the fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is a direct indicator of emergency surgery. If detected late, serious health consequences or death may occur.

Pain in the back and lower abdomen may indicate inflammation of the bladder, appendages, or infections in the pelvic organs. Often the painful sensation is accompanied by frequent urination, burning, discharge, and increased body temperature.

Therapy can only be chosen after an accurate diagnosis has been made, so contact with specialists is necessary.

Pain in the lower abdomen and back in men may indicate prostatitis, inguinal hernia or genitourinary tract infections.

Since the same symptoms have pathologies that require immediate treatment, for example, appendicitis, it is not recommended to self-medicate. A timely visit to a specialist will alleviate the condition and avoid complications. If it is not possible to call an ambulance, then you can relieve the pain attack a little by taking a dose of an antispasmodic and go to a medical facility on your own.

Aching pain in the abdomen, reflected in the back and, less commonly, the groin, may indicate intestinal obstruction. Other symptoms of pathology:

  • Colic, spasms;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Nausea, vomiting - the vomit is foamy and has a distinct smell of feces. Also, they may contain particles of feces;
  • The stool is scanty, thin or completely absent for several days.

Intestinal obstruction - possible causes.

Intestinal obstruction is treated exclusively by surgery. The cause of the pathology may be adhesions after previous operations, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tumors, metastases and other phenomena.

How does dizziness manifest in a horizontal position?

Dizziness is divided into pathological and normal conditions. It is normal if you feel dizzy from riding an attraction, if a person looks down from some elevation, sits down or stands up suddenly. This sensation is explained by the imbalance that occurs between the vestibular apparatus and the visual channel.

If you feel dizzy while lying down, then the person notes the following:

  • It may seem like the ceiling is getting closer and the walls are starting to fall.
  • There is a feeling that the body is rotating. This feeling may also be present during sleep.
  • Feeling restless before falling asleep.
  • There is a feeling that things in the room are moving.
  • The patient may complain of headache and nausea. These sensations also disturb during sleep.
  • Most people compare their condition to a hangover after a feast.

If you feel very dizzy when lying down (during normal rest or during sleep), then you need to look for pathology in the internal systems of the body.

There are some reasons why dizziness occurs when a person is in a lying position. This discomfort is only a consequence of certain diseases:

  • Hearing diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • If the pressure is unstable. Moreover, a violation of the vestibular apparatus may be due to hypotension or high blood pressure.
  • Meniere's syndrome. If a person has this disease, he may lose his balance while walking and may also experience nausea.
  • If there are hearing impairments and migraines bother you, this may indicate brain tumors.
  • Harmful diets. If you stay on a strict diet for a long time, then beneficial substances may be less able to enter the body and be digested, accordingly.
  • Diabetes. The condition of blood vessels may change with this disease.
  • If a person has had a skull injury, then dizziness occurs precisely for this reason.
  • Dizziness can also be a consequence of taking certain medications.

To get rid of dizziness, you need to take certain actions, which are as follows:

  • The room for sleeping and resting should be ventilated as often as possible. If the attack has already begun, then you should ask your relatives to open the window.
  • Clothing should not restrict movement. Avoid tight-fitting trousers and sweaters.
  • After a moment of severe dizziness, you need to measure your blood pressure. If a person has a history of diabetes, then it is necessary to determine the glucose level.

If you stick to proper nutrition and diversify your diet with foods containing vitamins and iron, this will help significantly reduce attacks.

In the evening, you need to take a walk before going to bed, away from noisy places and roads. Physical exercise will also be beneficial if you do not overexert yourself while doing it.

Before choosing the right treatment, you need to identify the cause of this condition. If you have certain diseases, complete recovery is possible only after surgery.

PathologySymptomsFeatures of pain

Acute appendicitisBloatingFirst it appears in the epigastrium, then in the side on the right side.
Nausea and vomiting
Temperature increase
CholelithiasisColicSevere pain when lying down, especially on the left side
Burning feeling in the stomach
Peptic ulcerNauseaGastralgia is acute and localized in one place
Chronic pancreatitisWorsening after overeatingPain that gets worse when lying down and goes away when the person gets up
Heaviness in the stomach
Vomiting without relief and without previous nausea

Anyone familiar with relentless back pain knows that it subsides somewhat if you lie down. Gentle bed rest is the very first necessary condition for treating an exacerbation. But if the pain does not go away even in a lying position, then even a person who is not fixated on his health should be concerned. Why might such a situation arise?

Back pain when lying down can occur for both ordinary and more serious reasons.

What symptoms of pancreatitis in a woman should you pay attention to first?

Inflammation of the pancreas is often diagnosed in people who abuse fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. The first symptoms of pancreatitis in a woman may appear when she is pregnant. Pathology attacks a person, regardless of his age.

Why does pathology develop?

The main cause of inflammation of the pancreas is the development of pathologies of the duodenum and gall bladder. For many women, painful symptoms appear against the background of an infectious disease.

Gastroenterologists also identify the following reasons for the development of this disease:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Pancreatic injuries.
  3. Complication after surgery.
  4. Progression of diabetes mellitus.
  5. Frequent stress.
  6. Development of atherosclerosis.
  7. Genetic predisposition.
  8. Development of hypertension.

