Pancreatic fibrosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
Diffuse changes in the pancreas such as fibrosis
03/29/2019 Alena Masheva Health The gradual transformation of normal pancreatic cells into connective tissue is called
Bend of the gallbladder (kink, constriction): symptoms, what threatens it, what to do?
An inflection of the gallbladder is an abnormal development of this organ, against the background of which a violation occurs
List of inexpensive substitutes for De-Nol®: TOP 6 analogues
Indications of De-Nol Analogues of De-Nol are used for the treatment of identical pathologies, which look like this: lesions
Hiatal hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment
About hiatal hernia and reflux esophagitis Hiatal hernia (HH) and reflux esophagitis are
Pancreas cancer
How long does it take for pancreatic cancer to develop?
General information The pancreas is an organ of the human digestive system that simultaneously performs exocrine
Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma
Diffusely homogeneous changes in the pancreas
What is parenchyma in the pancreas? The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system that
Help Arisha Pavlova cure Barrett's esophagus
General information Barrett's syndrome was named after the British surgeon who first described the ulcer and
Pancreatitis in women. Symptoms, treatment by age, diet, medications
Pancreas: symptoms and causes of the disease, treatment with medications and diet
Types of disease Any form of pancreatitis can be treated if the pathology is diagnosed in a timely manner. Considering the degree
Symptoms of appendicitis in women, how to determine at home
The whole truth about the first symptoms and signs of appendicitis in adult women
12/12/2019 Females experience appendicitis more often than males. Signs of gynecological diseases are similar
Diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma
Nutrition for diffuse changes in the pancreas
What is parenchyma in the pancreas? The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system that
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