How to treat gastritis with hydrogen peroxide

Gastritis is a chronic, difficult-to-treat pathology. After the treatment course and the onset of improvement in well-being, the patient experiences an exacerbation. Provoking factors: dietary disorders, alcohol abuse, stress. This leads to a constant search for new approaches to the treatment of gastric pathology.

One option is to use hydrogen peroxide. It remains to be seen whether this approach is really effective? Will it harm the pathologically altered gastric mucosa?

About 80-90% of cases of the disease are associated with parasitism of a specific pathogen called Helicobacter pylori, a violation of the principles of proper nutrition. The integrity of the epithelium suffers, leading (in the absence of adequate treatment) to erosive forms of gastritis and the formation of gastric ulcer.

Treatment of gastritis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Peroxide for treatment

Treatment with peroxide is a section of traditional medicine. Recently, it has been actively discussed on social networks. There are supporters and opponents of this treatment method.

Interesting! Peroxide must be taken orally to help replenish the lack of atomic oxygen, stop fermentation of the large intestine, and normalize the alkaline balance of the body.

This pharmacological drug has no contraindications; it can be used even in childhood, during pregnancy. The chemical composition is not capable of causing significant harm to organs. Regular consumption helps heal many diseases, including chronic inflammation in the stomach.

At the beginning of peroxide therapy, a short-term deterioration in well-being is possible. accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic skin reactions;
  • skin rash.

This is considered to be a positive sign that peroxide has begun to act and have a healing effect. Before you start treating yourself, you need to study in detail the methodology and the effect the remedy has on the cellular level.

Hydrogen peroxide for gastritis: can you drink it and will it help?

Treatment of gastritis presents certain difficulties due to the fact that often after a course of treatment and the onset of improvement, an exacerbation of the disease occurs again, which stimulates doctors and patients to search for new approaches to treatment. This is considered the treatment of gastritis with hydrogen peroxide. How justified is the use of ingesting an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide for gastritis, what is the effectiveness of this method and is there any benefit? To understand, we will get an idea of ​​the nature of gastritis, the properties of hydrogen peroxide and the mechanisms of its action on living tissue.

Chronic gastritis is a common disease of the digestive system caused by inflammation of the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis develops in people with a hereditary predisposition or pathological conditions such as gastroduodenal reflux, autoimmune processes and in people with high stomach acidity.

Two main factors play a decisive role in the formation of chronic gastritis: infection of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori bacteria and dietary habits, consumption of foods and drinks that provoke erosion of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Chronic gastritis does not manifest itself immediately; the onset of the disease occurs without significant symptoms. Long-term exposure to pathogenic factors (infections, medications, stress, alcohol abuse, irregular diet, fast food, etc.) leads to inflammation and degeneration of the gastric mucosa. As a result, a stable morphological change in the epithelial cells in the damaged area occurs, and they lose their ability to perform secretory function.

90% of chronic gastritis diseases are caused by the combined action of pathogenic factors secreted by Helicobacter pylori and dietary disturbances, which can lead to profound pathological changes in the epithelium of the digestive organs. Signs of changes can be identified through instrumental examination and laboratory diagnostics.

Method of treating gastritis according to Neumyvakin

The professor recommends the following treatment regimen:

  1. The medication is started with a minimum dosage - a 3% solution. Two drops of peroxide per two tablespoons of warm water. In the absence of adverse reactions, a gradual increase in the single dose to ten drops is required. Do not exceed the amount of thirty drops per day.
  2. They take the medicine every day, three times. Two hours before meals. After taking it, you should not eat for thirty minutes.
  3. The treatment course is ten days. After this, the professor recommends taking a four-day break and resuming the course. It is recommended to take peroxide periodically and continuously. Thus, a person will be saved from many diseases, including colds, chronic fatigue syndrome, and joint pain.
  4. For preventive purposes, you can drink one spoon of peroxide dissolved in 100 ml of liquid.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

51. Guest |
06.15., 22:39:04 [3012063400] I often had a headache, I took choice, cleansed with choice - it’s all herbal. The pressure did not go away, it was often 160/110, 170/118, this was almost 1.5 years. In the chemical laboratory they made a 3% solution of peroxide and started drinking it in the morning 30 minutes before meals - the pressure improved after 3-4 days. I’ve been drinking for a month, the doctors at the first aid station believed that my blood pressure was not rising - I work as a driver, I go to check in with them in the morning, my blood pressure was 138/98, -142/100, I had tachycardia once, my pulse was up to 145. I drink without stopping once in the morning, my performance has improved, my head has stopped hurting altogether. I always drink 1/2 teaspoon per 50-60g of water and treat my wife, there are no side effects. Health to everyone!

