How to drink Essentuki 4 with high acidity

Benefits of Essentuka No. 4

The world-famous mineral water Essentuki 4 is an invaluable natural medicine that can restore lost health to a person.
In order to achieve the maximum positive effect of drinking mineral water treatment, we urge you to follow the following recommendations.

Mineral water Essentuki No4, entering the stomach on an empty stomach, improves the secretion of gastric juice, enzymes, and dissolves mucus in the stomach.

Essentuki No4, drunk directly at the source, improves osmosis processes and increases the electrical charge of cells, since it has the electrical potential of positively charged ions

Production and transportation of mineralized water

In order to preserve all the healing properties of Essentuki-4 water, it is bottled directly at the source. This is due to the fact that when transported open (for example, in tanks), this drink loses almost all of its beneficial elements. To preserve them, water from the well is supplied through a special pipeline. Then it goes through three-stage filtration without any contact with air. If oxygen gets into the liquid, it promotes the oxidation process, as a result of which Essentuki-4 (indications for use will be presented below) will lose a significant part of the cations.

It should also be noted that a batch of water extracted from a well is necessarily checked by epidemiologists. In addition, physicochemical, technological and bacteriological analyzes are required, which are part of comprehensive quality control.


Digestive diseases

  1. functional diseases of the stomach with impaired secretory-evacuation function;
  2. chronic reflux esophagitis;
  3. chronic gastritis, incl. reflux gastritis outside the acute phase;
  4. gastroduodenitis;
  5. peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the absence of significant disturbances in the motor-evacuation function of the stomach and a tendency to bleeding in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation;
  6. diseases of the operated stomach due to stomach ulcers (postoperative gastritis);
  7. functional diseases of the intestine with a violation of its motor-evacuation function;
  8. chronic inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines, irritable bowel syndrome without exacerbation, -
  9. chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis without exacerbation in the absence of jaundice and liver dysfunction, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  10. chronic pancreatitis in the absence of frequent exacerbations;
  11. follow-up treatment after removal of the gallbladder and pancreatic necrosis;
  12. uncomplicated cholelithiasis;
  13. occupational intoxication;
  14. Endocrine system diseases, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders

  15. diabetes;
  16. food, nutritional obesity;
  17. disorders of lipid metabolism, salt metabolism;
  18. gout;
  19. uric acid diathesis;
  20. thyrotoxicosis;
  21. anemia, except hemolytic;
  22. osteoporosis;
  23. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (except tuberculosis etiology)

  24. chronic cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis with minimal activity of the inflammatory process;
  25. uric acid diathesis, urolithiasis, excluding patients subject to surgical treatment;
  26. the only functioning kidney;
  27. condition after renal transplantation;
  28. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs, ENT organs;
  29. tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  30. Dental diseases

  31. stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  32. Nervous system diseases

  33. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, except for circulatory failure of 2-3 degrees;
  34. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  35. Skin diseases;
  36. Immune system diseases;
  37. Allergic diseases (chronic seasonal runny nose, bronchial asthma, polynoses);
  38. Gynecological diseases

As well as a number of other diseases. In particular, the benefits of using Essentuki 4 water for gastrointestinal diseases - stomach and duodenal ulcers - are noted.

Application of Essentuki water

The methods of taking the described waters have some differences and are selected taking into account individual identified health problems. An hour before use, you should open the cap on the bottle - this will help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide entering the liquid.

An important feature is that drinking liquid heated to 40-50 degrees 25 minutes before eating food helps reduce motor activity, and cool water speeds up digestion.

It is necessary to use in case of detection of diseases of the stomach and intestines with increased motility, which are often accompanied by cramps and diarrhea. Daily dose – 1 glass 3 times a day. You need to drink the liquid slowly, in small sips and on an empty stomach. The rules for taking it to treat the stomach are 20 minutes before meals, and for ulcers - several hours before meals.

The treatment course is selected depending on the severity of the disease and can last from 20 to 45 days.

Essentuki 4 water should be taken on an empty stomach

It is recommended to drink for a course of 4 to 6 weeks for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, which are characterized by decreased motility. Drinking warm water minimizes the laxative effect. Description of use - for gastritis, you should drink 200 ml of water 30 minutes before meals, and for colitis - in the same volume, but 2 hours before meals.

