MRI of the pancreas: preparation, how the procedure works, cost
Today, MRI of the pancreas is an effective, informative method for visualizing its structures. With help
Causes of abnormal pancreas shape
Home Diseases and treatment Gastroenterology 10 Feb 2021, 20:02 Anna 864 No Sometimes when
What is esophageal bougienage and how is the procedure done?
How is bougienage of the esophagus done? The bougienage procedure is quite complex, its duration is on average
Esophageal dyskinesia: how to recognize its development and what complications you may encounter
Esophageal obstruction is a pathological condition in which the movement of food through the esophagus is disrupted due to
How to Diagnose Pancreatic Cancer
Causes of pancreatic cancer The exact causes of pancreatic cancer are still unknown.
How to recognize metastases in the pancreas: symptoms, reviews and treatment
Metastases are secondary foci in various organs, the result of the spread of a malignant tumor in the body.
Manifestations and development of pancreatitis after cholecystectomy
How to treat pancreatitis after gallbladder removal?
Biliary-dependent pancreatitis after removal of the gallbladder filled with stone-like sediments begins to develop in 70-80% of cases.
Gallbladder pain: symptoms and treatment
Most pathologies of the biliary system are treated through a combination of medications, diet therapy, surgery and
Is heartburn possible with reduced stomach acidity?
The digestion process begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine: both there and
Ultrasound of the pancreas from preparation to decoding in simple words
Anatomy of the pancreas Normally, the pancreas in an adult weighs about 80 grams,
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