Hard lump in the abdomen above the navel

Hard in the stomach

Hard in the stomach is a symptom that can appear with functional disorders in the body or be a manifestation of a serious disease
Hard in the stomach is a symptom that can appear with functional disorders in the body or be a manifestation of a serious disease. The density of the abdomen is determined by bloating of intestinal loops, enlargement of parenchymal organs, tension of the muscle tissue of the anterior abdominal wall, and uterus.

Hardness can be local and widespread, be the only symptom or be combined with pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn, flatulence, stool and urination disorders, genital discharge, hyperthermia.

Sometimes people, especially at an early age, develop a lump in the main digestive organ. This article will talk about what it can be, what danger such a tumor poses and how to deal with it. In the vast majority of cases, a lump in the stomach area is not a malignant tumor filled with liquids or gases. It's called a cyst. Its location depends on the reasons for its formation. In most cases, the pathology forms in the womb. In adults, it is detected in isolated cases.

A lump in the stomach is a walled body filled with liquid or gas. The size and composition of the cyst directly depend on the cause of its formation. The size of the cyst can vary from 1 to 200 millimeters. The location of the seal is the pyloric area. It is because of this that it can impede the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. The cyst can be of two types: false - without an epithelial covering layer; true, containing in the structure a cell cover responsible for strengthening the walls of the neoplasm. The most often diagnosed is a true cyst, the occurrence of which is provoked by an anomaly that arose during intrauterine development.

Types of stones

There are several types of stones in the human body:

  • Phytobezoar is the main type of stone. The main reason for their appearance is the accumulation of plant fiber as a result of eating foods rich in it (figs, persimmons, grapes, etc.). Develops as a consequence of poor digestion of food (gastritis, disruption of the digestive tract).
  • Trichobezoar is formed due to the accumulation of hair, usually in people who have a habit of sucking their hair and those whose work is directly related to hairstyles.
  • Lactobesoar is a disease common to premature infants fed an artificial, high-calorie diet high in lactose and casein.
  • Sebobezoar - appears due to the formation of lumps of fat glued together with mucus.
  • Hemobezoar – occurs in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or portal hypertension when blood ingestion occurs.
  • Pixobesoar - formed due to the use of resin.
  • Schellacobezoar - occurs due to the ingestion of nitro varnish, polishes, alcohol varnishes and other harmful agents.

Hard in the stomach area: possible diseases


The cause of hardness in the abdominal muscles is often increased accumulation of gases. Flatulence or gas formation is often a consequence of the fermentation process in the intestines, which can be caused by overeating, eating stale foods, carbonated drinks, baked goods or vegetables containing large amounts of fiber and starch. In some cases, discomfort can be caused by eating food too quickly, resulting in air entering the gastrointestinal tract.

About 500 ml passes through the digestive tract of a healthy person during the day. gases With their increased formation, the intestines become distended, which negatively affects the digestion process. Associated symptoms will be bloating, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, belching, and sometimes heartburn.

Lactase deficiency

Lactase deficiency is a poor secretion of enzymes that break down milk sugar. The syndrome can be congenital or develop as a result of diseases of the small intestine. Characterized by defecation disorder, intestinal colic, abdominal pain and gas formation. Due to lactase deficiency, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora changes, which leads to dysbiosis.


Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum that occurs as a result of a ruptured appendix, perforation of an ulcer, inflammation of the abdominal organs, internal bleeding and many others. Inflammation of the peritoneum has a toxic effect on the body. Accompanied by pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall. Severe form of peritonitis is fraught with the development of complications and poses a threat to human life. Peritonitis is treated by surgery.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is a condition in which the movement of intestinal contents is impaired.
Intestinal obstruction is a condition in which the movement of intestinal contents is impaired. The syndrome is caused by mechanical blockage or impaired motility due to the presence of fecal stones, neoplasms, hernias, congenital pathologies, inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, strokes and poisoning with heavy metal salts. Intestinal obstruction leads to intoxication of the body. The most pronounced symptoms are cramping pain, nausea, foul-smelling vomiting, headache, weakness, bloating, tachycardia and decreased blood pressure.


Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, caused by stagnation of intestinal contents due to kinking of the appendix, mechanical blockage or infectious diseases. Symptoms of inflammation are sudden pain in the right lower abdomen, hard muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, nausea, vomiting, defecation disorder, and gas formation. The development of appendicitis can be complicated by an abscess or thrombophlebitis of the abdominal cavity. Treatment of inflammation involves surgery.

