What to do if a two-month-old baby has constipation

What is considered constipation in a baby?

Doctors consider constipation in an infant to be difficulty in defecation and lack of bowel movements in the last 24 hours. But this concept is quite vague, since the frequency of bowel movements and their consistency differ in children who are fed breast milk from those children who are bottle-fed. In addition, there are differences depending on the age of the baby. For a newborn baby up to one month old, the normal amount of bowel movements is considered to be the same number as the number of meals. This is the norm for a breastfed baby. For artificial people, the norm is 2-3 times a day.

If the baby's intestines are unstable, then special attention should be paid to this. Without consulting a doctor, it is difficult to understand when a child has constipation and when it is a physiological feature of the development of the infant’s body. It is necessary to take into account not only the number of bowel movements, but also the consistency, smell, shade of stool and its density. It is also very important to monitor your baby’s behavior during bowel movements. The normal feces of a child up to six months are semi-liquid consistency, no unpleasant odor, yellow in color, and sometimes have elements of undigested milk. In bottle-fed babies, the stool is a little denser and may have a specific smell.

When urgent help is needed

Parents cannot always help their child on their own if his condition is rapidly deteriorating. The loss of time in this case is correlated with possible damage and health risks.

If you notice the following symptoms during constipation in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • Body temperature has increased;
  • Constipation gives way to diarrhea and vice versa;
  • Nausea or vomiting (regurgitation) occurs;
  • Feces have an unpleasant odor, like a rotten or “fetid” odor;
  • The child has severe intestinal colic;
  • Traces of blood, mucus or pus are visible in the stool or on the diaper/diaper;
  • A skin rash has appeared, the mucous membranes (mouth, eyes) are hyperemic (there is redness).

Signs and symptoms of constipation

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the condition of the baby and the consistency of his stool. Symptoms of constipation are:

  • The baby cries often and is very capricious.
  • During bowel movements the baby is restless. He tries to push, but this does not lead to the desired result. Cries to express her pain.
  • Every time she tries to defecate, the baby screams and moves restlessly.
  • With constipation, the stool is very dense, shaped like a pea. The so-called hard “plug” comes out first, and then the stool comes out with a normal consistency.
  • The intestines do not empty completely; stool may linger for a couple of days.
  • The child refuses to eat, sleeps restlessly, the tummy is swollen, gas does not pass, cries for no reason, pulls his knees to his chest, and sometimes vomits.

If a child has only a couple of the signs listed above, then you cannot be 100% sure that it is constipation. It is best to consult a doctor. If the baby is calm, takes the breast or bottle, and empties without any discomfort, then this is definitely something else, but not constipation. Sometimes there are cases that mother’s milk is completely absorbed by the baby, so there are no bowel movements.

Before you begin treating constipation, you should definitely consult a specialist; he will help you find out the causes of constipation and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Causes of constipation

If constipation has arisen quite recently, then it is very easy to cope with it; it is enough to correct all the mistakes that led to its appearance. Such errors include:

Insufficient fluid. This mistake applies more to children who are fed formula. It is necessary to monitor your child’s fluid intake especially in the hot season and winter, when apartments are heated with might and main by various heating devices. Additional supplementation is recommended even for those babies who are fed breast milk.

Wrong menu for a nursing mother. Inappropriate formula milk. A small amount of products that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. When choosing a formula for feeding, it is best to give preference to those that do not contain iron. If the child is breastfed, then the mother should stop eating refined foods.

Taking various medications by a nursing mother or child. Constipation can occur if you take antidepressants, antispasmodics, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants and other medications. It is necessary for mother and baby to start (and stop) taking medications only after consulting a doctor.

Lack of breast milk. This type of constipation is called “hunger constipation.” It occurs due to a lack of breast milk in the mother. The body absorbs all the milk the child eats, and there is nothing left for bowel movements.

Introduction of complementary foods. Complementary feeding should be introduced carefully and gradually, observing the child’s reaction to the new introduced product. Too sudden a change in food can lead to not only constipation, but also allergies.

Change of food. This can happen if you suddenly switch from breast milk to formula. When the body adapts to the new food, problems with bowel movements will disappear.

Psychological constipation. This constipation may be a reaction to stress or discomfort. For example, a sudden separation from mom. You can get rid of such constipation only if you restore psychological balance.

Sometimes a child with constipation manipulates his parents. He realized that at the first sign of constipation, people took pity on him, consoled him, and paid all their attention only to him. Therefore, the baby can consciously hold stool. To prevent this from happening, parents need to fuss less during constipation and calmly deal with the problem.

Various diseases. Fever during illness can lead to constipation. But constipation can itself be a sign of serious illness, so you should always consult a doctor. Such diseases include:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Anatomical defect of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Rickets.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Myasthenia.
  • Spinal cord dysfunction.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Various allergies.
  • Hypothyroidism.

