Borjomi for high stomach acidity

Treatment of gastritis at the Borjomi resort

The main profile of resort and health treatment in Borjomi is dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Not least on the list of diseases in this group is gastritis, an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Often people ignore the “signals” that a “sick” organ sends to them. After taking a couple of tablets, they are sure that the problem is solved. But this is far from true. One fine day, such an indifferent attitude towards one’s health can lead to very sad consequences for the body as a whole. Therefore, you should not take this disease so lightly. With gastritis, the function of producing digestive juices is disrupted, and this can lead to the fact that after consuming food, not only the stomach, but also the entire structure of the body loses the ability to properly digest food.

Causes of gastritis

Among the main causes of the development of the disease, doctors name the destructive effect of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which usually enters the body through saliva when kissing, using shared utensils, and toothbrushes. As a result of the activity of the microorganism, the gastric mucosa is destroyed, it becomes susceptible to the effects of acid. The inflammatory process begins, and wounds in the form of ulcers appear on the surface of the organ.

Wrong diet. Given the modern pace of life, associated with a lack of time, people forget to eat right. Fast food (fast food), poor chewing of food, and its temperature injure the mucous membrane of the digestive organ, increasing the acidity of gastric juice. This is evidenced by the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, belching, colic, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms.

Poisoning. Spoiled foods and medications cause severe irritation of the stomach walls, contributing to the development of acute gastritis.

Stress and bad habits. Frequent stressful situations disrupt the proper functioning of many body systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce the blood supply to the protective mucous membrane of the stomach. Nicotine and alcohol have the same effect on the digestive system.

Malfunctions of the immune system, allergic reactions, injuries, parasitic damage to organs, and radiation exposure also contribute to the appearance of inflammatory processes on the walls of the organ, swelling on it, ulcers and fibrosis.

Symptoms of gastritis

It is very important to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time. The sooner you detect a disease, the sooner you can successfully treat it. So, some of the main features include the following:

  • abdominal pain, characterized by varying degrees of progression;
  • nausea, usually occurring immediately after eating;
  • frequent vomiting (if it is acute gastritis, then vomiting with blood is possible, since internal bleeding may open in the stomach);
  • heartburn;
  • belching with a sour smell;
  • increased salivation;
  • unpleasant taste and dry mouth;
  • bowel dysfunction in the form of constipation or diarrhea;
  • general weakness, dizziness, headache, sweating, fever, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate - tachycardia;
  • decreased appetite;
  • flatulence;

The effect of Borjomi water on the treatment of gastritis

It is very important to choose the right treatment. After all, the effectiveness of getting rid of this disease depends on this factor. The basis of health procedures is the method of treatment with mineral water, which belongs to the group of carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-sodium alkaline waters. This includes Borjomi water, which is ideal for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity. It improves gastric secretion, stimulates mucus secretion, reduces acid levels, and normalizes intestinal functions. This is due to the content of useful minerals and trace elements in it. With the help of healing liquid, foci of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ are reduced. Natural springs of Borjomi have a positive effect on the tone and motor-evacuation activity of the stomach. Entering the duodenum, water acts on receptors in its mucosa and reflexively inhibits gastric secretion, reducing the release of hydrochloric acid, which determines the acidity of gastric juice. This point is a decisive step in the treatment of gastritis, since the mucous membrane with an increased level of acidity of gastric juice is destroyed by hydrochloric acid. Since mineral water contains bicarbonate ions, they improve carbohydrate and protein metabolism. They improve the absorption of micro- and macroelements and remove toxins. As a result, the patient’s acidity level returns to normal, the feeling of nausea and heartburn disappears. The effect of mineral water improves metabolic processes.

For what diseases is Borjomi useful?

Thanks to its unique chemical composition, Borjomi water has a healing effect on the human body. It has a high level of mineralization, which is up to 7.5 g/l. Water contains a huge amount of mineral components; their list contains about 80 different items, including compounds of the following elements:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • volcanic ash.

Indications for use of Borjomi mineral water are:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract system;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • poisoning by toxins;
  • slagging of the body;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • obesity or overweight;
  • skin withering.

Mineral waters contain many beneficial substances. Among them:

  1. Calcium. Improves the condition of bones and teeth, protects blood vessels from penetration of pathogenic microflora, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Magnesium. Stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system and is responsible for the strength of connective tissue.
  3. Fluorine. Promotes rapid healing of bone tissue.
  4. Iron. Stimulates the production of hemoglobin, protects the stomach from penetration of pathogenic microflora, strengthens the immune system.
  5. Bor. Positively affects the condition of bone tissue and cell membranes. Improves the functioning of the immune system.
  6. Vanadium. The lack of this substance negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Vanadium lowers cholesterol levels and is responsible for carbohydrate-fat metabolism.
  7. Cobalt. Participates in the metabolic processes of the body, breaks down complex substances that enter the body along with food. Improves the functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

Gastritis affects other organs and systems. The human body that takes water with a mineral composition receives many useful substances necessary for improving health.

The properties of medicinal mineral water are determined by the ionic composition and are divided into 3 main classes:

  • Sulfate – Lipetskaya, Noyabrskaya, Semigorskaya. These waters perfectly stimulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines and are indicated for liver diseases, diabetes mellitus and various hepatitis.
  • Hydrocarbonate (alkaline) - Luzhanskaya, Borjomi, Essentuki No. 17. Prescribed for gastritis with reduced and increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. Their therapeutic effect depends on the method of application.
  • Chloride - Druskininkai, Kemeri, Valmiera. These waters stimulate metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in case of disorders and malfunctions.

