Diarrhea pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy 37 weeks

When a woman is in an interesting position, she undergoes a lot of changes in her body.

And along with the joys come corresponding symptoms that can accompany the expectant mother throughout her pregnancy.

Dizziness, drowsiness, irritability and nausea are not the entire list of body manifestations that pregnant women have to face.

But what to do when the time limit is no longer short, but an unexpected problem occurs? What diarrhea can mean at 37 weeks of pregnancy, what are its causes, and what to do, is worth understanding in more detail.

Causes of diarrhea

Since diarrhea during pregnancy is much less common than constipation, it is important to know the reasons why it may occur.

These include:

  • Food poisoning. It can happen for several reasons: eating expired products and food of poor quality. This also includes taking and poisoning with medications and poisoning with low-quality and untreated water.
  • Infectious poisoning. In this case, pathogenic bacteria enter the body and affect the entire gastrointestinal tract. This type of poisoning is extremely dangerous and requires urgent medical intervention.
  • Presence of parasites. Worms not only cause discomfort to their owner, but also provoke a lot of unpleasant symptoms, one of which is diarrhea.
  • Loose stools at 37 weeks of pregnancy may be a reaction of the expectant mother’s body to certain foods. It can occur due to some fruit, vegetable or dish containing a certain type of product.
  • Physical overexertion, even the slightest and insignificant, can cause diarrhea, especially when it comes to the 37th week of pregnancy.
  • Pregnant woman's readiness for childbirth. Many doctors have long considered 37 weeks of pregnancy to be a time to prepare for childbirth. At this time, the baby is already fully formed and if it is born, it is not considered a pathology or prematurity.

Since each of the listed reasons can occur at 37 weeks of pregnancy in any pregnant woman, it is worth considering each of them separately.

The appearance of diarrhea at 37 weeks of pregnancy

What can cause diarrhea at 37 weeks of pregnancy? Is this condition dangerous? How to provide practical help to a woman without causing harm?

Features of the term

When a woman is 37 weeks pregnant, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth process. Symptoms appear that were not there before. More often they cause trouble and discomfort to a woman.

Precursors of labor at 37–39 weeks are part of the norm for a pregnant woman. However, it is worth considering that by this time not all children are fully formed and will be able to breathe independently after birth. Therefore, when contractions occur, it is important to immediately contact a medical facility.

Loose stools at 37 weeks of pregnancy are one of these harbingers. In addition to this symptom, the following may appear:

  • discharge of the mucus plug;
  • decreased appetite;
  • false training contractions;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

In the later stages, almost before birth, the fetus gradually descends. The uterus moves into the pelvis from the abdominal cavity. Thus, the woman’s body prepares for the birth of a child.

Thanks to this, some symptoms may disappear, but others may appear. Now the fetus puts pressure on the tailbone and the load on this part of the spine increases.

At the same time, heartburn disappears, and the expectant mother becomes able to breathe easier, as the diaphragm is freed.

When the thirty-seventh week arrives, not only physical but also hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body. The processes of cleansing the body before childbirth are launched, which is why nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear.

Cause of diarrhea due to late date

After the fetus drops, the pressure on the intestines increases. This is especially felt in the rectum and bladder. More frequent trips to the toilet, nausea and diarrhea. Some women experience abdominal pain similar to menstruation.

Multiparous women are more likely to experience severe dyspeptic symptoms. Women who are pregnant for the first time usually do not experience these symptoms until one week into labor. In rare cases, they develop mild vomiting.

It is worth considering that in maternity hospitals a number of measures are provided to ensure that the rectum is emptied before the birth process begins. Therefore, we can assume that diarrhea immediately before childbirth is normal.

Other causes of intestinal upset

The worst thing is when diarrhea at 37 weeks is not related to the birth process, but is caused by other factors. Most drugs are not recommended for use by a pregnant woman, especially at this stage. This can complicate treatment and worsen the woman’s well-being.

It is important to pay attention to the following possible causes of intestinal upset shortly before childbirth:

  • penetration of intestinal infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • parasitic disease;
  • individual reaction to drugs or certain foods.

