Foods that can reduce stomach acidity during gastritis

What is the essence of the problem

The smooth functioning of the digestive tract depends, first of all, on how much hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach. Acid is necessary for the activity of digestive enzymes.

Fruits that lower pH

It is equally bad for the stomach when acidity is high and when it is low. If it is reduced, then enzymes cannot fully digest food, which is why it begins to ferment, rot and poison the body.

Remember! Long-term increased acidity of gastric juice is fraught with the occurrence of acute gastritis and ulcers. An untreated ulcer can deepen and expand. The most dangerous complication of peptic ulcer disease is a perforated ulcer. The disease can only be treated surgically, and doctors have only a few hours to save a person.

At the same time, increased acidity in the stomach causes the mucous membrane to begin to dissolve under the influence of an aggressive environment. A person experiences unpleasant symptoms associated with pathological conditions of the digestive tract.

This is why reducing acidity is an important task for maintaining human health.

Symptoms of high acidity

In accordance with the ICD, tenth revision, hyperacid gastritis refers to diseases of the digestive system; accordingly, the main complaints and symptoms will be similar to other pathological syndromes of the gastrointestinal tract, which makes their differential diagnosis difficult at the outpatient stage.

The most common complaints that patients with high acidity levels present are:

  • Heartburn associated with or after eating. It can occur periodically when changing the position of the body in space or adopting a horizontal position.
  • Nausea that develops after eating small amounts of fatty or fried foods.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the epigastric zone.
  • Belching with an unpleasant sour taste.
  • Frequent regurgitation with a sensation of rennet taste.

This is interesting! The enzyme pepsin is a complete analogue in function and structure in cattle and pigs. The structure of the digestive system in ruminants allows it to be used for the digestion of plant proteins. Unlike humans, herbivores have two pairs of unique sections: rumen, book, reticulum and abomasum.

Structure of artiodactyl representatives of mammals

What is harmful

There is a category of food products that can increase the property of gastric juice in question. If you have gastritis of the hyperacid type, they should not be consumed. Pay attention to this list (the table of prohibited foods includes foods that can be consumed every day).

Foods that raise pH

  1. Sour, smoked, pickled foods.
  2. Pickles.
  3. Fried food.
  4. Sweets.
  5. Fast food.
  6. Soda.
  7. Citrus.
  8. Strong coffee.
  9. Dark chocolate.
  10. Onions, garlic, radishes, radishes.
  11. Tomatoes.
  12. Plums.
  13. Fatty sour cream and cottage cheese.

Interesting! How to get rid of acid in the mouth - reasons and what to do

All this must be abandoned or sharply reduced consumption, because an unhealthy diet with a predominance of these dishes increases the acidity of gastric juice.

Delicious and healthy offers

A normal nutritional complex includes dishes, the consumption of which in case of typical chronic gastritis with high acidity is simply obliged to help you. Recipes for gastritis with high acidity may differ in a certain variety. We can give several interesting solutions:

  • pumpkin pudding;
  • fish cutlets with vegetables;
  • barley soup;
  • lean rabbit and chicken meat;
  • beef soufflé.

All these and many other dishes are designed to reduce the intensity of gastric juice secretion. The composition of food compositions for diet therapy should not contain an excessive amount of fiber, especially with increased coarseness and fibrousness.

An interesting solution for preparing a dish for gastritis with high acidity - pumpkin pudding

It is also necessary to take into account how to take special-purpose drugs (Imodium and others). Many medications for gastritis and diarrhea are different - special care must be taken here.

Key ingredients such as radishes, turnips, bran bread and stringy meats contain many productive, nutritious ingredients. For women it will be a rather pleasant discovery - it is quite difficult to gain weight from the proposed diet.

What is better to include in the diet

What dishes and fruits are allowed with high acid content? This question is asked by almost every patient suffering from hyperacid gastritis. It should be remembered that with gastritis you can eat tasty and, most importantly, healthy food. There is no need to think that only bland food is good for the stomach.

Common products for reducing acidity are watermelons and melons. They reduce acidity well and reduce the manifestations of severe symptoms of gastritis. The most suitable fruits for the stomach are avocado, banana, mango.

There are delicious recipes for porridges that reduce acid content. You need to pay attention to oatmeal, rice, semolina. For meat dishes, you should opt for turkey and chicken: the delicious recipes are very simple and benefit the body.

Restore acidity level:

  • cabbage;
  • potatoes (in particular, potato juice has long been used to reduce stomach acidity);
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • greenery.

What fruits can you eat to reduce the aggressiveness of gastric contents? Quinces, mangoes, bananas, and peaches will be desirable for the stomach. Of course, you shouldn’t overeat on them: in some cases, this can lead to the exact opposite effect and the development of allergies.

With low acidity, these dishes can be harmful. Food will stagnate in the stomach, which will lead to intestinal dysfunction.


