Mineral water for high stomach acidity

Factors for the right choice

After making a diagnosis of gastritis, the gastroenterologist prescribes treatment for the patient, including specific instructions regarding the use of mineral water, namely: the required brand, the required dosage and dosage regimen. Many patients do not attach much importance to this information, believing that water is not a medicine, and choose a more attractive option on store shelves. But it's not right.

The inflammatory process occurring in the stomach contributes to the production of acid in excess quantities. Therefore, the choice of mineral water according to its composition is the primary task of the attending physician. The patient is required to fully comply with the recommendations given by the gastroenterologist for the use of healing liquid.

Methods of therapy

If your doctor has prescribed mineral water for gastritis, then to get the maximum result, it is important to know the schedule according to which it will be taken. At the beginning, the dosage of water will be 50-100 g per day. It is necessary to understand that a high concentration of mineral components can provoke an inflammatory process that affects the gastric mucosa. The therapeutic course will be 1 month, and they should be carried out 2-4 times throughout the year.

For gastritis accompanied by high acidity, mineral water should be consumed with extreme caution. In addition, patients with the following symptoms should stop taking the healing liquid:

  • lethargy;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

Gastritis is a very unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Its treatment should take a comprehensive approach, and also necessarily include the use of mineral water. Only thanks to the microelements entering the body is it possible to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the secretion of stomach acid and simply improve the patient’s condition.


The benefits of mineral water

Therapeutic measures related to hyperacidity gastritis are aimed at neutralizing excess acid, so you should choose two types of mineral water: medicinal alkaline table water or fresh table water. It is dominated by hydrocarbonates, as well as metal ions necessary for the body. Such substances reduce the amount of hydrogen ions in the body - elements directly involved in the production of stomach acid. At the same time, the healing liquid stimulates the production of mucus, which protects the stomach from the destructive effects of hydrochloric acid.

Consequently, drinking mineral water helps normalize acidity levels, as well as reduce heartburn and nausea. For gastritis with high acidity, mineral water saturates the blood with essential elements, activates metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. Regular consumption of this product accelerates the movement of food from the stomach to the intestines, which is an excellent prevention of congestion. The patient no longer suffers from belching, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach gradually disappears, and heartburn disappears.

How to drink mineral water with increased stomach acidity

When a person is in excellent health, his stomach has an advantage of an acidic environment for normal digestion of food and neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms. If gastric juice is released in large quantities, it begins to corrode the walls of the organ and causes inflammation. All this leads to the development of gastritis with a high acid content.

When there is increased acidity due to pathology, medicinal water therapy is prescribed in parallel with medications. It is better to find out from your doctor which mineral water you can drink if you have high acidity. Doctors often advise drinking a drink that can reduce acidity. These mineral waters include Borjomi, Essentuki 17, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Luzhanskaya and all those that normalize the level of acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

Borjomi is able to neutralize high acid content with its alkaline composition. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to drink water in case of increased stomach acidity in compliance with the following rules:

  • To neutralize excess acid, you need to drink a glass of mineral water half an hour after eating. When a high level of acid is constantly present (this is noticeable by constant attacks of heartburn), then you need to drink water half an hour before a meal.
  • It is recommended to consume Borjomi warm, heating it to a temperature of 40 degrees. It is important to know that repeated heating can destroy beneficial minerals.
  • Therapy for gastritis of this type is treated with mineral water without gas. Carbon dioxide irritates the walls of the stomach and provokes acid production.
  • You need to drink mineral water in small doses: from a quarter to a whole glass, up to three times a day. You should drink water in small sips.

During an exacerbation, you should not drink any mineral water. It should be used after the acute stage or for preventive purposes.

Features of drinking mineral water

In the process of treating gastritis, you should not only follow the medication regimen prescribed by your doctor and adhere to dietary restrictions, but also know how to drink mineral water correctly to obtain the expected result. A few valuable tips will help a person suffering from gastritis recover as quickly as possible.

