Dizziness in diseases of the pancreas

Each pathological process in the body has its own characteristic features.
Some diseases cause pain, while others contribute to an increase in temperature, and there are also pathologies that cause attacks of dizziness and severe weakness throughout the body. The same thing happens with the formation of pancreatic disease in the pancreatic cavity, especially with the development of its chronic form. Basically, pancreatic pathology has an abrupt onset, but variants with its sluggish course, in which the pathology is detected already at the stage of progression of dystrophic changes, are also not excluded. To begin the fight against a pathological disease in a timely manner, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude towards the state of your health, listening to characteristic changes in your general well-being. And in order to eliminate symptoms such as dizziness and a feeling of weakness, it is necessary to first understand the mechanisms of their formation. In this review, we will take a closer look at how and why attacks of dizziness and weakness occur during pancreatitis, as well as how to get rid of them and what is recommended to take.

The main reasons for deterioration in health

A condition where you often feel dizzy or experience severe weakness in the body can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, this syndrome often affects women with low blood pressure. But it also happens that hypotension becomes a consequence of chronic, low-grade inflammation of the pancreas.

Dizziness accompanied by constant weakness, drowsiness and lethargy is a set of symptoms characteristic of serious diseases:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • hepatitis A;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • oncological changes;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • cystic fibrosis (a rare pathology of the pancreas in children);
  • protein deficiency (a frequent companion to adherence to a long-term vegetarian diet);
  • infectious and viral inflammations.

To exclude such serious causes, you need to undergo examination based on examination and consultation with a therapist. The doctor will give directions for the necessary tests and recommend visiting specialists.

Well-being noticeably worsens if a person leads an incorrect lifestyle:

  • eats spicy and fatty foods, eats on the go or dry;
  • takes alcohol;
  • smokes;
  • uncontrollably uses strong medications;
  • drinks little clean water (in addition to teas, juices, drinks);
  • does not walk in the fresh air;
  • leads a sedentary lifestyle;
  • doesn't get enough sleep.

Stress, anxiety, and overwork (mental, physical, emotional) can result in significant general weakness. Women and teenagers suffer from dizziness during periods of hormonal surges.

Also, this condition is typical for people who fanatically adhere to a diet not for medicinal purposes, but to quickly lose weight. A lack of important elements and vitamins in the diet leads to depletion of the body and triggers pathological processes in the internal organs.

Weakness due to pancreatitis

It is quite difficult to differentiate weakness that occurs specifically with pancreatitis. The sensations are similar to other syndromes, such as chronic fatigue. But there are additional signs that usually accompany inflammation of the pancreas.

Pancreatic pathologies lead to systematic intoxication of the body. Therefore, the patient’s condition has the main symptom of poisoning – nausea. This symptom does not go away after gastric lavage. Vomiting or diarrhea that occurs during an exacerbation also does not bring relief. This happens because pancreatic juice poisoning occurs at a deeper level.

Chronic pancreatitis manifests itself in decreased tone and weakness. They become especially noticeable after eating, when a person wants to quickly lie down on the bed, as it begins to get dark before his eyes.

Eating causes heaviness in the epigastric region, bloating in the upper abdomen, as well as a feeling that the food was fatty and plentiful, even after a small, completely dietary portion.

Weakness due to inflammation of the pancreas is often accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, dizziness in the morning and lack of appetite.

A sign of intoxication with pancreatic juices can be bluish formations around the navel, indicating the accumulation of enzymes in subcutaneous fat, and periodic aching pain in the hypochondrium.

Weakness and dizziness as symptoms of pancreatitis

Each pathological process in the body has its own characteristic features.

Some diseases cause pain, while others contribute to an increase in temperature, and there are also pathologies that cause attacks of dizziness and severe weakness throughout the body.

The same thing happens with the formation of pancreatic disease in the pancreatic cavity, especially with the development of its chronic form.

Basically, pancreatic pathology has an abrupt onset, but variants with its sluggish course, in which the pathology is detected already at the stage of progression of dystrophic changes, are also not excluded.

To begin the fight against a pathological disease in a timely manner, it is necessary to take a responsible attitude towards the state of your health, listening to characteristic changes in your general well-being. And in order to eliminate symptoms such as dizziness and a feeling of weakness, it is necessary to first understand the mechanisms of their formation.

In this review, we will take a closer look at how and why attacks of dizziness and weakness occur during pancreatitis, as well as how to get rid of them and what is recommended to take.

Viruses and injuries

The mechanisms of the formation of a feeling of weakness against the background of viral diseases, as well as trauma to the abdominal cavity, require special attention.

With a viral disease, the patient develops symptoms with characteristic clinical signs, which with timely treatment are completely eliminated, and the feeling of weakness is eliminated.

But the main problem is that viral microorganisms in most cases have a strong negative effect on the condition of pancreatic cells. In this case, characteristic symptomatic signs are completely absent, but the process of fibrosis is already activated.

But pancreatitis has a different clinical picture, which developed against the background of trauma to the abdominal cavity, in which the patency of the Wirsung duct is disrupted and a feeling of weakness develops due to impaired outflow of enzymatic substances. Pancreatic disease progresses rather slowly, since inflammation does not affect the entire parenchymal organ, but only a certain part of it.

Medicines and folk remedies

Before using medications and prescriptions from traditional healers, you must first consult with your doctor.

One of the most effective remedies for feelings of fatigue is a pharmaceutical preparation such as Vitabalance Multivit, which includes vitamins A, B, C, E, magnesium and Ca.

