Kissel for gastritis of the stomach: how to cook - simple recipes

Kissel is one of my favorite treats from childhood. Many people remember grandma’s magnificent jelly made from forest or country berries. With such a dish one could satisfy a craving for sweets and fill oneself up. But this dish is not only a pleasant snack between lunch and dinner. Doctors note that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are better treated if you include this delicacy in the menu. Eating stomach jelly for gastritis is a great idea. But people suffering from this disease doubt whether it can be made part of the diet, whether it will increase discomfort in the epigastric area. Doctors confidently say that it is possible and even necessary! Let's see how and from what you can prepare jelly to speed up recovery.

Table of contents

  • Kissel as medicine
  • What kind of jelly can be used for gastritis? How to prepare oatmeal jelly for the treatment of gastritis (Izotov’s recipe)
  • Flax seed jelly recipe
  • Healing properties of milk jelly for gastritis
  • What berries can you use to make jelly for stomach inflammation?
  • From rosehip
  • Cranberry
  • From raspberries
  • Apple
  • Bilberry
  • From chokeberry
  • From strawberries
  • Grape
  • Lingonberry
  • Harm and benefit
  • Hazardous properties

    In case of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, a product that is manufactured industrially and sold in the form of semi-finished products is dangerous. In it, natural fruits and berries are replaced with synthetic dyes, taste and smell imitators. All these chemicals are extremely harmful not only to a weakened, but also to a healthy digestive system.

    Prepare a healthy drink yourself using fruits, milk or oatmeal. Kissel is drunk both for gastritis in the acute stage and for preventive purposes in the remission stage. Depending on the condition, type of disease, and individual preferences, it is easy to choose a drink that will best affect your health.

    • Individual intolerance to jelly from sour fruits with erosive gastritis. This does not mean that you should give up the drink - there are many recipes for making it. Choose what will be tasty and healthy for you.
    • Sweet recipes for diabetes or obesity. Replace sugar with honey or sorbitol. Oatmeal jelly is recommended. It is prepared without sugar, not starch-based, and has a low glycemic index.
    • Allergic reactions to certain ingredients.

    It is possible to talk about the dangerous properties of jelly only in a relative context. There are no general contraindications for drinking a homemade drink.

    Kissel as a cure for gastritis

    The positive effect of the dish on the inflamed gastric mucosa is due to its thick consistency and ability to envelop the walls of the organ. This allows you to create a temporary barrier and prevent acidic gastric contents from irritating the mucous membrane.

    What jelly is used to cook for gastritis depends on the form of the disease and the stage (acute, subacute and remission). So, for high acidity, oatmeal and rolled oatmeal jelly is best suited. With low acidity, it is rational to use berries and fruits:

    • cherries;
    • raspberries;
    • lingonberries;
    • cranberries;
    • apples;
    • grapes

    Acids and fiber, pectins, carbohydrates contained in berries and fruits stimulate parietal cells to secrete the necessary enzymes and hydrochloric acid.

    Menu for gastritis with high acidity

    However, there is no strict ban on berry jelly for patients with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. During heat treatment, berries become a gentle source of nutrients, despite the fact that some of them are lost. But an inflamed stomach cannot digest fresh berries without consequences. When the disease enters the stage of remission, you can also treat yourself to berry jelly with the taste of childhood.

    Drink for various forms of illness

    Kissel is an extremely healthy product for the stomach. It is allowed even in the acute stage of the disease, but it should be prepared in a more liquid form. Due to its gelatinous consistency, the drink envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach, protecting it from hydrochloric acid. At this stage, gastroenterologists recommend oatmeal or flaxseed jelly without added sugar. To improve the taste, you can dissolve a little honey in it.

    Recommendations from experts. In order for jelly to fully realize its therapeutic effect, it is advisable to drink it on an empty stomach, about half an hour before meals.

    With increased acidity, it is also very important to protect the inner lining of the stomach from the aggressive influence of an acidic environment. However, you need to wisely choose the ingredients for making jelly. You should not cook it with sour fruits and berries: raspberries, currants, viburnum, citrus fruits. It is better to stick to cereal or milk jelly. If you definitely want to enjoy a fruit or vegetable drink, then in the remission stage you can cook jelly from sweet apples or pears, cherries, carrots.