  • Drink 1.5-2 hours before meals. This is exactly how long it takes for mineral water to begin to produce a healing effect.
  • Patients with high acidity should undergo certain manipulations aimed at getting rid of excess carbon dioxide before drinking mineral water. This element has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, thereby increasing the production of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the water needs to be slightly warmed up to room temperature. You should also know that you cannot drink cold liquids, because the digestion process slows down and stagnation occurs, which only aggravates the course of the disease.
  • It is recommended to drink the heated water immediately, without allowing time for the secretion to develop.
  • The duration of mineral water therapy should be at least 4-6 weeks. Then you need to take a break for three months, after which you can repeat the treatment again.
  • It is important to follow the following treatment regimen with mineral water: 0.5 glasses (100 ml) three times a day for 3 days, then 1 glass according to the same dosage regimen. Thus, the body is given some time to adapt to the new product.
  • You should be sure of the authenticity of the product. Otherwise, treatment with fake water will not bring any results. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy, but you just need to know exactly which mineral water will help with gastritis. In this matter, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors.

What mineral water can be consumed to benefit the stomach and intestines?

To successfully treat stomach and intestinal diseases with mineral water, you should first of all pay attention to the composition and level of H2O mineralization.

For example, for constipation, it is recommended to drink sulfate water, but it is contraindicated for a growing child’s body and for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as it interferes with the absorption of calcium.

Chloride mineral water is suitable for the treatment of diseases of the intestines, liver and gall bladder, but is not recommended for hypertensive patients.

Sodium water also has a positive effect on the intestines, especially for constipation, but is not recommended for people with high blood pressure and following a low-salt diet.

Sodium chloride mineralized H2O is useful for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas. After a full course of treatment, there is a possibility of complete restoration of the functioning of the digestive system.

A new development by Russian scientists, Magnium water has a complex positive effect on all organs and systems of the human body. Thanks to its unique composition, the main active ingredient in which is magnesium citrate, it affects not only the functioning of the digestive system, but also has such actions as:

  • normalizes cardiac activity and blood pressure;
  • reduces the likelihood of spasms of blood vessels, muscles, and the formation of blood clots;
  • reduces the risk of stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • relieves insomnia and migraines;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system.

“Magnium” in the amount of 1-1.5 liters per day maintains water balance in the body, helps strengthen the immune system, bones, hair and nails. In addition, it is indispensable for athletes who regularly engage in heavy physical activity, as it promotes muscle growth and better absorption of calcium.

Regarding the digestive system, water with magnesium helps in removing toxins, helps cleanse the intestines and normalize stomach acidity. At the same time, “Magnium” is not medicinal or medicinal table water, so its consumption during the day is not limited. The only contraindication for taking such water is excess magnesium in the body.


For gastritis with high acidity, doctors recommend drinking Essentuki mineral water, but only certain types. Products labeled No. 4 and No. 17 contain the optimal amount of bicarbonate required to bring the acidity level back to normal.

Drinking Essentuki mineral water promotes:

  • eliminating unpleasant symptoms of gastritis;
  • accelerating the healing process of damaged stomach tissue;
  • minimizing the likelihood of relapse;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the body.

Lemon water for gastritis

Lemon has many healing properties due to its high content of vitamins C, A, B, flavonoids, phytoncides, and a large number of acids: citric, malic, succinic, ascorbic. It is because of them that the fruit is contraindicated in gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, but will be beneficial in case of hypoacidity, because activates the digestive process. In any case, it is unacceptable during an exacerbation period. Many people drink water with lemon on an empty stomach, but if the stomach lining is inflamed, it is not recommended to drink it before meals and no more than 1 glass per day.

This healing number 17

“Essentuki 17” is chloride-bicarbonate water with a high degree of mineralization. The source of its production is a deposit in the city of Essentuki. The liquid coming from a depth of 1.5 kilometers has the following characteristics:

  • hot,
  • transparent,
  • without smell,
  • soda-salty taste.

The value of the chemical composition of a natural product lies in the content of elements and substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. The mineralization rate is quite high - from 10.0 to 14.0 grams per liter of liquid.

