Is it possible to eat cheeses for chronic and acute pancreatitis?

What is cheese in more detail

In the modern world of technology, the abundance of cheeses presented on store shelves puzzles any buyer. Cheese production methods also vary:

  • the first method of creating cheese involves the use of enzymes and lactic acid bacteria;
  • In the second method, cheese is created by melting various dairy products, plus non-dairy raw materials are used.

At first glance, everything is harmless, but the slightest flaw in observing the technology for creating cheese can affect its structure and, if consumed, cause harm to the body.

Another note: often behind the large letters “cheese” on the label there is a cheese product that does not contain a drop of milk.

When asked whether it is allowed to eat cheese for pancreatitis, many specialists and nutritionists answer positively. You should avoid cheese for about a month after an acute attack. You need to introduce the product into the menu in small portions (from 10 g). In case of chronic pancreatitis, cheese can be used both as an independent product and as part of various dishes.

The product can be consumed up to three times a week, in a single serving of 50 - 100g.

Exceeding these portions will be a strain on the inflamed pancreas and can cause a negative reaction in the digestive tract.

All cheeses differ from each other in composition and production method. Each variety contains different amounts of fat, protein and other substances. Can any cheese be eaten if you have pancreatitis? Of course not. When the disease occurs, the organ itself and its mucous membrane are inflamed. For safe and healthy nutrition, a light and gentle diet is required. To choose the right type of cheese, it is better to seek help from a doctor. The doctor will conduct a series of diagnostic tests, conduct a consultation and prescribe proper dietary nutrition.

Cheese for pancreatitis is an addition to the patient’s poor diet. Since the product is rich in many useful substances, its use allows you to supply the body with proteins, which are very important in the process of restoring the tissue structures of the pancreas. Restrictions on cheese consumption in most cases apply to patients with acute pancreatitis. During the period of remission and a month after the acute phase, cheese can be included in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis. A prerequisite for inflammation of the pancreas is the inclusion of low-fat varieties of product in the diet. It is allowed to use cheese whose fat content is no more than 30%.

Cheese is the head of everything

The therapeutic and prophylactic benefits of cheese are explained by the value of the milk from which it is made. Technologies for preparing an easily digestible product allow you to preserve all the substances essential for the body and bring them to your table unchanged.

The nutritious dairy product has a unique composition that helps restore the damaged pancreas and maintain its health. It contains the following healing components:

  • deficient amino acids (methionine, tryptophan, lysine);
  • animal protein similar in composition to human tissue protein;
  • phosphatides that improve metabolism;
  • minerals (zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium);
  • vitamins (A, D, group B, PP) and others.
  • Cheese for pancreatitis is also useful in that for its complete absorption a minimum of digestive juice and energy costs are required.

Types of cheese

Processed cheese . This cheese is produced using a special technology that helps reduce harmful cholesterol compounds and increase the nutritional value of the product. This type of cheese is completely absorbed by the human digestive system several times faster than low-fat varieties with a denser consistency. But the sodium salts, citric acid and other additives contained make this product prohibited for use in case of pancreatic disease.

Pickled cheeses . This is the largest group of permitted cheeses for pancreatic disease. These include mozzarella, feta cheese, feta and suluguni, which have a high popularity rating among consumers. They contain the following useful components:

  • vitamin complexes of group B, A, as well as E, PP and C;
  • potassium and calcium;
  • magnesium ions;
  • copper and zinc;
  • folic acid;
  • silver compounds;
  • wide range of organic acids.

Pickled cheeses help improve the structural characteristics of the skin, nail plates and hair, ensure the normalization of the functioning of all gastrointestinal organs, strengthen the skeletal system of the body and improve metabolic processes.

They are recommended for consumption not only by patients with a pancreatic diagnosis, but even a child from 3 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women, can eat it.

Hard varieties of cheese . This type of cheese is the most popular among the peoples of Russia. These include:

  • Cheddar;
  • Dutch;
  • Soviet;
  • Russian;
  • Swiss, etc.