    If you have erosions of the gastric mucosa, you should also not overuse berry and fruit jelly.
    The best option for this form of the disease is flaxseed jelly. Flax perfectly heals wounds and accelerates regeneration processes, which promotes a speedy recovery. Gastritis with low acidity opens up wide scope for culinary experiments with jelly. Such patients are allowed to drink drinks based on berries, vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, and with the addition of honey. Fruit juice will increase the acidity of gastric contents, improve digestion processes, and prevent congestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

    For atrophic gastritis, all types of jelly are also useful. It is preferable to prepare a drink with a thicker consistency - it has more pronounced enveloping properties, and the thinned and sensitive mucous membrane especially needs protection from mechanical and chemical damage.

    What kind of jelly can you use for gastritis?

    Kissel for gastritis is a healthy dish, subject to the recommendations of your doctor.

    Due to its mucous consistency, once it enters the stomach, the dessert is quickly treated with enzymes. Nutrients are easily absorbed, since food does not linger in a sore stomach. Kissel gently envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting them from any irritants, and promotes rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane.

    What foods and home remedies help your stomach?

    What is jelly made from?

    To treat gastritis with high acidity, jelly made from cereals and seeds is used. Oatmeal, rolled oatmeal, and flaxseed jelly have a pronounced healing effect and can shorten the recovery process. These dishes also help well with stomach ulcers.

    Gastritis with low acidity requires a more expanded diet for the patient. With the development of a hypoacid state, gastric juice begins to be produced in a volume insufficient for normal digestion of food. The task of the doctor and the patient is to increase the production of gastric juice. For these purposes, not only drug therapy is used, but also a diet with the addition of acidic foods.


    • fermented milk products;
    • lemon and berry juices;
    • fruit and berry jelly and compotes.

    Another form of the disease is atrophic gastritis. During the atrophic process, parietal cells gradually disappear, which significantly reduces the production of hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to stimulate the stomach to work, otherwise food is poorly digested and absorbed. Berry jelly does this job well.

    How to prepare oatmeal jelly to treat gastritis

    To treat the disease, jelly is prepared from oats or rolled oats according to Dr. Izotov’s recipe. Oatmeal jelly for gastritis is not a treat, but a medicine. Suitable for treating gastritis of all forms at home.

    Doctor Izotov V.K invented his own recipe for this dish, successfully used it to treat gastritis, and even patented his invention in 1992.

    This jelly not only protects the walls of the stomach well, but also has a healing effect on the body as a whole:

    • reduces cholesterol levels;
    • gives energy;
    • improves metabolism.

    With regular consumption of the dish, a person gets sick less often. Kissel helps to increase life expectancy and maintain its quality at a high level.

    For preparation you need:

    • oat flakes (0.5 kg);
    • kefir (100 ml);
    • crushed oats (10 tablespoons);
    • boiled water (2 l).

    After mixing oats and cereal, pour them into the jar so that it is one third full. Add kefir and water. Then put the jar in a dark place where it remains at room temperature for a couple of days.


    You should not fill the jar with water to the very top, otherwise the lid will break off during the fermentation process. In the recipe, kefir acts as a source of microorganisms that ferment oats and flakes. This allows you to obtain useful substances from grains and flakes, already partially digested by microbial enzymes. Bioavailability of nutrients increases.

    After 2 days, the contents of the container will separate: the liquid will come to the top, the flakes will remain at the bottom. Now you need to strain the future jelly and collect the liquid part in a separate container. Flakes - rinse thoroughly, pour the water after rinsing into a separate jar. Both containers should remain in a warm place for another 18 hours. Water collects on top, you can pour it out, or you can pour it into a separate container and drink it from time to time, it is very useful, its organoleptic properties resemble kvass.

    The base for the jelly remains at the bottom. Place 3 tablespoons of concentrate with a glass of cold water in a small saucepan and cook for several minutes over low heat. A foam forms on top. As soon as it appears, Izotov’s jelly is ready.

    It is useful to take the product for breakfast, and so that it does not seem tasteless (it contains neither sugar nor salt), you can add a spoonful of honey and raisins.

