Diet for weight loss with high acidity » Stomach diseases » Gastritis » Treatment » Diet

Healthy people can afford to choose a diet to reduce excess weight. People with any diseases are limited in this case. How, for example, to choose a diet for weight loss with gastritis? Let's look at this issue in more detail in this article.

  • 1 Diet for weight loss for gastritis
  • 2 Basic principles and rules for losing weight
  • 3 Is it possible to lose weight with gastritis?
  • 4 Weight loss based on the state of the gastrointestinal tract
  • 5 Key principles of a diet for weight loss for gastritis
  • 6 Weekly menu
  • 7 Useful video
  • 8 Recommendations from a gastroenterologist

Diet for weight loss with gastritis

Gastritis of any form requires mandatory adherence to a diet. But it does not solve the problem of excess weight in patients with this disease. More often, this problem occurs in women with chronic gastritis, when it is combined with problems of the liver and pancreas.

A diet for weight loss for gastritis has its own characteristics:

  1. Firstly, patients need to lose weight very carefully, avoiding sudden weight loss. This can have a negative impact on your overall health.
  2. Secondly, during an exacerbation, it is strictly forbidden to use a diet for weight loss.

In order for the body not to suffer from a lack of nutrients when losing weight, and also to avoid exacerbating gastritis, it is necessary to consume the “right” foods:

  1. Meat of rabbits, chickens, veal, boiled sea fish, low-fat cottage cheese. These products make up for protein deficiency while reducing the total calorie content of food and its volume;
  2. Olive oil is a source of vitamin E, necessary in the body's metabolic processes at the cellular level. Since the product is high in calories, it should be consumed in limited quantities;
  3. Cereals are the main source of B vitamins. They are prepared in the form of boiled porridges, or a slimy consistency. Buckwheat and oatmeal are especially useful, as they not only saturate the body with low-calorie foods, but also restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Fruits and berries of non-acidic varieties are sources of vitamins, organic acids, sugars and antioxidants. They should be consumed after heat treatment, or pureed, without peel.

There are certain recommendations for losing weight with gastritis that must be followed in order to avoid complications of the underlying disease. When choosing a diet for weight loss, you must first calculate the number of foods per day and their total calorie content.

For gastritis with low acidity, the daily calorie requirement for an adult is on average at least 2100 kcal, and for hyperacid gastritis - at least 2700 kcal.

Why do people lose weight with gastrointestinal diseases?

Why does a person start to lose weight suddenly?

  • With this disease, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, epithelial cells are damaged, so they cannot cope with their duties. The process of digestion and absorption of nutrients is disrupted. Because of this, a person lacks nutrients, his body suffers from a lack of proteins and carbohydrates, and his weight rapidly drops.
  • If a patient has a period of exacerbation of gastritis, he suffers from nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. Vomiting occurs repeatedly, in severe cases - up to 20 times. All the nutrients that the body needs are eliminated, leading to exhaustion and severe weight loss.
  • With atrophic gastritis, appetite is significantly reduced, the patient quickly becomes full, which over time can cause severe weight loss. And with other types of this disease, patients complain of decreased appetite. Sometimes there is a complete refusal to eat.
  • Those who have encountered the disease know that part of the treatment is dietary nutrition. Compliance with it is mandatory, otherwise there may be relapses of the disease. The patient is forced to give up fatty foods and not eat fried foods, i.e., he has to remove the usual high-calorie foods from the diet. This way, natural weight loss also occurs.
  • During exacerbations, the patient experiences severe pain, and during this time he cannot eat, so he rapidly loses weight. Refusal of food during exacerbations is justified; the self-regulation mechanism is activated here, but this is reflected in the patient’s weight.
  • Psychological reasons also play a role. A patient with gastritis understands that he has pain after eating food, so he begins to refuse it. Due to the digestion of food, he experiences discomfort, and the body fights this in its own way: it eats less and loses weight.