You need to start taking Essentuki 17 with small volumes

Used for inhalation for medicinal and prophylactic purposes for severe, dry coughs, colds, and bronchitis.

Methods of carrying out the procedure:

  1. Ferry. The mineral water is poured into a metal container and heated to 50 degrees. Next, you should inhale the vapors - to do this, you need to bend over the container with liquid as low as possible and cover it with a towel. The duration of the procedure for children is no more than 3 minutes, and for adults – up to 15 minutes.
  2. Using a nebulizer. A compressor inhaler allows you to split medicinal water into microscopic particles, after which you quickly and effectively distribute them through the respiratory tract. To do this, 5 ml of liquid is filled into the device, after which a procedure can be carried out, the duration of which does not differ from steam inhalation.
  3. Ultrasound. Such equipment can be used in a hospital under the supervision of a qualified specialist. The principle of operation is that water particles enter the lungs using ultrasound.


It is important to strictly follow the recommendations for the procedure - incorrect execution will not be beneficial and may worsen the patient’s health.

Essentuki water can be used for steam inhalations

The use of the medicinal drink in question is contraindicated if:

  • aggravated diseases of the digestive tract;
  • disturbances in the motor functionality of the stomach;
  • inflammation in the intestines;
  • liver colic;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, as well as in case of its removal;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • complicated infections;
  • strict restrictions on the amount of salt consumed;
  • polyps in the stomach or intestines.

Essentuki should be consumed only in its pure form and should not be mixed with sugar or other additives.

You should not drink Essentuki water if you have polyps in your stomach.

Due to the wide range of beneficial properties of Essentuki 17 mineral water, with minimal harm, it is widely used for the following diseases:

  • decreased activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis with low and high acidity;
  • hepatitis and other liver pathologies;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • impaired functionality of the bile ducts;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol and other intoxication;
  • cough;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • chronic problems with bowel movements;
  • diathesis.

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties of Essentuki 17, harm is possible with a thoughtless approach to such therapy and prevention. Do not ignore the existing contraindications:

  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • early age in children;
  • salt accumulations in joints;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • cardiac dysfunctions.

Mineral water Essentuki 17 causes harm in the form of increased swelling when the kidneys are unstable.

You should drink this healing drink in compliance with all the rules. Even if there are indications in the acute phase of diseases, treatment with water is unacceptable - there is a risk of intensifying pathological reactions. But in remission, the drug will help improve the functional state of organs. Water number 4 is indicated for various gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by high acidity:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus);

The drink has proven itself to be excellent for hyperlipidemia, lipid metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis and obesity - regular use helps improve blood condition and normalize metabolic processes. The product also helps to establish salt metabolism and general metabolism, which is important for diabetes.

Essentuki 17 is recommended for diabetes, pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, and damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Additional indications include irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and decreased motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Water is prescribed for poisoning, including alcohol poisoning, for disorders of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, for constipation, and for cough.

For coughs, you can do inhalations with mineral water. They are indicated to soothe the throat and upper respiratory tract during colds, pharyngitis, and also a runny nose. Treatment options are:

  • heat the water to 60 degrees, breathe over the steam while it continues (7-10 minutes), repeat three times a day;
  • pour water into the nebulizer, inhale for 10 minutes, do it three times a day.

You can prepare a facial tonic from Essentuki water - you need to add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a glass of water, then wipe your face as needed. After tanning, you should spray mineral water poured into a spray bottle onto your body - this will help moisturize and restore the skin. After opening, you need to store the water in the refrigerator, but not for long, so it’s better to buy small packages.

The benefits and harms of Essentuki 17 water are determined by the compliance of the standards of use with the needs of the body. The liquid is used as prescribed by a specialist exclusively for medicinal purposes. It is not suitable for everyday drinking. A high concentration of chemical compounds in water when taken orally without control worsens the patient’s condition and causes harm rather than benefit to internal organs.

The beneficial properties of Essentuki 17 mineral water are shown for:

  • hepatitis of any origin and varying degrees of development;
  • gastritis in chronic form with normal or reduced secretion;
  • diseases associated with poor functioning of gastrointestinal motility;
  • obstruction and functional bowel disorders;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • rashes (diathesis);
  • prolonged cough;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders in the biliary tract (has a choleretic effect);
  • problems with metabolism.