These cheeses have a high level of calorie content, reaching up to 370 kcal per hundred grams of product, so if pancreatic disease develops, such cheese should be abandoned.

  1. Soft and curd cheeses. Among the soft cheeses, low-fat Adyghe cheese is recommended, the composition of which is characterized by a low percentage of fat content and high digestibility. This is a mild cheese with a delicate, pleasant taste, which allows it to be consumed for pancreatitis up to 200 grams per day. Soft cheeses also include creamy Ricotta cheese, which is based on goat's milk. This cheese is an extraordinary addition to various dishes, especially Italian cuisine.
  2. Low-fat varieties. This type of cheese is an excellent option for pancreatic disease, since their fat content is minimal and does not reach 30%. But it’s worth noting right away that such cheeses should only be consumed fresh. These include: tofa;
  3. chechil;
  4. ricotta;
  5. feta, etc.

Consumption of low-fat cheeses does not have a negative effect on the affected parenchymal organ.

  1. Blue cheese. Elite varieties of cheeses covered with mold are prohibited products that are not recommended for consumption in case of pancreatic damage to the parenchymal gland.

When can a patient add cheeses to the menu?

Is it okay to have cheese if you have pancreatitis? It is possible, but not in all cases. In the acute stage of the disease, cheese products are strictly contraindicated. During this period, the pancreas needs to be unloaded, creating a state of rest, which cheese dishes cannot provide.

Dairy fats stimulate the production of gastric juice, which is undesirable during treatment.

After a month of productive treatment, doctors allow cheese to be eaten. At first these are soft varieties, later you can include semi-hard ones. The fat content of the product should not exceed 30%.

The dose must be increased gradually, starting from 15 grams per day.

When and how to eat cheese for a patient with pancreatitis

For a person with damaged pancreas, cheese is an important component of the daily diet. This product provides the patient with proteins that are very important in the fight against pancreatitis and makes the menu more varied, which, taking into account all the restrictions, is quite meager. However, the choice of a specific type of cheese and its consumption during pancreatitis should be treated as carefully as possible.

In the acute phase and in the acute stage of a chronic illness, the consumption of cheese is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that this product is quite dense and does not correspond to a mechanically gentle diet for pancreatitis. Moreover, it is also very fatty and contains certain extractive components that increase the secretory function of the pancreas, which is in no case allowed during exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Cheese for chronic pancreatitis can be consumed at least a month after the symptoms of exacerbation have subsided. At the same time, at first it is worth including soft varieties of mild, unsalted and low-fat cheese in your diet, then semi-hard ones. At first, after an exacerbation of pancreatitis, consume one small piece per day (about 15 grams), gradually increase the daily portion to 50–100 g. In this case, cheese can be consumed during pancreatitis both as a component of certain dishes, and as a separate product.

Eating cheese during pancreatitis is allowed only during periods of stable remission, and the product is introduced into the diet at least 30 days after the exacerbation.

Rules for choosing cheese during an inflammatory process

Thousands of varieties and thousands of criteria by which cheese is purchased and becomes your favorite:

  • hardness;
  • fat content;
  • constituent components;
  • manufacturing process;
  • original product;
  • additional flavoring ingredients.

A patient with signs of pancreatic inflammation is not allowed to include all types of cheese in his food.

In order not to be mistaken about what kind of cheese you can use for pancreatitis, first of all it is important to pay attention to the ingredients. A set of substances that should not be in the product:

  • flavorings;
  • flavor additives;
  • vegetable fats.

You cannot buy cheese that is nearing its expiration date or in a damaged shell. Types of cheeses for pancreatitis that are strictly prohibited to eat:

  • processed cheese - due to the fact that it contains a lot of salt, flavorings, flavor enhancers and dyes;
  • smoked cheese products - the danger is that they can increase the secretion of gastric juice, they also contain excess salt and flavorings;
  • hard cheese – excessive fat content and density are unacceptable for a patient with pancreatitis;
  • a variety of blue cheeses - they only aggravate the work of the pancreas;
  • cheeses with the addition of nuts, herbs, seasonings.