Chemical composition In mg per liter of liquid
Chloride Cl Min – 1700; max — 2800
Hydrocarbonate HCO3 From 4900 to 6500
Sulphate SO42 Below 25
Calcium Ca2 Up to 200
Sodium + potassium Na++K+ Min 2700; max 4000
Magnesium Mg2 Up to 150
Carbon dioxide gas in dissolved state From 500 to 2350
Boric acid H3BO3 Up to 90

"Essentuki 17" helps in the treatment of diseases such as intestinal dyskinesia, diabetes mellitus, irritable bowel syndrome, as well as chronic gastritis of low or normal acidity that occurs outside the period of exacerbation of the disease. With increased secretory activity of the stomach, it is prescribed for use an hour and a half before meals. Number of doses – up to 4 times a day.

Storing water bottles at home should be organized in a cool, dark place, always in a lying position. Precipitation of mineral salts to a small extent is acceptable. It is worth knowing that the medicinal properties of a natural product can only be preserved in glass containers.

Composition and beneficial properties

The mineral water we are used to is the same water, only extracted from the depths of the Earth. There it is preserved for centuries in deep layers, and due to the absence of external factors that pollute surface waters, it is gradually saturated with trace elements and minerals.

This water contains soluble salts. The percentage of biologically active substances is significantly higher than in ordinary drinking water.

The main elements of mineral water:

All of them take part in regulating metabolism. In addition, there is carbon dioxide in the water (it is this that forms bubbles like those we see in a glass of champagne). Gas softens the taste of the drink.

There are many varieties of mineral water:

  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate and others.

A thorough study of the composition of mineral water is the work of scientists. For us, it is important what its mineralization - the purpose for which the healing drink can be used depends on this.

Water is classified according to the degree of mineralization:

In the first, the salt content is comparable to the percentage in plain water - perhaps a little more - and therefore doctors allow it to be used often, even daily . You can cook food on it (of course, when the gases come out).

The second subtype contains salts from 2 to 10 g per liter of liquid. The third, respectively, from 10. The second and third subtypes should be used only as prescribed by a doctor . They have a healing effect, but if used incorrectly they can cause harm.

"Essentuki No. 4"

Boric, chloride-carbonate, medicinal table water, characterized by an average degree of natural mineralization - from 7.0 to 10.0 g/l. There are 11 wells in operation on the territory of the field for the extraction of water of this type. The Essentuki resort invites city guests to visit a specially created drinking gallery, where you can try all types of extracted mineral waters, so to speak, in the heat of the moment.

Chemical composition, mg/liter
Hydrocarbonate HCO3 From 3400 to 4800
Chloride Cl From 1300 to 1900
Sulphate SO42 Up to 25
Calcium Ca2 Below 150
Sodium + potassium Na++K+ Min - 2000, max - 3000
Magnesium Mg2 Does not exceed 100
Carbon dioxide in dissolved state Min - 500, max - 1800
Boric acid H3BO3 From 30 to 60

"Essentuki No. 4" is indicated for the treatment of many diseases of the stomach, liver, and biliary tract outside the period of their exacerbation. Has a healing effect on the digestive system with gastritis of high acidity.

Honey water for gastritis

Since honey is able to regulate the body's production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, it can therefore be used to treat gastritis with high and low acidity. To treat these forms of the disease, it is better to use honey as a solution, so-called honey water. Due to its healing properties, this solution has an enveloping effect, as a result of which the gastric mucosa is able to avoid injury and is restored.

The preparation of the medicinal solution is quite simple: dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water and drink the resulting solution before meals in the morning and evening. Treatment should continue for at least two months, after which they take a break and repeat it according to the previous scheme.

Mineral water "Borjomi"

Hydrocarbonate-sodium water of natural mineralization, the place of extraction of which is 9 wells with a depth of 0.2-1.5 km on the territory of the reserve in the city of the same name Borjomi (Georgia). Used for therapeutic and preventive purposes for diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.

100 grams of liquid contains:

  • 200 mg sodium;
  • from 20 to 150 mg magnesium;
  • 13 mg calcium;
  • 50 mg chlorine;
  • 10 mg silicon;
  • 3 mg potassium;
  • 0.8 mg sulfur;
  • 100 μg aluminum;
  • as well as titanium, strontium, boron, and fluorine in small doses.