The healing properties of Essentuka 17 help in the fight against extra pounds, ridding the body of waste and toxins. Mineral water is prescribed to obese people.

To exclude possible harm from taking mineral water orally or as inhalation, you should consult a doctor.

Despite the beneficial composition and positive properties of mineral drink, there are restrictions on its use. Contraindications:

  • illness during exacerbation;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • salt deposits in joints;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney dysfunction.

Harmful effects from treatment are possible if the consumption of Essentuki 17 per day is not observed.

How to drink Essentuki No. 4 mineral water correctly?

The technology for internal intake of mineral water is determined by the attending physician differentially for each patient (dose, frequency, time associated with food intake).

Drinking mineral water and effective treatment excludes the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

When filling a mug with mineral water, for infection safety reasons, do not touch the glassware to the taps.

Combine physical activity with mineral water intake

A prerequisite for achieving the maximum positive effect of drinking treatment is a walk.

Leaving the gallery, you move to the health path area - and the further effect of mineral water is enhanced by therapeutic walking.

The action of health path has a pronounced medical effect. Admiring the landscape design of the estate, the panorama of the mountains on the horizon, inhaling clean, fresh air filled with oxygen and phytoncides, and leisurely walking help optimize the effect of mineral water, triggering self-healing mechanisms in your body.

An important role in this process is played by your inner mood: mentally you imagine how health and vitality are gently and gradually, but steadily, returning to you.


The total volume of a single dose is 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, usually starting with smaller doses (70-100-150 ml) per dose, followed by an increase over 3-4 days to 150-200 ml.

Course of taking mineral water Essentuki-4

The frequency of water intake is 3 times a day.

The optimal duration of the drinking regime is 3-4 weeks. Lengthening or shortening treatment courses of drinking water reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

A course of treatment with mineral water goes well with a sanatorium-resort regime, rational dietary nutrition, various types of physiotherapy, physical therapy, exposure to climatic factors, and a health path.

How to eat properly when taking mineral water

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct period of time between taking mineral water and food.

Usually this is a period of 15-30-40 minutes.

Afterwards you eat in the dietary canteen.

Cold, warm and hot mineral water?

Taking mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” into the spring’s pump room from a special mug with a spout

Taking water at the right temperature will depend on the purpose of use. The water temperature is indicated on the dispensing stands (warm, hot, cold).

Traditionally, to increase absorption and preserve the components and gas composition of mineral water, it is drunk slowly, in small sips, for 5-8 minutes from a special mug with a spout.

Important things to consider:

  • For gastritis, drink water slightly above room temperature;
  • For peptic ulcers, increased stomach acidity and liver disease, you need to drink hot mineral water.

Drink water only from the source

It is advisable to drink mineral water at the source, as if from the “living hands” of nature. This ensures complete preservation of its physical and chemical properties, because during storage many of its healing effects are lost (hygienist Hufeland, 1816)

At the same time, your body is affected by aero-phyto-music therapy: listening to relaxing and inspiring music, contemplating the aesthetics of the interior of the gallery, winter garden, fountains.

The aquifers of Essentuki 4 mineral water are located at a depth of 1400 meters or more under enormous pressure. Because of this, all minerals are in a dissolved state of rest.

When minerals reach the surface under normal atmospheric pressure, they leave the dissolved state and precipitate, the water becomes cloudy and loses its properties, in particular, the microelement composition changes significantly:

  • Fe2+, Mn2+ are destroyed almost immediately after bottling;
  • Calcium (Ca2+) quickly binds to bicarbonates and precipitates;
  • The catalytic ability of water is quickly lost due to a decrease in the number of free ions.
  • Therefore, mineral water retains its natural healing and informational properties for a short time, and it should be taken directly in the gallery, immediately after entering from the “underground pantry”.

"Essentuki-4": how to drink correctly?

The temperature of the mineral water taken plays a decisive role in the regulation of the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, a cool drink (temperature about 16-18 degrees Celsius) significantly enhances the functioning of the digestive organs, which leads to a laxative effect. But warm waters (temperature about 30-40 degrees Celsius), on the contrary, significantly reduce secretory and motor activity. As a result of drinking such a drink, stool retention may occur, which is necessary for diarrhea.

It is recommended to take Essentuki-4 in an amount of 50-200 ml according to a specific schedule (depending on the purpose and the diagnosed disease).