To understand what to do in each specific case and what help to provide, it is worth taking a closer look at each cause of the problem.

Diarrhea due to infections

This is the most dangerous cause of diarrhea during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. Some infections cause severe weakness, intoxication and dehydration. Treatment is impossible with the help of improvised means. Drug therapy is required. It is important that medications are prescribed by a qualified doctor.

Diarrhea can be caused by dysentery, rotavirus, influenza or salmonellosis. In addition to intestinal upset, a woman will complain of:

  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • pain;
  • weakness.

To preserve the health of the unborn child and woman, emergency medical care is required.

Diarrhea due to poisoning

This condition also does not bring anything good, but the risks are lower than with infectious diseases. The cause of diarrhea can be missing food or dishes that were stored incorrectly. Symptoms in addition to those described above include:

  • muscle aches;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite;
  • aversion to certain foods.

A woman is not immune from poisoning at any stage of pregnancy. She must carefully monitor her diet and carefully check the expiration dates of the products she consumes.

For food poisoning, treatment usually involves reducing intoxication with gentle medications approved for use by pregnant women. It is important to drink enough water as the risk of dehydration is high. Rehydration solutions are also used.

Parasites in the body

Only a doctor decides whether or not to treat parasites during pregnancy after conducting a detailed examination. In some cases, a decision is made to simply support the woman and carry out treatment after childbirth. In this regard, a rash may appear on the body, increased weakness may be felt, and food preferences may change.

Rarely does a parasitic infection occur without pain. Typically, women are bothered by spasms in the navel and rumbling in the intestines.

Individual characteristics

Every woman's body is unique. Some eat all foods with pleasure, while others have to follow a strict diet. The same is true for the pregnancy period. Some women's bodies react differently to certain foods. When they are not digested, diarrhea begins.

You can get rid of this condition only by eliminating inappropriate foods from your diet. It is important to pay attention to whether you are taking any medications, dietary supplements or vitamin complexes. Sometimes a reaction develops precisely to these substances.

What is the danger?

Not all women know how long it will take to give birth after the first signs of labor appear. Diarrhea is a sign of imminent labor only if abdominal prolapse has already occurred, there were symptoms of false contractions, and there are no other dyspeptic symptoms. In other cases, at 37 weeks of pregnancy, diarrhea may be an alarming symptom.

When diarrhea is caused by an infectious disease, there is always a risk of infecting the unborn child. Sometimes he can “catch” the infection directly during childbirth while passing through the birth canal. Sometimes infection occurs through the placenta.

Severe dehydration that accompanies diarrhea is life-threatening for the unborn child. This can lead to fetal hypoxia.

It is important to remember that diarrhea in earlier stages may indicate the development of the labor process. This leads to premature birth or miscarriage. Frequent intestinal spasms affect the activity of the uterus, which stimulates premature birth of the fetus.

Basics of treatment for pregnant women

It is better to avoid the use of medications, although this is not always possible. The use of medications should only be done after consultation with your doctor.

We need to try to correct the situation using traditional methods. Nutrition is adjusted and a drinking regime is introduced. The table below helps you see what a pregnant woman's diet should be if she has diarrhea.

Allowed products What to refuse

Boiled porridgeDried breadPuree without dressingDryingDairy productsVegetablesFruitsFried dishes

Some medicines are approved for use by pregnant women. However, before using them, you should discuss this with your doctor. The following drugs are usually recommended:

  1. "Activated carbon".
  2. "Smecta".
  3. "Regidron".

The first two medications are intended to relieve intoxication and help the intestines work properly, and the third drug restores the water-salt balance.

How to protect yourself?

It is better for a pregnant woman to protect herself from the risk of developing diarrhea than to later look for a way to stop the disorder. It is very important to monitor your diet.

It must be complete and balanced. You should not consume incompatible foods at the same time. The basis of the diet should be slow carbohydrates and plant foods.