Calcium, sodium and magnesium cations, as well as trace elements - bromine, silicon, iodine, can be added to any of the listed waters. Carbonation is carried out using nitrogen, carbon dioxide or sulfides. It goes without saying that classic hydrocarbonate water, when additional cations, gases and microelements are added to it, changes significantly and acquires new properties.

It is clear that it is difficult to independently determine what kind of medicinal water you can drink. But doctors - gastroenterologists, nutritionists, balneologists - successfully cope with this. Let's consider the basic recommendations of professionals for the treatment of gastritis of various forms.

Mineral water contains beneficial salts, vitamins and microelements that have a healing effect. As a rule, mineral water for gastritis has different effects on the inner walls of the stomach, so each stage of gastritis has its own treatment regimen.

Depending on the composition and quantity of certain chemical elements, mineral water is:

  • Alkaline, where hydrocarbonates predominate. This drink has the ability to reduce acidity, thereby reducing burning and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Especially useful for heartburn.
  • Sulfate, where the content of sulfates is high. Recommended for the treatment of diabetes, chronic hepatitis, obesity, as well as for normalizing the functions of the gallbladder.
  • Chloride, where the concentration of chlorine anions is increased. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Increases the concentration of acid in digestive juice.

In addition, the presence of different cations in mineral water divides them into calcium, ferrous, magnesium and sodium. Based on the amount of mineralization, water is divided into table water (up to 2 g/l), medicinal table water (from 2 to 8 g/l), and medicinal water (from 8 to 12 g/l).

Like other supplements, mineral water is prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. You can drink it for prevention. But this type is not suitable for all people. In some pathological processes this can be harmful. Contraindications for taking Borjomi are not too strict, but they still need to be taken into account.

The composition of Borjomi is unique, the number of ions varies between 5.0 and 7.5 g/ml. This is a natural volcanic spring that stretches for 8 kilometers. During this path, water absorbs a sufficient proportion of microelements. Contains:

  • potassium ions;
  • sodium compounds;
  • fluoride anions;
  • calcium salts;
  • aluminum salts;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • metal sulfates.

How does gastritis treatment begin at the Borjomi resort?

The first step to recovery is a consultation with a general practitioner and gastroenterologist, a medical examination of the patient, and, if necessary, laboratory tests. Based on the data obtained about the patient’s condition, the type of disease, the severity of its course, the doctor draws up a treatment course plan, which includes in his program an individually developed diet and nutrition regimen, balneotherapy procedures - the therapeutic use of mineral waters. This includes both external use of natural and artificially prepared mineral waters (baths, various types of showers) and internal use (drinking, inhalation, gastric lavage). In parallel with the main health measures, physiotherapeutic methods are also prescribed: magnetotherapy, ozokerite therapy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy and others. Taken together, these procedures effectively affect blood circulation in the tissues of the stomach, improve gastrointestinal motility, reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, and stimulate the regeneration of damaged areas.



Narzan is a mineral drink known for its healing properties since the late 19th century. In Russia, Narzan became widely known in the last century, in the 80s. It is extracted from springs located in the resort town of Kislovodsk.

Narzan is prescribed for gastritis with normal, high and low acidity.

The drink helps normalize metabolism, replenish the lack of salts and minerals, increase immunity and tone the body.

For gastritis with low acidity, it is recommended to take Narzan at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. If the production of hydrochloric acid is increased, drink mineral water heated to 30 degrees. The maximum single dose is 300 ml. Take up to 3 times a day 20 (for high acidity) or an hour (for low or normal acidity) minutes before meals.

The cost of Narzan is 67 rubles.


Mineral water contains beneficial salts, vitamins and microelements that have a healing effect. As a rule, mineral water for gastritis has different effects on the inner walls of the stomach, so each stage of gastritis has its own treatment regimen.

Depending on the composition and quantity of certain chemical elements, mineral water is:

  • Alkaline, where hydrocarbonates predominate. This drink has the ability to reduce acidity, thereby reducing burning and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Especially useful for heartburn.
  • Sulfate, where the content of sulfates is high. Recommended for the treatment of diabetes, chronic hepatitis, obesity, as well as for normalizing the functions of the gallbladder.
  • Chloride, where the concentration of chlorine anions is increased. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Increases the concentration of acid in digestive juice.

In addition, the presence of different cations in mineral water divides them into calcium, ferrous, magnesium and sodium. Based on the amount of mineralization, water is divided into table water (up to 2 g/l), medicinal table water (from 2 to 8 g/l), and medicinal water (from 8 to 12 g/l).

You should not take mineral water uncontrollably and in large quantities. Incorrect selection of a medicinal drink that does not correspond to the diagnosis will only harm and worsen gastritis.

Those who have problems with the bile ducts and urinary system should take mineral water with caution. Long-term consumption of water can provoke stone passage and also cause colic.

It is not advisable to drink carbonated mineral water if you have gastritis, as gas bubbles irritate the walls of the stomach. In addition, a drink with gas during gastritis can cause gastroesophageal reflux, when gastric juice enters the esophagus when gas escapes. This means that a burn to the mucous membrane may occur.

Therapy should be stopped if the following symptoms occur:

  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite.

Gastritis is an insidious disease that causes a lot of inconvenience and has many limitations. Its treatment requires an integrated approach, including the consumption of healing mineral water. It is important to accurately select the composition of the water that matches the diagnosis and follow all prescribed recommendations.

