A child has a stomach ache and fever: what to do?

Pain in the stomach and abdominal area is one of the most common symptoms that people complain about. But if your stomach hurts and your temperature has risen, there is a serious reason to see a doctor.

The fact is that together, these two symptoms may indicate the onset or progression of quite serious pathological processes. Now we will figure out how stomach pain can be related to fever, what you should pay attention to in such cases, and what are the treatment methods in such cases.

Causes of pain with fever

Stomach pain, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, is a clinical sign of a host of various pathological processes . Diseases with these symptoms are directly related to problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases, we are talking about actively progressing inflammatory processes.

If we talk about the reasons for this clinical picture, pain with fever is inherent in the following pathologies:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Acute gastritis or exacerbation of a chronic type of disease.
  • Oncology – stomach cancer.
  • Stomach polyps.
  • Gastroenteritis.
  • Bacterial or viral infections that begin or cause complications in the stomach.
  • Parasitic infestations, in particular, damage to the stomach by salmonella, that is, salmonellosis.
  • Damage to the gastric mucosa due to increased acidity.
  • Food poisoning caused by poor diet, as well as consumption of low-quality or expired products.

All described pathological processes can be divided into infectious and non-infectious. In addition, for treatment it is necessary to understand what is the main cause of pain and fever. To do this, you need to know the other symptoms of each pathology, as well as have at least a superficial understanding of these diseases.

Now we will separately consider the most common diseases accompanied by stomach pain with fever, identify their general clinical picture and discuss treatment methods.

Keep the disease under control

If you experience stomach pain, it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help. It is very important to determine the cause of the pain in order to begin timely treatment and avoid serious consequences.

Diagnosis is made using laboratory tests of blood and stool. The latter is necessary to exclude helminth infection. If necessary, an endoscopy procedure is performed to determine the presence of ulcers and gastritis, as well as to identify lesions of the mucous membrane due to poisoning. If time is not lost, then with the help of medications and diets you can successfully control stomach pain or get rid of it altogether.

The most common complaint is stomach pain. The nature of the pain can be sudden or constant. The epigastric region of the abdominal cavity is most often affected. Many people do not pay attention to short-term unpleasant attacks. They pass quickly due to medication or on their own. The attack is a single one - there is no need to worry, but if the temperature rises or is constantly low-grade, pain constantly permeates the body, an examination is necessary. This is a signal of serious complications.

Food poisoning

The most common cause of abdominal pain and fever in adults is food poisoning. It occurs due to the consumption of expired or low-quality products that contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the body and as a result of toxic damage by the products of their vital activity, the usual microflora of the stomach and intestines changes, and acute poisoning occurs.

In addition to intense pain and body temperature above 38 °C, the following clinical signs are present:

  1. Severe diarrhea.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Vomit.
  4. General weakness and other signs of intoxication of the body.

If you have food poisoning, it is very important to maintain fluid balance, that is, drink as much fluid as possible to avoid dehydration. Doctors also strongly recommend using absorbent drugs, and sometimes antidiarrheals are used.

It is very important in such situations, if the temperature reaches high values ​​(over 38.5 ° C), to take an antipyretic. To relieve pain in the stomach, antispasmodics are taken. Otherwise, in case of acute poisoning, you need to consult a doctor or even call an ambulance.

Abdominal pain, high temperature, lower abdominal pain, fever - what does it mean?

If you have abdominal pain or high temperature, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of a dangerous disease.

What do acute abdominal pain and high fever mean?

The appearance of these symptoms indicates problems with the genitourinary system, the digestive tract, inflammatory processes, and hypothermia of the pelvic organs. The pain can be dull, sharp, sharp, or viscous. Temperature and sharp pain (usually called “dagger-like”) can be a sign of diseases such as:

Acute appendicitis. First it hurts in the navel area, then the pain goes down to the right iliac region (but if we are talking about a child, the pain can occur anywhere). After a few hours, the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting are possible. The first thing to do when such symptoms appear is to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the patient should be completely at rest.