The daily intake of this liquid should be 660-1200 ml. The duration of therapy is approximately 21-42 days. Experts recommend conducting such courses of treatment 2 or 3 times a year.

Harm to the human body from misuse of Essentuki No. 4

Mineral water must be taken as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account indications and contraindications (age, functional state of the diseased organ and concomitant diseases).

It is especially worth paying attention to the process of diffusion of substances from PET (polyethylene terephtholate) into water. Scientists have proven that under the influence of ambient temperature and sunlight, acetone, acetaldehydes and formaldehydes, which are harmful to the human body, are released into bottled water.

Therefore, for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to drink Essentuki-4 not from plastic bottles, but directly at the Essentuki resort directly from mineral water springs.

Also, if there are contraindications, Essentuki 4 will cause harm.

It is unacceptable to drink water in unlimited quantities, as this can cause harm to the body; even healthy people can harm their kidneys from drinking Essentuki-4 mineral water to quench thirst in volumes exceeding the therapeutic dosage.

Features of difference from fake

Essentuki 4, the indications for use of which have serious grounds, must meet a certain standard.

In order to buy a good quality product and not a fake, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • water should be poured into darkened, preferably glass, bottles without flaws, especially in the lid area;
  • the label should indicate the address of the bottling company, preferably if it is confirmed by an Internet search;
  • presence of water composition;
  • the label must indicate the number of the well from which the water was obtained (the product that was extracted in the vicinity of the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory, can be considered the original to a greater extent);
  • Essentuki 4 from the Nagut area cannot be the original;

  • Essentuki 4 has no categories, so the words “highest” or “first” should not be indicated on the original bottle;
  • a drink on which GOST is not indicated, and the technical conditions are not original;
  • the existing seal must be firmly glued and have a clear image;
  • Wimm-Bill-Dann must be declared as the holder of the bottling plant;
  • mark TU9185 indicates that the water has been artificially mineralized;
  • Essentuki 4 is sold in pharmacies and cannot be sold at reduced prices.

Essentuki No. 4 contraindications

There is one indispensable condition: exacerbation of the disease limits the possibility of therapy with mineral waters:

  1. If you have urinary tract diseases or kidney diseases, uncontrolled intake of mineral water is prohibited. This may cause sudden passage of stones;
  2. For gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage in the stomach and intestines;
  3. gastrointestinal disorders that interfere with the passage of food (scar narrowing of the esophagus or pylorus, stretching of the stomach or its sudden prolapse);
  4. Alkaline urine reaction;
  5. Hypertensive crisis.

Bottled water "Essentuki-4": indications for use

Mineral water extracted from a source in the resort town of Essentuki is recommended to drink for the following diagnoses:

  • ulcer (only uncomplicated form) of the stomach or duodenum;

  • for rehabilitation recovery after surgery for peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;
  • cholecystitis, not complicated by infections, without regular exacerbations and not at the stage of surgical intervention;
  • gastritis, including chronic;
  • hepatitis;
  • any liver pathologies, including chronic ones;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • colitis and enterocolitis, including chronic;
  • angiocholitis of various origins, but in the absence of regular tendencies to exacerbations;
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome;
  • for the treatment of metabolic diseases: phosphaturia, oxaluria, diathesis;
  • pancreatitis, including chronic;
  • pathologies of the urinary tract, including chronic ones.

Chemical composition of Essentuki No. 4

Water from spring number 4 in the Essentuki resort park


  • LITHIUM 2.4692 g/l
  • SODIUM 0.0150 g/l
  • POTASSIUM 0.0602 g/l
  • MAGNESIUM 0.1372 g/l
  • CALCIUM 0.0050 g/l
  • IRON -
  • COPPER -
  • Amount 2.6876 g/l


  • CHLORINE 1.7050 g/l
  • BROMINE 0.0055 g/l
  • IODINE 0.0014 g/l
  • SULFATE 0.0058 g/l
  • HYDROCARBONATE 4.3871 g/l
  • FLUORINE 0.0005 g/l
  • Amount 6.1054 g/l

