Treatment of intestinal flatulence in women with folk remedies

Diet recommendations for bloating

To get rid of gas formation and improve intestinal motility, you will have to adjust your diet. Should be excluded from the consumed menu:

  • Bakery products;
  • Pasta;
  • Salted and smoked products;
  • Fatty meats and fish;
  • Semi-finished meat products;
  • Sausage products;
  • Canned food;
  • Dairy products;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Products containing yeast;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Coffee;
  • Products containing cocoa;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.

The diet for flatulence is enriched with calcium, potassium, iron and vitamins. It is recommended to steam or boil the dishes. By following a healthy diet in combination with treatment for bloating, you can quickly eliminate the causes of the disorder.

Recommended Products:

  • Rusks;
  • Lean poultry;
  • Fish and broths;
  • Skim cheese;
  • Potato;
  • Zucchini;
  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • Greens (avoid herbs);
  • Green tea;
  • Berry infusions;
  • Steamed omelettes.

Meals should be multiple (5 times a day), but in small portions. It is not recommended to eat too hot foods; you should chew your food thoroughly while eating. You will need to limit your salt intake and avoid drinking during meals.

For people with flatulence, following a diet and nutritional rules is a fundamental tool in treatment; neglecting the recommendations can trigger the occurrence of another disorder.

Effective treatment of flatulence at home is enhanced by folk remedies.

Diet food

The main component of the treatment of flatulence is the correct diet. So, if such symptoms appear due to a non-serious reason, then they can be successfully treated by following a diet. To get rid of gases, patients should exclude asparagus, cabbage, fresh grapes, legumes, and gooseberries from their daily diet. In addition, you need to stop drinking soda and drinks that contain yeast. The dietary table must include fermented milk products, porridges prepared with milk or water. Buckwheat and wheat porridge are especially useful.

For people suffering from increased flatulence, experts do not recommend eating raw vegetables - they are best consumed boiled or stewed. The meat should be boiled for at least 1 hour in salted water. Meat dishes can be served with carrots and beets. In addition, doctors advise buying bread with bran. These dietary changes don't help everyone. In such cases, you can stop eating dairy products for 2 weeks. If the symptoms of increased gas formation disappear, then the cause of the pathological manifestations is poor lactose tolerance.


A balanced diet helps eliminate the symptom of bloating, but if the phenomenon continues to cause concern, pay attention to herbal treatments.

The most effective herbs that help cure stomach pain and soothe the intestines are:

  • Propolis;
  • Caraway;
  • Dill;
  • Mint;
  • Ginger;
  • Chamomile;
  • Thyme.


Various dill-based recipes have been described that effectively eliminate bloating in adults and children. It is recommended to use this healthy plant as a seasoning for dishes, fresh or dry.

Dill water:

  1. Infusion. Brew two tablespoons of dill seeds in a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. It is recommended to take the infusion half an hour before meals (children drink a teaspoon, adults a glass).
  2. Decoction. Add a teaspoon of dill seeds to a glass of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Strain and cool the prepared broth. Take the medicine in small sips twice a day before meals.

Dill oil

The product helps get rid of excess gases in the body, but before use, consultation with a doctor is required (contraindications are noted).

Three ways to use the drug:

  1. Apply 7 drops of oil to a piece of refined sugar and consume before meals.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of honey with oil (2 ml), take at least 3 times a day.
  3. Prepare a medicine from dill oil (5 ml) and water (50 ml), mix well, take before meals (15 ml).

Mixture of thyme with dill seeds

Prepare a mixture of dry herbs in equal proportions, add a glass of water and bring to a boil over low heat. It is recommended to infuse the decoction for 20 minutes, take one spoon every hour (store in the refrigerator for no more than a day).

carrot seeds

The recipe helps cope with the symptoms of flatulence and improves intestinal function in adults; it is contraindicated for treating children.

The preparation method is simple: grind the carrot seeds using a coffee grinder or in a blender. Take the resulting powder three times a day with plenty of warm water.

It is possible to achieve results from the seeds by brewing them in boiling water. Take the resulting infusion up to 6 times a day, 10 ml, it is recommended to store it in a thermos.

Herbal mixture for the intestines

To prepare the decoction, it is recommended to use dry herbs. Mix two parts mint with one part valerian and fennel, mix the herbs thoroughly. Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, leave until it cools completely. Drink herbal tea in the morning and evening before meals. The drink cannot be stored in the refrigerator; it is recommended to brew the infusion before each use.


The plant has numerous beneficial properties, effectively fights infections, eliminates pathogenic microflora, improves the digestion process, and is excellent against bloating.

It is recommended to treat the disease with fresh ginger root: slowly dissolve a small piece of the root after eating. The plant will eliminate discomfort in the stomach and freshen breath.


The healing properties of chamomile are used to treat many disorders. The plant has antiseptic effects, calms, improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on the body.

For intestinal problems, it is recommended to make chamomile tea. Brew 2 tablespoons of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid (you can use a towel or napkin) and let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink a cup of warm tea several times a day.