The product must be selected according to the following criteria:

  1. Look at the fat content. If you are ill, it is advisable to purchase cheese in which this indicator is less than 30%.
  2. It is prohibited to take a cheese product that contains preservatives, flavorings, or vegetable fats.
  3. The cheese should not be damaged or dry.

In stores you can often find an assortment called a cheese product. Most of them do not contain milk. Patients with pancreatitis should pay attention to this when choosing cheese. When purchasing, you need to check the expiration date of the product, since dairy products do not last long. It is necessary to look at the surface of the bar. For fresh and high-quality cheese, it should be elastic and not wet, without cracks.

If the shelf life of soft cheese is approaching the end of the second month, it is not recommended to buy such a product. It is better to choose cheese with a short shelf life, since products with a long shelf life contain preservatives that are harmful to the body and mucous membranes. Cheese should be stored at a temperature no higher than plus 8 degrees, humidity should not exceed 90%.

Hard varieties are stored in airtight containers; if the cheese is stored in brine, it should be stored correctly in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Before choosing, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the cheese (on the label). Healthy cheese should not contain harmful prebiotics and low-quality vegetable fats.

Some manufacturers add flavorings and other artificial substances to the product in order to improve the taste of low-quality cheese. Such components negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and, in particular, the pancreas, and therefore, the use of such cheese is not recommended.

How to choose the right cheese?

Even cheese allowed on a diet can cause irreparable harm to the body and digestive system if you choose it incorrectly. So, you need to pay attention to the following product characteristics:

  • date of production and packaging (the fresher the product, the better);
  • hardness (preferably soft varieties);
  • fat percentage;
  • composition and main ingredients;
  • presence of fillers;
  • cooking process.

High-quality cheese should not contain aromatic and flavor additives, dyes, artificial preservatives and vegetable fats. You should not purchase products at the end of the expiration date or with damaged packaging.

Seasonings, herbs and nuts should not be contained in cheese. Eating such products can be not only harmful, but also dangerous even for a healthy person.

Permitted and prohibited varieties

In case of a pathological condition, it is advisable to eat the following types:

  • semi-solid (for example, Russian);
  • unsalted soft with low fat content.

Low-fat varieties are recommended when a chronic disease is in remission. These include:

  • Adyghe;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Feta;
  • Adyghe;
  • Chechil;
  • Burata;
  • Tofu;
  • Ricotta;
  • Brynza;
  • Suluguni.


  • durum varieties (they usually have a high fat content);
  • including mold;
  • containing additives in the form of greens or nuts;
  • sausage cheese;
  • processed cheeses.

It must be remembered that any type of cheese is strictly contraindicated during an acute state of pancreatitis.

  • Consumption of durum varieties
  • Among the solid types most often purchased:
  • Dutch;
  • Cheddar;
  • Swiss.

Hard cheese is a product with a high fat content, so if pathology develops, it cannot be included in the menu.

The product must be stored in the refrigerator. Eating cheese that has expired is strictly prohibited. Storage recommendations should be followed to avoid premature spoilage and drying out.

Which varieties are not recommended?

In addition to the recommended varieties, there are prohibited varieties. They contain harmful substances, preservatives, carcinogens, dyes, flavors, and other prohibited components. These types of cheese are inappropriate and harmful for pancreatitis. They provoke inflammation, irritate the mucous membranes, complicate the functioning of the digestive tract, and lead to exacerbation.

What types are we talking about:

  • fused;
  • subject to smoking;
  • solid;
  • salty;
  • acute;
  • with inclusions of food additives.

It is important to identify safe types of dairy products and choose wisely.

The best low-fat cheese for patients

Based on the fact that patients with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract are allowed to consume dairy products with a fat content of less than 30%, low-fat cheeses for pancreatitis are a pleasant bonus to a meager menu.

