Right side colitis in the lower abdomen: causes and what to do

A situation where there is tingling in the right side can appear periodically or bother a person constantly. For doctors, this is a difficult symptom, since they need to determine which organ is inflamed and causing discomfort. This article will discuss in detail diagnostic methods and treatment of phenomena in which the right side of the abdomen tingles.

Causes of pain on the right side: possible diseases

On the side of the lower right rib are the gallbladder, liver, kidney with ureter, reproductive system and duodenum. Pain syndrome can cause neurological diseases. Only after undergoing a full examination by a specialist doctor will the source of pain be determined and treatment prescribed.

The causes of tingling in the right side are diseases:

  • biliary tract;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pleurisy;
  • destruction of the hip joint;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system or veins;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • pulmonary inflammation;
  • gynecological

Kidney stones also cause tingling.

From physical activity

Tingling in the right side usually after severe physical exertion, especially after a long run, during pregnancy. In the latter case, a lack of physical fitness leads to pain syndrome. Blood flows strongly to the muscles and organs in the lower abdomen during sports activities. The liver, gall bladder and spleen are under stress and hurt. For the discomfort to go away, you just need to pause and rest.

It often tingles in the right side of pregnant women, especially in the last trimester, when the baby quickly gains weight. The baby presses with part of his body on nearby organs, the gallbladder, duodenum and liver. The result is heartburn and painful tingling sensations.

These physiological sources of pain do not indicate damage to a specific organ. In some cases, when a symptom appears frequently, sometimes unbearably, and there are other indications of pathology, examination and medical assistance are required.

Which doctor should I contact?

A scheduled visit to the doctor is necessary if:

  • The tingling repeats periodically.

  • A tumor-like formation appeared in the groin.
  • In addition to stabbing pain, there are problems with bowel movements or bladder.
  • There is a connection between the occurrence of discomfort in the stomach and eating, drinking some drinks, intimacy, and physical stress.
  • The pain is minor, but persists for more than 3 days.
  • In women, pathological vaginal discharge (blood, admixture of pus, etc.) appeared against the background of tingling in the lower abdomen.

When tingling in the stomach begins after eating, you should consult a gastroenterologist. For women with abdominal pain, it is advisable to see a gynecologist. If tingling occurs constantly in the same place and is associated with physical activity, accompanied by the formation of a protrusion in the groin, you need to visit a surgeon. If the pain is localized more in the back (lower back), consultation with a nephrologist or urologist .

Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical observer, epidemiologist

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Types of pain in the right side

If the right side of the abdomen tingles, this is an indication that the organ has established a protective mechanism for certain irritants. When determining the diagnosis, the nature of the pain is important, since it often determines what exactly hurts - the abdominal organs, skeletal system or blood vessels. Pain is felt:

  • sharp;
  • dull aching;
  • pulling;
  • tingling.

For an objective examination, the nature of the pain and location are established, so that later, using MRI, ultrasound or CT, the focus of the pathology is determined. A dull aching pain resembles distension, as if some object had been inserted inside, pressing on the surface of the organs. If long, aching colic has low intensity, this indicates the involvement of a large number of small sensitive receptors in the pathogenesis. This type of symptomatology is a fairly common indicator of liver cirrhosis, intestinal inflammation, hepatitis, tumors, and appendicitis.

If a dull, long-lasting pain on the right suddenly goes away, this does not indicate recovery, but a disruption in the conduction of pain impulses. A similar phenomenon characterizes the necrotic process in inflamed tissues.

Pulling pain often occurs with little physical activity. This symptom is characteristic of diseases of the peritoneum: inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and kidneys, parts of the adrenal gland, duodenum, as well as adhesions and acute hepatitis. If nagging pain occurs rarely, it may indicate the movement of a small stone along the ureter or the development of osteochondrosis of the lumbar vertebrae.

Sharp tingling in the lower right side in the presence of a small inflamed focus. This could be pinched nerves, gynecological diseases, diseases of the urinary system or gastrointestinal tract. Cramps are observed with inflammation of the ovaries, overflow of intestinal gases, pinching of the spinal nerve and a stone in the ureter.