Potato juice

Potatoes are used in folk medicine to treat various diseases in the form of compresses, decoctions, and inhalations. In the fight against flatulence, it is recommended to use potato juice.


  1. Grate two medium-sized tubers on a coarse grater.
  2. Transfer the resulting mass to cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.

Drink juice (100 ml) on an empty stomach in the morning for 10 days. If after completing the course there is no improvement, after taking a short break, it is recommended to repeat potato therapy.

Healing salt

Mix a glass of table salt with the pulp of stale black bread, add a little water (until you obtain the consistency of dough), mix thoroughly. Form the “dough” into a flat cake and bake in a preheated oven at 150 degrees for 10 minutes. Cool the finished cake and grate it on a fine grater. Add the resulting salt to all dishes.

Lovage root

You can purchase the ingredient in pharmacies or herbal medicine stores.

To prepare a medicinal infusion you will need:

  1. Grind the plant root using a blender.
  2. Pour boiling water over the powder and let it brew.

Take the medicine several times a day, one teaspoon at a time.

Activated carbon

Treating the problem of flatulence with activated carbon is considered one of the most common methods. It is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before meals. The product helps cope with nausea, bloating and pain. Choose the dosage according to the instructions.

Baking soda

A remedy that can be found in every kitchen will help eliminate the discomfort of bloating. Using the product for health purposes is simple. There are two effective recipes:

  1. Mix the juice of one lemon with half a teaspoon of soda. Drink the medicine when the reaction begins (characteristic hissing). Take for 3 days an hour before breakfast.
  2. Prepare a medicinal drink from lemon juice, a glass of water with the addition of one teaspoon of soda. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and drink on an empty stomach. The course of treatment with soda solution should not exceed 7 days.

Recipes using baking soda will not only help get rid of gas, but also eliminate the symptoms of heartburn.

The use of the product is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Children under 16 years old.
  • People with chronic stomach diseases.
  • Persons who have allergic reactions to bicarbonate.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before use; baking soda can cause stomach diseases. Do not increase the dosage of ingredients and abuse prepared drinks.


The plant is actively used in traditional medicine recipes to treat various disorders and has a positive effect in the fight against flatulence. Two methods of use are recommended:

  1. Consumption of green garlic leaves increases appetite and improves the digestive process. The plant has an antispasmodic effect for stomach colic and flatulence.
  2. Dry garlic powder will help you get rid of bloating quickly. If symptoms of the disorder occur, it is recommended to take it at the tip of a knife after meals.

What methods will help at home? In addition to prescriptions for oral administration, non-standard methods of treatment are known. For example, during an exacerbation, generously apply butter to the stomach (you can use pork fat as a replacement), cover with a down scarf or blanket.

Heat will help eliminate severe pain syndromes. To do this, apply a hot heating pad to the sore spot and take a comfortable position.

Pharmacy supplements for gases in the intestines

Probiotics. It is necessary to take probiotics daily to help normalize digestion and reduce gas formation.

Do not use probiotics in dairy products if you are lactose intolerant.

Pancreatin. Take 3 to 4 grams of the digestive enzyme pancreatin with each meal. This will aid digestion and improve absorption of vital nutrients.

Activated carbon. Take 2 tablets of activated charcoal (500 mg) every hour until symptoms of bloating decrease.

White clay. An excellent remedy for flatulence and gases in the intestines. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of white clay in a glass of warm water. Drink 15 minutes before breakfast in the morning.

Treatment of bloating in pregnant women and children

During pregnancy, women sometimes have a swollen stomach. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and pressure on the intestines, which is exerted by the growing uterus. Doctors do not recommend that expectant mothers indulge in traditional medicine recipes on their own. Any natural remedy can have an unexpected effect on the body of a woman and child.

Infants often experience pain in the abdominal area due to the accumulation of gases. Pediatricians recommend not using traditional medicine recipes, but regularly performing gymnastics, which will strengthen the baby’s intestinal walls. It wouldn't hurt to massage the abdomen (without active pressure). At the moment of pain, a warm diaper (baby heating pad) applied to the painful area will help.

In order for the disorder to stop bothering you, you should approach treatment comprehensively. Maintaining a healthy diet, taking natural medications, and walking in the fresh air will have a healing effect on the intestines.

If natural recipes and methods do not help, you should consult a doctor; perhaps the situation is caused by other disorders in the body.

Drug therapy methods

How to quickly remove gases from the intestines? For this purpose, special preparations can be used.

Modern medications that help cope with flatulence are divided into several categories. It all depends on the reasons that led to excessive gas formation.


These drugs contain active ingredients that quickly absorb gases and toxic substances. With the help of sorbents it is possible to remove all harmful elements from the body.

It is not worth taking such medications very often, since along with gases and toxins, they also flush beneficial substances from the body. How to eliminate excessive gas formation?

The most effective remedies from this group include the following:

  1. Activated carbon . If you have an ulcer or a tendency to constipation, these tablets should not be used as it may worsen the condition.
  2. Smecta . The drug should be used for the symptomatic treatment of heartburn, acute diarrhea, and bloating.