Low-fat cheeses are made from skim milk. Such varieties are widely used in various diets. Many protein diets allow the consumption of cheeses with a fat content of no more than 12%. There is even a separate cheese diet. Tofu is considered the lowest-fat cheese (about 3% fat), since such cheese is made from soy milk and is equated to products of plant origin.

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Low-fat varieties also include light feta and mozzarella. For pancreatitis, it is recommended to use low-fat cheeses that contain a large amount of salt. The daily amount of cheese used should not exceed 100 g.

The presence of fats will always be indicated by the label on the packaging; the main thing is that the appearance and expiration dates are also acceptable.

What cheeses are the least fatty:

  • Gaudette cheese;
  • ricotta - cheese made from whey;
  • Mozzarella;
  • tofu - soybean curd;
  • curly fibrous cheese Chechil;
  • Greek feta cheese and many others.

As noted by medical experts and nutritionists, any amount of low-fat cheese consumed by patients with pancreatitis does not cause any harm and does not disrupt the functioning of the pancreas.

The beneficial effects of cheese on the body

Cheese is a healthy product containing a large amount of protein, which is more in the product than in meat and fish. Cheese is rich in vitamins; the product contains amino acids, which are very important for the full functioning of the body and are not produced independently. Amino acids play an important role in the process of restoration of the inflamed mucous membrane of the pancreas and stomach over a short period.

Eating cheese allows you to normalize a person’s tone and performance, helps replenish expended calories, which is why it is often included in the diet of athletes. The product is also useful for pregnant women. There are different types of cheese that can be used, depending on the composition.

For example, gouda, which is rich in Ca, is recommended to be used for bone fractures. Mozzarella helps fight insomnia; tofu contains a lot of protein and a minimal amount of fat. For pancreatitis, the use of low-fat cheeses (no more than 30%) is allowed a maximum of 3 times a week.

Useful qualities of cheese

Cheeses are rich in easily digestible protein, lactose and fats. It also contains a large amount of essential calcium, which preserves bone structure and helps tissue renewal. Curd products satisfy hunger well and fill you up, promoting rapid digestion of food. The products can be consumed in their pure form, added to pasta, casseroles, and salads.

Healing tissue of the pancreas affected by pancreatitis is almost impossible without lysine, tryptophan, and methionine, which are contained in large quantities in cheese products.

In addition, phosphatides found in animal fat are involved in most metabolic processes and accelerate the healing of the components of the pancreas. In this regard, some doctors allow the introduction of small amounts of products into the patient’s diet.

Use for pathology

Different types of product have their own differences. Some are made from goat's milk, others from cow's or sheep's milk.

The technology for making cheeses also varies. Dyes, flavors, spices, preservatives and other components are added to some varieties.

Cheese contains carbohydrates, fats and proteins, but their levels vary depending on the type. Fat content ranges from 0.5 to 60%. The taste of different varieties also differs.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is possible to introduce cheese into the menu if you are ill, or whether this is unacceptable.

Whether this dairy product is prohibited or permitted for people with inflammation of the pancreas depends on the type of cheese, namely on the following indicators:

  • fat content;
  • presence of additives and spices;
  • salt content;
  • manufacturing technology.

The form and degree of pancreatitis also influence the choice of product.

Fatty varieties containing additives and salt are not included in the menu of patients suffering from the disease.

Cheese for chronic pancreatitis

In case of chronic pancreatitis, cheese can be used in food 30 days after an acute attack of the disease. The menu includes low-fat and unsalted varieties of the product. Based on the general condition of the patient, you can introduce semi-hard cheeses into the diet, limiting the amount to 15 g per day.

Gradually, based on the reaction of the digestive tract and the patient’s well-being, the amount is increased to 100 g. The cheese can be used both independently and in salads, and as an additive to pasta.

