Causes of heartburn from onions and garlic, ways to eliminate it

Heartburn occurs due to the spontaneous release of hydrochloric acid from the stomach back into the esophagus. Factors that cause a burning sensation are poor diet, abuse of ingredients that provoke disorders of the digestive system. Frequent heartburn occurs due to regular intake of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa and stimulate the active secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Benefits of use

Garlic, consisting of beneficial microelements, has protective and antibacterial properties. Therefore, the vegetable helps remove pathogenic viruses and toxins from the body during the treatment and prevention of infectious and colds. Garlic is a product that must be taken to increase local immunity.

The benefit of garlic and onions is to improve the process of food digestion due to the content of vitamins A, B, C, iodine, and iron. The vegetable has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system: blood pressure is normalized, blood vessels dilate, blood thins, and the risk of blood clots is reduced. The product is recommended for men to increase potency.

The benefits and harms of garlic

The plant is one of the effective folk remedies used to eliminate various pathologies. Garlic is most often used in the treatment of viral or colds. This is due to the high content of allicin, which blocks the production of pathogenic enzymes. Under its influence, cholesterol levels decrease, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Constant consumption of garlic in food has a positive effect on the entire body. The protein contained in cloves promotes the production of antibodies that effectively protect the body. The content of phytoncides has endowed the plant with antibacterial properties, allowing it to destroy various pathogens, preventing their spread. Garlic is a strong poison for staphylococcal bacteria, yeast fungi and diphtheria pathogens.

Due to its ability to dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, daily consumption of a clove of garlic is recommended for hypertensive patients. The plant reduces blood viscosity, preventing the formation of blood clots. The enormous benefits of teeth are in increasing potency.

Despite the benefits of garlic, its use can become dangerous:

  • for renal, gastric and liver pathologies;
  • toxic microelements contained in the plant impair the functioning of the stomach;
  • causes epilepsy attacks.

Attention! Eating garlic is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as it has a negative effect on the brain.

Penetrating into the brain, sulfanyl contained in the vegetable causes foggy thinking, absent-mindedness, impaired attention, and headaches.

Contraindications for use

Garlic is not recommended for consumption in the presence of serious internal pathologies:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: high blood pressure;
  • frequent attacks of epilepsy;
  • pathologies of the liver, kidneys;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, ulcers, colitis;

Garlic contains a substance that negatively affects brain function: frequent headaches, impaired attention, and absent-mindedness are observed. Therefore, it should not be eaten by pregnant women and mothers during the lactation period. The vegetable causes an increase in appetite, so it is contraindicated for overweight people.

Garlic is an irritant to the mucous membrane of the digestive system due to its high content of toxic substances, so it should not be consumed if there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of heartburn

Heartburn from garlic appears due to the components of the vegetable, which cause increased production of acid and bile when ingested. Spicy products consist of essential oils and substances containing sulfur. It is these components, which cause the bitter taste and pungent odor of vegetables, that contribute to increased salivation and the production of gastric juice.

The use of the product in a fresh, unheated form is dangerous due to complications: the appearance of cicatricial deformations of the gastric mucosa, the formation of ulcers, and erosions. Heartburn from onions and garlic may be associated with the characteristics of the body: individual intolerance to the components.
During an allergic reaction, the face swells and a red rash appears. Frequent consumption of garlic contributes to the exacerbation of chronic, acute forms of diseases of the digestive system, in which a burning sensation in the chest is the main symptomatic sign of the inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal tract.

The need to visit a doctor

Heartburn is not a harmless, annoying symptom. After taking milk and soda for months, people stubbornly refuse to visit a doctor and get examined. But a pathology that has developed over the years can one day turn into a catastrophe that will not be immediately detected. Gastric bleeding is manifested not only by vomiting containing blood clots.

Minor bleeding is determined by the content of blood cells in the stool. If the feces have acquired a dark color, it is necessary to take tests for occult blood content. Unnoticed bleeding can deplete the body, lowering the hemoglobin content. The most dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include perforation of the gastric wall, which provokes the formation of peritonitis, which ends in surgery.

Relief from symptoms

The following rules for eating hot vegetables will help you get rid of chest discomfort:

  • eat only thermally processed foods;
  • Avoid eating fresh garlic and green onions;
  • do not eat foods often and in large portions;
  • You should not eat vegetables on an empty stomach.