Before purchasing certain products, you should carefully inspect them, check the expiration date, integrity of packaging and storage standards. Before eating, it is important to follow food preparation technology and thoroughly wash fresh vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to pour boiling water over it.

It is important to strictly observe hygiene rules. After returning from outside or visiting the toilet, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly using soap or disinfectant. Before using any medications, you must carefully re-read the instructions for use.

: What happens to the baby and mother at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

If you follow these simple but important rules, your pregnancy will not be marred by intestinal upset. A woman will keep her health and the life of her unborn child safe!

Source: https://ponos.men/pojavlenie-ponosa-na-37-nedele-beremennosti.html

Food poisoning

This condition is characterized by indigestion due to eating low-quality foods or eating food that has expired.

Unprocessed food, water and drug poisoning also fall into this category. At this time, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Presence of nausea, gagging and vomiting
  • Stomach upset, diarrhea
  • High body temperature, chills
  • Bloating, flatulence, pain in the abdominal cavity
  • Weakness, fatigue, feeling unwell

Throughout pregnancy, a woman is often tormented by unpleasant symptoms, so in case of mild poisoning, it can be confused with toxicosis.

For example, a woman also feels nauseous, vomits and feels dizzy. But in more severe cases, diarrhea appears and body temperature rises.

The 37th week of pregnancy can manifest as severe late toxicosis. This is its most severe form, which is very easy to confuse with food poisoning.

Therefore, it is very important to show up at the first signs and symptoms at the doctor’s office so that he can examine the pregnant woman and provide her with medical care or prescribe appropriate treatment.

Infectious poisoning

Poisoning caused by intestinal infections is considered the most dangerous at 37 weeks of pregnancy. It is provoked by infectious diseases that affect the entire gastrointestinal tract.

These include salmonella, rotavirus, dysentery, cholera and other dangerous diseases. Infectious poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Presence of nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased body temperature
  • Decreased appetite or no appetite at all

Diarrhea at 37 weeks of pregnancy is not dangerous for the fetus, because all pathogenic bacteria live and multiply only in the intestines of the expectant mother.

But the consequences can be dehydration, and this is already dangerous not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the fetus. This is fraught with fetal hypoxia.

At this time, antibiotics are prescribed, but the doctor selects them individually, because they can have an effect on the fetus.

How to solve a problem

Women often wonder what to do if they constantly suffer from diarrhea or vomiting. If these symptoms are not accompanied by other unpleasant signs, then you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Drinking regime

First of all, you need to ensure proper drinking regime. With diarrhea, trace elements are washed out of the body, and this is harmful not only to the health of the fetus, but also to the mother herself. Therefore, doctors advise drinking as much fluid as possible (in the absence of kidney problems). This can be regular still water or herbal teas. Pharmacy saline solutions (Regidron, etc.) are excellent in helping to overcome dehydration; they are absolutely safe and can be used by pregnant women at different stages.

Doctors recommend drinking at least 0.5 glasses of liquid every hour. During the first day of diarrhea, it is better not to overload the intestines with food. The next day you need to limit yourself to tea and crackers. In the first few days, it is better to limit the consumption of meat, fruits, vegetables, animal and vegetable fats.

Conservative treatment methods

The doctor prescribes medication after determining the exact cause that caused the appearance of such symptoms. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

If diarrhea develops against the background of stress, then the woman has no other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, fever, etc.). The main symptom is an increase in bowel movements during the day and a decrease at night. This is due to the peculiarity of the functioning of the nervous system of a pregnant woman. In this case, only correction of the patient’s emotional state, carried out by a psychologist, will help. Any other treatment will not bring the desired results.

If diarrhea and vomiting are caused by food poisoning, the woman may need to be hospitalized. This condition is considered very dangerous, since pathogenic microorganisms can pass through the placenta to the fetus and cause serious developmental disorders. The prescription of drug therapy is carried out by the doctor individually.

Chronic diarrhea may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, etc.). In this case, doctors prescribe symptomatic therapy, sometimes treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Traditional methods of treatment

Among traditional medicines, the most effective are:

  • a decoction of oatmeal, which envelops the intestinal walls and improves motility;
  • decoction of pears;
  • potato starch.