Cheese for acute pancreatitis

Eating cheese during acute pancreatitis or during an exacerbation of the chronic form is strictly prohibited, since cheese has a high density and can have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Cheese contains fats and extractive elements that increase pancreatic secretion and can worsen the condition.

Cheese is a healthy product containing substances important for the full functioning of the body. If you have problems with the pancreas, it is recommended to use a fresh product with a fat content of no more than 30%.

The effect of cheese on the stomach and pancreas

Whatever they say about this product, it is very good in itself due to its impressive content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. However, in certain situations it can harm a person. In particular, most brands of store-bought cheeses are not recommended for consumption by people allergic to milk. An exception among industrially produced cheeses are products that do not contain rennet, such as Adyghe or Suluguni. In the case of gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases that affect the stomach and pancreas, there are nuances, so each situation should be considered separately.

Effect on the stomach

In case of lesions of the mucous membranes of the stomach, careful selection of the menu plays a very important role. At the same time, lovers of dairy products are worried about the possibility of eating cheese. The specific answer, including permitted and prohibited types of products, may vary depending on the form of gastritis and the nature of its course.

In general, there is no ban on the use of the product. However, several rules must be followed. In the first 48–72 hours of exacerbation of stomach inflammation, it is necessary to avoid all types of cheese products (including those that are not prohibited in principle for gastritis). And it is better to exclude other dishes from the diet for the initial two days of the acute phase of the pathology.

After the attack, the list of foods consumed should expand gradually, and portions should be small. A person with a sick stomach can start introducing cheeses into their menu. In order not to cause additional irritation of the mucous membrane, which will turn into inflammation, those suffering from gastritis should eat only non-acidic and mild dairy products with low fat content. Cheese is a type of milk product, so similar requirements apply to this product for gastritis. In addition, cheeses must be consumed as a component (for example, in a salad) or as an additional (but not main) dish.

The modern market offers many salty, spicy and other types of cheese with a large variety of spices, flavors and other additives. These impurities have a negative effect on the human stomach, so it is recommended to avoid such products in the diet. The rule is especially relevant for people suffering from stomach diseases, such as ulcers and gastritis, and even a healthy person should heed this advice.

In order not to irritate the gastric mucosa, it is necessary to take into account that when introducing hard cheese into the menu, it should be eaten after grating or cutting into thin slices.

How the pancreas reacts to cheese

Taking into account the composition and nutritional value, various milk-based products play an important role in the menu of a person suffering from pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Cheese combines all the beneficial qualities of milk in a concentrated form and contains the following substances.

  1. Amino acids that are not synthesized by the human body independently and are a prerequisite for the successful restoration of pancreatic tissue affected by inflammation during pancreatitis.
  2. Animal proteins that are comparable to human proteins in terms of amino acid structure.
  3. Phosphorus compounds that take part in metabolism and ensure complete absorption of food.
  4. Microelements useful for pancreatitis, such as calcium, zinc, selenium and phosphorus.
  5. A rich variety of pancreatic-beneficial vitamins, including water- and fat-soluble substances.

Cheese has a special composition, and its complete absorption requires minimal load. Consumption of these products accelerates the process of recovery of the pancreas during pancreatitis and, within certain limits, is responsible for maintaining the health of the organ. However, as in the case of gastritis, the consumption of cheese is strictly prohibited during attacks of acute pancreatitis or during exacerbations of a chronic disease.

Due to the rather high hardness and fat content, many types of cheese do not meet the dietary criteria prescribed for exacerbations of the inflammatory process of the pancreas.


Cheese is a high-calorie product and therefore should be consumed in limited quantities by overweight people. In large quantities, cheese is contraindicated for a number of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular for peptic ulcers, gastritis and kidney diseases.

Cheeses are contraindicated in case of intolerance to dairy products, during exacerbations of gastrointestinal pathologies. They are undesirable for people with high levels of low-density cholesterol, vascular atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease, and hypertension.

Contraindications for use

Cheese has restrictions for consumption in the following cases:

  • relapse of chronic pancreatitis;
  • acute form of pathology;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of other digestive organs.