52. Anna | 09.07., 15:30:30 [3326266055]

Yesterday I started drinking peroxide according to Neumyvakin. On an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. I started with 1 drop. The second day I had terrible nausea, fever, my bones and spine were turning out all over, I was weak, I couldn’t get up and warm up. Maybe that's how it should be. I lead a healthy lifestyle, I don’t eat anything, I observe fast days. Why this reaction?

53. Guest | 09.07., 15:32:34 [3165798837]

OMG Urine therapy is harmless

Yesterday I started drinking peroxide according to Neumyvakin. On an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. I started with 1 drop. The second day I had terrible nausea, fever, my bones and spine were turning out all over, I was weak, I couldn’t get up and warm up. Maybe that's how it should be. I lead a healthy lifestyle, I don’t eat anything, I observe fast days. Why this reaction?

Tell me, does peroxide help with arthritis? I've been drinking for two months and don't see any effect

No. Does not help. In total, I drank peroxide for 7 months. As it turned out, two of my friends also drank it for a long time: one for 3 months, the other for six months. And everyone had a stomach ache from taking peroxide. In general, I was disappointed in this peroxide. And when I wrote that peroxide went away for rhinitis, then after it helped, my nose started to become very stuffy, and I couldn’t breathe at all. I thought it was a coincidence. I repeated it. The result is that the nose can't breathe at all. Only vasoconstrictor drops saved my nose at those moments. And rubbing peroxide does not make any pain go away either. My grandfather is a herbalist. And he says that cancer patients who were treated only with peroxide and soda are all in the next world. What some people write about her, they say, helps, you can’t really believe it, and of course you can’t believe everything that they write on the Internet (from personal experience) (self-hypnosis turns out to be a very powerful thing, if a person believes, then he drinks, it’s a personal matter). In general, before any substance is absorbed in the intestines, this substance is broken down into molecules. It turns out that this active oxygen should already act in the intestines. Because active oxygen doesn’t care about oxidizing. That's probably why there were pains in the stomach area. You watched Neumyvakin’s video, where he talked about miraculous HAND OPERATIONS, the so-called healers. What does this mean? In my opinion, this is already senile insanity. I am now successfully treated with herbs. And of course, no one canceled a little exercise. I lead a healthy lifestyle, I started eating healthy food and staying hydrated. Like this.

69. Olesya | 14.12., 16:56:05 [1616633327]

I'm 38, I have an ischemic stroke. Has anyone drank peroxide after a stroke? What are the results?

70. Guest | 19.12., 14:36:07 [2887957622]

Yesterday I drank 10 drops with a glass of cold water, hydrogen peroxide, plus I also rubbed my liver on my neck, lay down for 30 minutes and began to choke, they called an ambulance, the pressure became 100/140. The doctor examined him, shook his head, and said you can’t experiment, so gave a pill under the tongue, then I drank Valerian, fell asleep only after 2 hours

Clever! Is it okay to start with one drop?

71. Guest | 19.12., 14:39:56 [2887957622]

My husband and I have been drinking for two weeks now, and neither one nor the other has had any side effects. My head stopped hurting, and they both noticed a surge of energy, I would say, as if we drink an energy drink for half a day and fly, sipping it in the morning.

72. Guest | 19.12., 14:45:38 [2887957622]

My stomach made itself felt once, in the first days of taking it, I started adding more water, everything was fine.

73. Love | 05.01., 04:40:53 [583717676]

I drank peroxide at night in May and almost died, I had such an attack that I couldn’t breathe. But I probably added 30 drops. Now I take it periodically, there are no problems with my heart, but at the beginning of taking it there was an arrhythmia, and even then not always. Well, I drank it yesterday, it felt better, I had a bad cold, and in the morning I drank 15 drops of water with peroxide, and I generally felt better.

Characteristics of the chemical compound and its properties

Hydrogen peroxide belongs to a group of highly active chemical compounds. It has pronounced oxidizing and reducing properties. It is not found in nature in its pure form.

Interesting! In low concentrated solutions, when there is the presence of protein or various metal ions, peroxide turns out to be an unstable compound and easily decomposes into water and oxygen.

Peroxide is actively used:

  • light industry - the process of bleaching paper and fabrics;
  • production of rocket fuel and materials with a porous structure;
  • everyday life - to make linen and clothes white;
  • production of hair coloring pigments;
  • medical practice is a strong antiseptic.