Undissociated molecules

  • SILICIC ACID 0.028 0.018 g/l
  • CARBONIC ACID 1.7381 g/l
  • MINERALIZATION 8.7806 g/l
  • DRY RESIDUE 6.597 g/l


Composition of mineral waters

Mineral waters used for the treatment of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases are underground waters of various chemical compositions, saturated with carbon dioxide and used as medicinal, medicinal table and table waters. Medicinal waters include waters with mineralization from 8 to 12 g/l. Waters with higher mineralization are also allowed: “Batalinskaya” (21 g/l), “Lugela” (52 g/l), as well as with a mineralization of less than 8 g/l if the water contains a high content of arsenic, boron and some others substances. Medicinal mineral waters are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Medicinal table mineral waters recommended for colitis, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include waters with a mineralization of 2 to 8 g/l. The exception is Essentuki No. 4 water with mineralization up to 10 g/l. These waters can be used as table waters, but not systematically.

Table waters are divided into natural mineral table waters (mineralization from 1 to 2 g/l or less - in the presence of biologically active substances) and natural table waters (mineralization less than 1 g/l), which are used only as a table drink.

Mineral water bottle labels indicate the chemical composition of the water. Dissolved salts are represented by electrically charged particles - cations and anions. The main cations are sodium, calcium, magnesium; anions - chlorine, sulfate, bicarbonate.

If hydrocarbonate ions and sodium ions predominate in the water, it is classified as a sodium bicarbonate group (Borjomi, Dilijan, Luzhanskaya, etc.). These waters are also called alkaline.

The predominance of sodium ions in combination with chlorine ions is typical for sodium chloride, or “salty” waters (“Mirgorodskaya”, “Tyumenskaya”, “Rostovskaya”, etc.).

The combination of three ions - sodium, chlorine and bicarbonate - creates a group of sodium bicarbonate-chloride waters (Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Arzni, etc.), which are also called “salt-alkaline.”

Mineral waters “Smirnovskaya” and “Slavyanskaya”, used for stomach and duodenal ulcers, are hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-vocalcium.

Some mineral waters are characterized by an increased content of microelements.

Iron is contained in “Martialnaya”, “Darasun”, “Ankavan”, “Polustrovo”; bromine - in the waters of Talitskaya and Lugela; iodine - in "Azovskaya".

In the low-mineralized water of the Naftusya resort of Truskavets, organic substances have medicinal value: bitumen, humins, etc.

Quality indicators: mineral waters must be colorless, transparent, without foreign inclusions, with a slight natural sediment of mineral salts; for table waters “Aivazovskaya” and “Tsarichanskaya” a slight yellowish tint is allowed; taste and smell are characteristic of the complex of salts and gases contained in the water of a given source.

Pump room of the spring "ESSENTUKI No. 4"

History of the spring pump room

Pump room No. 2 of source No. 4 was built by decision of 1912 of the KMS administration to combine water from several wells of the fourth source in a single pump room. In this regard, slightly below the first pump room along Vorontsovskaya Alley, designed by architect N.N. Semenov, by the summer of 1914, pump room No. 2 was erected. It was a pavilion with columns, built in the neoclassical style, and a year later two columned galleries were added to it.

Pump room No. 2, source 4 until 1936

The next reconstruction awaited the second pump room in 1936, when a barracks-type structure was erected on the site of the demolished pavilion, and only thirty years after that, in 1967, the modern building of the gallery of source No. 4 was built according to the design of the architect V.N. Fukleva.

Made in the style of Soviet minimalism, the reinforced concrete building of the drinking gallery with mosaic panels representing treatment with mineral waters is located on the spacious area of ​​the central alley of the lower park. To the right of the gallery is the symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters - the Eagle that defeated the snake, opposite - one of the weeping grottoes.

In a spacious, bright room with mosaic walls and sculptural compositions, you can taste the mineral water of the fourth spring in cold, warm and hot form. On the area in front of the gallery there are comfortable benches for relaxation; there, as in the gallery hall, there are souvenir kiosks.

How to choose mineral water for low and high stomach acidity

In the treatment of gastritis, along with drug treatment, hydrotherapy plays an important role. When properly prescribed, water reduces destructive processes on the walls of the stomach, normalizes secretory and motor functions, and also enhances the production of bile by the liver and digestive enzymes by the pancreas.

However, not all mineral water has a healing effect for gastritis with high acidity. Due to the huge range, each of them has its own characteristic features. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to figure out which mineral water to drink with high and which with low acidity.