The reasons may be associated with taking sulfonamides, tetracycline, Lasix, thiazide diuretics, Metronidazole.

It's all about diet

Medical statistics claim that in 42% of cases the cause of the development of a dangerous pathology is alcohol abuse. A negative role is played by the weakness of many women to fatty, spicy, sweet foods. Another provoking factor is non-compliance with the diet. Many representatives of the fair sex who are carrying a baby overeat at night.

In some women, signs of inflammation of the pancreas appear due to fasting. Following a grueling diet that has not been agreed upon with a doctor leads to metabolic disorders. The body does not receive the amount of useful elements it needs.

Other provoking factors

Pancreatitis often develops due to nicotine abuse. Tobacco products also negatively affect the stomach and liver. During pregnancy, inflammation of the pancreas is provoked by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the vessels. The same happens in the initial postpartum period. The result is insufficient blood supply to the organ.

What are the signs?

Pancreatitis develops gradually. It progresses through a series of repeated painful attacks. The pathology is considered recurrent when less than 6 months have passed since the last activity of pancreatic inflammation. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis.

Manifestation of acute form

In women, acute pancreatitis is very severe. The main symptom is excruciating pain. Usually it is localized in the left hypochondrium. Sometimes it spreads to the center of the epigastric region.

This symptom is characterized by an unbearable, burning character. When a woman tries to roll over onto her back, it intensifies. If a person lies down in the fetal position, the pain syndrome decreases.

Approximately 70-90 min. later the woman develops symptoms such as:

  • nausea transforming into vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • “airy” belching;
  • whitish coating on the tongue;
  • temperature increase to 39 degrees;
  • decreased urine output;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • severe weakness;
  • increased heart rate.

Another specific symptom is sticky cold sweat. When the pancreas becomes inflamed, pressure drops. Sometimes shock develops.

Manifestation of the chronic form

With chronic pancreatitis, the main symptom, pain, becomes less pronounced. He takes on a dull character. Painful sensations appear periodically. Typically, this symptom of inflammation of the pancreas occurs against the background of dietary errors. Pain may be absent when a large area of ​​the organ undergoes necrotic changes.

The psycho-emotional state of a woman changes. Frequent companions of pancreatitis are suspiciousness, anxiety, and irritability. In the absence of timely treatment, signs of mental disorders appear.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the appearance of small angiomas on the body;
  • weakness;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • dry hair;
  • the appearance of wounds in the corners of the mouth;
  • dry skin;
  • development of anemia.

Let's sum it up

There are infinitely many reasons why your stomach and back hurt at the same time. This could be a simple muscle strain, which does not pose a threat to life and health, or a ruptured appendix, which threatens sepsis. By self-medicating, a person risks aggravating the course of the disease or losing his life.

Only a doctor can identify the source of pain. Examination, tests and diagnostic measures will not take much effort and time, but will help you find answers to all your questions. Timely diagnosis and competent therapy are the key to good health and excellent well-being.

What is important to pay attention to

First you need to examine yourself. Recognize the exact location of the pain. To better understand where it hurts, place your palm on the abdominal wall and very gently press with your fingers, trying to push deeper.

Remember where this pressure hurt you the most. This should be done while lying on your back, because the muscles relax and it is easier to press on the stomach.

Discover the nature of the pain. It can be very sharp or tugging; like a dagger cutting, or as if contracting, aching, swelling.

Take a close look at what accompanies the discomfort. It may get worse when you move, or when you cough, walk, bend, stoop, or sigh.

There may also be nausea, fever, or stool. These are very important factors for making a diagnosis.

Try to remember how this pain began to appear and develop. It could appear unexpectedly, after stressful situations, heavy workload or extreme cold. Remember how long ago the first pain attack occurred.

What was it like at first: light, and gradually increasing, sudden? Did the pain then intensify, and how did this happen, very quickly or over time? Has the pain changed its location? All this is important to note for yourself.


There are several types of abdominal pain, each with different causes and characteristics.

Visceral pain

Pain in the upper stomach according to the nature of its manifestation is divided into:

  • spicy;
  • cutting;
  • pulling;
  • aching;
  • sharp.

Depending on the time, such a symptom may occur:

  • on an empty stomach;
  • while eating food;
  • after eating, both after a short period of time and after an hour;
  • at night.
  1. My back hurts and I can't lie down at night.
  2. My head hurts when I go to bed - Headaches
  3. Back pain and nausea - possible causes and treatment!
  4. Why does the lower abdomen and lower back hurt with uterine fibroids, reasons

Treatment methods for stomach pain

Since abdominal pain is quite distressing, people tend to try a number of home remedies to relieve the condition. Herbal teas can help soothe cramps and also relieve pain.

Drinking plenty of clean water and fluids, including fiber-rich foods, is a guaranteed way to get rid of constipation and related stomach problems.

You can also try proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole) and antacids to get relief from a very painful stomach condition.

In case of serious problems, a visit to a medical facility and a visit to a gastroenterologist would be advisable.

The doctor can conduct a full examination of the patient, taking into account all existing complaints and prescribe appropriate medications.

In certain situations, such as an inflamed appendix or an abdominal aortic aneurysm, surgery may be required.

Because stomach pain when lying on your back can be a sign of some serious health problems, any changes in your condition should be brought to the attention of your doctor before possible complications arise.

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