The principle of influence on the body

The drug is a reactive form of oxygen that plays an important role in metabolism at the cellular level. After identifying the causative agent of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the formation of ulcers, they began to study the biochemical processes occurring due to the adhesion of bacteria to the gastric wall. Scientists have proven that this microorganism is capable of provoking oxidation processes by releasing specific factors.

Note! During this process, cells begin to form oxygen in its active form, hydrogen peroxide molecules. This leads to oxidative stress, disruption of the integrity of cell membranes, and the launch of the inflammation process.

Release forms and method of preparation

In the pharmacy chain you can purchase: 3% water-based liquid, recommended for local or external use; tablet form - hydroperite (a combination of 35% hydrogen peroxide with urea).

Usually wound surfaces, scratches, ulcers are treated to stop nosebleeds. Can be used in the treatment of sore throat, stomatitis, tonsillitis. In this case, the antiseptic effect is short-term.

When peroxide comes into contact with the wound, the liquid begins to foam and release oxygen atoms with bubbles. To prevent the formation of a burn, doctors do not recommend pouring peroxide directly onto the open area of ​​the injury. You need to moisten the swab in a disinfectant liquid, then treat the damage.

Attention! It has been scientifically proven that hydrogen peroxide inhibits reparative processes. This is associated with its action as a strong abrasive, leading to overdrying.

Professor Neumyvakin - Treatment with hydrogen peroxide, reviews!

I wouldn’t like to get involved in this topic, since I can’t stand all sorts of demagogues, but as a physician, I still can’t pass by, I’ll speak out!

Moreover, they are even prescribed intravenously by drip (though I don’t understand how - that a sterile solution is given.) in a dosage of 1 to 5 ml of a 3 percent solution, per 200 ml of saline solution or water for injection.

It’s you who marked the keywords:

I don’t understand how - that a sterile solution is supplied.

I wonder which clinics practice this or have practiced this.

At rest, the body consumes 250 - 350 ml of oxygen per minute. 1 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide upon decomposition gives 18 ml of oxygen. In 1 ml - 25 drops

Think about what role a few milliliters of oxygen, which will be introduced into the body with a few drops of 3% peroxide, will play in the oxygen balance of the body?

With all types of external and internal use, even this insignificant amount will not enter the body: it will be immediately bound by organic substances on the surface of the body.

When administered intravenously, blood catalase will decompose peroxide in millionths of a second, and the released oxygen will be bound by hemoglobin.

There is no need to talk about any therapeutic effect of hydrogen peroxide. The only real thing is to wash the wounds: a lot of foam is formed, and the dirt is washed away with it. Some of the microbes die. And it's all.

This is the only correct review, I fully support it, it is clear that in the pursuit of a cure, people are ready to drink their own urine and dissolve perhydrol and pour it into a vein, and even worse, believe me, but you need to approach everything wisely - if it were If this is a really effective method, then it would have been practiced long ago in all hospitals and clinics around the globe.

Understand that hydrogen peroxide can be used only for external use, in particular for washing wounds, nothing more, this remedy is not for oral administration, especially intravenously!

Do you think this is correct?

I personally think that no, if the medicine helps, then it helps immediately, without bad periods and symptoms.

Why didn’t you watch the video? Yes, and on the official website the method should be described in full.

A video is not a live communication with someone who has actually experienced it! These are different things, you see. And on the official website (if you mean the Development Center - - this is what it says: therapeutic fasting, reflexology, various types of massage, enemas. but how to drink exactly - dosages, indications, the method itself, I still haven’t seen anything, I don’t have to re-read the entire site.

1010 days ago

Dear doctors, the question is: do you think there is a difference between molecular and atomic oxygen? Nk it is worth comparing the oxygen obtained during breathing and oxygen. obtained by digestion of peroxide in the body by catalase. So which oxygen will be more active?

Why did you decide that split - unyielding and very aggressive pure O - will be useful for the physical body? Added after 10 minutes, where is the confidence that the intake of this atomic oxygen will not cause activation and increased formation in the body, for example, of the same free radicals?

I won’t argue too much - I’m not a doctor, there are enough doctors here even without me, I’m just obsessed with this topic, although I have a lot of illnesses and would like to be treated, but only after a competent explanation. You know the principle - do no harm!