You can also use sedatives in the form of tinctures of Valerian and Motherwort, but only in accordance with the attached instructions and after the approval of a doctor.

From the range of folk remedies for weakness, infusions of chamomile, lavender, or linden flowers are recommended.

Causes and symptoms of dizziness with pancreatitis

The main cause of dizziness during pancreatic inflammation is the body’s lack of necessary nutrients. A malfunction of the pancreas affects the process of complete breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates. The food remains undigested, and the person remains hungry. Exhaustion causes dizziness and even fainting.

You can recognize an impending fainting by the following symptoms:

  • "floaters" before the eyes;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • heaviness in the legs and arms;
  • I'm ringing in my ears.

In this state, you must immediately lie down on the bed or sit down and tilt your head forward.

Due to pancreatitis, the insulin needed to process glucose stops being produced. Lack of glucose in the blood is a common cause of dizziness. To support the body during inflammation of the pancreas, eat little by little, but often, as with diabetes.

Dizziness is also caused by a lack of substances such as iron, potassium, magnesium. Their sufficient supply to the body is also interrupted due to improper functioning of the pancreas. As a result, anemia and hypotension develop.

Why does general weakness occur?

In the pathogenesis of pancreatitis, the destruction of pancreatic cells occurs, and structural elements enter the blood, causing endogenous intoxication of the body. Pyrogenic mediators are produced: bradykinin, histamine and others, which lead to an increase in temperature.

Exogenous intoxication and hyperthermia deplete the body's internal reserves. When body temperature rises, all energy-consuming metabolic processes are catalyzed. Glucose “burns up” during a fever.

Since the main treatment is hunger, the renewal of energy resources does not occur, and the breakdown of reserves begins. The glucose depot located in the form of glycogen in the liver is consumed, and the metabolism of fat cells begins to produce additional energy. Gradually the body becomes exhausted.

Etiology of pathology

Etiologists considering the causal factors of pancreatitis identify three areas:

  • direct damage to the pancreas (root causes);
  • the influence of other chronic pathologies in the body (secondary causes);
  • congenital abnormalities and genetic predispositions.

The first group primarily includes unhealthy foods. In the age of popularization of fast food and carbonated sweet drinks, an excess of fats, preservatives and spices entering the human stomach leads to the fact that the pancreas cannot cope with the task of breaking down heavy components. There is a failure in the production of pancreatic juice. Both adults and children are at risk.

In second place in the statistics of pancreatic disease are middle-aged men and women with alcohol or nicotine addiction.

Toxic substances that systematically poison a person destroy the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Intoxication can also occur due to work in hazardous industries or abuse of medications (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, painkillers).

Secondary factors are more common in older people. The pancreas can become inflamed due to a malfunction in other organs: kidneys, liver, thyroid. Diseases such as duodenitis, cholecystitis or hepatitis are dangerous precisely because of complications and the impact on all internal systems at once.

Pathogenesis of symptoms

A common cause of pancreatitis is cholelithiasis. Stones in the ducts block the path of pancreatic juice. As a result, enzymes designed to break down food remain inside the pancreas and begin to corrode the internal organ itself. Due to erosive processes, a person feels pain in the area where the pancreas is located.

Pain also occurs due to the abuse of fatty foods. The pancreas tries to actively produce pancreatic juice, necessary for the breakdown of fats, but enzymes in excess do not have time to move to the intestines and begin to “eat” the organs along the way. Hence necrosis (cell death), inflammation and sharp pain in the epigastric region.

Intoxication of the body with pancreatic enzymes leads to symptoms of poisoning. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear. And along with them - severe weakness, dizziness, headaches.

In the process of self-destruction of the pancreas, decay products of dead cells and bile enter the circulatory system. This aggravates the person’s condition even more and explains the pathogenesis of symptoms such as, for example, the taste of bile in the mouth. It becomes clear why there is no relief after vomiting during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. The patient continues to experience nausea and weakness due to deep internal intoxication.

The main symptoms of pancreatitis

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If we talk about why you feel dizzy with pancreatitis, the reasons become clear, it’s all about a sharp jump in blood sugar levels and a lack of essential hormones, but the reason for the origin of all other signs is still in question.

It is known that the disease has several forms. Any of these stages is accompanied by painful sensations. Initially, they are localized in the abdomen, and only then can spread to the chest or back. Sometimes patients feel that the pain becomes more acute when lying down. In addition, it is observed:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • bloating;
  • the person may have a fever;
  • the skin becomes sticky.

If we talk about the chronic form of the disease, it can be accompanied by constant or episodic abdominal pain. Also in this case, weight loss and loose stools are recorded.

Pancreatitis often causes anxiety, stress, and other symptoms such as low blood pressure, fast heart rate, and rapid breathing.

The condition can also cause serious complications that can be life-threatening.

Eliminate Weakness

You can return to normal health only through competent treatment. An acute pancreatic attack can be treated exclusively in a hospital. In surgical treatment, droppers and intravenous administration of medications are used. Doctors in the hospital pursue several goals:

  • stop the necrotic-erosive process;
  • relieve pain and inflammation;
  • cleanse the body of pancreatic and bile toxins.

When discharging a patient from the hospital, the attending physician will recommend a course of medication for outpatient treatment. Home therapy includes a strict diet and taking medications and vitamin complexes designed to normalize fermentation and reduce symptoms such as weakness or nausea after eating.

Periodically you need to visit your doctor to adjust your medication and undergo a follow-up examination.

To restore the pancreas and improve the tone of the body, it is recommended to take a health course in a medical sanatorium specializing in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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