There is no need to be surprised by weight loss due to stomach ulcers. The reasons are the same. With this disease, as with duodenal ulcer, a person suffers from vomiting and diarrhea, which leads to exhaustion of the body. And in this case, a diet is required, and this means giving up flour, confectionery, smoked foods, i.e. high-calorie foods.

The fact that a person suffers from gastritis does not exclude the appearance of other diseases that are accompanied by weight loss. This could be type 1 diabetes, hyperthyroidism, anemia, cancer, tuberculosis, etc.

Basic principles and rules for losing weight

You also need to pay attention to proper food consumption:

  • Eliminate coarse, spicy and spicy foods from the diet;
  • Chew each piece thoroughly. Poorly chewed food is one of the causes of gastritis. If chewing is difficult due to missing teeth, then it is necessary to solve this dental problem;
  • Regulate your diet, avoid periods of fasting alternating with periods of overeating. Eat 4-5 times a day, no snacks, do not overeat. Do not eat 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not eat food that is too hot or too cold;
  • Refrain from smoking and alcohol;
  • Avoid foods that require long-term digestion: vegetables with coarse fiber, strong and fatty meat broths, smoked and salted foods, lard, margarine, rye bread, sauces, legumes, garlic, onions, peppers, coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks, chips, etc.

Having set a goal to lose weight, you must adhere to the rules recommended by nutritionists. Along with dietary nutrition, physical exercise, walks in the fresh air and other active activities will be useful. Weight loss will not bring lasting results if, after a diet and a healthy lifestyle, a person returns to his old habits.

Therefore, the main principle of weight loss is changing your lifestyle and following dietary recommendations throughout your life.

General principles of nutrition

To avoid exacerbation of the disease, you need to eat right. A diet for gastritis with high acidity is an important component in restoring the gastric mucosa, eliminating provocations of exacerbation of the pathology. Before you find out which foods are allowed and which are not, you need to familiarize yourself with the general principles of nutrition for patients:

  • Hot dishes should be consumed when cooled until warm. Food that is too cold should also not be eaten. This contributes to irritation of the already inflamed mucous membrane, which can lead to pain.
  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day and in small portions. Then the stomach will not be overloaded, and it will easily be able to digest small amounts of incoming food. You can eat your last meal 3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is advisable to eat according to a schedule, that is, at a certain time. Then the digestive tract will not experience excessive overload.
  • It is necessary to expand the diet with a variety of products from the permitted list. The body must receive all the nutrients it needs: nutritional supplements, vitamins and microelements.
  • It is better to cook dishes in a double boiler or boil. This way, all the nutritional elements in the products are preserved as much as possible. Food prepared in a gentle way will not irritate the organ mucosa.
  • You need to chew food thoroughly to make the work of a sore stomach as easy as possible.
  • For food to be digested well, it must be taken in a good mood. Negative emotions interfere with normal digestion. After the meal you need to rest a little, lie down and relax. This way food is better absorbed.

The variety of foods that can be consumed for this problem is quite extensive. As a result, you can create a varied menu of tasty and healthy dishes so that the patient does not have to feel hungry. With a healthy diet, it is really possible to eliminate the signs of the disease, speed up metabolic processes, which will lead to an improvement in the patient’s quality of life.

It must be said that with this type of gastritis, fasting is contraindicated. The patient's stomach produces a lot of juice, which contains acid. If food does not enter the stomach, then it will unhinderedly affect the mucous membrane, corroding it. This can lead to severe pain and, over time, ulcers.

Is it possible to lose weight with gastritis?

The presence of an inflammatory process in the stomach forces the patient to change his diet and adhere to an optimal diet. As a result, some weight loss occurs. Why do people lose weight with gastritis? This can be explained by the need to adhere to a gentle diet, from which many high-calorie foods are removed. With the elimination of the acute period of the disease.

The patient must continue to monitor his diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. But, if this does not happen, then the patient with gastritis not only restores his previous body weight, but can also gain excess weight. In this case, it is not muscle mass that accumulates, but fat, which is formed much faster than muscle fibers.