In such cases, you cannot consume even the approved varieties of the product.

What kind of cheese can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

Different types of cheese are produced. The product differs in terms of raw materials, production technology, fat and protein content. If pancreatitis is present, the use of all types of cheese is not allowed. The inflammatory process of the pancreas requires gentle treatment, and cheese should be introduced into the diet after consultation with a gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

In case of chronic pancreatitis in the remission phase, it is allowed to consume semi-hard and hard varieties of cheese. The product used must be free of spicy additives and flavor enhancers and not included in food additives. A patient with pancreatitis needs to choose and use exclusively low-fat varieties of cheese.

Cheeses differ in fat content, preparation method, composition and nutritional value. To figure out which cheese you can eat and which you can’t with pancreatitis, let’s look at the types:

  • hard;
  • fused;
  • pickled;
  • recycled.

The main feature of cheese is what it is made from. Milk is the main component that contains a rich vitamin complex. Thanks to biochemical reactions, it turns into a cheese product, but its beneficial properties are not lost. Despite the high calorie content of cheese, it is perfectly absorbed by the body:

  1. Low molecular weight organic substances have a positive effect on the glands of the digestive system, stimulating appetite.
  2. The high content of rapidly digestible protein contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissue in the pancreas.
  3. Contains a large amount of vitamins. Good source of protein, calcium, potassium. Thanks to this composition, it is recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women and people exposed to high physical activity.
  4. It has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, increases efficiency, produces energy, and affects tissue respiration. B vitamins have such a positive effect.
  5. Vision improves (vitamin A), the condition of nails, hair, and skin improves.
  6. Bone tissue is strengthened.
  7. The immune system is stimulated by vitamin C.
  8. Promotes normal metabolism.

When patients ask whether they can eat cheese or a cheese product if they have pancreatitis, it is important to understand that these are two different products. In the first case, the answer is yes, since natural is made exclusively from milk. For inflammation of the pancreas, this is an indispensable component in the diet. It has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, has a restorative effect, and heals affected tissue areas.

In addition to the difference in manufacturing technology, it differs in its composition, which contains no milk at all. This product is prepared on the basis of plant components with the addition of various additives and harmful substances that negatively affect the diseased organ.

Pancreatitis and processed cheese

Recently, the media has made negative advertising about processed cheese, and many lovers have become wary of this product.

It turned out that during the production process various substances are added to it to adjust the taste, color, smell, and density of the cheese. These components can have a detrimental effect on the body of a healthy person, and it is completely undesirable to consume processed cheese for pancreatitis.

Despite the fact that this product is completely absorbed by the body, its additional substances harm the pancreas. If the illness worsens, eating dishes that contain processed cheese is prohibited.

Processed cheese is absorbed almost completely in the body. However, despite this, this type is not recommended for use for pancreatitis, since it contains sodium chloride and other salts, dyes, and flavorings that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the pancreas and can cause an attack of pancreatitis. The use of dishes containing processed cheese is also prohibited. Is it possible to use processed cheese for pancreatitis that was prepared at home? The only solution to the problem for lovers of this type of cheese is to make it yourself, bypassing all prohibited ingredients.

Adyghe cheese in the diet

One of the best dairy products that is useful for pancreatitis is Adyghe cheese. This type of cheese got its name because of the territory of origin - the Republic of Adygea.

It is produced from sheep, goat and rarely cow's milk. It is soft in consistency, belongs to the group of cheeses without ripening and will not hold back strong flavoring additives.

Adyghe cheese for pancreatitis is an ideal solution. The delicate milky smell and taste, softness, freshness, and low fat content of the product allow you to use it as an independent dish without worry, or add it to various salads and sandwiches. Adyghe cheese can be added to the diet in case of acute and chronic stages of pancreatitis.

Curd cheese should not be consumed for pancreatitis during the acute stage of the disease. And although it has a soft texture and is fully absorbed by the body, its fat content and texture disrupts the necessary rest and activates the secretion of the pancreas.