Women's diseases as a cause of pain

If a woman’s stomach hurts on the lower right side, this may be a consequence of the development of inflammation and the following pathologies:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms appear gradually, increase, stabbing pains are at first unobtrusive in nature, then worsen. They can persist for several weeks, and with a sharp increase in bleeding and the appearance of bleeding, a rupture of the fallopian tube can be suspected. In this condition, a woman can no longer endure pain; she begins to develop a fever and her temperature rises.
  • The beginning of a miscarriage. Sometimes short-term stabbing pains associated with bleeding occur against the background of an incipient miscarriage.
  • Pathological menstruation. Acute stabbing pain in the first 2-3 days, radiating to the back and other parts of the abdomen, can cause inflammation and infection, especially in the presence of fever, nausea and headaches.
  • Ovarian cyst. Symptoms occur during ovulation and menstruation. When the cyst is large, the outline of the right or left ovary becomes noticeable. If a cyst ruptures, the pain intensifies, the temperature rises, and symptoms radiate to the groin and lumbar area.
  • Adnexitis is inflammation of the ovary or fallopian tube. In this state, the stabbing pain is short-term and mild, or the nagging sensation persists for a long time. Due to inflammation, weakness and fatigue appear, and mucous and purulent discharge is also possible.
  • Endometriosis. The proliferation of endometrial cells is accompanied by nagging, sometimes stabbing pain, bloody periods and subsequent disruption of the menstrual cycle. When spreading to other organs, the pain radiates upward to the side, to the groin, lower back.

Unpleasant symptoms can develop in women with various gynecological disorders and infectious pathologies. To prevent dangerous consequences when stabbing pain occurs, it is important to contact a gynecologist.

Paroxysmal and prolonged pain

The tingling pain can be paroxysmal or prolonged, as if something is stabbing from the inside with a dull thin tip. This indicates a pathological focus with inflammation of the gallbladder, advancement of a stone in the kidney and appendicitis. Painful sensations often intensify when bending and turning the body, with active movements, coughing, and sighing.

If there is not just a tingling sensation in the right side of the abdomen, but additional signs appear, immediate medical attention is required. Pain syndrome may be associated with:

  • heat;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • nausea;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • yellowness of the whites and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • excessive irritability;
  • general malaise;
  • unpleasant burning sensation when urinating and in the lower part of the peritoneum.

In any case, isolated pain in the right side should be a reason to seek help from a doctor.

It happens that there is a tingling sensation in the lower right side.


Intestinal pathologies may be accompanied by pain in the right epigastric region. Thus, cramping pains may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. Which is characterized by bloating, constipation or diarrhea.

Crohn's disease is a fairly serious pathology that can affect any part of the intestine.

The most commonly diagnosed disease of the digestive system, enterocolitis, is characterized by an inflammatory process in the small and large intestines, leading to disruption of intestinal functionality. Symptoms of enterocolitis include dull pain, nausea, bloating, diarrhea and fever.

Pain in the epigastric region always requires attention. To avoid serious illnesses, it is necessary, first of all, to review your diet and give up heavy foods. If you experience prolonged pain, you should immediately seek medical help.

Lower abdominal pain

Acute appendicitis becomes a common source of pain in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen. It is in this area that stabbing unpleasant pains are localized. They are accompanied by nausea, chills, weakness and stomach heaviness.

Often, first there is a tingling sensation in the right side of the lower abdomen, and then an intestinal disorder occurs in the form of diarrhea, and the body temperature rises. Inflamed appendicitis can only be treated with surgery. You cannot self-medicate at home. Apart from surgery, there are no other options for pain relief.

Another pathology that manifests itself as colic in the right side of the abdomen is cholecystitis. This is an inflammatory process of the gallbladder, often caused by excessive consumption of spicy foods and fats. Colic can radiate sharply to the shoulder joint and under the shoulder blade. Also with acute cholecystitis there is a urge to vomit, severe nausea, fever and belching with a bad odor. To prevent the gallbladder from festering, medical attention is required. If drug treatment does not help, surgery will be required.

When does your lower right side still tingle?

Types of pain

If colic occurs in the lower right abdomen, it is worth paying attention to the character, which is what doctors take into account during the first examination and making an accurate diagnosis. If pain:

  • dull and does not subside for a long time, then the cause is the development of chronic disease of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder;
  • acute, with nausea and vomiting, then it is possible to develop an infection in the intestines, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, hepatic colic in the upper abdomen;
  • periodic cramping, that is, suspicion of spasms or pathology in the intestines;
  • aching, not pronounced, with the release of feces and blood clots, it looks like colitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder or the walls of the large intestine.