Which one is better to choose?

Mineral water can have different effects on a person suffering from gastritis. This depends on the composition and features of the drink. In some cases it enhances secretion, in others it inhibits.

In addition, the stimulating effect depends on temperature, amount of water and time of its intake (before or after meals). Therefore, it is important to know not only the composition of water, but also how to drink it correctly.

Treatment begins with taking 1 glass (if you are prone to flatulence, take a quarter) . The standard is to drink mineral water three times a day. The course duration is usually 1 month. Repeat no earlier than after 4 months. 2-3 such approaches per year will be enough.

With high gastric secretory function

For gastritis with high acidity, hydrocarbonate sulfate water is needed, which contains some salts and carbon dioxide.

    Essentuki No. 4 – mineral water, table and medicinal purposes. It has a minimal content of mineral salts.

It is recommended for therapeutic and preventive purposes in case of disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in case of excessive production of hydrochloric acid and slow metabolism.

  • Borjomi is sodium bicarbonate volcanic water. It contains about 50 salts, micro- and macroelements and other components important for the functioning of the human body.
  • Jermuk – according to the biochemical composition, this mineralized water is classified as a hydrocarbonate sulfate-sodium-silicon variety. It has a pleasant taste. Indicated for gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, cholecystitis.
  • Narzan is a healing mineral drink known since the end of the 19th century. It became popular in Russia about 20 years ago. Water is taken from a source located in Kislovodsk. Indicated for gastritis of any etiology. Helps normalize water-salt regulation in the body, strengthen the immune system and increase vitality.
  • These types of mineral waters must be heated by steam to a temperature of 35-45 degrees before use. Treatment should begin with 50-100 ml 1.5 hours before meals. The next day, they begin to gradually increase the dose, bringing it to one and a half glasses by the third day.

    Heating mineral water is necessary, since high temperature helps relieve spasms and pain.

    From low

    For such gastritis, it is recommended to choose the following brands of mineral water:

    Narzan is indicated not only for gastritis with high, but also with low acidity.

Helps replenish the lack of salts and minerals in the body, improve protective functions and give energy. Feodosia is a sulfate-chloride-sodium mineral water with a minimal amount of bicarbonates.

Indicated for chronic gastritis with low acidity, ulcer of the 12th intestine without exacerbation, liver pathologies, diabetes mellitus and obesity. Contraindicated in case of exacerbation of stomach and 12th intestinal ulcers.

  • Arshan is one of the best varieties of mineral water with weak mineralization. Refers to hydrocarbonate-sulfate water with a high content of calcium and magnesium. Does not contain toxic or radioactive components. Effectively increases acidity, as well as intestinal and stomach motility.
  • Essentuki No. 4 and 17 are highly mineralized drinks. Suitable for normalizing the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Tyumen is sodium chloride water, which is of particular value due to its rich chemical composition. Used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If the secretory function of the stomach is reduced, water should be taken 20-25 minutes before meals three times a day. It is preheated to 20-25 degrees. Drink in small sips slowly.

    Healing properties

    In the process of therapeutic measures against gastritis of high acidity, Borjomi has a healing effect on the body, namely:

    • reduces acid levels in the stomach;
    • restores the functioning of the digestive organs;
    • stimulates the secretory function of the stomach.

    Available in glass containers with a capacity of 330 and 500 ml. The shelf life is 2 years. A product bottled in PET packaging can be stored for no longer than 1 year from the date of spillage.

    Sulfide mineral waters similar to Borjomi are also produced in the springs of Zheleznovodsk, Arzni, and Matsesta. For gastritis with high acidity, this is an effective tool for treating this disease, provided it is used correctly.

    Main contraindications

    Healing drinks should not be consumed uncontrollably , and incorrect selection, too frequent use, is not only ineffective for gastritis, but also leads to changes in the salt balance.

    Mineral water is contraindicated:

    • in case of circulatory disorders;

    • with acute pyelonephritis;
    • for cardiovascular pathologies;
    • for intestinal and stomach bleeding;
    • with severe vomiting;
    • blockage of the ducts through which bile exits;
    • with urolithiasis.