To prevent increased acidity and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms (heartburn, stomach pain), it is necessary to follow a number of preventive measures:

  • prevention of physical inactivity - sports, gymnastics, daily walks in the fresh air;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional activity - avoidance of stress and mental stress;
  • adequacy of medication intake - medications must be taken in a strictly prescribed dosage;
  • eliminating bad habits - it is important to give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • eliminating chemical or radiation effects on the body - if you have stomach problems, it is better to switch to less harmful work;
  • normalization of nutrition - including only permitted foods in the diet, following diet recommendations.

To prevent secretion disorders, you need to attend annual preventive examinations, and when the first symptoms of the disorder appear, it is important to seek the help of a doctor who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe rational treatment.

Unfortunately, increased acid levels in gastric juice are becoming more common. Products that reduce stomach acidity help normalize your health and prevent the development of dangerous pathologies such as ulcers, gastritis, etc. Let's consider what foods reduce the acidity of gastric juice, what you should eat and what you should not eat to keep your stomach functions in order.

Antacid products

Some foods are natural antacids. Among the foods that reduce stomach acidity are the following:

  1. Milk (especially goat's milk). Drinking milk regularly will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is good for the stomach to consume only natural dairy products.

Note! If a person has an intolerance to whole cow's milk, then he should not drink it. It is also prohibited to consume dairy products with preservatives for gastritis.

  1. Buttermilk. It is obtained during the preparation of butter. Can everyone drink it? It has been proven that it has virtually no contraindications.
  2. Potato juice. It can quickly reduce the acid content.
  3. Ginger root (it is advisable to start using it in small quantities, gradually increasing the dose).
  4. Juice obtained from celery.
  5. Dried fruits.

Interesting! How to find out the normal acidity (pH) of the stomach without gastroscopy

Among the foods with low acidity there are many rich in vitamins. They are very useful for gastritis. They quickly reduce stomach acidity.

Aloe and gastritis

Among the remedies that are used to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, aloe vera occupies a special place. Aloe juice has beneficial healing properties. First of all, it helps create an acidic environment in the stomach. Recipes for preparing medicine from agave are very simple. It is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of agave juice in half a glass of water. It is necessary that the plant is not old.

Aloe is also taken to prevent peptic ulcers. To do this, it must be mixed with honey and butter. This tasty medicine helps boost the body's defenses.

Recipes for preparing medicines with aloe are simple and accessible to everyone.

Treatment of the stomach with honey

Honey has the unique medicinal property of lowering high acid levels. Among the recipes that can reduce acidity are the following:

  1. Honey water. Dissolve a small amount of honey in warm water. You need to drink it 4 times a day (with the last dose half an hour before going to bed). Take a teaspoon of honey per glass of water.
  2. A mixture of vodka, aloe juice and honey helps to get rid of hypersecretion of the stomach for a long time. Honey consumed in this way helps to heal ulcers when the stomach is acidic. The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time.
  3. Honey with cinnamon is good at normalizing the pH level of gastric juice.
  4. Infusions of medicinal herbs and honey normalize the secretory function of the stomach.

It must be remembered that if honey is taken incorrectly, it can increase acidity. Before starting treatment, you should consult a doctor.

So, what can you eat if you have high acidity? There is a large amount of tasty and healthy food that helps normalize secretory function. Allowed food is rich in vitamins and microelements, which improves the body's defenses. Healing with food is an excellent alternative to taking medications.

How to reduce stomach acidity

It is possible to increase the concentration of the hydrogen gradient in the liquid fluid with medications or use specialized nutrition.

Medicines, the list of which is constantly updated with new trade names, was developed in recommendations for standards of medical care in outpatient and inpatient medical institutions with round-the-clock and daytime stay. Drugs used in domestic healthcare are approved and have a certificate of conformity issued by Rosstandart.

Agents that reduce the production of fatty acids:

  • Histamine receptor blockers. The action is based on physiological processes in the mucosa. Histamine is a biologically active compound synthesized by the body in various tissues (histo-tissue), stimulates the production of stinging cells on which histamine receptors are located (the second type is H2). By blocking these receptors, drugs reduce the release of chloride ions. Typical representatives of their pharmacological group are: ranitidine and its analogue famotidine (quamatel).

It is important to know! Before the advent of drugs that could reduce acid formation, mutilating operations were used - resection of part of an organ. The Nobel Prize in Health was awarded for the development and clinical trials of the first H2-histamine blockers.

  • Proton pump blockers. Epithelial cells have a complex system of ion channels that transport substances (amino acids, sugars, hormones and ions) across the cell membrane. By blocking the production of hydrogen ions, the drugs increase the pH value, leading to alkalization of the environment. The most famous original drug is omeprazole and many generics (copies of original drugs, completely similar in chemical properties and biological effects) based on it.
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