Important: do not take any painkillers or do any warming procedures

Peritonitis (the result of an inflammatory process in the peritoneum) as a symptom of abdominal pain. Peritonitis can be primary and secondary. Primary peritonitis is extremely rare. Secondary can develop as a result of appendicitis (more than half of cases), phlegmon, stomach cancer, perforated gastric ulcer, intestinal obstruction, etc. In women, secondary peritonitis is possible as a complication of diseases of the female reproductive organs (rupture of an ovarian cyst, endometritis, gonorrhea). The cause of secondary peritonitis can also be a complication after surgery.

Symptoms of peritonitis: very sharp, piercing abdominal pain, high fever, low blood pressure. The person turns pale and may lose consciousness.

Acute pancreatitis. The picture of symptoms as a whole resembles appendicitis, only the pain is of a girdling nature and usually radiates to the shoulder girdle and shoulder blades. Characterized by severe vomiting and nausea, the temperature is very high. In fifty percent of cases, jaundice develops, so there is a risk of painful shock.

Acute nephritis (inflammatory kidney disease of infectious origin).

With gonorrhea, pain appears in the lower abdomen, temperature, and a burning sensation at the time of urination, various types of discharge, bleeding between cycles. The latent form lasts from several hours to ten days. Gonorrhea can quickly become chronic and deprive a woman of the opportunity to have children. In men with gonorrhea, sharp pain and purulent discharge from the urethra appear. The color of the urine is cloudy. Gonorrhea is actively capable of becoming chronic.

With dysentery, body temperature also increases noticeably, there is no appetite, frustration, vomiting, and general malaise appear.

Pain in the lower abdomen and temperature in women as symptoms of the disease

Such manifestations can occur with adnexitis, menstrual irregularities and other gynecological diseases.

Adnexitis is commonly called inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes). Adnexitis appears as a result of stress, severe mental stress and hypothermia, and can also be caused by pathogens. Acute adnexitis is characterized by fever and pain in the lower abdomen. They are mostly periodic and transmitted to the lower back; a little less often there may be bloating and vomiting. The patient feels very bad. In chronic or advanced stages of adnexitis, pain occurs periodically, the menstrual cycle is quite painful, and cycle disruption occurs. There are cases in which adhesions appear and the patency of the fallopian tubes is disrupted. And this, in turn, leads to infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Endometritis is characterized by pain in the lumbar region, fever, menstruation failure, purulent vaginal discharge in the form of pus, and general weakness. Chronic endometritis is characterized by an inflammatory process of the inner lining of the uterus, where a bacterial infection enters, for example, after childbirth or abortion, with a decrease in immunity. The acute form of endometritis is characterized by the presence of small cysts inside the uterine cavity and, in addition to unpleasant discharge, is accompanied by an increase in temperature.


If your stomach hurts and you have a fever, the cause may be gastritis, in which the stomach lining becomes inflamed.
The disease is diagnosed in approximately 70% of middle-aged people and 90% of elderly people. This disease occurs due to poor nutrition, consumption of fatty, smoked, fried, salty and sour foods on an ongoing basis. Smoking and drinking alcohol also contribute to the development of gastritis; a long course of the disease in an adult leads to peptic ulcer disease. The main clinical sign of gastritis in any of its forms is acute stabbing pain in the stomach, which is also present on an empty stomach. However, in addition to this, there are a number of other symptoms:

  1. Frequent heartburn and sour belching.
  2. Frequent nausea, especially after meals, sometimes vomiting.
  3. In the stomach, in addition to pain, there are sensations of fullness and distension.
  4. The progression of the disease is accompanied by low-grade fever, which, however, can rise to 38 °C.
  5. Often with gastritis, stomach upsets occur, accompanied by diarrhea.

First aid for the acute course of the pathological process is to avoid eating food for up to two days. During this time, the patient should drink a lot of distilled water. Severe pain is relieved with antispasmodics, and in most cases the temperature does not drop.

Also, for full treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet for a long time, excluding junk food and implying split meals (5-6 times a day).

Peptic ulcer

With a peptic ulcer, degenerative processes occur that affect the gastric mucosa. The process is caused by a decrease in the protective function of the stomach walls and the corrosion of the latter by hydrochloric acid found in the gastric juice, resulting in the formation of ulcers. In this case, the stomach can hurt so much that it is impossible to do without painkillers.