Before trying traditional methods of treatment, it is better to consult with your doctor in advance, this will help reduce the risk of developing associated complications. Delaying the treatment of diarrhea or vomiting during pregnancy leads to severe dehydration of the body and causes serious disturbances in the development of the fetus.


The presence of parasites in the body of a pregnant woman can also cause diarrhea. But what to do in such a situation? After all, this is not only harmful for the woman herself, but also dangerous for the baby.

Some doctors are of this opinion, and therefore strongly recommend getting rid of parasites before childbirth.

This is explained by the fact that during childbirth, worm larvae can enter the child’s lungs and then the consequences will be terrible.

The baby will always suffer from viral respiratory diseases, and his lungs and bronchi will constantly be subject to inflammation.

But the other half of doctors believe that removing worms should be postponed until the baby is born.

Treatment of parasites is carried out with special medications, and they are very toxic and harmful to the developing fetus.

Therefore, traditional medicine is considered a safe and effective method of combating parasites at any week of pregnancy. Namely:

  • It is recommended to eat pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach before breakfast.
  • Eating watermelon and pumpkin is not only good for health, but also excellent for removing worms.
  • If there are no contraindications, onions and garlic will become faithful assistants in the fight against parasites
  • Worms often cause diarrhea. Therefore, rowan berries and walnuts can get rid of it and parasites.
  • Radish and carrots are also considered a very effective method of combating worms.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with worms at any week of pregnancy, all dairy products are completely excluded from her diet. They have a beneficial effect on their growth and reproduction.

Preventive measures

The best method of combating diarrhea during pregnancy is prevention. The expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her own diet. When purchasing food products, check the expiration date, composition, and packaging.

Cooking should include complete heat treatment (meat, fish, other seafood). Vegetables and fruits should be doused with boiling water when washing. Particular attention is paid to personal hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands before eating.

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Reaction to certain foods

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, diarrhea may occur due to the body's reaction to a certain food product. This phenomenon can be triggered by absolutely any food, since each organism is individual.

In this case, it is important to identify it and completely exclude it from the diet. To bring the digestive system back to normal, they completely review their diet, eliminating all vegetables and fruits for the duration of diarrhea.

But nutrition should be complete and rational. Therefore, the menu should include porridges, broths, liquid low-fat soups and meat.

They carefully monitor the introduction of each dish, as you can overdo it and cause the opposite effect in the form of constipation.

A sign of preparation for childbirth

Diarrhea at 37 weeks of pregnancy can occur due to the preparation of the female body for childbirth. As already noted, pregnancy at 37 weeks is no longer considered premature.

At this time, manifestations of loose stool may occur. This process is not pathological, but physiological.

Diarrhea occurs as a result of natural cleansing. This occurs due to prolapse of the uterine fundus, which puts pressure on neighboring organs - the bladder and intestines.

This process occurs individually for each woman. Some complain of vomiting and diarrhea, others only of loose stools without accompanying symptoms.

This manifestation can also occur at 36-39 weeks of pregnancy. That is, not only at 37 weeks, but also several weeks earlier or later. And if this is your first pregnancy, diarrhea may not appear at all.

When a doctor's help is needed

If diarrhea occurs at 36 weeks of pregnancy, bacterial origin should be excluded. The doctor will determine the causes of the disorder and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Associated symptoms indicating a pathological process:

  • blood inclusions in the stool;
  • elevated temperature;
  • vomit;
  • severe weakness;
  • black stool.

Loose stools in a long-term pregnant woman can be caused by physiological changes, poisoning or infection. In the first case, this is a harbinger of childbirth. The body cleanses itself in preparation for the birth of the baby. In the second and third cases, diarrhea requires treatment under the supervision of a physician.


The advantages of this phenomenon

There are significant advantages to this manifestation. The 37th week of gestation during pregnancy may be accompanied by diarrhea and this is considered normal.