Healing mineral waters contain a huge amount of microelements that are beneficial for the body. Due to its unique composition, mineral water has a complex and beneficial effect on various organs and systems, including the stomach. Many doctors recommend drinking Borjomi for gastritis with high acidity.

For diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by gastritis with a high level of acidity, Borjomi mineral water is best drunk an hour and a half before meals, warm and without gases.


The most common side effect is flatulence.
Mineral water contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, which causes this intestinal disorder. But this phenomenon is temporary. A more unpleasant side effect is severe pain that occurs with prolonged use of mineral water. This is due to the fact that the liquid with a mineral composition helps remove stones from the bile and urinary tract. This fact should be taken into account by those who suffer from urinary and gallstone diseases. Drinking mineral water is contraindicated for the following pathologies:

  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to substances contained in water;
  • gastrointestinal cancer;
  • late toxicosis, threat of miscarriage.

Those who have diseases of the thyroid gland and heart muscle should take mineral water with great caution and under the supervision of a doctor. The same applies to those who have a tendency to bleed. Pregnant women should drink water under the supervision of a doctor.

Children under 3 years of age and people who are intoxicated or experiencing a hangover are prohibited from drinking water.

You should not take mineral water uncontrollably and in large quantities. Incorrect selection of a medicinal drink that does not correspond to the diagnosis will only harm and worsen gastritis.

Those who have problems with the bile ducts and urinary system should take mineral water with caution. Long-term consumption of water can provoke stone passage and also cause colic.

It is not advisable to drink carbonated mineral water if you have gastritis, as gas bubbles irritate the walls of the stomach. In addition, a drink with gas during gastritis can cause gastroesophageal reflux, when gastric juice enters the esophagus when gas escapes. This means that a burn to the mucous membrane may occur.

Therapy should be stopped if the following symptoms occur:

  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite.

Gastritis is an insidious disease that causes a lot of inconvenience and has many limitations. Its treatment requires an integrated approach, including the consumption of healing mineral water. It is important to accurately select the composition of the water that matches the diagnosis and follow all prescribed recommendations.

There are diseases for which it is better not to carry out drinking treatment with mineral waters.

  1. In case of circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, acute pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), intestinal diseases, severe diarrhea with nausea, and bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to drink mineral water.
  2. It is not advisable to drink mineral water with alcohol or take it in the morning during the hangover stage. In the latter case, reactions occur that lead to irreversible consequences for the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Independent uncontrolled use of medicinal water leads to stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  4. It is not recommended to give mineral water to children under three years of age.
  5. During pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist about the volume, temperature and time of administration, the method and nature of the mineral water. For a woman, late toxicosis, threat of miscarriage, vomiting, bleeding, if the placenta is located in the lower part of the uterus, and the presence of scars on the uterus are contraindications.
  6. Even for a healthy person, drinking carbonated mineral water can have disastrous consequences. When ingested, gases affect biologically active substances, slowing down or speeding up metabolism. Carbonic acid resulting from the reactions provokes self-digestion of the stomach. Carbon dioxide stretches the edges, causing belching. Gas carries stomach acid into the esophagus, causing cancer. Refrigerated soda contains twice as much carbonic acid, which causes holes in the stomach, sometimes leading to rupture of the esophagus.
  7. If you drink soda in large quantities, carbon dioxide destroys tooth enamel.
  1. In case of circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, acute pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), intestinal diseases, severe diarrhea with nausea, and bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to drink mineral water.
  2. It is not advisable to drink mineral water with alcohol or take it in the morning during the hangover stage. In the latter case, reactions occur that lead to irreversible consequences for the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Independent uncontrolled use of medicinal water leads to stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  4. It is not recommended to give mineral water to children under three years of age.
  5. During pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist about the volume, temperature and time of administration, the method and nature of the mineral water. For a woman, late toxicosis, threat of miscarriage, vomiting, bleeding, if the placenta is located in the lower part of the uterus, and the presence of scars on the uterus are contraindications.

Even for a healthy person, drinking carbonated mineral water can have disastrous consequences. When ingested, gases affect biologically active substances, slowing down or speeding up metabolism. Carbonic acid resulting from the reactions provokes self-digestion of the stomach. Carbon dioxide stretches the edges, causing belching.

The well-known borjomi mineral water is available to any average person; it can be freely purchased in a store or pharmacy; medicinal mineral water is sold without a prescription. During treatment, the permissible amount of Borjomi that can be consumed during the day is 500 ml. It is not recommended to use mineral water as a remedy for thirst, since excess minerals can harm the body. Listed below are the consequences of improper use of healing water and contraindications to Borjomi treatment.

In the case of stomach ulcers, gastritis (especially in the acute stage), self-medication can end in failure; the use of Borjomi should be agreed with the attending physician, who will determine the required dosage and frequency of administration.

Borjomi should also be consumed with caution during pregnancy - the amount of water you drink should not exceed one glass per day. Pregnant women are allowed to drink mine water to combat toxicosis, but they should not get carried away with it. Before taking, be sure to release the gas, otherwise there is a serious risk of fetal loss.

Borjom is given to young children for medicinal purposes to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and relieve colic, but its use must be approved by a pediatrician, who also determines the amount of water that will not harm the baby.

When is the best time to drink the drink? Borjomi water does not belong to the group of medicines. It is a medicinal food, which indicates the possibility of use for preventive purposes, but it cannot be used on an ongoing basis. During a relapse of chronic pathological processes, it is better to exclude this type of treatment.