Now a person is faced with the question of losing weight. Is it possible to lose weight with gastritis without harming your health? Undoubtedly, it is possible. But, as gastroenterologists point out, you need to carefully consider your daily diet. It should include not only easily digestible foods, but also should be maintained in an optimal ratio of essential nutrients.

But the issue of losing weight with gastritis cannot be solved only with a competent diet. It is necessary to include physical activity in the form of special exercises, fitness classes, and certain sports. Only through a combination of diet and physical activity can you not only lose weight, but also get rid of the symptoms of gastritis tics.

Proper nutrition for high acid levels

With elevated acid levels, the entire daily diet should be aimed at possibly reducing the level of acidity in the glandular cells of the gastric mucosa. To this end, the following dietary rules must be observed:

  1. Those who want to lose weight and improve the condition of their stomach need to remove from their daily diet all foods that themselves are chemical irritants. These include rich broths, ordinary white cabbage, all citrus fruits and fruits with a sour taste, canned and lightly salted cucumbers. Fried, salty or spicy foods are strictly prohibited. If the patient deliberately refuses to take the above products for a while, as well as the main irritant - alcohol - then he will lose weight with maximum benefit for the stomach.
  2. Products with a coarse fibrous structure, which are mechanical irritants, can harm the delicate walls of the stomach. This is stringy meat, buckwheat, muesli, pearl barley, millet porridge. As a replacement, you can eat boiled potatoes, delicious semolina porridge, tender rabbit meat, and jelly.
  3. Heat-treated products. These include dishes cooked at too low a temperature level or at a very high heat. Food cooked in this way can injure the susceptible mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and damage tooth enamel.

Weight loss based on gastrointestinal tract conditions

You cannot choose your own method of losing weight with gastritis. After all, when choosing a diet, you should be guided by the state of the gastrointestinal tract, the form of gastritis and the stage at which the disease is located. Your doctor will be able to recommend how to lose weight with different forms of gastritis. You should not deal with this problem yourself, so as not to get complications of the disease instead of the benefits and the desired result.

Selecting a diet for patients with gastritis who want to lose weight requires a special approach. After all, it is necessary to take into account the disease itself and get rid of excess weight. The doctor should help the patient choose a diet that does not irritate the sore stomach and does not disrupt metabolism.

The peculiarity of weight loss with gastritis is that the diet should be balanced, complete in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The diet for hyperacid gastritis will differ from the diet for hypoacid or anacid gastritis.

Which products are suitable

With hypoacid gastritis, the digestion process is slow and needs to be activated. Therefore, a diet for weight loss involves a diet based on porridge, lean fish, and durum wheat pasta. It is necessary to cook food crushed and steamed, which helps in better digestion. You need to drink mineral water, unsweetened green tea with lemon, berry jelly, and fruit drinks.

In the hypoacid form of the disease, the diet should help slow down the production of gastric juice. Calcium-rich foods are recommended - butter, cottage cheese, milk. Cereals are needed, from which porridges with a slimy consistency are prepared. By enveloping the walls of a diseased stomach, porridge protects them from the action of hydrochloric acid. Honey is recommended on an empty stomach, as it reduces acidity. Lean meat (rabbit, chicken), fish and seafood, omelet or soft-boiled eggs, and nuts are allowed.

What foods help you lose weight with gastritis? Methods for their preparation

In order to regain a slim figure and at the same time get rid of stomach problems, you need to pay attention to protein foods - lean meat, fish, poultry and tender rabbit meat. Lamb, pork, fatty varieties of sea fish and tough waterfowl meat should be excluded from the diet. Meat dishes on a gentle diet for weight loss are prepared from minced meat: these are meatballs, meatballs, chopped steamed cutlets. Seafood lovers are allowed to feast on mussels, shrimp and squid. Low-calorie whole milk products are suitable for people with hyperacid gastritis, and with a low concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, fermented milk products can also be included in the diet. In any case, to lose weight you should avoid consuming oils and creams. Porridges with well-cooked cereals are great for breakfast and lunch. Vegetables (except for sugary and starchy varieties) are boiled or steamed, and also pureed in a blender. Lenten soups with the addition of cereals and vegetables are welcome in the diet for weight loss for gastritis. They are served with pureed ingredients, in a thick form. Fruits (except for those containing a lot of acid, bananas and grapes) are baked without peeling; they can also be served in the form of compote or jelly. In the diet of a person with a sick stomach, the gifts of nature are used only after heat treatment of each fruit to facilitate the digestion of food.