Nature arranges it in such a way that before labor begins, the body of the expectant mother cleanses itself. The intestines are released from feces along with all the excess.

This is useful not only for the mother herself, but will also make it easier for the future baby to pass through all the birth canals. No need to worry about this. In addition to discomfort, loose stools will not cause other problems.

Dehydration is excluded, since the stool is softened to a mushy state.

Loose stools at 37 weeks of pregnancy may be accompanied by other symptoms. Spasms, increased gas formation and flatulence appear.

For this reason, false contractions may occur, but this manifestation is not long-lasting, because lasts only a few days.

By this time, the intestines are completely released and all symptoms cease with the onset of labor.

How many days before birth can diarrhea begin?

How many days does the intestines cleanse before childbirth? It is considered normal if, a few weeks or days before giving birth, a woman begins to have frequent bowel movements or diarrhea (we recommend reading: precursors: how many days before birth can diarrhea begin?). A pregnant woman can walk 3 to 5 times a day. The masses released during defecation have a small volume and a semi-liquid, mushy consistency.

What causes increased frequency of bowel movements? Several different factors are to blame for the onset of diarrhea:

  • pressure on the colon of the fetal head as it descends into the pelvic cavity;
  • the influence of prostaglandins, which the woman’s body begins to intensively produce before childbirth: along with stimulation of labor, they activate intestinal peristalsis;
  • emotional stress and anxiety of a woman associated with the upcoming birth of a child.

Most women suffer from constipation throughout their pregnancy, so they are often surprised by the new mode of operation of the digestive system. Frequent bowel movements have their purpose: in this way, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed before childbirth.

With an empty intestine, it is easier for the fetus to move through the birth canal. In addition, at the moment of birth of a child, a reflex relaxation of the anal sphincter occurs and the contents of the rectum exit out. Fecal matter contains a large number of bacteria that can end up on the newly born baby or in the mother's birth canal.

Early bowel cleansing a few days before birth significantly reduces the risk of such infection for the mother and newborn. When natural bowel cleansing does not occur, the woman is given an enema in the maternity hospital. In case of prenatal diarrhea, there is no need for this procedure.

When is diarrhea dangerous?

But there are cases that at 37 weeks of gestation, loose stools can signal danger.

If during this week of pregnancy diarrhea appears in the form of very loose stools, with green spots and vomiting, immediately seek help from a doctor.

The same should be done if the liquid feces have become yellow, foamy, and emit an unpleasant odor.

If all of the above symptoms appear along with a high temperature, then attributing this to preparation for childbirth is strictly prohibited.

Such manifestations are characteristic of an intestinal infection, which can occur at any stage of gestation. This week of pregnancy does not always indicate prenatal preparation.

If such symptoms are accompanied by weakness and constant thirst, consult a doctor immediately.

If loose stools at 37 weeks of gestation are not accompanied by any additional symptoms, and labor has already begun, it is important to inform your doctor about this.

Not only does the intestine cleanse itself, but there is also no need for additional use of a cleansing enema.

Prevention of intestinal disorders

It is almost impossible to avoid vomiting during early toxicosis, but it is possible to reduce the risk of developing diarrhea. To do this, a woman needs to adjust her diet, eliminating fried, spicy and fatty foods. For cooking, you need to use only fresh products and carefully cook them.

It is recommended to avoid nervous disorders, walk in the fresh air and engage in moderate physical activity. At the first alarming symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to provide timely medical care.


The manifestation of diarrhea at 37 weeks of pregnancy is not always harmless. Sometimes serious intestinal infections can be the cause. This is the only case when medications are used for treatment.

But they are prescribed only by a doctor, and the patient takes them strictly under his supervision. In other cases, they are limited to special diets, reducing physical stress and ensuring a drinking regime.

The expectant mother monitors her health throughout her pregnancy, and week 37 is no exception. It is important to understand that at this time she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the full development of the baby.

At the first unpleasant symptoms, it is important to inform your doctor. After all, self-medication in this situation is not only inappropriate, but also dangerous.

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