Diseases leading to constipation are quite rare. These are Hirschsprung's disease, dolichosigma and lactase deficiency.

It should be remembered that only a doctor can correctly determine the causes of constipation in a baby. And only he can prescribe the correct treatment. You should not self-medicate, or you may harm the baby.

Mom's nutrition or what else will help with constipation

An important component of getting rid of stool retention in breastfed children is proper nutrition of the woman. To do this, it is effective to include more plant fiber in your diet. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits. You should give preference only to hypoallergenic products.

Vegetables can be eaten stewed or fresh. They perfectly stimulate peristalsis and quickly relieve long-term constipation. Additionally, the baby can be given tea with fennel, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Fruits should be eaten only an hour after the main meal. If you do not follow this rule, then, in addition to constipation, the baby will also suffer from increased gas formation.

Be sure to eat first courses. To avoid causing constipation in your child, you should avoid beef and pork. In the first months of a baby’s life, you should try not to eat food that takes a long time to digest.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of sandwiches and pasta, which cause constipation. You should also not overdo it with bananas and pomegranates.

Eating too many potatoes can cause constipation in a baby.

To reduce the risk of constipation, you should periodically consume fermented milk products, but in small quantities. The menu should include yogurt without additives. A good option would be children's dairy products. It can be used by nursing women without danger to the baby's health.

Treatment of constipation

First of all, it is important to determine the cause of constipation in a child and eliminate it. In order for the intestines to function normally you need:

  • Consult your doctor.
  • Put your baby to your breast more often (when breastfeeding).
  • A baby on formula should be regularly supplemented with water. This should be done in between meals.
  • When the baby turns six months old, be sure to introduce apples and vegetables into the diet.
  • A one-year-old baby should have soup in his diet every day.

It is also necessary for a nursing mother to reconsider her diet. If the baby is on formula milk, then choose a more suitable one for him. Increase the amount of fluid and introduce complementary foods gradually.

As for complementary feeding, there is nothing better than homemade purees prepared by mom. Preservatives are added to store-bought juices, purees and other baby foods, and this is harmful to the child’s body.

The use of a laxative or an enema should only be used as a last resort. Such methods have a bad effect on the body. They can wash out beneficial microflora from the intestines, interfere with the absorption of beneficial substances, and reduce the tone of the intestinal muscles. Therefore, before using such methods, it is better to try more harmless ones, which in most cases give a positive result. These methods are:

Tummy massage

It helps relieve spasms, increase intestinal tone and activate peristalsis. It is necessary to stroke and lightly press the child’s tummy in a circular motion clockwise. Applying a warm diaper to the tummy while stroking it can also help. But you need to be careful, since an overheated diaper will only bring discomfort. A warm bath works well or place the baby's tummy next to the mother's warm belly.

Mechanical stimulation of the intestines

This method involves irritation of the anus. To do this, you need to carefully insert a cotton swab, well lubricated with Vaseline, into the baby’s butt and turn it a couple of times. Do not enter deeply! This procedure should be done with extreme caution so as not to damage the epithelium of the anus.

Currently, special tubes have been developed for the removal of gases. Maybe use it instead of a stick. The principle of operation is absolutely the same as with a stick.

Glycerin suppositories

This method is also called emergency. A small piece of glycerin suppositories is inserted into the baby's anus. After a few minutes, emptying will occur. If this does not happen within an hour, then you must immediately call a doctor.

There is a folk method, but it uses soap instead of candles. So, this method is not safe, since store-bought soap contains a large amount of harmful substances that can damage the rectum.


An enema is used in an emergency. Take a decoction of chamomile diluted with boiled warm water into a syringe, insert it into the anus and spray out all the liquid. The syringe must be silicone; before insertion, be sure to lubricate its tip with Vaseline.


For an infant, many such drugs are prohibited. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before using them. If he prescribes such a remedy, only then can you start using it.

What can the doctor suggest?

  1. Most often, the doctor recommends glycerin suppositories for such children from medications. They are harmless for children of this age and have no side effects. It is recommended to use them for no more than 7 days, so that addiction does not occur, and the intestines of such babies will be emptied naturally in the future.

  2. You can give your child Baby Calm dill water. It will help eliminate pain and discomfort, relieve increased gas formation and improve the baby's stool. It is recommended to drink this water after meals or before bed.
  3. You can use Duflac, Lactovit, Bifidium bacterein. Using one of the remedies will normalize intestinal function and eliminate dysbiosis.

Only a doctor can decide whether a child should have an enema. It is advisable that this procedure be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician, since it is important to correctly select the dose of water that is injected into the intestines and special saline solutions. If you use ordinary water, it must be boiled in advance and then cooled to room temperature. The use of laxatives by children of this age is prohibited.

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