Key principles of a diet for weight loss for gastritis

The basic principles of dietary nutrition for gastritis are related to adherence to food intake and selection of products. The number of meals should be at least 5-6 times a day, and the portions should be small. The choice of products is quite limited: you cannot eat smoked meats, canned foods, fatty, sour, or spicy foods. It is necessary to avoid alcoholic drinks, carbonated and canned juices. Smoking is also not recommended.

Doctors advise patients with gastritis to cleanse the body using fasting days. A fasting day for gastritis is a mono-diet, which includes one product, most often porridge, which is consumed throughout the day, while drinking a fairly large amount of plain or mineral water.

Such fasting days help the body readjust to proper functioning, restore the gastric mucosa and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. While unloading, it is necessary to conserve physical strength, since the body, when cleansing itself of toxins, spends quite a lot of energy, and a mono-diet involves low-calorie foods that reduce the total amount of energy in the body.

You should not arrange fasting days for gastritis more than once every ten days, as you can weaken the body, which will bring complications of the disease, not benefit. The most popular and useful fasting day for gastritis is oatmeal. It is prepared with water or rosehip decoction, without adding salt, sugar or butter. It should be mucous, which is very useful for the walls of the stomach, damaged by the inflammatory process. Before eating the porridge, half an hour before, you need to drink plain or mineral water (depending on the type of gastritis).

Diet for hyperacid gastritis

The essence of this diet is that most dishes are steamed, boiled, or baked. The dishes are not complicated to prepare:

  • slimy porridge on water;
  • lean meat;
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits and berries of non-acidic varieties.

For breakfast, porridge with water or diluted milk, steamed cheesecakes, lazy steamed omelet dumplings, and soft-boiled eggs are prepared. For lunch you can serve vegetable soup, puree soup, for the main course: boiled meat, or steamed meat cutlet, steamed fish with stewed vegetables or potato casserole. For an afternoon snack - jelly with dry biscuits, or crackers, baked apple, yogurt. For dinner - pureed low-fat cottage cheese, baked fish with vegetables, salad of boiled vegetables.

What is the difference between a low acidity diet?

The diet for hypoacid gastritis should be chemically and mechanically gentle. Preference is given to products that increase the acidity of the stomach. These products include: carrots, parsley, raspberries, lemons and oranges, crackers, and all fermented milk products. Among the permitted dishes and products:

  • porridges, vegetable soups;
  • boiled chicken and rabbit;
  • lean sea fish;
  • mild cheese;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • stale bread;
  • vegetables – potatoes, pumpkin, greens;
  • tea, fruit and berry compotes and jelly;
  • citrus.

It is also worth paying attention to your diet. You need to eat at the same time, at least 5 times a day. You should not have intermediate snacks, as they destabilize the production of gastric juice.

Overeating also causes complications in the digestion of food; it stagnates in the stomach, which leads to inflammation of its walls and problems such as belching, pain, and nausea. You must learn to chew food thoroughly so that it does not end up in large pieces in the stomach. With hypoacid gastritis, such pieces take a long time to digest, which again leads to stagnation of food in the diseased organ.