Ectopic pregnancy

In women, a hard belly may be due to the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, which in the early stages has symptoms of the usual: drowsiness, nausea, delayed menstruation, breast tenderness. At week 4, cramping pain appears below the navel, painful urination and defecation, and spotting.

Excessive blood loss is characterized by a drop in blood pressure, weak pulse, pale skin and hardness of the anterior abdominal wall. An ectopic pregnancy poses a threat to a woman’s life, so at the slightest sign it is necessary to seek medical help.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. In the chronic form of the disease, bloating occurs after every meal. This is due to insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes. Disruption of the digestive process leads to gas formation, rumbling in the stomach, nausea, frequent vomiting, and fever. Accompanying symptoms with pain localized in the left side of the abdomen and muscle hardness upon palpation suggests an acute attack of pancreatitis.


Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. The disease is most often caused by cholelithiasis. At risk are people who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle; genetically predisposed; those suffering from endocrine diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system; leading an unhealthy lifestyle. The pathology is accompanied by acute cramping pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, gas formation, bloating, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes.


Intestinal tumors of various origins lead to destruction of the intestinal walls. At the initial stages, the pathological process is accompanied by mild episodic pain. Over time, the pain syndrome increases and is not suppressed by analgesics, accompanied by lack of appetite, weight loss, weakness, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and defecation disorders. There may be blood, mucus and pus in the stool. In this case, the abdomen is hard and painful on palpation.

If you have a disease, the symptom of which is a hard stomach, you should contact a medical facility. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment. Self-medication and unsystematic use of medications can worsen the condition and lead to serious consequences.

Treatment tactics

The treatment regimen is drawn up by the attending physician after a comprehensive examination based on the information received. Treatment tactics depend on the diagnosis and the disease causing the stomach to become hard. Complex methods are used, taking into account the patient’s condition and the area of ​​development of pathological processes.

A hard abdomen (a comprehensive diagnosis will help determine the causes in women) is treated with medications, which the doctor selects for each patient individually, taking into account numerous factors. It is important to strictly adhere to prescriptions and dosages to reduce the likelihood of side effects.

Group of drugsNameApplication
AdsorbentsPolysorb, SmectaMedicines reduce gas formation. The product is diluted in water (0.5 tbsp) and taken orally 1 hour before meals. The average daily dosage for an adult patient is 0.1-0.2 g, which should be divided into 3-4 doses. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is carried out over 3-14 days.
EnzymesMezim, PancreatinThe drugs promote the digestion process. Medicines are taken orally, 1-3 tablets before meals, with a sufficient amount of water.
HepatoprotectorsKarsil, AlloholMedicines replace bile and increase its production. Adult patients are prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day. The course of therapy lasts 3 months.
AntispasmodicsPapaverine, DicetelMedicines eliminate excessive tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The drug is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The standard dosage for an adult patient is 0.5-2 ml (10-40 mg).
ProbioticsMaxibalance, BiolactThe drugs restore the beneficial intestinal microflora, which is often disrupted by dysbacteriosis. It is recommended to take the medicine 1 capsule 2-3 times a day with a sufficient amount of warm water (250 ml). The duration of therapy is 14 days.

Complex treatment for the appearance of a hard belly also involves following a certain diet. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet foods that increase flatulence and are difficult to digest.

A nutritionist will help you create a tentative menu.

Recommended ProductsProhibited Products
  • White stale bread;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • soups, low-fat broths;
  • cereals, porridge;
  • fermented milk products;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish.
  • Cabbage, potatoes;
  • dairy products;
  • alcohol;
  • black bread;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • spicy, salty, fried and smoked dishes.

Additionally, following a diet and taking medications for a hard stomach, it is recommended to engage in physical activity, take walks every day, and do gymnastics. Tumors require radiation or chemotherapy. Severe or emergency cases are treated with surgery.

Hard in the stomach area

The appearance of a hard and bloated abdomen is a sign of a malfunction in the body.
The appearance of a hard and bloated abdomen is a sign of a malfunction in the body. Sometimes the reasons are quite banal, for example, this phenomenon often occurs after overeating, but in some cases the provoking factor becomes a serious illness.

The feeling of an enlarged belly can be subjective. Then there are complaints about a feeling of fullness and heaviness. As a rule, this is a temporary condition that does not require specific measures. The reasons for the temporary appearance of a hard belly are hidden in the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. A medical examination will only confirm the real factors of subjective sensations.