Antacids, antisecretory drugs, prokinetic agents, and alginates will help get rid of heartburn, which can be caused by garlic. The use of medications helps to quickly neutralize hydrochloric acid, lowering the level of which eliminates the burning sensation behind the sternum. The medications contain chemical elements that prevent the spontaneous release of gastric juice.

Prokinetics promote the rapid passage of food into the intestines without the accumulation of acid. Medications have an enveloping effect that protects the walls of the digestive tract from the effects of gastric juice.

Proven traditional medicine recipes help relieve discomfort in the esophagus. It is recommended to neutralize the increased level of acid with milk, boiled water, grated carrots, nuts, and flax seeds. In extreme cases, symptoms can be eliminated with a soda solution when a burning sensation occurs once. The alkaline product is prohibited for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, internal pathologies, and pregnant women.

Preventing heartburn

It is clear that due to the huge content of useful components, consuming garlic is simply necessary. To prevent heartburn, which is accompanied by discomfort, certain rules must be followed:

  • do not consume the raw plant, but cook it;
  • Avoid consuming the product on an empty stomach;
  • You can neutralize heartburn with a glass of warmed milk.

For persistent discomfort associated with burning, the following medications are used:

  • prokinetics - actively contract the esophagus, accelerating the movement of food and stimulating sphincter tone;
  • antacids - help quickly neutralize acidity;
  • antisecretory drugs - suppress the production of gastric enzymes, reducing the amount of acid;
  • alginates - block the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.

If the burning sensation was preceded by the use of garlic, and the necessary drugs were not at hand, you can use a soda solution. This will help relieve discomfort for a short time. Since such a “quencher” can cause digestive imbalance, its constant use is undesirable.

Attention! Considering that heartburn is a manifestation of serious diseases, it is unacceptable to tolerate it. Frequent attacks may indicate the presence of serious pathologies.

Preventive measures

Preventing the recurrence of a burning sensation is the main goal of prevention. If heartburn occurs after eating onions, garlic and other prohibited foods, then simple rules should be followed:

  • adjust your diet:
  • do not overeat;
  • do not eat food at night;
  • It is recommended to eat healthy, balanced meals rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • avoid ingredients that cause heartburn;
  • consume hot vegetables in small quantities in heat-treated form, for example, onions in soup;
  • do not exercise after eating;
  • give up bad habits: drinking alcohol, tobacco products;
  • monitor your weight;
  • avoid stressful situations.

If unpleasant symptoms appear regularly, you should seek help from a specialist to determine the cause of frequent heartburn. A burning sensation can be a sign of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: the presence of ulcers, gastritis, peritonitis, complications of GERD - Barrett's esophagus. In case of internal pathologies, heartburn is accompanied by additional symptoms: pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, flatulence.

Medications for heartburn should be taken under the supervision of a specialist. Incorrectly selected medications or self-administration of medications can increase stomach acidity and also contribute to the progression of the disease.

We recommend: How to avoid heartburn during pregnancy?

How to avoid heartburn?

Garlic and onions contain a large amount of useful substances, so they simply need to be eaten, but this must be done correctly. In order to prevent heartburn and get rid of chest discomfort after eating greens, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • It is recommended to eat less of such products raw, and it is best to cook them;
  • do not eat such foods in large quantities and on an empty stomach;

If a burning sensation appears behind the sternum, you can drink a glass of warm milk to neutralize hydrochloric acid and thereby get rid of the discomfort.

For heartburn, the following groups of drugs are usually prescribed:

  1. Antacids. They contain magnesium, calcium and aluminum salts, which help neutralize hydrochloric acid in a short time;
  2. Prokinetics. They cause active contraction of the esophagus, which accelerates the movement of food through the esophagus and increases sphincter tone;
  3. Antisecretory drugs. They have a suppressive effect on the accumulation of excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  4. Alginates. They create a kind of barrier in the stomach, due to which the risk of reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus is reduced.

If you experience a burning sensation behind the sternum after eating onions and garlic and do not have the necessary medications on hand, you can take a soda solution. With its help, it is possible to get rid of a burning sensation in the chest for a short time, but this remedy should not be taken regularly, since it can cause a water-salt imbalance.

Important to remember! Heartburn should not be tolerated as it can pose a serious danger to a person. Frequent burning sensations in the esophagus and throat may indicate serious pathologies.

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