Features of use

In what clinical situations does the professor recommend using peroxide:

  • infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • ENT pathology (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis);
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels (coronary artery disease, stroke, varicose veins);
  • diseases of the nervous system (osteochondrosis, stroke, multiple sclerosis);
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, immunodeficiency of any etiology);
  • pathology of the pulmonary system (emphysema, bronchiectasis, oncology);
  • diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease);
  • in dermatology (eczema, fungal infection, oncology).

Such treatment requires compliance with the rules

Rules for applying the course of treatment:

  1. carefully select a drug that will have the maximum degree of purification (pharmacy products are not suitable for this purpose);
  2. therapy should follow an ascending line, i.e. it begins with the minimum amount of the recommended drug;
  3. Exceeding the maximum permissible amount of peroxide is strictly prohibited;
  4. take the medicine strictly on an empty stomach;
  5. After three days of treatment, do not forget about the need to take a break in treatment.

Hydrogen peroxide: contraindications for gastritis

How is peroxide used for stomach ulcers?

Therapy for gastric ulceration according to Neumyvakin should be carried out as follows:

  1. Start taking the medicine with one drop diluted in 50 ml of purified water.
  2. On the second day, the dosage is 2 drops, diluted with the same amount of liquid. Next, the dose is increased by 1 drop, bringing it to 20.
  3. Take the medication for 20 days and take a break for 1/3 of a month. If the pain does not go away, the therapeutic course is resumed.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P. developed a unique method for using hydrogen peroxide.
When treating stomach ulcers with hydrogen peroxide, it is important to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosages. So, during the day you should not take more than 30 drops of medication. Hydrogen peroxide should be consumed on an empty stomach, and the next intake of H2O2 should be 3-4 hours after meals. After taking a dose of peroxide, it is not recommended to eat for 30-45 minutes.

It is worth understanding that it is necessary to treat an ulcer not only with hydrogen peroxide. In order for the results of therapy with this pharmaceutical to be as positive as possible, you will need to follow a therapeutic diet. For patients with ulcers, doctors recommend reducing the consumption of fatty, spicy, fried foods and filling the diet with vegetables, dairy products, fish, poultry, and lean meat. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol if you have a stomach ulcer.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no contraindications for the use of peroxide. This is due to the fact that its main purpose is as a local disinfectant.

Western experts strongly do not recommend taking peroxide to those patients who have undergone an organ transplant operation. The drug actively participates in redox processes in the body and affects the immune system. The combination of all this can lead to the development of tissue incompatibility in this category of patients.

Possible side effects include the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • rashes on the surface of the dermis;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • the appearance of a runny nose, nasal congestion, cough;
  • diarrhea.


Treatment with hydrogen peroxide must be carried out with strict adherence to dosages. Despite the popularity of this method, there are a number of contraindications in which taking peroxide is prohibited:

  • Peptic ulcer in the acute stage. Also a contraindication is exacerbation of any gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Gastric bleeding in any form.
  • The first month after surgery. In the next three months after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract, peroxide is taken only after medical consultation.
  • Perforation of the ulcer. In this case, the patient is indicated for immediate hospitalization, and further treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting and under medical supervision.
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension). Regular intake of peroxide solutions lowers blood pressure, so if you have hypotension, you should not use this remedy.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. Expectant mothers and nursing women should refrain from self-medication and coordinate the use of any medications with a doctor.
  • Children's age up to 7 years.

In this video, gastroenterologist V.G. Rumyantsev. talks about the treatment of stomach diseases.

Sergey, 39 years old, Chelyabinsk. I have been living with gastritis since my student days. When the pain began to bother me greatly, I went to the doctor. I went through an examination, took tests, and they said it was chronic gastritis. They prescribed a bunch of expensive drugs and antibiotics. I didn’t drink anything, I found a method of treatment according to Neumyvakin’s method. At first there were no results, but then I added a diet to the peroxide intake, and the condition immediately improved.

Victoria, 50 years old, Saransk. I had been reading reviews about the treatment for a long time, but trying it on myself was somehow scary. It turned out that if you treat the stomach in this way, there is nothing wrong, the main thing is just to follow the dosage and gradually increase the amount of peroxide.

Professor Neumyvakin recommends using hydrogen peroxide for gastritis, using it orally according to an individual treatment regimen. This technique will saturate the body with oxygen and overcome diseases of the digestive system. The theory has supporters and opponents who argue about the possibility of replacing traditional methods of treatment with peroxide. The medication can cause adverse reactions and has a number of limitations, so it should not be used without the approval of a doctor.

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