The bulge can be caused by excess weight and a defect in the spine (forward-facing curve - lumbar lordosis). A specialist can easily determine these conditions from real swelling after studying the anamnesis and external examination.

If a person does not have any diseases, then this phenomenon is caused by the accumulation of gases or air:

  • Swallowing air while eating or drinking too much carbonated drinks leads to temporary bloating. In this case, frequent belching may occur. Partial air exits through the anus and is absorbed by the intestinal walls;
  • The stomach hardens when gases form during the digestion of food, as well as after taking soda, which neutralizes gastric secretions;
  • Hardness is observed after eating a large amount of sweet foods and baked goods. They are easily digestible carbohydrates, cause a fermentation reaction, accordingly, increasing gas formation;
  • A large amount of fiber and starch in the body also causes discomfort (brown bread, legumes, potatoes, cabbage, etc.).

Gases may occur due to the presence of fermentopathy. For example, a deficiency of the enzyme needed to break down complex milk sugar (lactose) into monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) is very common among adults. This enzyme is called lactase, it is synthesized by the small intestines.

If there is a deficiency of this substance, milk passes into the large intestine and only there is it digested with the participation of local microflora. It is this process that, in case of lactase deficiency, causes increased gas formation, a painful feeling of fullness and bloating after eating.

Hard belly in the stomach area

If the abdomen is distended only in a certain place, then one may suspect a mechanical obstruction to the movement of gases, for example, a tumor or intestinal obstruction for other reasons. This phenomenon is observed when intestinal motility is disrupted (often occurs with invasions that provoke intoxication of the intestinal muscles), problems with blood circulation (varicose veins affecting the lower abdomen). Discomfort can be caused by mental pathologies, for example, hysterical disorder.

Women's problems

Pathologies or reasons for the appearance of lumps in women are often gynecological in nature. Doctors advise not to wait for severe colic or other signs of pathology to appear: nausea, bleeding and to go to the clinic.

Provokes tumors in the abdomen in women:

  • adhesions in the uterine cavity;
  • torsion of the appendages, when a compaction is observed in the left, right part of the navel, in addition there is nausea, vomiting, throbbing pain, when surgical intervention is no longer possible;
  • ovarian cyst with compaction as the tumor reaches an impressive size;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Hard belly in the stomach area is not a pathology

Bloating, severe abdominal cramps and pain are serious reasons to consult a doctor. In most patients, such symptoms are caused by eating disorders or poor quality foods. Snacking on the go can also cause stomach pain because a person is unable to chew food thoroughly and swallows large portions of air along with food.

A hard belly in a small child most often occurs due to dysbiosis

Eating foods that cause increased gas formation should be strictly controlled. When drinking sweet carbonated drinks, you may experience twisting pain in the abdomen and an increase in its volume. These products also include:

  1. sweet pastries (due to the high content of simple carbohydrates, they cause fermentation in the upper intestines);
  2. legumes, white cabbage, black bread (due to the high content of fiber and starch, a feeling of fullness appears immediately after eating);
  3. baking soda (reduces the secretion of gastric juice, promoting excessive gas formation).

By bloating, severe paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, followed by diarrhea and the release of gas, the body is freed from unsuitable food.

A hard stomach in a small child most often occurs due to dysbiosis. It is worth noting that this disorder is quite common among adults. This disease is characterized by an imbalance of intestinal microflora, that is, the number of opportunistic bacteria increases, and the number of beneficial bacteria decreases.

Both the former and the latter are constantly present in the body, but when an imbalance occurs, the normal absorption of food is disrupted, it is poorly digested, putrefactive processes dominate, and gas formation suddenly increases.



https://medic -03.ru/tverdyy-zhivot-v-oblasti-zheludka



Is it possible to avoid the pain and unpleasant sensation of a stone in the stomach? Of course it is possible. To do this, you must follow the following preventive recommendations and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will not haunt you:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • correct daily routine and moderate amount of food;
  • calm atmosphere during meals;
  • fresh food;
  • avoid salty, fatty, spicy, flour dishes;
  • give up street cuisine (minimize eating fast food);
  • quit smoking;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Love vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of fluids (juices, mineral water), switch to lactic acid products (yogurt, kefir). Learn not to worry and face any stressful situation with a smile. After all, everyone knows that nervousness does not solve problems, but only undermines health.

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