It is necessary to drink water correctly, following the advice of your doctor. This can be done when the severity of symptoms is reduced. This product is widely used in the practice of various fields of medicine. It is most often prescribed as part of the complex treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies. Chronic gastritis, ulcers and other disorders are not all the processes for which Borjomi mineral water is prescribed to an adult. This water can be purchased at every pharmacy.

In nephrological practice, Borjomi is prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder, kidney stones, and reversible processes in the urinary tract. This remedy helps well as part of complex therapy for excess weight, type 2 diabetes, poor bile duct obstruction and liver pathologies.

Main indications for use:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • increased intestinal irritability;
  • problems with bile excretion;
  • liver diseases;
  • excess body weight;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

Side effects and contraindications

Thanks to its unique composition, Borjomi ideally copes with the normalization of the acid-base balance of the stomach, helping to cope with the digestion of food. Regular consumption of water increases the amount of glycogen, an animal protein that simultaneously regulates liver activity and blood sugar levels. Other indications for the use of Borjomi are uric acid kidney stones. It is capable of completely dissolving stones with a diameter of no more than 0.7 centimeters.

For a person suffering from a hangover, Borjomi mineral water becomes especially relevant. Indications for use in this case are justified by the ability of water to retain moisture in the body and save it from dehydration.

Borjomi can be used not only as a component of treatment, but also for prevention. For example, during hot weather it can not only quench thirst, but also restore the salt balance, which is disturbed in the body due to loss of moisture.

Borjomi has a high salt content. There are eight grams of these minerals per 100 ml of water. This dose exceeds the norm required for the body. Excess minerals will have the same negative impact on the body as their deficiency. Human organs and glands will be overloaded with produced substances, and their work will deteriorate. This will affect the functioning of the entire body.

Drinking mineral water is contraindicated for the following pathologies:

  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to substances contained in water;
  • gastrointestinal cancer;
  • late toxicosis, threat of miscarriage.

Those who have diseases of the thyroid gland and heart muscle should take mineral water with great caution and under the supervision of a doctor. The same applies to those who have a tendency to bleed. Pregnant women should drink water under the supervision of a doctor.

Children under 3 years of age and people who are intoxicated or experiencing a hangover are prohibited from drinking water.

Which mineral water is good for patients with gastritis?

Mineral water is prescribed for many pathologies of the digestive system. The mineral water helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also has a good choleretic effect. Additional benefits include:

  • improves liver function;
  • restores the gastric mucosa;
  • restores the muscle layer of the digestive organ.

Mineral water helps well, especially for those patients with gastritis who have increased or decreased gastric secretion, as well as if the disease occurs in a hyperacid form.

  1. Healing properties
  2. Types of mineral waters
  3. Acidic
  4. Alkaline
  5. Sulfate
  6. Chloride
  7. Ferrous
  8. How and what kind of water to drink for gastritis
  9. Water with high acidity
  10. Low acidity water
  11. With normal acidity
  12. Recommendations for choosing mineral water
  13. Contraindications

Healing properties

Mineral water for gastritis helps to reduce not only the aggressive effect on gastric secretion, but also has a positive effect on the duodenum. In order to get rid of heartburn, as well as excessive stomach secretion, you need to take mineral water, which is rich in bicarbonates and useful metals.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this composition helps bind hydrochloric acid and also weakens its production in a short period of time.

Some mineral waters contain bicarbonate, which helps reduce hydrogen ions in the human body. Additional benefits of such waters include:

  • participates in the production of gastric juice;
  • helps the patient get rid of heartburn;
  • increases appetite;
  • helps eliminate the inflammatory process not only in the gastric mucosa, but also in the esophagus;
  • promotes regular bowel movements.

Treatment with mineral waters can be carried out for gastritis in combination with drug therapy.

Types of mineral waters

Types of mineral water are divided according to their composition.


If a patient has hypoacid gastritis, then it is necessary to take water that contains at least 7 pH. With the help of this water you can avoid bloating and also get rid of belching.

You can also take acidic mineral waters for chronic gastritis. They help reduce the risk of digestive poisoning.


Such mineral waters can be used for inflammatory processes that occur in the glands of the stomach and on the mucous membrane itself, for example, in the atrophic form of gastritis. With the help of such a mineral water, you can quickly increase acidity, as well as restore secretory activity directly on the gastric mucosa. In addition, alkaline mineral water helps stimulate the walls, thereby relieving the patient of many unpleasant symptoms.


Often, for gastritis, doctors prescribe water that contains a lot of sulfates. This composition of water helps to normalize the functioning of the gallbladder and ducts themselves.


In order to quickly improve intestinal motility, it is useful for the patient to take chloride water.


These are waters that contain many iron elements. They help restore blood composition if the patient has anemia. If you take water with iron elements correctly, you can quickly get rid of this problem.

Respiratory therapy

It is better to consult your doctor about all indications and restrictions. Borjomi is usually recommended in the recovery period after surgery, various pathological disorders in the small and large intestines of an adult. I start therapy with a small volume of liquid. Borjomi is heated before use.

It is recommended to consume it about an hour before meals and immediately after waking up in the morning. To prevent the laxative effect, Borjomi is taken in small sips. With systematic use, inflammation in the stomach decreases and intestinal motility is restored. Borjomi has a beneficial effect on the outflow of bile and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. But you can’t drink it in the acute stage, it’s harmful.

For pathologies of this organ system, mineral water is often prescribed, but it is important to make sure that there are no restrictions from the heart, stomach and endocrine system. Then preference is given to products with a low salt concentration.

