Sea buckthorn oil for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Types of stomach inflammation

A healthy stomach is the key to the overall good condition of the body, since a person receives the necessary nutrients and minerals from food. Gastritis is a form of disease accompanied by inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. Depending on the cause and location of the disease, the following types are distinguished:

  • The follicular form refers to chronic gastritis and occurs in only 1% of patients.
  • Catarrhal type of disease is the easiest and easiest to cure type of acute disease.
  • Medicinal gastritis is caused by long-term use of medications.
  • The autoimmune type of disease is associated with genetic abnormalities in the patient’s body.
  • The atrophic type of the disease is incurable, so it is important to know not only what medications to take for it, but also how to take sea buckthorn oil for gastritis, which brings relief to the patient and relieves a number of unpleasant symptoms.
  • Reflux gastritis is a chronic type of disease.

In ancient times, people knew how to drink sea buckthorn oil for gastritis, which was popularly called the “father of sadness”, since with abdominal pain a person cannot feel either joy or pleasure from life. It was first described by Hippocrates, and for centuries this term was used to describe any stomach disease.

Today, scientists know not only all the causes and forms of gastritis, but also what medications and folk remedies help with it. Reviews about the treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil (reviews relate to both its types and ulcerative conditions) have made these fruits the most popular among patients with this diagnosis.

Medicinal properties of sea buckthorn product for the stomach

Sea buckthorn is a natural product that helps restore damaged gastric mucosa. The product also helps prevent the negative effects of other medications on the patient’s body.

Oil made from sea buckthorn berries has the following properties:

  • stimulates the full functioning of the immune system;
  • helps destroy the causative agent of the disease - the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • reduces pain;
  • improves digestion;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • provides an accelerated process of restoration of mucous membranes;
  • reduces the risk of complications;
  • normalizes the secretory function of the digestive glands.

Sea buckthorn berries have many beneficial substances for the human body.
The oil prepared from the fruit has a wide range of uses. The healing properties of the concentrate make it effective in treating many diseases.

Leaves, berries and branches of the tree are used to prepare medicinal products: Medicinal decoctions are prepared from sea buckthorn wood and crowns to help treat nervous disorders.

A tea is produced from the leaves, which removes excess fluid from the body. The oil is used to restore tissues of external and internal organs.

Sea buckthorn oil should be taken in the form of a concentrate. It restores not only the stomach, but also other internal organ systems. You can buy this remedy at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

Unique composition of sea buckthorn

Currently, the healing qualities of this plant are quite well studied by scientists and tested by doctors. The latter recommend not only the treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil, but also the treatment of other types of diseases, as well as use as a general tonic, restorative and rejuvenating agent. This is confirmed by numerous reviews.

This is caused by the unique properties of the fruits of this shrub, which include:

  • 100 g of sea buckthorn berries contain 600 mg of vitamin C, which is 10 times higher than that of an orange with the same amount.
  • The oil from these fruits contains 8 times more vitamin E than sunflower seeds.
  • Scientists have counted 190 microelements and vitamins in them, the main of which are:
  • There are 18 amino acids in berries.
  • Vitamins – 14.
  • Microelements, for example, zinc, calcium and others - 11 varieties.
  • There are 42 such fat-like substances as lipids.
  • Fatty acids, the most important of which are omega 3, 6, 7 and 9, are up to 22 types.
  • There are 36 varieties of plant pigments such as flavonoids.

Depending on the form in which sea buckthorn is used, the composition may change, enriching itself in some ways and losing its properties in others. In any case, most consumers know the healing properties of the berries not only in the form of sea buckthorn oil for gastritis (reviews are most often about this disease), but also as a basis for cosmetic masks, creams, infusions, jelly or juice.

Review: Vifitech sea buckthorn oil - Helps with gastritis and more


Helped with gastritis, hemorrhoids, burns

I'm glad to see everyone on my review page!

I really love various oils and use them widely. I make masks, smear it on wounds, and use it internally. To be honest, I don’t use many oils internally - sunflower, olive, but the highlight of the review is sea buckthorn. I discovered sea buckthorn oil a long time ago, when I first had a stomach ache. Somehow the drugs helped very little, although I had ordinary gastritis with high acidity, and they told me that sea buckthorn oil helps well.

I drank it on an empty stomach in the morning and twice before meals during the day, then when the symptoms began to subside, I drank it only once in the morning. And it really helped a lot and the pain began to subside and the symptoms went away and the terrible sour taste also subsided.