Features of treatment

Mineralized water for gastritis has a huge impact on the level of acid formation in the stomach cavity. Sometimes it is enough to take 1 glass of liquid to get rid of heartburn or resume gastrointestinal function.

The practice of treating gastritis of various secretory functions has shown that long-term use of mineral water promotes:

  • Strengthening the body's regulatory abilities;
  • Stimulates the production of enzymes;
  • Normalizes secretory function;
  • Strengthens gastric motility and intestinal peristalsis;
  • Removes pathological mucus from the body, which is a favorable environment for infection;
  • Normalization of the water-salt balance in the patient.

But it is worth recalling that medicinal waters such as Borjomi and Essentuki are used only as prescribed by a doctor. But mineral water labeled medical-table or dining room can be drunk periodically to quench thirst, but only for people who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Of particular importance in therapy for high and low acidity is the temperature of the drink, quantity, time of administration, and duration of the course. Therefore, it is necessary to drink mineral water only under the supervision of the attending doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

With increased acidity

In the stomach of a healthy person, an acidic environment should prevail, which effectively digests incoming food and also neutralizes bacteria and viruses. However, the increased production of gastric juice causes an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa and its further erosion. Long-term dysfunction leads to various acid-dependent diseases, which include gastritis with increased secretion.

Medicinal properties of Borjomi

This water has natural mineralization and is used to normalize stomach acidity. Its effect is especially evident when heartburn occurs, which is an invariable companion to increased secretion.

Borjomi can quickly and harmlessly neutralize the irritating effect of an acidic environment on the mucous membrane. The effectiveness of mineral water lies in the effect of alkali on the acid present in its composition.

How to drink Borjomi correctly

Such water for gastritis with high acidity is taken taking into account the following recommendations:

  • In order for Borjomi to effectively neutralize excess acid, it is recommended to take it 30 minutes after meals. If increased acidity in the stomach cavity is constantly present, then mineral water is consumed half an hour before the main meal;
  • Borjomi should only be drunk when heated to 40˚C. It is not recommended to heat it again, since after several heat treatments the amount of useful minerals decreases;
  • Carbonated waters are not used to treat this type of gastritis. Carbon dioxide has an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, which causes increased acid production.
  • The recommended dosage usually ranges from ¼ to 1 glass three times a day. It is recommended to drink Borjomi in small sips.

With low acidity

An equally dangerous disease is gastritis with reduced secretory function. Its danger lies in the fact that an insufficient amount of gastric juice is an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. Low acidity is also characterized by nausea after eating, stool problems and flatulence. In addition, insufficient breakdown of food mass in the stomach causes iron deficiency in the body.

If there are a huge number of drugs to reduce gastric secretion, then there are an order of magnitude fewer of them to increase secretion. In most cases, products with hydrochloric acid and vegetable bitters are used. Taking water like Essentuki has a good effect.

How to take Essentuki

The therapeutic effect of Essentuki mineral water is manifested by stimulating the secretion of the stomach glands that produce hydrochloric acid.

To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, water for gastritis is consumed according to the following rules:

  • Essentuki with low acidity can be drunk either warmed or at room temperature. The temperature will depend on concomitant diseases.
  • The duration of treatment in most cases ranges from 3 weeks to 1.5 months.
  • To enhance intestinal motility, Essentuki is taken as a quick drink a quarter of an hour before meals.
  • It is advisable to start the course of treatment with 100 grams of liquid, after which the single dose is increased to 200 grams.
  • Drinking Essentuki water helps eliminate biliary dyskinesia, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of gastric secretions;
  • You should not increase the dose, as high mineralization contributes to the formation of sand and stones in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Recommendations for selection

  • It will not be superfluous to know that for gastritis with high acidity, you need to drink only hydrocarbonate and sulfate waters of low mineralization, with a low carbon dioxide content. It is this composition that does not cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. But gastritis with reduced secretion is treated with chloride, chloride-bicarbonate, chloride-sulfate waters.
  • For patients with low acidity, in addition to Essentuki mineral water, Naftusya from the 2nd source, as well as water from such resorts as Pyatigorsk, Kuyalnik and Morshin, are suitable.
  • For patients with high acidity, in addition to Borjomi, it is recommended to drink Naftusya from source No. 1, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Jermuk, etc.
  • For treatment, mineral water is used, packaged only in glass containers.