    Expectant mothers suffering from gestosis should not drink alkaline water. You cannot combine mineral water with alcohol or drink it after intoxication.

    Any pathology causes discomfort to people. For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to combine mineral water with other therapeutic measures. Only with complex therapy is the effect guaranteed.

    Carefully! Gas bubbles, which are contained in water from a bottle that has not had time to settle, irritate the walls and mucous membrane of the stomach, which is fraught with gastroesophageal reflux.

    On a note

    For people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, it is important to drink mineral water exactly as recommended by the gastroenterologist. Drinking carbonated water is contraindicated, because the carbon dioxide it contains causes bloating, discomfort in the lower abdomen, and increases gas formation.

    There is a factor such as individual intolerance, which is especially worth paying attention to. If drinking mineral water during an exacerbation of gastritis caused a feeling of lethargy, discomfort in the stomach after a lunch meal, or bloating, you should discard this product and consult a specialist about the possibility of replacing it.

    It is worth knowing that mineral water is effective not only for internal use, but also in a number of other manipulations, for example, when washing the stomach, indicated for those suffering from chronic constipation, nausea, heartburn, and frequent vomiting. Gastric lavage with mineral water helps remove inflammatory mucus.

    Review of manufacturers

    Today, in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, the following brands of mineral water are used:

    • Mirgorodskaya,
    • Luzhanskaya,
    • Zbruchanskaya,
    • Borjomi,
    • Polyana Kvasova,
    • Bukovina,
    • Shayanskaya,
    • Borjomi,
    • Polyana Kupel,
    • Essentuki.

    Each water has its own effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to know the composition, dosage and therapeutic effect of each mineral water manufacturer.


    This water belongs to the category of sodium chloride waters. It is used as table water daily. For people suffering from hypertension or those on a low-salt diet, Mirgorodskaya should be used with caution and in a small dosage. Mirgorodskaya is also suitable for pancreatitis, metabolic disorders, liver diseases, and biliary tract diseases.


    This healing liquid contains fluorine and silicic acid. Luzhanskaya is an effective remedy for obesity. It helps people quit smoking, eliminates hangovers and simply lifts their spirits. Mineral water is useful for gastritis with high acidity and diseases of the digestive system. Cannot be used for hypothyroidism and gastritis with low acidity.


    Hydrocarbonate water contains very few salts. But it saturates the body with many active elements: chlorine, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron. It is useful to take for gastritis, kidney diseases, and gall bladder. But it is contraindicated for hypertension, kidney inflammation and diabetes.

    How to drink correctly

    If you have been prescribed mineral water as therapy, then you must know the regimen for taking it in order to achieve a positive effect. In the first days you need to drink 100 ml. mineral water, gradually increasing the dosage to 250 ml. Remember that drinking highly mineralized water is dangerous, since due to the high mineral content, inflammation of the tissues of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines may occur.

    Water therapy is carried out for a month, then you need to take a break. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to carry out treatment 3 times a year. During use, you need to closely monitor your internal state. If you experience nausea, vomiting, pain or cramps, stop treatment immediately and consult a doctor.

    Treatment of children and pregnant women

    Can pregnant women and children drink mineral water? Doctors do not set any special restrictions for this category of patients, but still, water must be chosen with extreme caution. For children, you should buy still water that matches their acidity level. You need to calculate the daily dosage based on your body weight. For every kilogram there are 3 ml. some water.

    Pregnant girls can also drink mineral water. However, before choosing the right brand, consult your doctor to avoid side effects. Often pregnant women are diagnosed with problems with the liver, gall bladder and urinary tract, so when buying water, it would be good to pay attention to these complications.


    Water therapy is strictly not recommended for those who have:

    • swelling;
    • high blood pressure;
    • urolithiasis disease.

    Remember that mineral water promotes the active removal of stones, so before use, consult your doctor to determine the dosage and duration of use.

    Mineral water is indicated for use in chronic gastritis with varying levels of acidity, gastroduodenitis. Remember that prescribing your own therapy and treatment period is dangerous, as you can provoke pain, nausea and even the movement of stones. Be sure to consult a specialist before taking it.

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