This category of products allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of flatulence. Their action is aimed at reducing the production of intestinal gases due to the presence of chemically active components - dimethicone and simethicone.

The fixed assets from this group include the following:

  1. Disflatil - helps to cope with severe bloating, heaviness, aerophagia.
  2. Espumisan - quickly removes accumulated gases out. With its help, it is possible to eliminate pain caused by stretching of the intestinal walls. The medicine also relieves heaviness.
  3. Sab Simplex - ensures the disintegration of gas bubbles, as a result of which bloating and distension in the abdomen are reduced.


What to do if gases do not leave the intestines? In such a situation, agents that stimulate the elimination of gases by activating the motor activity of the intestinal walls will help.

This category includes the following medications:

  1. Motilium – helps eliminate the symptoms of dyspepsia. Thanks to the use of the drug, nausea, belching, bloating, and heartburn are perfectly eliminated.
  2. Domperidone - helps to cope with flatulence, discomfort, and quickly removes gases. However, this medicine has many side effects. The product should not be used if the kidneys or liver are damaged.
  3. Passazhiks – stimulates the elimination of gases. The drug rarely causes side effects. However, before using it, you should consult a doctor.

Enzyme preparations

The action of these products is aimed at normalizing the digestion process, since they contain enzymes.

The most popular representatives of this category include the following:

  1. Mezim Forte is used for insufficient synthesis of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. With its help, it is possible to stimulate digestion in case of excessive food consumption, cope with the feeling of heaviness, and remove gases.
  2. Pancreatin - used for problems with the pancreas. With the help of this remedy it is possible to normalize the digestion process.

Probiotics and prebiotics are not classified as anti-bloating medications. They need to be used comprehensively as part of therapy to restore intestinal function and normalize the balance of microflora.

Traditional methods in preventing the disorder

One of the fast-acting methods is self-massage. You will need to take a comfortable position and perform clockwise stroking movements in the navel area. This method is suitable for adults and children. A 10-minute massage will relieve unpleasant and painful sensations and eliminate the feeling of bloating. It is recommended to carry out the procedure daily for preventive purposes.

It is recommended to use herbal remedies to improve intestinal function for treatment and to prevent the development of the disorder. Ready-made teas (in bags, herbal tablets) can be easily purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The drinks contain herbs: cumin, yarrow, coriander, anise. You should drink a cup of tea an hour before meals; it is recommended to take health drinks every day for a month.


You can cleanse the intestines and get rid of gas using folk remedies. One of them is a medicinal decoction of chamomile flowers, which is used as a cleansing enema against gases. To prepare this effective natural folk remedy, you will need a large spoon of dried medicinal plant flowers and a glass of liquid. Then the mixture is placed on low heat and boiled for 9 minutes. After the broth is cooled, filtered, 2 large spoons of water are added. The enema must be done every day at night for a five-day period.

Other Treatment Options

This manifestation can be treated in different ways. First of all, it is necessary to identify the causes of the disease. Increased gas formation in the intestines can be a consequence of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, if you cannot get rid of the symptoms of flatulence in a few days, then it is best to consult a specialist. You can treat the manifestation at home with:

  • Special gentle diet. It is necessary to provide the body with a gentle regimen. You need to make pureed food that does not contain spices or hot sauces. In order not to irritate the mucous walls of the stomach and intestines, it is necessary to avoid fast food, Mexican food, over-salted and overcooked foods.
  • It is necessary to do physical exercises and gymnastics. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body of adults and children. When performing the exercises, you must lie in a horizontal position. Legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach.
  • In order to relieve intestinal gas, you can take medications. Medicines absorb gases, regulate intestinal biocenosis, reduce the absorption of toxins and other compounds.

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For bloating, special exercises that help strengthen the abdominal muscles are very effective..

If there are any contraindications, it is enough to lie on your back and strain your abdominal muscles 10-15 times. This exercise is done in several approaches.

You can also do the following:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and apply slight pressure with your palms to the intestinal area. Perform stroking movements. Repeat in several approaches.
  2. Wrap your arms around your bent legs and pull your hips toward your body. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Alternately contract and relax your abdominal muscles. In this case, you need to hold your breath for 15 seconds.

Now you know how to deal with increased gas formation. To cope with the problem, you need to use special medicines and folk recipes.

For therapy to be effective, in addition to basic remedies, you can use special exercises and make adjustments to your diet.

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Bloating is increased gas production that has accumulated in the digestive tract. It can form as a result of chewing and digesting food. They do not have time to leave the human body naturally.

This manifestation feels very unpleasant. It can cause severe discomfort. If such a manifestation occurs very often, then it indicates the presence of serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract. If there is pain, a person must make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Bloating can be associated with diseases of the small and large intestines and pancreas. It may indicate the development of dysbiosis or problems digesting food. The doctor may prescribe the use of antibiotics and physiotherapy. But for normal bloating, a visit to the doctor is not necessary. You can eliminate this manifestation at home. Folk remedies for bloating help a person get rid of all unpleasant sensations.

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