I always use Vifitech Sea Buckthorn Oil, since it contains only sea buckthorn fruit oil and nothing else. The cost of the oil, I would say, is far from cheap, 200 rubles for just 50 ml, although if you take into account the cost of drugs for the same gastritis, it turns out to be even acceptable. Well, price is a subjective matter for everyone. Somehow I haven’t come across 100% sea buckthorn oils from other brands, maybe they are more profitable, I don’t know.

If there are a lot of oils that are supposedly sea buckthorn, but also contain sunflower oil. These are the oils I would not recommend for treating the stomach. I once drank during an exacerbation, well, zero effect.

The box includes instructions for use, which is very convenient.

In addition to gastritis, it helps well against sticking on the lips, hemorrhoids and burns, I have personally tested it. The only thing is, be careful with the oil, as it stains skin and fabrics very well.

The oil is really worthy of attention. This is the second year I’ve been looking for a sea buckthorn tree, but I haven’t come across it anywhere or anywhere yet. Otherwise I wouldn’t mind eating the sea buckthorn itself.

Use time: 3 years

General impression

Helps with gastritis and more

The effects of sea buckthorn oil on the body

Taking into account all the listed riches, berries and oil from them are used not only as remedies, but also for the prevention of most diseases, both internal and external. The properties of sea buckthorn are widely known as an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunomodulatory agent. In reviews you can often find advice on using a healing product for completely different problems, including sinusitis, burns of mucous membranes, and cosmetic skin defects.

Oil from these berries is prescribed:

  • For burn and radiation injuries.
  • To restore erosions and ulcers of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ and oral cavity.
  • For stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • Oncology of any form and stage.
  • Gynecological diseases, as well as hemorrhoids or fissures in the anus, are removed with sea buckthorn oil.
  • As a preventive measure and to enhance immunity during the postoperative period or after a long illness.

For a long time, this remedy has been giving positive results not only in inflammatory processes in the body, but also as a cosmetic anti-aging product. It is especially common to use it for any disorders in the stomach. To have a positive effect, you should know how to take sea buckthorn oil for gastritis.

Sea buckthorn oil for nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC)

If this problem exists, sea buckthorn oil is often used for rectal administration into the body, but in order to ensure greater effectiveness of treatment, it can also be used orally, adhering to the above scheme . As in the fight against stomach or duodenal ulcers, you should carefully calculate the dosage of the herbal preparation and not use it if there are any contraindications, especially in the case of children and pregnant women.

Enemas with sea buckthorn oil for ulcerative colitis

In order not to prepare oil at home, you can simply purchase microenemas at any pharmacy, the instructions for which indicate the dosage and method of treatment with a specific drug . For adult patients, it is recommended to administer 50 g of the substance into the rectum, and for children (up to 12 years of age) - no more than 25–35 g. For effective administration of the drug, it is worth using a catheter 25–30 cm long (if we are talking about an adult patient) or 10–15 cm (children's version).

It is best to perform enemas before bed, when you are not going to get up anytime soon. In case of exacerbation of UC, in the first course it is worth doing at least 30 enemas over the course of a month (in a row), without additional cleansing procedures.

The process of introducing oil into the rectum is based on the following steps:

  1. To begin, fill a syringe with 50 g of plant matter and place a rubber catheter with a round tip on the spout.
  2. Lubricate it with petroleum jelly, lie on your left side and insert the catheter into the rectum at least 20 cm.
  3. Gradually squeeze out the oil and carefully remove the device. Try to sleep on the same side so that the oily liquid remains in the intestines for as long as possible.

By enveloping the intestinal walls, sea buckthorn oil promotes faster healing of all ulcers that appear, restoring the affected surface.

Important! After using such an enema during the morning bowel movement, you may notice blood in the stool. Don’t be afraid: this is how the medicinal composition comes out.

Sea buckthorn with mumiyo for gastritis

Scientists claim that daily consumption of oil from these berries helps to fully fill the body's cells with all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements and minerals. The same properties are attributed to mumiyo, which was used by people for medicinal purposes 3,000 years ago.

The study of the effects of this substance on the human body began in the 70s of the 20th century. Already at that time, scientists established that with such complications as various forms of gastritis and ulcers of the digestive organ and duodenum, taking 0.2-0.5 g of mumiyo dissolved in mineral water for 28 days leads to scarring of the affected areas of the mucosa.

By combining sea buckthorn oil with mumiyo as a therapy, doctors affect not only inflammation or erosion of the patient’s stomach walls, but also at the same time increase his immunity, which has a positive effect on his general condition and a speedy recovery.