In addition to general recommendations, each patient should listen to his own feelings. Drinking water should not cause discomfort. If unpleasant symptoms occur, stop treatment and resume only after consultation with your doctor.

Sights of the Essentuki resort - full catalog

  • Alekseevskaya mud baths

    Alekseevskaya mud baths are the largest mud baths in Russia and Europe.

  • Eagle sculpture

    The eagle sculpture is a famous sculptural composition, a symbol of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

  • Zander Institute

    The Zander Institute is an institute of mechanotherapy built in 1902, equipped with Gustav Zander equipment, and is still functioning.

  • Gazebo “Chance meeting”

    Openwork wooden gazebo in oriental style.

  • Pump room No. 1, source No. 4

    Pump room No. 1 of source No. 4 is an architectural monument of the Resort Park.

  • Pump room No. 2, source No. 4

    Pump room No. 2 of source No. 4 is a modern building of the historical active and life-giving spring “Essentuki-4”.

  • Pump room of spring No. 17

    Pump room of source No. 17 is an elegant cast-iron gazebo above the 17th source.

  • Pump room of spring No. 18

    Pump room of source No. 18 - Issya in 1903. Landmark of the city of Essentuki.

  • Pump room of spring No. 19

    Pump room of spring No. 19 is a dried-up spring in an arched grotto. Landmark of Essentuki.

  • Fountain on Central Square

    The fountain on Teatralnaya Square is a favorite vacation spot for Essentu residents and resort guests, the largest fountain in the south of Russia.

  • Train Station

    The railway station is a historical building that still performs its functions to this day.

  • Oreanda's gazebo in our time

    One of the attractions of the city of Essentuki is the Oreanda gazebo, built at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • Resort library building - Essentuki

    One of the most striking buildings can be considered the building of the former dacha of the Cossack captain I.G. Zimina.

  • Park Theater of Essentuki at the beginning of the 20th century

    In the fall of 1901, an extension to spring No. 17, “Theater Park,” was erected in the Essentuki Resort Park.

  • Root stream - the city of Essentuki

    One of the striking attractions of the Essentuki Resort Park is the Rotunda Rotunda.

  • Upper baths in our time in Essentuki

    The baths of Nicholas II are a historical monument of Essentuki, made in the style of late Russian classicism.

  • Victory Park in Essentuki

    Victory Park is a park in the upper resort area reconstructed in 2021.

Excursions around the North Caucasus from Essentuki - full catalog


№ 4

It is considered table water with medicinal properties. “Essentuki” thins the mucus formed on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes motor/secretory function, has a mild laxative effect, and increases the overall activity of the stomach.

A course of taking Essentuki should be started after consultation with a doctor (one-time use is acceptable, for example, for heartburn). The duration of the course and dosage are determined by the doctor. If you have problems with your gastrointestinal tract, never consume Essentuki without prior consultation.

Before consumption, the liquid should be cooled (to improve digestion processes) or warmed (to reduce secretory function). Daily consumption should not exceed 1200 ml. General therapy can last about a month.

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№ 17

It differs from Essentuka-4 in composition, higher degree of mineralization and production location. It is more widely used in medical practice for the treatment of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Should be taken 20 minutes before meals, warmed (room temperature is acceptable). Used to reduce gastric secretory function. If the function is not impaired - within 40 minutes. With increased secretory function - one and a half hours before meals. The maximum permissible volume of Essentuka is 5 ml per 1 kg of weight.

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Cost of excursions from Essentuki

The price of excursion services, depending on the route and the time the trip takes, varies widely:

  • the longest one-day excursion to Grozny costs 2,200 rubles;
  • A 2-day trip to the Uzunkol gorge will cost 3,200 rubles per person.

Group excursions from Essentuki

They are carried out on comfortable buses with professional guides both in Essentuki and throughout the North Caucasus.

Individual excursions, jeep tours

They are carried out in luxury cars with a driver-guide, or additionally with a personal professional guide.
One/two-day jeep tours throughout the North Caucasus are also available. We provide individual excursions from the cities of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody:

  • Kislovodsk;
  • Essentukov;
  • Pyatigorsk;
  • Zheleznovodsk.

Please call for the cost of an individual excursion or jeep tour. The car is picked up and returned from the excursion at your residence address.

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