The role of diet in the treatment of gastritis

Gastritis is a disease that cannot be cured with medications alone. A complete restructuring of the rhythm of life and eating habits will be required. An incorrect diet will reduce the effect of taking medications to zero. The choice of diet depends on the type of gastritis. But there are also universal rules for eating for gastritis, such as:

  • regularity of nutrition;
  • Large gaps between meals should not be allowed and it is unacceptable to feel hungry;
  • meals should be frequent: every 3 hours;
  • portions should be small: about 300-350 g per meal;
  • It is advisable not to combine first courses (soups) and second courses in one meal;
  • it is necessary to avoid foods high in fiber, which require significant effort to digest (berries and fruits with hard skin);
  • Do not add hot seasonings to food;
  • food should be as soft as possible (thick soups, purees, minced meat dishes).

Weekly menu

Below, the proposed menu for weight loss for patients with gastritis will help you navigate in creating your own menu and streamlining your diet:

1 day

  • Breakfast: steamed meatballs with rice, green tea;
  • First afternoon snack: berry jelly;
  • Lunch: slimy oatmeal soup, boiled fish with vegetable stew, yogurt;
  • Second afternoon snack: baked apple;
  • Dinner: buckwheat with milk, dried fruit compote;
  • At night - kefir.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, green tea;
  • First afternoon snack: fermented baked milk;
  • Lunch: vegetable puree soup, meatballs with vegetables, jelly;
  • Second afternoon snack: crackers, herbal infusion;
  • Dinner: vegetable smoothie, green tea;
  • At night: yogurt.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: wheat porridge, green tea;
  • First afternoon snack: milk with dry biscuits;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, potato casserole, jelly;
  • Second afternoon snack: soft-boiled egg, compote;
  • Dinner: boiled fish with vegetables;
  • At night: yogurt.

4 day

  • Breakfast: semolina porridge, green tea;
  • First afternoon snack: milk with honey;
  • Lunch: rice soup with meatballs, baked apple;
  • Second afternoon snack: fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: steamed meat cutlet with mashed potatoes, milk;
  • At night: yogurt.

5 day

  • Breakfast: applesauce, green tea;
  • First afternoon snack: compote with dry cookies;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, potato casserole with minced meat, jelly;
  • Second afternoon snack: yogurt;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken with rice, compote;
  • At night: kefir.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, green tea;
  • First afternoon snack: baked pumpkin with cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with meatballs, milk jelly;
  • Second afternoon snack: fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: steamed meatballs with vegetables, milk;
  • At night: yogurt.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with apple;
  • First afternoon snack: milk jelly;
  • Lunch: puree soup, steamed cutlet with buckwheat, green tea;
  • Second afternoon snack: fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: omelet, berry jelly;
  • At night: milk with honey.

Creation and correction of menus for weight loss

When compiling a diet, you need to focus on therapeutic diets.

Diet selection

For hyperacid gastritis, take table No. 1 as a basis for 1-1.5 months, then switch to a standard hypocholesterolemic diet, which regulates fat metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels. In case of low acidity, first use the recommendations on table No. 2, then switch to diet No. 15.

Calorie tracking

The weight loss effect is achieved with strict accounting of daily calories and weekly weight control. Basic rule: the daily diet should be 400 kcal less than calculated based on actual weight. If the weight has not decreased by 300-500 g in a week, the daily calorie content of food is reduced by 100 kcal. If your weight loss exceeds 600 kcal, you can increase your diet by 100 kcal. Calorie content changes not due to the introduction of new products, but due to a decrease or increase in the portions eaten.

Sample menu

For each of the 6 daily meals, examples of dishes that make up the menu for the week are given.


  1. Oatmeal on water with honey and cinnamon, milk, toast.
  2. Low-fat cottage cheese, honey, crackers, tea.
  3. Rice porridge with water, milk, crackers.
  4. A soft-boiled egg, tea with milk, a couple of biscuits.

  5. Buckwheat, honey, milk (yogurt), crackers.
  6. Omelet, toast, honey, tea with milk.
  7. Millet porridge, milk, crackers, honey.


