Increased low stomach acidity

Drug treatment

The prescription of medications for gastritis with low acidity depends on the form of the disease. There are two main types. With atrophic, the structure of the glands is disrupted, with hypoacid, the secretory function is blocked. Main directions of drug treatment:

  • normalization of secretion;
  • replacement therapy;
  • treatment of symptoms of the disease;
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevention of exacerbations.

The first task is to restore the functioning of the glands and secretory function. Liontar ”, containing succinic and citric acids, helps to cope with this They restore the mucous membrane affected by the disease.

The therapeutic regimen includes agents that help increase acidity. For this purpose, “ Plantaglucid ” is prescribed in granules from plantain extract or directly the fresh juice of this plant.

Precautionary measures

Any pathology associated with impaired digestive function requires a mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist, followed by examination, diagnosis and treatment.

Reduced secretory function of the stomach in untreated or advanced cases can lead to serious complications during the course of the disease. Therefore, only comprehensive treatment and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations will give a positive result in treatment.

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Antibacterial therapy

The activity of the secretory function decreases if the number of gastric cells decreases and the glandular layer of the mucosa becomes deformed. When acidity is low, pepsin stops working and proteins that enter the body stop being processed.

The bactericidal effect of hydrochloric acid is reduced and the gastrointestinal tract is filled with pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, antibacterial therapy is necessary. Medications may be prescribed for gastritis with low acidity:

  • «Clarithromycin»;
  • «Amoxicillin»;
  • «Omez»;
  • «Pariet».

Antibiotics are taken for at least 10 days. One of the standard treatment regimens, Amoxicillin and Azithromycin, is taken 4 times a day. Prescribed in a course of two weeks.

Since antibiotics also destroy beneficial microflora, this causes dysbacteriosis. To prevent it, the drugs listed above are supplemented with probiotics (“ Acipol ”, “ Linex ”, “ Polibacterin ”, “ Bifidobak ”). They restore microflora.

The hypoacid form of gastritis is treated with sucralfates, which fight inflammation. Venter, Antepein, Alsukral or their analogues may be prescribed. These drugs help restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

When stomach acidity increases

Gastric acidity is presented in the form of basal and stimulated secretion, that is, the quantitative content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach on an empty stomach and after a test breakfast is determined. Acidity will be low if:

  • basal acidity is noted at pH levels from 2.1 to 6.0;
  • and stimulated - from 2.1 to 3.0.

If the decline in the secretory function of the stomach is noted even more, that is, basal more than 6.0, and stimulated more than 5.0, such gastritis is defined as anacid. Low stomach acidity requires treatment of the inflammatory process, restoration of parietal cells and their functions.

Secretion stimulants

Treatment of gastritis requires different types of remedies.

Restoring secretion“Caffeine”, “Papaverine”, “Eufillin”.
Preparations that contain potassium and calcium"Panangin", potassium chloride, calcium gluconate.
Medicines that affect metabolic processes in tissues· "Thiamin";
· "Pyridoxine";

· "Cytochorm S";

· "Riboxin".

Preparations containing nicotinic acid - “Complamin”, “Nikoshpan”, “Nicotinamide”.

To restore the functioning of the pancreas and gallbladder, choleretic and multienzyme agents are required.

Replacement therapy

How to treat gastritis with low acidity medicinally using replacement therapy? It includes preparations containing pepsin and hydrochloric acid. Natural gastric juice may be prescribed. Among the drugs shown are “ Abomin” , “ Acidin-pepsin ”. Vitamin B12 injections are given.

During illness, the synthesis of certain enzymes in the body decreases and their delivery to the intestines deteriorates. Since the amount of necessary substances becomes less, this greatly disrupts digestion. To restore missing enzymes, the following are prescribed:

  1. Pancreatic enzymes containing lipase, trypsin, amylase (“ Creon ”, “ Mezim-forte ”).
  2. Products containing several necessary components at once. For example, bile, plant enzymes, pancreatin, vitamins, hemicellulose. Mostly " Festal " and " Panzinorm forte" are prescribed.
  3. Plant enzymes with papain, lipase, fungal amylase (“ Pepphys ” and others).
  4. Gastric extracts containing pepsin.

Combination preparations combine choleretic components, acids and pancreatin. Such drugs are prescribed for hypoacid gastritis, if the functioning of the pancreas, gall bladder and its ducts is disrupted.

In atrophic cases, mucosal extracts are indicated. Most products contain simethicone and dimethicone. In the presence of damage (for example, erosions), gastroprotectors are used in therapy. Among enveloping and astringent drugs, aluminum or bismuth preparations are prescribed.

Medicines to increase stomach acidity

To increase the acidity of gastric juice, complex use of medications is necessary.

  • Cytochrome, Limontar, Pentagastrin - stimulate the secretory function of the gastric mucosa, helping to increase it;
  • Pepsin, Panzinorm - drugs that replace hydrochloric acid;
  • Festal, Creon - enzyme agents aimed at improving food digestion processes;
  • Cerucal, Motilium - drugs that improve the motor function of the stomach and intestines;
  • No-shpa, Spasmol - drugs that relieve spasms of smooth muscles;
  • restorative treatment and vitamin therapy.