Shilajit and sea buckthorn oil have proven especially effective for gastritis with high acidity. Reviews indicate that, alternately taking two mummy tablets one day 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner, and the next day - 1 tsp. Sea buckthorn oil three times a day before meals, patients feel relief of symptoms after 4-5 days. The course should continue until the wounds are completely scarred or inflammation is relieved.

Important: as medical practice shows, the best result is achieved when the third dose of sea buckthorn oil is taken before bedtime, but no less than 2 hours after the last meal. Patients also write about this in their reviews.

Admission rules

The final decision on how to take sea buckthorn oil for gastritis always comes from the treating specialist. Treatment is carried out simultaneously with drug therapy, immediately after it to consolidate the result. The likelihood of exacerbations is reduced several times.

The following immutable rules apply to sea buckthorn oil:

  • The course of treatment is always long and is not limited to 1-2 weeks.
  • Most often, the oil is taken one teaspoon twice a day. In the morning before a light breakfast, in the evening almost before bed.
  • In the case of the erosive form, the evening meal is excluded and your health is monitored. If the pain intensifies or additional symptoms appear, stop taking it completely.
  • Is the acidity too high? It is recommended to mix the butter with natural milk. Take exclusively on an empty stomach early in the morning. To do this, dilute 3 teaspoons in a glass of milk. Atrophic changes in the mucosa are treated in the same way. But instead of 3 teaspoons, they take two.

Sea buckthorn for atrophic gastritis

This form of the disease is considered one of the most insidious, since, without showing obvious signs for a long time, it turns into a precancerous state. The reason is that the minor symptoms that a person experiences do not cause him discomfort, and therefore are ignored. If timely diagnosis and treatment are not carried out, the walls of the stomach gradually atrophy and stop producing digestive juice.

The main danger is that the cells of the organ stop regenerating and begin to divide incorrectly, which causes the onset of a malignant tumor in the patient.

Flavonoids, which sea buckthorn oil is rich in, are powerful antioxidants that can not only prevent the formation of cancer cells, but also stop their growth. It is enough to drink 1 tsp daily on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. oils to reduce the risk of tumors and enhance the effect of medications on the organ.

Treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil

The course of treatment with oil is long and lasts at least 30 days, sometimes it can be extended. The specific figure will be determined only by the doctor, depending on the patient’s condition, the severity of the disease and the body’s response to therapy.

For gastritis, sea buckthorn oil should be taken twice a day, 5 ml (1 teaspoon)

As a rule, for gastritis, sea buckthorn oil should be taken twice a day, 5 ml (this is 1 teaspoon). It is recommended to use it on an empty stomach, after which you can eat no earlier than half an hour later. In the evening, the oil is taken before bed, at least 2 hours after dinner.

Sometimes after consuming sea buckthorn oil, patients note the appearance of nausea, often vomiting. There is no need to stop treatment; in this case, the product can be mixed with a small amount of boiled water, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees. You can also add a little sugar. If after this unpleasant symptoms and discomfort persist, it is better to postpone treatment.

If atrophic gastritis occurs, then sea buckthorn oil in the amount of 2 teaspoons must be mixed with 200 ml of milk at room temperature and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. In cases where there is also increased acidity, the dose of oil is increased to 3 teaspoons.

It is also permissible to use sea buckthorn oil to prevent the development of gastritis. In such cases, you should take 1 teaspoon for a month, and then take the same break. For the same purpose, it is recommended to use oil for salad dressing.

Treatment of erosive gastritis

This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of wounds on the outside of the walls of the organ. Erosion does not appear out of nowhere, therefore, having identified the cause of the disease, you need to undergo a course of treatment with medications, to which it is recommended to add sea buckthorn oil.

Possessing high wound-healing and soothing properties, it is able to restore the integrity of the gastric mucosa in 2 weeks or more, depending on the condition of the organ. Such treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil (reviews claim that the healing process is accelerated by taking it before each meal) should be carried out until the erosion is completely scarred.

Healing properties of sea buckthorn oil for stomach pathologies

Due to the high content and unique composition of nutrients, the natural product has a positive effect on all digestive organs. After ingestion, sea buckthorn oil has several effects at once:

  • Enveloping: by covering the mucous tissues with a thin film, sea buckthorn oil prevents further irritation by food or medications
  • Wound healing: stimulates the formation of new cells of the mucous membrane, resulting in accelerated healing of damage
  • Analgesic: thanks to the enveloping of the walls, pain and discomfort are dulled or completely relieved
  • Immunostimulating: sea buckthorn oil increases tissue resistance to negative influences
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial: reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process by suppressing infection
  • Choleretic.