    It is very good to eat jelly as a snack, in small portions. You can make jelly simply from oatmeal, poured boiling water overnight.

    To do this, pour 100 grams of Hercules flakes into 300 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, the resulting slurry is transferred to an enamel container with a thick bottom, added with water (1 liter), stirred and boiled to the required consistency.

    Foods that are good for the stomach: food and heat treatment

    Flaxseed jelly for gastritis

    Flaxseed jelly is no less useful. For gastritis, anyone who suffers from periodic exacerbations of the disease can prepare flax jelly and include it in the diet.

    Let's look at how to prepare the medicine. All you need is flax seeds (50 g) and 600 ml of water.

    You need to mix the seeds and water, boil the mixture, remembering to remove the scale, and keep it boiling for 20 minutes. Leave for an hour at room temperature, strain.

    The amount received should be enough for 5 days. The first portion should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by smaller snacks throughout the day. Symptoms of gastritis will subside fairly quickly.


    Some folk recipes contain recommendations: to prepare the dish, flax seeds need to be ground in a coffee grinder.

    The beneficial properties of jelly

    Kissel is a fairly high-calorie and nutritious dish. Its decent fiber content allows the body to be satisfied without overeating. This is an ideal dietary product: it is recommended both for those who decide to lose weight and for people with low weight. The following qualities speak in favor of this product:

    1. Kissel is a good helper for the body when it needs to free it from the accumulation of toxins;
    2. It is a source of a number of microelements and vitamins A, B, P, without which the healthy functioning of the body is unthinkable;
    3. The beneficial substances in the composition of the jelly retain their original properties for a long time, nourish the immune system, which is important not only during the cold season, but also in the treatment of such serious ailments as gastritis;
    4. Kissel contains methionine, which helps normalize the functioning of the pancreas, as well as lecithin, which regulates cholesterol levels in the blood;
    5. The texture of the drink determines its ability to envelop the stomach and protect its mucous membrane from irritation and wounds (regular consumption of jelly in food is an excellent prevention of gastrointestinal diseases).

    For patients with gastritis, it will be useful to know that jelly reduces acidity, speeds up digestion and increases metabolism. It has been noted that literally one serving of a warm drink (a glass) can alleviate suffering during an exacerbation - pain is significantly reduced, inflammatory processes subside. Systematic consumption of the product “relieves” heaviness in the stomach and normalizes stool. It is also recommended for dysbiosis, which may be a consequence of taking medications.

    During the period of remission, jelly has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration and promotes healing. It helps prevent additional inflammation and, in combination with the main treatment, improves the functioning of the digestive system.

    Milk jelly for gastritis

    Milk jelly deserves special attention. Milk jelly for gastritis is prepared with starch. It is very good in the presence of reflux (a phenomenon where food backflows from the stomach into the esophagus), and is often used for gastritis with high acidity, as it quickly coats the walls of the stomach and softens the irritating effect of gastric juice. Milk jelly helps with heartburn.


    Combine a teaspoon of starch with 100 ml of water. Boil 300 ml of milk and, while it is boiling, pour starch dissolved in water into it. Cook over low heat until thickened. This jelly can be taken daily.

    Harm and contraindications

    Kissel is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

    • overweight and obesity (high glycemic index);
    • diabetes mellitus (the product contains a high level of sugar) - in this case, you can use oatmeal-based jelly;
    • You should not use jelly if you are constipated, as it contains starch, which will only aggravate the situation;
    • allergies - this applies to a greater extent to the consumption of semi-finished products, since they contain preservatives and dyes.

    What berries can you drink jelly from for gastritis?

    Doctors confidently say that you can drink jelly from berries and fruits for gastritis, observing the following precautions:

    • do not use during exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis;
    • cook with a small amount of sugar (sweet foods contribute to increased symptoms of the disease, as they stimulate acid formation in the stomach and promote fermentation processes in the lower gastrointestinal tract).

    The use of almost any fruit and berries is not prohibited, especially with low stomach acidity, but jelly from apples, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, chokeberries, and lingonberries is more often recommended.

    These natural gifts contain a lot of vitamin C, which successfully fights the inflammatory process, and apples are rich in pectin, which is very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

    Nutritionists have developed many interesting recipes for tasty and healthy jelly.