The clinical picture of peptic ulcer disease is as follows:

  • The patient feels severe sharp pain.
  • Ulcer sufferers feel sick after every meal, and this condition often progresses to vomiting.
  • Heartburn and belching are present.
  • Severe forms of peptic ulcer are accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38 °C.

To treat an ulcer, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribe a further course of treatment. However, treatment is often prescribed conservative and complex. It includes a strict diet, painkillers, antibiotics, and drugs that help reduce acidity.


Stomach pain and fever - these are the complaints that people come to the doctor with, who are subsequently often diagnosed with gastroenteritis. We are talking about an infectious disease that has a bacterial or viral etiology. Enteritis is provoked by rotaviruses or E. coli.

This pathological process is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Severe pain in the stomach and abdominal cavity.
  2. Low-grade fever (37-37.5 °C).
  3. The patient breaks into a sweat and often shudders.
  4. There are headaches and aches throughout the body.
  5. Typical signs of gastroenteritis are loose stools, nausea, and the urge to vomit.

Treatment of gastroenteritis involves drinking plenty of fluids to maintain water balance in the body, as well as eliminating intoxication. Patients are prescribed painkillers, absorbent drugs, and in some cases probiotics are required.

Abdominal pain and fever, what could it be?

Abdominal pain and temperature are symptoms that can indicate an inflammatory process in the body and various human diseases. If they appear simultaneously, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment immediately.

For some people, these two symptoms are permanent, while others experience them for a short period of time. But in both cases, consulting a doctor is simply necessary.

Abdominal pain and temperature 38

An increase in temperature is an important symptom that can indicate the development of many diseases. But it is worth knowing that not every gastrointestinal disease is diagnosed with such a symptom. First of all, these two signs indicate the development of gastritis, which is chronic and acute. Signs of the acute form include the following:

  • sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • headache;
  • temperature from 38 degrees;
  • malaise;
  • nausea after eating;
  • abdominal pain that gets worse over time;
  • salivation;
  • heartburn;
  • unpleasant belching;
  • rumbling stomach;
  • bloating;
  • stool disorder.

In addition, temperature and abdominal pain indicate an ulcer, which can occur in the stomach and duodenum. The distinctive symptoms of such diagnoses include the following:

  • hunger pains;
  • vomiting blood;
  • dark stool;
  • aching pain in the abdomen.

You need to know that the pain of a duodenal ulcer can be relieved after using enveloping drugs, for example, Almagel. They appear a few hours after eating and go away quickly thanks to medications.

Nothing can dull the pain of a stomach ulcer. A distinctive symptom of the disease is that pain appears immediately after eating.

With ulcerative colitis, in addition to abdominal pain, the temperature may rise. Most often, the thermometer mark remains at 38-39 degrees. With this disease, an ulcer also develops, which causes pain. Other symptoms of colitis include the following:

  • loose stools;
  • joint pain;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • weakness;
  • admixture of blood, pus in the stool;
  • weight loss.

Nausea, abdominal pain, temperature

Additional symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases include nausea, which can occur with many diagnoses. So, with duodenitis, the patient may experience the following signs:

  • temperature increase;
  • stomach ache;
  • malaise;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain on palpation;
  • stress.

As a rule, such a disease cures on its own, but if no action is taken, the disease becomes chronic. With pancreatitis, several symptoms of diseases appear at once, which are similar to other gastrointestinal diagnoses. Signs of this disease include:

  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • Bloating and abdominal pain;
  • fat in stool;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dehydration;
  • fatigue.

As a rule, the development of this disease can be seen by the appearance of patients. They are all exhausted and tired. One of the dangerous phenomena of this disease is that severe pain can go away for a while. Many patients begin to think that the disease has passed, but this is not the case and over time it will return again.

Symptoms: temperature, weakness, abdominal discomfort, chills

However, sometimes a person has to deal with a whole “bouquet” of unpleasant symptoms. One of these can be called an acute intestinal infection caused by various bacteria and parasites. Most often we are talking about staphylococci, rotoviruses, vibrios and other viruses. Almost always the course of such diagnoses is the same.

Distinctive symptoms of the proliferation of microorganisms include the following:

  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • loose stools;
  • nausea;
  • pallor;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dehydration.