  1. Baked apple with cinnamon.
  2. Papaya fruit.
  3. Ripe pear.

  4. A couple of tangerines.
  5. Berry jelly.
  6. Sweet apple.
  7. Jelly from fruits, juices, milk.
  1. Noodle soup, fish fillet, bread, jelly.
  2. Spaghetti, meatballs, compote.
  3. Vegetable soup, boiled fish, bread.
  4. Meatballs with boiled potatoes, bread, compote.

  5. Rice soup with meatballs, carrot puree, bread.
  6. Vermicelli with meat puree, bread, compote.
  7. Boiled fish with rice, jelly.

Afternoon snack

  1. A handful of dried apricots.
  2. Baked apple with honey and cinnamon.
  3. Tangerines.
  4. Fresh berries, berry jelly.

  5. Papaya fruit.
  6. Sweet apple.
  7. Pear.
  1. Fish baked in foil, vegetable puree.
  2. Turkey with buckwheat, tea.
  3. Cottage cheese casserole, a glass of non-sour juice.
  4. Omelet, tea with milk.

  5. Soft-boiled eggs, a piece of cheese, tea with milk.
  6. Steam cutlet with oatmeal, herbal tea.
  7. Chicken breast, boiled potatoes, juice.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir or milk daily.

Strict diets for weight loss are incompatible with the treatment of gastritis; they will completely ruin digestion and can lead to stomach cancer. Recommendations of therapeutic diets will help you get rid of extra pounds without much effort without any harm to the stomach.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.


Recommendations from a gastroenterologist

A diet that promotes weight loss for gastritis is primarily a therapeutic diet. Any therapeutic diet involves restrictions on some foods, but the health of the patient who is recommended to lose weight should not suffer. And here you can’t do without the recommendations of your attending physician and nutritionist. They must select a diet for the patient, adjusting it to his condition and the characteristics of the underlying disease.

What do gastroenterologists recommend? For patients with any form of gastritis, there are unshakable rules that must be followed:

  • fractional meals;
  • correspondence of calorie content of food to the weight and condition of the patient;
  • proper processing of products;
  • drinking enough drinking water;
  • compliance with restrictions on prohibited products.

If you apply the recommendations and show a certain restraint in your desire to lose weight with gastritis, then your goal is quite achievable.

What you can and cannot eat when losing weight with different forms of gastritis

There is no one weight loss diet for gastritis for all occasions. The list of permitted foods for different forms of the disease will not be the same. But there are foods that are prohibited for all types of gastritis and are harmful for overweight people.

General list of prohibited products

Those losing weight with all forms of inflammation of the gastric mucosa should not consume:

  • vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber;

  • yeast baked goods;

  • smoked meats;

  • fatty meat, rich broths;

  • fried high-calorie foods;

  • alcohol, strong coffee, carbonated drinks;

  • fast food;

  • marinades and pickles.

Such food increases appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, causes fermentation and stretching of the stomach walls, and increases fat deposits.

What is useful for gastritis with high acidity

If you have high stomach acidity, a diet based on vegetables and fruits, meat dishes, and whole grains will help you get rid of extra pounds.

  1. Fruits and berries. Papaya is considered the most useful source of vitamins for inflammation of the mucous membrane; it is rich in sugar, the absorption of which is not accompanied by the deposition of fat. Papaya helps reduce mucosal inflammation and improves liver function. The second necessary fruit is an apple; for this disease it is better to eat it baked. This dish is healing for the walls of the stomach and removes toxins from the body. Apples and papaya should not be eaten at the same time as other foods. Fresh berries (raspberries, strawberries) should not be consumed on an empty stomach.
  2. Boiled vegetables, steamed vegetables, stews, and fruit infusion soups occupy the main place in the diet. The menu is dominated by dishes made from carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, and boiled potatoes. Cabbage, onions, garlic, and radishes should be excluded from the diet during the diet.
  3. A diet for gastritis for weight loss involves a predominance of protein foods. Chicken, turkey, lean red meat, boiled fish (preferably freshwater) are sources of animal proteins. Soy products (tofu) will supplement the diet with vegetable proteins. Soft-boiled eggs and omelettes are safe for any form of illness, just like fresh milk, but fermented milk products with high acidity will have to be excluded.
  4. A diet for losing weight should include liquid porridge with milk or water: rice (the most dietary), oatmeal, buckwheat.