Due to the fact that sea buckthorn oil has pronounced healing properties for the stomach, it helps in the following cases:

  • In the treatment of stomach ulcers: the substance envelops damaged areas of mucous tissue. As a result, gastric juice ceases to affect the eroded zones. Accordingly, due to the elimination of constant irritation, the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases, the functions of the mucous membrane are restored, and the resulting ulcers begin to heal.
  • When a duodenal ulcer occurs, the acidity of the gastric juice also increases, which has a destructive effect on the condition of the mucous membrane. With such a lesion, the patient feels severe abdominal pain, which decreases after eating. Sea buckthorn oil eliminates irritating factors, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s well-being.

How to make your own butter

Today, even official medicine has recognized that taking this remedy ensures a speedy recovery of patients with inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the stomach. Knowing how to take sea buckthorn oil for gastritis, it is important to realize that it is quite easy to prepare it yourself so as not to fall for a pharmacy or market counterfeit.

  • The berries are thoroughly washed and dried.
  • Using a press, squeeze the juice out of them into a jar and leave in a dark place for 14 days.
  • A layer of oil forms on the surface of the liquid, which needs to be collected with a teaspoon.

Important: the remaining juice should not be poured out, as it can become the basis for medicinal drinks and jelly.

Reviews from patients about the appointment

I work as a truck driver and have to spend a lot of time behind the wheel. I constantly eat snacks on the go, since I don’t have time for a full breakfast and lunch. Now I’m not surprised why, during a medical examination, I was given a disappointing diagnosis of chronic gastritis. I had to live with my parents for some time and had to go on a diet. When my grandmother found out about the diagnosis, she immediately gave me a bottle of sea buckthorn oil. She asked me to hold off on taking the pills. Like, there will be enough oil. I ate cereals and soups, excluded fried foods. And I didn’t forget to drink a teaspoon of oil every morning - I only missed it once. After 3 months he was examined again. I didn’t have gastritis, and the severe pain on the left side also went away.

I love different oils! Whenever possible, I use them to tidy up my skin and hair. I recently read that sea buckthorn oil effectively fights gastritis. Mom just had a stomach ache. She started drinking in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening before bed. I did not expect such an effect - the pain went away quickly. Although they say that they drink sea buckthorn for at least a month, my mother felt better after just a couple of days.

I regularly prescribe natural oil obtained from fresh sea buckthorn berries to patients. You can’t think of a better option for additional therapy in the treatment of gastritis, as well as for prevention. If you follow the dosage, you can forget about the problem for many years.

Evgeniy P., gastroenterologist, category I

I have suffered from gastritis since childhood. I used to drink potato juice, now I take sea buckthorn oil as a preventative measure on the advice of a doctor I know. It’s been 2 years now – no exacerbations! I also read that the oil perfectly strengthens the immune system. So now I use it to treat all diseases.

Remember! Natural sea buckthorn oil is really very beneficial for humans. But, like any other drug, it has contraindications. The drug is taken only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dose without consulting a specialist.


As a rule, if the patient does not have an individual intolerance to this oil, then its use is permissible in all cases, except for acute inflammatory conditions in the liver and gall bladder and in case of pancreatic disease.

Healing a patient with sea buckthorn oil is always individual, so there is no exact time frame for taking it. Only an examination will show the presence of the result. But it is important to remember that with gastritis, self-medication can only do harm, relieving the main symptoms, but not eliminating the disease itself. Diagnostics and drug treatment prescribed by a doctor are a prerequisite for complete recovery.

Contraindications and side effects

Not all patients with a sick stomach can be treated with sea buckthorn oil. This is a natural product, so although rare, there are cases of individual intolerance. However, taking sea buckthorn in any form can lead to serious allergic reactions. And exceeding the dosage sometimes causes diarrhea, vomiting, and headaches.

Sea buckthorn oil can be taken only during remission and for those people who do not have allergic reactions to it.

In addition, contraindications for such treatment include cases of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially harmful to take this remedy if you have gallstones or mechanical obstruction of the bile ducts, since it has a choleretic effect. It is also undesirable to treat gastritis in this way for people with a tendency to diarrhea, impaired liver function, or pancreatitis. Sea buckthorn oil is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age due to the imperfection of the digestive system and the risk of allergic reactions.

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