    Cherry jelly for gastritis is prepared in a few minutes.

    Ingredients: 0.5 l of water, 300 g of cherries, 100 g of sugar, 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons of starch.

    After pouring water into the pan, you should put it on the fire. In this case, it is necessary to leave about one quarter of a glass in order to stir the starch in this amount. Ideally, you should remove the pits from the cherries - this will make drinking the jelly more pleasant.

    Boil cherries and sugar together until a thick, rich color appears. Meanwhile, you need to pour the starch into the remaining cold water, stir and pour into the boiling mixture of cherries and sugar. Cook until boiling, stirring thoroughly.

    From rosehip

    To treat gastritis, you can cook rosehip jelly.

    For 50 g of dry seedless berries you will need:

    • water – 0.9 l;
    • starch - 1.5 tablespoons;
    • sugar – 4 tablespoons;
    • spoon of lemon juice.


    If you have hyperacid gastritis, you should not rush to add this drink to your diet; you must wait until the exacerbation subsides!

    Pour boiling water (about 0.7 l) over the berries, boil, and pour the infusion into a separate container. Then crush the berries, pour the infusion into them, hold on fire for 3 minutes, add sugar, starch, previously diluted in the cold remaining water.

    Add lemon juice, cook for a couple of minutes.


    Gastritis and cranberry jelly seem to be incompatible concepts to many. Meanwhile, this jelly not only will not harm (despite the well-known fact that cranberries contain high concentrations of acid), but will also be beneficial if prepared correctly.

    Recipe: chop 600 g of cranberries (you can take either fresh or frozen berries), add water (up to 1.5 l), boil. Add sugar (4 tablespoons). Dissolve starch (2 tablespoons) in a small volume of cool water, pour into boiling compote and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

    From raspberries

    Gastroenterologists have fewer complaints about raspberries than about sour berries, so raspberry jelly can also be drunk during exacerbations of hyperacid gastritis. It's easy to prepare.

    You will need:

    • a glass of fresh raspberries;
    • a little more than a liter of water;
    • 60 g starch;
    • 200 g granulated sugar.

    Combine raspberries, water and sugar and put on fire. First you need to pour half a glass of water to dilute the starch in it. Boil compote and add starch in a thin stream. Cook the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes and stir.


    Apple jelly for gastritis is a pleasant delicacy with a healing effect. The bonus in this case is that the drink is completely “harmless” for the wallet, especially in the fall, when many people have their own apples ripening in their dachas.

    You need to peel and core 4 medium apples, add 1.4 liters of water to them and bring to a boil. Then puree the mixture, add sugar (100 g) and cook for another 2 minutes. Dilute starch (3.5 tablespoons) in 100 ml of water and pour into the hot apple mixture. Keep on fire for 2 minutes.


    It is good to cook blueberry jelly in the fall, when there are a lot of ripe berries in the forests. Frozen blueberries work too. If you have gastritis, you can treat yourself to this delicacy from time to time: blueberries are also very good for your eyesight.

    Need to stock up:

    • berries in the amount of 200 g;
    • sugar – 100 g;
    • starch – 40 g;
    • a pinch of citric acid (0.8 g).

    You will need water - 0.9 l. The water must be immediately divided into 2 parts: 750 and 150 ml.

    The blueberries are filled with water (the larger volume) and placed on the fire for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, add sugar and citric acid, and bring to a boil.

    Starch and 150 ml of water are combined. Pour into blueberry mixture, stirring. Leave on fire for 1-2 minutes.

    From chokeberry

    Chokeberry jelly for gastritis is prepared as follows.

    2 cups of rowan should be crushed, the cake should be filled with water and placed on the stove, while the juice should be poured into a separate container. You need to cook the berry mixture for 10 minutes.

    Then the juice is combined with a boiling berry mixture, starch dissolved in cold water (3.5 tablespoons) is added to the boiling liquid. You can add a little lemon juice. Cook until thickened.

    From strawberries

    Strawberry jelly for gastritis quenches thirst and copes well with hunger.

    Recipe for cooking

    For 400 g of strawberries you need to take 2 tablespoons of starch, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a liter of water.