Oriental medicine recipe. If there is increased secretion of gastric juice, it is useful to drink a glass of water with lemon juice on an empty stomach in a ratio of 4:1. The drink (without sugar!) gives an alkaline reaction in the stomach and neutralizes acid. Before use, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.

What will help you lose weight with gastritis with low acidity?

If there is a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, it is important to stimulate its release during nutrition, and you should chew food thoroughly. To the products recommended for gastritis you need to add:

Do we lose weight at home or in the hospital?

Patients with obesity and gastritis undergo the following treatment measures in a hospital setting:

  • Individual selection of diet, taking into account all concomitant pathologies;
  • Drug therapy - the use of drugs for weight loss is possible only under medical supervision;
  • Therapeutic exercise is a set of exercises aimed at increasing physical activity and increasing calorie consumption;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Surgical treatment (bypass surgery or suturing of the stomach) is a last resort measure, used only in case of severe complications of obesity.

Of course, losing weight in a hospital has its advantages, but in most cases it is not practical. In the hospital, a person is in “greenhouse” conditions: the daily routine changes, physical activity decreases, and energy consumption decreases. The dishes offered to patients in hospitals are, of course, dietary, but usually not the most delicious.

Thus, you can develop a negative attitude towards the diet itself. And the most important argument: it is important for a person not only to reduce weight by a certain number of kilograms, but also to maintain optimal body weight in the future.

Therefore, first of all, it is important to adapt to familiar living conditions and develop nutritional stereotypes in the patient’s usual environment. If this does not happen, then all the kilograms lost in the hospital will quickly return.

There are situations when inpatient treatment is indispensable. This is severe (morbid) obesity of the III, IV degree, from 150 kg or more, when patients develop life-threatening conditions (heart failure, apnea) or the ability to move is impaired.

Advice . If you are planning to lose weight on your own, then a preliminary consultation with a doctor will not hurt. Chronic gastritis (especially in the hyperacid form) is a contraindication for most popular diets (Kremlin, Pierre Dukan, kefir, protein), they require significant modification.

Gastritis: how to lose weight correctly with a disease such as gastritis

How to lose weight if you have stomach problems. We are losing weight slowly. It is better not to count on rapid weight loss with gastritis. The faster the kilograms melt, the more stress the body experiences. And any stress increases the likelihood of not only gastritis, but also stomach ulcers. Therefore, we are setting ourselves up for a long diet.

How to lose weight if you have stomach problems, lose weight slowly, it’s better not to count on rapid weight loss with gastritis

Dairy products - yes. All dairy products protect the gastric mucosa from damage. Therefore, we drink tea with milk, cocoa with milk or cream, whole milk, non-acidic kefir, yogurt, and yogurt. We choose low-fat dairy products - up to 1.5-2% fat content.

We eat slowly and chew thoroughly. It is very important to eat slowly and chew food for a long time. Thus we kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the saturation center in the brain has time to work. Secondly, well-chewed food is maximally saturated with gastric juice and is well absorbed. The stomach does not have to produce additional hydrochloric acid, which is very important for gastritis.

We limit alcohol and spices. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories. In addition, both alcohol and various seasonings greatly stimulate appetite and the production of gastric juice. Spices such as pepper, curry and garlic are especially harmful.

How to ensure protein intake when losing weight with gastritis

Protein is a necessary building material for all cells of the body. It is also indispensable for stomach cells. Therefore, our task is to provide the daily protein requirement against the background of a reduced volume and calorie content of food.

This is almost impossible to do without daily consumption of dietary protein products. These include fresh non-acidic low-fat cottage cheese, lean beef, rabbit, chicken breasts and boiled fish.

For gastritis, vitamin E protects stomach cells from the effects of hydrochloric acid; its source is vegetable oil.