Typically, the hallmark symptoms are fever, loose stools and vomiting. The patient vomits from everything and even from a glass of water vomit appears. In such cases, you need to call a doctor.


Important! Even knowing the symptoms of each disease, which is accompanied by pain in the stomach and fever, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis based on diagnosis. Only after this is full-fledged treatment prescribed; until this point it is only symptomatic.

For the symptoms discussed, diagnostic methods are as follows:

  • Collecting anamnesis and studying the patient's medical history. An important role is played by information about what the patient eats and what he ate the day before (especially important in case of poisoning).
  • Primary examination and palpation of the abdominal cavity - to determine the location of pain and their nature.
  • In some cases, bacteriological analyzes of stool and vomit are required (if vomiting is present).
  • A biochemical and general blood test often takes place.
  • The doctor receives comprehensive data after performing an FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy). This method allows you to examine the internal state of the stomach and take some tissue and gastric juice for examination.

Carrying out all these manipulations allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Pathology of other organs and systems

In some cases, abdominal pain masks another pathology that is not associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gynecological diseases (ovarian rupture, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic tumors);
  • renal pathology (pyelonephritis, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis);
  • myocardial infarction.

Osteochondrosis, accompanied by pinched nerves, can also cause pain in the abdominal area. There are frequent cases of erroneous hospitalization of such patients in surgical departments.

Diseases when a patient has a stomach ache and a temperature of 38 degrees is very often renal pathology. The pain is localized in the lumbar region or abdomen, which makes diagnosis difficult.

With renal colic, the nature of the pain is pathognomonic: such patients are mobile and cannot sit still.

In this case, there may be complaints of pain when urinating, frequent urges, and urine in the form of meat slop. A general urine test, as well as an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, will help determine additional examinations and the choice of treatment tactics.

As for gynecological pathology, if it is not associated with ovarian rupture, the pain develops gradually and is constant, nagging in nature, localized in the suprapubic region or at the site of projection of the ovary. No additional dyspeptic complaints were noted. However, purulent or bloody vaginal discharge may occur, which is also a diagnostic sign. In this case, a consultation with a gynecologist will help determine the cause.

Abdominal pain is a symptom of many serious surgical diseases. Timely surgical treatment of such conditions is a very important prognostic sign. Consequently, in all cases where there is a danger of just such a pathology, it is necessary to seek help from specialists, especially if the pain syndrome is pronounced, there are additional symptoms in the form of hyperthermia, a sharp deterioration in the general condition, and dyspeptic disorders.

General information on first aid

Stomach pain accompanied by fever does not always require urgent action. Often the patient has time to go to the doctor, which is mandatory for such symptoms.

However, there are times when the pain is very acute or the temperature rises to dangerous levels. It is in such situations that emergency care may be required, which includes:

  1. To relieve severe pain, you should always have an antispasmodic agent on hand. A striking example is No-Shpa tablets, which effectively relieve spasm of the smooth muscles lining the intestines and stomach.
  2. To reduce the temperature, your home medicine cabinet should contain antipyretics. If we are talking about an adult, regular Paracetamol or Ibuprofen will do, which, in addition to the antipyretic effect, also lower the temperature. In cases where a child is involved, special medications are needed, for example, Panadol or Nurofen.

Having given the patient medicine, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, since in acute cases of the disease the presence of a doctor is necessary. In some cases, especially with a strong increase in temperature, the usual drug may not work. Then you will need an antipyretic injection, which will be given by an ambulance doctor.


It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. When it comes to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the following preventive recommendations should be followed:

  • Follow your diet - exclude dry food, quick snacks, etc. Meals should be complete, but not overloading the stomach.
  • Stick to a fractional nutrition system - divide meals into 5-6 times a day. Every meal should be nutritious, but light.
  • Minimize the consumption of unhealthy foods, which include soda, alcohol, “junk food” (chips, crackers, etc.), fried, smoked, spicy, fatty, sour, salty, sweet.
  • To exclude infectious diseases, try to strengthen your immune system. Stay in the fresh air more often, play sports, exercise, sleep at least 8 hours a day, etc.

As a result, it is worth saying that stomach pain accompanied by fever cannot be ignored or ignored. Such symptoms may indicate serious illnesses, the treatment of which should be started as early as possible and best with the help of a specialist.

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