It is worth listening carefully to the pain, because its nature and duration often indicate the development of a particular disease in the body.

For pyelonephritis

Unpleasant painful sensations with pyelonephritis appear in the lower abdomen and between the ribs on the right. These are accompanied by frequent urination and chills. Pyelonephritis or kidney inflammation is caused by contaminated water, poor diet or alcohol abuse. To eliminate renal inflammation, antibacterial, painkillers, antispasmodics, and diuretics are prescribed. After prolonged pyelonephritis or its improper treatment, stones may form in the kidneys.

Pathologies of the genital area

Many diseases of the genital area cause tingling in the right side in the lower abdomen. These include:

  • adnexitis - the process of inflammation of the fallopian tubes and appendages; can be one-sided, appears after hypothermia at a young age;
  • ovarian cysts – caused by hormonal imbalances; if the case is serious, the cysts are removed through surgery, and the pain only then goes away; large cysts can burst and cause internal bleeding and severe pain; in such a situation, urgent hospitalization of the patient is required;
  • salpingitis - the process of inflammation of the uterine tube; this happens due to pathological microflora, as well as after injuries or abortions; pain intensifies in the toilet and during sexual intercourse;
  • endometritis is a process of inflammation of the uterine epithelium as a result of hormonal imbalances, infection and hypothermia; both nagging pain and fever, general intoxication, and discharge are observed;
  • endometriosis is a non-inflammatory disease in which the uterine mucosa grows onto neighboring organs; hormonal disorders and bleeding are diagnosed; on the right side there is pain that is transmitted to the pelvic area.

Sometimes it tingles in the right side under the ribs.

Treatment options

Traditional medicine can only help with moderate pain; in other cases it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescription of drug treatment. The medications for different types of problems will be correspondingly different. For appendicitis, surgery is usually prescribed to prevent risk to the patient's life. If there is aching pain (most often in chronic diseases), in addition to medications, it is recommended to resort to a special diet and lifestyle changes. Drinking large amounts of water plays a special role in digestive disorders and dehydration that accompany stomach pain.

Stitching pain in the hypochondrium on the right

The inflammatory process of the biliary tract causes pain in the right hypochondrium. Often, violations of these systems appear in adolescence. They are also characterized by frequent nausea, vomiting and bitterness in the mouth. Violations are treated with medications, for example, antispasmodics and choleretic drugs.

Sudden pain under the ribs often spreads to the upper abdomen, especially at night. This symptom is characteristic of biliary colic along with severe dizziness, chills, noise and ringing in the ears, and weakness. Biliary colic is eliminated by intensive drug therapy, which is designed to eliminate small stones and sand from the ducts and inflammation.

Sometimes it’s not just a tingling sensation on the right side under the ribs.

Sharp, unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium of a stabbing type occurs with pleurisy, a complication of a disease such as pneumonia. It appears between the ribs in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and in front, accompanied by difficulty breathing and severe coughing. Pleurisy is treated with antibiotics; the temperature caused by it is reduced with syrups or antipyretic tablets. In any case, urgent hospitalization is required; home self-medication is unacceptable.

Stitching pain during pregnancy

Many women experience tingling on the right side during pregnancy.

Such symptoms are the result of the growth and development of the fetus, when neighboring organs gradually move away. Minor tingling and the absence of other negative effects are not dangerous. This is a physiological process that will take place after childbirth.

“No-spa” will help eliminate pain, but using it on your own without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited. The exact source of the stabbing pain will be determined by your doctor after a thorough examination and test results.

What to do if there is a tingling sensation in the right side under the ribs or below?

Diagnosis of tingling in the right side

If frequent tingling occurs in the side for no apparent reason, you need to visit a therapist, who can refer you for a consultation to more specialized specialists, for example, a neurologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist or gynecologist. In any case, the following is required:

  • blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneal cavity;
  • MRI; radiography;
  • CT;
  • urine analysis;
  • smear

After collecting the patient’s medical history, the doctor will determine which particular inflamed organ requires help and whether the patient needs hospitalization.

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