    Mash the strawberries, add sugar, you can add starch right here and pour cold water over the mixture. Mix thoroughly and put on fire. When it boils, wait a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. All that remains is to cool the delicious strawberry drink.


    The menu for gastritis is usually not very varied. To awaken the appetite, add grape jelly to the diet.


    • 1 liter of water;
    • 2 tablespoons starch;
    • 100 g sugar;
    • 1 kilogram of grapes.

    It is better to take seedless grapes. The cooking method is the same as in previous recipes. You can, for example, take a recipe for raspberry jelly as a basis.


    Lingonberry jelly helps with gastritis with low acidity. Lingonberry jelly is good both warm and cooled. It turns out to be sour, which should be remembered during exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis or stomach ulcers. In this case, it is better to wait until the symptoms of the disease subside.


    • berries – 0.3 kg;
    • sugar – 1.3 cups;
    • starch - 2 tables. spoons.

    You also need water - about a liter.

    The berries need to be crushed, boiled, mixed with water, and then strained. At this time, the starch should be mixed in water (using a glass of cool water), then pour the starch mixture into the berry compote. Add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, turn off the heat a minute after boiling.

    Rules of application

    Kissel is a mandatory dish in the diet menu of a person with gastritis. The dish has a wide range of therapeutic effects:

    • protects damaged mucous membrane from mechanical damage, acid and pathogens;
    • stimulates tissue healing;
    • pacifies pain;
    • removes toxic substances;
    • normalizes metabolic processes;
    • quickly saturates the body due to the presence of fiber;
    • forms a protective film due to its thick, slimy, desired structure;
    • promotes better absorption of products.

    It is best to prepare the drink at home from natural fresh ingredients. Mixtures sold in stores may contain chemical additives, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. This will lead to increased pain.

    Attention! Kissel is a universal product that is allowed for all forms of gastritis, even during exacerbation.

    For hypoacid gastritis, which is accompanied by insufficient acid secretion, berry and fruit drinks based on sour fruits are recommended. If you have excess secretion of hydrochloric acid, you need to be careful with adding sugar. Sweet jelly activates increased synthesis of digestive juice. For the hyperacid form, oatmeal jelly is recommended.

    Dairy drinks are usually excluded during periods of exacerbation of gastritis. This jelly helps with exhaustion of the body and prevents nutritional deficiency. Rose hips are a source of ascorbic acid. In combination with potato starch, it has antispasmodic and analgesic properties.

    For erosions on the gastric mucosa, the most gentle, tender food is indicated. A starchy drink is an ideal drink that is suitable in terms of consistency, digestibility, and nutritional value. You can choose a drink based on your preferences. If gastritis is combined with biliary dyskinesia, it is best to prepare jelly from sour apples with pulp.

    The healthfulness of jelly largely depends on the correct preparation and the selected ingredients.

    To prepare a liquid drink, add no more than half a teaspoon of starch to a glass of liquid. Semi-liquid jelly will be obtained by adding a teaspoon of the product. If you want to prepare a thick dish, add two teaspoons of starch to a glass of water. For the best effect, it is better to drink jelly half an hour before meals. You should not wash down your food with jelly, this will lead to heaviness.

    The dish is ideal for an early breakfast; it will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking a viscous drink before bed will prevent hunger pangs. The basis of many jelly is potato starch. It is diluted with plain water or chilled syrup. Then the mixture is introduced in a thin stream into a boiling container. All ingredients should be stirred at the same time.

    So is jelly harmful or beneficial?

    The debate between supporters and opponents of jelly for gastritis does not subside. Doctors clearly express their opinion: jelly is useful for gastritis and chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation! But the benefit will only be if a number of conditions are met:

    • you need to cook the delicacy yourself, and not buy briquettes in the store;
    • in case of acute hyperacid gastritis and ulcers, you should not allow yourself a lot of berry jelly, you should give preference to oatmeal or flaxseed;
    • You need to drink jelly in small portions, maybe at night, so that you don’t feel hungry before going to bed.

    Kissel is a light, tender dish that helps to quickly cope with gastritis. The main thing is to drink it in moderation and follow all the recommendations prescribed by your doctor. Be healthy!

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