Mineral water has the following effects:

  • restores the formation of primary urine;
  • Helps get rid of swelling and excess fluid;
  • creates a favorable environment for getting rid of pathogenic microflora.

With prolonged use, the removal of sand begins and favorable conditions are created for neutralizing stones. In this case, Borjomi should be consumed 2.5 glasses up to 8 times a day in between meals. If this is too much for someone, then you can reduce the volume. Mineral water is drunk warm before and after meals.

Sometimes this mineral water is drunk to treat the respiratory system. It is actively used for chronic bronchial diseases, laryngitis and other pathologies. You need to drink 1 glass of warm water. The minimum amount to consume per day is 3 times, but you can increase the frequency if desired. When treated with this water, inflammation processes in tissues are neutralized, which has a beneficial effect on sputum separation and cough reduction. Useful elements contribute to the overall strengthening of the body, which speeds up recovery.

As already mentioned, Borjomi has a therapeutic effect, helping to get rid of colds, coughs and bronchitis.

Most experts, when asked how to properly drink Borjomi during a cold and cough, recommend mixing water with milk in a 1:1 ratio. Carbon dioxide must first be removed from the water.

"Borjomi" is well suited for inhalation. An ultrasonic nebulizer is well suited for this. You need to fill the syringe with approximately 5 ml of still water. You need to breathe it for 7 minutes.

If there is no special inhaler, use ordinary deep dishes. Borjomi water needs to be heated to 50 degrees and breathed over it for five minutes.

Inhalations are recommended not only for treatment, but also for prevention. During the virus epidemic, they will help you stay healthy.

What mineral water to drink for treatment

A common problem among the world's population is the issue of getting rid of heartburn, which appears due to the fact that the lower esophageal sphincter does not work correctly and does not close completely. A certain amount of food, saturated with the acidic contents of the stomach, goes back into the esophagus, causing irritation of its walls and causing the development of heartburn.

Taking Borjomi has a positive effect on the digestion process; the healing liquid acts as follows:

  • mineral water contains metals that react with hydrochloric acid and, as a result, form salts with a neutral reaction;
  • taking Borjomi in advance (90 minutes before meals) helps reduce acid content;
  • the medicinal drink “washes away” the acid from the walls of the esophagus, cleansing it.

You can drink mineralized water for heartburn, but you should use a certain method:

  • You can only take warm liquid, the temperature of which should be about 40°C;
  • Borjomi should not be consumed until carbon dioxide is released - its presence can provoke the rapid development of the disease;
  • drink the healing drink in small sips three times a day, one dose should be 50 ml.

Well-known mineral water is an indispensable means for maintaining the proper functioning of the largest gland of the human body. Taking 1.5 glasses of heated liquid 1.5 hours before meals can alleviate the condition with:

  • violation of the outflow of bile;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

An increased volume of the drink is prescribed in case of extensive inflammatory processes occurring in the gallbladder or during exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

Liver cirrhosis is also an indication for taking the remedy, but in this case, a monthly course of treatment with Borjomi must be accompanied by drug therapy.

Patients and specialists speak quite optimistically about taking mineral water for these diseases. The course of treatment is characterized by good dynamics. As a naturally occurring supplement, it has a positive effect on the body. But the digestive organs are most affected.

Borjomi is prescribed for inflammation of the gallbladder and hepatitis. The liquid is consumed after heating 1 hour before meals continuously. 1.5 cups is enough. You don't need to drink a lot in the morning on an empty stomach. If there are stones in the bile duct, the volume is increased. This treatment is superior even to drug therapy.

Use of mineral water during pregnancy

Treatment with mineral water should begin with small portions. Half a glass, no more. The concentration of salts in water should not exceed grams per liter. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor and stop using this mineral water.

A person can take 50-200 milliliters of medication per day. The dose may be increased for patients with high height/weight. Mineral water for gastritis achieves a greater effect at a resort without losing temperature and mineral composition, thus maintaining its medicinal properties in full. Mineral water can also be used for baths and enemas, and even inhalations.

Mineral water for gastritis with an integrated approach to treatment will give the greatest results. To achieve your goals, it is necessary to combine water consumption with proper diet, daily routine and physical activity.

Mineral water is drunk without mixing with other medications and without consuming different types. Exceptions are described for patients suffering from constipation or other chronic diseases.

The use of this sodium bicarbonate water is recommended in cases of chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers. But during exacerbations, drinking this water is prohibited.

"Borjomi" has a beneficial effect on inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and in the case of gastrointestinal complications. Borjomi water will also help improve the condition of pancreatitis. Indications for use appear in cases of obesity and diabetes of any type. It is able to optimize the body's metabolic processes, as well as have a beneficial effect on the excretory system.

It is advisable to use Borjomi in cases of renal failure (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and urolithiasis), as well as for people who have problems with bile secretion (cholecystitis, liver pathologies).

"Borjomi" very quickly copes with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and colds. It can also significantly speed up the rehabilitation process after various operations.

Indications for the use of Borjomi are due to its balanced composition, which allows it to partially replace table water. However, it is not recommended to completely exclude table water from your diet.

The answer to most people’s question about how to drink Borjomi correctly lies in regularity and compliance with the norm. Despite all its beneficial qualities, in unlimited quantities it can cause harm to the body. It would be correct to drink this water half an hour before meals in the amount of 150 grams.

This dosage is explained by the fact that the body needs time and energy to process the salts that are part of the water.

“Borjomi” will help alleviate the condition during toxicosis, and will also save you from heartburn, because in this situation you will have to give up pills.