How to provide the body with vitamins when losing weight with gastritis

Vitamin E protects stomach cells from the effects of hydrochloric acid. Its source is vegetable oil. But be careful, it is very high in calories. To meet the daily requirement for vitamin E, 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil is enough.

We get B vitamins from cereals. Cereals need to be boiled and added to first courses. It is not advisable to cook first courses in meat or fish broth, which stimulates the production of digestive juices.

Mashed porridge has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. You can take any cereal except pearl barley, barley and millet. The maximum vitamins are in buckwheat and oatmeal, the minimum in semolina. We get vitamin C from berries and sweet fruits.

Be sure to clean them of grains and skins. It is better to bake apples. However, most likely, vitamin C from fruits will not be enough. Therefore, you need to either drink rosehip decoction daily or take a multivitamin. It is better to choose vitamin complexes in capsules. They should be taken during or after meals.

Lifestyle and sports activities

Physical activity speeds up the digestion process.
To speed up the process of losing weight with gastritis, include physical exercise. Exercises improve digestion and metabolism, blood circulation and lymphodynamics, and strengthen the immune system. An active lifestyle improves overall well-being. Perform physical exercises so as not to overload the damaged body, gradually increasing the duration and load. You can do physical exercise at home with available equipment or in a gym with professional equipment. The best effect can be achieved with the help of a trainer. He will eliminate overload of the body and suggest optimal exercises for weight loss.

Classes last 40 minutes and are repeated every other day or two for normal recovery. Physical exercise immediately after eating is contraindicated and eating within an hour after it is not recommended. It is undesirable to use strength sports during exercise, which place additional stress on the organs of the digestive tract.

Dietary recommendations for weight loss

  • For gastritis with high acidity, the emphasis should be on alkaline foods: vegetables, oatmeal, greens, cauliflower and broccoli, nuts. However, the abundance of fiber does not have a very favorable effect on a sore stomach, so you should balance your diet with neutral foods: milk, lean meat, buckwheat.
  • If you have a duodenal or stomach ulcer, you need to eat little and often. Overeating harms the stomach in the same way as fasting. Therefore, warm dishes made from boiled foods will help reduce inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, ease the acute course of the disease and help you lose weight.
  • For patients with gastritis, protein foods are fundamental, since amino acids affect the acid-base balance.
  • For duodenal ulcers, the recommendations are the same as for gastric ulcers.
  • With low acidity, food is not sufficiently digested in the stomach; the body requires acid from the outside. Products that are recommended by experts in this situation: lemon, lingonberries and cranberries, cabbage.
  • You should not avoid taking medications prescribed by your doctor. During the period of remission, it is useful to take flax seeds and cook oatmeal jelly for prevention.
  • Rapid weight loss during an exacerbation of gastritis can become an indicator of a weakened body. In this case, you should adhere to the diet prescribed by a specialist, maintain a water-drinking balance and eat small meals. Your weight will return to normal as you feel better.
  • If the symptoms of a gastrointestinal tract disease are obvious, and your weight only increases, you need to reconsider your diet and again turn to the rules of eating for problems with the digestive system.
  • At the stage of remission, you need to very carefully switch from diet number 1 to normal nutrition, avoiding strictly prohibited foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits, fatty meats and fish should be introduced into the diet gradually.
  • Remember that completely avoiding junk food will help both your well-being and the weight loss process.
  • When the pain associated with exacerbation of chronic gastritis or ulcers ceases, many people begin to “lean heavily” on previously prohibited foods, and also eat large portions. This is absolutely impossible to do. Such a nutritional system can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and excess weight gain.
  • Walking in the fresh air and energizing morning exercise will only be beneficial for intensifying weight loss and curing diseases. This way, metabolic processes in the body are launched, overall tone increases, and mood improves.
  • The use of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes will also be beneficial. The immune system, weakened during the exacerbation of the disease, needs support. However, before taking any synthetic drugs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
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