The best cheese product for a patient with pancreatitis will be cheese prepared independently, controlling the naturalness of the products and regulating their fat content.

Due to the enzymes contained in Adyghe cheese, consumption of this cheese has a positive effect on digestion, improves intestinal microflora, and stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system. Adyghe cheese is a dietary product and has high nutritional value, which is why it is often included in the diet of overweight people. The calorie content of 100 g of product is 240 kcal, Adyghe cheese does not contain carbohydrates, and proteins and fats per 100 g are about 18.5 and 14 g, respectively.

Consumption of 80 g of the product provides the daily requirement of amino acids, B vitamins and sodium for an adult. This variety is often recommended to be included in the diet of people with hypertension, children and elderly patients, athletes, women expecting a child, and nursing mothers. The product is included in the menu for patients undergoing rehabilitation after serious illnesses, patients with pancreatitis. Cheese can be consumed as an independent product and added to salads (Caesar).


Tofu cheese is a product introduced from China. This is soy curd, it comes in different textures: soft and hard. Soft tofu is used to prepare first courses. For other dishes, the hard type is better and is easier to process. The consistency of the product is related to the protein content. Dense and less moist cottage cheese contains more proteins. Tofu is an excellent source of high-quality protein.

Tofu contains all 9 amino acids that are necessary for the body. This variety is also a source of calcium and easily digestible fiber. Using cheese allows you to remove dioxin from the body, reduce the percentage of bad cholesterol, and prevent the development of cancer, vascular and heart diseases. Tofu cheese is recommended for use in pancreatitis as a dietary, healthy and easily digestible product.


Italian ricotta contains a lot of protein and a small amount of fat (13%), which makes it recommended as a light and dietary type of cheese. Riccata is prepared from whey with the addition of milk. The product has a low calorie content, can be used independently and as an ingredient in dishes.


Gaudette cheese is low in fat. It is a semi-solid form and contains only 7% fat. The product has a specific texture and is distinguished by its piquant taste. Cheese is easily digestible and contains a large amount of Ca. Useful for all cheese lovers, especially people with digestive problems, as well as pancreatitis.

Oltermani cheese

Contains about 17% fat. It has a subtle pleasant taste of whole milk. The texture is dense, uniform, with small, evenly distributed eyes. It is a dietary type of cheese, recommended for use for cholecystitis, gastritis and pancreatitis.

Homemade cheese

Contains about 5% fat and a large amount of protein. It is called low-fat cheese. The texture of the cheese is soft, creamy, and it tastes a little salty. 100 g of cheese provides the body with 85 calories and 17 g of protein, so it can be included in the diet even if you follow the most strict diets.


Chechil cheese is a source of high-quality protein, calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen bones. Chechil is made from low-fat or skim milk (fat content 10%). Thus, it is one of the lowest calorie cheeses and is perfect for those on various diets. It is also recommended to use for pancreatitis. Smoked Chechil is also produced, which is strictly prohibited from being included in the diet in case of inflammation of the pancreas.


Suluguni is one of the varieties of traditional brine Georgian cheese. The product is manufactured without heat treatment, due to which it contains all minerals, vitamins and beneficial compounds. Cheese prevents the development of dysbiosis in the intestines, the appearance of diarrhea or constipation. The product normalizes metabolic processes and is useful for people who have pathological changes in the pancreas and thyroid glands.


Feta cheese is the national Greek pickled white cheese, which is made from sheep (sometimes with the addition of goat) milk. The calorie content of Feta cheese is 290 kcal per 100 g of product. Cheese is rich in vitamins; due to the presence of bacteria, the product helps normalize intestinal microflora. Feta cheese is good for strengthening bones. However, this type of cheese is not recommended for use for pancreatitis and gastritis, since it is a fairly salty product and can cause fluid retention in the body, as well as swelling and problems with excess weight. Milk in cheese can cause an allergic reaction.

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