Pregnant women can use Borjomi only after all the gas has been released from it.

The body will get rid of toxins faster if you drink Borjomi in the morning. Mineral water promotes weight loss, but this does not mean that the entire diet should consist only of it. Healing water must be combined with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. You can also arrange a fasting day at Borjomi, but it is important to remember that such a day can only be one per week.

The healing power of Borjomi: how to drink mineral water to benefit from it?

Mineral water “Borjomi” is one of the symbols of Georgia.
During the Soviet years in Georgia, this mineral water was sold only in pharmacies; today it can be bought in almost any supermarket. How to drink Borjomi correctly in order to really improve your health and not cause harm to yourself? The healing properties of Borjomi became known throughout the Russian Empire in the 19th century; today this mineral water is one of the most popular and recognizable on the market. The water is produced in the Borjomi Valley in Georgia, in the beautiful Borjomi-Kharaguli National Park. For production, 9 wells with a depth of 200 to 1500 meters are equipped. The mineral composition of Borjomi has remained unchanged since 1830, only the design of the famous bottle changes.

Indications for treatment

“Borjomi” is a natural mineral sodium bicarbonate water, natural mineralization is 5.0-7.5 g/l. It contains potassium, magnesium, strontium, aluminum, titanium, boron, fluorine, calcium, etc. Mineral water helps in the treatment of a very wide range of various diseases, including:

· diseases of the cardiovascular system;

· diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach;

· disturbance of water-salt balance in the body;

· diseases of the liver and biliary tract;

· pancreatitis, etc.

The presence of a positive effect from Borjomi treatment in such a wide range of diseases has not been scientifically proven, since appropriate placebo-controlled studies have not been conducted.

Despite the fact that today “Borjomi” is sold not only in pharmacies, you still need to drink this water more like a medicine, and therefore, before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Excess minerals from drinking this water too much can lead to negative consequences. Self-medication is especially dangerous for stomach diseases - ulcers, gastritis. If the dosage and timing of treatment are incorrect, mineral water will only aggravate the disease.

“Borjomi” is an assistant in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases: 1 glass a day on an empty stomach will help get rid of heartburn, constipation, and gastritis. The course of treatment should not exceed more than 7-10 days. Taking Borjomi before meals (1.5 hours before) helps reduce acidity, which relieves heartburn, helps with liver diseases and cholecystitis.

Borjomi should be drunk warmed up; a cold, highly carbonated drink will not be beneficial.

And, again, such recommendations are only options for possible treatment. If you are experiencing serious health problems or suffer from kidney disease, you should consult a doctor before starting treatment.


Treatment of respiratory tract infections

You shouldn’t take risks by choosing mineral water yourself. It is impossible to make the right choice if you do not know in what form inflammation occurs. Medicinal water can be beneficial in one case and harmful in another. Only a doctor can determine what mineral water to drink for gastritis, but only after he receives the results of the examination completed by the patient.

For gastritis that occurs in a hyperacid form, the doctor advises taking acidic mineral water with a high content of sodium and bicarbonate. This product helps reduce the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach. Before drinking, the water should be warmed up a little, and then drunk in one gulp about an hour before meals.

With this form of the disease, it is recommended to drink:

  • Essentuki No. 4 - table-medicinal, approximate dosage - 0.25-0.3 l 3 times a day;
  • Borjomi - sodium bicarbonate, dosage - 0.1-0.25 l 3-4 times a day.

For gastritis that occurs in a hypoacid form, you should take alkaline water with a sodium chloride composition. Under its influence, the production of hydrochloric acid increases. In this case, experts advise drinking mineral water more slowly, taking small sips. Taking time: 15-20 minutes before meals. Recommended mineral water for gastritis with low acidity:

  • Essentuki No. 17 - chloride-bicarbonate, boron and sodium, approximate dosage - 0.2-0.3 l 3 times a day;
  • Kuyalnik - sodium chloride, dosage - 0.1-0.25 l 3 times a day.

Narzan, in demand for many years, can be drunk for gastritis with any level of acidity. But it should be taken into account that the temperature of the mineral water should be different: with low acidity - about 20...25°C, and with high acidity - about 30°C. It is not recommended to drink more than 300 ml at a time.

Patients and specialists speak quite optimistically about taking mineral water for these diseases. The course of treatment is characterized by good dynamics. As a naturally occurring supplement, it has a positive effect on the body. But the digestive organs are most affected.

Borjomi is prescribed for inflammation of the gallbladder and hepatitis. The liquid is consumed after heating 1 hour before meals continuously. 1.5 cups is enough. You don't need to drink a lot in the morning on an empty stomach. If there are stones in the bile duct, the volume is increased. This treatment is superior even to drug therapy.

Borjomi for gastritis

Alkaline water, with a mineralization level from 5.5 to 7.5 g per 1 liter. Drinking Borjomi for gastritis is useful for reducing acidity in the stomach. It also normalizes the production of enzymes in the digestive organs, thereby improving the patient’s condition.

The well-known Borjomi water was discovered more than 1.5 thousand years ago, but due to numerous wars that took place in Georgian territories, the sources were forgotten. The mineral water owes its modern name to the Borjomka River, which flows through Georgia. Its beneficial properties were discovered at the beginning of the 19th century by one of the colonels, who was able to cure his stomach with the help of water. The healing effect of Borjomi water is due to the juvenile waters included in its composition, which are formed as a result of complex volcanic processes.

The unique water travels from the depths of the earth along a path whose length is about 10 kilometers. At the Borjomi field there are 9 water production wells, the depth of which ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 km; the temperature of the extracted liquid varies within 15 - 41°C.