Often, against the background of insufficient production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach, Helicobacter pylori is activated. In this case, antibiotic therapy is introduced into the treatment - 2 or 3 drugs at the same time, mainly a complex of amoxycycline and tinidazole

Ancillary drugs

For the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, medication treatment can be supplemented with a number of auxiliary drugs that help eliminate pain, nausea, and vomiting. The products restore stool and relieve the patient from heartburn. Main drugs:

  • fixing antacids (“ Polifepan ”, “ Almagel ”);
  • prokinetics (“ Motorix ”, “ Domperidone ”);
  • antiemetics (“ Motilium ”, “ Tskrukal ”);
  • sedatives (tablets " Amitriptyline ", " Sanason ");
  • antihistamines to eliminate allergies “ Tavegil ”, “ Fenkarop ”, “ Suprastin ”, “ Diazolin ”).

If necessary, PPIs, hormonal agents, and anticholinergics are prescribed. Hepatoprotectors are used to protect the liver.

Non-drug treatment of gastritis

Non-drug methods of therapy primarily include diet. Without it, treatment is not carried out, otherwise it will be useless. The basic rules are not to eat on the run, do without snacks, chew food thoroughly, eat in a calm environment 5 times a day in small portions.

In this case, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • smoked, fried, spicy and salty dishes;
  • grape juice;
  • stringy tough meat;
  • mushrooms.

The following are allowed to create a menu:

  • light meat broths;
  • fruit juices;
  • ear;
  • lean fish fillet;
  • boiled chicken, beef;
  • grated vegetable salads;
  • dairy products.

Food should be steamed, boiled or stewed. 30 minutes before meals you need to drink a glass of warm sparkling mineral water.

Authorized Products

A diet for gastritis of the stomach with high acidity involves following the rules provided by treatment table No. 1. The patient’s diet should include the following foods and drinks:

  1. Low lipid dairy products.
  2. Pasta.
  3. Lean meat, fish and poultry, boiled or steamed.
  4. Baked fruits.
  5. Kissel, jelly made from fruits and berries.
  6. Vegetable oils.
  7. Boiled eggs in small quantities.
  8. Compotes from dried fruits.
  9. Tea.
  10. A decoction of medicinal herbs.

Speaking about how to get rid of high stomach acidity, it should be noted that patients suffering from this disease need to strictly adhere to a diet and give up bad habits.


Physiotherapy is aimed at relieving negative symptoms, stimulating normal secretion, restoring gastrointestinal functions, eliminating disorders and strengthening the immune system. The following procedures may be prescribed:

  1. Mineral waters “Essentuki No. 4”, “Narzan”, “Karachinskaya”, etc. They drink according to a certain pattern. The first doses are 75-100 ml once a day. Gradually the dosage is increased to 250 ml. The water temperature should be from 20 to 25 degrees. You need to drink it in small sips, slowly, a quarter of an hour before meals. The course of treatment is one and a half months. Treatment can be repeated after six months.
  2. Magnetotherapy , which creates eddy currents in the mucosa. They provoke a large release of heat, dilate blood vessels and improve metabolic processes in tissues, blood circulation and respiration. One session lasts 15-20 minutes. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 15 procedures.
  3. Vegetocorrective treatment is a set of natural techniques. Aerotherapy is used for gastritis. This enriches the body with oxygen. The use of electrosleep improves performance and reduces fatigue. During sessions, low-frequency currents are used.
  4. Transcranial electrical stimulation relieves emotional stress, reduces pain, normalizes sleep and banishes feelings of fear.
  5. Anti-inflammatory methods help soothe irritated mucous membranes. Cryo- and UHF therapy can be used.
  6. Reparative and regenerative techniques are aimed at healing damage to the gastric mucosa. Ultrasound and peloid therapy can be used.
  7. Antispasmodic techniques (electrophoresis) are aimed at eliminating and reducing pain. Sessions last 20 minutes, the course of treatment is from 10 to 15 procedures.
  8. Paraffin therapy is warm applications on the body. They help dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and tissue metabolism. Reduce pain, relieve spasms, accelerate the resorption of internal scars.
  9. Sedative techniques are aimed at normalizing the general condition of the central nervous system. Salt and herbal baths are done.
  10. Immunomodulatory techniques increase the body's resistance to diseases. These include magnetotherapy of the thymus, LOC (laser irradiation), SMV (exposure to heat).

Additionally, therapeutic exercises may be prescribed. There are many exercises, but only a doctor can choose the right ones. Afterwards, the exercise therapy complex can be performed at home. Exercises are done daily, selected so that the body does not experience excessive stress.

Auxiliary methods of traditional medicine

Among traditional medicine methods, there are many ways to cure gastritis. You can drink sea buckthorn juice in the morning. A mixture of honey and butter works well. The products are taken in a 1:1 ratio and mixed. The finished mass should be consumed 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., half an hour before the meal.

According to reviews, burdock root is good for gastritis. A tincture is made from it. For herbal collection you will need yarrow, wormwood, centaury. Green apples are great for raising acidity. You need to eat them pureed for a month. Propolis is used both for tinctures and warm applications.

For proper treatment of chronic gastritis with low acidity, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease. It is impossible to do this on your own, so at the first signs of gastritis you need to consult a doctor.

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