Nowadays, this water and its properties are known all over the world; the indications for the use of Borjomi are very diverse; it is used for medicinal purposes by people of all ages, from children to the elderly. However, before starting mineral water therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

Diseases of children. Treat yourself with mineral water

With zero acidity of gastric juice, the so-called. Atrophic gastritis cannot be treated with mineral water alone. To digest food, the patient is prescribed hydrochloric acid preparations that replenish the secretion deficiency. With this disease, it is important to avoid stagnation in the stomach, eat food often and in small portions, drink mineral water, indicated for gastritis with reduced secretion, and additional medications.

If gastritis is erosive, there is a high probability of its degeneration into a peptic ulcer. Eating and drinking in this form should be as gentle as possible. Therefore, mineral water is recommended only non-carbonated and heated to room temperature. The amount does not exceed 50 grams per dose.

Indications and contraindications for children largely depend on their age. Doctors do not recommend drinking Borjomi for children under three years of age. After this time, it can be prescribed for constipation, as water has a diuretic, laxative and cleansing effect.

Regular consumption increases the amount of potassium in children's bodies, which is necessary for their normal development.

Indications for the use of Borjomi in children are gastritis. It is often used as one of the elements of treatment in children's sanatoriums. Its amount in the diet is strictly controlled. Most often, water is consumed three times a day.

The amount of water children are allowed to drink depends on their body weight. The dose recommended by doctors is 4 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight. It will depend on what type of gastritis the child suffers from whether Borjomi should be drunk before or after meals.

Borjomi for exacerbation of gastritis

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is recommended to exclude or limit the consumption of mineral water as much as possible. The fact is that carbon dioxide, which is part of it, irritates the walls of the stomach.

The effect of this gas is fleeting, so nothing bad will happen during the period of remission. But during an exacerbation of the disease, drinking mineral water can provoke a worsening of the disease.

As you can see, Borjomi can be of great benefit for gastritis; the main thing is to learn how to use it correctly, and also consult a doctor.





Borjomi can be taken to prevent the development of certain diseases, but you should not drink it every day all the time. It is enough to use it in small courses. Thanks to its almost neutral composition, the water does not provoke the formation of salt deposits. It is better to drink water for medicinal purposes in small volumes. This drink quickly relieves stomach heaviness and helps neutralize heartburn.

Contraindications to drinking mineral water

Despite the healing composition of mineral waters, not all patients can take them. Below we will consider cases in which the use of mineral water is contraindicated or limited:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases and circulatory disorders;
  2. Acute kidney inflammation (pyelonephritis);
  3. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  4. Severe disturbances in bowel function;
  5. Severe nausea and vomiting;
  6. External and internal bleeding;
  7. Alcohol intoxication or hangover;
  8. Age up to 3 years;
  9. Late toxicosis, scars on the uterus, threat of miscarriage.

Uncontrolled intake of mineral water leads to metabolic disorders, belching and holes in the stomach (the latter can lead to rupture of the esophagus). If a large amount of a mineral drink enters the body, stones form in the kidneys and gall bladder, and tooth enamel is gradually destroyed.

If, after consulting a gastroenterologist, you have been diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity , then your treatment must include mineral water. This product must be taken in combination with medications, otherwise you will not get a positive result. But very often people do not consider such therapy effective and do not adhere to its use. And as a result, the patient’s condition worsens and the disease begins to become more complicated.

Water norm per day

So how much Borjomi can you drink per day? Admission rules:

  1. If the acidity of the gastric juice is reduced, you should take 150 ml of water once a day. For preventive purposes, one glass is enough.
  2. For children, it is better not to take risks and give preference to traditional therapy. It may be harmful for them. In all other cases, it is enough to drink 100 ml.
  3. The number of doses should not be more than 3. Children's fluid volumes should be several times less than adults. If the child is under 3 years old, it is better to limit yourself to one drink of water or completely exclude this liquid from the diet.

For gastritis with normal acidity, the following mineral waters are recommended:

These waters have a neutral pH and do not affect secretion in any way. At the same time, they stimulate peristalsis and enrich the body with important elements that cannot be obtained from food.

You need to drink water before eating, but it is not necessary to heat it and wait for the gases to disappear.

How to drink Borjomi for gastritis

The only healing mineral water for gastritis is the one that comes directly from the well, so for treatment you need to go to a resort. The choice of location should be advised by an experienced gastroenterologist. He will definitely take into account the features of the clinical picture and indicate the right direction. For example, if chronic gastritis is accompanied by enterocolitis, the patient is sent to resorts with alkaline carbon dioxide water, such as Borjomi.

New biochemical reactions

Borjomi can cause uncontrolled combination of substances. This is especially evident during alcohol poisoning. Medicinal mineral water can significantly alleviate a hangover, but it is quite difficult to secure this process. This is explained by the fact that mineral substances saturated with alcohol and its decomposition products, after entering the body, can cause chaotic biochemical reactions that have not yet been studied. This can lead to irreversible changes in metabolism.

Despite the fact that “Borjomi” is classified as medicinal table water, which is available without a doctor’s prescription, its use may be fraught with some danger. Indications for the use of Borjomi should be determined by a physician, gastroenterologist or nutritionist. They should be consulted before deciding to use it for treatment or prevention.

Composition of mineral waters and their healing qualities

The difference between medicinal mineral waters lies in their composition, rich in microelements, which a person does not receive during meals. This includes:

  • Calcium. An essential element necessary for the formation of strong bones and teeth. Part of the blood, tissue and cellular fluids. Reduces vascular permeability, which plays an important role in their protection from viral and foreign pathogenic substances. Increases the body's defenses, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and prevents allergic reactions.
  • Magnesium. Responsible for the stable functioning of the nervous system and the strength of connective tissue. When consuming large amounts of protein foods and intense exercise, the need for magnesium increases sharply.
  • Fluorine. Reduces acid production, fights tooth decay and strengthens tooth enamel. Participates in the healing of bone tissue in case of damage and skeletal growth in children.
  • Iron. Participates in the formation of thyroid hormones, protects the body from pathogenic bacteria and stimulates the production of hemoglobin. The element helps to form a strong immune system and protects against infectious lesions of the stomach.
  • Bor. It has a positive effect on the growing body, strengthens the immune system, and increases life expectancy. Participates in the structure of bone tissue and cell membranes.
  • Vanadium. Takes part in carbohydrate-fat metabolism. Reduces the production of cholesterol, so it is simply necessary in the fight against heart and vascular diseases. If there is a lack of vanadium, a malfunction of the nervous system may occur.
  • Cobalt. Affects hematopoiesis and metabolism processes. Participates in the breakdown of complex substances entering the body. Part of vitamin B12. Responsible for the stable functioning of the nervous system and immunity.

With gastritis, the functioning of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also other body systems is often disrupted.

Due to frequent diarrhea and vomiting, the acid-base balance is disrupted, causing a person to lose many vital substances. To compensate for this deficiency, it is recommended to drink water rich in minerals. We will tell you how to do this in the paragraphs below.

Doctors' recommendations

It is important to follow the recommendations for the time of drinking mineral water. If you drink it before eating, gastric juice is produced, and an hour before eating, the feeling of hunger is dulled. You shouldn't do this more often. It is also dangerous to give it to babies. In case of pathological processes of the gastric tract, water is taken at room temperature, this helps relieve pain and spasms. But for this it needs to be taken correctly and regularly. You need to drink liquid in small sips.

Before purchasing this drink, you must carefully study the label. It must be correct. It indicates the source, the number of the Borjomi well and a detailed chemical composition. The container of the original mineral water is made of glass. For medicinal purposes, only high-quality water is used.


This healing number 17

“Essentuki 17” is chloride-bicarbonate water with a high degree of mineralization. The source of its production is a deposit in the city of Essentuki. The liquid coming from a depth of 1.5 kilometers has the following characteristics:

  • hot,
  • transparent,
  • without smell,
  • soda-salty taste.

The value of the chemical composition of a natural product lies in the content of elements and substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. The mineralization rate is quite high - from 10.0 to 14.0 grams per liter of liquid.

Chemical composition In mg per liter of liquid
Chloride Cl Min – 1700; max — 2800
Hydrocarbonate HCO3 From 4900 to 6500
Sulphate SO42 Below 25
Calcium Ca2 Up to 200
Sodium + potassium Na++K+ Min 2700; max 4000
Magnesium Mg2 Up to 150
Carbon dioxide gas in dissolved state From 500 to 2350
Boric acid H3BO3 Up to 90

"Essentuki 17" helps in the treatment of diseases such as intestinal dyskinesia, diabetes mellitus, irritable bowel syndrome, as well as chronic gastritis of low or normal acidity that occurs outside the period of exacerbation of the disease. With increased secretory activity of the stomach, it is prescribed for use an hour and a half before meals. Number of doses – up to 4 times a day.

Storing water bottles at home should be organized in a cool, dark place, always in a lying position. Precipitation of mineral salts to a small extent is acceptable. It is worth knowing that the medicinal properties of a natural product can only be preserved in glass containers.

What effect is achieved with treatment?

What mineral water to drink if you have gastritis? If you have gastritis and high acidity, then you must definitely use alkaline medicinal table water or table fresh mineral water. It contains hydrocarbonates, as well as many ions of various metals. This mineral water reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid by binding it.

The body receives bicarbonates, which reduce the number of hydrogen ions in the body. But they are the ones that serve to produce stomach acid. As a result, the patient’s acidity level is normalized, nausea and heartburn are reduced. The effect of mineral water is aimed at improving metabolic processes, because it saturates the lymph with essential microelements. Immunity improves and a speedy recovery occurs.

The healing liquid normalizes the functioning of the gastric glands, reducing the amount of hydrochloric acid secretions. It activates the process of mucus production, which protects the stomach from excess acid.

If you regularly use mineral water for gastritis, you achieve an accelerated exit of food from the stomach into the intestines. Thus, it is possible to prevent stagnation, which also normalizes acid levels. The patient does not feel nausea, there is no belching, no heaviness in the stomach, and heartburn goes away.

Methods of therapy

If your doctor has prescribed mineral water for gastritis, then to get the maximum result, it is important to know the schedule according to which it will be taken. At the beginning, the dosage of water will be 50-100 g per day. It is necessary to understand that a high concentration of mineral components can provoke an inflammatory process that affects the gastric mucosa. The therapeutic course will be 1 month, and they should be carried out 2-4 times throughout the year.

For gastritis accompanied by high acidity, mineral water should be consumed with extreme caution. In addition, patients with the following symptoms should stop taking the healing liquid:

  • lethargy;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

Gastritis is a very unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Its treatment should take a comprehensive approach, and also necessarily include the use of mineral water. Only thanks to the microelements entering the body is it possible to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the secretion of stomach acid and simply improve the patient’s condition.

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